Sam Series


Published on Oct 21, 2009





I had decided to tell my best friend, Becky, whom I had been a little distant with lately, about Flip and myself being gay of course. I had been so busy lately that I had been neglecting the one person who had always been there for me. The rest of the weekend had just been me lazing around NOT having sex as I had been a little sore from the first time. Flip had been kinda far off and spent most of the time with his friends and family, especially that disgusting male cousin that tried to grab my ass every time I turned my back. After telling Flip about it he laughed it off saying that I was hot and that I should enjoy the attention.

I didn't, but I would never make a scene so I tried to remove myself from the circumstances and spent most of the time reading in Flips tiny bedroom. I did learn a lot from sneaking around though!

On my way to school that Monday morning I was ecstatic! I was gonna tell my best friend the truth about me and I was gonna meet Flip later at his flat. I parked my car in its usual spot and as I was about to get out an egg hit my window. Gasping I looked around and saw that Carl and some of his buddies were standing next to his car and giving me knowing smiles. I should have left school at that exact moment. I got out of my car ignored them and started to walk to homeroom when some random guy walked into me on purpose and hit me with his shoulder mumbling: "Fag."

I kept walking and realized that people where staring at me. When I passed a group of jocks that were friends with Rex one of them grabbed his crotch and did something disgusting with his tongue. Another started humping his friend next to him. Something was definitely wrong and I was starting to realize that Carl might have told them lies about me.

Just as I entered the school building and was walking past a janitor's closet someone grabbed me and pulled me in and locked the door. Looking up I met the concerned look of Rex.

"Is it true?" He asked glaring at me.

"Is what true?" I asked looking him straight in the eye.

"Did you have sex this weekend?" He said the word sex like it was a disease.

"WHAT!?" I yelled. "How do people know that?" I asked.

"It is all over the Internet! Check out Carl's blog." He held up his laptop and pressed something that started the blog with Carl talking about the "FALL FROM THE THRONE" or some such thing. It had a detailed discussion of my first time with Flip.

"Oh God." I groaned. I must have turned pale, because Rex looked worried. I turned and walked out of the closet-- NOT FUNNY-- and headed back out to the parking lot. I wouldn't let them see me suffer.

Walk slowly, calmly and confidently. There is nothing wrong with being gay Sam. These people make it a sin, but it's NOT. I don't know how I got to the road in front of school, but I must have missed the parking lot because someone else was walking for me. My brain was frozen saying: "THEY KNOW, THEY KNOW, THEY KNOW..." over and over again. I hit the road and heard a horn and turned numbly towards the noise and saw a truck coming towards me much too quickly and I realized that I was going to die. I didn't mind! This was actually going to be good when all of a sudden someone pulled me out of the way and sent me sprawling to the ground.

I came to with two faces looking at me with worry.

Becky and Rex.

They were both talking, but I was a little too out of it to notice what they were saying.

"Sam? Sam? Are you all right?" Becky asked looking at me with a worried expression.

"Why does everyone know about me and Flip?" I asked trying to keep myself from purging all over the both of them.

"He must have told people about the two of you." Said Rex with that same intense look in his eyes. Was he jealous?

"He wouldn't do that Rex!" I almost shouted at him.

"Was anyone else around while the two of you fucked?" Asked Becky trying to be helpful.

"No, that is what is sooo weird! I can't believe that his parents knew about us, because it was only once and in the garden." I said and blushed.

"Shut the fuck up!" Said Rex looking more than angry! "I still cannot believe that you left ME for that douche bag." He said angrily.

"I knew the two of you were seeing each other!" Said Becky as I looked at her in surprise.


"I'm smart Sam!" She said and smiled.

"By the way Rex the reason I dumped you is because you chose your friends side over mine. He was the one who just outed me, he was the one who-" I almost said something right then.

"The one who what?" He asked looking at me intensely!

"Never m-"

"Sam, I swear to god tell me or I'll make you tell me." He said coming closer.

"Nothing Rex just let it go." I said trying to move away from him.

"Sam." Just one word and I could feel the tears starting.

"I can't tell you. I might get hurt again and you might do something and then you could go to jail." I said between my tears and sobs.

"Is this about that beating?!" Becky asked loudly. "Did Carl do that to you!?" She screeched. Seeing the truth in my eyes she shot up and ran away!

I saw the area around Rex's mouth turn white with anger!

"Rex, please don't-" He was up and following Becky, who was running at full speed to find Carl.

I was right behind them jogging to catch up and luckily I was into jogging as I made it to the circle that had formed around Carl who was clutching his cheek where Becky must have slapped him. Rex was there too and punched him so hard that I thought he was gonna lose his fist and Carl his hand!

"Bastard!" Rex screamed as he got onto Carl, who was lying on the ground, and punched him again.

"Stop!" I yelled as I came closer to try and break up the fight. I was pulling on Rex's arm and yelling for him to stop.

As I got Rex off of Carl, Carl got up and smirked saying: "Come on Rex. Doncha like to share that nice piece of ass Sammy's got? He was begging me for it so I punched him to stop."

Everyone around us was deathly silent and the only thing that could be heard were the gasps of shock.

"You liar!" I screamed jumping onto Carl with a fury I did not know that I possessed.

Hi everyone!

I am so sorry for taking this long, but I promise my exams are almost over and then I'll try to post more chapters. So, any suggestions etc. that you guys wanna make send it to ! Thanks! BTW I am busy with this new story with a friend of mine. I'll be writing one chapter and then him, so let us know what you think. The story is called: Guilty and should be posted soon!



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