Sam Hunt and Me

By Jj Rivers

Published on Nov 27, 2016


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A year later...

Me and Sam had been together secretly for over two years. How we managed to keep that a secret. I still dont know. We were almost caught a few times. Once we were having sex in a movie theater. It was empty but only for a few people. We stayed quiet and just as soon as he shot his load inside me, someone walks in. Sam had been wearing a hoodie so he would be recogznied and he never was. We had sex in public bathrooms, outside. It was hot. But my feelings for Sam were beyond just the sex. I truly loved him with all my heart. Yes there was the age difference but i didnt care. That didnt matter. He made me feel. Amazing. Like the only person in the world. Thats what i loved.

He was in Nashville now. His second album had just been released and was getting major buzz. The fans were loving it. He was performing everywhere. Promoting the album. We hadnt had much time together for the past several months. Except for skype. I was lonely. I missed him terribly. But i kept busy with my jobs and planning the wedding no one knew about. When wed skype, i could see how tired he was. I wished i could be there to be in his arms and kiss him. Let him fuck me however he wanted. I told him that and it made him smile. He told me he hadnt jacked off in months. I told him i hadnt either. We wanted to keep big load for when wed see each other again. I showed him the wedding stuff i had decided on. The flowers, music, invitations. He agreed to it all. For the flowers i had chosen --------. Music i had deicded on a mix of everything. Music we both loved. The invitations were beige and written nicely. We invite you to the wedding of Stephen and Sam. Simple but nice. Not too over the too. There was still a lot more to do but, Sam didnt want to rush it. We got off skype a few minutes later and we both went to bed, alone.

Sam had been dreaming of Stephen, how he wanted to make love to him. Then there wearing the suits and exchanging vows. Then there on there honeymoon in Hawaii, on the beach, drinking, making love everywhere. Then everyone finds out hes gay and he loses everything. He wakes up, sweat covering his chest. His breaths are hard. He looks around the room, panicked. He grabs his phone and checks his messages and emails. Nothing. He looks into his pictures and sees a picture of him and Stephen. Tears fill his eyes. He dosent know what to do...

Stephen back home is doing his same routine. Walk the dogs, has breakfast and goes to work. Comes home walks the dogs again and then has dinner. Takes his shower and looks at his wedding planning. Hes started a guest list. His family is about thirty five people, they all know hes gay. Sam, well he dosent know who Sam is gonna invite.

He decides its time for bed and sleeps a good night, thinking of Sam.

Stephen finally deicded to go and surprise Sam. He knew where he stayed and found a way inside his hotel room. Sam didnt have bodyguards at his door, he stole one of the cleaning ladies card and sneaked in. He waited patiently for Sam to arrive.

It was getting late and still no Sam.

Finally at a quarter pass midnight Sam walks in looking exhausted. When he sees me, i can see the shock on his face. It was the weekend and i was able to get off from walking the dogs. Sam closes the door and asks me how i got in. I tell him i stole the cleaning ladies card. Did anyone see you he asks panicked? No i say laughing. I just wanted to see you i tell him. I guess you dont want to see me i say getting ready to leave. Wait says Sam. He puts the do not disturb sign on the door. He looks at me. Im sorry i tell him, i just missed you and... Uuuummm... Sam shuts me up with kissing me deeply and passionatly. I let his tongue invade my mouth. Hes hungry, just as much as me. He pulls me into his arms, i wrap my legs around his waist. We fall on the bed. Never breaking the kiss. Our clothes soon come off. As were making out, our hard cocks rubbing together. I pull away from the kiss and tell Sam i love you. I love you too he moans breathlessly. Hes about to kiss me again but i tell him to make love to me. Its been over several months and we both need this. Were both horny for each other. I look at him, my eyes begging for him to make love to me. I know he prefers it rough, but i want it to last long. Please Sam... Make love to me i beg him. I love you says Sam. His cockhead is kissing my asshole. He grabs the lube and applies it to his cock and my asshole. He slowly sinks his massive tool inside me. I open ny mouth and moan happily. I know to keep it quiet. Hes kissing my neck and making love to me. My dick is hard and begging to be touched. I dont touch it. My hands roam Sams back. I cup his ass. I cant stop moaning. His dick inside me feels too good. I grab his face and kiss him. Our tongue dances together. Sam makes love to me for thirty minutes. We both want to cum badly. But i beg him to keep going. He keeps making love to me for another ten minutes before he pulls out and jacks off. I open my mouth and await his load. His head is on my tongue and i feel his semen shoot at the back of my throat. I swallow it hungrily. It just keeps coming. Theres so much. I swallow it all without wasting a drop. I cover his head with my mouth as he keeps shooting. Hes twitching and moaning. When hes not shooting anymore, i clean off his cock happily. He collapses beside me. I begin to jack off my dick. I look at his body. It takes him a second to see i didnt cum. Hes about to swallow my dick but i beg him to get on all fours. He looks back at me. I look hungrilly at his ass but i dont fuck him, even though i want to so badly. I spread his cheeks to see his small rosebud. His crack his hairy. I just want to shove my face in that sweaty ass. He looks at me scared. I lick my lips. I jack off furiously. I feel my orgasm coming. I moan and shoot my entire load on his back, ass and asshole. I shake. When my orgasm subsides. I lick all the cum from Sams sweaty asshole, ass and back. We collapse and fall asleep in each others arms.

The next day we woke up around noon. Sam ordered room service. He ordered so much food. Eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries, toasts, coffee, tea, orange juice.

We then took a shower. He went for his work out. Then went to work and i stayed in the hotel room quietly. Watched tv. By four i was bored. And managed to sneak out of the hotel. I went and looked around. Did some shopping. Got a few special things for Sam. Then i decided to go to the movies. I saw The African Queen. Then i went back to the hotel, but couldnt get in the room. So i hid. Sam finally came around nine pm. I followed him. I went in the room after him, scaring him. What the fuck? Where were you? Did anyone see you come in he asks, panic written all over his face. No... Did some shopping i say happily. I was bored. I couldnt stay in here i say. You sure no one saw you asks Sam? Im sure i say. I head into the bathroom and come out a minute later with only a jockstrap. Likey i ask? Sams mouth is opened in shock. He licks his lips. Damn baby he says breathlessly. I laugh. I turn around and show my ass. I bend down and spread my cheeks. I turn my head and see him coming to me. I run infront of the couch. Him on the other side. Dont tease me begs Sam. I laugh... Youre gonna have to catch me if you want fuck me i say. Hes coming after me. But im faster then he thought. I guess you dont want to fuck me i tell him sadly. He takes his clothes off and i look at him hungrily. I guess you dont want this cock he says laughing. His cock getting hard. My eyes are fixed on his dick, before i can react hes too close. I run, but im tackled on the bed. He pins me down hard. I look at him. He looks at me. Were like this for what seems like an eternity. He brings his lips close to mine but dosent kiss me. I feel his warm breath on my face. I bring my face to his but he moves back. I desperatly want his lips on mine. I try to kiss him again but he backs away. He can see how badly i want him to kiss me, but he teases me. Until after three more minutes he brings his lips to mine and we kiss. Are tongues are fighting, i want to touch him but i cant. My arms are pinned behind my head. Our dicks are hard. He rubs his dick on mine, his lips never leaving mine. Until they do, i look at him. He gets between my legs. I wrap them around his muscular waist. Fuck me baby fuck me i beg. He laughs. He lets me go and pushes my knees to me. Exposing my asshole. He shoves his face in my ass and begins giving me the rimming of ny life. I moan, groan, and trash on the bed. His tongue is now in my hole, tongue fucking me. Im moaning louder now. I feel his beard scrapping against my spreaded cheeks. After five more minutes he looks at me and lubes his cock and my hole. I feel him enter me and i moan happily. I wrap my legs around his waist again and shoved him to the hilt inside me. I squeal with delight. Hes soon kissing me lips again, our tongues fighting. My cock is hard, i grab it and begin to jerk off. Im so close. But i take my hand away, not wanting Sam to leave my ass. I begin to tocuh every part of his sweaty body. His back, muscular ass, his chest. I play with his nipples. It drives him wild. He fucks me harder and deeper. I twist his nipple and make him scream in pleasure. I go back to jacking off my dick. Sams kissing my neck again, tasting my sweat. I jack off my dick again and stop. I do this a few times until i really cant take it anymore and groan in Sams mouth as i shoot my load between our bodies. Sams close too. I feel his breaths coming faster. Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he yells as he shoots inside me. He kisses me again before collapsing beside me. I cuddle to Sams sweaty body. He wraps me up in his sweaty arms. We take a shower. Sam leaves me in the hotel room again. Having a meeting with his road crew for there next tour. I do more wedding planning. I pass out before Sam comes in.

Sam walks in the hotel, drunk. He strips naked. His hard cock standing proud. All the alcohol made him so fucking horny. For the past two hours he could only think of fucking Stephens ass. He looks at the wedding stuff on the bed. Then at Stephen. He had picked the flowers, music, food, cake, invitations. He couldnt think about the wedding right now. He just wanted to get off. He got under the covers. Stephen was only wearing underwear and a tank top. Stephen was sleeping soundly. He pulled Stephens underwear down. Sam got closer. He pushed his cock hard into Stephens ass. To the hilt. Stephen awakens to having a dick shoved into him roughly, theres no lube. Stephen is about to scream. But Sam covers Stephens mouth. Sssshhhhh begs Sam. I can the beer and whiskey on his breath. Uuuuummmm i moan in pain. I try to get free but Sam gets on top of me and pins me face down into the pillow. Im crying now, trying to get Sam off me. I feel every inch of him inside me. Im used to his dick in my ass. But not without lube or spit. I struggle to get free. Get off i cry. Get off i cry. He kisses my neck. Sssssshhhhh begs Sam. I love you says Sam. Your hurting me i yell... Sams close to cumming. Your hurting me i tell him again... Aaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhh groans Sam... Your raping me i cry...

That gets him to pull out. Cum still shootig on me. I get up and look at him. My ass is in pain. His cock still dripping a little cum on the bed. I get dressed. Sam looks at me. I... Thought you wanted me too he says. Stumbling out of bed. Dont touch me i yell. Sam looks at me, his eyes wide. He rushes to the sink and pukes. Realizing what hes done. I pack my things. Im about to leave but he stops me. Get out of my way i yell. Baby... Im sorry. Im soooo sorry he says crying. Please dont leave... I... Says Sam... He runs his hands through his hair. He looks at me. Marry me... Now he says. Your drunk i say. I didnt mean to do that, i dont know what i was thinking says Sam crying. I turn and im about to leave but Sam stops me. Im nothing without you Stephen. Please dont leave me begs Sam. I turn around and look at him. Your my everything, i love you, im sooo sorry cries Sam.

Ill do anything, please dont leave me begs Sam.

I just need time alone i tell him, leaving him. I lean against the door. Crying. I hear Sam screaming and trashing the room.

I get to the airport earlier then anticipated. I was leaving this afternoon anyways. I had to get back home and get ready for my next day at work. I had taken the monday off as well. I sit in the airport. My asshole still sore. I get my wedding stuff out but i stuff them back in my bag, i cant look at them.

I cant believe Sam would do this to me. He had almost been raped. Why would he do this to me. Tears fill my eyes. I brush them off. Ex trouble asks the guy beside me. I look at him. Blonde hair, blue eyes, big frame. Like Sam. Hes hot. Yes i admit. Hes an idiot says the guy. I look away. Im Josh he says. Stephen i say. Can i buy you a coffee asks Josh? I look at him. Sure why not i say. We get talking. But all i think about is Sam. Still thinking of him he asks? Im sorry... I say. Theres another hour before my flight. I just want to get home. Your nice, i just cant right now, im sorry i tell him. Im about to leave but he grabs my wrist. Our eyes meet. I know what he wants. Sex. I pull off and leave.

I go to the bathroom and then go back to waiting for the plane. I hear a lot of screaming. I turn to look around and see a big crowd. Probably some celebrity. I go back to looking at nothing. Until i see Sam standing before me. Dressed in a clean suit. With flowers. I look at him, not to sure what to make of this. What are i begin but he cuts me off. Im sorry. Im so sorry he says. He gets down on his knees. When i first saw you when i was singing on stage, i knew you were someone special. You changed me. You make me feel like no one else ever could. All i think about is you. When im on the road, on stage, in the studio. When im sleeping. Your my life. Weve been together almost three years and, its been the best years of my life says Sam.

I see people gathering around. Some shocked, some people smiling. Pictures and videos being taken.

Ive never felt this way about anyone in my entire life, i didnt come out because i didnt want to lose my carrer. But now i dont care. I love singing. But i dont want to do it if i dont have you beside me. I want to wake up to you every morning. Go to bed every night with you.

Tears are filling my eyes.

I want us to start being the couple we should be. Not hiding. No sneaking around. Ive made a lot of mistakes. Things i can never take back... But from now on Stephen. Im yours, yours only. I promise you to stand by you no matter what. I promise to love you until i die.

Im crying now. Im shaking.

Please forgive me. He takes the ring out. I thought i left it at home. Please marry me. Make me the happiest man on the planet.

Hes holding my hands and looking me in the eyes. Were both crying. I nod yes, he puts the ring on my finger and then grabs me. He kisses me passionatly. In front of everyone. Not caring.

Once he pulls apart. People are still taking pictures. I never realized how many people were looking at us.

We make our way back to the hotel room. Were both ignoring our phones. They havent stopped ringing. Once in the hotel room. I freeze. Flashbacks of what happened come to mind.

The room has been decorated with rose petals, champagne.

He hands me a pamflet. I look at it. Australia. My dream trip. I dont know if i should have but i booked it. Were leaving wednesday. For a month he tells me.

Close your eyes he tells me. I have something for you. Ive had for a few days and was waiting to give to you. Im not giving this to you just because of what happened he says. I close my eyes. When i open them, i have a box in my hand. I open it to find a watch. The watch i had been saving for for the past months. Turn it around he tells me. I love you. Sam. I put it on. I have to admit it looks great. He grabs my face. You dont like it he asks? I love it i tell him. But... I just cant forgive what youve done to me i say. He looks down. I know says Sam. But with time, maybe i can i tell him. Well go to Australia. Spend time together. But no sex... For now i tell him. Ok he says. Just as long as i dont lose you he tells me.

We drink champagne and go to bed without kissing, without sex.

Hes about to hold me but pulls away.

We fall asleep on each side of the bed. We both didnt sleep much that night. We had a lot to do the next day...

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading and enjoying this story. You can find more of my other stories under jjriversgayhot.

Next: Chapter 15

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