Sammys Descent

By Alive Now

Published on May 23, 2013


Sammy's Descent – Chapter 4

Hello beautiful people. Here is the next chapter from Sammy's adventures. I hope you enjoy seeing the young boy-pup exposed. As you know I'm not very experienced at this writing lark so I really do appreciate your wisdom, encouragement and of course fantasies.

Please write to me at and let me know if you like the story. I would love feedback and ideas and will do my best to include your fantasies if they are compatible with the plot. Also feel free to write to any of the boys directly, they will reply, but please don't ask them for photos because they are fictional characters and will find it hard to comply lol. Zac x

A message from Zac: Nifty has been a great friend to many of us and has the power to manifest our deepest fantasies. But of course it isn't free to run so please consider donating if you can.

Chapter 4 – In Love and Service

Oh God, what had I done? Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! I looked down in terror at my offending crotch, instantly losing all interest in my hero's naked body as it vaulted over the side of Jay's truck into the pickup's tray. As if in slow motion my full attention switched across to Jay. I was petrified. What would he do now? And what would it mean for me? I was too shocked to say anything. Tears of fear and shame started to form in my eyes. My big brother's face was hard. My stomach wrenched.

I felt the crushing weight of my guilt; like I wanted to run. I knew I had let him down. I knew he would never accept me for the little faggot I am. His strong hand grabbed for my chin, turning my face towards his. His face was hard; terrifying. My life was over. I couldn't hold the tears back; I felt such shame. I couldn't meet his eyes. I so desperately wanted to leave the truck and run. But I had nowhere to go. My life was here; and now it was over. What had I done?

Jay held my head, locked in his vice like grip, for what seemed like an age. He made a show of looking me up and down as if in disgust. He shook his head; this was the end for me. I felt grief. I knew I was about to lose the love of the brother and with it my safety and security. I couldn't live without it. I couldn't be alone. I found myself sobbing, and in my shame dared to take one last look into his penetrating eyes as if pleading with him, begging him to love me again. I knew I was lost.

I found myself sobbing, Full belly sobs; gasping for breath. I would do anything to make this right. But there was nothing I could do. I wanted to the earth to swallow me. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Then just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore his hard expression changed, as if someone had flicked a switch. He started to laugh. I was confused. What did this mean? Incredibly he blew me a kiss, and his strong finger rose tenderly to wipe the tears from my eye.

"Gotcha!" He laughed. And then seeing the terror still lurking on my face he ruffled my hair affectionately. "Its ok little brother. You've been obsessed with dancing for the last six years; do you really think I didn't suspect you're a little poof? And the way you look at Ash – he's the actor not you - I've known you've had a thing for him for years. I think it's sweet. A little boy crush. You're secret's safe with me. In fact maybe this is your chance to live your dreams. If you're really good to me over the next couple of weeks I may even order him to fuck your tight little ass! It could be an early birthday present" He thought this was hilarious and tenderly slapped my face. I was confused, not knowing whether to protest or beg him to make me Asher's bitch.

"Now Strip off your underwear Sammy before you get your gay boy-juices over my upholstery you dirty little fucker. We'll use it to gag Prince Asher for the journey home!" Jay was smiling now, knowing that my ejaculation could cause his nemesis even more humiliation.

I just sat there looking at him, unable to take in what was happening. "Come on little brother, you're not shy are you? Give me your underwear now or I'll ban you from watching any more of Ash's performances." I was stunned and confused. Did he really expect me to undress right there in the cab? The click of his fingers in front of my dazed eyes and a forceful "NOW little brother, STRIP" was all the answer I needed, and trancelike I started to undo my shorts, pulling them down to my ankles and over my trainers. I looked at him questioning. "And the boxers Sams" he said patiently as if talking to a toddler, "they're what we need as a gag remember, d'oh!" He punctuated this by hitting me on the arm in the way only big brothers can, stimulating me to action. "Show me your little boy cock bro!"

The blood flowed to my face with humiliation, but my fingers laced into the elastic of my underwear quickly pulling them down. As soon as they were over my shoes I hastily balled them and held them over my privates, hoping to preserve some modesty.

"No Sammy, give them here. Let me see it." He reached over and took them from me, and batted my hands away to expose my rock hard cock. It was only looking down that I remembered that I'd experimented by shaving off my pubes. Not only was I exposing my cock, but also my denuded flesh and by extension my deepest perversions "You fucking little faggot, you're smooth as a virgin's cunt down there," he was rubbing his hand over my silky pubic flesh, "It makes your pretty little cock look all the sweeter. From now on you will keep it smooth. I've always liked how you shave your body for dancing, but I didn't know you'd gone so far. "Is your ass hole shaved too?" I closed my eyes and nodded, unable to bare the humiliation. "From now on I want you to make sure you keep your body free of hair from the neck down just to please me. You do want to please me don't you Sammy ?" New tears started to well up in my eyes from the humiliation, he literally held my balls in his hand now, but I could stop my head from nodding.

He shook his head again. "Well, well, well, my brother really is quite the pussy boy. But don't worry Sams I still love you, and I'll still protect you just like a big brother should." Still laughing he tensed his biceps, "Kiss my guns, little bro. They're here to protect you, I think you should thank them" He leaned so that the rock of muscle was in front of my mouth and stared at me until my head moved forward and my lips grazed his beautiful flesh. I had never thought of my brother in a sexual way, but now something changed inside me; to be kissing his flesh and to be so in his debt and under his control was intoxicating. "Good boy" he said patting me on the head, "Don't worry, I'll let you have your fantasy with Asher, I'll maybe even let him rough you up a bit if that would get you off". All I could do is make doe eyes at my brother and the involuntary words "Thank you Jay; I love you" left my mouth.

"Of course you do, what isn't there to love?" He laughed as his hands gestured to his much lusted after frame. He really was stunningly beautiful and deeply sexual; why had I never noticed it before?

"Ok pretty boy, now let's get you cleaned up". His words reminding me I was naked from the waist down, with a rock-hard cock sticking up towards my belly, still smeared with my cum. Instinctively my hands went to cover my boyhood, again Jay batted them away. "From now on NEVER cover yourself from me little bro, put your hands by your side... Good boy." I complied instantly, feeling confused and painfully exposed but no less excited.

"Also you're never to wear boxers again pretty boy," he said gesturing with the cum-soaked rag in his fingers. "From now on I will pick your underwear, assuming I let you wear it off course," he added affectionately, "something much tighter and skimpier to accentuate or reveal your fine little ass I think." He laughed to himself, leaving me confused and unsure of what was happening.

"Now, pull your t-shirt up over your head, we don't want it turning into a cum-rag too now do we?" His smile was disarming, but it was no less a command for its warmth. Carefully avoiding the seamen I lifted the edge of my shirt in a daze and started to lift it. "All the way off now bro, let's keep you clean." My t-shirt was lose so was quickly removed, leaving me totally exposed and naked, sitting in the cab of his pickup in the school parking lot. It was scary and exhilarating, but I felt safe in his hands. "Toss it in the back bud... good boy".

Once naked, Jay whistled. "Well, well, well Sammy, you've really grown into a pretty little puppy haven't you?" His eyes feasted on my naked flesh. Dance training had left my small frame toned and tight. I smiled shyly at his approval. Jay softly ran his finger over one of my nipples, squeezing it gently between thumb and forefinger - the dark flesh in direct contrast to my blushing skin. His thumb moved slowly up my body to trace my lips before gently pressing to slide it inside my mouth. I found myself suckling like a new born lamb. "Get used to sucking pussy boy it's your new profession" Jay laughed.

Removing his hand he gently slapped my cheek and grasping my curled up underwear started to tenderly clean the cum from my cock and balls, the lack of pubes making the clean-up easier. I closed my eyes. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. "Very nice indeed Sammer, I like your pretty little dick. It goes nicely with your cute little face." Having cleaned the shaft of my denuded cock he gently pulled back my foreskin to expose my gland. I scrunched my eyes even more tightly shut, opening them instantly when he flicked my knob head hard, "You'll do little bro, nice and clean. Of course you'll look even better once we dress you appropriately for your station. You do want to look pretty for me don't you puppy?"

All I could do was look at the smiling face of my brother. Still feeling the pain in my throbbing dick I was suddenly aware of how completely I was within his mercy. He shook his head and his smile grew into a wide affectionate grin. I was a rabbit in his spotlight. Again he grabbed my chin, this time forcing my head up and down in a nodding motion, speaking the words for me, mocking my voice "Yes Jay Sir, I want to please you in every way, if you want me as smooth as a virgin's cunt then that is how I'll be, I exist only to please you, anything you desire is my command, my body no longer belongs to me it is just a toy for my amazing, powerful, masterful big brother..." by the time he finished he was laughing uproariously again, enjoying my embarrassment and confusion. "Don't worry little bro, I'll only treat you in the way you dream of being treated. And being the loving big brother I am, you don't even need to say anything now other than `I love you Sir'. Go on you pretty little bitch-boy say the magic words".

"I love you Jay, I really do"

"Good boy" he said ruffling my short hair, "Now much as I enjoy your naked little body, we have a stupid-cunt jock in the back of my gorgeous pickup who is probably pissing himself with fear about being discovered lying nude in the back of my truck, and of course wondering what is in store for him this evening, and seeing as he is your little boy-crush hero, though god knows why, do you think we should put him out of his misery?" I nodded, suddenly remembering Asher had been left in the back of the truck whilst Jay stripped me. Even given my own predicament I still lusted to see him further humiliated – and of course to bring my deepest fantasies with him to life. "Have you ever kissed a man Sammy?" I shook my head. "A girl?"

"Not properly." I responded furtively, ashamed of my inexperience, again feeling the colour rising in my face.

"Not even Carolyn?" Jay looked genuinely surprised. Carolyn was my dance partner. Other than my best mate Dylan, she was the person I spent most time with in the world.

"Only pecks on the cheeks at competitions and stuff. Anyway Jay she's got a thing for you."

"My god, you're a genuine little virgin aren't you Sam? How sweet. Still don't worry little bro, you won't be for much longer. In fact you're going to get very used to having cock in your sweet little mouth and ass. Of course you won't have any say in who they belong to because your body now rightfully belongs to your sexy, kind big brother. And I don't know whether you ever had any thoughts of going with a woman but if you did you can forget them right now, the only cunt you're going to get close to is the boy-cunt between your legs – and maybe that cunt Reid if you're very, very well behaved and do everything you can to please your big brother."

Again he was laughing as he spoke. Whereas with Asher he had been cruel, with me there was huge love in his eyes and the smile was warm. I would serve him though love and devotion rather than fear. But I also knew I would have to please him, as his brother I knew the cost of crossing him better than any other; I knew instinctively that I must obey his commands or his wrath would be absolute.

"So who would you like to be the first person you kiss you Sammy? Your handsome, loving big brother, or that piece of worthless piece of piss Asher Reid?" I knew the question was rhetorical, but right now I was so intoxicated by his power, and so grateful that he had forgiven me, that I wanted nothing more than to give myself to Jay.

"Please Jay, will you be my first? Please kiss me."

"If you ask nicely and treat me with respect pretty one, I might just let you experience the best first." He jabbed me in the ribs, again a brotherly gesture in the midst of the most sexual experience of my life.

"Please Jay... Please would you do me the honour of kissing me? Please Jay. Please teach me." Jay reached to the floor beside him and pushed his seat as far back as it would go. "Come on pretty boy, come and sit on my lap and I'll show you what you've been missing."

I was again aware of my nakedness as I obeyed; briefly looking around in the hope I wouldn't be seen. My cock was still ramrod straight. The cab was roomy but it still required some manoeuvring to comply with his instruction. When I finished I was seated on his lap with my cock pressed against his shirt and my balls pressed between me and his beautiful athletic frame. I had often wondered why he had been blessed with my father's dominant frame whilst I had inherited my mother's more petite features. I laced my fingers around his neck and felt his firm hands softly exploring my exposed buttocks. My naked skin felt good against his clothing, I felt liberated and free, so ironic when in truth I had just lost my liberty.

"You have a nice ass little bro, or at least it feels good. Obviously I haven't seen it yet, but all in good time. It sure feels good though. In fact I think it might even be finger licking good." Thus saying he deliberately ran his index finger through the crack of my ass, taking time to explore the entrance to my virgin hole before lifting the finger purposefully to my mouth, the clear instruction to lick his finger and taste by own boy-sweat from his dominating fingers. My compliance pleased him and he moved his hand around my head to grip a handful of my hair pulling my mouth towards his. My lips parted pressing forward eagerly, causing him to laugh again. "You little whore. You're desperate for it, aren't you? Can't wait to be kissed by your own brother! You're a sick little puppy, but I love you." With this his hand moved forward and I found his warm tongue inside my mouth exploring and kissing me deeply and hard.

It was divine. I was in ecstasy. I was in heaven. His afternoon stubble gently grazed my face but did nothing to prevent my eagerness. After what seemed an age he pulled my head back, using the handful of hair he still held as a harness and spat into my still open mouth before again kissing my lips.

"Come on Sam, let's sort out Asher. Get out of the car." He smacked my ass hard as he simultaneously opened the driver's side door. "Out you go pretty boy, let's see how our stowaway is doing."

I was horrified. He couldn't mean... I was naked. Inside the cab had been scary but safe, outside my naked body would be as exposed as Asher's had been . "But Jay, please... let me put my shorts on!" I was begging. Again his hand hit my ass, this time harder.

"For that little brother, give me the shoes. You're not properly naked, and I'm not feeling your respect right now."

"No Jay please, I'm naked!"

Again he gripped my hair in his fist, this time hard enough to hurt and leave me wincing and forcing me to turn my head to release the pressure. "Boy. I gave you an order. When I tell you to do something you do it without question. This will work very simply. If you please me you will be rewarded with ecstasy beyond even your dirtiest boyhood fantasies; displease me and you will be punished.

" I'll give you a break right now because I love you, but just so we're clear let me tell you what will happen if you continue to disobey me. After I have given you an order you will have precisely three seconds to comply. One second more and you will receive a forfeit. So for example if you don't take off your shoes now and get your skinny little bubble butt outside your first forfeit will be a hard spanking with the door open, not only will your ass hurt but you will still need to be outside naked, only with more risk of being seen as the noise from the spanking may have attracted attention. If after another three seconds you haven't followed my rightful orders then you will stand naked right in the middle of the parking lot with your hands behind your neck for 120 seconds. If you wait three more seconds before obeying me then your next forfeit would send you to retrieve something from my locker on the other side of school – you'll be naked of course! You get the idea yet little brother? And please don't think I wouldn't do it! Or that any later punishments won't be even harder! Now unless you are as stupid as Reid - take off your shoes NOW. APOLOGISE, and get your pretty little ass out the door!"

With tears in my eyes I reached down for my trainers and ankle socks, pulling them from my feet. "In the back with them Sam. NOW."

"Yes Jay, I'm sorry" Again I had tears welling in my eyes, I'm still not sure whether they were from the humiliation, the realisation of my new station or the knowledge I had displeased Jay. "I'm sorry Jay" I mumbled again as I slid my body from his lap and out into the car park to stand naked and exposed for the first time.

"Now bend down and kiss my feet puppy boy" I had to manoeuvre my head around the steering column and into the foot well to kiss his Reeboks , feeling the cooler evening air caressing my naked flesh even as my nose drank in the musk of his hard worn sneakers. "Good boy, that's better, now let me get a better look at you" he said as he hoisted himself from the truck pushing me back as he did.

"Go and stand over there with your hands behind your neck. I'm sure you'll recognise the position seeing as how you enjoyed watching Asher posing in it so much." he laughed gesturing to a place on the asphalt a short distance from the truck.

The thoughts of his proposed forfeits were enough to ensure my instant compliance and I moved my body as instructed and laced my hands behind my neck. Where our encounter in the truck had been intimate, I now felt like a piece of property being inspected; a colt at auction. As I mentioned, my body is toned from dancing and I'm used to shyly attracting admiring looks, but nothing like this. Not naked for a start, and not forcibly exposed. I'd always been shy, even avoiding showering after practice whenever I could. My whole body began to blush. Despite my coyness, somehow I was now buck naked, standing in the school car park, fully open to the view of anyone who should look our way. But the most humiliating thing wasn't my complete nudity but the betrayal of my cock; when it should have been shrivelled and small, embarrassed at my exposure, it stood tall and erect, proud to be standing naked for my brother's inspection.

Jay let out a wolf whistle loud enough to again cause me to look around, hoping no one had heard. "You really are a pretty little fuck-boy Sammer. You look like a teen pop starlet. Girls would cream themselves over you if you were in a boy-band, of course they might not expect to get lucky enough to get to see you like this in your new uniform. Turn for me pretty-one"

Keeping my hands locked I began to turn so that he could get a good look at my ass. Again he was lavish in his complements as he strode up to me and felt the flesh of my butt. "I'm going to enjoy this little pleasure palace. Now bend over for me Sam. Show me your tight little boy hole. Pull your cheeks apart, and tell me that I own it!"

I felt my whole body blush as I bent at the waist using my hands to ensure he saw my most private and intimate part. I couldn't believe what he was asking me to say, but inside I knew the words were true "Jay, I hope you like it. It is yours. You own my ass sir." Even as I spoke I felt a wet finger touch my puckering hole and start to slide inside me.

"Relax for me Sammy. You are one sexy little mother-fucker" Thanks to the attention of the carrot earlier it didn't hurt, instead it felt so good, so needed. I began to dream that he might actually fuck me and felt a delicious ecstasy flow through my body. My majestic brother was touching me. Claiming me! He had deemed me worth feeling and testing. In amongst my humiliation I felt proud. Jay has large muscular fingers, so even one of his digits deep inside me was enough to satisfy, but he was determined to fully test his new property, so having worked his finger around in my ass for what felt like an hour, but was probably no more than a minute he forced in a second. I couldn't help squealing softly as it entered me, but I stayed in position bent over humiliatingly with my hands pulling back my cheeks to open up my entrance to him.

"Good boy Sams" he cooed softly, "Take them inside you puppy. Worship them. Let them in. I want you lose enough to take my whole monster cock later so make love to my fingers now, knowing that before long your little boy-hole will be blooded for the first time. He continued to work my anus, adding a third of his massive fingers before he finally exited my hole, using his other hand to slap my ass hard. "Get up Sam and turn round; let me see your eyes." As I turned, his left hand caressed my body, touching virgin flesh and claiming it for his own. I needed to look up to see his eyes such was our hight difference. "You're such a pussy Sam. Do you want to make me happy?"

"Yes, of course Jay", my reply was heartfelt; I wanted nothing more than to please him, whatever the cost to me.

"Good boy, you can start by cleaning my fingers. They appear to have some of your boy-juices on them. Suck them clean for me like the puppy you are." His index finger was now in front of my nose and I could smell the acrid scent. The thought of sucking it revolted me. Yet so did the idea of displeasing him, not because of the forfeits (although they remained terrifying), but because I wanted to make my big brother proud of me. "Open up Sammer" My mouth opened and accepted his fingers, closing my lips around the shitty digits, taking them into my mouth and sucking, focussing hard to avoid gagging.

It was the first of many degrading acts he would ask of me. As I sucked him clean, I kept contact with his eyes and all I could see was love and pride. For that moment I forgot about my exposure and surrendered to the most intimate moment of my young life. My new life had begun. Jay was no longer just my brother; he was now my lord and master.

Jay broke the moment by popping his finger from my mouth, a powerful grin on his lips. Raising his voice and turning his head towards the truck he called "Reid get your naked butt over here NOW!" I turned to watch as Asher's forgotten head rose from the flatbed. During my transformation he had been waiting as ordered, now he was climbing out of the truck unable to resist scowling at Jay, clearly resenting that his ordeal was not over as promised, yet also clearly confused as to why I was now standing naked at attention where only moments before I had been one of his tormentors. "Come and stand here bitch and tell me what you think of my brother"

Please let me know if you would like to hear more about Sammy's adventures or have any suggestions about how they can be even richer. If you'd like to talk to Sammy or any of the other characters just email them at It's of course the same address for me if you do have suggestions. I look forward to chatting Zac x

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