San Fransico Transformation

By John Comstock

Published on Jul 20, 2019



San Francisco Transformation

If you're not looking for sex -- including authoritative use between guys (over the age of consent), then look elsewhere. Also please be of legal age and can legally read this type of work where you live

Nifty cost money to run, it needs your donations if it's going to keep going.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only complete, including the copyright notice. Any resemblance to people or places is strictly by accident. This is a piece of fiction in the author's mind that he wished did exist.

I welcome feedback on this story. Also, happy to receive messages on my bdsmlr page, which a few of you did. Also have enjoyed the correspondence with other faggots as well as Sirs from all over. Always try to respond to you when you contact this faggot. Please e-mail me at Go to my Recon account kcam BDSMLR -- kcolderfaggot

Also have written a few other stories on here Scout Rob In Charge The Truckers Inn Haven and Hell A Surprise Visit

ADDED NOTE To those that are reading `A Surprise Visit', I am currently in the middle of part 3 and got a bit stuck, so I am hoping writing this will get rid of my writer's block. Do enjoy


Tom and I had been going to San Francisco for 5 years on Spring Break. Not just because it's a gay town, but it is NOT a destination for high school or college students to travel to for Spring Break. We always spent time in Castro but did so much more. As best friends who were both teachers it was the ideal place to go. Tom being a Community College Professor and me a High School Teacher we usually had the same time off. Every time we had gone to Frisco, we had so much fun doing different things including a day in Sonoma County Wine Country as well as exploring different parts of the city itself. We made good travel companions without the idea of being `boyfriends'.

Tom always did enjoy the boys a bit younger than himself. He was about 10 years younger than me, but most people that didn't know us thought we were brothers and close to the same age, which he hated, and I loved. By all indications of what we talked about when it came to sex, I just assumed Tom was a top with some dominate features over his `sexual prey', but nothing too kinky. We really didn't talk much about this other than admiring different men as we would be out and about, whether back home or here in San Francisco. I assumed Tom thought I was somewhat like him on my preference, possible versatile but probably more of a top. Little did he know I always had the underlying feeling of wanting to be dominated, but rarely acted on it.

As stated, both of us looked pretty much alike. We were both about 6 feet tall and weighed around 200 pounds. Neither of us were fat, but neither of us we gym rats, so we both had a little belly on us. Both of us were bald with a fringe around the edge and both of us would usually be sporting a goatee.

We landed in San Francisco on Tuesday around 10:30 in the morning. We always decided we would fly on Tuesday morning, since we could get better airfare that way and arrive early to use the day. After getting our bags, we shuttled over to the car rental and like always got through fast. It does pay off to have done this a couple of times before. As always, I rented a car so we could get around town as well as go to other places. Driving into the city was great and finally getting to our motel on Lombard, in the Marina District (better rates and free parking), we set out for Castro and Noe Valley areas. There was a restaurant in Noe Valley we enjoyed, mainly for the setting which included outdoor seating. The weather was great. After lunch and a quick stop in Castro to do a little window shopping (both men and merchandise), we stopped at Safeway and got some stuff to snack on in the room and headed back over to the motel. Between lunch and the shopping, we spent most of our afternoon time. We had already made some decisions on what to do, the rest of the time, including the wine country on Thursday and dinner either Friday or Saturday at Pier 39. He did tell me his college roommate was going to be in town on Wednesday, doing business, and they along with a couple of their college friends were going to dinner. Tom asked if I wanted to tag along, but I usually avoid those times. It always seems when in that situation it is about the `good ole days' which I would have no reference. I was fine being on my own for a while. Other than that, most of the stay was not set yet, which is what we both liked.

We decided on dinner in the Marina District area, since we knew a couple of good places that would not break a teacher's bank. Back at the motel we got ready to head over to the Badlands in Castro for a night of just looking and dancing. Sharing a room, we just took turns using the bathroom to get ready. Again, we acted a bit prudish around each other, but it seemed to work for us. After getting ready to go, we headed back over, which was about a 15-minute drive. What we both love about this town is the fact it does not wait until midnight to get started. We had a couple of drinks at Moby Dick then off to Badlands. For a Tuesday is was somewhat packed. We cruised a little, both looking at different men of interest and dancing some. With a little jet lag, we did call it an early night and headed back just before midnight.

The next day we wanted to spend time in China Town and Pier 39. After our usual breakfast up on Union Street, which we always went to for a late breakfast, we were off to do some more time of just walking, relaxing and staring. Around three we decided to grab a quick bite and stopped at this restaurant that has the best clam chowder in a bread bowl. It was a perfect day and my tension was going away from all the teaching. We did a little more shopping in a couple of stores for San Francisco T-Shirts and other souvenirs. Around five we headed back to the motel. I knew Tom would have to get ready to go out with his college buddies and for me I told him, I wasn't sure what I was going to do that night and I really didn't care, but I had already decided.

Tom was almost ready when he got a text around 6:30. It said that they were about 10 minutes away. He asked me one more time if I wanted to go and I just said no thanks. He told me he didn't think he would be back until after midnight, since they talked about going out. I told them I might see them if I go out as well, but don't count on it. Once he left, I started getting my ideas in place.

I almost felt like I was some kind of superhero; transforming from Midwest Mild Teacher to Super Faggot Slut in one single bound. What was about to happen is I was going to transfer from the prudish gay man into an anything-can-go-slut. About a month ago, I was on my Recon account (which nobody back home knows about) talking with this Alpha Sir from the bay area. He was telling me about this new bar in the Folsom area that just opened and that it was trying to cater more to just men like us in this Dom/sub field. I thought if I go there it might be fun. Since it was new, I also figured that I wouldn't stick out as much as a outsider' to most of the people. I went back online and found the club. It was called Doggy'. Looking at their website it looked like it could be fun.

I spent the next hour just cleaning me up and then out. I had packed an old pair of jeans and an old t-shirt with San Francisco' on it. I pulled those out and started to get dress. I was already leaking precum just thinking about what the night might hold. I had a yellow hanky and a navy-blue hanky. Folding both and sticking them in my right hip pocket, I would make sure that everyone at the bar would know I was out for bottoming. I ordered an Uber to take me over there since I really didn't want to deal with parking in an area of town, I was not familiar with. It was now around 10 minutes after 8 and went outside to wait for the Uber. Once it picked me up, I told the driver the address. He turned around and with a smile and gave me that look of so you're into that huh?' glare. I just smiled back, and we were off. He gave me his personally cell phone for the return trip which I thought was great since he would know where this place was. He drove me right there and it was obvious that he knew where he was going. After paying him, I got out and headed towards the door.

The door itself was kind of tucked in a bit from the front of the building, but once in, it looked like just another bar. Then I started to notice the difference as I walked towards the bar. First there were several chains hanging from above that looked like they could possibly be used to chain someone in place. There seemed to be a of type of bench like thing in the middle of the room that someone could be bent over and get fucked right there. As for the people in the bar, that was for sure different. There were some dressed like me, but most had on some type of leather. Several of the men were wearing harnesses and few in chaps. There were the few in a t-shirt and jockstrap only. But the biggest surprise were the two bartenders. Both were in only a jockstrap and dog collar. Both were not your body builder types but were not bad either. Just nice builds on them. Once I sat down on a bar stool the additional surprise, both had butt plugs dog tails in them. I just figured it was part of the atmosphere of `Doggy'.

I ordered a Bud Light and started to take in the whole bar. After chatting with a couple of gentlemen who appeared to be more of the non-Sir type, I got up and move to a high-top table over towards the side so I possible might figure the `layout' of the land. The bar was about two thirds full of men of different types, but no women Not a great deal of them stood out as either strong Sirs I desired or the submissive faggot that I wanted to be, if it weren't for what they were wearing. Some were chatting with others and some were just standing around. After about 20 minutes this man walked up to me. He was slightly taller than me by maybe an inch or two and about my size. Nothing of a powerful Sir type from how he looked, other than he had on a leather vest and chaps. He also seemed to have a cod piece type thing covering his cock. If you saw him on the street in plain clothes, he would pretty much look like an average person.

"Here it looked like you could use another beer boy." Stating this with a stronger tone than his appearance, I perked up. He sat another Bud Light in front of me.

"The name's Chris," as he stuck out his hand.

"James, Sir." Not sure why I added Sir. It could have been the bar and setting or just the fact I usually like to show respect. No matter.

"So, James, you're an out of towner huh?"

"Ya, how did you know?"

"Mainly from how you're dressed boy. You look almost too neat here. Let's change that a bit." With that, Chris reached over to the collar of my t-shirt and ripped it a bit down the front almost creating a V-neck style t-shirt. The rip went down to a spot between my nipples. Now usually I would be upset that anyone did this, but for some reason I found this very exciting. I think Chris realized this looking at the bulge in my pants. I couldn't tell if there was a wet spot on my jeans, but I could feel the precum for sure.

"Better for sure."

"Thanks, Sir."

"A lot of people like to call me Sir Chris or Master Chris. You seem to have the Sir part down boy."

I am sure I blushed a bit. "I guess I do, Sir Chris."

"How does that feel Jamie," almost like changing my name made me feel inferior. "Do you think it fits in better boy?" referring to my new look of the t-shirt.

"Yes Sir," with a bit of a quiver in my voice.

"Looking better, but we need to make you look like the true boy you are." He took a pair of scissors out of his side pocket of his chaps and reaching for the bottom of my t-shirt on the right side, he cut a small slit there. Then using the scissors, he then made a longer slit and kind of turning upward at each end. Putting away the scissors, he then made two rips upward on my right side to the arm pit. Pulling out the scissors he then cut off the arm sleeve and finished ripping so my whole right side was now open all the way down to about three inches from the bottom hem.

I looked up at that point to see several of the other patrons watching as Chris was taking control of this who situation. Again, I wasn't upset and yet very turned on. Chris reached down and grabbed my crotch and said, "seems like this boy is enjoying this a lot." All I could do was smile. He was almost done with his beer. Instead of drinking the last gulp he poured it on my shirt and walked away to get another.

As he did that the other patrons turned back to their conversation instead of staring at me. It gave me a chance to catch my breath and take several swigs of my beer. Within less than an hour, I have now been groped and my shirt cut up without any protest from me. I was hard as a rock.

"So... Master Chris didn't guess wrong when he pegged you for some kind of faggot huh?" as he returned with two beers in his hands. "Little boy Jamie seems to be enjoying this."

"Yes, Sir Chris," was all I could get out without gasping for some reason.

"Good. We need to finish your faggot outfit before we really have fun boy."

With that he took the scissors back out and started the same thing on the left side. As he was cutting and ripping, we seemed to gather the eyes of the nearby patrons again. Many of them were smiling at what they were seeing. Once finished, I was standing there wearing a sleeveless shirt with both sides cut out and it was barely hanging on with the bottom hem intact. After putting away his scissors, he reached inside the shirt and grabbed my nipples and squeezed them. I gave a slight whimper but tried to take the pain as a good faggot should. He just smiled and let go and grabbed my old beer. He poured the remaining contents on what was left of my shirt and just laughed. He then grabbed one of the new beers and handed to me and then grabbed the other for himself.

"Drink up boy, we are just getting started. You seem like you are going to be so much fun to play with tonight."

We drank for a few minutes as he rubbed my nipples with his other hand. We chatted a bit, in which he found out that as a faggot I wasn't really out that way at home. You could see in his eyes a little bit of evilness in them, knowing he had a blank canvass to work with tonight. He then reached behind me and slide his hand down into my pants and pulled me closer to him. Leaning forward, he planted a kiss on me as his hand started and eventually found my ass hole. As we parted the kiss, he just stared at me at first.

"I need a cigar boy. Follow me to the patio so Master can have a smoke boy."

He turned and started walking to a side door in which I followed him. That was the first time I noticed he was wearing buttless chaps. He ass was very fine and somewhat hairy. I also noticed on his right side it looked like a chain was tucked into his chaps. But for the most part as we walked outside, I could only focus on that ass.

Once outside, I could see it wasn't that much different than the inside. There was a tall wooden privacy fence around the patio. However, there seemed to be a couple of oddities, that I hadn't noticed inside. One was the cross at the end of the patio with restraints on it for someone to be strung up. The other was that a couple of the faggots were naked out here and sitting at their `master's' feet.

We found a tall table to stand next to, which I put my beer down, but stood to Sir Chris's side. He leaned on the table and just looked at me. Taking a drink from his bottle, he then let a little beer drop out of his bottle onto his boot.

"Oh, look at that. I think some faggot needs to get down there and clean my boot."

Not hesitating at all, I got on my hands and knees and started licking up the beer.

"While you're down there boy, go ahead a do a quick cleaning of the whole boot.

So, there I was on all fours, cleaning Sir Chris's boots with my tongue. He lit his cigar and started to smoke. I know it was so degrading to do all this, but my cock couldn't lie on how excited I was in this position. I was probably down there about 5 minutes when he said, "they look good enough. Stand up boy." What had changed in that 5 minutes was that the patio was now a bit busier and one of the other faggots who was naked was giving his Master a blow job for all to see.

"You really are getting into this boy," he said as he continued to puff on his cigar.

"Yes Sir."

"So how far are you willing to go tonight boy?"

"Not really sure Sir. What did you have in mind for this faggot Sir?"

"Well there's a couple of things you should know. First, I am one of the three owners in the bar. What that means I could almost do anything I want. The problem tonight is that I kind of am the on-duty, so I need to have my fun early boy. Second, I need to know some of your interest's boy. It really isn't about you, but as an owner I need to make you a bit happy tonight so you would come back some time." Stopping to puff on his cigar, he looked at me and finally said, "so boy what kind of things do you fantasize about?"

I wasn't sure what to say at this point, so I said what came to my mind right off the bat. "I have always wanted to try piss play, both drinking and taking a golden shower Sir."

"That can happen here with no problem. What else?"

"It's kind of a strange request, but I would like a hood over my head so that if anyone takes pics, my face isn't shown. I love that fact of public exposure, but not sure just how far yet Sir."

"No problem there either boy, and can understand."

"Other than that, I kind of leave it in your hands Sir"

"I saw you when you came in looking at our paddle station boy...interested?"

"Yes Sir."

"Okay, to start with, I am going to put this collar and leash on you," as he pulled the chain like thing from his chaps, "and walk you through the bar to the front office. There we can get you ready for the rest of the night."

With that he put the collar around my neck and fastened it. Holding the leash, he started to drink his beer some more. Looking at me while puffing and drinking, he said, "open your mouth boy." I did and he dropped ashes in my mouth like I was his ashtray. "Close and swallow boy." I did. He then again poured some beer on his boots. Just looking at me as if I should know, I got down on all fours and started cleaning them again. After a short while, I heard, "look up boy." I did and he had his cigar there with a bunch of ash at the tip. I just opened my mouth and he used his human ashtray again. I finished cleaning the boots and he yanked on the leash for me to stand up. After putting out his cigar, we started walking back into the bar; me in tow on a leash. People were looking more and more, and I was getting harder and harder. We went to the front by the bar, where there was a door. He opened it and walked in with me behind. He closed it and there we were.

Once inside his first command was...'strip.' I did so immediately, including my shoes. My cock was dripping like a bad leaky faucet. He walked over and took some of my precum, on his finger and put it to my mouth.

"Listen boy, you're not cumming here tonight, even though you will want to. Others will cum for your enjoyment, but you will leave here so fucking horny, you'll be lucky to make it back to your place without an orgasm on the way." Then he just smiled, while grabbing my nuts.

With that being said, he pointed down and I got on all fours. Degrading but so hot, I was loving this so much. Walking over to his desk chair, I crawled like a puppy behind him. Before sitting down, he took his cod piece off and revealed a very nice cock, about 7 inches mostly hard. Once he sat down, he looked at his cock, then at me and said, "I first need a little attention, boy." I crawled between his legs and started sucking on that beautiful cock, which I swear grew another inch.

After a while, he pulled my head off his cock and then spit in my mouth. I wasn't sure if my cock would ever go soft again. Reaching over to the desk he grabbed a couple of things. I could tell one was a hood but could tell the other thing.

"You wanted a hood, here you go," as he proceeded to put it over my head. As he was maneuvering it, I could tell it had an opening for my mouth and nose, which he adjusted to fit perfectly. Then he took my head and pushed it down on his cock again.

"Good, it feels like the opening is right."

As he pulled my head off his cock, my eyes adjusted, and I realized that I could faintly see out of this. Not the whole hood, but like a couple of small eye sockets for me to peer out of. It wasn't perfect clear vision, but I could make out his face and cock and etc.

"You see this is a special hood with a special fabric. I had someone make it so you could see who was sticking a cock in you or even who was pissing on you. Others can't see your eyes. I love this for the faggot for a couple of reasons, but the main one is the fact you WILL know who uses you, so when you see them on the street or interact with them, it will be up to you how you will act. I think it adds to the humiliation to see a boss pissing in your mouth or maybe a brother-in-law getting a blow job. Just my kind of fun. Okay almost ready for debut."

He then took the other thing off his lap and I recognized it immediately. It is a spider type of gag for my mouth, so it would keep my mouth open all the time. Once that was in place, he reached for my t-shirt and put it on me. He then took a couple of wrist cuffs off the desk and strapped them on and hooked them behind me.

"Now...this way, the ability to resist anyone in the next hours won't happen," seeing him smile through the hood.

With that he reattached his cod piece and yanked on my leash. As he stood up so did I. He then pointed to a pair of old beach flip-flops for me to wear. Once those were on, I guess I was ready for my debut.

"Is your wallet, phone and keys in your jeans boy."

"YYaas Seer", was the best I could say with the gag in my mouth.

We started to walk. He opened the door to the bar, which metaphorically opened this new world up to me. It wasn't going to be some type of dream anymore, but now it was reality. As we walked into the bar, it was now even busier. We walked over to the bar for him to get another beer. I could make out most of the people in the bar and all I could think of was the fact I knew very few people in the bay area, so hopefully no one will be there tonight, that I know. He stood at the bar chatting with this guy, while others would come up to me and grab my ass or smack my balls or cock around. Even a couple played with my nipples. It seemed Chris had an understanding with his clients that this was okay. After about 10 minutes, he put his beer down and started walking towards the middle of the room.

"Your ass is too white boy. Time for a little color there."

We got to what he called the spanking station, the object in the middle of the room I saw when I first walked in. He had one of the bar backs (who were dressed like the bartenders) go to his office for something. He unlatched my wrist and bent me over the wood. He reattached them at the bottom of the station and strapped in my legs somehow. There I was with my ass in the air. In this position, I could only see the floor and some feet close by. Then I felt it.

"See boy, you're to white and new here and you need to remember who is in charge," as he rubbed what felt like a paddle on my ass. "I think about a dozen to start with boy."

Then it started to happen. The first couple were stingers by not hard. The crowd was counting them out for him. The third one came harder with the crowd yelling, `three' while laughing and cheering. The next ones were just as hard with the crowd enjoying every minute of it. The twelfth one was the hardest, or maybe my ass was so sore it just felt like it. He then started rubbing my ass with his hand.

"Mighty fine piece of meat there Chris," came from the crowd.

"I think it looks like prime roast to me. Thinking it needs about 3 more swats, do ya agree?"

The crowd went wild and he stepped back and landed three more on my red ass, with cheers and more laughter from the crowd. Through out this I tried to yell, but with the gag, it was just weird sounds from me. I could hear phones taking pics of my ass, so I know people were watching with enjoyment.

"Here's the paddle and bring me my beer boy," he said to someone. Later I found out it was the barback. He started rubbing my ass again, while he was drinking and chatting with people. I felt like such an object a piece of meat.

Chris just stood there drinking his beer, chatting with a few patrons and kind of resting on my back as I was in this position. He even a couple of times had the bottom of the bottle on my ass, which fell rather soothing. I was there for probably 4 or 5 minutes while he chatted, and others made comments. Once, he even dribbled beer down my crack, which felt good but weird in the sense the alcohol had a different feeling then plain water. Finally, he most of told the barback to release me, because I could see his feet, which were also in flip-flops.

Chris yanked on the leash for me to stand up. Once up, taking hold of my shirt at the collar he did the final rip, straight down the front. He yanked it off, handing to the barback who took it to his office. Standing there, I could look over Chris's shoulder at those at the bar. I was startled at what I saw. I wasn't sure, but it looked like Tom and his friends watching the whole thing and laughing. Sir Chris grabbed my nipples and started twisting them; all I could make was that weird sound like when I was being paddled. Letting go, he started stroking my hard cock, which was already leaking, and I am sure ready to cum. After about 30 seconds, he smacked my junk pretty hard, which took care of the urge to cum.

"Time for a leak boy."

Chris pointed to the ground, which I knew was for me to get on all fours. He then started walking towards the other side of the bar opposite the patio, with me crawling behind. Not sure how many times, but my ass was smacked and usually hard. I really couldn't look up much, but he was walking right past where I thought I had seen Tom. As I crawled past them, I thought I heard one of the voices which sounded like Tom's as he swatted my ass. I just kept crawling towards the restroom

Once in the restroom, I kind of looked up. There were two stalls at the end with no doors on them, but the strange thing was the urinal. Instead of wall urinals, it was two troughs back to back in the middle of the room. On top of that they were slightly elevated and wide; wide enough for someone to kind of sit in.

"Welcome to your new home for a short time boy," Chris stated with a smile.

He yanked my chain to stand up, then he walked me to the first trough. Pointing towards the trough, I knew he wanted me to get in. I climbed in and situated myself with my head pressed up at one end and my feet at the other with my knees bent. On my back, I just looked straight up. I could still see people through the small covered slits in my hood. Chris stepped up to the trough. He took my leash and wrapped it around what looked to be a hitching post. Unsnapping the cod piece, he took at his cock and pointed at my mouth. He must had been holding this for quite a while, because he let go with a gusher. Filling my mouth, I tried to drink as fast as I could, then he moved down the rest of my body for my first ever golden shower. Soaking me, he just kind of laughed and smile while chatting with guys around him.

"Okay boy," shaking off the last drops, "I'm going to have a quick cigar. Thinking these boys might need to take a piss while I'm gone, so enjoy." With that he put the cod piece back on and walked out.

He was right about being pissed on and in because I am not sure how many came by, but I was being showered on, right and left. A few minutes into this, another Sir brought his twinkish Hispanic slave in and put him in the other trough. It was amazing to see how men had to piss, considering when I crawled in, there wasn't a person in the restroom. Both of us were being pissed on and it seemed to never stop. Most of the time it was two or three at a time pissing. Shortly before Chris came back it happened. As this man walked up and unzipped, I looked up and it was Tom, without a doubt. His cock from that angle looked big. It was still soft but was loaded with piss. He first put some in my mouth and then stepped to the middle and just drenched me with his piss. I couldn't believe I was watching this, and now understood even more why Chris liked faggots wearing this hood. I was even more surprised he came to me instead of to the other faggot in the other trough, considering that was usually the type Tom talked about and went after. Still with his cock out he reached down and grabbed my nuts and squeezed them with a big smile. All I could do was sort of moan.

A few more pissed on me before Chris returned, but when he did return, he wasn't wearing his cod piece anymore. He stood there and took my leash, while some guys finished pissing on me. Once they were done, he told me to stand up in the trough and try to shake off as much piss as possible. Even this was humiliating as guys watched me trying to shake off piss. Once satisfied, he helped me out of the trough and told me to get back on all fours.

"You see faggot, I need to release a little stress before I start my shift tonight."

We then started walking or should I say, he walked, and I crawled. We went back into the main bar which was so exciting and humiliating at the same time, crawling thru the legs of the patrons, towards the back of the bar. Again, in this position, I really couldn't see faces to much, but I felt hands grabbing and slapping me all the way back. Once in the back, he had me stand which allowed me to see this back room. It had a kind of table in the middle with a rubber cover over it. The table was up on a riser a bit so that it was on display. He walked me over to the table and told me to get up there. The weird thing with this table was at one of the ends; there seemed to be like a padded extension on it. Up on the table, I could see that it had already been used that night, since there was cum on the sheet as well as a feeling of lube in places. Chris maneuvered my body so that the chin rested on the padded extension, my knees were a bit under me and spread apart and my ass was in the air. He then took my right wrist and hooked to something to the table. I couldn't see what. He repeated it on the left side. So, there I was ass up and mouth forced open looking like some kind of pig at a luau. I realized the room was starting to fill up as my ass was getting lube on it and in it. Chris was fingering my hole and lubing it up. There was no question that my cock was hard and dripping since every so often I could feel what seemed like cum on my thigh.

"Looks like a pig roasting tonight, boys," he said to the crowd. "Just hoping for this pig gets spit roasted tonight."

I knew that meant he was going to fuck me and hoping others will shove their cocks into my mouth. I could feel the table move a little as he positioned himself. He kept fingering me the whole time, getting up to three fingers in there. I was pretty tight, since I rarely bottomed back home, even though this faggot desired it. As the crowd was watching and cheering him on, I finally felt the tip of the cock at my hole. I could feel him bend over a bit, then he squeezed one of my nipples hard. At that moment of pain, he shoved the head of this cock into the hole. Slowly working it in, he finally after about a minute was balls deep. He didn't move for probably another minute or two, letting my ass get use to the missile in it. With my thoughts at the other end, I didn't even realize there was a cock at the entrance of my mouth.

"Go ahead Jim, shove that cock in its mouth and get a nice blow job."

With that, I felt the cock enter my defenseless mouth and start pumping it in and out. As `Jim' started pumping and causing me to gag a bit, Chris started to fuck my ass, first with slow motions of intrusions. Jim was pumping pretty hard and must have been horny coming here tonight, since it took him less than 5 minutes to cum down my throat. After wiping his cock on my face, he stepped away which was the moment I saw Tom in the front of the crowd, and he was rubbing his crotch. Another cock appeared and disappeared down my throat. Another fast pumper as Chris had picked up his intensity. It was probably about 4 plus minutes when I started to feel the cock contract and once again another load down the windpipe. What happened next shocked me. As the second guy pulled away, Tom stepped up with cock out and hard. This was the first time I really saw his cock and for sure hard. It was a good 7 ½ inches if not 8 inches long. He came up and started to put it in me.

"Mighty fine cock there partner," said Chris. "Choke the faggot hard, but I think he needs a facial. What do you think?"

"Good idea," came out of Tom's mouth. "Love seeing my seed on a faggot's face."

"Then let's try to cum together. This faggot needs to finish with a good creamy spit roast."


With that the two of them were now pounding me at both ends. I was having problems not gagging on Tom's cock but feeling Chris's cock in my ass was such a fucking turn on. This went on for a good 5 minutes if not longer. I could hear both breathing heavier and heavier and they were pumping hard.

"I'm getting close to cumming," came out of Tom's mouth.

"Okay. I can bust a nut anytime so tell me when."

"Now is great."

Tom pulled out his cock and sprayed load after load on my face. On about the 2nd squirt, I hear Chris scream and shove his dick in my ass, balls deep. Then as Tom was finishing his facial, I felt Chris's cum coat my inner lining. Tom put his cock back in my mouth, which I started to suck and clean. I had tuned out the crowd through out this last part, but then realized the clapping and cheering going on. I think the two of them stayed like that for several minutes.

"Would love to leave my cock in this faggot's ass, but I need to get to work. Thanks for the double thrill."

"You are quite welcome as it was my pleasure as well," Tom said.

Both exiting my holes about the same time, I most of looked extremely piggish with cum on my face and my ass in the air. After Chris got off the table, he released my wrist and pulled on my leash. I moved to the side and got off the table. I started to go down on all fours to crawl away, but Chris just yanked the leash and started to walk, so I walked right behind him. As we made our way through the bar to his office, I not sure how many hands grabbed or slapped me, but I could swear it was every man in that bar.

We got to his office, and he closed the door, giving one more slap on my ass.

"You did good boy. Now before I take off the gag and wrist cuffs, I want you to think about the last two hours and was this what you want. Don't answer yet, just think."

He then undid the spider gag and pulled it out of my mouth. That was the first time in a couple hours my mouth moved, and it was vey sore. Then he took off both wrist cuffs. There I was standing naked in front of a man in chaps and vest, who I didn't even know less than four hours ago.

"Now here is the deal boy. I really don't care if you came back out there, with or without me next to you. You see I going to have to work, so what you do doesn't affect my thinking. So, for me to know if you got what you want you must be honest with me right now. All I want is a simply answer...would you consider coming back here and letting me do that and maybe more to you again in the future?"

"YES SIR," was blurted out of my mouth with no hesitation.

"Good. Now here are your choices. First you can walk back out there like you are or just with your jeans to the bar with me or even go first without me. Patrons who watched this tonight, will quickly figure out that you were the one that went through this all. Second, you can leave through the side door (he pointed at it), which takes you out into the street on the side of the building. No one would know where you came from so they will probably not put two and two together. There you could either walk back into the bar in the front door and it is our secret, or you can go back to your place, calling it a night. If you want a t-shirt that is not ripped here is an "Doggy Bar" t-shirt you can wear (tossing it on the desk). Any of this will not have an affect on me since I already know you enjoyed this and would submit again. Now I am about to leave the room. I'll stop and if you make a move towards your jeans, I will wait. If you make no movement, I will just leave, so it is your choice. I just ask you do whatever in the next 5 minutes; really don't want you hanging around in my office that long. Is this all clear boy?"

"Yes Sir."

He then walked up to me and pulled me in for a big hug. I could feel his cock next to mine as he grabbed my ass and pulled in tighter. Then came a very passionate kiss that last about a minute. Squeezing my ass then grabbing my junk, he turned around and started to walk to the door. I didn't move, since I had already made my decision. He then turned around and stood looking at me. After a short period, he turned back around and walked out the door.

As much as I didn't want this night to end, I also wanted to keep the excitement I felt in me. I decided to head back to the motel. I got my jeans and put them back on, then using the t-shirt on the desk, I put that on. Slipping my shoes back on and grabbing my tattered t-shirt, I exited the room on to the street. There was no one there, so I had made it out without anyone knowing my identity. Calling my Uber `friend', I waited about 5 minutes before he arrived. I was really glad it was the same person, so I knew his car and didn't have to guess. I jumped in the back seat and closed the door.

"Well it looks like someone had fun tonight," were his first words. "I really like your new face cream."

I had totally forgot that I had cum all over my face. All I did was blush but didn't try to remove it at that point. He started driving the short trip back to the motel.

"So, tell me, how did you get the change of clothes?"

I picked up my tattered t-shirt and showed it to him. He just laughed.

"No, it was really a great time tonight. I seemed to be the hit of the party."

"Well, I can tell. New wardrobe. New urine scent cologne. Facial. And that smile. Assuming you must have been kind of naked most of the time."

"Yep, you could say that."

We just chatted some more on our way. He pulled up to the motel and I started to pay him. Before he took the money, he reached back and took a glob of cum off my cheek and put it in his mouth.

"And tasty too."

I paid him giving him a good tip and exited the car. I wasn't sure if Tom was back yet, so I head up to our door and quietly opened it. Turning on the light in the bathroom, I could no one in his bed. I then turned on the light and started to strip. I thought I better take a quick shower to wash of the cum and remove the `cologne de urine'. It was a quick job, but my cock was still somewhat hard and still leaking. I hadn't cum all night and thought about a quick jack off session. But then I thought a good faggot wouldn't cum over this scene at this point, because then that would make it about me instead of Master Chris. I decided to get into bed before Tom arrived.

When Tom and I would share a room, we both wore either boxers or athletic shorts when in bed. But tonight, I decided to sleep nude, like I do at home. My thought was that Tom had not only seen me naked, but pissed on me, played with my nuts and even watched me get fucked, so what was the big deal. I took my tattered t-shirt into bed with me. I turned out the light leaving just the bathroom light on for him when he got back. My problem I was still excited, so sleeping wasn't really happening.

After about an hour, I heard the door open. Tom walked in not so quietly, but I didn't even pretend to be asleep. He wasn't smashed, but a bit drunk.

"So, how was the night out with the friends?"

"We really had a good time. We ended up at the Badlands but went several places before that."

"Anywhere in particular."

"Larry had never been to a bar on Folsom, so we decided to go down there. We found a bar that didn't quite look as rough as others and went in for a look around."

"Oh please tell me there was some action in the bar."

Nodding his head, "hell yes. There was this one guy about our age, who was being used, right and left. He got paddled in the middle of the room. He couldn't scream because of the open mouth gag he had in, but he tried hard to make a yell. He then was taken into the bathroom where we watched people piss on him and then finally to the back room to watch him get fucked and give blow jobs at the same time."

As he was saying all this, Tom was underdressing. He got down to his boxers and then sat on the bed next to me, while he just kept talking.

"It really was fun to watch all this."

"Did you par-take in the activities?"

"You know me, I am watcher not a participant."

"So, go on."

"I don't know. I did get me excited to watch all this. Watching someone getting pissed on in a urinal trough was really weird. People were pissing in this fag's mouth and on him. Some even grabbed his nuts as he laid there. The fucking part was the best. The way he was positioned is was like a pig at a pig roast on display. We left after that."

He got up and started to head towards the bathroom.

"Where you going?"

"Gotta take a piss."

"Why don't you use me again?" I couldn't believe I just said that. But I am sure it is the fact I was still on the erotic high I had been on for several hours.


"Ya, just use me again." I looked at the puzzle look in his face then slipped out of bed onto my knees between the beds. There I was naked holding my tattered t-shirt. Then I draped it on me.

"What the fuck?"

"I saw you do it to me Sir."


"The hood was designed for the faggot to be able to barely look out. I have already had your piss and cum Sir."

I couldn't believe that I was not only saying these things, but I was using the word `Sir' towards Tom. I put my hands behind my back and tilted my head opening my mouth. With the stun look, Tom walked over to me. He took at his cock and pointed towards my mouth. Letting loose with a gusher I tried to swallow as fast as I could. He finally just shoved it my mouth to finish pissing. Looking up I could see his look start to change.

"You're a faggot ain't you?"

All I could do is nod.

"Let's see if I have another load of cum for you."

Being a bit drunk I'm sure helped, but he was not that drunk. After he finished his piss, I could feel his cock begin to swell. I started to suck on his cock. He then turned me, so my back was to the bed and my head pinned. He proceeded to face fuck me. He went slow at first but picked it up quickly.

"You took it all before faggot, so take it all now."

He just pumping for about five minutes, then I could feel his body tense. The gusher of cum that followed for some reason tasted better this time then before. He didn't even pull out to give me a facial this time, so I took the whole load. As he started to relax, I looked up and saw his face. He gave me a smile. That's when I knew the true transformation of the evening was our friendship. We had moved from being best friends to best friends with major benefits, for both our needs.

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