Sam Hunt and Me

By Jj Rivers

Published on Oct 5, 2016


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Sam had been acting wierd for the past two days. Secretive. Stephen wondered if there was something going on he wasnt telling him. Was there another woman? Another man? They had just gotten back together. Stephen did his day as usual and when he got home, the apartment was dimly lite. Candles everywhere. Sam stood there in a tux, looking amazing. I was wearing jeans and t shirt and my coat. He smiles. Tells me to take my coat off and then hands me a glass of champagne. I look at him confusingly. He smiles. Whats going on i finally ask? I just wanted to make something good for you. It smells great. I taste the champagne and it tastes great. I just wanted to do somethig special for you thats all admits Sam. He tells me to sit down and i tell him i feel under dressed. You look great as always says Sam. I laugh. Dinner is almost ready says Sam. You cooked i ask? I hope its good, i followed the recipe exactly says Sam. I smile, i tell him im gonna go wash up. I clean my face and change into clean pants and a nice blue shirt. I tuck the shirt into my pants and put on a belt, add some cologne, brush my hair, rinse my mouth with mouthwash. Sam whistles when he sees me walking out. I laugh and kiss him tenderly. He pours us more champagne and serves me chicken penne. It smells amazing. I hope its good says Sam. Im sure it will be i say confidently. We eat while the music plays. Were constantly looking at each other. When dinner is done he clears the table and orders me not to do anything. He then puts on my favorite ballad. Can you feel the love by Elton John. We slow dance in each others arms. We kiss passionatly. I love you Sam i say. I love you too baby... Soooo much he says. He tells me to close my eyes and i do, wondering what he has planned next. Could there be more i ask myself? Can i open my eyes now i ask impatiently. I know hes dimned the lights. The music has stopped. When i open my eyes i see him getting down on one knee. He takes my hands in his. I stand there in shock. Im about to ask him what hes doing but he cuts me off. Stephen... Youve change me, i never knew i could love someone as much as i love you. I cant imagine my life without you. I dont want to ever be without you. You keep me sane, you make me a better man. I know its all complicated right now but i promise to love you forever and be with you forever, and i will tell the world about you. Us. And if they dont accept me well they never were my fans or friends and family says Sam. With all this said, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me asks Sam? I look down at him, im in shock, im crying. He looks at me worridly. Yes i whisper. He smiles and get up. Hugs me tightly. Puts the ring on and we kiss passionatly for what feels like forever. I love you Stephen Hunt says Sam happily. I love you too i say while laughing and crying. He takes me into his arms. He tells me to wait here that hes got more planned. He goes into the bathroom and ten minutes later he tells me to come in. He naked and hard. The bath is full of water and bubbles. More champagne. I smile. He undresses me and we get into the tube together. Hes holding me and i can feel his erect cock poking my back. I smile and lay there in his big arms. I look at the ring. You like it he asks? I love it i answer happily. He kisses my cheek and then my neck. His hand goes to my hardning cock, he jacks me off until im rock hard. Thank you for standing by me, weve been through a lot, and there more to come, but knowing your with me will get me through all of the hard parts says Sam. I turn and look at him. I kiss him. Were in a tight place but i make it work. I kiss his neck, i play with his hard dick. Hes moaning happily. You want to fuck me i ask already knowing the answer. Ive been wanting too since you walked in the door he laughs. I laugh. We had only been in the tub for like five minutes. Can we just sit here for a little bit longer i ask? Anything you want baby says Sam. He holds me in his arms. I cant believe he proposed. OMG. Im gonna be Stephen Hunt. OMG. My thoughts are rushing a mile a minute. I want to tell everyone but i know i cant. Not right now. We stay in the tub for another ten minutes. I get up and he looks at me. I was just resting my eyes admits Sam. Well since your too tired i say getting out the tub, i guess you dont want to fuck me i say sadly. Im drying myself off and hes getting out the tub, yeah right, im never tired when it becomes to having sex with you baby says Sam. I laugh. I run off to the bedroom and he catches my from behind. He takes me and puts me over his shoulder and runs around the place like a caveman. He slaps my ass hard. Mine he says... Mine he says again this time laughing. He throws me on the bed and jumps on top of me. He pins me down and looks at me in the eyes. Youve made me the happiest man on the planet he says. Youve made me the happiest man ever i add. He kiss me tenderly. His tongue pushes into my mouth and waltz with my tongue. I then feel him sucking my tongue. A wierd feeling. But i like it. He then kisses my cheek then my neck. Im moaning happily. Our hard cocks rubbing against each others. Fuck me i beg Sam... Fuck me i beg over and over. Desperatly wanting him deep inside me. Fucking the living shit out of me. Anything you want my king he says. I laugh. Hes soon between my legs. His cock kissing my hole. He takes the lube and applies some to his dick and some to my asshole. Fuck me i beg again. He looks at me. You really want it dont you asks Sam? Just fucking fuck me i practically yell. He pins my arms down. His cock still kissing my entrance. Hes poking at my hole to tease me. Fuuuuckkkk meeeeee i yell. Do it... Please i beg. Hes still teasing me and then rams all the way in, my eyes fly open in shock and pain. I scream loudly in both pleasure and pain. He looks at me lovingly, and agressively. I bring his face to mine and kiss him agressively. When he pulls away he says easy tiger... Dont bite me begs Sam. Oh just shut up and fuck me i beg. He laughs. And starts pounding me harder and harder. Wrapping his hands around my throat. Choking me. I look at him. Hes choking me a little harder then usual. I can barely breathe. I let him do this for a while. Until i cant breathe and try taking his hand away. He must be thinking im fighting him. And i like it. Then i start trying to take his hand away... Shaking, trying to get him off. Im choking... His eyes widened in shock. He pulls his hands away and i struggle to breathe. He pulls out of me. Baby... Im sorry... I... Are you ok Sam asks worridly? I begin to breathe in again. He looks at my neck... Omg... Says Sam freaking out. Im sorry... I didnt know says Sam. He starts pacing the room. Im sorry. Im sorry. Im sooo sorry says Sam over and over. I drink some water and tell him im fine. I didnt know i was being so aggresive says Sam. Baby... I like it agressive. Just not that agressive i say. I could have killed you says Sam. I look at him and tell him you didnt, im fine i reassure him. He looks at my neck. Its red. Ill be fine i say to him. I get on all fours and look at him and order him to fuck me. No... I cant... Says Sam. Just dont choke me i says jokingly. He looks at me, dont joke about this, this is serious says Sam. I shake my ass, hoping itll get him to come over and fuck me. It dosent. I get up, his dick is soft. Tears are in his eyes. Baby... Its ok... I forgive you i tell Sam. He hugs me tightly. I stand there in his arms. He dosent want to let me go. I start to massage his ass cheeks. Baby... Dont whispers Sam. But i keep doing it, until i feel his cock harden. I love you he says. I love you too... Just fuck me i say. He slowly make our way to the bed. Hes on top of me, spreading my legs. He grabs the lube and lubes us up. We look at each other. I smile. He kisses me slowly as he enters me slowly and deeply. I gasp in pleasure. He kisses my neck and fucks me slow. I beg him to go faster and pound me but he dosent. I grab his ass, and push him further into me. Hes still kissing my neck and fucking me slow and deep. I love it when its passionate and gentle like this. But i was in the mood for it to be rough. Really rough. But after what happened, i think hes affraid of hurting me again. So i let him fuck me slow. Hes constantly kissing me. Sometimes he plays with my nipples. My cock is hard and leaking precum on my stomach. I try to reach for it but he stops me. Hands on my ass he begs. I comply and massages his muscled ass cheeks. I love you i moan as i attacks my neck again. He gently bites my neck and ears. Im pushing him inside me as much as i can. Sweat soon covers his back and ass. I reach for my dick and he stops me again and orders me to keep massaging his ass. I really want to cum. Like right now. But hes not letting me. I know he likes it when he makes me cum. By just fucking good, hitting my prostate and i cum with touching myself. It turns him on so much. My hands go back to his ass. He kisses my lips. I look at him. Hes in so much pleasure. But i can also ses the love he has for me. As im massaging his sweaty ass. Its getting slippery and by accident my hand slips inside his crack and a finger enters his hole. His eyes fly open in shock. Im sorry i say. Im about to take it out but he begs me not too. Keep it in he begs. Im shocked. When i fucked him for the very first time. He didnt really like and ive never asked to fuck him again. I want to so badly. But if he dosent like it, im not gonna force it. I move my finger inside his warm insides. Hes fucking me harder... Fucking himself on my finger. Hes hitting my prostate over and over... And i can tell im hitting his by his moans. His sweaty forehead is on my shoulder. Feels soooooo good moans Sam... Im gonna cum soon he announces. I can feel my orgasm coming soon too. His thrusts are becoming eratic. His only thought right now is to fill my insides with his massive load of hot semen. Were both moaning louder. Both on edge. Both so close to cumming. A few minutes later were both screaming loudly as both our orgasm reach at the same time. His inside me, and mine all over my chest, face, Sams chin. When the orgasm stops he falls on top of me. I hold him. When he rolls over i cuddle to his sweaty, slight hairy chest. That was... Amazing he says... We both came at the same time Sam says. I smile. That was so hot i say matter of factly. He looks at me. And kisses me passionatly. The kiss is longer then i anticipated. His tongue playing with mine. When he breaks the kiss he takes a lot of my cum off my chest and we snowball it to each other before he finally swallows it. The second and third time we do it i swallow it. He goes between my legs and brings them up, shoving his face into my ass. Rimming me. He takes all his cum out of my ass and we snowball yet again. What has happened to Sam Hunt. He was never a fan of drinking cum. He had only done this once in our relationship. We both swallow a lot of the cum. We pass out in each others arms.

We dont hear Jeremy come in later that night. He goes to his room but is shocked by what he sees. The apartment smells of sex, sweat, cum. His dick gets hard. He looks over and at in each others arms. He grabs Sams underwear and Stephens too and vanishes to his room. He grabs his dildo, lubes it up and shoves it uo his begging asshole. It feels so good. He wished he had the real thing. He smells Sams underwear, then mine... He wants to ride Sams and Stephens cock so badly. He opens his door and sees them still in each others arms. He has a plan. It was a long shot but he was gonna try it. He takes the dildo out of his ass, puts he underwear back. He waits til morning and pretends hes sleep walking. He had done so twice before and couldnt remember a thing. He walks into the kitchen. Sam and Stephen are standing there in underwear. He goes to the fridge. Hes naked. He bends down to get the milk, exposing his asshole to Stephen and Sam. He drinks milk while spiling some on his chest and pubes. He finishes the carton. Jeremy asks Stephen? He ignores him. Jeremy stops in the middle of the living room. He just stands there. It must be ten minutes. Stephen and Sam wonder whats going on and asks him but Jeremy dosent answer. Sam and Stephen look at each other. Then they see Jeremy getting on all fours, presenting his ass to Sam and Stephen. Stephen and Sam look at each other confusingly but curiously. Jeremy just waits there. Need cock... Need cock... Need cock says Jeremy over and over and over again. Sam and Stephens cock are getting hard. They look at each other. They take there underwears down. Stephen spreads Jeremys ass cheeks and exposes the hairy hole. Sam smiles. You want to fuck him asks Stephen? I only want to fuck you says Sam. I look down at his dick, then back at him. Do you want to fuck him asks Sam? Only you i say. He looks at my dick then me. We both laugh. We both agree to fuck Jeremy. To spice up our love life. But agree this is a one time thing.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this chapter. More to cum. Suggestions, comments are always welcomed.

Next: Chapter 12

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