Sammys Descent

By Alive Now

Published on May 9, 2013


Sammy's Descent – Chapter 2

This is my first story on Nifty; I hope you like it. I don't see myself as much of a writer so all the kind words and encouragement I've received really did touch me (some of them in very special places); I'm keen to learn and the boys are eager to please. Sammy has been my imaginary friend for over a year now as I've penned this saga; personally I like the story more in the later chapters where new characters enter the plot and the boys become more adventurous so please keep reading. That said, we meet Asher in all his naked glory in Chapter 2 – so stripping and humiliating the beautiful stud is my gift to you. You may also want to consider reading The Downfall of Nate Ramsey by Jasper Cooper; it's a hot story but also hints at the inspiration for Asher's predicament.

I also wanted to mention donations to Nifty, your kindness and the kindness of other beautiful men keeps the fantasy alive for the thousands of horny readers who otherwise would live less rich lives. If you do decide to donate please let me know and I will ask the boy of your choice to do a small trick or favour for you to say thank you on behalf of us all.

Please write to me at and let me know if you like the story. I would love feedback and ideas and will do my best to include your fantasies if they are compatible with the plot. Also feel free to write to any of the boys directly, they will reply, but please don't ask them for photos because they are fictional characters and will find it hard to comply lol. Zac x

Chapter 2

Jay and I have always been close, with hardly any sibling rivalry. He looks after me and protects me and I dote on him, doing whatever I can to make him happy. He can be a bit bossy at times but I don't mind; I've always loved the way I feel when he's proud of me, so I do everything I can to get that feeling. Looks wise, he's a god! Obviously he's my brother so he doesn't make me tingle the way Asher and some of his teammates do, but he's solid muscle definition with a face that wouldn't be out of place in any teen drama and with enough sexual energy to have girls (and guys I guess if he wanted them) throwing their panties at him and begging him to fuck them up.

Jay is part of the IT crowd at school, he and his buddies pretty much rule the place. He's one hell of a charismatic 18 year old, and being an Ice Hockey player gives him a certain mystery – let's face it ice hockey in the UK isn't exactly a national sport, but he's got real talent – which when added to his looks and charm makes him close to untouchable. As long as I keep him sweet, being his brother has always afforded me certain privileges. Beyond the model looks, the part of him that most people can't stop staring at – no not his package, although from the crafty looks I've snatched when he's slouching in his undies he is truly blessed there as well – are his eyes, crystal blue and penetrating, and set off perfectly by his cool blond locks.

Jay being so perfect has always been a bit of a problem for me. He has one hell of a large shadow. I guess that's why I learnt to shelter in it rather than ever trying to define myself. Where most sixteen year olds are rebelling I enjoy doing chores for him, as I said earlier, I just like the way I feel when he's pleased with me. Most people think I'm cute, some even say beautiful, but I don't see it myself. When compared to Jay's supreme physique, I'm nothing. Where he's a tall manly stud, I only stand at 5"9 and much as I hate to admit it am softer and more boyish. Where he's a born leader with confidence oozing from every pour, I'm really shy without him to tell me what to do. My body is athletic I guess, but nothing like Jay's god-like frame. I do have pecs and the beginnings of a washboard, but on me it just looks `cute' apparently.

The constant comparison to Jay is the main reason I've always been embarrassed to show off any part of my body in public, I won't even take my shirt off in front of other people and do everything I can to avoid changing in the locker room. I guess my main problem is I look `pretty' and I'm always worried someone will figure out I'm not a real man and expose the submissive little queer boy in my head.

I breathed a sigh of relief as Jay stood and made to leave. My mind was reeling. I couldn't believe the story Jay had just told me and much less that he had included me in his exploits. Was I really going to be seeing Asher Reid in his full sexual glory? I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas. I watched Jay's supreme frame wrench open the door, leaving it swinging wide, and my gaze followed him as he marched across the landing to his room. I just lay there for a moment in a daze before my mind eventually managed to return to urgent matters like getting the carrot out of my ass. I reached down to feel the green tail spouting from my ass. I was laughing internally – a sort of nervous, relief filled laughter, it hit me how close I'd come to being discovered. The whole conversation with Jay had taken place with me stark naked beneath the covers and with the carrot I was now fingering jutting from my ass. If Jay had caught me my life would have been over. What surprised me was instead of feeling frightened and embarrassed, I felt elated and alive.

I pulled gently on the tail, feeling the exquisite agony as my anus resisted and then finally released the phallus. My cock was rock hard. I stroked it a few times whilst feeling my ass yielding to the pressure inside me. I was on the verge of orgasm when I suddenly remembered the open door. My cock needed attention badly but I couldn't risk further exposure. I pulled back the duvet, and heaved my nude body towards the door, taking a moment to admire the spouting carrot top sticking out of my ass like a tail; it felt so humiliating and so exciting. As I was standing there, running my hand over my shaved skin – I still hadn't got used to the feel – I heard the familiar click of Jay's door opening. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! In a panic I desperately sought any available cover, but the best I could do to prevent full exposure was to crane what I could of my naked body behind the door itself. Whilst my fully erect dick was covered, the view he got on exiting his room exposed my full right side nude from head to toe. He couldn't see my cock but everything else was displayed, including if he looked, a big chunk of my shaved crotch.

My face went instantly beetroot-red. Worse I felt an oozing between my buttocks as the trapped carrot obeyed gravity and slid slowly from my anus. I tried to clench my buttocks and tighten my sphincter, but this only seemed to speed its journey south. Because of the way I was standing both hands were occupied in holding the door in place to preserve my modesty; there was nothing I could do as it finally broke free and fell to the ground behind me accompanied by a loud fart. I was mortified; but Jay seemed none the wiser, thank god.

"Don't shut that Sammy. I was thinking and decided I don't like the idea of you jacking off in the room next to me; it feels disrespectful somehow. So you're forbidden from touching yourself for the rest of the day, do you understand little brother?" I couldn't believe he was instructing me on such a private matter, it felt so humiliating, but I was in no position to argue with him. If he decided to kick my naked ass and found the shit-covered carrot on the floor behind me my life wouldn't be worth living. I had to obey. All I could do was mumble my compliance. "In fact it seems appropriate that you use this time to start your punishment from earlier for lying to me and for buffing your tiny little cock without permission. So I think you should start your chores now to keep you out of mischief. You can begin by getting me a coke from the fridge and then start cleaning my room. I want it spotless by the time we go out later."

I couldn't believe it. Normally I'd jump straight to follow his instructions, but my balls were aching so badly for relief that I just stood there desperately searching for an excuse that would give me the precious seconds needed to cum. "Don't even think of defying me on this Sammy or your life won't be worth living. You are not to touch your little peanut and that's final. Do you understand?"

"Yes Jay. Sorry." I don't know why I added the sorry. Was I apologising for tossing off or for the delay in responding? Either way I was left naked, partially exposed, with a raging hard-on, and with no way to deal with it. At least the chores might take my mind off the inferno in my loins and the conjured mental image of Asher's humiliation.

"Oh and to complete your punishment Sammy you can wear this." I looked confused as a small ball of white material was fired towards me. I managed to grab it out of the air without losing my grip on the door. "You might recognise it from my story earlier. And Sams you've got three minutes to put that on, get my coke and to report for cleaning duty in my room. Your time starts now." With that he disappeared back into his room laughing.

I started dumbly at the material before realising with a rush that these must be the trunks Asher had been forced to wear at the pool. They were tiny; even for me they'd be tight. For Asher they must have been obscene. As Jay had described there was no lining making the material much thinner than usual. Suddenly remembering my time limit I squeezed myself into them. The idea that Asher's naked flesh had been pressed into the same space was intoxicating. My cock wasn't huge, but my erection was raging and try as I might it was impossible to get the tip to stay below the waistband. There was nothing I could do; I just had to pray that it subsided before my three minutes were up.

Before leaving the room I remembered my makeshift dildo lying on the ground where it had fallen from my ass and threw it into the bin without even taking the time to examine it. Realising how little time I had remaining, I ran downstairs to get Jay's coke from the kitchen. Luckily mum was out so I had a clear run. On the way back I took a moment to examine myself in the hall mirror. The white looked good against my tanned skin. The tightness of the speedos made my package appear bigger than it was, which pleased me, but not half as much as the realisation that my cock was now soft enough to fit inside without peeking out. The material wasn't really translucent, but I bet it would have been when wet. It must have been so humiliating for Asher; I couldn't believe I was now going to be part of his downfall. Regaining my focus I straightened my hair before leaping up the stairs to deliver the soda.

I found Jay's door closed, so knocked respectfully, he had a big thing about me needing permission to go in his room. As I waited for his response I heard the timer on his phone start to beep; fuck he'd actually timed me. "Oh close one Sammy boy, you just made it! Get your ass in here Princess." I hated it when he called me that, but somehow it felt more humiliating as I entered his room dressed only in the thinnest fabric. He took the coke from me, prised open the can and took a big swig before looking me up and down. I just stood there as his eyes bored into me. I felt like a piece of meat; a slave at an auction being inspected. I started to blush deeply. He revolved his finger indicating I should show him my back side. It was so degrading; Jay had made me wear humiliating stuff before, but mostly just as a power play and he'd just laughed at me, this time it felt more; like it was marking something.

"You're such a little freak Sammy. I can't believe you're just wearing the speedos." He shook his head as if amazed at my debauchery. "I meant for you to put on a few more clothes than that. Don't you have any dignity?" He was laughing at me. I felt so small. My hands inadvertently tried to cover the front of my pouch. "But if that's what you want to wear who am I to stop you? You can feel free to start cleaning in your little panties now."

Jay kept me busy most of the afternoon with chores and errands. But finally relented and let me shower and dress normally – but still forbidding me from touching myself. As a reward for working for him through the afternoon he offered me a lift to meet with Asher. Just before six we went down to where his American style pick-up truck was parked in the drive. It was his pride and joy. He hadn't earned much from hockey yet but what bits he had earned from sponsorships and fees had been spent on buying the truck as soon as he passed his test. It was beautiful, metallic red (the same colour as the Mutts uniform) with tan leather seats and trim. It was the type that had two rows of seats and then had a short exposed tray at the back. I jumped in the passenger seat and returned his brotherly banter. Whatever had happened during the day was forgotten as we headed off on an adventure together.

We arrived at school and headed for the car park behind the gym. It wasn't busy at that hour, with just a few cars peppered about. It was towards the end of term and heaps of kids had reduced timetables to accommodate exams. I'd already finished quite a few of my GCSEs and my afternoon had been cleared for exam prep, but heck as every 16 year old boy knows masturbating trumps revision every time.

Asher had been ordered to wait for us in the locker room after practice and told that Jay would meet him there at 6pm with his instructions. We parked up and walked towards the gymnasium. My stomach was leaping and hormones were racing though my young body. I couldn't believe what would be waiting for me in the changing room. I'd never seen a man naked in the flesh and that my first would be Asher Reid was completely intoxicating.

"So you ready for this Sammy?" Jay asked as we stood outside the locker room door; all I could do was nod, my mouth was too dry to talk. My hands were clammy and shaking. I couldn't believe what my big brother was including me in this. He smiled at me and ruffled my hair, "Time for revenge Sams" and so saying pushed the door and with that one small motion changed my life.

We found Asher inside on one of the benches. There was no one else in there, just the forlorn looking stud. He was still wearing his football kit but had the rest of his clothes in a bag next to him. He looked up as we entered, a mixture of fear, sadness and loathing in his eyes. He said nothing out loud, but his eyes were communicating volumes. I felt sorry for him and ashamed in equal measure; but lust is a powerful drug. My whole body was baying for blood; I wanted to see the handsome jock stripped and humiliated. I wanted to feel power over him. I wanted to see Jay fuck him up. I wanted to feel him and taste him and punish him. I had never felt so alive.

He stood up as we drew closer. There was a pleading in his eyes. There was history; close friendship in the past. Asher was silently begging Jay to save him, hoping his friend would relent and give him peace – if only for one night. But Jay was angry, he wanted revenge, he wanted his pound of flesh.

"Are they all your clothes slave?" Asher nodded. Then strip off the kit and put everything in that bag. Asher mechanically pulled the football shirt over his head revealing his magnificently chiselled torso. It was hairless of course and naturally tanned. He sat to remove his boots and socks. He then rose again putting his fingers into the waistband of the shorts but then waited as if hoping for a reprieve. It never came; Jay just nodded to indicate he should continue the show. Ash's eyes closed as he slid his fingers down his legs, taking with them the thin sports shorts. I could hardly breathe as the contrasting white of his jock was slowly revealed along with the perfect thighs. Still no hair and just one well packed piece of fabric before Asher Reid stood before me naked and fully exposed.

I held my breath as Jay nodded that the jock strap should be lost and with it the last of Asher's dignity. Ash kept defiant eye contact as his slid the supporter down his legs. At first the crown jewels were hidden by his bending body but as soon as he stood again I got my first look at the supreme cock and balls of Asher Reid. He wasn't big, just perfectly proportioned. Anything bigger would have looked grotesque on such an exquisite body. He was of course shaved as I'd been warned. His balls were tight but full and nestled over them was the most soft beautiful cock I had ever seen; nothing in any video had prepared me for its beauty. I wanted to touch him, I wanted to suckle him, I wanted to lose myself in his beauty. It took every ounce of my will power to restrain myself; Jay mustn't know how much I was getting off on this. For him this was revenge, nothing more. He couldn't know how much I wanted this. He couldn't know I was gay for Asher.

"Put it all in the bag and give it to Sammy, then put your hands behind your neck like the slave you are Reid." Ash slowly picked up all of his kit and stuffed it into the bag with his normal clothes and handed them to me. I could smell him. It was intoxicating. The naked stud then separated his legs puffed out his chest and locked his hands behind his neck. "You're such a pussy Asher. Before we begin this I want you to know I hate you." Jay was now the one to hold eye contact. The look of contempt on his face scared me and withered Ash visibly. "You hurt me Asher. You betrayed me. And this is about revenge. I want to fuck you up and laugh at your pain. You deserve this Asher. Never forget that. You deserve this." The last word hung there for what seemed like hours and was only broken when Jay hacked a huge ball of spit into Asher's face. I watch it as it trailed down past his nose and ran down the corner of his mouth. Ash flinched but otherwise said nothing.

"You know your mission slave. You have until 6.30 to get to my truck. We'll be waiting. If you're late Dillon gets a call on the dot of 6.30 and you become a new kind of celebrity." Jay's laugh was sinister. "Come on Sammy, nearly time for you to get your revenge too." I felt Jay's hand softly press on the back of my head, snapping me out of my daze and guiding me to the exit. We didn't look back, much as I wanted to, just walked to the car without talking, then got in and started to wait.

Please let me know if you would like to hear more about Sammy's adventures or have any suggestions about how they can be even richer. If you'd like to talk to Sammy or any of the other characters just email them at It's of course the same address for me if you do have suggestions. I look forward to chatting Zac x

Next: Chapter 3

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