Sam Hunt and Me

By Jj Rivers

Published on Aug 29, 2016


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It had been a week and Sam had gone. I had graduated from college. He wished he couldve been there. He sent me flowers and a card. He said hed come as soon as he could.

I make my resume and looked for a job or jobs. So i could save myself money and move out on my own. I had finally managed to get a job at a local dinner. It wasnt much but it would have to do for now. I also found a job on the side as a dog walker. I would wake up super early in the morning to walk the dogs, then do to the dinner and back to walking dogs at night. On the weekend i had off from the diner i would do some house cleanings. Three a day. It paid really well. I had been so busy i had forgotten to call Sam. So when i got home i had a bunch of missed calls, texts, face time alerts. I cursed. I took my shower and then called Sam. He answered on the fourth ring as i was about to hang up. There you are, are you ok asks Sam worridly? Yeah im fine, just been working a lot i say. Im sorry i wasnt there fro graduation. Ill make it up to you i promise promises Sam. Oh, i know you will. You have a lot of that to do i say with a huge grin. It was close to midnight. He must have just finished a show. Im all sweaty, i was about to head in the showe he says. Uuumm... You know how i like it when your all sweaty and muscular... And hard i says teasingly. Stop it says Sam his cock already growing hard. I wish i was there to... Take care of that big monster i continue. Ok... I have to go take a cold shower... Really cold shower says Sam matter of factly. Its been two weeks but im saving all of it for when i come home to you promises Sam. I tell him i love him and he tells me hell call me back as soon as hes finished his cold shower. I laugh and i hang up... Fifteen minutes later he calls back and we talk until i fall asleep...

The next day, same routine as before... Walk the dogs, work the dinner, walk the dogs again. I managed to get fourty minutes of gym time. Trying to bulk up and look better not just for Sam but for myself mostly. I felt better then ive felt in a long time. Physically. I was happy. I missed Sam terribly. I thought of surprising him at a concert but i didnt want him getting caught with me and losing his carrer. So i waited patiently.

It was the longest we had been appart. Over a month without seeing him.

Finally he came home. Surprised me. Didnt even tell me he was coming.

I had finally moved out with Jeremy. We shared rent so it wasnt too expensive. My mom was always over and making dinner or just dropping by a casserole or meatloaf. When Sam showed up on my doorstep, in a ball cap, hoodie sunglasses and flowers i almost slammed the door in his face. When i saw him i was shocked. He had grown his bear. I didnt like it to to honest. He smiled. I let him in and jumped him. Kissing him happily. Wow... Wow says Sam pulling back, dont bite my lips off he says jokingly. Im so happy to see you i say happily. Sam looks around. Take his sunglasses, cap and hoodie off. I take the flowers and put them in a vase. There beautiful i say. Well since you got your own place, well just need to have sex everywhere he says with a big smile on his face. I hug him. We hug for a few minutes before i go to the fridge and hand him a beer. We talk for an hour, about his music and tour. After he finishes his beer. He tells me hes missed me so much. You only missed having sex all the time i say jokingly. He looks at me seriously... Thats not true he says sternly. I was joking i say. He kisses my lips gently. His tongue slowly makes his way into my mouth. Dancing with my tongue. He brings me down onto the bed. Him on top. Still kissing me. He holds my hands down, not letting me touch him. I struggle a little, desperatly wanting to touch him. He kisses my cheek then my neck, sending shivers through my whole body. Im hard. Hes hard. What are we still doing with our clothes on... I dont know. I just want to take them off. Aa he kisses my lips he bring my body up and takes my shirt off then lays me back down. Youve been working out says Sam. Before i can answer him again he kisses me. Stopping me from talking.

He kisses his way down my chest. Until the band of my jeans. He undoes my jeans. I watch him. Then my socks are off... Im only in my boxer briefs. He looks at me and smiles. My dick is begging to be released from its confines. He licks and gently bites my dick. Teasing me. I moan happily. Suck me i beg... He just keeps teasing me... Finally after about five minutes of teasing me he uses his teeths to take my underwear off. Thats so hot. My dick pops free. Leaking so much precum. He kisses me dick. My groin. He licks my dick slowly. Up and down. He then take my cock into his hand and slowly jerks it. Bringing his lips to the head. He swirls his tongue around the tip. Then starts sucking it. I moan... He slowly takes more and more of my dick until he hald way down on it. I know thats where he usually stops. My dick is not as thick and long as his. But its not small. He shocks me by taking another inch. I moan loudly. And when i feel that my whole cock is in his mouth. My head smashes against the pillow in ecstasy. Oooommmmggggg i moan... Saaaaaammmmm i moan... He could only stay there for a few seconds. Ive been practicing says Sam. I look at him confused and hurt... On a dildo promises Sam. I look at him. You took my dildo i say. He smiles i couldnt go to the store and by one. I wanted to impress you says Sam. I smile and push his head back to my cock. He sucks me for a good five more minutes. His tongue trails to my balls. Sucking one at a time, covering them with his saliva. Then he finds what hes been missing. My hole. I hadnt touched my hole ever since he left. I promised him i wouldnt. His warm wer tongue licks around my quivering hole. Then his tongue makes its voyage inside my hole and statts fucking me. I moan uncontrolably. Saaaaammmmm i moan... Fuuuuckkkk meeeee pleeeasseeeee i beg. He smiles and offers me his dick for sucking. I go down on it fast. Swallowing more the half in one shot. Relax baby... This cock isnt going anywhere promises Sam. I pull off and just say i need you to fuck me... NOW. I pop his dick back into my mouth and suck him. My hands are on his ass. Hes face fucking me now... Hes reaching over the bedside table and finds the lube. I pull off and get on all fours... Doggy style he asks? Yessssss just fucking fuck me i beg like a bitch in heat. Wow... You really want me to fuck you he says happily. Please Sam, ive needed this for a month i say. Im sorry i wasnt here appologizes Sam. Its ok... Make it up to me now i say happily. He smiles. He lubes his throbbing dick and my quivering asshole. He slowly enters one finger. I begin fucking myself on his digit... Your dick pleaaaaseeeee i beg. He take his finger out and i feel his dick kissing my hole. He rubs his dick around my hole, teasing me once again. I push my ass back more. I hear Sam laugh... Rough or slow he asks? Whatever you want... Just fucking fuck me already i almost yell. Jeremy is working today til midnight thank god. Wouldnt want him to walk in on us. We both hadnt had sex in over a month. We both had been good and not jerked off for a month. This was a record for me. When i want to jerk off i do. Ever since i moved it was one thing or the other. I was tired but it wouldnt stop me from getting the pounding of my life. I turned my head and made eye contact with Sam. He took his underwear and shoved them into my mouth. I loved it when he did that. Sam underwear always tasted great. Sweat and piss. Usually semen but not this time. Hed do that to me so i wouldnt be to loud. I look at back him, he could see it in my face how badly i wanted that. I loved it when he made love to me. In missionary. Face to face. Lips to lips. But this time we both wanted it rough. He shoved himself in when i least expected it. I was lost in thought. When his cock finally bore straight through me i yelled loudly. In mostly pleasure, but with a tiny bit of pain. He knew from my screams if he was hurting me or not. He went animalistic on me. Fucking me like he never had before. Hard, fast, deep, rough. I need you for a month moans Sam. I missed fucking you. Hold you. Kissing you. Seeing you he moans while fucking me hard. I take his underwear out and tell him how much i missed all of him. Its been so hard not jerking off i say. I missed all of you i moan. I groan. I yelp. Cum in my mouth i beg. He smiles. I wouldnt have it any other way he pants. Swear soons cover our bodies. He slows down as we both know hes about to cum. I havent touched my dick yet. Surprisingly. I dont want to cum just yet. He pulls on my hair bringing my head to him. He kisses me roughly. Hungrily. His tongue invades my mouth. Our tongues fighting for dominance. I let him win. When hes done kissing me he pushes my head down onto the matress and continues to pound me hard and fast. I moan out loud, loudly. I like it when you yell says Sam. He slaps my ass twice on each cheek. I look back at him as hes still pusbing my face into the matress. My moans become louder and louder... Quicker and quicker. And then... I screamed loudly as i erupted all over my new sheets. Rope after rope after rope of thick white creamy cum went all over my sheets, pillow and headboard. It was by far the best orgasm ive ever had. I screamed and shaked until i fell onto the sticky sheets as Sam managed to pound me for another two minutes. He pulled out and i flipped over weakly. He began jerking off his cock but i pushed his hand away and sucked until Sams body trembled and he emptied his huge load into my throat. There was so much cum. I didnt think i could swallow it all. He looks down on me as i swallowed his load and still sucked his dick. When he finished shooting, i cleaned off his dick and he fell exhaustedly onto the bed. We laid there and laughed. We looked at each other and smiled happily. Sleep soon found us. I woke up the next morning at my usual time. 5am. Sam was still sleeping. I got dressed, left him a note and left to walk the dogs. I got back and he was still sleeping. I smiled. Took a quick shower and got ready for my shift at the dinner. I couldnt wait for the day to be over. My shift at the dinner was from eight am to four pm. Then i had to walk the dogs. Then get some mail that was still being delivered at my parents. My mom and dad ordered me to stay and have supper. I then helped my mom clean the kitchen. Kissed her goodbye and heading to my place to see Sam.

When i got home it was almost nine. I see Sam had prepared dinner. I look at him and apologize over and over. Its ok he says. I hug him. Kiss him. Deeply. Passionatly. Let me make it up to you i say. He looks over to the living room. I look too. I see the couch ready for a movie. Cascablanca. I laugh. You said you loved old movies so... Says Sam. I grab his hand and drag him to the couch. We snuggle and watch the movie happily.

When the movie ends i look at see Sam. He smiles down at me and kisses me. We look at the time and its past midnight. Jeremy still hadnt gotten home. Jeremy is staying over at Billys says Sam. I look at him. I wanted the place to ourselves says Sam. I kiss him. Better get to bed, gotta be up in a few hours i say. We brush our teeths and floss. I cuddle to him in bed and i know hes rock hard. He dosent say anything. I kiss his neck. And nibble on his ear. He smiles and gets on top of me and attacks my mouth... Then my neck... Ill be quick promises Sam... Dont... Be quick i beg. Ok he says happily. I was tired. Really tired. But i wanted to please my man. So i let him enter me slowly. I gasped loudly in pleasure. I grab his head and pull him down and kiss him hard. He likes it when im rough with him. I managed to roll over and get on top, without his cock leaving my hole. I begin to ride him. He smiles i hold his hands back... Let me touch you begs Sam... Nuh... Uhhh i say as i ride him. We kiss. My cock is bouncing up and down. Hitting my stomach and his six pack. We lock eyes. We stare at each other for a while. A long while. As i ride him, our eyes never leave each others. Your so hot he moans. I smile. Please... Let me touch you begs Sam... After some more begging i let his hands run all over my body. They finally rest on my hips. My cock is still bobbing up and down as i impale myself on his big dick. His cock hitting my prostate everytime. I let my head fall back as i moan in pleasure... Ten minutes later i scream as my cock erupts all over Sams chest and face. I was in ecstasy. I managed to keep riding Sams cock. His thrusts became faster and hardef. Signaling his orgasm. Sssshhhiiiiiiitttttt moans Sam as he shoots his river of thick creamy cum into my willing bowels. When he finishes his orgasm i collapse beside him and we fall asleep in each others sweaty arms...

The next day...

I wake up late so no time for my morning run. I go straight for the shower. When i get out Sam is still sleeping. I smile and leave. I wish i could take vacation days but i cant. I leave him a note saying id be back tonight around six-six thirty.

I walk the dogs, go to work, walk the dogs again and head home. When i get home. Sam ordered pizza. I laugh. I kiss him and collapse on the couch exhausted. We eat pizza. Take a shower together. And for once no sex in the shower. When we get out i look at him. I know theres something on his mind. He takes my hands. Whats wrong i ask nervously? He looks at me. I... I love you Stephen he says emotionally. I smile. He told me once before. You make me feel soo frigging happy... I dont want this to end. I know with my carrer its not easy. But please... Can you keep doing this until... Says Sam. Until they accept gay people in country music i ask? He looks down. I know im asking a lot, but if i have to choose. Id choose you you know that right asks Sam? I smile, i kiss him. I would never want you to choose. Youd regret it someday i say. We hug. We hug for a good ten minutes. But it feels like hours.

What was that in the shower i ask? What was what asks Sam? You didnt want to bang me in the shower i ask with a smile. He laughs and tackles me in bed. We make love until the early morning. I wake up once again tired and no time for my morning run.

A week later Sam goes back to work and leaves me. I feel alone and sad but i know hell come back...

Thanks so much for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Comments and feedbacks are always welcomed. Thanks again for reading.

Next: Chapter 9

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