Sam and His Hot Lovers

By Frank

Published on Feb 13, 2000



Usual disclaimers apply. All persons, places and acts described in the following story are the result of the writer's fantacy. Safe sex should be practiced at all times. This story may be copied for personal use. It may not be altered or published in any form on any other web site without prior written permission. It is protected by international copyright laws. And, of course, if you are considered a minor where you reside, SCRAM!


By Sam

The day after Mark and I had our little tryst and I detected his attitude of `hate to cum and run', I arose very early at 5 am. I waited patiently for the Sunday paper to be delivered, but by 7 am, I decided to position myself on my front steps with my third cup of coffee to await the delivery of the paper and give the carrier a piece of my mind for being so late. I am one of the type who wants the paper on the step when I wake up.

I happened to notice that Marlene from across the street opened her storm door a few times too look for the paper. I gave her a friendly wave, and said "Not yet", to indicate that I was also waiting for the Sunday paper. About 5 minutes later, Mark showed up at his door with a coffee cup and look up and down the street for the paper deliverer.

When he saw me, he walked across the street and tried to bring up a conversation. "So, Sam, what do you have planned for this beautiful day"? "Oh, not too much, Mark, an old friend is going to stop by in about an hour and we are going to go to the beach at Sandy Point State Park, down by the Bay Bridge", I answered quickly.

"That sounds nice, hope you have a good day in the sun", Mark offered. "Oh, I'm sure we will, but I plan to do some fishing while Larry gets his sun; he works in an office also and does not have much opportunity to sun during the day. We plan to end up the day in the early evening on my deck with a little barbecue", was my polite reply to Mark.

Just then, the paper-lady rounded the corner of the block and made her way down to my front steps. Mark told her that he would take the paper for his house across the street. "Well, Mark, sorry to go so soon, but I want to read a bit then get all my beach and fishing stuff ready, Larry will be here in less than an hour", I said quickly as I headed indoors and left Mark standing at the foot of my front steps. "Enjoy your day", I heard him half mumble as he headed across the street.

I actually had everything that I needed for my outing stacked just inside the door, I just wanted Mark to feel that `brushed off' feeling. While I waited for Larry to arrive, I scanned the Sunday paper, and remembered the last he and I were together. It was still difficult after these months after losing Jeff, but Larry and I had not seen each other since, so I called him last night after Mark left me and we made plans to go to the beach. We met by chance one day at the shopping center and exchanged phone numbers. He was still unattached, as was I, so we planned this trip to the beach before I had my short affair with Mark.

The only way I can describe Larry is with one word: Tom Selleck, in his prime. And Larry was in his prime too! He was 28 and along with the Tom Selleck body, a nine inch cock that could stay hard for hours. And Larry loved to suck cock and jam his hot meat into a willing and waiting ass.

A short while later a knock at my door let me know that Larry had arrived. I opened the door and offered him a cup of coffee. "Whose car are going to take?", Larry asked. "Lets take my old one", I answered. "You mean to tell me that you still have that chevette?", Larry asked incredulously. "Yep, I just use for trips to the beach and hauling stuff from the hardware store", I was quick to answer.

I must tell you, I had a 1984 Chevette hatchback, with over 150,000 miles on it, but it started up on the coldest winter day, and served its purpose.

I began to load my fishing and picnic stuff into the car while Larry transferred his beach stuff from the trunk of his car. While we were loading my car, Mark happened to step out onto his front step. Larry noticed him and asked, " Wow, who is that stud"?, Larry asked. "OH, just a new neighbor, he is a nice guy, but not my type", I replied quickly. We finished loading the car, I locked up my house and Larry and I headed for a day at the beach.

And what a beautiful day it was. Larry enjoyed his day in the sun while I acted like a fisherman. I caught a total of two white perch that were too small and one nice stripped bass, which was not of legal size to be taken the from the bay. Around noon, I joined Larry where he was reading a magazine and we had lunch. I had made some chicken salad from the leftovers from the day before. We then decided to have a few beers and enjoy the nice warm day.

"Hey, Larry, want to take a walk", I asked slyly, as I removed a joint from my pack of regular cigarettes. "You bet I do", was his quick reply.

We walked down the beach for a bit, then into an area that is all trees. When we could not be observed by anyone including the State Police who patrol the park, I lit the joint and we each took a few puffs. When we finished the joint, and without warning, Larry grabbed me and pulled me close to him. We began to kiss in a hot passionate way. Naturally, my hands made their way to Larry's growing hard on. At the same time, Larry was working with the zipper and snap on my cut offs. When he had slid my cut offs and bikini briefs down to my knees, he interrupted our kiss long enough to sink to his knees and begin to swallow my hot and hard cock.

Larry interrupted his sucking me long enough to look up to me and say "Sam, I have really missed you, and now I wish that we had gotten together sooner". "I know, Larry, we always got along well and had great sex, but things happen", I answered cautiously so not to spoil the moment. Larry continued to suck my cock until after just about five minutes, I unloaded what cum that I had left after my session yesterday with Mark. When Larry had licked the head of my cock clean and started to get to his feet, I clutched his hard cock and began to jerk it wildly. "Sam, you keep that up any longer, and I am going to shoot a load", Larry warned. "Go right ahead", I said as I knelt down, and took his cock into my mouth just in time to take a load of his hot and salty cum. When he finished shooting, I just rubbed his cock all over my face as I looked up into his eyes and said "I have another place for that hot rod of yours". "Later my friend", Larry said. "Besides that, you have to catch a fish for our barbecue later today; and I am in the mood for a nice rock fish baked over the coals".

Larry and I returned to the beach, where he continued to sun himself and I actually caught a 25 inch Stripped Bass that weighed about 15 pounds. After I had landed the fish and put it in the ice chest that I had brought along for any fish, Larry suggested that we head for home. "Sam, do you know how to prepare that fish on the grill", Larry asked. "Hell yes, but first I have to clean it and scale it, so dinner will be delayed slightly". "OK, by me", Larry said, "I will be patient, because I know what my dessert will be", as he shot a hard look to my crotch and licked at his mustache.

When we returned to my house, I suggested that Larry use the shower first while I took that great fish to the back yard to prepare it for our feast. Larry agreed and said that he would help me prepare whatever we needed for our meal.

When I had cleaned the fish, Larry came into the back yard. I was full of fish scales, blood and just plain yuck; and here was this perfect specimen of manflesh standing at my back door sporting a semi hard on. "Not now", I said as I brushed past him, "I feel like an old fish wife". I showed him where all the items for the barbecue were, and asked to get things set up and get the fire going while I took a shower and put clean clothes on.

After my shower, I joined Larry on the deck where he had things well under control. Between the two of us, that stripped bass was a masterpiece when it was ready to eat. And eat we did!

After our meal, we just relaxed on the deck for awhile and enjoyed some nice cold beer and another joint. Then the phone rang inside the house. "Probably a telemarketer", I said. "I will get rid of them", I assured Larry as I headed inside to answer the phone. "Hey, buddy, what's up with you and Long John' that you have been entertaining all day?", said Mark in response to my hello'. "Oh, just great, we just finished eating and smoking, and Larry has decided to spend the night with me", I answered the sarcastic question and promptly hung up.

Liar that I was, I had not even invited Larry to spend the night, but I think the convincing would be an easy task. I returned to the deck to find Larry in a lounging position on his back with an obvious hard on. I brushed past him and allowed my hand to trail across his hard specimen of his manhood. "Oh, I see you are up' for dessert", I said as I sat back down in my chair. "I hope you are also", he said as he grabbed that hot cock of his. "How about we do dessert' inside", he replied as he stood up and headed for the door inside.

Once we were in the bedroom quickly getting naked, Larry asked who was on the phone. I was not going to begin this hopefully successful reunion with a lie, so I said, "It was Mark from across the street, I had a short fling with him, and I think he is jealous", I answered as I grasped Larry's hard and horny cock. "He is kind of hot looking, how is he?", Larry said jokingly. "I'll show you how hot he is", as I pushed Larry onto the bed on his back and began to lick at first his pecs with the nipples that were hard and standing firm. I continued down his body, and when my lips were aligned with his pulsating cock, I said "Given a choice between you and him, I am about to show you", as my lips surrounded the head of his cock. I continued to lick and suck as Larry's cock became buried in my throat. After a few minutes, Larry gave out a groan and started to shoot cum into my waiting mouth and down my thirsty throat. Larry's cock pulsated deep in my throat as waves of cum burst forth. I sucked and swallowed for all that I was worth, not losing a drop of the nectar of his manhood and passion.

After I had sucked Larry dry, I continued to lick and suck around the head of his still hard cock while he slowly worked one, then two fingers in and out of my ass. I interrupted my licking/sucking long enough to tell him where the baby oil was. In an instant I could feel the oil being massaged into my ass by his fingers. Larry removed his cock from my mouth and began applying the oil to it.

Within a minute, Larry was on top of me with his cock at the entry point of my ass. With hardly any pressure, Larry's head, then the rest of his nine inches was inside me with him gently pumping in and out. After he was firmly inside of me I moved around so that I was positioned facing him and began to play with his ball sack which was at the entry of my ass. I continued to massage his balls as he quickened the pace of his inward lurches in and out of my ass. He also took the opportunity to grab my cock and began rubbing it, occasionally gathering the pre-cum which was flowing from the head of my cock with fingers and licking them clean before he returned for more.

Larry fucked me for about fifteen minutes, then really picked up the pace to what can be described as a pile-driver. "Oh, Sam, here it comes", Larry moaned as his cock began to quiver deep in the canyon of my bowels. I could feel the hot cum as Larry continued to empty his cock into my ass. In the meantime, I was beginning to shoot another load right toward Larry. He lifted himself and let me shoot my cum onto his tongue and his face, licking feveriously to get it all. One glob of it landed on his cheek, so I bent down to retrieve it, and lick it from his face.

I than raised myself off of Larry's cock and knelt with my knees on either side of his neck. He reached his up and swallowed my cock and sucked it like a vacuum cleaner until I was ready to shoot again. Larry drank thirstily from my throbbing cock until he had sucked it dry. I turned around and saw his cock still pointing at the ceiling, so I slowly returned it to my awaiting ass. This time Larry turned us onto our sides and just continued to fuck me like he had not just emptied a large load of cum into my ass. Ten minutes later I could feel his hot cum again shooting into me. Finally, Larry said, "Lets rest a few minutes, then I want that cock of yours in my ass". More than content at his suggestion, I allowed him to pull out of me and we just leaned up against our pillows against the headboard and had a cigarette. I went to the kitchen to get us each a cold beer and returned to the bed.

Larry and I were just drinking our beer and relaxing when the phone rang again. Unfortunately the phone was on the side of the bed where Larry was, and he picked the receiver up with no hesitation. He held his hand over the receiver while he asked me if it was OK if he answered it, I nodded `yes'. Larry's participation in the conversation went like this: "Hello, Oh hi Mark, I saw you earlier this morning, how are you?" "I'm fine, and yes, Sam is right here, he is fine also; Sam told me all about you and how you and he had become friends. I'm really glad that you were there for Sam when he needed someone, but he also told me you don't seem to like see someone on a steady basis; that is where we differ my friend." "Would you like to speak to Sam?" Apparently the answer was yes, so Larry handed me the phone.

Now I was in the hot seat. Should I just say `get lost' and hang up or what? But since I had had sex about eight times within 36 hours, I was feeling in a mischievous mood, so I asked Larry, while the mute button was on, if he would go along with me. And naturally Larry with the perpetual hard on, smiled, winked at me and licked his lip while fondling his cock into hard-on status. "Hi Mark, sorry for the way I acted before, would you like to come over and have a beer with Larry and I?" A silence of about 4 seconds filled the phone line until an enthusiastic "Hell yes", came blasting into my ear. "Sam, I'll be right over, that is, if your friend doesn't mind", Mark happily said. "No problem there". I said, "I think you will find that Larry is a fun guy to be with, we'll just go out on the deck since it is a nice warm night and have a few beers together".

Larry and I each put just our cut offs on without any underwear. We then went down stairs to the living room to await Mark, who wasted no time crossing the street. When I opened the door and let Mark in, proper introductions were made and Mark and Larry shook hands. I noticed that Marks eyes went directly to Larry's crotch, and I could have swore that Larry's cock jumped a bit in anticipation of the evening to follow. "Have a seat Mark", I said and waived my hand toward the couch. "I'll get us all a beer and we will have a joint and get acquainted", I said as I looked at Larry and then to the couch. He took the hint and sat down at the opposite end of the couch. I smiled to myself as I was on the way to the kitchen as I thought that they looked like book ends. I took an extra few minutes in the kitchen to let the two of them alone to talk. When I returned to join my guests, I saw that they had gotten acquainted all right! Larry had moved to the middle of the couch and Mark was massaging Larry's cock through his cut offs.

"Well, are we going to begin the party without the `party favors'?, I asked jokingly. I handed Mark and Larry each a beer and slid an ottoman across the floor and sat right in front of them. By that time Mark removed his hand from Larry's crotch and just stared straight ahead. We listened to some music for awhile after we had our joint and a few more beers. We never did get to the deck, but chose to remain in the air conditioning. I found a gay sex video and put it in the VCR. This was one of my favorite videos because it had a lot of multiple partner sex in it. When there came a scene at which 3 guys were together with one sucking the monster cock of one guy, while another stud was shoving an eight inch cock into the other end of the one doing the sucking. "Hey, Mark, have you ever done that?", I asked, as I began to massage the thigh portion of his hairy leg. "No, Sam, I've never done a three way", he replied quickly. "What say we try it then", I suggested, "I can see you are drooling for Larry's cock, and I had an earlier promise to drive his tight ass". That being said, we all rose from where we were, grabbed our beers and headed for the bedroom.

Clothes flew everywhere. Mark and Larry decided to deviate from the scene on the video and immediately went into a sixty-nine position. I grabbed the baby oil and applied a good amount to my cock then to complete my surprise, began to massage the lubricant into Mark's ass, inserting first one then two fingers. I had never fucked Mark before and he seemed to not like my finger in his ass. Here came, at last. my time to get even with him. I also kept a 10 inch dildo in the nightstand, which I lubbed up and worked it into Mark's tight ass. Little by little I worked it into him. With one hand holding the dildo to Mark's ass, I spread Larry's cheeks and began to work my own cock head into his ass. I slowly inserted all seven inches of my cock into Larry and was in the right position to be able to replace Larry's mouth on Mark's cock every once in awhile. Mark started to groan and began to cum. Larry and I took turns licking the cum from Mark's cock. Larry started to really fuck Mark's face while we licked his cock, and we could see Mark drinking Larry's cum as he generously pumped it into Mark's mouth. I felt the rustling in my loins and started to pump my cum into Mark's ass.

The three of us having spent our first load untangled and laid back to rest for a minute. I noticed that we all were still hard, so I oiled up my ass and proceeded to sit down on Larry's cock. Marks mouth found its way to my cock and we started again. Mark was massaging his cock, so it just a slight shift in positions so that I could reach and swallow Mark's cock and the cum that followed shortly. Larry was pumping my ass like he had earlier, and it did not take too long before he was shooting hot cum in my ass.

The three of us fucked and sucked in every way possible for about 2 hours. Finally we all just lay back on the bed to relax. "Wow, Sam, you know how to throw a party", Mark said. "Thank you Mark, and as you get to really know me, you will find that I have a lot of original ideas", I replied in answer to his be continued

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