Sam Hunt and Me

By Jj Rivers

Published on Sep 24, 2016


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Months later...

Sam Hunt and me Stephen were still going strong. It was hard. Always being far from each other. Not being able to hold his hand or go out in public. For us to oficially being a couple. But i was getting through it. We kept it spicy. We wouldnt go more then two weeks without seeing each other. We talk on the phone almost every night. We text and face time constantly.

I was busy with work and so was he. I didnt have the money to spend for a flight. Sam would offer to pay but i couldnt accept it, just because he makes so much more money then me dosent mean he has to pay for everything.

I knew Sam was coming out here tonight and i was a wreck. I had been drinking. When Sam walked in he knew something was wrong. Whats wrong he asks worridly? I downed the last glass of my wine. He takes my hands in his bigger hands. I get up as the tears start flowing. Baby... Whats wrong... Your scaring me says Sam. I look at him. I cant keep doing this i admit. We were approaching our one year anniversary. Stephen begins Sam. I need you with me not always far away, weve barely seen each other within the last few months i say crying. You know why... If you want me to tell everyone how i feel about you... And lose my contract and not do country music i will. Ive told you this before says Sam. I want to be with you admits Sam. I cry even more. He hugs me. He then kisses me deeply. His warm wet tongue entering my mouth. Our tongues doing a waltz. He pulls away. I love you Stephen says Sam. I love you too i tell him. We hug for what feels like an eternity. We both hadnt jacked off in over a month. We had been saving our loads for each other. But i had been drinking and soon passed out. Sam could only spend the one night before going back. When i woke up to get ready for work, he was getting ready also. I apologized over and over and over again about last night. He said it was ok. I took my underwear off and bent over the bed. I look back and hes looking at me seriously. Then he smiles. I want too so badly... But i have a plan to catch says Sam sadly... A quickie i ask? He licks his lips. He comes behind me, i can see his cock growing hard. He turns me around and kisses me passionatly. Well make up for it when i come back in two weeks promises Sam. I look down sadly and apologize again. He kisses me again and leaves. I sit there on the bed and cry...

For the next two weeks, its torture. I miss Sam so much. His body next to mine. His morning kisses. His cock up my ass.

In a few months itll be our one year anniversary. I start planning...

When Sam comes back i jump him. Its winter. So more clothes to take off. Im just glad to have him here and all to myself. He shaved his head. I didnt like it at all he had let his beard grow, i didnt like that either. He had also gained a few pounds but i didnt care about that. As we made out in the bed, he was quick between my legs. His cock kissing my begging entrance. I hadnt been fucked in months and he had fucked someone in months too. He cock was soon shoved all the way in. I screamed in ecstasy and pain. It had been a while and my ass wasnt used to this entry. As he fucked me hard, i moaned and screamed happily. He then got me into doggy position and fucked me even harder and faster. I was screaming louder now. He covered my mouth with his big hand to shut me up. My cock was rock hard, leaking precum on the sheets. I had just made the bed this morning. Oh well. My cock was being neglected. I wanted to jack off so bad but Sam wouldnt let me. He was feeling his orgasm come so he ordered me lean back on the wall and i didnt. He got me into his arms and aligned his cock with my asshole. He fucked me good while holding me into his arms. His cock was hitting my prostate with every thrusts. It was driving me crazy. All i wanted and needed to do was cum. He could read it, he smirked. You like this big cock up your tight ass huh asks Sam? Fuuuuuckkkkk yeeeaaaaahhhhhhh i scream happily. I did as many squats as possible to try and make my ass as tight as possible for Sam Hunt. He smiles happily. Ive missed all of you moans Sam. Sweat covering his entire body. Where do you want it he asks? Up the ass or in your mouth asks Sam? Mouuttthhhh i yell. He smiles. I cant believe you like drinking my cum laughs Sam. I pull him to me and kiss him roughly. I gently bite his lips. He attacks my neck and i cant hold on anymore. I go to grab my cock, Sam senses this and pushes my hand away. What did i tell you he says angrily? Please baby i beg. Please... I need to cum i beg. Youll cum when i tell you to cum. He orders me off his dick. He throws me on the bed ans roughly gets me into the position he wants. Laying flat on my chest. Ass in the aid. He just rams himself in. Im scream in delight. Having missed his cock terribly. My ass he says. Im moaning as hes fucking me wildly. Slapping noises echo in the appartment. He fucks me for anther good twenty minutes before i scream in sheer ecstasy as he keeps hitting my prostate i shoot my huge pent up load all over the clean sheets. Im screaming, moaning and bucking wildly. My asshole tightens around Sams huge cock sending him over the edge. He pulls out and turns me around. I push his hand away and suck his dick. I play with his balls. Sssshhhhhiiiiiiiittttttt cries Sam loudly. Ive never heard him scream this loudly before. The first shot of cum hits the back of my throat like a bullet. Fast and hard. I almost choke. Shot after shot of hot white creamy semen hits the back of my throat. Then smalls shots hits my tongue. I swallow it all without letting a drop fall from my mouth. We fall onto the bed in a sweat. Oooommmmmgggg i moan happily. Thats was incredible moans Sam. We both laugh. We fall asleep in each others sweaty arms.

This time Sam is here for a week and we make the best of it. Having sex as much as we can. We even also went to a movie. I shaved his beard and he was unrecognized. Thank god. On his last day i found pictures on the internet of him and a woman named Hannah. His rumoured girlfriend. He told me, he had to have a girl on his arm so they wouldnt suspect anything. I felt hurt. Did you kiss her, fuck her i ask? He looks down. Only kisses. I havent slept with her yet admits Sam. Yet i yell agried. He comes close to me and apologizes. Fuck you i yell leaving the apartment. When i get back to the apartment several hours later. Its four am. Hes up waiting for me. When he sees me coming in he hugs me tightly. He had called over a hundred times but i closed my phone. I dont hug him back. Im going to bed i say. Hes about to join me but i throw him the pillow and he gets the hint. He sleeps on the couch. But a few minutes later, i feel him getting into bed. He cuddles to me, his hung dick between my ass cheeks. Couch i yell. Im not leaving this bed says Sam. My eyes are filled with tears. I manage to only get one hour of sleep. I wake up and Sams hard dick is between my cheeks. I do what i normally do and i ignore him. He leaves with kissing me quickly on the lips and reminding how much he loves me.

He had slept with Hannah. It broke my heart when i found out. He told me he hadnt enjoyed it. But im pretty sure he was lying to me.

We broke up that day. It was two weeks exact our aniversary came. Jeremy wanted to take me out but ever since we had broke up i hadnt been the same. I was always sad, moody. I still went to work and acted like everything was fine but it wasnt, at all. That night of what would have been our aniversary a knock came at the door. Ignored it. But that person kept knocking. I finally answered the door angrilly. When i open the door and ses Sam Hunt with flowers, chocolates, dvds and take out. I look at him confused. He looks like he hadnt slept in weeks. His beard is shaven and his hair has grown back. He just looks at me. I finally let him in. His puts the things on the table and he comes close to me. Were face to face. Ever since we broke up i... Ive been drinking, not working on music. Ive broken up with Hannah. I... I cant live without you Stephen. He gets down onto his knees and cries. I begin to cry louder. I pull him up and hug him. Its you... Its always been you. I dont want anyone else says Sam. He takes my face into his hands and we kiss passionatly. Please. Give us another chance begs Sam. We have dinner and wine. Watch a movie. Have the chocolates and popcorn. Durig the whole movie i dont move from his arms. We watched Rebel Without A Cause with James Dean. When the movie ends. I get onto his lap and kiss Sam. I can feel Sams hard dick in his joggers. Sssshhhhh i beg Sam. I blindfold him and cuff his hands. And then i gag him. I manage to get him onto the bed. He lets me lick every inch of his amazing body. I taste his ass. I see the tiny rosebud. As i lick his sweaty arm pits, my hard cock kisses Sams entrance. I feel him going stiff. I keep on kissing him not realizing what ive done. But he just lays there. Hes trying to say something but i ignore him. I kiss, lick and bit his nipples. I take my whip out and whip him on the chest and abs. He groans loudly. I smile. I turn him onto his back and whip his back and perfect shaped ass. Again he groans without ever screaming. I want to make him scream. I pull his hair back and tell him hes my bitch now. I get onto his back. My hard dick laying between his ass cheeks. I feel him stiffen. I rub my cock between his sweaty cheeks. I take the whip and choke him with it for a few seconds. I get off him and turn him around. His dick is hard. I swallow it all until hes about to cum then i stop. Hes begging me to cum. I laugh and do this a few more times, driving him insane. I whip him again on his inner thight. Scaring him. A little more closer and it would have been your boys i say wickedly. I throw the whip away and tell him i love him. I take the gag out and kiss him. This time the kiss is rough. I love it. But when he pulls away he tells me to fuck him. I pulled away in shock. Not believing him. I take the blindfold off. Fuck me begs Sam. I can see it in his eyes that he means it. Sam... I begin. Just fuck me begs Sam. Go slow he begs. But... I stammer. I want you too... Says Sam. Why i ask? Why am i asking him why? Hes letting me fuck him, i should already be inside him. Because i love you Stephen and i want you to fuck me says Sam. I get the lube and his his hole good. No fingers... Just your cock he begs. I look at the tiny hairy hole and back at Sam. You gave me your ass, im giving you mine says Sam. We kiss quickly. I take the handcuffs off and lube my throbbing dick. I love you Stephen says Sam. Hes been saying a lot of that lately. He rarely used to say it. He looks at me lovingly. My cock kisses his entrance. I feel his resistance. Hes scared. I lean down and kiss him gently. Then kiss his neck. I feel his asshole relaxing and thats when i begin to shove my dick inside him. As soon as i start pushing he tightens his hole. His eyes are wide. I look at him, do it he begs. I dont want to hurt you Sam i say. Just shove it in he begging now. I dont know if he really wants it or is just trying to please me. But i follow his instructions and let my cock head slip in. He screams loudly as his asshole is breached for the first time in his life. He looks straight at me, tears in his eyes, but hes also telling me not to stop. As my head is now inside Sams tight hole. I stop to let him get used to my cock head. I kiss him a lot and when i feel his hole relax i shove myself in deeper until im all the way inside. His eyes are wide, his mouth is opened wide. Sam cant believe hes taken a cock up his ass. Its hurts like a fucking bitch but hes getting through it. He knew Stephen had wanted to fuck his ass from the very begining. It was his way of apologizing and comitting himself fully to him. His cock was still rock hard so he must be enjoying it somehow. Finally Stephen found Sams prostate. It made Sam scream in pleasure. I smiled to myself, happy to have found his prostate. Sam was moaning louder and this time he was liking it. His hands roamed my body. His cock still hard and leaking precum. I begin to fuck him harder and faster. Hes gripping me tight. Hes loving it, i think. Sam is surprised that he likes it, he wouldnt bottom often but it was feeling good now. A little pain but not like the first twenty minutes. I pulls me to him and shoves his hot wet tongue down my throat. I manage to get Sam into doggy style position. His head is turned and hes looking at me. I slap his ass four times on each cheeks, leaving them pink. Fucking nice ass... Fucking tight ass i moan happily. You like this tight ass asks Sam? Fuck yeah i do i say happily. I can feel my orgasm coming soon. I dont ever want to leave this ass. Ever. Were both covered in sweat. Slapping noises can be heard throughout the bedroom. Its smells. Semen, sex, sweat. I love it. I pull Sams hair back and kiss him. You like me fucking you i ask after i kiss him. He dosent answer. Huh do you i ask pulling his hair back hard. Yeah... A little he moans. I laugh. More then a little i say. Where do you want me to cum? Ass or mouth i ask Sam? Ass... My ass moans Sam. I know what this means. Once your ass is bred, its mine forever. I begin to fuck him harder desperatly wanting to breed his not so virgin ass anymore... Hes groaning louder. Fuuuuuuckkkkk Sam yells... Aaaaahhhhhhhhh yells Sam. I look down and see him shooting his load all over the bed sheets, without even touching his dick. Yessssssss i scream happily. I cant believe i fucked the cum out of Sam Hunt i say happily. I fuck Sam for another five minutes before shooting my river of cum deep inside Sam. Breeding him with my big creamy load. We collapse on the bed, exhausted. Wow i moan happily. Sam gets up and goes to the bathroom, taking his joggers, hes walking funny. I follow him. I need a few minutes begs Sam. Are you ok? Did i hurt you i ask panicked? He kisses me and closes the door. As he looks himself in the mirror. He splashes cold water on his face. He then takes out a small box from his pocket. He opens it and smiles...

To be continued...

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this chapter. More to cum. Suggestions, comments are always welcomed.

Next: Chapter 11

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