Samurai Inc

By David (DAG1064)

Published on Apr 30, 2001


Samurai Inc. 09 By David (

Author's Note: To my knowledge, Jonathan Lipnicki is not gay, and this story is not implying that he is. This is a fantasy, just like the rest of my series. The icons "[]" indicate think speak.

"Gone Camping"

Guest Star Jonathan Lipnicki

I hate it when the best laid plans get screwed up. Take my current situation (please do, I'd love for someone else to get screwed by Mr. Murphy for a change) for example. I'm in the middle of the forest in Big Bear, California with Neil and a very scared naked boy. Since I have a chance to brief you quickly, I will. I had been called to come out to California to testify in a court case I was involved in a few years ago. It's classified, so I can't tell ya the dirty details. But I can tell you this, you can sleep a little better at night. I took Neil with me because they said I'd be on the stand one, two days at the most and I wanted to do something nice for Neil. He'd been working so hard on developing his powers and doing quite well at it. He was now in school, and handling that very well. Made some friends his age, which made me very happy. I had started to worry about his social skills. I worried for nothing. We had gone around California, doing the usual tourist thing, even doing some of the amusement parks, like Disneyland, Magic Mountain, and Knott's Berry Farm. I had forgotten how much fun those places were, and it all made me feel like a kid again. Our final thing was to spend a week camping out in the forest of Big Bear, but that plan got changed when Neil had sensed danger. He locked onto the kid running for his life through the forest. Finding the wrecked van with boy's clothes, ropes, a briefcase full of money, a picture of the boy in it as well, and the dead driver was definitely not in our plans, either. After wasting fifteen minutes arguing with the Big Bear police dispatch, Neil and I set out after the boy. We found them nearly three hours later, and it was a good thing because it was getting dark and cold. We found the boy tied to a tree with a thin blanket wrapped around him and being watched by at least four men. I thought this would be easy. Heh. WRONG!!!!! Neil and I rescued the boy, and got chased by the four men. They were well armed, better than I was, but I had a few advantages over them. First, there was Neil and his abilities. Second, I was far better trained in combat techniques. Third, I had training and experience in wilderness survival. Fourth, I am a very nasty bastard. You do not want to cross me. End of subject. So now I needed to figure out what in hell I was going to do. We had gotten to the top of a hill and had stopped for the night. I got a fire going and set up camp. Neil shared his clothes with the boy who turned out to be eleven-year-old Jonathan Lipnicki, star of "Little Vampire", a movie that Neil had watched late one night on the Disney Channel at the Disneyland Hotel where we stayed in Anaheim. He recognized him right off the bat.

"Thanks for saving me," Jonathan smiled at us as he dressed.

"No problem," Neil grinned. I had the chance to look at Jonathan while he dressed. He was short for his age, hairless except for the short spiky brown hair on his head. I couldn't tell his eye color because it was too dark. His body was slender and just right for him. His penis appeared to be three inches soft, and uncircumcised. He was nice to look at. I listened to the boys talk while I busied myself getting the rest of the camp up and setting alarm traps up. Okay, let's talk about alarm traps. They basically are strings holding various noisemakers designed to wake your ass up in a hurry when Mr. Bad Guy comes calling. Doom on him. I used empty chili cans and string to build them. Oldest type of alarm traps ever invented. They were KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) easy, too. What I didn't know was that these four tangos were calling in reinforcements. Before long I'd be dealing with about twenty of them. This would be the mission that Neil would truly earn his spurs, even though he had already. I turned to the boys.

"Better get some sleep, guys. We up and out early in the morning. I wanna stay as far away from these dudes as I can," I said to them.

"Okay, Dad. Me and Jonathan can bunk together," Neil said.

"Okay. Try to sleep. There's plenty of time for fooling around once we get out of this mess," I warned.

"Yes sir," Jonathan nodded. Good. He was taking me seriously already. While they slept, I cleaned, prepped, and loaded the suppressed MP-5 that I had packed in my war bag. I had checked it as baggage, and hoped the airport security would miss it. I loaded a dozen thirty round clips and arranged it in my combat vest. By the time I was done with my preparations, it was midnight. I had used my GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) computer to figure out exactly where I was (no hunter, hiker, camper, biker, or soldier should ever be without one of these. They are that reliable) and planned my route out of here. I opted for the fast route, wanting to reach a road or major highway so I could get Jonathan to safety. I closed my eyes after settling myself against a tree and resting the H&K MP-5 sub gun across my lap. I slept for six hours, waking up at six. We broke down camp fast, distributing the load fairly between the three of us. Jonathan had never hiked before, so I gave him a light load. We would have to go at his speed, he'd never been trained in this environment or at our pace. Believe it or not, he proved himself. Neil kept tabs on the four guys following us. They were angry that Jonathan had slipped away from them. We hiked uphill for most of the morning, taking short breaks to give Jonathan the rest he needed. He told us what happened during those breaks.

"I was at home in Westlake Village, waiting for my folks to get home from the store with things for dinner. I had just finished my homework when I heard the front door open. Thinking it was my parents, I went into the living room to see them, and instead, came face to face with some stranger. I turned to run, but he jumped on me and pressed some smelly cloth against my face. That was all I can remember, everything went black. When I woke up, I found myself tied to the side of the van naked. They were touching me everywhere. One guy told the others not to get too carried away, or the Professor would get mad, whoever this guy is. I don't know what caused the crash, but everyone got bounced all over the van. I discovered one of the ropes loose, so I managed to free myself, grab my shoes and run," Jonathan said. I nodded. "Good going. When I get into a better position, I'll call a friend of mine in Hollywood and get him to contact your family."

We stopped for a food break around eight. As we ate our breakfast, I scanned the trees with by binoculars, while Neil relaxed and did his own scanning. He told Jonathan he was meditating.

[I sense the four of them being very pissed off, Dad] Neil "said".

[Well, they shouldn't have kidnapped Jonathan or pissed me off] I replied.

[True. Last mistake they will ever make if we have anything to say about it. One of the guys is the leader, and he's acting very calm. I wonder if he called anybody on a cell phone?] Neil said. That had not occurred to me. Cell phones these days are so advanced it isn't funny. I thought about that for a moment, and then decided I'd deal with that if it happened. For now, I'd stick to my original plan of hightailing it out to a road as quick as we could.

"I'm ready to go," Jonathan said to us.

"You have been doing real good, Jonathan. Just hang in there," I said.

"So what's the plan?" he asked.

"Get to a main road and hopefully someone will give us a ride into town," I replied, scratching at my beard.

"Cool," Jonathan said. He didn't have to say anything, I could tell he was scared. He was holding it in real well. I had to admire his guts.

"I really shouldn't worry, I know you guys will protect me. I've heard of you," Jonathan said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. One of my best friends is Jake Lloyd. He said you guys were very cool," Jonathan replied. I decided to call Jake later. "Did he say anything else?" Jonathan had the look on his face like he was debating what to say next. "He did say you guys were a lot of fun to be with."

"Did he say what kind of fun?" I enquired. Jonathan stopped and looked at us, blowing his breath out. "Yeah, he did. He said that I had nothing to worry about, that you guys would be cool with me, and that you would let me say what. Jake and I have fooled around a few times, and I like doing.... Boy things. He also said that I needed to keep that information to myself, because it could hurt a lot of people, and I swore it I would." I nodded. I believed Jonathan.

"I believe you," I said.

"Goes for me too," Neil nodded. Jonathan grinned like a huge load had been taken off his young shoulders. I guess it hadn't been easy for him to admit that he liked doing boy things with other boys, and Neil himself had a hard time coming to terms with that. But he had, and now he was insatiable. Horny little boy.

"How far have we gone?" Neil asked. I played with the GPS before answering him. "About five miles." Neil looked over my shoulder as I figured some numbers in the computer against the map. He noted a mark on the map.

"What's that supposed to be?" he asked.

"A Scout camp. Been closed for some time because of lack of funds to fix it up," I replied.

"How far?" Neil asked.

"About two miles. Why?" I asked. Neil stood and closed his eyes. He breathed in and out a few times. "Trust me on this, okay Dad?" Now I was nervous. "Neil, what are you gonna do?"

"Trust me," he said, and took hold of my belt and Jonathan's. Next thing I knew, we were floating a few feet off the ground. Jonathan's eyes got big, just like mine.

"How..." he started as I motioned for quiet. I didn't need Neil dropping us. We flew around trees in the general direction of the Scout camp. My mind was boggling. How in the world did he do that? So many questions, no answers. I hoped Neil knew what he was doing.

Forty-five minutes later, he set us down in the middle of the camp. He slumped against a tree and sighed. He looked totally worn out. I got a blanket out of Jonathan's pack and wrapped it around Neil. He closed his eyes and dozed off.

"Is he going to be okay?" Jonathan asked.

"He'll be fine. Neil is a very unusual boy. He has mutant powers that enable him to do lots of things. Apparently he got it from his Grandfather, passed to him through his Father. He's been learning how to use them. It seems he's a lot more advanced than I thought. Something else I need to you keep to yourself," I said.

"Got my word on that. Besides, I don't think people will believe me," Jonathan nodded agreement.

"Let's look around for a bit. I want to see what we can do to fix this place up in case those weirdos come calling," I said.

"Huh. Jake was right, you do have a funny sense of humor," Jonathan grinned. I just shook my head. This kid was all right. We did tour the camp, and I saw many possibilities for defending this place. The entire plan needed was some materials, and time to make it happen. Jonathan and I got busy and started working on the defenses. Neil ambled up to us an hour later.

"Are you okay, Neil?" I asked.

"Just fine now. I've been practicing that stunt for weeks. I can fly just fine by myself, but carrying people is a lot of work," Neil admitted.

"You look so normal," Jonathan blurted out.

"Thanks. Tried to turn myself green like a Martian, but didn't work!" Neil cracked, making us laugh.

"I'm sorry about that," Jonathan said.

"No biggie," Neil said. "How are you holding up, Jonathan?"

"Okay, I guess. At first I was really scared. I wondered what they were going to do to me, and then meeting you guys was lucky, I guess I'll be okay once this is over. Oh, call me Jon for short. Only my Mom calls me Jonathan when I've screwed up really bad," Jon grinned.

"Deal," I said, Neil agreeing as well. Jon smiled and turned back to the can alarm he was building. I quickly filled Neil in on the plan. Neil added a few suggestions of his own, which I liked. I watched Neil float various things around the camp as needed, and I knew Jon was impressed. We raided the mess hall and found canned food. I opened a few and declared them safe. Jon got that faraway look in his eyes as we ate lunch.

"Something on your mind?" I asked. Jon sighed. "I was just thinking about myself. Thinking about why I like doing boy things. Wondering if it's a normal thing."

"It is," Neil assured him. "It's part of growing up for us, a way of finding out what sex is about. No one knows for sure how we will turn out. It's something you and I have to figure out on our own. I know for sure that I'm gay. My powers have nothing to do with that, either. That's a separate deal. You're still at the stage where you are experimenting with your sexual feelings, trying to figure out what they are and why they make you feel good." I sat up. Neil had been listening to us. Jon nodded, trying to take it all in.

"You'll figure it all out in time. You can call me anytime you need to talk to someone. We do more than just protect a celebrity. We help them with their problems, and hopefully, give them the key to find the solutions," Neil smiled. I was truly proud of Neil right then and there. He had finally found himself, and more importantly, had accepted himself.

"Thanks," Jon nodded.

"Hey, anything for a friend," Neil grinned. Both boys grinned at each other and went about doing what they needed to. I mentally crossed my fingers and hoped things would work out here. I decided now was the time to call our friend Mac.

"Mac," he answered his phone.

"Quit playing with your secretary and put it back in your pants, boy!" I growled. There was a pause on the other end, and then laughter. "Fuck you very much!"

Once I briefed Mac, he set the ball rolling. He'd take care of the notifications. By the time anybody could react, it could be all over. We were still on our own. No big news there.

[Dad, I sense them coming. There's the four of them] Neil said.

[Gee, I've had better odds] I said.

Neil said.

[Wisecracker!] I snapped. His only response was laughter. I sighed. This kid was going to be the death of me. I turned to start checking things again. I wanted to surprise them really good this time. It was getting close to dark, and I wondered if they would be dumb enough to attack just before dark. Tangos tend to do very dumb things sometimes, and these clowns were no exceptions. We ate cold chili for dinner, not wanting to give us away yet. However, they did it first. We heard cans clanging off in the distance, and loud cursing. Company had arrived. The three of us scurried off to our positions. The first defensive action was taking place. The guy who set off the can alarm came slithering in from the north. Neil smiled at him before creating the deranged wolf illusion (Read Samurai 8 for the description). The reaction was immediate. The dumb idiot unloaded into his pants both front and back before passing out.

"One down, three to go," Neil muttered to himself. I listened as the next one came in from the west, cussing as the tree branches smacked him. I raised my MP-5 and dropped the front sight on him as he stepped into view.

"Sorry, no solicitors allowed here!" I called out. Tango two looked up at me and saw my gun trained on him. He looked at his shotgun, and then back at my gun. He smiled waved, turned and ran. Two down.

[Jon's got one sneaking up on him!] Neil called out.

[Warn him!] I said, turning in his direction. I saw the expression on Jon's face. He reacted quickly, turning to see the man coming up on him. Before I could do anything, the tango had pointed his nine at Jon.

"Get them paws up!" tango three demanded. Jon shrugged. "Okay." He let go of the rope he was holding. Said rope was holding a pole restraining a bent tree branch. Tree branch speedily introduced its self to tango three. Tango three could be heard howling his way down the side of the mountain. Jon giggled. Three down. Leader man charged me, but I stopped him with a few shots from my MP-5, quickly changing his mind. He turned and ran for the tree line.

"We'll be back!" he yelled. I walked over to Neil and his napping tango as Jon joined us.

"Gross! Didn't this guy change his diapers before attacking us?" Jon groaned. I smiled. A half hour later, I sent the guy packing with some large sheets wrapped around his midsection like they were diapers, with the instructions to tell his friends to leave, or else. We kept his cell, clothes, and gear. Neil inventoried his gear to find several flash bangs, duct tape, a cell phone, a Mad Dog Tahito fighting knife, eight double-stacked nine-millimeter clips, and an H&K nine. The flash bangs were very helpful. We split them up and planted them in various places around the camp. I hit the maintenance shed and found enough chemicals to make even more flash bangers. I took care of that department, while the boys created more snares and traps. I had the feeling leader man was being serious when he said they would be back. The captured cell rang around ten. I answered it.

"Cub Scouts of America," I said.

"You think you are so clever, do you?" the voice said. I paid attention fast. This voice wasn't like any tango I'd ever encountered. It sounded British, cultured, smooth, and cold. A voice that was used to getting what he wanted, right fucking now.

"Sure do!" I laughed.

"I am the Professor. That's the only name you need to know. You have something that belongs to me. I want it back," he said. How did I know it was a man? British men pronounce certain letters slightly different than British women. Don't ask me how I know that, I just do.

"The Scout camp? No problem. We'll be out of here in the morning," I said.

"I meant the boy. Leave him in the center of the camp and walk away. That's all you have to do, Mr. Logan," Professor said. That's when I got ugly and mean. "I don't think so."

"Your choice then. I'm sure Stefan the Russian and his friends would be happy to discuss things with you. These ex-Spetznaz are so friendly. Oh, yes, I know who you are. So does Stefan. Good bye, Mr. Logan," he said. I crushed the cell in my hands in fury. Of all the people I'd ever fought against, Stefan was the worst. Seven foot even of solid muscle, an emotionless killing machine that Russia had invented. He had been put out to pasture ever since communism had collapsed there. I had encountered him at least a dozen times and managed to live to tell the tale. My left knee throbbed as I remembered the pain he subjected it to last time we danced. I had gotten out just as the dynamite exploded, bringing the warehouse down in Mexico. That was the last time I saw him. Now he was coming, and this time there would be no quarter given or asked.

"Dad?" Neil asked, concern on his face. "Are you all right?"

"No Neil, I'm not. This Professor has hired my worst enemy to come and take Jon from us. He'll do what it takes to capture Jon. However, we have the advantage, and that is we are here now, with the time and knowledge to defeat his merry band. Stefan is mine. Do not try to face him. You'll only get hurt," I said.

"I'll do what I have to protect you, Dad." Neil said firmly, resting his hand on my shoulder.

"I appreciate that, son, but I need to face him alone," I said. Neil nodded, and we turned our attention to the preparations at hand. It was late now, and the boys needed sleep. I tucked them into one of the racks in a nearby cabin and continued to work. There were no further penetrations of the camp by the four men out there, but I knew they were there, watching and waiting. I wondered when Stefan would attack and how he would. I took quick catnaps when I could, half hour there, forty-five minutes here. The morning came in clear, and things were still quiet. Everything that needed to be done was done, and now it was a waiting game. I went to the cabin where the boys were and discovered that they had put a pair of mattresses on the floor to form one big bed. They were lying naked on them, both touching each other. I didn't interrupt, but watched their lovemaking. Jon was on his back, Neil on top of him, pleasuring his tiny nipples. Jon's eyes were closed, and he was moaning in pleasure. Neil's hands wandered over the slim boy's body, lightly tickling the pleasure zones. Neil slowly worked his way down Jon's body with his mouth, pleasuring him as he went. Jon shivered at the newly discovered pleasures. I wondered what it was that he did with Jake Lloyd, but felt it wise not to ask. It wasn't my business. Neil by now had discovered Jon's hard four inches and started to lick it all over. This got a serious reaction.

"OH MY GOD!" Jon cried out, his body shaking.

"You haven't felt anything yet," Neil whispered. Neil slowly took the very erect member into his mouth and began sucking it. I watched his head go up and down and he sucked Jon's cock. Jon sighed, moaned, whimpered, and shivered from the new pleasure I was sure he was experiencing for the first time. Neil touched Jon's small nuts and tenderly caressed them. Jon was thrashing about, clearly enjoying himself. Neil wet a finger in his mouth and then slowly and carefully introduced it to Jon's gate. The boy groaned deliriously, feeling the finger enter him.

"Feels good.... don't stop.... so good," he whined. Neil stopped sucking Jon's cock and turned the boy over onto his knees. I wondered if Neil was going to fuck him. Neil put his face in between Jon's ass cheeks and started licking at Jon's boy hole.

"OH WOW! THAT FEELS AWESOME!" Jon hollered. Neil kept eating him out for another fifteen minutes, then turned him back over and dived on Jon's cock again. I knew for sure Neil would get him off now. Neil slid a finger back up inside Jon's ass, and started sucking Jon's cock while he diddled the prostate with his finger. It didn't take long. Jon's eyes bugged out as he thrust his hips upward.

"I'M CUMMING!" he screamed. Neil sucked harder and faster as Jon unloaded his young cream into Neil's mouth. It was always so much fun to watch a boy cum so hard from a new pleasure, and Jon was no exception. Jon finally collapsed, his eyes glazed over. I walked in with a wet cloth and wiped him down.

"That was so...." Jon began, but didn't finish.

"Don't try to describe it, you'll never find the right word for it," I said.

"You saw," Jon said to me.

"Yes, and you really enjoyed it," I said, smiling. I took him into my arms and hugged him. Neil smiled as Jon sighed contentedly.

"Thanks, Neil. Never experienced that before. Was so good," Jon said. "I got some breakfast here if anybody wants," I offered.

"Cool!" the boys exclaimed. I handed them some open cans and they dug in. Sex does create an appetite; I guess that's why the kitchen is empty most of the time back home. I detected a slight change in Neil's eyes, and I knew he was checking out things.

"Nothing yet, Dad. The four of them are still out there," Neil reported. Jon looked up. "You know they're still out there?"

"Sure do. These guys aren't going to give up, especially diaper boy. He's really pissed off," Neil said. Jon laughed. "Well, he shouldn't gone in his pants then." I had to laugh as well. It was a funny sight. I knew Neil was right, they wouldn't give up. They would be back.

It was late in the day when Neil reacted in alarm.

[Dad, there's at least eighteen hostiles coming!] Neil reported.

[Where?] I asked.

[From the west. One of them is thinking about you, and his thoughts are so vile. He scares me!] Neil said. I could feel his fear, and I knew from previous encounters with Stefan that he wasn't the kindest of souls. Because he had no soul, no emotions. He'd kill without thinking. I had to take him on, and hopefully win. This would be a head to head confrontation, no quarter given. If I could take Stefan out early in the fight, the battle could swing in our favor. I turned to my war bag and pulled out my .454 Casull. I loaded it carefully and put it in the low ride holster on my hip. I had decided to take him on in an old-fashioned gunfight. One bullet, one shot would decide the encounter. Neil knew what I was thinking while I put it on.

"There's no other way?" Neil asked softly.

"No son, there isn't. I'm sorry," I said. Jon swallowed nervously and Neil nodded sadly. It pained me to see him upset because I was going to do this.

"I don't expect you to understand because you are young still. Maybe one day you will, I don't know. But understand this, it should always be the very last option you consider. Once done, there's no changing it. Sometimes there are situations when it simply is the only thing to do," I said. Neil nodded. I knew he understood what I had said, but his heart didn't quite accept it.

"Everything is ready," Jon said quietly.

"Okay. Let's hope this goes off right," I said. We assumed our positions and settled down to wait. The waiting game had begun. Unknown to me, other events were taking place at a camp ten miles south. Events that would ultimately help us prevail.

Tom Jeffers inspected the last of the preparations for the fight. Stefan and his men had been spotted by retired Seals as they came in over the Mexico/ Texas border. Old Man Lucky as he was known, watched them climb into the Land rovers that waited for them. He recognized the Russian and quickly photographed him. The world War Two vet hurried back to his computer, and within moments, had alerted his Seal contacts. The information found its self on the desk of one nameless Admiral and he in turn passed it on while making some phone calls. He knew the official reaction would be too late, so he quietly called Mark "The Rhino" Havershaw and ordered him to report. They met quietly, and then the Admiral booted Mark off the base under the guise of a week's pass. Mark didn't waste time heading for Camp Green Pines and Tom Jeffers. While the net of retired Seals kept track of Stefan's movements, Mark, Tom, and at least five other retired Seals at Tom's camp quickly worked to ready themselves for the coming battle. They didn't know why Stefan was here, but they knew it wasn't good news. Then the information arrived that Stefan was now at an abandoned Scout camp five miles away. Maps were pulled out and attack plans were made. Now it was a matter of getting into position to outmaneuver the Spetznaz group.

"Tom, please be careful. I don't want to lose you," Peter, his 14-year-old lover said (Read Summer Heat on Nifty or ASSGM for that story- David). Tom turned to him. "I'll be careful, love. I'm wearing your lucky ring." Peter smiled and hugged him tight. Tom returned the hug, and then turned to the warriors with him. They looked at him with faces of concentration, ready to be off. Tom thanked his lucky stars to have good friends like these. Hopefully they all would make it through this encounter. He would bring them all back. He swore it.

Night had fallen hours ago. We slept in shifts. Neil kept scanning every so often, noting the enemy changing positions, moving around, starting to slowly move forward. At the rate they were going, they'd be in the camp proper by sunrise. We did everything we could to try and make their advancement as rough as possible. A waft of skunk smell drifted in from the north. A trap had been sprung. Jon's idea, and Neil loved it. Using his abilities, he set a bunch of skunks in key places. He did it very humanely as possible. The critters were doing the job well. Checking my watch again, I saw that it was getting on towards three thirty in the morning. Jon had fallen asleep some time ago, and Neil had too. I didn't blame them, who could? Anticipating enemy attack is hard work. It wears you down mentally and physically. These guys knew what the fuck they were doing, but I guarantee they'd never dealt with Neil before. Even though Neil was asleep, he was still keeping tabs on their movements. Way over my head how he does that, but he does. I quietly moved around the camp, checking the final defenses. They were ready, and so was I. Around five in the morning, I heard a noise close by. I came alert instantly, my body reacting. I felt myself go calm and cold, a reaction to battle alert. Neil and Jon both woke up and were ready to go. Neil had told Jon about his "think speak" ability, so not to scare him.

[Here they come] Neil reported.

[I'm ready to rock] Jon said.

[Be aware of where they are, man your stations] I said as the first flash bang trap went off. I swung my attention towards it and waited. Two heads popped up and I put a six-bullet burst in them. The battle had started. They came swarming in from the north, and the boys set off some of the remote defenses, quickly taking out a bunch of them. I saw Stefan stride in behind two of them and I fired a burst from the MP-5, making them dive for cover. Another group charged across the clearing and then dropped from sight as they fell into the covered pit that was about fourteen feet deep. A second group moved towards Neil's position, and he popped up and treated them to his pack of deranged wolves illusion. Naturally they all wet their pants as they retreated fast. Jon hit a remote that released a bunch of skunks from cages hidden underneath the porches of a couple cabins. They charged another group of five men. It was hilarious to see grown brave Spetznaz running from skunks. Wished I had a camera for that. They retreated quickly, and then formed another line and this time they charge en masse. Neil quickly turned to look east and then waved frantically at us to get down.

[Incoming fire!] he yelled. I didn't hesitate, just dived. A second later, a sound of a half dozen automatics opened fire. That kept up for a minute, and I could hear the Spetznaz men screaming. Everything got real quiet moments later.

[Dad, they are Seals!] Neil reported. I rose up to find a team of seven men in black standing there. I was about to say something when I heard a voice.

"Logan," the heavy Russian voice said. I turned to face Stefan. "Been awhile." He nodded. "Far too long. It ends here, now."

"Agreed," I said. I moved out of cover and into the clearing. I dropped my combat vest and my MP-5 on the ground. All I had was the Casull. Stefan nodded. He too, was wearing a gun. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. In the distance, I could hear a helicopter coming. We stared at each other for a long time, taking the measure of each. I looked deep into his black eyes and found no emotions, no soul. This was truly a deadly man. But so was I. Suddenly we moved as one.

The medics tended to the bullet wound across the top of my left shoulder at Camp Green Pines. He pronounced me lucky, and let me go. I opened the door to go outside and Neil was standing there, concern on his face.

"Dad?" he asked.

"I'll be fine," I grinned. He sighed with relief and hugged me tight. The people standing there cheered. Hubble was there as well.

"Hey, Davie. Damned good job. The world will sleep much safer now. The Russians send their regards," he said. "You got some friends here to see ya." He saluted and went to his private chopper. I watched it lift off into the late afternoon sun. I turned to face Neil, Jon, and the seven men.

"Any chow around here?" I asked. Neil led the way to the mess hall, all of us following. As the two boys dug in, I sat and talked with the others.

"Rhino, Tom, guys, it's so damn good to see you guys again. I don't know what to say," I said.

"How about thanks for starters?" Tom laughed. The man looked fit as anything. I had seen a huge weight pile and knew he was keeping up on his training. I also observed the slender fourteen-year-old Italian boy with him. I had the feeling those two were in love.

"Okay, thanks! Now, how did you guys know about Stefan?" I asked. They told their story, how the word had gotten to them about Stefan, how he was tracked, how Rhino was detailed to do something about it.

"We had no idea he was after you," Mark said.

"Who is this Professor guy anyway?" Tom asked.

"Some whacko who wanted Jonathan for something. We'll never know now. I'm sure he's disappeared." I said.

"Just to let you know, we got some brothers watching the family somewhere safe. They'll be brought up here in a day or two," tom said.

"Thanks, I appreciate that. You guys are going to have to give me your contact numbers so I can get a hold of you when I need help," I said.

"Will do that, for sure. You'll return that favor, won't you?" Mark asked. I smiled. "Consider that done. So, what have you guys been up to?" Five of the guys excused themselves, saying they'd catch me later. The three boys left too, after Peter offered to give them the tour. Rhino and Tom were the only ones left at the table. Tom told his story first, and then Mark. I told them all about Samurai Inc. They liked the sound of that.

"So how does Neil fit in?" Mark asked. Faking a Chinese accent I said, "Neil is son number three.

"Your son? You lucky bastard!" Mark laughed.

"Yup. The other two are at home in Colorado with Danny Barnes," I said.

"Danny Barnes? Got a good man there," Tom nodded.

"I know I do. He's proved himself," I said. I noted something was going down between Mark and Tom. Mark nodded, and the both of them faced me.

"Dave, the three of us have something in common," tom began nervously.

"Don't I know that! We be Seal bros," I stated.

"I meant another way," Tom said. I looked into the man's eyes. "Spill it, Tom. No more games."

"Okay. Mark and I are boylovers. The boy you saw, Peter, is my lover," Tom said, exhaling sharply. I grinned. "So am I, Tom. I'm very involved with Shiro, his partner Sammo, and Neil. So is Danny." Mark and Tom grinned. "You and Samurai Inc and your clients are welcome here anytime. Just notify us when you want to come here." I shook their hands. "I appreciate that."

While we were talking, the three boys were walking around the camp.

"This place is so cool," Jon remarked.

"I love it here myself. I come here every chance I get," Peter informed them.

"Wonder if my folks would let me come back here?" Jon said.

"I can ask tom to talk to your folks. You would be well protected here," Peter said, grinning.

"That would be cool, thanks!" Jon grinned. Peter grinned back. He was excited to be standing here next to one of his favorite actors. He had admired Jonathan for a long time. He started thinking of a way to get into his pants. He had the hots for him. Neil was turned on by Peter's looks. Peter was a really nice guy to look at. Tall and slender, the right kind of muscle in the right places, short black hair with friendly twinkling black eyes. Neil felt himself getting hard.

"Want to go over to my cabin?" Peter asked. "Got some cold soda there."

"Sure!" Neil and Jon agreed. They followed Peter to his cabin, which turned out to be the one he shared with Tom. Getting comfortable on the couches, they sipped cold sodas and told each other their life stories. They were getting along real well. Peter noticed a tape in the VCR.

"There's a tape in the vcr. I can rewind it and we could watch the movie," Peter offered, reaching for the remote. Jon and Neil nodded. The video opened with a scene of two naked men, one sucking the cock of the other. Peter went red faced and shut it off.

"Why did you do that? It was hot!" Jon complained.

"You like that?" Peter asked, astonished.

"Sure do!" Jon exclaimed, Neil agreeing. Peter stared at them for a moment. "I knew you guys were cool!" He restarted the tape, dropped the remote on the table, and then yanked his shorts off. Not to be outdone, Jon and Neil pulled their clothes off in a flash. All three boys were sporting hard ons.

"Jon, you got a nice one!" Peter stated. Jon grinned. "Sure makes me happy!" They all laughed on that one. Jon reached over and began fondling Peter's seven inches. Peter sighed, the good feelings starting for him. Before long, they were on the couch jacking each other's cocks off. They moaned in unison, enjoying the feelings together.

"I got an idea," Neil panted.

"What?" Peter asked.

"We lie on the floor, and we suck each other off at the same time," Neil proposed.

"Cool!" Jon and Peter cried together. They got on the floor and Neil took Peter's cock in his mouth. Jon got Neil's, and Peter got Jon's. they started sucking each other off at the same time, the feelings now getting even more intense. They got so totally into it, they were enjoying it so much. The three boys tried to time the cum just right, so the three of them could cum together. They succeeded, too. They snuggled up together and Peter pulled a sheet over them and got underneath. Jon was spooned into Peter, Neil into Jon. That's how we found the boys when we arrived at Tom's cabin.

"They look like angels, don't they?" tom whispered. I nodded. He was right on that one. There was no mistake as to what they were doing. The evidence was in front of us. Tom grinned and took a Polaroid picture of them and then we backed out of there. We'd catch them later.

The look on their faces at dinner was priceless. Mark, Tom, and I laughed at their expressions. They looked like they were about to lose it.

"We're not mad, guys. It's okay by us. No big deal," Tom grinned.

"How about we have a little fun after dinner?" Mark proposed, his bushy eyebrows wiggling at the three of them. Peter's eyes lit up. "Yeah!" Jon and Neil quickly agreed, relieved at the thought that they weren't in trouble. Mark walked over to the fireplace and tossed the picture into the fire. Didn't need that hanging around on us. We settled down to the barbequed ribs and munched away. Neil had a wicked gleam in his eyes, and I wondered what he was cooking up now. Sometimes I think he's a lot more devious that Shiro is. We weren't paying any attention to what was going on around us, but Neil was. Suddenly he turned around in his seat real fast and next thing I knew darts appeared out of nowhere in mid air. Neil used a couple of the round tables, slamming them against the four shooters, creating a table sandwich with them as the filling. Another pair of tables appeared on each side of the well-dressed man. He was in his sixties, clean-shaven except for the goatee. He carried a cane. He stared at Neil.

"Very nice, young man. Well done," he said. I recognized the voice. It was the Professor. I stood up and walked over to him.

"So nice to meet you," I said. "Now I know what you look like. I have a bit of advice for you. Get the fuck out of town or I kill you."

"Very well. It seems you have won again. But be warned, there will be another time. We will meet again," the man said. He turned and looked at the four men trapped between the tables.

"My associates, please?" he asked.

Neil moved the tables aside, and the four men dropped to the floor. They groaned as they painfully got to their feet. Neil bent the gun barrels in half to prevent them from being fired. The man smiled, bowed, and left the dining hall with the four men behind him. Neil saved our collective bacon, and proved himself again.

"Thank you son," I said, hugging Neil. The guys stared at Neil as we sat down. Neil motioned to the tables and they resumed their places. The needle darts went into the fireplace.

"You did that?" Peter gasped.

"Sure did. I am a mutant," he explained, and then told them about his emerging powers, even demonstrating them again by shifting everybody's chairs around.

"I'll never tell anybody," Peter declared, Tom and Mark being quick to agree.

"Thanks. I'd have too many problems," he said. We finished dinner in peace, everybody going back to the food. Once dinner was cleared away, we followed Tom back to his cabin. It was a really nice place. The great room had everything, including a big fireplace. The bedroom was the door on the right, the bath the door to the left. The cabin had that nice lived in feeling.

"Should have seen it when I first took over the camp. It was just this room here. I added on the bedroom and the bath, redid the interior, added the fireplace, and all the extras. I'm happy here," Tom said.

"Feels nice and cozy," I commented.

"Jon, do you want to call your folks?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, can I?" Jon asked. Tom went to the phone and set it up, and then Jon dialed his parent's number. The phone rang twice before it was picked up.

"Hello?" the female voice asked.

"Mom? It's me, Jon!" Jon cried.

"Jonathan? Are you all right?" she cried.

"Yes, Mom! I'm fine!" Jon exclaimed, tears running down his face. We turned our backs to him and left him alone. He talked to his parent for a few minutes and then I talked to him. The deal was now I would escort him home to Westlake Village and return him there. We would leave tomorrow afternoon. Jon looked up at me with happiness in his face.

"Thanks for everything," he said. I grinned. "Glad to have helped." I sat down on the couch and sighed. "Okay, so what do we do now?" The boys sat down next to each of us, Peter with Tom, Neil with Mark, and Jon with me. I grinned. "Too bad Shiro, Danny, and Sammo aren't here. I'd bet they'd enjoy this."

"There's always next time," Tom laughed. Mark grinned as he handed me a cold one. "For now, let's have fun!"

Meanwhile back at Logan's Mountain, Shiro leaned back in his chair and stared at the printout he had in his hand. He was holding what seemed to him was the golden key to finding the internet celebrities John, Carlos, Jimmy, and Ricky. These four boys appeared in the nearly two years ago, and became overnight sensations with the boylover crowd. Their picture books sold like hotcakes through the Peckertown website, as well as other places. Shiro had created an alternate identity for himself, portraying an older Japanese businessman, leaving messages all over the net saying he wanted to meet them and was willing to pay for the privilege. He got an email inviting him to a place called the Kitten Club in Rio de Janeiro in South America. Now it was a matter of going there and getting the money needed to pull that off. The invitation was good for one week only, the tail end of July. Calling Sammo and Danny down to the office, he outlined what had just happened. Danny nodded and pulled a legal pad to himself and began writing a list of what we would need there. they sat and brainstormed, coming up with some possible scenarios to work out. They worked well into the night, planning and talking out every possible avenue. They didn't need anything to go wrong. This was too important.

I put my arms around Jon and pulled him in close to me. Jon smiled and snuggled down into my arms. I kissed him on the cheek.

"Come here honey," Tom crooned to Peter. We watched as Tom slowly stripped Peter naked. He did it slow and sensuous, getting me excited. I could feel Jon's hard cock straining against his jeans. Peter was beautiful. He had the nice olive colored skin of an Italian boy, unblemished and smooth. Once Peter was naked, he started undressing Tom. Tom smiled as Peter caressed him while removing his clothes. Tom was fit, lean and in shape. Peter giggled as Tom leaned forward and kissed him. Mark sat Neil on his lap.

"May I?" he asked.

"Sure," Neil said. Mark slowly undressed Neil, taking the time to appreciate Neil's body. "You are very handsome young man." He finished undressing Neil and spent a few minutes running his hands over my son's slender body. Neil was becoming a bit more muscular, due to all the training and exercise he was doing. Neil smiled and motioned for Mark to stand up.

"My turn," he said, a devilish grin spreading over his face. He sat down and started stripping Mark with his mind. The clothes came off the man slowly and carefully. We had to laugh at Mark's expression.

"This is so mind blowing!" he declared, making us laugh again. "But it feels neat, and I like it." Neil got him down to his jeans. He started pulling his jeans off slowly, revealing the man's boxers. What was on them was hilarious. There were piggies screwing each other on them. We rolled on the floor laughing our asses off. Mark just grinned. Once he was naked, I looked at his body. He was a big man, but it was all muscle. Very little fat on this guy. He'd been keeping himself in shape. He had about eight inches on him. I turned to Jon.

"May I?" I asked.

"Sure," he replied. I took the time to undress him. Jon had a nice body, slender and smooth. I enjoyed touching him as I took his clothes off. He shivered from my touches, clearly enjoying what I was doing. Once he was naked, he struck a few poses to our delight. Then he sat on my lap, facing me and started taking my shirt off. His eyes grew big at the sight of my hairy chest.

"Oooohhhh! This is cool!" he said, running his fingers through my chest hair.

"That turns you on?" Neil asked.

"Yeah!" Jon gloated.

"Now I know why they called you the Bear in the teams," Mark said. Jon continued to undress me, pulling my jeans off and then my string bikini underwear. He giggled, seeing them. I took Jon in my arms and kissed him gently. His lips felt good against mine. I could hear the sounds of sexual pleasure beginning around me, and it turned me on even more. I laid Jon gently on his back on the pillows that were scattered about the floor. He smiled up at me, his face full of trust. I began to pleasure him, kissing, licking, touching, and caressing him. He closed his eyes and let the pleasure take him over. He sighed, moaned, squeaked, and whimpered with everything I did. Next to me was Mark and Neil. They were getting into the lovemaking, Neil being the instigator. He touched the big man all over, and Mark sighed contentedly. On the other side of Mark and Neil, Tom and Peter were sixty nining. I could hear their muffled cries of pleasure. I turned back to Jon and saw his hard four inches. I gently sucked it into my mouth and he responded with a moan. I pleasured his cock for a bit, and then turned him over on his knees. I started in on his ass, and he arched his back and cried out. I licked that boyhole of his, enjoying making him squirm from the pleasure he was feeling. I looked up from what I was doing, and the others were looking at me. I turned Jon back over on his back and went down on his again. I felt a mouth at my cock, so I moved a leg and let him in. It was Neil. I watched Mark go down on Neil's cock, and then Peter went down on Mark's cock. Tom took Peter's cock in his mouth and Jon bravely took Tom's. We got busy sucking cock. I helped Jon along by slipping a finger up his ass and fingering his prostate. The reaction was immediate. Jon couldn't stop himself, his body shivered and then delivered what was his first wet cum. It was too much for me, I unloaded into Neil's mouth. Neil unloaded into Mark, and so on it went down the chain. But Tom pulled out of Jon.

"I want to give it to Peter," he said quietly. Peter smiled and reached for the KY. Tom prepared his ass while Jon rested on my lap, watching the scene.

"What are they going to do?" he asked.

"Make love. Tom is going to put his cock inside of Peter. That is called male intercourse, or in crude terms, Tom is going to fuck Peter," I said.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Jon asked.

"The first few times it did. But I got used to it. I have a dildo at home I use on a regular basis to keep me a bit stretched out so Tom doesn't hurt me. He's using KY, a greaseless lubricant to make entry easier for both of us," Peter stated. I saw Mark whisper into Neil's ear. Neil nodded to what it was, and reached for the KY once Tom was done with it. Peter lay on his back while Tom got over him. Peter raised his legs and Tom rested them on his shoulders. Jon and I could see Peter's anus glistening with lubricant. Jon watched as Tom slowly pushed his cock inside Peter.

"Wow. It's going in," Jon remarked. Mark reached under Neil and found his gate. He started lubricating my son's ass and stretching it at the same time. Neil moaned and groaned while Mark finger fucked him.

"Feels so good," Neil groaned.

"You don't mind if I don't want to do that," Jon said to me.

"Never do it until you feel good and ready. Do it with someone you really trust, and go it slow and careful, with lots of lubricant inside," I stated. Jon smiled up at me, and then turned in time to see Neil raise himself over Mark's cock. He watched, fascinated, as Neil pushed himself down on Mark's cock. Tom was well into Peter now, both of them enjoying themselves. Neil started riding Mark's cock, moaning and groaning.

"Nice ass, boy! So nice and tight!" Mark groaned, clearly in heat.

"Make love to me, Tom!" Peter urged as Tom started fucking him harder and faster as the boy wiggled his ass. I reached down and started stroking Jon's very hard cock. Jon leaned back to give me more access but never took his eyes off the two copulating couples. Neil was riding Mark harder and faster, mouth wide-open, eyes closed. Mark's hands played with Neil's nipples as the boy rose and fell on the man's sizeable cock.

"Coming," Jon suddenly groaned, his eyes glazing over. Suddenly he was, and that served to be the thing everybody was waiting for. Mark grabbed Neil by the hips and thrust himself up into Neil a few times, grinding his hips against Neil's ass as he shot his man load inside Neil. Tom just groaned, leaning his head back as he shivered, coming inside Peter. All of us sighed and relaxed. We laid there for at least twenty minutes, catching our breaths.

"Anybody up for a late night swim?" Peter asked, once he caught his breath. Jon grinned. "Count me in." The rest of us agreed, and we walked off to the nearby pool with towels. It was dark, and nobody could see us walking across the grounds naked. Once in the pool area, we all jumped in and started more fun.

The reunion that took place was a happy one. Jon's parents were so relieved to see their son again. Neil and I were welcomed into their house as well. While Jon was showing Neil his bedroom, I told them of what happened (leaving certain details out, of course) and that the bad guys had been taken care of. There was an alert out for the Professor, and he would be caught before long. I gave them our card and told them they could call us in the future if they needed help. Neil and I checked into the Westlake Hyatt, a really nice ritzy hotel for a few days. Neil opened the laptop and started the internet service we had to check for messages. There was an alert from Shiro.

"Green Hills Seminary," Shiro said when he answered his cell. I grinned. "Los Angeles Chapter of Black Witch's Coven." Shiro howled with laughter on that one. "Damn, you getting good!"

"Thank you, son number one," I said, using my Chinese accent. Shiro laughed again. "So you saw my message."

"Yeah, just got it. We are at the Westlake Hyatt. Will be on a plane to Colorado tomorrow," I said.

"Stay there. Got a line on John and Carlos. Tell ya all about it when we get there," Shiro reported.

"Good deal," I said. "We'll be here."

"Having fun out there?" Shiro asked. I laughed. "You got to be joking." It took me an hour to fill Shiro in on all the gory details. Neil was using the Word program to write up his version of the events. He also uploaded the disk Tom had given me, contact information of all the retired Seals he knew. We were now part of the retired Seal system. Made me feel a whole lot better, I can tell you.

"That's heavy, Dad. Glad Jon's alright now," Shiro said.

"You and me both. Neil is sending you an email package. Stow it when you get it. We'll be here when you arrive. Room 822. Call up first," I said.

"Okay, Dad. See you in a few hours," Shiro said. We hung up and I turned to see Neil closing the laptop.

"Mail sent, Dad. Put everything you said to in there. The contacts info is stashed in the laptop, appropriately secured," Neil reported.

"Well done," I saluted him with my sake. Neil smiled and put the computer away. He walked over to the drapes and pulled them closed, making sure they were closed. Turning to me, he started to undress.

"How about a bit of relaxation?" he suggested. I grinned, putting my sake down. I was gong to enjoy this bit of rest and relaxation.

End of Samurai Inc 09, Samurai Inc 10 coming soon!

Next: Chapter 11

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