Sammys Descent

By Alive Now

Published on May 17, 2013


Sammy's Descent – Chapter 3

Sorry for the slight delay in bringing you this, the next chapter of Sammy's tale. I got distracted by a bright shiny aside to the story involving Sammy and the pop-prince Justin B. But in the end I decided the story was clearer without it. It did turn me on though whilst it lasted, who knows maybe I'll share it one day. For the moment though I felt most of you would rather I proceed with bringing our naked stud Asher to his beautiful knees and quit pissing about (I hope I was right).

I hope you enjoy this next instalment. As you know I'm very inexperienced at this writing lark so really do appreciate your wisdom, encouragement and of course fantasies.

Please write to me at and let me know if you like the story. I would love feedback and ideas and will do my best to include your fantasies if they are compatible with the plot. Also feel free to write to any of the boys directly, they will reply, but please don't ask them for photos because they are fictional characters and will find it hard to comply lol. Zac x

Chapter 3 – Parked Cars and Nude Boys

Jay and I were silent as we walked. Within me a deep-seated fear had surfaced. What was I doing? To tell the truth I was petrified as I accompanied my brother back to his car. I'm not sure if the feeling stemmed from empathy for Asher – conscience if you like – or the need to protect my most intimate secret. I had to restrain myself. But my body didn't feel big enough to hold the competing emotions; lust was winning through. But I had to find a way to hold back. Jay wouldn't stand for any gay behaviour. For him this was different. This was about revenge; the opportunity to humiliate his former best buddy, and through Asher's pain, Jay hoped to reclaim a part of him that had been lost.

But my loins couldn't shake the notion that I was walking the same corridors that Asher, the object of my every wet dream, was about to slide his beautiful naked body down. For him this was no long walk to freedom, he was a prisoner slowly marching towards the inevitable, every step drawing him closer to the gallows. Only, unlike the prisoners of old, Asher hadn't even been allowed the dignity of clothing. He was already completely nude. I'd witnessed him being stripped. I'd watched as he'd been forced to remove every stitch of covering; worse I now had those same clothes casually slung over my shoulder in his bag, leaving him naked, angry and ashamed.

I had never felt such lust. My own cock was so hard I thought it was about to explode. I could feel it rubbing against the cotton of my tight boxer briefs as I walked. But at the same time I was feeling supreme guilt. My stomach was doing flip flops. Something felt so wrong but at the same time felt completely right.

We were still silent as we approached the truck; I was walking in a daze, my head churning. Jay turned and smiled at me. "You ok Sams? Can you go through with this?" He actually had a look of concern in his eyes; it made me realise that my face must be betraying my inner turmoil.

"I'm fine Jay thanks. I'll be ok."

"Good boy. You know he deserves it don't you? He's caused you enough grief over the last few years; you should be doing cartwheels at the opportunity to get your own back."

It was my turn to smile now. Somehow I felt safer; Jay just had a way of putting things that made me feel secure. "I'm good bro. Thanks."

"Then snap out of it. I need you to focus now. Give me 25 star jumps. That should clear your head."

"I'm good Jay don't worry about you." But my mind was still on what I'd witnessed in the locker room. Asher Reid, my all-time hero forced into sexual servitude. His beautiful body exposed and humiliated by my mega-straight brother. I had an image of him standing there nude with his hands locked behind his neck. I couldn't shake the look on his face or the stunning contours of his body or above all his softly masculine prick and balls.

"SAMMY DO 25 STAR JUMPS NOW because I told you to, you little shit or you'll be doing 250 of them naked for disobeying me. Do you understand?"

I did. It was a clever move; it got me out of my head immediately. Yesterday I would have seen my own enforced nudity as an idle brotherly threat, but now I couldn't risk that Jay might follow through and strip me right there in the car park; divesting me of my clothes as certainly as he has Asher. There was no more thinking I threw Ash's bag in the truck and started counting.

He'd been right of course. The exercise lifted my mood and cleared my head. Well cleared out all the feelings except for lust. Having been stopped mid wank earlier in the day, my balls were still full, even overstimulated, and my erection was still rock hard. My star jumps, if anything had made it worse as my tender flesh rubbed against the tight material.

Jay and I joked about the naked stud and who might catch him as he made his way towards us. We compared the funniest or most embarrassing encounters that young Asher could have in the distance between the locker room and the truck. Through it all our eyes were riveted to the door that Ash would need to use to leave the Sports Hall. My sense of anticipation and eagerness were building. I couldn't believe what was about to happen. My balls were aching and my mind was willing the god-like figure of Asher Reid to emerge and show me more of his magnificent naked form.

I didn't have to wait long. Ash found his way to the car park at 6.14. The late hour, by school standards, gave him the advantage that there weren't many people around, but at the same time restricted the places he could hide his magnificent naked body if needed. I watched transfixed as his naked body slid from refuge to refuge across the car park; watching the terror on his face as he desperately tried to avoid exposure was about the hottest thing I have ever experienced in my young life. Asher's body is crafted by god. And the five and a half inches of beautiful soft muscle between his legs swung seductively as he raced to the truck. By the time he was nearing the truck the sweat was glistening over his tight muscles. I was longing to lick his body and taste the divine salty tang that must be waiting there.

His caution meant it took nearly five minutes for him to reach us. The same desire to prevent exposure meant he instinctively raced around the front end of the pick-up so he could enter the car through the door on the more secluded driver's side. He rounded the front end at speed and in a fluid motion reached for the rear door and yanked, desperate for any sort of privacy. But the door held firm; they were locked. Asher was almost comical, softly screaming with exasperation, hate streaming from his eyes, mixed so curiously with emotions I'd never seen from him before: resignation and humiliation. In a frantic whisper Asher begged "Jay please man, not you too, we've been friends so long. I'm begging you!"

Jay just smiled at him wolfishly through his driver side window; he had waited too long for this moment and wasn't about to let it go. He would have his revenge. Asher had hurt him. In his world abandoning your best buddy was like a marine leaving a man behind; it was unforgivable. Old friendships didn't show in Jay's tone "Fuck you Reid, you're nothing to me. You've done this to yourself. You have orders I think; why are you wasting time on snivelling?"

"Jay, please bud. Not here. Please. I'll do anything you want somewhere more private. Please!" Jay's response was instant. His contempt was folded into a ball of spit which hit Asher's chin and hung there for what seemed like a minute before running down onto his exquisite chest. A couple of centimetres higher and it would have hit Ash squarely on the lips and maybe even entered his mouth. I don't know why but that idea made me almost wild with excitement. I was the baying crowd at an execution. I was delighting in Asher's downfall.

"It is now 6.21. You have precisely nine minutes before I text Tyler to tell him you failed in your task, my guess is that he'll be overjoyed to have an excuse to get the first of those photos up on the internet. If I were you, I would say' yes sir', beg my forgiveness and ask permission as you were ordered. After all we're not just talking about pretty little art shots of you balancing your balls are we? Images like that might even enhance whatever pathetic career you might have in your future. We're talking about video of you begging to have a cock stuffed in each of your pathetic holes and of course tape of you pissing over yourself. I don't think your `public' would warm to Asher the piss-slut, do you? By the way, you stupid fucking whore, it is now 6.22"

I had never known Jay like this; his anger was cold and hard, his tone threatened complete annihilation. But within this somehow he also oozed complete sexual supremacy and power. Asher was close to tears. As if his last hope of salvation had just been ripped away; could it be he was banking on Jay coming to his rescue? It was certainly the role he would have taken in a former life. I would have put a lot of money on Jay being too straight to get off on seeing his former best buddy naked, could Ash have been praying that Jay's return would offer him some shelter? The god of a stud just stood there for precious moments, so beautiful in his nudity, so exposed. The sadness on his face came close to breaking my heart, his eyes showed his desperation and loneliness as if unable to take any more humiliation; any more torture. I wanted to do something to save him, but my lust was absolute, like an out of control train, I knew what came next and I wanted Asher to perform; the pain it caused him somehow only made it more compelling.

Asher had been trained well enough by Tyler to know the seriousness of the consequences should he not comply. He looked frantically about him, knowing that once again he was cornered and would have to suppress whatever ego he had left and become a play thing for his' betters'.

I couldn't hold back the grin that had broken out on my face, but it wasn't humour, it was pure lust and longing. I had secretly loved Asher for so long and now the beautiful stud was naked at the window of by brother's car and all because of my wicked mind. My cock was harder than it had been in my life, if I had even so much as touched it I'm sure I would have cum in my pants. Slowly he said his dutiful, yet far from respectful, `yes sir' and stood to attention with his hands behind his neck. "Please sir, may I be allowed to cum?" "Not me you stupid faggot." Jay laughed, "you need permission from Sam for this one, you do remember my little brother don't you? And by the way it's now 6.24!"

Asher flashed a look of sheer terror in my direction, his eyes pleading for his torture to end. He visibly gulped and desperately addressed the same request to me, every bit of him begging me to be quick with my response. The feeling of power was intoxicating. I always melted when Asher spoke to me, but this time, however grudgingly, he was asking for my permission to stroke his gorgeous cock to climax. He was literally begging me to allow him to cum for my pleasure.

I could only see his face and torso framed through the driver's side window but the image was divine. To see his shaved pits stretched with his hands locked behind his neck was magical and his powerful abs above his supreme washboard stomach was incredible. My eyes were full as I formed the words to give him my assent. Only hours before I would have been the one obeying his every command, he was an idol and king to most of the school. Now he was humiliating himself for my pleasure. Before the words had fully left my mouth Jay shouted at the desperate Jock "on his side of the truck Reid you stupid faggot. Will you ever learn to be respectful?" Ash couldn't believe it. Where the driver's door was relatively sheltered from passing eyes, mine was fully exposed to anyone leaving the sports hall. Panic hit Asher's eyes. His face was tortured, unbelieving, questioning. Jay's response was simple – "6.25!"

Asher fleetingly scanned the car park and realising his helplessness, ran around the front of the truck towards my door. His bare feet ignored the rough surface of the tarmac. His full beautiful naked ass was now exposed to anyone leaving the sports hall or driving past. More importantly I was given a magical front row seat of his fully exposed and denuded flesh as he skidded to a halt in front of me.

My eyes were glued to his magnificent shaved balls, watching the way they continued swinging even as the rest of his body struggled to shake off the momentum to stand at attention before my window. Before his body even stopped moving the words had left his mouth "Sam, please mate, may I cum pleeeaaaasssse?" the last word desperate.

"Louder Asher, I couldn't hear you," I couldn't my own audacity. Asher Reid was in my power and I was going to enjoy it. "And more respectful please!"

He breathed and managed to clear the look of hate from his eyes to clearly repeat his request, "Please Master Sam, may I have your permission to cum for you please Sir?"

I couldn't believe his words. I felt bigger than I ever had in my life. I looked to Jay for approval who nodded his assent. "Of course you can Asher, seeing as you asked so nicely. Make yourself hard for us, there's a good boy" The words left my lips without thought. I'd actually called him boy. He was obeying ME. I was in heaven.

Asher's hands left his neck faster than one of his slickest passes, and started working his cock to hardness. I was amazed when his left hand reached straight around to his ass and, without being ordered to, slid a finger into his tight hole – apparently the humiliation of voluntarily fingering himself to speed his climax was less than the fear of video being released and risking total ruin. A part of me wanted to order him to turn so that I could see him penetrate his most intimate of glands, but my eyes were transfixed; unable to tear themselves away from the perfect cock that was being tossed for my pleasure. I couldn't breathe.

His body was so tight, and his eyes were staring straight at my face. He was so close I could touch him; in fact I couldn't resist. My hand reached for him, smearing Jay's spit across his chest. I then found his nipple; it was as erect as his beautiful dick. I played with it gently, testing it, teasing it, my fingers worshiping it. Then something wicked broke inside me and I twisted his right nipple hard. The pain registered on his face and as it did a shock of electricity passed through my body; I felt my own cock jump and jerk. I twisted again harder. At first he looked stunned; then angry that I would dare to bring him pain. Within seconds though, pleasure registered on his face; could it be that some part of him was getting off on the pain? The dirty slut! My hands stopped playing while I reflected on this new information; I was confused. The look on his face turned to desperate. He needed every advantage going if he was to cum before Jay's deadline, and he knew it. "Please master Sam, keep twisting them sir. I beg you Sam, mate, please!" The words snapped me into action; he was willing to suspend his anger to preserve his future. And Asher Reid, no matter what else you might say, was one hell of a good actor.

I didn't need asking twice. In a trance my hands returned to his flesh, squeezing hard. Lust overtook me and I groped each of his tits and twisted, turning the flesh harshly. Our eyes locked and his breathing deepened and then sped up. He was cumming. His beautiful cock started to swell and jerk; his seed started to spray. I was watching Asher Reid cum. I was in heaven.

He'd been taught better than to waste his boy-juices so he pumped them into his cupped left hand, which had only left the warm crevasse of his ass moments before. I shook my head amazed at the behaviour of the degraded stud, but nothing prepared me for what came next.

"Master Sam, please may I eat my cum sir?" He had learnt his lesson in respect and was taking no chances with my delayed assent kicking him past the deadline – now only moments away. His cock hadn't even stopped pumping and here he was begging me to eat it. I'd never even thought of such a thing. I was revolted but hotter than a bitch on heat.

Dazed and lustful, I nodded my approval. Asher started to bring his hand to his lips, but Jay barked over my shoulder "Not so fast Reid. Smear it on the window and lick it off. And make it sexy. Put on a show for Sammer here so he can see what a cheap slut you are." Remotely he closed my window, Asher's frantic face trapped on the other side. Despite his anger, the stud's hand was at the window in seconds wiping his cum across the glass. Nothing in my life had been better than what happened next – Ash's mouth, perfect teeth and lips tracing his tongue across the glass, lapping and eating his own boy jism; doing his best to look like a cheap porn actor for my amusement. Only his eyes betrayed his resentment.

It was too much for my repressed dick to stand, without even touching myself my own cock exploded right there in the truck, soaking my underwear. In my ejaculation fuelled high, I wished only to kiss the divine boy jock, to feel his cum encrusted tongue in my mouth. Seeing him eating his own cum was too much. His humiliation had touched my cock just as powerfully as his fist could ever have done and, as the euphoria subsided, I was left with a pool of my seed wetting my boxers and running down into the crack of my ass. The heat of Asher's on-going ordeal still outweighed the fear of my secrets being revealed to Jay.

Within seconds my window was clear and Ash was yanking at the rear door of the cab desperate to end his exposure. "You've got to be fucking joking Reid you fucking sweaty piece of shit" Jay spat, "There's no fucking way your disgusting naked flesh is defiling my beautiful upholstery. Get in the back you piece of shit. Seeing as you so clearly get off on exposing your pathetic body in public I'm sure you'll have a great time. If you're lucky we'll pass a few trucks or busses so you can wave your shrivelled up knob at them." He laughed at Asher's humiliation, loving the power of revenge.

Asher's face was grey. He had tears in his eyes; whether from fear or frustration I didn't know, but within seconds he was moving to obey; figuring the back of the pickup at least offered more protection than his current state of full exposure, I was trapped in a spell. As Ash's naked form scrabbled to comply, I found myself moving, transfixed by his supreme form. Without thinking I made to scramble between the front seats to get a better view of the naked stud clambering into the back.

"Oh and Sammy" Jay said in a voice barely above a whisper, "If you get any of your cum on my leather seats you filthy cum-stained bastard I'm going to tan your ass. I can't believe you got off watching that you disgusting little slut!" My body went cold with fear and froze on the spot. Fuck! He knew! He knew I'd cum in my boxers watching Asher's humiliation. My state changed instantly. My brother knew that I'd ejaculated watching Ash jack off. He must guess I was gay. Oh fuck! Oh god no! What had I done?

Please let me know if you would like to hear more about Sammy's adventures or have any suggestions about how they can be even richer. If you'd like to talk to Sammy or any of the other characters just email them at It's of course the same address for me if you do have suggestions. I look forward to chatting Zac x

Next: Chapter 4

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