Sammys Descent

By Alive Now

Published on May 7, 2013


Sammy's Descent

This is my first story on Nifty; I hope you like it. I'm not much of a writer, but I'm keen to learn. Sammy has been my imaginary friend for over a year now as I penned this saga; personally I like the story more in the later chapters where new characters enter the plot and the boys become more adventurous, that said, where better to start than at the beginning. I was first inspired to write this after reading The Downfall of Nate Ramsey and would like to thank Jax for his support and encouragement (as well as the many hours of lust filled fantasy).

Please write to me at and let me know if you like the story. I would love feedback and ideas and will do my best to include your fantasies if they are compatible with the plot. Also feel free to write to any of the boys directly, they will reply, but please don't ask them for photos because they are fictional characters and will find it hard to comply lol.

Chapter One – Caught in the Act

The front door slammed and I heard hurried footsteps clattering up the stairs, "Sammy you up here?"

"In my room Jay." I shouted loudly with a more desperate "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" under my breath as I scrambled to neutralise the room after a marathon wankfest. I had seconds to close down the images on my computer screen, straighten the room, withdraw the carrot from my naked butt and put some clothes on. Impossible with him moving so fast. I only had time for emergency measures. I flattened the laptop screen, praying that he wouldn't have need to show me anything on the net. I threw myself onto the bed and dived under my duvet just as my door opened. I was still start bollock naked but at least the covers now hid my desperate erection. It was a very close call, if he hadn't shouted I would have been caught dick in hand.

"What the fuck you up to Sams?" Jay looked around the room frowning, from the look on his face it was clear he knew exactly what I'd been up to, but at least I hadn't been exposed as queer.

"Nothing Jay" I lied unconvincing. "What you after bro?" As I sat up to talk, the covers slid down off my shoulders leaving me naked to the waist. Worse, I yelped slightly as the forgotten root vegetable butt-plug was forced deeper into my anus. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" this time in my head, "please god, just don't let him get suspicious or I'm dead"; Jay is an amazing brother, but straight as they come and certainly not forgiving of the sort of shit that was getting me off.

"Come into my room, it stinks in here. I've got something to tell you." He started to pull the duvet to get my ass moving, something he'd done since childhood.

I held on for grim death, desperate not to be exposed, "Jay please I'm naked!" I screamed.

"Why are you naked you little freak? It's four o'clock in the afternoon." He started to pull the covers again, not so strongly this time; again I was able to resist.

"Please Jay!" I begged.

"Tell me why you're naked and I'll talk to you in here."

"I was sleeping." The covers were yanked again, harder this time and I barely managed to hold onto my modesty; only the thought of the vegetable deep in my ass gave me the power to resist.

"Don't lie to me you little fuck. That's not how we roll. Truth or naked!"

"I'm sorry Jay, but it's embarrassing. I can't tell you."

"I don't care how embarrassed you are you little bitch. Tell me what you were up to now or I'll find out for myself." Again pressure on the duvet and this time a hand reaching for my laptop. I couldn't defend both at once.

"Jay PLEASE!" I yelped, "I'm sorry. Please don't make me tell you."

He started to open the laptop, staring into my eyes. Daring me. I couldn't risk full exposure. The humiliation of being caught masturbating was preferable to being outed as the submissive little queer boy I am. "No, please Jay. I'm sorry for lying to you bro. Please" The look on his face told me I had no choice; Jay always got his way in the end, and often sooner rather than later. He was enjoying my misery and there was no way he was about to let me off the hook. I hung my head in shame and quietly I whispered. "Ok, OK, I was jacking off Jay. Satisfied?" I felt mortified, but lifted my head to stare at Jay defiantly.

"Sorry I couldn't hear you Sammy; could you speak up please?"

I screwed my eyes up; why did he always have to do this to me? I knew there was no choice but to repeat it and face whatever punishment he decided was fitting. Defeated, I repeated my confession more clearly "I was jacking off Jay; that's why I'm naked at 4 o'clock in the afternoon."

Jay laughed at me. "So my little brother really is a wanker. It's official. I wouldn't have thought you'd of had enough between your legs to rub, but there we are; I guess we make do with what we've got." He patted the top of the duvet where he figured my cock would be.

"So Sammy, not only are you a wanker, but you lied to me so I think a punishment is in order. What do you think would be fitting?" he pretended to be thinking hard, "What about cleaning my room for the next month?"

I shook my head slowly, confused but relieved. "Sure. Whatever you want Jay." I felt mortified I'd been caught and just wanted the subject closed.

"And just so you remember what a worthless little wanker you are you can do your new little cleaning job wearing nothing but your underwear." I groaned under my breath, but knew I'd have no choice, "I think that's fitting. And I suggest you say `yes Jay' nicely or I'll add naked laundry to the game!" His face had softened now, he knew I did most of his chores anyway; he smiled as if I was welcomed back to the fold, forgiven.

I paused a moment, reflecting on how good it felt inside when he accepted and included me. I returned his smile, "Yes Jay, nicely" I joked, lifting the last of the tension. He grabbed my head in a headlock and ruffled my hair affectionately, returning the mood to a normal brotherly chat. "What did you want to talk to me about?" I looked down to see the duvet had slipped down so low that the base of my softening cock was showing. I went instantly cold. What would Jay do to me if he realised I'd shaved off all my pubic hair, that my cock, balls and ass were completely denuded? I'd probably get away with the bit of me above the duvet, although that too had been scraped by the razor as I'd endeavoured to make myself more like the boys I'd read about online and seen in videos. And wanking felt so much better when I was hairless. Not that I'm normally hairy, quite the opposite in fact but I'd shaved off everything from my neck down just because it turned me on. Jay however isn't the type of jock who forgives that type of perversion – unless ordered by him of course. As surreptitiously as I could manage, I raced to pull the covers up above my belly button. He hadn't noticed.

Jay sat down on the bed and with a big sigh started to fill me in, "Well my favourite little brother." I am actually his only brother, but it's definitely true that I'm much smaller than him. "Have you heard what Tyler has done to Asher Reid?"

I had no idea what Jay was talking about. I knew Asher of course, hell pretty much everyone knew Asher. Growing up he'd been Jay's best friend, but when they were both 14 Ash had been chosen to star as the kid in an advert. It was a pretty big deal at the time and the advertising agency turned it into a series. It turned Asher Reid into a minor celebrity for a while, with interviews in the teen mags and stuff. Nothing too big, and nothing your everyday Joe in the street would remember, but it was enough to go to his head. Over time he became more and more distant and aloof, looking down on the mere mortals who weren't part of his new TV life. He pretty much dumped Jay in favour of sycophants and people who `understood the pressures of being a TV personality'. In short he became a bit of an arrogant knob, and Jay's former love for his best friend was now replaced by a festering resentment and anger.

Whilst Ash still did the odd bit of modelling he had made a pact with his parents that he wouldn't pursue more TV work until he'd finished school – which with A Levels pretty much in the bag (assuming his timetable was anything like Jay's) he was now pretty well free to do. Much as I'd personally miss him, for Jay's sake I would be pleased to see him go; I couldn't stand the pain in my brother's eyes when Asher was about.

My view of Asher was different. In my world he deserved to be arrogant. Hell he deserved to be worshipped. He was outstandingly beautiful, the type of boy that girls drool over, dark rich hair styled to perfection, a smile that melts hearts, tanned skin and startling hazel eyes. He wasn't overly tall at 5'11 but so perfectly proportioned. I'd dreamed of one day finding a topless photo shoot but Asher seemed almost phobic of revealing any of the beautiful flesh beneath his clothes. His image had been carefully crafted as the stunning clean living boy next door; his onscreen personality oozed warmth and sincerity, but then Asher was a great actor.

People like me were shit beneath his feet, and he treated us appropriately – as lower mortals with our only purpose to do his bidding. I was grateful if he even spoke to me, no task was too demeaning for me if it meant I got to hear his voice. Other people might have called it bullying, but any attention from Asher Reid was welcome however small and however humiliating. My teen body reacted intensely to him, like a drug; whenever in his presence I was hard and if his attention was actually focussed on me it was everything I could do not to cream in my pants.

"Earth to Sammy" Jay rapped me on the head, shaking me out of my reflection, "Well have you Sammy boy? Heard about the downfall of the `oh-so-famous' Asher Reid?"

"What? No! I've not heard anything. What's happened Jay?" He now had my full attention and he was playing me, "What do you mean downfall?" My body involuntarily moved forward, leaning in, desperate to know. "Eeeeeeeiiiioooowwwww... FUCK!" I screeched as the forgotten carrot was pressed fully into my anus by my forward motion. I felt my sphincter slowly close around the carrots green top, leaving only the leaves trailing out of my ass like a tail. I could feel the vegetable deep inside me, filling me, raping me as I struggled to regain my composure in front of my bemused brother.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Sams? You want to hear this, or do you want to stay weird?" He was staring at me. "Well?" I'd obviously crossed some sort of line in his patience.

"Sorry Jay. Please I'm listening. I just had cramp." I lied. "What's happened to him?"

"Well if you stop being a little fuck up I'll tell you. It seems that whilst I was away Asher pissed off Tyler so much that he decided to bring the TV-tosser down a peg or two. I still don't quite know how he did it, but he's managed to blackmail Ash into doing some of the most humiliating things possible. It seems that he'll do pretty much anything to protect his precious future acting career. You won't believe what Tyler's had him doing." Jay was laughing, and there was something new in his face, something I'd never seen before. Release maybe? Revenge?

"You're joking?" He had my full attention now. "What's he been forced to do? Tell me please." I was in danger of being overly interested.

"What's it worth to tell you Sammy?"


"What's it worth for me to tell you about Asher's fucked up exploits? If I tell you every sordid detail, what will you do for me? It's a good story. As a teaser it involves them stripping his arrogant ass naked and humiliating the living shit out of him. They're forcing him to obey their every command, however disgusting, and if he doesn't obey instantly they'll post some rather compromising video footage they've shot of him on YouTube and other more explicit sites. And from what Dillon showed me just now the videos are going to be very popular, hell they've already put one online, not showing his face or anything, but it's had over 250,000 viewers already."

I couldn't believe it, I'd of given my right arm to hear the story, but somehow with every hormone in my body racing I had to fight to maintain sufficient composure to appear the bullied student looking for a saviour rather than a fucked up little queer turned on by stories of jocks getting humiliated and degraded. "What do you want Jay?"

"Breakfast in bed for a week should do for starters."

"Done" I smiled.

"Well, if you're sitting comfortably, I'll begin." I wasn't; I had a fat carrot bedded deep in my ass and a painfully raging hard-on, but I was certainly listening.

"I don't have the whole story yet but I've seen footage of him taken last week at the pool. They made him strip naked in the main changing area and act like a total pervert. He was forced to stand brazenly naked right in front of the changing room door with his butt and dick on display to everyone passing by – by the way they've shaved him completely – can you fucking believe it? Like he's got no fucking pubic hair or anything!" The irony wasn't lost on me, and my hands unconsciously pulled the covers up further. "They made him stay there by the door nude for 30 minutes before they gave him the tinniest pair of white Speedos to wear. They were almost translucent and Tyler had cut out the lining so they left nothing to the imagination – especially once wet. They made him strut around the pool doing his model walk – you'd love the video it was so funny."

I shook my head and grinned as if not believing what I was hearing – which wasn't hard because it was beyond any fantasy that I'd ever dared imagine. "Later they ordered him to remove the trunks in the pool and took them off him leaving him swimming stark bollock naked right there in the pool with no way of covering himself and everyone else swimming around oblivious of his plight. I'm not sure how he got out; the video stops at that point as the guys left. But I would have loved to see that final humiliation."

I was in shock. As I've already said Asher holds god-like status to me. He's as straight as they come and the idea of him being forced into nudity and exposed by Tyler was the ultimate wank-fodder for my teenage dick. I would have given anything to have been there. Watching would have been amazing; witnessing his humiliation first-hand as they stripped the clothes from his incredible body and forced him to obey their commands.

"There are other stories too," Jay was talking again, "all just as perverse. I've seen videos of him being fucked with a cucumber and sucking cock." He paused to gauge my reaction – which wouldn't have disappointed him. "I've seen him being forced to piss outside and being spanked. I've seen him being forced to strip naked in a gay bar with fat old queers watching, with only a mask to preserve his modesty. I've even seen him begging to be fucked. Can you believe it?"

I couldn't and just sat there staring at him, my eyes begging him to tell me more.

Jay ruffled my hair. "I thought this would interest you little bro, particularly after the way he's bullied you recently, in fact that's why I'm telling you, I thought you might like the opportunity to get your own back?"

Thank fuck for that! The duvet was thick enough to conceal my rock hard dick and he was mistaking my over enthusiastic interest as a lust for revenge. Trying to reign in my sexual desire I nodded almost shyly as if I was considering the torment he had put me through. The truth of course was that it hadn't been bullying, just Asher being his gorgeous self and putting me in my place. The more he `bullied' me the hotter I got and the sooner I needed to get to a bathroom to jack off and relive every put down in my sordid little mind. "What do you want me to do Jay?"

"I don't want you to do anything little bro, this has to be your choice. But if you want to be involved, then as your dashing big brother, I thought you might like to see the arrogant fuck brought down a peg or two. Because I've been away for the last couple of weeks," he'd been at an ice hockey camp in the states, "I've missed out on all the fun so far, soooooo Tyler wants me to get up to speed. So he's given me Asher and the twat is mine this evening to humiliate and abuse. Just me and him would feel weird soI thought you might like to join me?"

I was beside myself. "Of course Jay, I want in." Not too convincingly adding "I'd love to get my own back for everything he's done. What's the plan?"

"Well I get him after from 6pm tonight. Tyler is letting him attend football practice as normal and then he's all mine. I guess I'll pick him up in the school parking lot and take him somewhere. Any ideas Sammy?"

"Like what do you mean?" I asked, feigning innocence.

"Well something to humiliate him and degrade him and let us get our own back. He hates being naked so we should probably include some of that don't you think? Then make him do some fucked up stuff whilst we laugh at his naked ass."

My smile was wolfish. "I might have an idea if you want him to suffer?" Jay nodded for me to continue. Leaning in I adopted a conspiratorial tone, "Well he does need to get from the locker room to your truck doesn't he?"

"I guess so, what did you have in mind?"

"I just thought it might be funny to force him to do that little trip naked. That way he'll already be suffering before he even gets to you." My expression was quizzical, as if asking him if this was a good idea, seemingly bowing to his seniority. Inside I was churning. Would I really get to see Asher's supreme body naked in public? This was better than my wildest dreams.

"Good start Sammer. You've got the idea. What would you have him do then, to humiliate him further?"

"I don't know? Maybe you could make him jack off before you let him get in, and maybe he has to ride with us naked?"

"You've got a mind for revenge little bro. I couldn't have come up with a better starter for our little adventure myself. I'll tell Tyler. I'm sure he'll be happy to pass on the, err... orders, to Lord Asher and we'll just sit back and wait for his bare ass show to begin. I'll meet you in my truck at 6pm at the far end of the lot behind the sports hall. That work for you?" I nodded, grinning ear to ear now; nodding. "OK Sam I'll let you get back to your wanking now – I suspect you may have a little more to think about in your dirty little head." His last remark was punctuated by a playful cuff to the back of my head, I wasn't quite sure what he meant by it, but the way he said it chilled me a little more than I cared for.

Please let me know if you would like to hear more about Sammy's adventures or if you'd like to talk to him or the other characters just email me (or them) at I look forward to chatting Zac x

Next: Chapter 2

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