Samurai Inc

By David (DAG1064)

Published on Aug 15, 2002


Samurai Inc. 14 By David (

Author's Notes: The celebrities appearing in this story are to my knowledge is not gay and their appearing in this story does not make them so. They are as follows: Chris Trousdale, Frankie Galasso, Greg Raposo, Jesse McCartney, and Matt Ballenger of Dream Street (good luck to those guys in their current legal problems), Aaron Carter, Haley Joel Osment, Bob Moffatt, Scott Moffatt, Clint Moffatt, and Dave Moffatt of the Moffatts, and special cameo appearance Elton John.

Samurai Inc 14

Did I ever tell you I hate Mondays? I didn't? Well I am now. As far as I'm concerned Mr. Fucking Murphy invented Mondays. From the moment we got up to the time we got into the air with Mark Havershaw at the controls of the company jet it was one fuckup after another. First we had a hard time in the restaurant getting breakfast. The damn cook screwed up our orders four times. Danny had enough of that and stomped into the kitchen. He turned the air blue for two minutes straight and then came out. All the customers got their orders extremely fast and done properly I might add. The manager knocked fifty percent off the bill. Next the porters misplaced our luggage. Sacha just sighed as I glared at them. He leaned over and sniffed at one of the guys and then went back to the elevator and started following the faint trail.

"What's he doing?" one of the bellhops asked nervously.

"Finding our luggage," I said.

Sacha did find our luggage. We also found two guys pawing through the luggage and helping themselves to our weaponry and other work related items. They also had piled up things from the teen's baggage as well. Once everything was sorted out and the cops returned everything to us and escorted the thieves off the property we went to the cabstands. That was a mistake too. We had to use two cabs to get our group to the airfield at the military base outside New York. So I put Mark, Sacha, Chris, Greg, and Frankie in the first cab. I went in the second cab with Danny, Sammo, Jessie, and Matt. The first cab practiced his race driving while the second one was driven by the little old man from Poughkeepsie. The guy didn't go any faster than twenty-five miles an hour. When we got there Mark looked at me.

"What took ya so long? I coulda screwed three Hooter girls silly by now!" he grinned at me.

I sighed as that group laughed their asses off.

"Bub, you couldn't catch crabs from a ten dollar hooker on your best day," I snapped back as my group rolled on the ground.

Danny grinned as he walked up. "Plane's all checked out by the flight guys. Special stuff was checked by me personally."

I knew what he meant. This particular Lear could haul some serious ass if needed. It was fitted out with combat gear as well. We got onboard and got everything squared away. The takeoff was smooth as anything. I had the feeling the bad luck was over. At least I hoped so. I looked up front to see Danny beginning his little song and dance about what to do in the event of an emergency. I waved my hand once he was done.

"Oh stewardess, a glass of Sake on the rock please?" I asked once I had his attention on me.

"Do I look like one?" he yelled at me.

"Yes," I said smiling.

"Well fuck you. I'm not the stewardess. Wrong uniform bub," he hollered.

I slammed my hand down on the armrest. "Damn! I forgot to pack your stewardess dress. Sorry about that."

That broke everybody up including Danny. I had planned that to try and relieve some of the stress from this morning's disaster. It worked too. I got up and got it myself and offered a beer to Danny. He declined saying he was sharing flying duties with Mark. I got Mark a coffee and went up into the cockpit.

"That was a damn good one. Better watch your back for awhile around Danny," he grinned taking the coffee. "We are right on course and a bit behind schedule. I figure we will be in Peckertown about six in the evening."

"Provided we have no more problems," I said.

I heard a loud cheer from the back. Mark's eyebrows lifted.

"I bet Sammo started a poker game," I sighed.

Mark grinned. "As long as I get a shot at it."

I sighed and went back. Sammo had started a game and I sat down to watch. I usually don't play much unless I go to Vegas. Chris looked like he was doing fairly well with a big pile of bills in front of him. Matt was explaining the game to Sacha as it progressed. I moved over to my desk in the corner and started taking care of bills and other mail as Danny started doing a weapons check. About an hour into the flight the phone on my desk burred. I picked it up.

"Mac from Hollywood on line one," Mark's voice said.

"Got it," I said punching the button. "Hi Mac."

"Are you in the air?" he asked.

"We are. Flying over Virginia crossing into North Carolina as we speak. What's up?" I asked.

"Just wanted to make sure everything was okay," Mac said.

"You worry too much," I said.

"Considering that Dream Street is going someplace where they have never been and the fact that their parents are worried about the whole thing, can you really blame me?" Mac asked.

I nodded, seeing his point. "No I can't, but you don't have anything to worry about. I've got a solid crew of guys to help me out there."

Mac sounded relieved at that. "That I am glad of. Smartest thing you did."

There's been times I was glad I had set up an office out there and hired on a bunch of kids who could handle themselves really well. They were on an as needed basis and I paid them very well too.

"Hang on a second," Mac broke into my thoughts.

"Okay," I said.

I listened to the recording of blues music that Mac used for hold music. Sure was a hell of a lot better than the stuff I listen to sometimes while on the phone.

"How close are you to Nashville?" Mack asked.

I waved to Danny and he relayed my question to Mark.

"About an hour and a half, why?" I replied.

"Oops, make that Clearwater on the Tennessee and North Carolina state line," Mac said, correcting himself.

"My pilot says an hour. What's up?" I asked, getting concerned.

"Billy Gilman is trapped there. Says his bodyguard left him there. Not sure of what he's saying, kid's getting hysterical," Mac reported.

I yelled to Mark to get there right fucking now! The guys stopped their game and looked.

"Tell him to get his ass out of there now. We will find him as soon as we set down. Tell him to call cell five to contact us and the word is Tabasco," I said.

"Done. Good luck," Mac said and hung up.

I turned and gave everybody the details. Sammo and Danny went to work, assembling combat gear. I swore and wished Neil was here with us. Sacha would have to do.

"Got a plan?" Danny asked.

I sighed. "We work this the best we can."

Danny lifted his MP-5. "Ready boss."

We set down at the small airport on the edge of Clearwater, Tennessee. Danny, Sammo, Sacha, and I got out and Jesse closed the hatch behind us. I went to the office and found it closed. This wasn't helping. I heard a car start and I turned to see Danny pull up next to us.

"Don't wanna know," I said as I got in.

Sammo's cell rang at that moment. "Sammo here."

"It's Billy! You gotta help me dude!" Billy frantically said.

"Okay. Just calm down for a moment. Where are you?" Sammo asked.

"I'm not sure. I left the lobby of the hotel on the main street and went north. Then I turned right into an alley between two stores. One was a hardware store and the other was a bookstore," Billy informed Sammo.

"Did you touch the walls at all?" Sammo asked.

"Yes I did, why?" Billy asked.

"Explain later. Just find a spot to hunker down and stay there," Sammo said.

"Okay," Billy said and hung up.

Sammo relayed the information. Danny drove the car down the main street until he found the hardware store. There were a lot of people on the street and they seemed to be upset at something.

"This don't look good," Danny said as he cruised past the mob.

I turned back to Sacha. "Think you can slip back there and pick up Billy's scent and track it without attracting any attention?"

Sacha smiled. "Do bears shit in the woods?"

I sighed as Danny laughed. Sammo handed over his cell to Sacha and the Russian boy tucked it into his combat vest. It was a bit too big on him but it would do for now. Danny slowed down and turned right onto another street as close to the hardware store as he could. Sacha slipped out the car and disappeared into the shadows. Danny drove the car down the street trying not to attract attention. Again I cursed my luck that Neil wasn't here. It was a waiting game now.

Sacha found the hardware store and hunkered down behind the dumpster so he wouldn't be seen. After the man went back inside he stood up and sniffed at the wall. He found the scent of a human on the wall and started off down the alleyway following it. He stopped again at the edge of the forest and found the scent on a tree branch. He grinned. It had to be Billy. He followed the trail deep into the forest. Something grabbed his attention a moment later. Then he heard the sound of barking dogs.

"Oh shit!" he swore.

He got moving quickly. The sooner he found Billy the better. He followed the trail to a campground and went up to the telephone booth. It definitely smelled of Billy. He saw a can of Lysol lying on the ground and sprayed the phone with it. Then he went to the edge of the trees and checked once more, finding Billy's scent. Once he knew which way Billy was going, he blanketed the area with the Lysol, wasting the entire can in the process. Smart kid. He knew enough to cover his tracks. He practically ran over Billy hiding underneath tree branches. Billy screamed and curled up into a ball.

"It's okay! Samurai Inc.!" Sacha yelled at him.

Billy looked up at him with a look of relief on his face. "Thank God!"

Billy started following Sacha through the woods. They emerged out of the woods right next to a road. Sacha recognized it.

"Good. I know where we are now," he said and reached for the cell to call us.

At that moment we ran into a problem. We turned by mistake back onto the main street and found the mob of people in front of us. We blinked at each other for a moment.

"Get them! They gotta be with that kid!" someone yelled.

Danny didn't hesitate. He slammed the car into reverse and backed up really fast performing a bootlegger's turn, shifted back to drive, and floored it. Something hit the car and I realized they were shooting at us. I looked back to see them piling into cars and trucks to follow us. Danny ran past four streets and then turned back onto the main street with the wild bunch following us. They were bad shooters. They couldn't hit us at all. Besides, it's hard to shoot a moving car from a moving car. You are extremely lucky if you can score a hit. That's why we didn't try to shoot back. We used flash bangs instead. The first car ran into the back of another car parked on the main street. One down. My cell rang at the moment.

"Go," I said calmly.

Sacha's voice came through. "We are on the highway by the funny mailbox that Danny commented on. I have Billy and a pack of crazy dogs on my tail."

"I've got the hillbillies after us. We'll pick you up in a moment. Be ready to roll," I said.

"Okay," Sacha said.

I hung up and called Mark. "Get the bird ready. We are coming in very hot."

"Good. We got a few surprises ready," Mark informed me.

"No kills," I said.

"Don't worry," Mark said.

My cell went dead and I stared at it. The battery was dead. I tucked it back into my vest and pulled two flash bangs out.

"There's the mailbox," Danny reported as he slid to a stop next to it.

Billy and Sacha ran across the road and into the back seat of the car as our pursuers appeared. Sammo and I threw the last of our flash bangs and dived back into the car. Danny introduced the pedal to the metal and we were off in a cloud of smoke. The four flash bangs went off in mighty roars in front of the cars. Two of them swerved and went into the ditches at the side of the roads.

There were now three remaining trucks behind us. Danny raced the car down the highway towards the airport. Time was now against us. He zipped in the main gate and five seconds later there were explosions behind us. I watched big wood crates go falling down in the road in front of the trucks. I knew it had to be Mark's doing. Danny raced the car around the buildings and out onto the runaway. The jet emerged from a big hangar and rolled towards the runaway, the engines picking up speed. Danny stood on the brakes making the car stop at the edge of the runaway. We all got out and raced for the jet. As we climbed in I heard a loud crash and looked towards the fence. One of the pickup trucks had crashed through the wood fence and was headed towards us. Danny opened fire on them as he jogged next to the steps and waited for the stairs to clear. He was the last one in and he grabbed the strap on the hatch and pulled on it, closing the hatch as he rolled in.

"Rock it!" Jesse yelled, and I looked up.

Everyone was strapped into their chairs and it suddenly dawned on me what was about to happen. Mark had cleared the runaway and I grabbed a surprised Billy seconds before the plane jerked and everything went flying as Mark engaged the turbo mode. I got knocked off my feet and reached for something to hold onto as Billy screamed. Sacha crashed against the wall as Sammo went tumbling past me. I could hear Danny cussing as Sammo flattened him against the wall they suddenly found.

"Down!" Mark yelled two minutes later and the jet immediately slowed down.

I set Billy down and checked him for injuries and then turned to Sacha, Danny, and Sammo. They were getting off the floor and checking each other.

"We're all cool," Danny said.

I breathed a sigh of relief. We were safe again.

Once we were in the sky, I introduced him round to the other guys. Mark had come back this time for his chance at the game. I went back to my desk and sat in the chair. We now had another hour and a half to Arkansas. I picked up my cell and called Mac to tell him what had happened.

"He's safe and sound, Mac. Nobody got hurt," I said.

"Thank God. There are people wanting to know what in hell happened," he said.

"I'll get back to you on that. Just let his folks know he's okay," I said.

I looked up to see Billy talking on a cell. "Never mind, he's all ready talking to them."

"Good luck with the show," Mac said and hung up.

I sat back in the chair and sighed. I felt tired. My thoughts turned to Shiro and I knew I needed to get to him. I picked up the phone and called Shiro. I was worried about him because of what happened there (See Arkansas Vacation 15 for details.) and hoped he was really okay. This was the first time to my knowledge that Shiro had killed somebody.

"Farmer Ben's Dairy," came his voice over the phone.

"Equal Rights for Dairy Cows Association," I replied.

I listened to Shiro laugh. It didn't quite sound like himself and I got even more worried.

"You okay son?" I asked.

I could hear the hesitation. "Okay for now," he said.

"I'll be there soon. Once we get everybody settled you and I can go talk. Deal?" I asked.

"Okay Dad," he said softly. "I'll see you soon."

I set the cell on the desk and looked over at the others. Mark caught my eye and I could see the question in his eyes. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. I turned to the window and stared out at it. Shiro and I have talked about the possibility that he would have to kill somebody someday and he hoped he would never have to. Now it had happened and I was going to have to help him deal with it. I remembered the first time I had to. Everything had gone wrong on that first mission and I suffered mentally for weeks. The commander I had back then helped me through it and I got over it. Sometimes you really don't have any choice. It sucks but that's the way it is.

I was deep in thought and didn't hear Danny's announcement.

Mark shook my shoulder. "Hey, we're landing in Peckertown. Wang's crew is meeting us there with a big suburban."

I looked up at Mark. The big man had concern in his eyes. I slapped him on the shoulder as I stood up and moved over to a seat and got strapped in. Danny got us down, landing the jet easily. He rolled it into the small hangar we had there. I had bought space for us at the Peckertown airport a long time ago thinking we would need it once it became clear to me we would be spending time here with various clients. It was a smart move on my part and I never regretted it. It also allowed me to store gear there so I don't have to worry about needing anything should the need arise. I got out and saw Wang standing there. This kid was slim and a bit on the short side but don't let that fool ya. He is extremely good at Chinese martial arts. He smiled and bowed.

"It's good to see you again Logan," he said.

I returned the bow. "Good to see you Wang. Everything ready?"

"Yes sir per your instructions," Wang said.

Everything and everybody got into the two Suburbans and we left for the farm. I wasn't seeing any of the sights having Shiro on my mind. I needed to get to him right now. The Suburban stopping jolted me back to the present. I got out and walked up to the porch. Zeus approached me with keys in his right hand. "Shiro's in the hunting cabin in the back south area of the farm."

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"Not really. He's been doing some drinking so Neil took him back there to keep him away from the alcohol," Zeus confessed.

I turned to the jeep parked off to the left side of the porch. "Danny, you're in charge right now. Get the job done."

Danny nodded as I drove off to the hunting cabin in the direction that Zeus had indicated. Neil must have known I was coming because he had the lights on when I drove up. He grabbed me in a bear hug when I approached him. I hugged him back.

"I didn't see what happened," he said explaining what he was doing at the time.

"Take the Jeep back. Everyone else is at the house," I said.

"No. You might need it. I'll fly back. Dad, is he going to be okay?" Neil asked.

"I hope so son," I said and hugged him once more.

Neil kissed me on the cheek and then flew off into the direction of the main house. I turned and walked into the cabin. Shiro was curled up on the couch staring into the fire. I closed the door behind me and he looked up. When he saw me he jumped off the couch and ran to me. I grabbed him as he started to cry into my shoulder. I held him for a long time and then walked him over to the couch. I sat down and then pulled him onto my lap and held him like he was a little boy again. He snuggled up close to me and then told me everything that happened in the fight. I listened and didn't say anything. I let him talk himself out and just held him close to me. He sighed and slowly closed his eyes. I let him sleep in my arms for a bit and then laid him down on the couch. I looked around the cabin and discovered a sleeping loft up the stairs with a little bathroom off to the side. I opened up the bed and came back down for Shiro. I carried him up to bed and stripped both of us down and got in on the right side. He automatically rolled into me pressing himself against me. I turned out the light and wrapped my arm around him.

Back at the main house Danny had just finished all the introductions. Neil had arrived in time to meet Billy. Sacha embraced Neil happy to see him again.

"How ya doing?" he asked.

Neil smiled. "Better now that you're here."

"So now what?" Sacha asked.

Everyone turned to Aaron. The all day music festival had been Aaron's idea.

"Well," he began, "We have to wait for the Moffatts to show tomorrow morning. So for right now it's kickback and relax time. I have a good idea of where to bunk everybody so I'll post that chart later. Haley and I do want to thank everyone for coming to this event and for agreeing to participate. We made up some munchies for anyone who's hungry so help yourself at the dining room table. We'll talk business tomorrow morning."

Everybody agreed and the group drifted into the living room area and began eating. As the evening progressed the talk went from places to people and things. Sacha settled on a couch and watched the teens interact. He was feeling a little out of place and not so sure of him self. Haley noticed that and sat down next to him and engaged him in conversation asking him questions about Russia and his life. Sacha answered him honestly.

"Glad to see you here and I hope your life gets better," Haley said just as a knock sounded on the front door and then it flew open.

Sacha reacted first popping his claws and assuming an attack position in front of the door. He saw a taller kid shove a smaller one out of the way and pull a gun out from behind his back. Before that teen got his gun all the way up Sacha was moving and he ran his claws through the gun. It fell to the floor in three pieces while the kid was holding the fourth part. He tossed it aside and reached for something behind him.

"STOP!" Neil yelled.

Everyone froze not knowing what to do next. Neil went to the door and saw Benjy standing there with a surprised look on his face.

"What the hell?" Benjy asked.

Neil sighed. "Benjy this is my new brother Sacha. Sacha, this is Benjy Jorgenson. Dude, you gotta call ahead in the future. Sacha could have sliced ya up six ways from Sunday. You could have gotten hurt."

"It's your fault you little freak," Roger snarled.

Sacha lunged forward only to be stopped by Neil's hand. Benjy pushed Roger out of the way and turned to confront him.

"That is enough out of you Roger. Those two were doing exactly what they were hired to do and that is protect people. Twice I've screwed up and they have every right to be mad at me. Neil is right. I should have called to let them know I was coming back. You are out of line and you will apologize to both of them for your actions and your words. If you don't, I don't know you anymore," Benjy roared in anger.

Haley and Aaron shivered in fear. They knew Benjy to be a very cool headed person and knew he could get mad but never seen him go way over the top like this before. There was complete silence in the room. Benjy turned to Neil and Sacha.

"I apologize for my actions. I should have called to let you know I was coming back. I didn't and I am wrong for doing what I did," Benjy said.

Sacha started to relax as Benjy held out his hand. "My name is Benjy. What's yours?"

"Sacha. I'm from Russia. David Logan adopted me there after I helped him with a problem," Sacha said introducing himself.

Benjy grinned shaking Sacha's hand. "Well I'm glad to meet you. I'm happy to hear you are part of Samurai Inc. as well. Hope you enjoy your stay in Peckertown."

"I'm really curious about this place," Sacha asked.

"Benjy's the right person to tell you all about Peckertown," Haley asked. "He's lived here all his life is Peckertown's number one master."

"Master of what?" Sacha asked.

Benjy spotted the table with the snacks on it. "Let's grab some munchies and sit down someplace and I'll tell you all about this place."

Roger watched Benjy walk over to the table with Sacha and then turned to Neil. Neil and Roger stared each other down until Roger sighed.

"Benjy is right and I was wrong. I apologize for my actions and words to you. I'll talk to Sacha later," Roger said.

Neil smiled and shook Roger's hand. "You're forgiven. We both have the same goal and that is to protect people we love and care about."

"The reason we are here is to deliver food to the house here for the bands who are staying here. I need help unloading," Roger said.

Neil grinned. "Let me handle that."

Neil sat down on the couch and closed his eyes. A moment later bags of food started floating through the front door and into the kitchen. All the talk stopped as people turned to witness the spectacle. Billy and the guys from Dream Street reacted in surprise. They stared as the bags of food floated past them and into the kitchen. Neil relaxed once the last item had gone into the kitchen.

Billy was the first to react. "Dude that was awesome? What else can you do?"

Neil hesitated. "I read minds. That's called telepathy. What I just did is called telekinesis. I was born with my powers. They were passed down to me from my Grandfather."

"That's awesome," Chris said. "I've heard of people doing things like that."

"I've been told I have the powers in the purest forms," Neil said.

Matt scratched his chin for a moment. "I recall seeing a documentary on the Discovery channel some months ago on something like that. It was so interesting."

"I give you my word of Honor that I won't go snooping through your minds without your permission. Your minds are your personal private space and my going in there would be invading your space," Neil said.

Billy nodded. "Not a problem here."

Neil just grinned. He looked over at Sacha and he was in a deep conversation with Benjy. The young Peckertown slave master was telling Sacha about life here in Peckertown and why he was a master. Judging by the look on Sacha's face he didn't like the sound of that at all. Benjy did convince him that it was all consensual and not forced.

"If I did that I would be no better than Evans or any evil slave master. Just come down to the barracks and talk to some of the boys there. They will tell you what you want to know. I have nothing to hide," Benjy said.

"I'll do that first chance I get," Sacha said.

"Good. Now you tell us about yourself," Benjy said.

"Not much to tell," Sacha said.

Sacha then told his life story and everyone listened. He showed his claws once more and Roger shivered. It's one thing to see them being shown off but it's another when they are pointed at you. All the guys shook their heads.

"You're in good company with Logan and his family," Aaron said once Sacha finished telling his story.

"I know that for sure. All of them have treated me like a person," Sacha said.

At that moment the phone rang and Haley went to get it. He talked to the person on the other end for a moment and then hung up.

"The Moffatts are coming up to the gate right now. As soon as they get in Aaron will post the sleeping arrangements and we'll go from there," Haley said.

Neil went to the front door and opened it as the sound of Harleys got closer. The Moffatt brothers parked their bikes by the porch and walked up the steps. Neil greeted them as they walked in and then introduced Sacha.

"Good to see you guys again," Scott grinned.

They had changed a bit since the team saw them last. They were now sporting the grunge look and wore leathers. They were taller and a bit older now. Their careers were moving but not as fast as it used to. Aaron thanked them for coming and then it was decided to call it a night after another half hour of light talk. Everyone settled down into rooms and into bed with their chosen partners for the night. Naturally Sacha stayed with Neil. Aaron paused by their door and listened to the sounds of lovemaking coming from within. He smiled and headed off to his own bed and Haley in it.

I woke the next morning with Shiro in my arms. He looked so peaceful sleeping there and I hoped he would feel better after the emotional first aid I gave him yesterday. He woke up right then and he looked at me. I smiled down at him and ran my fingertips across his broad chest playing with his nipples for a moment. He sighed happily and I knew that he was going to be okay. He slipped out of bed and I watched his naked body go into the bathroom. Shiro was growing up into a man now. There were definite hints that he would be a big man by the time he finished growing. I hoped he would be a good Honorable man as well. I've tried to teach him the right things he needed to know about being a man and I know some of it got through to him. I got up and joined him in the bathroom. He had drawn a bath and was sitting in the tub of hot water. I got in with him after taking care of business and wrapped my arms around him and kissing his neck. He closed his eyes and sighed. I took the time to wash his body trying to make it pleasurable as I could. He moaned and I knew he was in heat.

After rinsing his body off he stood and put his cock at my mouth. I opened up and he slid his very hard erection inside. I began sucking his cock slow and easy. I kinda knew where he wanted to put it so I enjoyed getting it wet with my spit.

"Please," he moaned and I obliged.

He placed the tip of his hard cock at my entry and slowly pushed himself in. I sighed as I felt his cock slide up inside me. Once his balls touched my ass he stopped and stretched out over my back and wrapped his arms around my chest.

"Love you Dad," he whispered.

I felt tears on my cheeks as he began to slowly fuck me. Shiro slow fucked me all the way to his orgasm and that made me feel so good inside. I sighed and relaxed once he finished his orgasm and slowly pulled out of me. I could see tears on his face when I turned to confront him. I sat back down into the cooling water and pulled him on my lap and gently rocked him in my arms. I felt my own erection poke his ass. He lifted himself up and then down on my hard cock driving it up into him. He sighed once my balls touched his ass.

"Love to feel you inside me. Makes me feel so good," Shiro sighed.

He rode my cock slow and steady until I fired off my load. He kept me inside him long after I had ejaculated inside of him. That made our connection to each other that much better. After my soft cock slipped out of him I lifted him up and out of the bath. I towel dried him off and rubbed a bit of Jasmine and musk oils into his skin. He kissed me once more and our tongues chased the other inside our mouths. I knew now that Shiro was recharged and that he would be okay.

"Let's go see what they are up to," I suggested as we dressed.

Arriving at the house Danny let us in. The house was quiet at nine in the morning.

"Sammo's in the fifth room to the left on the second floor," Danny said as Shiro hugged him.

Shiro scampered up the stairs and I heard a door close. I became aware of soft sounds coming from a few of the rooms and I grinned. Horny young studs in action. I shook my head and followed Danny into the kitchen.

"Everything okay now?" Danny asked as he handed me a cup of coffee.

I was about to reply to that when Haley walked into the kitchen.

"Do you need cream with your coffee?" Haley asked us.

"I do," Danny replied.

Haley grinned and started wanking himself. He leaned against the refrigerator and moaned softly. He closed his eyes and shivered a little. Danny held his cup just under the teen's erection and waited for the shot of boy cream to cum out. Haley let his head go back and he squeaked. His cock unloaded four shots of young teen sperm into Danny's coffee. Haley sighed as he came down from his sexual high as Danny stirred his coffee.

"Thanks Haley," Danny said.

"Anytime. Sammo said you liked it in your coffee so being the good host that I am I came down to offer you cream for your coffee," Haley smiled.

Danny raised his cup in a salute. "I appreciate it."

Haley went into the kitchen and got breakfast started. I looked to see him moving around wearing a see through plastic apron and knew just what I was going to get Sammo for Christmas. The house was starting to come alive as everybody woke up and came down for breakfast. Scott and his brothers Bob, Dave, and Clint slapped hands with me when they saw me there. The only ones that didn't come down were Sammo and Shiro.

"Leave them alone. They need some private time," Aaron said when Scott asked about them.

Scott didn't ask. He knew better than to pry. I saw Billy sit down in a recliner with a cup of tea. He looked a lot more stable today than he did yesterday.

"So, tell me what happened yesterday?" I asked sitting down on the couch.

Billy sighed. "I really don't know. Greg went out to a bar Sunday night and left me alone in the hotel room. I went to bed around eleven. I woke up around ten and waited for him to show. I got tired of waiting for him to show so I packed up the luggage and took it down to the car. On my last trip down, I saw a bunch of people standing in the street. Someone saw me and started yelling at me to get over there. It didn't sound real friendly so I went back into the hotel. The desk guy was on the phone and when he saw me he jumped over the counter and tried to grab me. I ran out the front door and down the street. After I got into the forest I called you guys."

"Glad you did. Why were you there in the first place?" I asked.

"I had been invited to do a TV show in North Carolina. We were driving back and decided to stay there overnight," Billy said.

I nodded. "Let's talk to Whitey and he can call out there and find out what was going on and why you were chased."

Billy nodded. "Thanks for saving me. I owe you again."

"That's what we are here for," I said.

The others by now had moved into the living room and Aaron was letting Yoshi and his crew in the front door. I went and shook his hand. Haley set up an easel and all of us sat down where we could and Haley got the meeting going.

It didn't take long to decide the order of performers and how long each group would play for. Billy and Aaron would use a lesser known local band to be their backups. Shiro made an excellent suggestion that was well received.

"Why not use the same equipment? That way there won't be any real down time between performances," Shiro said.

"Good idea!" Scott said. "But we do want to allow people time to use the restrooms and get snacks."

That was voted on by everybody and passed. They talked about another half hour and then the meeting broke up. A couple of the guys headed out to the pool area. Cold weather had started to settle in so Aaron had one of those big inflatable things filled up with warm air and installed around the pool area to keep things nice and warm. I watched the teens strip down and jump in. The others went into the game room. I noticed Sacha and Neil heading back upstairs. Billy had followed Dave Moffatt out to the pool and both were lying on a chaise lounger playing tonsil hockey while caressing each other. I sat down with the phone and called Whitey and relayed to him what had happened to Billy. He said he'd call out there and find out what happened.

I looked up right then after hanging up to see Billy sucking off Dave while Scott had buried his cock deep inside the boy's ass. I smiled and watched Billy get fucked. Scott came loudly into Billy as Dave yelled out his joy at unloading his teen cream down Billy's throat. Bob quickly took Scott's place and ran his cock deep into the young country singer as Billy swallowed Clint's cock. I saw the guys from Dream Street stripping down as they headed outside. Scott intercepted Jesse and both teens started groping each other and kissing. Greg gently pulled Scott's cheeks apart and stuck his face in there. Dave had Frankie's cock up his ass while Chris sucked Dave's cock. It was so hot to watch. I felt my cock rise and get hard. I stretched out and took it in hand. Aaron knocked my hand away and sucked it into his mouth. Haley watched Aaron sucking me off as he stroked himself. I got Aaron to back off for a moment and lie down on his back. I got over him on my hands and knees and Aaron swallowed my cock again. I could feel fingers enter me and slick me up with something. A moment later Haley lay on my back with his young cock deep inside me.

"Go for it you young stud," I whispered.

He giggled and started fucking me. I was in heaven. A young stud sucking me and another one fucking me. Aaron's sucking technique had improved dramatically. I found myself so close to my orgasm.

"Gonna cum little stud," I whispered.

Suddenly I was, shooting my cum out of my cock and into Aaron's mouth. My anal muscle clamped down hard on Haley's cock and he bucked against me and screamed as he came deep inside of me. That seemed to set off the participants all over the house. I could hear sounds of orgasms coming from everywhere. I sighed and rolled off to the side and pulled Haley down to me. Aaron turned himself around and we sandwiched Haley between us and dozed off.

I woke to the sound of my cell ringing. I groaned and disengaged myself from the sleeping lovers and went to answer it. It turned out to be Whitey.

"Billy's problem has been taken care of," Whitey announced. "Turns out his bodyguard was a card shark and cheated a couple of poker players out of at least five thousand. They were paid off and the damages covered. If you and the team ever go through there, you'll be welcomed."

"Thanks man," I said. "We owe you one."

Whitey chuckled. "I'll add it to your tab," he said and hung up.

I smiled as I set down the cell. The house was quiet. I went back to the living room and looked down at Aaron and Haley sleeping together. I lifted them up on the couch and they rolled into each other as I covered them with a sheet. I went into the kitchen to get a drink and looked out the window. Danny was sleeping in a chaise lounger with Chris on his right and his Desert Eagle .357 auto in his left hand. Mark was on another chaise lounger with Billy halfway on top of him wearing a smile and nothing else. Frankie, Greg, Jesse, and Matt were tangled up with three members of Powersound while Jeff and Yoshi were off by themselves all snuggled up together. I smiled as I turned to head back into the living room but stopped when I saw Shiro standing there. He had grown quite a bit in the last year or so. He was close to being a man now. He still had a bit of the little boy/teenager look about him. I hugged his naked body to mine.

"Love you Dad," he whispered.

"Love you son number one," I said to him.

We stood like that for a bit, holding on to each other and I never want to let go of him, but someday I know I will have to and let him live his life on his own terms.

"Hungry?" he asked.

I realized I was. "Let's cook up a feast for these guys."

It took us an hour to get dinner ready. Shiro barbequed up a stack of ribs while I took care of everything else. Everything was set out on the counter and all I had left to put out was the first tray of ribs. I got a shock as I turned around and saw everybody standing there at the counter holding their plates out.

"What the hell!" I exclaimed as I jumped back in shock.

"What's wrong?" Neil said innocently asked.

"Don't say it!" I roared pointing to him.

"Say what? We are growing boys," he said with a glint in his eyes.

I banged my head against the counter and whimpered as everyone broke out in laughter.

The next day being Wednesday, we headed off to the Peckertown Center for our sound checks. Everyone was in high spirits and the talk around Peckertown was about the music festival. People were all hyped up about it. I had the impression that this was a good thing. I silently hoped everything would go well. I kicked back in a seat and watched the crews run around on the stage doing their thing while a bunch of people were scattered around the arena listening to the guys tuning their guitars and doing their sound checks. I casually glanced over my left shoulder to see two teens walking towards the stage, so I got up and intercepted them.

"Hi, what's up guys?" I asked them.

One stuck his hand out and I shook it. "My name is Orin. Is Marc Fogel around?"

I thought for a minute. "I'm not sure. Do you know him?"

"He's my uncle," Orin said. "This cute guy with me is Bruce, my boyfriend."

I shook Bruce's hand. "Nice to meet you Bruce."

I led the two teens up on the stage and behind the curtains. As I approached the backstage area I heard a shout from behind me.

"Orin? Is that you?" Marc yelled from behind us.

Orin turned to face his uncle. "Hi Uncle Marc!"

Marc came up to Orin and grabbed him in a bear hug. "Good to see you kid!"

"Good to see you Uncle Marc. I brought Bruce with me. A lady at your office said I'd find you here. Hope you don't mind," Orin said.

"Not at all. You and Bruce can stay with Daniel and me. I'll call Daniel and let him know," Marc said

"Let me know about what?" Daniel said as he appeared.

Marc grinned. "Look who arrived from Vegas!"

Daniel grinned as he recognized Orin and Bruce. "Hi! Glad to see you guys! You guys here for the show?"

"We came out here because Mom and Dad are going to Hawaii for two weeks and we thought we would come out here and see Peckertown for ourselves and surprise you as well," Orin said.

"It's been an experience," Bruce said.

I had to laugh at that. "Was for me too."

"Come on, let me introduce you to the bands," Daniel said as he led Orin and Bruce off to the dressing room areas.

I shook my head as the three teens walked away talking. Orin seemed like a nice kid.

"How's things so far?" Marc asked.

"So far so good. Hope it stays that way," I said, holding up crossed fingers.

Marc nodded. "Same here."

The concert started on time at three the next afternoon. The weather cooperated beautifully keeping things a bit warm. A bunch of us drew cards out of a hat to see who would go and introduce the first performer, which happened to be Billy. Sacha won the draw and after I encouraged him he walked out to the center of the stage. The place was packed; standing room only and the cheers began as Sacha walked out.

"Okay," he said, "I came out here to let you guys know that we are ready to rock. I just need to know something. Are you ready!"

The crowd erupted in cheers and whistles.

"Peckertown Arkansas, are you rrrrrrrrreeeeady!" Sacha yelled.

The crowd got even louder and I heard Sammo laughing next to me.

"For the thousands in attendance and those watching around the world, let's get ready to rrrrrroooooooccccckkkk!" Sacha yelled, and the place went nuts.

Billy was rolling on the floor and the other guys were holding onto their sides.

"Up first, from Nashville, here's Billlllllyyyyyyy Gilmannnnn!" Sacha yelled and then jogged in.

Billy slapped him a high five and went out on the stage. The crowd got wild as Billy went into his first song. I found myself singing along after a moment and I was feeling good. Billy looked like he was having the time of his life. After the fourth song, I noticed an evil grin on his face.

"Okay I'm gonna do a song here from one of my friends who's gonna show up here in a bit," he laughed.

I listened as the backup band started a song. I suddenly realized it was one of the Dream Street songs and I looked over at them. They were grinning and laughing as Billy did it country style. The crowd laughed and cheered as well. It was the song "Hooked On You". I grinned and shook my head and laughed. That brought the house down after Billy ended the song. Billy then kept on going with his set, doing two more songs. The next song after that was called "Some Things I Know". As he described each thing, it appeared on stage with him. The rubber chickens came down from overhead and zoomed past him. A bucket of water got him wet, and a foot long pillow hit the stage next to him. Billy's back up band were laughing so hard they were having trouble keeping the song going. Billy being a true trooper, took it all in stride and kept going. I could tell he was amused and I looked up to see Yoshi and his guys up in the rafters. That pretty much started the antics. They were fairly tame and nobody got hurt. All of us knew it was all in good fun.

Once the stage was cleared, Dream Street was next. Sacha gave them an introduction and the guys bounced onto the stage and got their set going. Before long everyone was dancing and having a good time. The fourth song they rapped out Billy's "I Think She Likes Me" which got a huge round of applause. The seventh song they did was "Someone To Hold Me Tonight". That was when five guys dressed as fat ugly girls ran out on the stage and kissed them all and hugged them. The look on the guy's faces was priceless. I sure hoped the film crew was getting it all on tape. I wanted a copy of the concert. They finished their set and then Sacha came out an announced an hour break.

That worked just fine. We had planned it so that each band would have an hour on stage with a twenty minute break in between with two one hour breaks to give people time to use the restrooms and get snacks. Aaron was scheduled to be the next one up after the hour break. At the end of the hour Sacha grinned at me as he headed off out onto the stage.

"Hey you guys!" he yelled and got an immediate response.

He laughed as the crowd cheered loudly. "First off I want to thank all of you for coming. When my Dad told me about this show I said cool. He said we'd enjoy a few good tunes with a bunch of close friends. Dad didn't mention we'd have about twenty thousand close friends here tonight!"

The place erupted in cheers and applause.

"So get ready because I'm gonna introduce our next performer," Sacha said.

A voice came over the sound system. "Hey, you mind if I do that? He is my bro."

The crowd went nuts as they recognized Nick Carter. Sacha turned to see a taller blond step out on the stage.

"Sure dude! Go for it!" Sacha saluted.

Nick turned to the crowd. "Okay you peeps, here's my bro, Aaron Carter!"

The place went nuts as Aaron bounced out on stage and hugged his brother.

"And it goes, and it goes, and it goes something like this!" Nick rapped, starting Aaron's first song.

Aaron jumped right in and started rapping out Aaron's Party as the crowd moved to the beat. Nick walked off the stage and came over to stand with me. I shook his hand and tried to say hello but failed since the sound was loud. Before long all of us backstage were grooving to Aaron's set. Aaron went through four songs and then introduced Haley.

"Guys, the love of my life, Haley," he said and Haley got a good ovation as he walked over to Aaron at the center of the stage.

They hugged and kissed each other as the house came down. Haley blushed as Aaron grinned and hugged Haley once more. Both started doing "The Clapping Song" rapping and dancing to it. Haley surprised me by actually singing well. It was obvious to me that he had learned from Aaron.

They did two more songs, "Not Too Young, Not Too Old" and "Iko Iko". Then the lights dimmed down until Aaron and Haley were lit up. Both turned to each other and took hands. They sang "Islands In The Stream", an old Kenny Rogers/Dolly Parton duet. They did it with such feeling it brought tears to my eyes (I wish I could remember the words, it's such a beautiful song). As the crowd reacted to the song, I turned to see a man huddling with Powersound. Sammo was right there with them so I didn't get concerned. Turning back to the stage Aaron and Haley were parting and Haley waved to the crowd as he came back. I smacked him one on his ass and he grinned at me. Aaron kicked things off once again and ran through six numbers back to back. His last song was a rap medley of Powersound love songs, which got a reaction from Yoshi. He got a great standing ovation as he walked off the stage.

Everyone kicked back for a half hour and then Powersound was ready to take the stage. The lights on the stage darkened and then orchestra music came over the sound system. I recognized the song. It was the number Metallica used to start off their "S&M" CD. Yoshi was first with his guitar, the spotlight catching him as he moved across the stage playing the opening notes (the song is called "The Call of The Ktulu". It royally kicks ass.), then Jeff came out after, then Brent followed with his guitar, Connor stepped up to his keyboards, and Travis slid in behind his drums. They paused for a moment and then kicked in hard. The crowd went wild. They did a few songs from the three CD's they had out much to everyone's enjoyment. Then Yoshi kicked in once again playing the opening notes to Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train". That set off the crowd and the bunch of kids in the front row were doing some serious head banging. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a note.

"I hope somebody's head won't come off," I read what Shiro handed me.

I had to laugh at that when I heard a train whistle. I looked to see The Moffatt brothers sitting on a scaled down train with Scott driving and setting off the train whistle. He drove the train onto the stage, circled the drum set, and then went past Yoshi, slapped him on the ass and blew the train whistle once more. Jeff and Brent were rolling on the floor with laughter at Yoshi's expression as Connor picked up the lyrics. Yoshi put both hands over his face and then shrugged his shoulders and picked up the song again. They finished the song and Yoshi grinned.

"Okay, fine!" he yelled.

The band played a heavy metal version of "Mama Never Told Me About You" and "Caterpillar Crawl". I laughed at the expressions on the Moffatt brother's faces. That was priceless.

"Now to slow things down a bit," Jeff said as he came back out holding a Gibson wide body.

The lights on the stage softened a bit as Yoshi came back with one of his own. They smiled at each other as they started to play and sing together. I immediately recognized "Come Rain Or Come Shine" from the Eric Clapton/B.B. King CD.

"I'm gonna love you like nobody's loved you,

Come rain or come shine.

High as a mountain and deep as a river,

Come rain or come shine.

Well I guess when you met me

That it was just one of those things,

But don't you ever bet me,

'Cause I'm gonna be true if you let me

You're gonna love me like nobody's loved me,

Come rain or come shine.

Happy together, unhappy together,

Won't that be fine?

Day may be cloudy or sunny,

We're either in or we're out of the money.

I'm with you always.

I'm with you rain or shine

(Guitar solos)

You're gonna love me like nobody's loved me,

Come rain or come shine.

Happy together, unhappy together,

Won't that be fine?

Day may be cloudy or sunny,

We're either in or out of the money.

I'm with you always

I'm with you rain or shine

I'm with you always,

I'm with you rain or shine.

Some one touched me on the shoulder and I turned to look at Danny behind me. There was something deep in his eyes and I slipped into his arms and we slow danced to the song. We were not the only ones either. Orin was with Bruce, Marc had Daniel in his arms, roger and Benjy were very close together, and I could see Dustin with his hunk of a lover Nico out on the small tower. Shiro and Sammo were deep kissing as they danced and I marveled at the power of love. Such an amazing thing. The song ended too soon and I wished it could have gone on longer. I don't get a chance to do this with Danny and we didn't want to stop. The ovation from the crowd went on for at least five minutes.

"Thank you so much, thank you. Please welcome our very special guest, Mr. Elton John!" Yoshi said into the mike.

The stage had disappeared and was slowly rising with a big grand and a man sitting at it. All of us went nuts and gave him a huge welcome. Elton stood and waved at the crowd.

"Thank you! Now let's rock the house!" he said and proceeded to do just that.

He did five songs, starting with "Crocodile Rock" and ending with "I'm Still Standing". I had never seen him live and he outdid himself. The final number was totally excellent. A dozen boys came out in a line doing the high step as Elton started "I'm Still Standing" wearing bright gold or silver glittering tuxes with tails and top hats, white gloves and canes. While the song was played, they did a dance routine that would knock the Rockettes out of a job. The crowd went absolutely crazy, enjoying the song and the dancers. When Elton finished his set, two of the boys walked up to him and escorted him to the center stage while his piano dropped back down. He took his bows and the two lucky boys escorted him off. Yoshi grinned once more and started ripping up a Van Halen song. The band did two more numbers and then bowed off. The Moffatts were the last to come on. I turned to see Benjy say something to Daniel. I walked over to find out what it was.

"Everything's cool," Daniel replied to my query. "Benjy was informing me the escape route is clear and the barn is ready to party in."

"The barn?" I asked.

"Trust me okay?" Daniel grinned.

"Oh God, I'm in trouble now," I sighed.

The Moffatts were ready to go and Scott walked up to the edge of the curtain. He stuck his head out and the crowd cheered.

"I'm kinda nervous about coming out here," Scott said into his mike as the crowd laughed. "But that's okay. It just means we get to send some payback last."

Everyone really cracked on that one and they started their set. They got their shots in at everyone and then some by doing heavy metal versions of Powersound love songs and rapping out one Powersound heavy metal song. We all loved it. It was awesome. I really had never heard them before and they sounded much better than on their CD's. The crowd enjoyed their performance and so did I. It was clear to me that the guys had matured a lot more than the last time I had heard them. I wished them luck.

The grand finale was to have all the guitar players form a line and high step in while playing Led Zeppelin's "Rock and Roll". Bob Moffatt was the lucky drummer to drum out the song. The other drummers joined the line and got ready to go. Right on cue the stage lights went out completely. Bob grabbed the huge mallet and lit it on fire. The crowd went nuts as Bob raised it high and then started to swing it around him. Then with all the strength he could muster, he swung the mallet right into the even huger gong on the stage. It was loud and it shook the stage a little. Bob ran to the drums and started the song. The crowd went nuts again as everyone high stepped out onto the stage as Elton and his piano made another appearance. Everyone took a line from the song. Even the crowd sang along. Dustin was going all out with the lights, but the best was yet to come. As Bob started a quick drum solo at the right place, Yoshi ran back behind him as the others on stage moved out of the way. Yoshi had practiced his stunt for weeks, hoping it would go off perfectly. He got a running start and hit the springboard at the right spot and flew up and over Bob and the drums. As he flew overhead he held out the one note on his guitar. The second his feet hit the stage, Dustin fired off all the lights, lasers, and fireworks. Damn, I thought he had gone and blown up the place the sight and sound was awesome. The guys on the stage ended the song in a mighty roar of guitars and the crowd went wild. Sacha bounced out on the stage with mike in hand.

"The Moffatt brothers, Scott, Bob, Clint, and Dave!" he yelled.

The Moffatts took a bow.

"Powersound with Jeff, Yoshi, Brent, Connor, and Travis!"

Powersound guys joined hands and bowed.

"Very special guest Elton John!"

The two tuxedo boys escorted up Elton John and he took his bows.

"Aaron Carter and Haley Joel Osment!"

Aaron and Haley stepped up holding hands and took their bows.

"Dream Street with Chris, Frankie, Greg, Jesse, and Matt!"

The five teen hunks stepped up and waved at the crowd.

"Last and certainly not least, Billy Gilman!"

Billy walked up to the edge of the stage and waved to the crowd.

In unison all the performers yelled out, "Good night!"

That ended the greatest show Peckertown had ever seen.

But in my mind the best was yet to come. Oh my.

We rolled past the front gates around eleven that night. Everyone was in high spirits and they were laughing about the jokes and stunts they pulled on the stage.

"Hey you guys know it was all in good fun. Nothing personal," Billy said.

"Dude, that's what made the show rock," Scott said as he high fived Billy.

The vans pulled up next to the barn and we all got out. I stretched out a bit, feeling things go pop in my back. I wondered what was up as I walked into the barn. Aaron and Haley apparently decided to have a second barn built on the property and this one was much larger than the one that housed the horses they had acquired. I blinked as I went in. This one was set up nice. It was wall-to-wall carpeting, deep plush carpeting. I blinked as I saw stuff hanging from the walls and a couple of bondage slings along the back corner. I realized what this was. It was an over sized playroom. I had to laugh.

"You know what it is?" Aaron asked me.

I pulled him up to me and started stripping his clothes off. "Oh yes I do. I'm gonna tie your ass in that sling over there and ride you for a bit, you hot stud."

The others caught on to what I said and whooped and hollered. The party has started. Orin's eyes bugged as he watched the entire group of guys strip down to nothing. If this was what that boy dreamed of, he was gonna see his dreams come true. Bruce came up behind him and started removing his clothes. Orin snapped out of it and removed Bruce's clothes just as quickly. Both of them got a lip lock going while fondling each other. I settled Aaron in the sling and lubed him up.

"Come on Haley, you get to dip first!" I called out.

The guys all cheered as Haley shoved in to Aaron right up to the balls. Aaron moaned and groaned as Haley rode his ass. Haley shivered as he came inside Aaron. He climbed up on Aaron and sat down on his lover's cock and rode it until Aaron had cum. Scott, Dave, Clint, and Bob grabbed the naked teen and put him in a sling right next to Aaron. Then Scott slid himself into Aaron as Clint claimed Haley's ass. Everyone lined up for a shot at their asses. Once they fucked the two teens, they wandered off to another part of the barn with a partner and started lovemaking. Naturally I had my turn at them and enjoyed it. Orin had his turn and he looked like he enjoyed it.

"One rule here," Aaron said as Orin rode his ass, "Nobody forces anybody into anything. Other than that, anything goes."

It was a damn good rule too. I've seen too many scenes get out of control and the end results wasn't pretty. For the next two hours or so everyone fucked, sucked, and switched off partners many times. It was so wild to see different guys with other guys. I had lost count of the number of asses I fucked and cocks I sucked. I can tell you I enjoyed myself. Orin at one point got his mouth on me and I enjoyed having him suck me off. Marc even got his cock inside his nephew's very hot and randy boyfriend and both of them enjoyed it immensely. Benjy was there and he brought a few slaves to service the group, be it serving up beers or butt.

At one point we all were relaxing for a bit and he put on a private show with some Chinese kid named Lee Jun Fan. Oh my God this kid was a well built stud! Not bad for a young kid. When he started his martial arts moves, Shiro sat up and watched in amazement as the kid made lightning fast moves with his feet as Benjy cracked the whip at him. He was quick and fast enough to avoid getting hit. Fifteen minutes later both boys stopped to take a breath.

"Dude, you are way awesome!" Shiro said. "You got skill."

Lee turned to Shiro and bowed. "I know you are shinobi. I sense it. Your ki (internal energy) is very powerful. I would not cross you."

Shiro stood up. "How about we be friends?"

Lee smiled and extended a hand. "I would be honored."

Shiro and Lee Jun Fan sat in a corner as I turned to Clint. "Come here sexy."

Clint got onto his hands and knees and slipped his mouth down over my cock. Orin got behind Clint and slipped his preteen cock deep into the big teen and started fucking him. Scott got on his knees next to Orin and started kissing him while tweaking the nipples. Bruce lay on his back and started sucking Scott cock while Billy started sucking Bruce cock. Bob lifted Bruce's legs and worked his cock into the preteen ass. Greg spread Billy's legs and slipped his cock into Billy ass.

That started an orgy of sorts. Aaron and Haley opted to cuddle with each other and watch. Yoshi and Jeff did the same and that was fine. Things got moving again and I was enjoying myself too much to care who was doing what. I loved feeling preteen and teen cocks in my ass and enjoyed plowing preteen and teen ass and sucking preteen and teen cock. This definitely was one of the most fun assignments we have done in a while. I don't remember falling asleep, because next thing I remember was waking up with boys snuggled up to me. I lifted my head and looked around. Everyone was stretched out everywhere. Yoshi and Jeff were snuggled up on a couch, Shiro and Sammo on pillows in a corner, Aaron and Haley in a sling, the Moffatt Brothers spooned into each other, the other Powersound guys on a bed in a corner, Dustin and his big squeeze Nico next to the fireplace, and I had Orin on my left and Bruce on my right. I got up and stumbled towards the bathroom, finding Benjy and Roger in the tub, Benjy on top of Roger. Neil and Sacha were on the floor next to them. I sighed and went to the back door. I needed to piss. I walked out and did the deed in a bush.

Feeling slightly better, I turned to see an outdoor shower there. The thought struck me I could at least rinse off. Bad idea. Just as I yanked on the handle, I heard the door open and Aaron yell too late. The ice-cold water hit me like a thousand needles at once. I felt my toes curl up, my cock shrink up to nothing and my balls pull up in a hurry. Aaron told me later that I was heard clear down to the lake when I yelled. That was damned cold water. Naturally all the guys thought it was hilarious and spent the next fifteen minutes laughing their asses off.

"Wish I had a camera for that," Billy gasped out.

"Good thing you didn't," I said from the hot shower.

They rolled on the floor once again and I sighed. Kids. What to do with them. I finished up my shower and others trooped in by twos and took theirs thinking it was a good idea. We went up to the house and there was a huge feast laid out for us when we got there.

"It was our idea master," one of Benjy's slaves informed him. "We were woken up by someone yelling and once we saw it was okay we decided to do this thinking all of you would be hungry."

I glared at the guys as they started laughing once again, including the slaves as Haley told them what had happened.

"Mr. Blue Balls!" Danny cried, slapping me on the back setting all of them off once again.

I smiled. "Watch your back for a while. Expect revenge. Now let's eat."

We left Peckertown later that morning. As Danny leveled the plane off at 30,000 feet I poured myself a tall glass of sake and sipped. I felt really good about how things turned out. Everything had gone to plan, nobody got out of control or hurt. Rumor had it Elton John had left the VIP suite at the Inn boy Inn with a big smile on his face. I wondered if Peckertown would see him again. I hoped so. Elton was a very cool dude.

I picked up my phone and called Mac and gave him a report. He thanked me and told me to go relax for a week on my mountain, which was fine with me. Dream Street was to be my guest until they did their shows in LA. I watched them playing poker again and this time it was Sacha who was cleaning everyone out. He was doing much better now that he had learned to relax. I don't think he'll forget this for a long time. Neither will I.


Footnotes: The songs listed are the property of the respective bands and they are:

Billy Gilman "Some Things I Know" -Dare To Dream CD "I Think She Likes Me" -One Voice CD

Dream Street "Someone To Hold Me Tonight" "Hooked On You" -Dream Street CD

Aaron Carter "Aaron's Party (Come Get It)" "The Clapping Song" "Iko Iko" -Aaron's Party CD "Not Too Young, Not Too Old" -Oh Aaron CD

Kenny Rogers/Dolly Parton "Islands In The Stream"

Metallica "Call Of The Ktulu" -S&M CD

The Moffatts "Mama Never Told Me About You" "Caterpillar Crawl" -The Moffatts CD

Elton John "Crocodile Rock" "I'm Still Standing"

Eric Clapton and B. B. King "Come Rain Or Come Shine" -Riding With The King CD

And the mighty Led Zeppelin "Rock And Roll" -Symbols CD

Thank you all for reading. Stay tune, more Samurai Inc is coming!

Next: Chapter 16

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