Sam's Surprise

Published on Jan 19, 2012



"There goes another one" Sam looked up at Greg's words.

He recognized Jason, the baby faced shorter then most guy walking down the pavement from the ArtsBuilding. His open shirt revealed his smooth body and the visible gold rings that dangled from each nipple. Yet he looked like a boy rather then a college student.

"Another one what?" he asked.

"You kidding? You don't know? Hell man everyday that guy gets another guy to go with after class."

"So?" Sam asked watching the two walk towards the parking lot. The tall boy beside Jason straddled a motorcycle and Sam adjusted his backpack, sat behind and reached for the tall boy's body for support. The engine roar was loud.

"He goes home with them, get it?" Greg pressed his point.

"I guess he doesn't have a car" Sam said returning to the book he was reading.

"No man, look"

Sam looked up again. There were two others standing beside the motorcycle. All four were talking loud over the sound of the motorcycle. One reached towards Jason's chest and he didn't pull back. There was laughter.

"So, the guy rides on the back of a motor cycle, some other guy is pulling on his tit ring, everyone seems to be laughing" Sam analyzed the scene.

"Yea and when he gets to the cycle guys place, sex!" Greg said it simply with a hint of envy as well.

"You mean Jason is..." Sam watched and wondered. He liked young looking guys, always has. He liked they way they looked up at him when kneeling in front and sucking his cock. The view of his sperm splattered on their faces excited him and often stimulated a second or third ejaculation. But Greg didn't know that part.

"You ever?" Sam asked. Greg was gay too though he said he was bisexual. Sam knew better.

"Naw, he seemed to like tall, hairy macho guys" Greg said "like you".

"Well you seemed to like it" Sam said. He and Greg had occasionally punctuated their on going friendship with sex. "Fuck buddies" they called it.

"Yea but just once..." Greg

After that Sam noticed Jason all over campus, hallways, lab, cafeteria, library and lecture halls too. He discovered the guy was in one of the largest lecture classes he had in fact.

And like Greg said, nearly every afternoon Sam was waiting for Greg, he'd see Jason accompanied by a different guy going towards the parking lot.

Some were tall and skinny not the macho type, others were football types, some were guys like Greg and now and then even a recognizable Teaching Assistant.

"Hey, there he goes again" Sam said to Greg one day "and with Arnold. Hell he has two girl friends! That kid must suck great."

"Shit man, hide your boner" Sam laughed.

"Want to go uh to my place? That kid's got me goin" Greg stood placing his backpack over his tented jeans.

"Yea sure" Sam smiled, he always liked it when his fuck buddy was excited like that. It meant some animal like sex, each forgetting they were friends and using each other as if they were anonymous sexual partners. It was going to be one of those wild evenings.

And Sam liked Greg's usually hungry mouth and ass. He loved topping the guy.

"Hey Jason, isn't it?" Days later Sam decided to meet the kid.

"Yea, you're Sam Miller, right?" Jason smiled

Sam was surprised the guy knew who he was. "Oh yea, didn't know you uh knew me"

"Hell I know lots of guys" Jason said "what's up?"

"Well I've seen you around, thought you were uh friendly. Just thought I'd finally meet you." Sam chose his words carefully. "You getting lunch?"

They walked, talked about classes, their parents, teachers and friends as each familiarized themselves with each other.

Jason was an only child, living in the city on his own to go to classes, supported by his Uncle. Transferred to the CountyCampus because the kids were more "down to earth" as he put it. Jason mentioned he liked to dance at a Dance Club which everyone knew was a gay hangout.

When Sam said he went there now and then too and that dancing in the late night hours, shirtless and sweating made him feel free, Jason nodded and smiled.

"So what are you doing after class?" Sam asked the question.

"Nothing planned yet. What's up?" Jason asked laughing at his words as he glanced at Sam's crotch.

"Yea that, always. Sometimes I feel like I'm still thirteen" Sam said both bragging and accurately describing his libido.

Greg stared at him when Sam said he had to go somewhere. It wasn't the surprise but seeing Jason standing nearby, his shirt open as usual did.

"You better give me details, and put in a word for me" Greg whispered.

They walked to the car and drove to Jason's house.

"So this is the place, nothing special" Jason said. The one room apartment was simple. There was a kitchen cove, a door to the bathroom and in the center of the room a king size mattress and springs on the floor.

"It ain't fancy but it does the trick" Jason laughed knowing his words had two accurate meanings.

"Yea I seen some guys with you, uh sometimes" Sam said watching Jason remove his shirt first then begin to peel his jeans down.

He was turned on watching the boy like guy strip naked without modesty. But the he was stunned.

The short, boyish kid had a cock that flipped out the leg of his baggy jeans. It was huge, long, thick and beginning to harden.

"Shit that thing is .... " Sam said

"Yea, thought you knew. Hell everyone seems to know." Jason said "The first time my Uncle saw it; he told me I'd be famous for it." He flipped the meat.

"So you want to suck or be fucked?" He asked.

Sam, usually the top with Greg and others, couldn't believe it. He had sucked cock now and then but hadn't been fucked in years. But now that was all he thought about. He stripped naked so fact, he didn't remember doing it.

"Use some fucking lube for god sake" Sam said getting on the mattress on his hands and knees.

"I keep a tub of it handy" Jason felt the asscheeks he was about to fuck. "Man you're tight, you normally get fucked?"

He was lathering his now totally hard ten inch long and thick cock.

Sam shook his head.

"Good, then we'll both like this" Jason said aiming his lubricated cock at the very tight puckered butthole in front of him.

"You fuck all the guys that come here?"

"Most, hell you'd be surprised. Even the butchest, straight guys wanna try it." He grunted feeling the flesh expand around his cockhead.

"Woa go slow man" Sam inhaled. Greg had wanted to fuck him once, but he declined. There was a kid in the summer park program who did it. Another one was his cousin but until now, no cock had gone inside him.

"Got more want it?" Jason said

Sam just nodded already feeling full of the kids cock inside him.

"Shit man it's almost all the way in" Jason said "You may not know it but you're a hungry bitch bottom after all. You sure you're a top usually?"

Sam felt the boy's body against his butt. The cock was pressing inside and Sam couldn't believe it.

"Shit get ready, I shoot quick, but go a long time and shoot more, so let me know when you've had enough" Jason said gripping Sam's buttocks for leverage.

The first fucking was an experience, one that Sam realized he wanted to continue. Jason didn't stop to ask anyway. The cock got easier and easier to slide in and out of him and the easier it got, the more fun it was.

Hands and knees, on his back, flat on his face, on his side, standing, bending over the only chair in the room, and sitting on the kitchen counter.

Sam's insides were so full of the boys cum, it dripped out like a sperm enema.

"Shit man you're tiring me out, I don't usually suggest this but do you want to stay the night?" Jason asked as he caught his breath.

"I'm not going as long as you keep Cumming" Sam replied kneeling to taste the boys drops that were dribbling from the boys sagging sausage.

"Keep sucking like that and I'll be ready soon" Jason said resting his hands on Sam's head, then beginning to push his cock deeper into the professed tops throat.

The night was quiet as both naked boys slept spoon style. Sam hoped that he'd be awakened in the middle of the night by Jason's recovered cock, but he didn't have to wait long.

The morning was no different as he straddled the boyish looking kid with a killer cock. He lowered his butt on it and ass swallowed it until he felt Jason's skin.

"Boy your ass is deep" Jason said grabbing Sam's cock. "Fuck my fist while you fuck yourself" He instructed and Sam did exactly that spewing his load on the smooth skin below him...and bent forward to lick it up and shove it into Jason's mouth with his tongue while still impaled on the boys dick.

"We have to do this again" he said catching his breath. The cock was still inside him as he knelt there above Jason. Sam didn't want it to leave him.

"Usually the guys that uh come over are one timers" Jason said "You know straight dudes just trying it out" he said "but...."

"So was he a good fuck?" Greg moved next to Sam as he walked to class the next morning.

"Let's just say you'd like him" Sam said

"Did you tell him about me?" Greg asked.

"Better then that, after class today we both will be going to his place" Sam replied amused at the look on Greg's face.

He wasn't sure how surprised his friend would be to learn he had been fucked for hours by the boy. And he wasn't sure how both of them would act once they were there. But he knew Jason could handle each of them.

And maybe this would be a good opportunity for Greg to finally do to him what he wanted while Jason was doing the same to him.

Or maybe he'd suck Greg while Jason fucked him.

Or maybe he'd fuck Greg while he sucked Jason.

Or maybe he'd have Greg suck him while Jason fucked him again.

There were endless possibilities and Sam was ready for all of them.

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