Sammys Submission

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 6, 2022


Kurt snored. That was the first thing that popped into Sam's mind when he woke up. Kurt was still sleeping, and still snoring. He had snored all night. "I never slept with someone who snored," was the next thing that popped into Sam's mind. "Or someone hairy." Indeed, Kurt's body was covered with hair. Sam was naturally smooth, but he used a crème every month to get traces of hair off his chest and torso. He had done that since his chest sprouted its first hair: how old was he? 19? 17? He didn't remember. All of his friends did the same thing. They used the crème because they laughed so hard the one time they had a shaving party, two of them had left with cuts on their bodies that made it look like they were into something they weren't. "I wonder if he ever shaved like that," Sam thought. Kurt went on snoring. Sam looked at Kurt's hand. He could just see it because of the way Kurt had his arm wrapped around him and pulled into his hairy chest. He imagined Kurt wore gloves because his hands were rough. He had told Sam the night before that he worked as a mechanic. He worked on cars sometimes, but mostly he worked on big rig trucks, buses, all the "big boys" as Kurt had said it. Again, Sam thought "there's dirt under his fingernails. That must be why." Kurt wasn't wearing gloves now, and as he moved in his sleep, Sam felt the rough texture of his skin against his own smooth skin. "God, I wonder what those fingers would feel like if he touched my nips," he thought, and began to sprout morning wood. They hadn't spoken much the night before, and to some degree Sam felt as if he were "taking one for the team:" he got fucked to make amends for the way he and his three friends had acted that night. He thought some more about last night. Yes, he bottomed, exclusively, but no Top he had ever slept with had been as commanding and authoritative as Kurt had been. He hadn't seemed interested in what Sam liked or wanted at all. Sam wanted to be offended. And yet. Had Sam's cock ever been as hard as it had been during their sex? No. Had anyone ever found as many of his hot spots on the first fuck (usually the ONLY fuck) as Kurt had done, without seeming to be interested in finding them? No. He thought back to a song he knew about a woman who was dating a poet and a truck driver, and how the poet had been careful and attentive and always felt bad about what he had just done to her, while the truck driver just took her and smiled. The singer married the truck driver. "I understand. I think," went through Sam's active mind, but then he heard more noises from Kurt. His sleeping giant was waking up. Sam felt Kurt's arm tightening. "SONOFABITCH I didn't dream it. I had myself a sexy little twink in bed last night and it was GREAT. I even let myself be talked into letting him stay." When Kurt smiled, there were little dimples that formed in his cheeks, and Sam thought that was just adorable. "Can you not call me a twink, Sir? I'm trying to get away from that label." "Well, what do you want to be called?" He shifted again. "GOD you're so cute Sammy." Usually, Sam hated being called by his nickname, but when Kurt said it, he got harder. "I don't know, Sir. Maybe boy, or Sam or Sammy. I'm 27. I don't think of myself as a twink." "Ha ha. Trying to escape the label. SURE. I can't guarantee I won't call you that to my friends, but I'll just call you bottom when you're around." Sam smiled. He had an idea. "Now what makes you think I'm exclusively a bottom?" He left off the Sir," deliberately. "Because you told me that last night. You telling me you lied to big Kurt?" "Maybe I'm versatile. Maybe I'm planning to top YOU." Sam squirmed out of Kurt's grip and scrambled on top of him. Kurt started laughing. "Well, well. Have we got a mouse that roared or what? Now, let's put things in their proper order." He twisted and grabbed both of Sam's thin wrists in one of his big hands. He pinned Sam down. "Now, I ought to climb on top of you, but I'd probably crush you, and I'm not ready to do that." Sam struggled against the hand holding his wrists down, but it didn't do any good. "LET ME GO, YOU BRUTE!" Again, Kurt just laughed. "Your lips and your cock are saying different things. I always believe a man's cock. Or even a BOY'S cock." He put his mouth to Sam's ear: "you don't REALLY want me to let you go, do you?" Sam began thinking "PLEASE DON'T PLAY WITH MY EAR. PLEASE. "When he tried to pull his head away, Kurt crooned. "OOOOH. So, Mr. I'm not a twink" has sensitive ears. Got to keep that in mind." Then he licked the entire exterior of Sam's ear. "NO! PLEASE. DON'T DO THAT. DON'T. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH." Someone Sam had dated for a long time (2 months, which was long term for Sam), had told him that playing with Sam's ears reminded him of animal tamers who would hypnotize big animals by stroking their bellies. It was a fair comparison. While his nipples WERE sensitive, Sam's ears were the secret to controlling him. Kurt had just found that out. "SO... I guess I don't need to find out if your nips are wired, do I?" Sam was breathing hard, and he didn't answer. He felt Kurt's thumb just pass over his nipple. The rough skin was like, well, like getting a clamp attached to that tit. With his ear and nipple being stimulated, Sam began to push his hips up in the air, trying to get friction against the blankets. Kurt pushed them away. "No, ya don't, bottom boy sammy, no you don't." He whispered "You gonna take care of the top man who took you home?" Sam gulped. "Yes sir. What do you want?" "Suck me sammy puss. I know you have a hot ass. Let's test your mouth. I let you loose and you get down there and get to work. You can jerk while you do." "Yes sir. Thank you, Sir." Sam felt the grip loosen on his wrists and he got his body down to the bottom of the bed. He was worried. He sucked cock very well, but he had never worked on one like Kurt's. Then again, he had never been fucked by "Cockzilla" before. He'd give it a try. "Get a drink of water first, boy. I have a feeling you haven't had anything this big in your mouth before. Then get your sweet ass back here before I come and get it." "Before I come and get it." That got Sam even more excited. He liked the idea of being pursued by anyone, and something about being hunted by someone who actually looked like a hunter, was very arousing. He got back to the bed, where Kurt had gotten up and was sitting at the edge, cock hard and ready. "Knees boy. NOW." Sam gulped and hoped he did this right. Yes, he had sucked dick before: a LOT of dick, but he wanted to please this man in the worst way. He opened his mouth and began to go down on Kurt. Sam heard Kurt begin breathing harder, and then he felt Kurt's hand grabbing the hair on the back of his head. When he pulled firmly, Sam realized no one had ever pulled his hair during sex before, and he liked the feeling. "ALL THE WAY DOWN BOY. DEEP THROAT IT. DEEP FUCKIN' THROAT IT." "mmmmmmmph" was what came out of Sam's full mouth. Kurt's hairs were tickling his nose, and his lips were getting tired from having to hold so much "meat" in his mouth. He needed a breath, but he knew he wasn't going to get one. He looked up quickly and saw that Kurt's eyes were closed and he was smiling. "I did that to him," Sam thought, and reached down to his own cock to play with it. Kurt began pulling on Sam's hair, pushing his head back and forward. "COME ON BOY. Help your topman cum. LICK IT. LICK IT." Sam could feel Kurt's thrusts getting faster and faster. "You're gonna swallow boy. Swallow every fucking drop. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Sam nearly choked as Kurt began shooting deep into his throat. He was a little surprised that Kurt didn't shoot more than he did. When Kurt was finished, he began massaging Sam's earlobes. "Damn, I would like to take you back into bed and just fuck you all day, sammy boy. But this guy's got to get to work. I got to cover a shift this afternoon, so..." He looked at Sam's erection. "You excited boy?" "Yes sir." "You wanna shoot for me?" "Please, Sir. Please. May I?" "I wanna film it. Get going." Sam didn't know if he liked the idea of his orgasm being filmed, but he needed to bust a nut. He needed it bad. When he was getting into it, Kurt got off the bed and stood behind him. His tongue licked at Sam's ear, and he whispered "You're a fucking hot little bottom boy. REALLY fucking hot. " "OH SHIT. OH SHIT," Sam yelled as Kurt's voice triggered him, and he shot his own load. He was almost crying when he was done. "Please Sir, please." Sam didn't finish. Kurt knew what he was begging for, and he grabbed him in a hug and just held him for ten minutes. Sam got dressed in his Friday clothes before they headed to Kurt's car. He was driving Sam back to his place. "Sir, I can't find my briefs. Have you seen them?" Sam looked at a grinning Kurt. "You mean flower power jock? Yeah, I saw it. I'm keeping it. A souvenir." He opened a drawer and showed Sam his collection of underwear from prior guys. "The answer is no; you can't have them back. Now let's get going. You better gimme directions back to your place." Sam shared a house with two of his twink friends. Three bedrooms, a garage, two bathrooms. "I'd invite you in, Sir but, we don't keep house well." "Hey, no problem. Have a good time, sweet cakes?" "It was AWESOME. Fucking awesome Sir." Kurt smiled. "Give Daddy a kiss, boy." Both of Sam's roomies were looking out the window while they did. One of them not coming home for the night was not unusual, but they were both shocked at who Sam was with. "Is that the leather guy we teased?" "I think it is. Sam's gonna have to do some explaining." They saw the big smile on Sam's face as he shoved his hands in his pockets and walked into the house. That's when the interrogation began. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Sam thought a lot about Kurt over the next week. When he was alone, and thought about that past weekend, he wanted more. But his twink friends were very discouraging: "he's common," "he's old." "You can do better," "It's not all about the dick", and so on and so forth. Sam was convinced they were right: Kurt hadn't asked for his number, and he hadn't asked Kurt for his. Yeah, he kept Sam's underwear but, well, other tricks had done similar things. Also, Sam figured that Kurt was probably going to be hanging out at that leather bar if he wanted to see him again. He grinned to himself when he thought that Kurt would probably administer discipline for him not showing up for a while. Then he'd think about the dirt under Kurt's fingers, and his snoring, and he'd get set to go out clubbing or cruising with his buds. He had almost forgotten about Kurt. Kurt hadn't forgotten about Sam. Kurt remembered where Sam lived from the Sunday when he had driven him home. Kurt's work hours started earlier than 9 and ended at about 3 and one Friday, feeling especially horny and thinking about "that sweet nugget", he got in his car and drove to Sam's house, waiting until he saw Sam drive home. He saw the garage door open and then got out and approached. Sam didn't see Kurt until Kurt was inside the garage. Sam gulped. "Oh. Hi, Sir. I had been meaning to call you." "Well, now you don't have to. I'm here. Should I come inside, or should I wait until you pack up a weekend bag?" "Uh, Sir, listen. I mean, PLEASE listen. It was fun but, I think it's going nowhere." Kurt smiled. "You couldn't be more wrong, sammy. It's going inside or to my place. Now, what's your choice?" Sam gulped again. He couldn't control his "willy," and "willy" was beginning to get hard. "You need to leave, Sir. I have plans tonight." "So do I, sammy. And they involve you." Kurt started approaching Sam. He found it interesting that Sam didn't scream, but just began to try to weave around him, and get to the door leading to the house. "No, please. No, I don't want." Sam charged at Kurt and found himself locked up in the big man's arms. "Really dumb move sammy. Now, I GOTCHA." Sam began to squirm. "NOOOOOOOOOOO. PLEASE. PLEASE LET ME GO." He kept on squirming as Kurt turned him around, so Sam's back was pressed into Kurt's front. Sam could feel Kurt's hard cock. He had one arm wrapped around Sam's waist, and that was enough to keep Sam in line. Then Sam felt Kurt's chin on his shoulder. "What do I remember? OH YEAH. Two hot spots. Ears, and nips." His scruff began rubbing against Sam's right ear, and his free hand dove inside Sam's blue shirt and found his left nip. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. OH GOD NOT MY EARS. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Sam tried to struggle but the fight was leaving his body as Kurt continued to play on his spots. "How about you pack up something and get back out here? I'll be waiting." Kurt ran his tongue around the perimeter of Sam's ear. "Yes Sir. Yes. I won't take long. Just a few minutes." "I'll be waiting." Kurt let Sam go. Sam hurried into the house and packed up enough to last him through Sunday. Then he had a thought: Kurt was at the front door and the house had a back door. He'd sneak out through that one. His bedroom was on the first floor, and he yelled out the window "Just a few more minutes Sir," then he quietly made his way to the back door, opened, it and stepped outside. He felt the rough hand clamp over his mouth. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" "Nice try pretty boy. Nice try. You must REALLY think I'm stupid. "Kurt chuckled. "Should I work on your ears again, buddy boy." "mmmmmmmmmmmph," Sam shook his head no. "How about I tie you up, gag you and toss you in the trunk?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Sam had a mild case of claustrophobia, but the thought of being tied up was getting to him. He shook his head no. "Oh, you're getting tied up, sammy. I'll just toss you in the backseat. "mmmmmmmmmph. Mmmmmmmmmmmmph" Sam stopped struggling. When Kurt took his hand off Sam's mouth and began tying his wrists together, Sam begged Kurt not to hurt him. "That's up to you, handsome. It depends on your pain threshold, and how you behave. "Sam winced as the straps tightened on his wrists. "It'll be good to have someone to talk to, so I ain't gagging you, but you're gonna behave on the way back. CLEAR?" "Yes sir, very clear." "You can text your roomies and let them know you'll be away for the weekend. With your new TOPMAN," Kurt gloated as he tossed Sam into the back seat. As Sam fell onto the seat, Kurt noticed the spot on Sam's chinos. "Seems you're enjoying this more than you want to say, sweet pea. I kinda knew that was the case." "Please don't hurt me, Sir." "Not planning to. Just planning to have some fun."

Kurt pulled his car into his own garage and opened the door to the backseat. "Fun's starting right now." He pulled Sam out of the car and Sam got ready to walk, until he saw Kurt bend over in front of him, and then hoist him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Sammy boy, now I can get my hand on that sweet ass of yours. It won't be the last part of me your ass is going to feel tonight or this weekend." "My cock is betraying me," Sam thought. He could feel how hard he was, and he was sure that Kurt felt it too."

Sam had been tied up before, but not as expertly as he was now. Kurt had put him in a chair, and then wrapped rope around his upper body, crossing it at various points so that there was a triangle surrounding each of Sam's pecs. He tied Sam's thighs to the chair, and his ankles to the legs of the chair. "You look so fucking hot, sammy. Hard to find a bottom that looks hotter in ropes than he does out of them. I think you do. Now, let's talk about you ignoring me." "Sir, I'm sorry. I just got... busy." He felt Kurt's hand on his balls, and he remembered those rough fingers touching them the first time, and how hot it made him. "That right? Have time for fucking around with other little twinkies?" Kurt's other hand went to Sam's nipple. Sam felt a big drop of pre-cum form. His shirt wasn't even opened, but the way Kurt played with Sam's nipples was driving Sam crazy. Then he felt one button pop open, and then the other. He was tied securely, and as Kurt opened his shirt, Sam pushed his chest forward. "Good boy! Good boy! You see what a REAL man can do to you? Not some bottom playing at being a Top, but the REAL THING?" He didn't wait for Sam to answer but got up and went behind him. He knew the real way to make Sam beg for dick was to play with his ears, and that's where he was heading. "Sir, please. Please don't play with them." Sam heard Kurt chuckle and then he felt Kurt's thumb and forefinger close over one earlobe, and his tongue begin licking his other ear. "OH SHIT. I'm done. I'm so fucking done," Sam muttered. "But I'm not, bottom boy. I'm just getting started." Sam felt the hand that had just been playing with his earlobe drop to a nipple, and Kurt's early evening beard rubbing back and forth on his neck, tormenting him and making him moan with pleasure. He heard Kurt's raspy voice whisper. "Know what happens to pretty boy bottoms when a big TOP MAN ties them up?" Sam was breathing hard, trying to keep his composure as Kurt worked on him. "They get fucked Sir?" "Partial credit. Full credit for what happens to them is that the Top Man does anything he wants to them. Know what the boy has to say about it?" "Nothing, Sir?" "GOOD. You're learning. "Sam felt a kiss on the side of his neck, and he just began moaning and squirming in the chair. "Seems to me that you WANT to get fucked. Do you, sammy?" "Yes Sir. Very much." "Shall we call one of your pretty boy bottoms and have him try to fuck you?" "NO SIR. I want your cock, Sir. I want your big, beautiful cock." "And you're gonna get it. You're gonna get all of it. And now that you know what it's like, there's no mercy for you." Kurt untied the ropes around Sam's legs and his chest, but he left his wrists tied. "Let's go, studmuffin. You remember where the bedroom is. Tonight, I'm taking you doggie style. Best way to break a boy, in my opinion." Sam wondered what he meant by "break a boy" as he felt Kurt's hand on his bicep. "Someone doesn't go to the gym enough, but that's ok. This daddy likes his young-looking man/boys. GET IN THERE, BOTTOM" Sam felt a push and he fell, face forward, onto the bed he had been on once before. He kicked off his shoes, and he could feel, but couldn't see, Kurt gather his feet under his arm. "Now, at some point, just so you know, I'm planning to tie these ankles together and tickle the shit out of these feet." Sam felt his socks being pulled off. He squirmed some more to try to free his feet. "NO, SIR, PLEASE. I'M FUCKING TICKLISH AS HELL!" "That right? Where?" "ALL OVER, SIR. MY ROOMIES, ATTACKED ME ONCE AND TICKLED ME FOR TWENTY MINUTES. I THOUGHT I'D DIE." "Hmmm. Did you cum?" Sam felt his face reddening. "Yes Sir, I did." "Well, stud muffin, for the future, never tell a Top Man how ticklish you are because...well, you'll find out." "OH SHIT" went through Sam's mind, while "I love how these young ones think they know everything and know nothing," went through Kurt's. He had no intention of tickling Sam that night: he was too excited to have him back. And then there was going out after he fucked him. But the weekend was in front of them..." He reached under Sam's body and unbuckled his belt. He slid off Sam's pants and saw the orange briefs he was wearing. "Better than that fucking rose but seems we're going underwear shopping this weekend." He pulled off Sam's briefs. "My boys wear black or white. ONLY. That's what you'll wear. And if I ever catch you in another color...." WHACK. Kurt's hand came down on Sam's ass cheek. Then another WHACK to the other one. "God, that's hot! The sound of a smack on a boy's ass. You think it's hot, pretty boy?" Sam wasn't thinking about the sound, because the feel of Kurt striking him was getting him hot enough. He felt like it was the beginning of Kurt taking control of his ass for the weekend. "Yes Sir. It feels so good. So hot." The smacks continued. Sam stopped counting after twenty. "Let me show you how fucking red your ass looks boy." Kurt took a photo on his phone and brought it up to Sam's face. "Think that looks pretty? Red is my favorite color, and a red ass is up there with my favorite things." Sam saw him grin. "Now let me get a picture of that pretty face." Once he had that picture, he pulled Sam's head back by his hair, so Sam could get a better look at his cock. "You ready for this boy?" "I don't know Sir. But I want it." "DAMN BOY. HAVE YOU BEEN STUDYING A BOY MANUAL OR SOMETHING? YOU'RE GIVING ALL THE RIGHT ANSWERS. " Sam tried to make a joke. "Do I get a prize, Sir?" "HA HA. Ya know, you ARE gonna get a prize. Later tonight. After I take MY prize. "Sam felt Kurt pushing his legs apart very roughly. He heard Kurt spit and then felt a rough finger pushing the wad of saliva into his ass. "Lubed just enough. Boys gotta be ready to take a cock dry. Even one like mine." Sam heard a change in Kurt's breathing and felt his big, thick knob at his asshole. He tried to will himself opened more. "I'd have you practice with a dildo, boy, but I like a nice, hot, tight boy ass." He proved that by shoving his cock into Sam. He shoved fast and hard and Sam, who was proud of how much cock he could take without struggling, was at his limits. He decided to try not to scream: he knew it wouldn't do any good, and he wanted to impress this man. "DAMN that ass is even hotter today than it was the first time, you little fucker. PUSH BACK." "Yes sir," Sam grunted. "Sir, your cock is so big." "Yup. And your ass is so goddamn tight. I feel like I'm fucking a goddamn virgin." Sam began to understand the rhythm of the fucking he was getting, and he moved his ass, trying to get in synch. Kurt must have fucked him for about twelve minutes. "Now start tightening your glutes, boy, and I'll tighten mine. Cause you are going to take a load in you bigger than you've ever taken in your life. SHIT this one is bigger than the one I put in you when I started making you a man. SQUEEZE THAT PUSSY." Sam knew how much tops liked to be milked, and he pulsed his glutes. He might not go to the gym, but he did squats every day so that men would be pleased. Kurt Seemed to be. "Glad you're not a virgin boy. You know how to milk a daddy. And I to FUCK A CUTE GUY." "FUCK ME DADDY! FUCK YOUR BOY! FUCK ME YOU GODDAMN BRUTE. "Kurt felt egged on and while he knew he had a big load to deposit, he had no idea it would be as big as it was. " You are one hot fuck boy" he whispered into Sam's ear. Kurt had rolled Sam over and he had untied his wrists. He kept him pinned down though. Tonight, he had no gloves on and his rough fingers were playing over Sam's body. "You wanna shoot, boy?" "YES SIR. OH, PLEASE YES SIR." "When was the last time you came, boy?" "Yesterday, Sir. Yesterday." "Hmmm. Two days in a row. Not sure I approve of bottom boys getting all that freedom. I'm gonna have to think about that." He put his thumb on Sam's cock head, and cupped Sam's balls in his hand. He knew what he was doing, and Sam exploded. "FUCK SIR. THANK YOU, SIR THANK YOU." His hips rose and fell as wave after wave of cum poured out of him. Kurt took some of it on his finger and brought it to Sam's mouth. "EAT YOUR JIZZ, BOY." "Yes sir," Sam devoured it. "I gotta get us cleaned up, bottom, because we're going out tonight. And I got an outfit for you." "But I brought clothes, Sir." Kurt snickered. "You bring a harness, boy?" "No, Sir." "Well, that's your outfit for tonight. One from someone else, but this weekend, we're getting you your very own. And you know, boy, I love a sexy former twink who wears a harness like a real bottom should." Sam had never worn a harness. He hoped he would look good enough. He began to get the feeling back in his ass. How many more times was he going to get fucked like that this weekend?

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