Sam Hunt and Me

By Jj Rivers

Published on Aug 19, 2016


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It had been two days since he left and im a wreck. Crying myself to sleep. Missing him so much. Missing his warm hard body, holding me, his big cock inside me fucking the shit out of me. I had been going to school. But i could barely concentrate and Jeremy saw the change in me. He asked me if i was ok and i said i was. He told me im being distand and we barely hang out anymore and that he was getting tired of telling my parents i was at his place but all along i was with Sam. After school i ditched him and went to my room and cried again. Sam hadnt called in two days. He called me quickly to tell me he had gotten there safe and they were heading in to rehersals. I was getting worried.

The next day before class i was dragged into the locker room. Brad and his friends Shawn, Luke and Jason all laughed as the pinned me to the lockers. I fought back as hard as i could but it only made them laugh. We didnt get to finish what we started, and that fucking singer isnt here to save you spits Brad. Our girls are being bitches and not taking care of us. So you will says Brad. Fuck you i yell. I then try yelling for help but Shawn covers my mouth. They all laugh. No ones here to save you this time laughs Brad. Not your faggot singer says Shawn. No one to save you know faggot says Luke. Shawn stands at six feet and had more muscles then Brad or any other guys. His eyes are blue and hair is blonde. Luke is the skinnier of the guys. Standing at 5'8" brown hair green eyes. Hes the only one in the group thats smart enough to make something of himself. Tears fill my eyes. Sam isnt here to protect me. Jason is 6'1" a little smaller then Shawn, has tattoos and smokes. His hair and eyes are black. Someone was trying to get my jeans down. I couldnt see who. I tried squirming away but i was smashed into the lockers snd told me to stay still or it will be rougher. Just then someone walks into the locker room. The coach. Just as my pants are being lowered the coach orders them to get away from me. The guys stand still and they rush out in panic. I fall to the ground in tears. Stephen... Asks the coach. Just leave me alone i yell. The coach sits beside me and tell me he was raped when he was younger. And seeing me in this situation, he only wanted to help me. I cry into his arms. A few minutes later i snap out of it and leave. I dont even go to class i just leave. In my whole life ive never skipped school. Never. Im walking home, not paying attention to anything and then i hear tire screaching and then my vision goes black...

At the hospital... My parents, Jeremy, his parents and my aunts and uncles are there. The doctor told them that i have a serious concussion. A bruised rib, scratches. And that i was lucky to be alive. Jeremy looked through my phone and saw all the calls and texts from Sam. He called Sam but Sam never answered so he left him a voicemail saying i was in the hospital. I knew my parents were frantic. They never left me. My other relatives and Jeremys parents left an hour ago. The doctors told my parents to go home and get some rest. That i will most likely be out until tomorrow. Jeremy offered to stay. My parents decided to go home and shower and pack a bag for me once i was awake. Jeremy stayed with me.

An hour later Sam Hunt was in the hospital looking for me. One of the nurses recognized him and was in awe. He asked for me and the nurse asked his relationship to me. Hes my... Cousin he lies. The nurse gives him my diagnosis, then tells him where i am. He comes rushing through the door and sees Jeremy. Jeremy cant believe his eyes. Sam Hunt is in front of him. Jeremy he asks? Yeah says Jeremy. Thanks for calling says Sam looking at me. Can you give us a minute begs Sam. Jeremy just leaves. Sam stands at the foot of my bed, tears rolling down his cheeks. Im sorry i didnt call back, ive been so busy says Sam crying. He comes beside me and grabs my hand. Im sorry. I promise ill make it up to you promises Sam. Just wake up please begs Sam. Jeremy is peaking through the door. No wonder hes been so secreative thinks Jeremy. Sam kisses my lips. Please wake up. He makes sure im comfortable and pulls a chair. Holds my hand. Jeremy comes back in sayig my parents will be back soon. I dont wanna leave him says Sam. Ill give you updates promises Jeremy. Go, i wont tell anyone about you two promises Jeremy. Thank you says Sam. He kisses me one last time and leaves. A few minutes later my parents were back. Why would he cut school asks Nicole, Stephens mom. I dont know mrs Montgomery. He has been spending a lot a time at your place she says. Yes, but we do homework, play games, everything seemed fine says Jeremy. She looks at me worridly. If you want i can stay the night if you want offers Jeremy. No its ok... Were here, go home and get some rest. Ill let you know if anything changed promises Nicole. Jeremy leaves.

I open my eyes around two am... Sammm... I moan out. My moms eyes fly open. Stephen... Baby... Its mom... Says Nicole. Peter get a nurse hurry yells Nicole. Baby... Mommys here. When i open my eyes i see my moms blurry face. The nurse ushers my parents out. She examines me and tells me whats happened. When my parents come back, my mom hugs me. When can he leave asks my mom? We still have to keep him for a few days says the nurse...

Two days later im out of the hospital and on best rest for another two days. Jeremy told me Sam came to visit me and that he couldnt believe i was sleeping with Sam Hunt. He reasured me he wouldnt tell anyone about us. Is it serious asks Jeremy. I... I dont know i stutter. Well when he came to see you, he was in tears says Jeremy. What? He saw me i ask? Yeah i called him, i checked your phone and i saw the texts. Im sorry i just wanted to help says Jeremy. Is he still here i ask? Yeah he is, ive been giving him updates says Jeremy. I beg Jeremy to see Sam. He manages to get Sam into my room later that night. My parents were sound asleep. I was in only my boxer briefs. When i saw Sam and he saw me. He rushed over to me and hugged me like a feather. He looks at my brusies on my stomach and face. Im soooo sorry i wasnt here cries Sam. He kisses me gently on the lips. I dont know what i would have done if i had lost you says Sam, tears rolling down his face. Im sorry i didnt call when i told you i would. My schedule has been super hectic but i told my manger im taking the next two weeks off. I said i really needed a break and i do. I need to be with you says Sam. I slowly take my underwear off. But he tells me not too. Its too late im already naked. I look at Sam. No... Were in your parents house. You just got out of the hospital says Sam. I get closer to him and kiss his beautiful lips. I taste his tears. His hands are on my body. Careful not to hurt me. His tongue soon finds its way into my hungry mouth. But a few seconds later he pushes me off gently. No... The doctor said bed rest says Sam. I get on the bed slowly and begin jacking off my hard cock. Dont... Begs Sam. His cock hard already. I see it in his pants. I take my fingers to my hole. No... Stephen whispers Sam. I insert one dry finger up my tight hole. I close my eyes and moan in a whisper. Fuckkkk meeeee Sam i moan while jacking off my dick. His clothes are soon off and my bedroom door is locked. He crawls into bed, between my legs. I smile. His mouth soon swallows my cock. Uuuummmmm i moan happily. I put my hands on his head and push him further down onto my cock. Hes sucking me off good. He pulls my finger out of my ass. I look at him confused. He starts playing with my hole with his bigger finger and inserts one un lubbed finger into my begging hole. Sammmmm i moan. I know to keep it quiet, ont want to wake up my parents. As hes sucking my dick i beg him to fuck me. I say it over and over and over. I cant, your still in pain says Sam going back to sucking my dick. Pleaseeeeeee Sam... I know you need it... I need it badly... As hes finger fucking me with now two of his big fingers. Im squirming in bed, shaking in pleasure. Pleaseeeee Sam just fuck me i beg. Finally Sam cant take it anymore and stops sucking my dick and kisses me. Passionatly... Deeply... Hungrily... He looks at me... I... I dont know what i would have done if i lost you Stephen. I havent loved anyone like this before he says. All i want to do is make you happy and spend the rest of my life with you says Sam. Loved i say curiously? He kisses me again. You know what i mean says Sam. And i do... He was telling me in his way that he loves me. I can feel his dick on my tigh. I tell him i want to suck his cock. He smiles and brings his cock to my lips. My hands are fast on his beautiful shaped ass cheeks. I massage them as i swallow all of his cock to the root... Ooommmggg whispers Sam. As im sucking his dick with all of me. I feel a shooting pain in my side. I grab it in pain. Sam can see something is wrong. Are you ok? Where does it hurt he asks worridly. Just give me your cock back i beg. No... Your in pain. We should go to the hospital says Sam. Im fine i reasure him. Just need my medication i say. He hands me to prescription and i take one and swallow the whole glass of water. Sam goes to my bathroom and fills up the glass. I swallow it all again and he fills it up one last time. Can i please get back to sucking your dick i beg. I think you should get some rest ok says Sam. Im mad but i know hes right. Its only eleven pm. I lay in bed and he lays beside me. Holding me. I was sleeping so well until i woke up in a cold sweat. I had a nightmare. Brad, Shawn and the others had raped me. Sam is waken up. I hold my side in pain. Hey... Your safe promises Sam. Sam hugs me tightly. I start to cry. He soothes me. Whats wrong he asks? Nothing i lie. He looks at me. Dont lie to me says Sam a little angry. I heard No... Dont... Please... Says Sam worridly. I just want to help he ads. I look at Sam. You can tell me anything says Sam. The reason i ran from school was... Because... Remember the guys... From the concert i say. Sams body tenses. They... They... Almost... Raped me again i say, tears flowing. He hold me tighter. Im gonna kill those bastards says Sam angrilly. I look at him. When you go back to school im coming with you and im gonna take care od this once and for all promises Sam.

Dont i beg. They almost raped you again and i wasnt there when you needed me says Sam. You couldnt have saved me anyways if you were here, you would have been at the hotel i say matter of factly. I lay back down on the bed. He lays beside me and tells me everything is gonna be ok. When i wake up the next morning the door is unlocked, my glass of water is filled and my bedroom door is unlocked. Sams not here. He left me a note saying hed see me soon.

Sam Hunt makes his way to Stephens college. When people see him, all the ladies go crazy. His shirt is tight, muscles are bulging. Jeans are tight. Hugging his butt. He thought hed go see the principal but knew that wouldnt help. He needed to deal with them himself. He aks one of the girls where he could find Brad and his gang. She told him in the football field. When he gets there Brads there alone, waiting for his friends by the bleachers. He is pulled out of nowhere underneath the bleechers. Hands around his troat chocking him. Scream and i drop you dead threatens Sam. Brad agrees and Sam lets him go. But he hits Brad in the stomach a few times and then his pretty face. Brad is laying on the ground in pain. Sam kicks Brad once in the stomach. Knocking the wind out of him. He then pulls down Brads shorts to expose his big muscled butt. Nooooo moans Brad in pain. You stay the hell away from Stephen or i swear next time you wont be so lucky threatens Sam. Your friends too... Understand yells Sam. Yes.. Yes. Yess cries Brad. Sam unzips his jean and frees his soft cock. He strokes it to full mast. Nooo... Nnnooooo yells Brad. Shut the fuck up you piece of shit. You want everyone seeing this huh asks Sam angrilly. He would never rape another person. He would never cheat on Stephen. He begins jerking off. Brad tries to get up but Sam kicks him into the ground and kicks Brad in the stomach again. Stay still orders Sam. Sam thinks of Stephens tight hole around his big cock. It dosent take long before hes shooting his was on Brads hairless ass cheeks. Sam takes out his phone and takes pictures of Brad with cum on his ass and between his cheeks. You tell anyone this happened and these pictures go on the internet saying you like getting butt fucked and get shot in. says Sam. Ok... Ok... I wont say anything promises Brad. Not wanting his carrer gone and becoming a bottoming bitch. Sam kicks Brad one more time in the stomach before pulling his jeans up and leaving. Brad groans and coughs in pain. Tears filling his eyes. A few minutes later Brad finally gets up just in time before his friends find him. They ask him what happened but he dosent say anything. He just leaves. Leaving them to wonder what the hell was wrong with him.

Later that night. Sam sneaked in to see his boyfriend. He sees him laying in bed. Butt naked. His cock gets instantly hard. He looks around and Stephens parents door is closed. The closes the door quietly and locks it. The note on the bed says to fuck him slow and good. Sams dick is hard and throbbing in his tight jeans. He strips naked and begins jerking off slowly. He wants to fuck Stephen so bad but he cant. He cant hurt him. He need rest. The doctor said so. He lays beside Stephen. He smiles, he closes his eyes and falls asleep. When Stephen wakes up in the morning. Sam is still in bed, cuddled to him. His hard dick laying between my cheeks. I push back onto Sam pelvis signalling him to fuck me. When i figure out the situation i wake Sam up and he looks around confused. He then too figured out hes not suposed to be here. Theres a knock on my door. Sweetie its mom... Why is the door lock she asks in a panic. Me and Sam freeze. Just changing mom i lie. We get dressed and i tell Sam to hide in the bathroom. He does. When i open the door i make sure theres no evidence of Sam. What do you want for breaksfast sweetie. Anything you want says mom. Pancakes i say smilingly. Pancakes and bacon asks mom? Yeah pancakes and bacon i agree happily. She kisses me on the cheeks and i tell her ill be down in a bit, just gonna clean up.

I pull Sam out of the bathroom and we laugh. I kiss him passionatly. His hands are all over me. I cant wait for tomorrow he says happily. Whats tomorrow i ask already knowing the answer. Your all mine, well have sex how many time you want promises Sam. My smile fades. And i have to go to school i say sadly. Everything will be fine promises Sam. He kisses me again and i manage to sneak him out of the house, unseen.

Breakfast was amazing.

Thanks so much for reading. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Comments and feedbacks are always welcomed. Thanks again for reading.

Next: Chapter 7

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