Sam Hunt and Me

By Jj Rivers

Published on Jul 21, 2016


Sam hunt and me

This is not real its fiction... Please donate to Nifty.

I had just been at a Sam Hunt concert. Ive loved him since i first heard of him. He is the most beautiful man alive. My personal choice. His concert was outside and it was so hot. As he sung and i sang to every lyrics of every song he sang. He looked so hot up there. His forehead was covered in sweat, his t shirt was soaked. He was strutting around the stage, giving hand shakes to the girls and fist bumps to the guys. There werent many guys to the concert. I was so turned on by him that i my dick was hard. I reajusted it, looking around to make sure no one saw me. Thank god no one did... As he sang the last song i realized i was still hard. When he got off stage the girls rushed to the side of the stage where he signed cds and pictures. I had a cd to sign but i didnt bother as there werent any guys lining up for autographs. I just left.

I bumped into my high school bullies. They didnt like the fact that i confronted them. They bullied me because i was gay and smart. I was passing all my classes and i had gotten stuck with one of them on a project. I had done all the work and the teacher knew it. Gave me an A and gave him a C. He was pissed. He confronted me with his friends after there game. I had stayed back to work a school assignement. They asked since i was gay that i must check them out. I told them to not flatter themselves they were not my type. They took that as an insult and beat me up. As i laid on the ground in pain, they laughed and walked away. I went home and went back to school the day after like nothing ever happened. Im not the most athletic person. I dont have abs of steel. Im 5 9, green eyes black hair. I weight 180. Have a little extra weight that im desperatly trying to get rid of. Im 17 and a virgin. Ive never had my dicked suck. Nor have i ever gotten kissed yet. My ass hadnt been breached. I desperatly wanted to know what it felt like. To have a mans dick fucking me. I had to admit i had a nice ass. Nice and round. My dick was 7 inches long. I jack off three times a day. I dont go out, prefering to stay inside to study and watch tv and listen to music. I love country music ever since i was six years old.

The bullies saw me and decided to pick on me. They had been drinking. Of course a faggot is here to listen to that shitty music says Brad the leader of the pack. He was tall 6 feet tall, abs that go on for days. Just leave me alone i beg. Brad then grabs my arms and says ill tell you when you can leave, punching me in the face. I land on the ground in a pile of mud. It had rain a few hours before the concert for like ten minutes and then it stopped. Brad and his friends laugh at me as i get up, Brad pushes me down again. I land face down in the mud again. The lot was pretty empty. Sam had left. I was crying as i tried to fight Brad off. Brad laughs. Your so weak... Of course you are faggot yells Brad. He punches me in the stomach knocking the wind out of my body. Since you are a faggot you wont mind taking care of this boner laughs Brad. Mindys been such a bitch lately. Not letting me fuck her says Brad angrilly. I try to crawl away but Brad pushes my face down into the ground i try to scream but Shawn puts his mouth over my face to keep my from screaming. I hear Brad unzipping his jeans. His pants are now down and he tries to undo my jeans but i try crawling away again but to no avail. I cry as they laugh at me. Finally Brad manages to undo my jeans and pulled them down exposing my bare bottom. I cry louder, knowing i didnt stand a chance and was about to get raped by four jocks. Then i hear Brad screaming as he he pulled off me and thrown to the ground. The other guys get ready for a fight. Security is coming says my saviour. I turn around to see Sam Hunt. My eyes bulge out. The guys flee. I try getting up but my stomach is in pain. My ass is now in the dirt. Sam helps me off. I hold my pants so they dont fall down. Im a total mess and hes seeing me like this. Come with me says Sam grabbing my cd from the ground. He leads me to what must be his tour bus. His bandmates were off to a bar not far away. I sit on his bed. His room full of dirty clothes everywhere. And beer cans. Sorry for the mess says Sam picking up after himself. He gets me a towel and helps me to the shower. I get into the bathroom and undress. I take a hot shower. Not wanting to leave the shower, but i do. I was about to put my dirty clothes on but saw Sam had left me a pair of underwear and shorts, a t shirt with his face on. I was about to buy a t shirt but was attacked and broke to be honest.

I see Sam sitting on the bed drinking a beer. I hope they fit says Sam. They do, thank you i say. I should go i add. Hey, dont leave yet begs Sam. He offers me a beer but i decline. Dont like beer he asks. I nod my head no.... A few seconds of silence pass and he asks Did you like the show? Yes i admit. If you hadnt saved me they wouldve... I say as i begin to cry. He hugs me. I feel his muscles as my head lays of his chest. I also hear his heartbeat. I pull of him and wipe my tears away. I get up and pick my cd and is about to leave but he stops me again. Do you want me to sign the cd asks Sam? I look at the cd and hand it to him. Whats your name asks Sam? Stephen i say. He signs To: Stephen, thanks for singing to all my songs, Sam Hunt. I see his message and smile. Hey do you just want to sit here and talk, ive got nothing to do and i know the guys wont be back for atleast another four hours or something says Sam. Ive got nothing to do ads Sam. I look down to the floor. Ever since i was a kid i was bullied for being gay... I could never fight back because i didnt know how. And now... I was almost raped... Maybe i should have been... Maybe i would have been able to fight them after i say, crying once again. Sam is soon hugging me again telling me its not my fault and no one deserves to be raped. I smell his cologne and sweat. He smells so good. My cock begins to stir in my shorts. I pull away. We sit on the bed again and talk for an hour. Laughing. I really should go take a shower im all sticky and sweaty says Sam getting up. Ill be back, dont leave begs Sam. I agree not to leave and he takes his shower. I look around and find a pair of his black boxer briefs. I smell them and smell the musk, sweat, piss and cum. My dick is instantly hard. I hide them in my jeans and wait for him to come out. He comes out in only a towel. My eyes admires his body. He grabs his clothes and goes back inside to change.

He tells me hell be back in a few minutes. He leaves the trailer and comes back in twenty minutes. Coming back with a large cheese and bacon pizza. Are you hungry asks Sam? Starving i admit. We eat pizza and talk and laugh for another hour. Hes on his third beer and me only having had water. I saw you singing to every lyrics of every song... That meant a lot to me admits Sam. I smile and keep eating my pizza. I also saw you adjusting your boner admits Sam. I blush bright red. Sam laughs. Its ok admits Sam... Im bisexual admits Sam. Ok, is the only thing i can say. But being bisexual and a country artist dont match so ive only been with girls... Well i havent been with a girl for the past two years. I havent had time for a relationship. Im always on the road. I only use my hand says Sam. Well i havent even had time for that in while. Been a long time admits Sam. I just sit there blushing red and a visible hard on. He was hard as well. I looked to the ground. He gently pulled my face up and his face was really close to mine. I stopped breathing. Youre so beautiful says Sam rubbing his hand on my face. He leans in closer and his lips meets mine. I just sit there in shock. I dont kiss him back. He pulls away and apologizes. But i just look at him, still in shock. But i surprise myself and pull him in and kiss him. He kisses me back slowly and passionatly. I can also sense hunger. His hands are on my back, pulling me closer to him. I open my mouth and he takes this oportunity to put his tongue in my mouth and our tongues slowly dance. My hands are now romaing his muscled back. He then takes my shirt off and i take his off. I look at his body in awe. He lays me on the bed and attacks my sensitive nipples. Im moaning loudly in pleausre as he sucks, licks and bits them gently. I can feel his dick throbbing on my leg. I know what he wants. What he needs... My ass... Im scared. But i trust him. He kisses his way down to my stomach and then take my dick into his hands and swallows it slowly. He takes only a few inches but im moaning louder now. His hot mouth feeling amazing on my dick. I arched my back a little. I laid there not too quite sure what to do... I soon put my hands on Sam head and guided him further down on my dick. This making him choke a little. I look down and appologize. He keeps on bobbing up and down, up and down... On my dick. I moan in pleasure. He then stops and takes my testicules into his mouth and sucks and licks them. I moan louder now. Sammmm i moan... Omggggg i moan again. This makes him smile i can feel it. His tongue then ventures to my ass. Shocking me. He lifts my legs up and shoves his face into my ass. When his tongue connects with my ass i scream in sheer pleasure. Never feeling this amazing feeling. Fuckkkkkk Sammmm i moan. His tongue is now darting in and out of my ass, fucking me. I trash on the bed at this new sensation. When he comes up for air five minutes, i look down at him with a dissapointment on my face. This makes him smile. I see his dick is hard, throbbing and leaking precum at the tip. Let me suck you i beg. Sam looks at me... Are you sure he asks? I laugh a little. Ive never sucked a dick before but i really want to suck your dick i admit. He smiles again and i get chills. He had a beautiful white smile. He lays on his back and i get between his legs, my ass up in the air. I take his dick into my mouth. Im trying to be careful, not to put my teeths on his dick. All i want to do is pleasure him. He looks down at me. His hands behind his arms, exposing his armpits. I love his armpits. All i want to do is shove my face in them and licks them. But i shake that thought away and take more of his big dick into my mouth and choke a little. Take it easy i hear him say but all i want to do is pleasure him. This wasnt the best blowjob he had, but as he watched me he knew i had determination and it made it seem better. The more i got into it the better i got. My teeths hadnt grazed his dick and that made me happy. I now had half his dick in my mouth. His hands was now on the head but didnt force me to take more dick. But i did, i choked a little but kept on going. My hands were playing with his balls. I popped the famous cock out of my and attack his hairless balls. He moans loudly. Shiiitttttt he moans happily. I bathe them with my spit. I try to do what he didn to me and venture to his ass but is stopped when he tells me hes not into that. I soon appologize and am about to go down on his dick again when he stops me. Stop saying your sorry please begs Sam. I look down, he take my face into his hands and i find myself saying, sorry if it isnt the best blowjob you had. Sam laughs once again and just kisses me deeply. Were tossing on the bed. Hes now on top of me and i look into his eyes. I feel his dick on my ass. Im scared. But i know what he wants. What he needs. I wrap my legs around his muscular legs and tell him to fuck me. He just looks at me shocked. We dont have too, if your not ready he says. I want to i admit. I want to so badly to know what it feels like to be fucked. Please... Just go slow i beg. He leans down and kisses me gently. He goes to the night stand and gets the lube. But sighs sadly. I dont have a condom he admits. I look at him, relived but sadnend. Its ok... Do me bareback i say shocking the both of us. I trust you i add. Your clean right i ask nervously. Yes, i get tested regularly says Sam. Then fuck me i beg. He lubes my asshole. Shoving a finger inside me slowly. I clench my hole tightly shut. Relax says Sam... Its gonna hurt less if you relax. He then ads a second finger and i moan loudly. He fucks my hole slow with his two fingers. I look at him. I still cant believe im butt naked with Sam Hunt. A few minutes later he lubes his cock and gets between my legs. He places my legs on his shoulders. I must look scared because he tells me we dont have to do this if your not ready... I am... Just go slow i beg. I will. If it gets to much tell me and ill stop promises Sam. I know he means it by the way hes looking at me. His cockhead is kissing my tiny pink virgin hole. He kisses me gently then slowly starts to penetrate my ass. I stop breathing as pain shoots from my rectum. Sam tells me to relax and breathe. It will hurt less. I try to listen to him but its so painful. He kisses me cheeks and neck. I relax a little. I know his head is now inside me. I feel like a baseball bat is being shoved up my ass. I close my eyes tightly. And run my hands all over Sams muscular back. It takes everything in me to not to scream the bus down. Im in so much pain. But i want to keep doing this. I want him to keep penetrating me. I want to feel good. I want to make him feel good. After about half his dick is inside me. He stops and looks at me. Are you ok he asks worriedly? Im fine i choke out. Keep going i add. He smiles and kisses my lips as he slowly enters more of himself inside me. He couldnt believe Sam was being this gentle. Most guys probably just would have shoved themselves inside me, not caring if they hurt me. He smells so good. Axe body wash. And manly. Was it just me or what it fucking hot in here. I could see sweat covering Sams face and back. I found this hot. Sticky and sweaty. My mouth hung opened but no sound came out when i felt Sams nicely trimmed pubes on my ass. I know knew he was all inside me. He was attacking my neck once again. My eyes were filled with tears of pain. I wanted to tell him to stop so badly but i cant. I dont want him to hate me, be angry at me for getting him so hard and horny and not being able to finish. I also just wanted to make him feel good. My dick layed soft on my stomach. I pulled Sam closer to me. And he looked at me. Im all the way inside you he says happily and worridly. I know... Just kiss me i beg. He smiles and kisses me gently. He slowly starts to take his dick out and pushes inside me slowly. Its painful as hell. But i get through without making it look like im in pain. He attacked my ears and neck again, making me moan loudly in pleasure and pain. He started to take more and more of his dick out of me and fucking me slow. He hit something inside me because i bega moaning louder and louder in pleasure more then pain. I think he liked this because he kept hitting my prostate with every thrusts. My dick began to harden between his amazing abs and my stomach. He made me feel, wanted. No one ever wanted me sexually before. Was he just being nice to pop my cherry? He was moaning too. Im glad to make him feel good. I ask him if hes getting close. He moans yes. I grab his butt cheeks and push him deeper into me. Shitttttt moans Sam. Dont pull out i beg. He looks at me. Please just cum inside me i beg. He agrees and kisses me on the lips again. His tongue is inside my mouth. His kiss gets more and more rough. I know hes really close. Hes sweating on top of me. And then i scream as he scream. He shoots a river of semen inside me. Filling me up. Making my insides warm. My dick shoots all over my belly and chest. Some even land on his chin. He thursts in one more time and collapses on me. His dick never leaving my ass until it goes soft and plops out. I squeeze my asshole shut to keep his semen inside me. He lays beside me, exhausted. I excuse myself and go to the bathroom. My ass is still on fire. Towards the end it was getting less painful. My ass was still on fire. I locked the bathroom door. Washed the cum off me, splashed some water on my face. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was no longer a virgin. And i was happy about it. The fact that i lost it to Sam Hunt was even better. Would he throw me out now. We wont talk anymore? That made me sad and upset. I was curious as to how Sams cum tasted. I shoved a finger up my sore hole. When i pulled it out my finger was full of semen. I brought it to my nose. Smelled it... I put the finger in my mouth. It tasted warm, salty... Addicting. I also tasted my ass. I drained my asshole in the cup on the sink. Trying to not make noise. The cup was more then a quarter. I drank it all and found myself wanting more. But reality hit me that i had to leave. Thats probably what Sam wanted. I cleaned the glass and then Sam knocked on the door and asked if i was ok. I opened the door and smiled saying i was just getting cleaned up. He kisses me softly. He looks me into the eyes and asks did i hurt you? No i say quickly. I saw you limping to the bathroom. Why didnt you tell me i was hurting you asks Sam? I would have stopped ads Sam. I... I wanted to make you feel good... I didnt want to dissapoint you... After you saved me... I ramble. What... Says Sam shocked. You wouldnt have dissapointed me. I didnt fuck you just to fuck you. Dont get me wrong. Sex is amazing. And with you it was out of this world. But knowing that i hurt you... Says Sam. It started feeling good towards the end. When you always hit my prostate. Making me cum without touching my dick i say happily. That was hot admits Sam. We look at each other. It seems like forever before i say i should get going. Sam looks sad. Stay... Im not leaving until tomorrow nine am. Its only like four hours away the next show... Stay the night begs Sam. We can... Watch tv... Sleep... Whatever says Sam. Please begs Sam. How can i say no. Ok i say smilingly. Cool says Sam happily. He grabs a beer. My semen is still there on his chest and chin. I laugh. What asks Sam? Nothing i say laughing too. He walks to the bed, i see his muscular ass. My mouth wants to just shove my ass inside and sniff, lick and fuck it. My dick is now hard at the thought of it. Sam is sitting on the bed. I must have been sex dreaming because he snaps me out of it. And says wow... Already hard... Round two asks Sam? I smile and just go to the bed and cuddle to Sam. We just lay there... Sleep soon finds us both. And we fall asleep in each others arms.

Thanks for reading. I think Sam Hunt is so beautiful and just had to write my dreams down. Hopefuflly youll like it. Leave me feedback and comments. Thanks

Next: Chapter 2

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