Sam Waited

Published on Oct 19, 2011



The reunion was held in the gym. It didn't look different. They even decorated it with the cheap twisted strands of crepe paper to capture the moment. The mirrored ball turned at one end of the room highlighting the lowered basketball net.

Sam chuckled. Ten years later and nothing had changed. He walked among the bodies and faces, some of which he recognized and some who nodded at him, presumably recognizing him.

Or perhaps they wondered who he was. Years of weight training had changed him. His suit didn't hide the thick shoulders, expanded chest, flat stomach and rounded bubble butt. Actually he always had the bubble butt, even when he attended this school.

Like many, he wasn't sure about coming. So much had changed in his life since high school. But his friends said "everyone has changed, you'll regret not going".

He went alone. There was no "other" in his life yet, at least nobody implanted in his home and heart. There had been short term relationships, even one which lived with him for awhile.

Sam wandered to the other end of the gym where people were standing, drinking and laughing. He moved here and there pausing to read a nametag or respond to some former classmate.

Then he saw a familiar face. Trit was surrounded by some girls dressed in old style prom dresses. He wore a peach shirt; at least in the retro lighting it looked peach. It was open, not low enough to tag him as a showoff but far enough to show skin.

His skin seemed tan like it always was. Sam watched him as he watched him years ago.

He had a white shirt on then; open far enough to reveal the cleavage between his early developed pectorals. The gold medal that hung there moved as he moved. His skin was tan and showed through the white shirt.

Sam sat at his place at the table, responding to a chatty girl beside him. Trit stood across the room moving toward the table. He looked at Sam. There was a pause, a long moment and hesitation as Sam didn't know what to expect.

Trit smiled and nodded. Sam felt relieved. He still felt Trit inside him and it combined with Trit's acknowledgement like another orgasm.

"You ok?" The girl, Priscilla was her name, asked.

"Oh yea, just uh thinking" Sam said returning his attention to her while glancing at Trit talking to others before sitting at the table.

The senior class dinner was a tradition. The long tables welcomed the 100 students about to start their lives outside the confines of the school hallways.

It was spring and hot already. The group had gathered at the large house and gardens for two days of picnics, yard football matches, tennis games, swimming and dinner.

The mansion was used for such events in that town. It belonged to Sam's family but he didn't tell too many about that.

He grew up in a house nearby and wandered over the grounds throughout his young life. He learned to swim in the large ornate pool as a child. He attended birthdays and anniversaries of his great grandparents and other relatives there.

And he strode through the gardens learning about the vines, flowers, hedges and other vegetation his Grandfather had planted there as a boy.

And that's where he went that weekend. He let the sun bake his bare shoulders as he located the plants he himself had planted and pruned. He didn't know it then, but that would be the basis of his future, enjoying the landscaping he designed and installed for others, while keeping his own small San Francisco backyard garden flourishing.

"Looks nice, you did this I hear" Trit's voice startled him. Sam turned to see the tall athletic classmate alone.

"Uh yea years ago, I come here now and then" Sam admitted.

"They say your family owns this place" Trit looked left and right as if to see who was nearby. He lifted his shirt off revealing his well formed torso.

Sam had seen it before, everyone had. Trit was a star of the tennis team, the wrestling team and the baseball team.

"Uh yea, I don't talk about it much, we're not rich, and I mean my folks ah"

"Nice and quiet here" Trit said

Sam was still crouched near a flower bed. "Yea, I used to come here and uh you know toke and think"

Trit smiled "good, here" he revealed a joint from his pocket and moved closer sitting on the ground near Sam.

"Let's toke and think now" they inhaled, shared, told stories about the teachers, girls and the two days marking the beginning of the end.

"I've always wondered about you" Trit said.

Sam never knew the big man on campus ever thought about him.

"You're gay right? I mean its ok; I admired the way you just you know didn't seem to care about stuff"

Sam didn't know what to say. He had come to the private conclusion he was gay. The friends he messed with years ago weren't counted as gay stuff....just normal horny kids jacking together.

"Some day I guess I'll figure it out" Trit lay back on the grass unbuttoning his shorts and exhaled.

Sam looked at the healthy boy. He wanted to touch him, kiss his large nipples, slid his hand under the shorts to surround the obvious bulging glands.

"What?" Sam asked hoping the guy would say he too was gay.

"You know, life. Man I still get hot watching some of the hot guys at school. Then Beth gets me goin with her large breasts. I don't know which I...well you know" Trit inhaled and reached out his hand with the smoking joint.

Sam reached for some weeds crawling across the dirt. He didn't mind doing that sober or stoned. The smell of dirt, flowers and even the weeds had attracted him even as a kid.

"You have a nice ass" Trit said

Sam looked back. Sam had sat up and curled his tanned arms around his bare legs.


"Oh come on you know it. Hell why do you think everyone used to snap towels at it in gym?" Sam laughed.

"You are nuts" Sam said knowing the guy was right. Even his aunts used to comment on his little boy butt. As late as the week before in fact during a family celebration of graduating nieces and nephews.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked seeing Trit removing his shorts.

"OH come on, I've seen you out here naked" Trit said

Sam saw the cock in plain view. It was thick as always, hard and pointed upwards. He had seen it before, usually in gym class, and then there were the posed shots everyone saw on twitter.

"You always were a show off" Sam said "and when did you see me here?"

"You liked seeing it in gym; you think I wasn't posing for you?" Trit said standing now, hands on hips for Sam to see.

"Hell everyone saw" Sam replied staring at the body he had glanced at over the years. He downloaded the twitter pics too using them as stimulation for private self satisfying sessions.

Trit reached for Sam's shorts and yanked.

Sam laughed and yelled pulling forward as the shorts revealed the lusted after butt cheeks.

"Yep very hot" Trit slapped them making Sam fall on the ground, his shorts half mast.

Trit, laughing like a little kid, grabbed them again as Sam turned over pulling the blue shorts off the boy's legs. Sam's excitement was visible.

"Nice cock too" Trit said holding his cock "But I want your ass" he said it strongly "Get up"

Sam looked up at the naked classmate holding his cock like he was ready to aim and shoot. He didn't say anything but instead got on his feet. Sam reached to touch the cock he had eyed for years.

Trit didn't move.

"Get it nice and wet so it won't hurt so much" Trit said putting his hands on Sam's bare shoulders and pushing him to his knees.

Sam licked it wanting to taste it but disappointed there wasn't any real taste. He held the testicles feeling the blood pulsing through them. It aroused him further.

He thought of the days working naked in the garden with the sun baking his body. He'd spend hours out there until the sun set or he heard the air horn his mother used to beckon him.

"You ok son?" His father had discovered him one day. "The sun is going to burn you like bacon" the man advised not commenting otherwise on the boy's nakedness or his erection. Sam had grabbed his shorts.

"It's ok, I'll leave you alone, just didn't know who was over here" the man smiled his eyes measuring his offspring's maleness before he turned away.

Sam was embarrassed that day but felt good his Dad had seen him like he was. It didn't stop him from returning to the garden, stripping down, fertilizing the ground with his own seed as well as the bags of store fertilizer again and again.

"OK" Trit said lifting Sam to his feet and turning him around.

Sam leaned against the trellis support and felt the cock hurt his asshole. Despite the number of times he had stuffed his own fingers in there, the cock hurt.

"Just relax Sammy, god you're tight..Shit I didn't know you were a virgin" Trit grunted as his arms surrounded Sam.

It felt good, like he belonged there on that hot day, naked being fucked by the school athletic star. The cock was unrelenting sliding in and out stretching, lubricating and loving he firm grip of Sam's sphincter.

"Shit you're hot" Sam hissed in his ear. Sam felt the fingers moving over his chest, neck, waist, hips and thighs. The hot guy actually wanted him, lusted after him, and loved him.

Sam pushed his ass back. He didn't do it consciously, it seemed natural. He wanted the cock there, needed it there.

Trit's head was on the back of his neck. He was breathing hard. His muscled chest was against Sam's back and the final few jabs into Sam's gut told him sperm was being spewed out of its piss slit and against the insides of his intestine.

It was like Sam had read about on the Internet and even imagined as he slid his greasy palms over his own cock. The hand was slick and firm as it grasped him.

"Your turn bitch" Trit hissed again. His cock was still inside. Sam felt it; he clenched his butt to feel it again. His cock hurt as the hand whipped up and down without caution.

He yelled out as his body spit his own testicle full jism. It flew across the flowers and hedges below him. They were used to it, Sam thought maybe even wanted more of it to grow tall and colorfully in the sun.

"Shit that was worth waiting for" Trit said wiping his cum splattered hands on his own chest and stomach.

Sam knelt and licked it. Trit didn't move but instead watched the light brown haired boy licking his own cum from the body he loved to show off.

"We better get back to the others" Trit said as he bent over to retrieve his shorts.

Sam touched the bent over man size asscheeks, his fingers tracing the muscles down to the thick thighs. Trit didn't move away or say anything. He pulled his shorts up waiting to cover his cock.

"You ok?" he asked tenderly. Sam had feared the guy would fuck him and walk away, leaving him as just another worshipper used and forgotten.

"Yea, very ok" Sam looked blankly then smiled "We should have done that years ago" He said.

Trit nodded without words. "You coming?" he waited for Sam.

"Not yet gotta finish here, see you later" Sam said staying naked. His cock begged for another release and he still felt Trit inside him.

He watched Trit jog away from the garden up the grassy hillside. The buttocks, now covered moved as he ran. Sam had wanted to touch them again, kiss them, and perhaps stab between them with his tongue. His cock got the hand it demanded ending with Sam dressing and rejoining the classmates at the big house part.

Now the Saturday big dinner brought his attention back to the present. Priscilla chatted, Carl across the table told jokes, Anthony, the class President stood and toasted everyone. Trit one of the school letter wearing athletes stood and toasted everyone.

It might have been Sam's imagination but when Trit aimed his glass here and there, he ended by aiming it towards Sam.

But that was probably a mistake, there were so many in the room.

"Hey" Trit found him later as the group stood watching classmates dance in the parlor.

"Hi" Sam didn't know what to say.

"You staying at the motel with the others?" Trit asked.

"No, uh I'm upstairs" Sam said.

"Oh that's right you own this place" Trit said.

"No I didn't mean that, it's just, hell it's private, where I used to stay sometimes, thought it was kind of you know last time and all" Sam didn't mean to refer to his family's wealth.

"It's ok, when you going up?" Trit said

"Later I guess, you at the motel?" Sam asked

"Not tonight" Trit smiled putting his hand on the small of Sam's back "see you later?" his hand moved to Sam's butt.

"Yea, absolutely" Sam stammered realizing his first assfuck wasn't going to be his last.

"Hi" Grown up Trit was standing in front of him. "You look great"

"Hi Trit" Sam said "so do you"

They exchanged updating information. "San Francisco" Sam said.

"Gotcha, been meaning to see that city, is it as gay as they say?" Trit asked.

Sam wasn't expecting the bluntness.

"Well when I moved there, they got one more" Sam smiled. He had come out to family and friends long ago and he was relaxed.

"So cool, maybe I can come visit" Trit raised his eyebrows.

"I'd like that, you married yet?" Sam asked.

"Naw they don't allow it in this state" Trit revealed more then Sam realized. "Where are you staying?"

"At the house, same room as always" Sam said

"Anyone else there?"

"My folks live there now, but it's a big house" Sam said "remember it?"

Trit moved closer. "I think about it allot even when I was in Iraq"

Sam noticed the dog tags hanging where Trit's golden medal used to be years ago.

"You with the others at the hotel or at your house?"

"Naw folks moved away and I can't afford a hotel on my Marine paycheck." Trit said

"Why don't you come over, you can stay with me" Sam offered.

"I was hoping you'd say that, gotta mix around but see you later?" Trit said

Sam didn't pull away when Trit moved close and kissed him. The others would see it, he knew. Sam didn't care these days.

And for an instant, he felt the memory Trit inside him from a decade ago,

"I'll wait for you" he said to Trit who was moving away from him. "I've been waiting for years" he said to nobody but himself.

The music got louder. He watched Trit dance shirtless now thanks to the heat of the night. Sam moved to the dance floor and removed his own shirt to dance. He didn't want to wait any longer.

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