Sam Hunt and Me

By Jj Rivers

Published on Jul 23, 2016


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When i woke up at five am, he was spooning me. His dick was hard, nestled between my ass. I smiled. He was so warm. I felt safe in his arms. I didnt want to leave his arms. I fell back asleep for another hour and had to pee. He was still sleeping soundly. One arm under his head, exposing his hairy armpit. It was six am. He had to be up in two hours to get on the road. I thought of just leaving but i couldnt. I peed and got back into bed. I looked under the sheets to see his dick hard. I looked at the hour and hatched a plan. I used his listerine to freshen my breath. Got the lube from the bedside table. Lubed my hole. Took the sheets off his naked body slowly. He only groaned a little. I added more lube to my ass. Got on the bed in squat position and lowered myself on his dick slowly. He stirred and moaned. He slowly opened his eyes when he felt something tight and warm wrapping around his dick. He freezed when he saw me lowering myself on his dick. Stephen he moans... Shhhhhhhhh i beg. I lean down and kiss him. He looked at me in shock. His dick is halfway inside me and it hurts as hell. But im determined to make him feel amazing before he leaves. When i get all his dick inside me i groan loudly. His hands are roaming my chest. I sucked in as much as i could. I didnt want to seem too fat. Relax... You can breathe out says Sam. I dont care about that you dont have a six pack ads Sam. I let is go and let my little belly pop out. He brings his fingers to my nipples and tweaks them, making me moan louder. It feels amazing. I look at him with lust. He lets go of my nipples and places his hands on my hips. My head is titled back in pain and pleasure. Look at me begs Sam. I look at him. He smiles. Your so beautiful says Sam. I smile and say hes sexy. My hands are now on his swaeting chest. I decide to start riding faster, thus making Sam moan in pleasure. Your gonna make me cum moans Sam. I stop. He looks at me confused. Please... Dont cum yet i beg. I want to so bad says Sam. Please i beg him. He looks at me. Brings me down and kisses me with hunger. His kiss is rough... But passionate. He wraps me in his arms and then flips me onto my back, him now on top. His dick never leaving my ass. We look into each others eyes. We kiss again and he starts making love to me. This time. Im moaning loudly in pleasure. Feels good asks Sam between kisses. Yeahhhh i moan happily. This makes Sam smile. My hands grope his ass. You lile my ass huh asks Sam? I laugh a little and nod yes... He kisses me again... Hes still gentle and passionate. Kissing my neck, nibbling on my ears. I love you i moan. Sam stops and looks at me in shock. Im surprised by own words. I look at him and quickly appologize. Tears forming in my eyes. Heyyy... Didnt i tell you to stop appologizing says Sam with a small laugh... He kisses me gently and resumes fucking me. Slow and deep. His cock now finding my prostate, making me scream louder. My dick is rock hard between our sweating body. I pull him in closer and... Aaarrrgghhhhh i scream loudly as i once again shoot my load all over myself without touching my dick. His thrusts are coming faster i know hell cum soon. Let me suck you off i beg. I can see Sam only wants to cum but pulls out and lays on his back. His arms behind his back, exposing his sweaty arm pits. I dont waste time and start sucking on his dick. I also taste my ass. I dont care. My mission is to make him cum down my throat. I suck... I play with his sweaty balls with my hands. Hes moaning and groaning loudly... Shitttttt im close he moans. Fuuuckkk... Immm... Gonnnnn... Ahhhhhhhhh yells Sam trying to pull my face from his dick but i still suck until i feel him shooting in the back of my throat. Shot after shot after shot of warm salty cum hitting my mouth. I gobble it down happily. Not wasting a drop. Its never ending. Soooo much cum. He shaking, as the last few drops fall into my mouth. I lick his dick clean. Hes now laying on the bed breathing hard. I go straight for his armpits. Cleaning the sweat from both of them. Stephen he moans exhausted... But im too busy, going to work on the second armpit. When i dont taste his sweat anymore i look at him. He brings me to him and just holds me in his sweaty arms. I look on the clock and now i only have less then half an hour with him. We lay there for a good fifteen minutes. I dont want to leave but i know i have too. I get up and get dressed. My asshole is still sore, but less sore then yesterday. Sam looks at me and asks for my phone. I give it to him and he puts his number in. He gives me his phone and i do the same. Can you get back home ok asks Sam? Yeah dont worry... I took the bus here anyways i say. Ill call you promises Sam. I dont really by it but im in such a high. I kiss Sam hungrilly. He kisses me back, the kiss feels like goodbye. He finally pulls away and says you better go before we leave. And if you dont i wont be able to let you go. Well skype, talk, ill come visit promises Sam. We kiss quickly and i sneak away without being seen.

On my way home, im on the bust looking at the autograph cd, my heart is in my throat. I look at the people around me and decide not to cry. Not in front of all these people. When i get home, i go upstairs to my room and get into bed. My mom comes up asking if im ok. I say i am. I told her i was staying with Jeremy my only friend in college. She leaves me be. I cry silently without being heard. I soon cry myself asleep.

I wake up two hours later and decide to go take a shower. My fingers find my hole and i began playing with it. Picturing Sam behind me, fucking me good. My dick is hard... I now have two fingers up my butt. Tears form in my eyes. Missing Sam. It seems to take me forever to cum and when i do, i only cum a few drops. I clean myself up and go back to bed. Tomorrow is another day at school.

When i wake up the next morning, i see i have five missed calls. All from Sam. A smile comes across my face. I also see a dozen texts from him. Hey sexy. I miss you. Are you ok? Please answer. Stephen???? I dial his number and get to voicemail straight away. I look at the time and feel stupid for calling him so early. Hes sleeping. He just finished a concert. I leave a message saying i fell asleep and that i was heading to school but that id be home around four pm if he wanted to call.

When i get to school. Jeremy is waiting for me. We make small talk. Concert, homework. As we make our way to first class. Brad and his gang throw me daggers but i ignore them.

All day i couldnt concentrate. My thoughts are only of Sam Hunt. And how amazing our time together was. Short. But amazing. I was in class and my dick was rock hard. I looked around and no one noticed thank god. I managed to get it down.

At the end of the day Jeremy asked if i wanted to go see the new Ghosbusters movie and i wanted to but really wanted and needed to talk to Sam so we decided to go later tonight.

When i got home i got to my room and waited for Sams call. It was five thirty and he still hadnt called. He must have forgotten. I called Jeremy and asked if i could come over before the movie and he said yes. We enjoyed the movie and when i got home i checked my phone and still no calls from Sam. I was mad. I took a quick shower. Did my homework and went to bed. At one am i was awakened. My phone was ringing. I looked at the screen and saw it was Sam that was calling. I answered, trying to not sound so tired. Im sorry. you were sleeping says Sam sadly. I say its ok and he appologized for not calling me back when he said he would. He had rehearsals and problems at sound check. We talked on the phone til four am. We talked about school, what hed done today, Ghosbusters. We also had phone sex. He jacked off first and it got me all worked up and it didnt take me long to cum after. I told him i wish his dick was up my ass fucking me good right now. He laughed and said he desperatly wanted that too. That i made him feel like no one else ever had before. Ill come visit you in a week i have a few weeks off. I said i couldnt wait to see him. He said he couldnt wait to see me. It was now almost five am. And told him i should get some sleep before i had to be up for school. I had a free period today and didnt have to be at school until nine instead of seven. He wished me a goodnight and hopes id dream about him. I told him the same thing. I fell asleep happily.

I was counting down the days until i would see Sam. Were the twenth today and he would be here on the twenty seventh...

Seven days later... August 27th....

Thanks for reading. Ive got a few more chapters planned. If anybody is interested in this series. Thanks. Leave comments and feedback.

Next: Chapter 3

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