Sam Hunt and Me

By Jj Rivers

Published on Dec 2, 2016


This is not real its fiction. Please donate to nifty.

Our trip to Australia was amazing. We saw Kangaroos, Koalas, had amazing food. We climbed the steps of the Harbour Bridge. The men were hot. We had a blast. But we didnt have sex for the whole month. No jacking off.

It was our last night there and Sam brought me to this restaurant. Very expensive. When we got out of there the bill was like four hundred dollars. I couldnt believe it.

We went to bed that night like every other night we were in Australia.

I woke up in the middle of the night to see Sam cuddling to me. His hard cock between my ass cheeks. I get out of bed. I pace the room. He had done so much for me lately. He refused to let me pay for anything. Got me everything i wanted. I didnt even asked for anything and he would just read me and get it. He woke up when he couldnt feel me in bed. Stephen he asks worriedly? Whats wrong? Are you ok? Tears fill my eyes. He gets out of bed. His dick hard. Shit, im sorry... I just wanted to hold you. I didnt mean to scare you says Sam. My tears are flowing. He just stands there not wanting to upset me. I go to him and his strong arms. He holds me while i cry. When im done, he takes my face into his hands and tells me i love you. I love you too i tell him. I hadnt told him those three words in weeks. He hugs me again. I miss you... Us i tell him. You need time baby and im not going anywhere says Sam. Just hold me i beg him. He smiles. We got back to bed and i fall asleep in his arms. We wake up in each others arms.

We have breakfast, take a shower and start packing.

We head to the airport. We leave Australia behind. Its a long way home. We slept most of the time. We had free alcohol and snacks. I look at Sam. I get up and signal him to follow me.

We make our way to the bathroom. Once inside, i kiss him. I missed his lips. His touch. His tongue. He pushes me away. He looks at me. Are you sure he asks? I pull my pants down and show him my ass. I look at him. Hes practically drooling. He touches my ass gently. I know hes missed me as much as ive missed him. Have you ever done this in a plane i ask him. He dosent want to answer. I know the answer. Its my first... Go slow ok i beg him. As you wish he tells me. He spits a lot on his cock, and slides it into me. Its been such a long time. I want to scream in pleasure but i shut my mouth. When i feel his pubes on my ass i hear him groan. Omg he moans. He slowly fucks me. My dick is hard, begging for release. Someone knocks on the door, i need to use to bathroom she yells. I look back at Sam and we both smile. Hes pounding me a little faster. Desperatly needing release. Then theres turbulance. A lot of turbulance. Its announced that we have to go back to our seats. I look at Sam. More turbulance. He pulls out of me and we get dressed and make our way back to our seats. Both dissapointed we didnt get to cum. The turbulance has gone on for another thirty minutes. I look at Sam and we both make our way back to the bathroom. This time i let him fuck me good. I want to yelp, scream but i know i cant. I begin to jack off and only a few minutes later im exploding all over the bathroom floor. Sam moans as i cum and he shoots his huge river inside me. I make sure to keep his cum inside me and we make our way back to our seats. Were both smiling. It had been such a long time that we came and it felt amazing. We smiled the whole way home. When we got back to my place, Sams phone had been ringing ever since we landed. He hadnt lost his record deal. His team stood behind him. Countrh radio had stopped playing him. But the pop charts couldnt stop playing him. He was about to release his new single from his second album witch was released two months ago and the sales had rocketed. We celebrated. We talked anout the wedding and finally set a date for October 3rd. Five months from now. My parents couldnt believe i was marrying a singer. Sam Hunt. They had met him and he charmed the pants off them. Thank god. We had both agreed on everything. From the food, to music, to guest list. Sam invited his manager and management team. Fellow music artists. His family still hadnt RSVP yet. They were still confused and upset that there son was marrying a man. Hopefully they would come around.

The reason were only getting married in five months is because Sam will be on a four and a half month tour and would only be back towards the end of september.

We only had our suits to pick up and the destination of our honeymoon. I told Sam we did Australia but he wouldnt hear none of it.

A few days later we decided on Bora Bora for our honeymoon. I always wanted to go there.

I went and shooped for my suit. Jeremy and my parents were with me. My parents chipped in for the wedding. And they agreed to pay for my suit.

As soon as i that one, i knew i wanted it. It was Calvin Klein.

It was expensive, but it was the one.

Sam had also picked his suit with the help of his manager and very good friend.

I was so happy. I couldnt wait for the day to come.

Fast forward three months later...

Sam is still on tour. Ive barely seen him. Ive been working a lot. We skyped every night. I went to some of his shows. We fucked backstage. Almost got caught a few times. Fucked in his trailor. It was fun. He would serenade me. Make me come out of stage. He did that once and i told him to never do it again. Seeing that many people, scared the shit out of me. People clapped. But i i knew most of the were jealous. They wished they were in my position. One person even yelled "whos the bottom". Sam yelled it was none of him buisness. But everyone would probably guess it was me. Sam had only bottomed once and told me he would never do it again... I wanted to fuck him again but as long as i had him i would gladly bottom. I loved it. But i want to change it up sometimes.

My vows were even written. In my own words. I couldnt wait to tie the knot with Sam. I cant believe i found mr right. The one. I never thought i would. I never thought i would be good enough for any man. But Sam accepts my flaws and loves me for who i am.

When he got home that night. Coming back from the tour. He had a two day break before going back. I made sure to have beer in the fridge. I dont drink beer. I prefer white wine. I made sure to have some of that.

Me and Sam had bought a house in the richer part of where i live. Gated community. Pool, hot tub. The works. It was amazing. Big. We had adopted two dog ourselves. Missy and Midnight. Missy is a trouble maker. Loves my shoes. I have to keep them locked and close the door of our bedroom. Shes a maltese. Shes my little girl. And we got a boxer. The biggest baby ever. Always wanting attention, and wanting to cuddle. When Sam wasnt here the house was empty. It was lonely. But i always had company. My parents. Jeremy. My adopted sister had came back to town after finding out id been sleeping with Sam Hunt. Wanting all the details. She had relocated here and was spending most of her time here.

But i made sure to have the house to myself tonight.

Sam came in looking exhausted. The dogs jumped him as soon as he came in and demanded attention. I smiled. I was cooking dinner. I had made a fresh salad, and i made a beef stew. Sam came and hugged me from behind. He kissed my neck. We were both horny but it would have to wait. I get out of his grasp and hand him a beer. He smiles and chugs almost all of it. I serve myself some wine and then serve the salade. We eat. Our eyes never leaving each other. I wanted him so bad. He was wearing jeans and a t shirt. I loved a man in jeans. And he knew it. We had dinner and i was about to do the dishes but before i knew it he was naked and was dragging me to the pool. Baby i say. But hes hearing none of it. He strips me naked and pushes me in the pool. He laughs and jumps in. I splash him. He splashes me back. A few seconds later, hes pinned me against the wall. The dogs are outside playing with each other. Sam kisses me hungrily. Then he turns me around, i feel his hard dick teasing my hole. Hes kissing my neck. Im moaning. Desperatly wanting him inside me. Sensing this, he pusbes himself into me. I scream in ecstasy. He covers my mouth with his. His tongue invading my mouth. Omg i moan hapily. Fuck me baby... Fucking fuck me i beg him. Hes pounding me real good. We get to the steps. Half in the water half out if the water. Hes fucking me harder and deeper now. He shoves my underwear in my mouth to muffle my screams of ecstasy. I dont want him to stop. My dick is throbbing and begging attention. But i leave it alone. Knowing if i touched it i would spray everywhere. Im crying in pleasure. Sam stops, worried if he hurt me. Baby, are you ok he asks worridly? Dont fucking stop Sam. Pound me i beg him. He smiles and pulls out. I look at him confusingly. Come with me he says taking my hand. He brings the dogs inside and lays me down on one of the pool chairs and rams his dick back inside me. Im screaming again in pleasure. He covers my mouth with his again to shut me up. But i just want to scream. Dont stop... Dont stop. Dont fucking stop i beg Sam. Hes twistibg my nipples, making me scream in pain and pleasure. He smiles. Weve been fucking for the past twenty five minutes and all i want to do is cum. But he stops once again and brings me to the shed. He leans me against it and re-inserts himself inside me. Im meeting his thrusts. Hes slapping my ass. My tears are back again. This feels fucking amazing. And i cant keep it inside anymore and scream so loud. Sam covers my mouth. As my dick erupts all over the shed. Im trembling. My knees weaken. I just shoot and shoot. Theres so much cum. I cant stand up anymore and lose my balance. Sam catches me. He lays on the ground and still pounds me. Ive just stopped cumming. My ass is sore. But i know Sam is close. I know hes gonna shoot big. Cum in my mouth i whisper. He pulls out. I start to suck his big dick. I can taste my ass. It taste good. Hes moaning louder and louder... Baaaaaabbbbyyyyyyy he screams as he shoots he biggest load hes ever shot. I choke. But manage to swallow most of it. Some dribble onto him but i make sure to clean it all up. I lay on top if him, exhausted. He hugs me. Fuck... That was amazing he says. Look at the shot you shot he tells me. It had been the best orgasm of my life i tell him. Me too he ads. He kisses me, tasting his cum. We make our way to the hot tub and relax.

Later i do the dishes and we go to bed early. Well... Sam fucked the shit out of me again and we passed out.

Next morning, i wake up and Sams not home. Im worried. But i find a note. Saying hell be back and he has a surprise... Im excited. Cant wait for the surprise.

I love surprises. When Sam came home i was surprised. A new dog... A beagle. When the dog saw me he wanted my attention straight away. I smiled. Missy and Midnight were smelling the new dog and barking. Not liking the new dog. Hey be nice i tell them. They sit down and stare at the dog. I kiss Sam happily. Another dog.

When we go to bed, they all have there spots in our room. No dogs on the bed. Midnight sleeps at the foot of the bed. Missy beside my side of the bed and and our new dog... We havent named yet. Sleeps beside the door.

Sam went back to touring. I stayed home with the dogs. Worked, and made sure all was ok with the wedding. We decided to do it outside.

I went and saw Sam once on a weekend. Jeremy stayed behind and took care of the dogs.

The day before the wedding...

We agreed to stay seperatly. We both had bachelor parties. We had a good time. I texted Sam saying i loved him and couldnt wait to become the Mr Sam Hunt. He texted back saying he wished i was the stripper. I laughed and said he would have to strip for me on the honeymoon. He replied anything you want. I smiled and texted back... Even bottoming? Sam didnt reply for about twenty minutes. I texted back saying i was drunk. It was not mentioned again.

I looked at the stripper. He was giving me a lap dance and whispered in my ear how good is Sam in bed? I look at him. None of your buisness. He smiles and goes to Jeremy and my sister. I sneak out. I drink the rest of my wine quickly. When im outside i see Brad. He looks at me shocked. He had flowers in his hands. Im shocked. Here. Im sorry he says. You didnt deserve any of that in college. Im really sorry he says. I know he means every word. We talked. He has an amazing job at his dads firm. Nice suit. Making good money. No girlfriend. Im espicially sorry about what almost happened at the concert says Brad. Forget it i say. No, i was stupid. No one should ever be raped he tells me. He gets up. I do too. Hit me he begs. What i ask confused? Come on hit me he orders. Hey, im passed all that i tell him. You should hate me. You should be hitting me he says, tears filling his eyes. Im sorry Stephen he says. We hug. When we pull apart he surprises me and kisses me. Hard. Hungrily. I push him off shocked. He now knows what hes done and apologizes and leaves. I go after him. Dont tell anyone please he begs. Brad... What was that i ask? Nothing. Sorry he says. Brad... I say soothingly. Im gay ok he growls. I... I... Had... I... Wanted you. Want you ok he tells me angrily. I want to kiss you, i want to have sex with you. I always wanted you. I slept with girls but i always thought of you. It was always you Stephen he says and runs away. Im standing there shocked, and confused....

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading and enjoying this story. You can find more of my other stories under jjriversgayhot.

Next: Chapter 16

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