
By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Feb 2, 2014



Hey, readers of mine. Keep this website going by contributing whatever you can. Thanks, Hank


Timothy Archer was twenty-eight years old when his life did a total about face. Up until then, he had been living in hell; not because he was gay, nothing like that. He was madly, exclusively, excruciatingly, in love with his best friend, John Aiken. The problem: John was straight. His love for John was a magnificent obsession. It prevented him from having any kind of meaningful relationship with other men. He often had trouble getting it up when he was with a trick, and had to pretend he was with his beloved Johnny, in a gallant attempt to perform.

John, on the other hand, went from one relationship to another, with a succession of beautiful women. Unfortunately, he fell in love too easily, and it wasn't long before his heart would be broken. In between affairs, he and Tim hung out together. John would never go to a gay bar, so the two of them would frequent his favorite bars. Tim was always uncomfortable in those places, because both men would get hit on by beautiful women. John would take off with one of them, leaving Tim to slink back to his apartment, feeling that his love, and soul mate, had deserted him.

Back home, he often cried himself to sleep, but not before whacking off once or twice, dreaming he was in bed with Johnny. He would hug a pillow, often kissing it, pretending he was holding Johnny in his arms. John knew that his friend was gay, but he was unaware of Tim's hidden feelings for him. If he got wind of it, Tim feared he would want to end their close friendship.

They became best friends in the fourth grade. Their elementary school was terribly overcrowded, so that classrooms often had one more student than desks. Mrs. Clark seated her students alphabetically, and John and Tim (Aiken/Archer) ended up sharing a seat and a desk for the entire school year.

Their teacher assigned them the first desk in the first row. Tim was overjoyed, but John was terribly uncomfortable. Nevertheless, they became great friends. Living close by each other, they began to do their homework together. They played stick ball with other neighborhood kids, and went to Saturday movie matinees together.

When they reached puberty, John became obsessed with getting laid. All he ever talked about was dipping his dick into some nubile, dripping wet vagina. Tim would never say a word, but the thought of doing that turned his stomach. His fantasies were taking a different highway, one that was hidden by a thick dark cloud, which he would not allow his best friend to penetrate.

They were going to attend SUNY Albany together, and planned on sharing a room. Sometime during the summer, before leaving for Albany, John urged Tim to double date with him. He assured Tim that both girls were a sure thing. Not only did Tim decline, he decided that it was only fair to come out to his best friend, before they took up residence in the same dorm room.

John was far from shocked. "I kind of suspected," he said. "Look pal, you have never stepped out of line with me, and I love you like a brother. I'm cool with it." He gave Tim, a manly hug, and went on his date. He got to do a three way with both girls that night. All the while he thought that Tim didn't know what he was missing.

All during their school years, John rarely slept in their room. He was in some female's bed almost every night, and rarely slept with the same girl twice. When he was in his own bed, he slept naked. Tim was tortured; in agony all night. He wanted so much to make love to Johnny, and show him how happy he could make both of them. Tim actually preferred being alone, than suffer the way he did when Johnny was in his presence.

After University, they both got good jobs. Tim bought his own two bedroom town house, but John preferred renting. He was not yet settled, and renting reflected the tentativeness of his life. However, he had matured enough to think about a permanent relationship with a woman.

His first love lasted three weeks. His second lasted three months. His third lasted five weeks, and then a miracle happened. He was in his thirteenth month with Marci, and they were making wedding plans. John had given up his rental and moved into Marci's which was bigger, and closer to work for both of them.

After each of his pre-Marci break-ups, Tim's doorbell would ring, usually in the middle of the night. Johnny would be standing in the doorway, looking miserable. Tim would offer him what comfort he could, and put his friend to sleep on the living room sofa. His guest room was furnished as an office, and had no bed in it. He wanted desperately to invite Johnny into his bed, but he always controlled himself.

John had been living with Marci for about six months, and he had not come around once to seek sanctuary with Tim. Even Tim was ready to accept that Marci might be "the one." Then, before the six months were over, Tim heard the familiar sound of his doorbell in the middle of the night. It was raining badly, and Tim ran to answer, wondering what had gone wrong between Marci and Johnny.

He let Johnny in, and told him to get out of his soaking wet clothes. He went to get him a towel and a warm-up suit. He realized that all of Johnny's wetness was not from the soggy weather. He had been crying.

Before he could ask, Johnny said, "We had a terrible fight. She kicked me out."

Tim had mixed emotions. At first, he was elated. Johnny was available again, but not to him. He became deflated, and got depressed. John used the sofa as usual. They were awakened the next morning by the shrill ringing of the telephone. It was Marci. She kept apologizing for how badly she had acted the night before, and she begged John to come home. He couldn't leave Tim's house quickly enough.

This happened three more times over the next few months. Tim was finally getting fed up. He was angry at the way Marci was treating her future husband, who just happened to be his best friend. He was angry that Johnny was taking her crap, and not seeing how poorly constructed the basis of their relationship was. He was angry that Johnny always ran to him. Didn't the man know how difficult it was for him to be alone in the same house with the object of all his desires? All they wore when they went to bed were jockey shorts. Tim would become so aroused, he always sweated profusely. He swore he would not allow it to happen again.

Finally, three months before John and Marci's wedding, Tim's doorbell rang at one in the morning. He ran to answer it, and there stood Johnny, looking very distraught. He was wearing an overcoat, and Tim sensed that he had nothing on underneath. It turned out that he was correct.

"Come in," Tim said coldly. "Why are you here again?"

"We had another fight, and she kicked me out."

"I figured that out by myself." Tim's voice was ice. John was shocked.

"You can't keep coming here every time you two have a fight. How long do you intend to put up with this bullshit? You're getting married soon. Are you going to come around every time she orders you out of HER apartment? Maybe you should go to a hotel."

John's jaw hung open. He stood still staring at the friend he loved so dearly. He couldn't believe that Tim was rejecting him. He collapsed on the sofa.

"I can't go to a hotel. Look." He opened his coat and he was naked. He didn't even have shorts on. "I ran out without my wallet, and I don't have money, ID or my driver's license. Just my keys. I have nowhere else to go."

Sighing in resignation, Tim sat next to him on the sofa. He was about to put his arm around Johnny's shoulder, but he stopped himself.

"Why does she treat you this way? Why do you allow it?"

"Just please, Tim, leave me alone. I don't want to talk about it."

"If you don't want to talk about it, why do you always keep showing up at my doorstep?"

"Please leave me alone. I can't help it Tim. I love her."

"I love you too, you know."

"I know you do," Johnny sighed

"No. You don't understand," Tim said. He let his eyes wander to Johnny's crotch, and he repeated, "I LOVE you," emphasizing the word, love. Then he gazed into Johnny's eyes. His eyes pleaded with Johnny to understand, but Johnny was only getting more confused. Little by little, Tim moved his lips closer and closer to Johnny's face.

Johnny finally got what Tim was saying to him. Sensing that Tim was about to kiss him, his head exploded, and he was unable to move. Before that could happen, Johnny stood up. Tim stood up also. He was terrified. Johnny put his arms around his friend, and held him tight, very tight.

"Yes, of course," Johnny said. "You love me. How could I have been so blind?"

He placed his hand behind Tim's head and drew it to his. Before Tim could fathom what was happening, Johnny was kissing him more passionately than he had ever kissed him in his fantasies. Their tongues were dueling. Tim could not believe that his dreams were coming true. He didn't dare hope that they would take this to the next level.

Johnny was thinking how sweet Tim's kisses were. He had always loved Tim like a brother, but he was awakening to the fact that he loved Tim carnally. The thought both elated and scared him. At the moment he was so happy and content, he stopped thinking too much about it, and decided to enjoy the moment.

"Do you think we could take this to the bedroom?" he asked.

Tim's legs gave way, but he was so wrapped up in Johnny's arms, there was no way he could fall. He took Johnny's hand and led him to his bedroom.

"Every time you came here for sanctuary, I wanted to invite you into this bed," Tim whispered.

"Now I wish you had."

"No, Johnny. The time would not have been right."

Tim told Johnny to lie on his back, but he objected. "I know you want to give me a blow job. I've had plenty of those. I want to fuck you. No woman ever let me fuck her in the ass."

"Absolutely. There's nothing I want more than for you to fuck me, but I want to suck you until you are as hard as steel."

"Yes, yes. Please go for it. We're wasting so much time."

Tim threw his body on top of Johnny's. He was so happy, he couldn't stop crying. He kissed Johnny's lips, and then slithered downward bathing Johnny's entire body with his tongue. When Tim finally took Johnny's seven inch, uncut cock into his mouth, Johnny began to mewl.

"This is so good," he said over and over again.

Tim stopped sucking when Johnny's balls started to shrink. He took a condom out of the bedside table, and rolled it down Johnny's cock. Then he retrieved a tube of lube. He generously coated the virgin cock, but Johnny stopped him, he was so close to cumming. Then Tim coated his own ass generously. He straddled his fantasy-come-to-life, and lowered himself, directing his lover's cock all the way up his ass. When he was in to the hilt, he sat still.

The two men smiled at each other and Tim started moving up and down, slowly. He would stop after every few thrusts, and when he did, he could see the agony in Johnny's face. He didn't care. The longer it took for Johnny to cum, the more he would enjoy it.

The problem was that Johnny's cock was rubbing against Tim's prostate. Before he knew what was happening, Tim came gushing on Johnny's chest, chin and face. Once that happened, he thrust harder, and Johnny came also. Tim wiped up some of his cum with his finger and ate it. Johnny was mesmerized, so Tim took some more cum, and offered it to Johnny, who did not hesitate to eat it also.

"How did you cum?" Johnny asked. "I never touched you."

"Mother Nature was generous enough to place a sex organ in a man's ass."

"In that case, please fuck me as soon as you can."

"Let's sleep now, my love. We'll do more, much more, in the morning."

The phone rang shrilly and woke them up about five in the morning. "That'll be Marci apologizing and begging you to come home," Tim said bitterly. He picked up the phone and handed it to Johnny, fearing the worst.

Indeed, it was Marci. She was all sweetness, asking Johnny to forgive her outburst, and begging him to come home. Johnny smiled at Tim and kissed him. Tim was sure it would be a good-by kiss.

"Not this time, Marci," he said. "It should be obvious to both of us that it's not working out for us. I'll get my stuff out of your apartment as soon as possible. I'm moving in with Tim."

"Maybe we just need some time apart," she said. "Stay with Tim awhile and come back when you are ready."

"It's over Marci." Johnny smiled at Tim. "I'm never leaving Tim, because I know he'll never leave me or kick me out; we've loved each other since the fourth grade, and I've just now realized it."

"You can't walk out on me, you bastard. Besides, I can swear to the fact that you're not gay. I've invested too much time in you," Marci screeched.

"You spent most of that time fighting with me, and kicking me out of your apartment. What will happen when we move into our apartment? How will you kick me out then? Maybe I'll just be the one to kick you out."

"I'll sue you for breach of promise."

"Does anybody ever do that these days?"

"You'll see. I'll do that, you prick."

He hung up, leaving Marci wondering what the f...

Tim expected Johnny to hand the phone back so he could put it on its cradle. Instead Johnny called his office and left a message for the receptionist, saying that he was not feeling well, and needed to take a sick day. Then he handed the phone to Tim. "Your turn," he said.

Tim called his office and left the same message. "Let's get some more sleep, and then we'll shower, have breakfast, and make love all day," he said.

"I can't wait to taste your cock and feel it inside of me," Johnny said. "Can you ever forgive me"?

"For what?"

"For not realizing how much I love you. I swear; I believe that's why I couldn't relate to another human being, in the love department. I loved you too much to love anyone else. I'm so happy now. I can't describe how much."

"I've loved you since we shared a desk in the fourth grade. It was so hard for me back then, but that's over now. We're together. We're soul mates. Promise me we'll be together forever."

"Not forever. That's not long enough. Make that for eternity."

With that promise spoken aloud, John rolled over on Tim, and began to smother him with kisses. He found himself at peace for the first time in his life. He could only wonder what took him so long to discover his true identity, his true destiny, and his true love.

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