Sam And

By Frank

Published on Feb 9, 2000


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Sam's new Neighbor By Sam

So, here I was in the spring after the summer that I had lost my lover and good friend in an auto accident. Somehow I managed to live the fall of the year and the Holiday season in a semi-fog. But the grim reaper was not quite through with me yet. A few days after the new year, I lost another friend. She was an elderly lady that lived across the street from me.

Over the years, `Eddie', short for Edith and I had worked in our gardens together. I would do the heavy stuff, turning over the ground and hauling the plants from the nursery to our individual cars to our houses. She liked flowers and herbs, while I liked peppers and tomato plants. As she was an excellent cook, she liked my green peppers, and the hot ones that I grew.

After her funeral, her daughter told me she was going to rent the house to some friends of hers, and assured me that they were `nice' people. I told her that I hoped that new tenants would keep up her mothers' garden.

In the early spring, the new tenants moved in, and I was impressed. The female, who I learned from another neighbor was named Marlene and the guy was Mark. No one knew too much about them, but I was eager to find out. Mark was a very good looking guy. I would estimate his age to be about 30. He was about 6' tall, and had a smooth well proportioned body. His hair was almost military style. I could also see with the cut offs that he wore one day contained something that I would very much like to get closer to. But how.....?

I had my opportunity early in May. I had raised some green pepper and hot pepper plants in the basement, and had planted all that my small garden could hold. One day Marlene was sitting on her front steps reading the newspaper, so I took advantage of the opportunity. I took two of my pepper plants that I had and headed for her house.

"Hi, my name is Sam, I live across the street and thought that maybe you could use these in your garden", I said by way of introduction. I also explained the tradition that `Eddie' and I had followed. "This is my way to officially welcome the two of you to the neighborhood."

"Why thank you, Sam, that is very generous of you", Marlene replied. "If you want, I will plant them for you, since I have been working in the garden all day already", I offered. "That will be just fine, do you want to come back to the garden", she said, with real enthusiasm, as she opened the door and led me through the house to the garden.

I began to loosen the ground in her garden and add some special fertilizer that is derived from crab shells to the soil. Marlene was standing behind me holding the two cups containing the pepper plants. I was to dig the hole and she would loosen them from the cups and hand them to me. All the sudden her phone rang. "Shit, I better get that, be right back", she put the plants on the ground behind me and went to answer the phone. In a minute or so, I heard the back door open and assumed that Marlene had finished on the phone and re-joined me. "OK, hand me the first plant", I said to Marlene. As I turned my head to the side to grab the plant, I saw not Marlene, but a pair of tanned, hairy legs, it was Mark.

As I straightened to face him, Mark held out his hand and shook my soil filled hand. "Glad to meet you Sam, Marlene is still on the phone and she asked me to help you out here." Being less than 2 feet from this stud, my heart began to race. "I'm OK, Mark, I only have two plants to put in, but if you want to, you can watch, so you will know how to plant them next year. I planted the pepper plants and wiped my dirty hands on a towel that Mark had brought out for me. "How about a nice cold glass of iced tea, for all your work?", Mark asked. "That will be great, can we go inside, it is a little warm out here", I answered.

When we were in the kitchen seated at the table with our iced tea, Marlene joined us. She put her arm around Mark's neck and gave him a peck on the cheek. "So how is the farmer in the family?", she asked jokingly. When I saw how close they seemed to be, my heart sank, but with his answer, I was renewed. "OK sis, no peppers for you when they are ready to harvest", he answered. It was my turn to ask the BIG question. "Are you brother and sister, or what?", I asked. Marlene spoke up. "Yes, I am recently divorced and Mark has never married, so we decided to stay here for awhile and share expenses".

"Sam, I would like to learn how you grow these plants at home, would you show me?", Mark asked. My golden opportunity having arrived, my answer was "Sure, do you want to come over to my house and take a look at my set up in the basement?". We then agreed meet at my house in an hour, to give me a chance to set up the equipment needed for the germination, lighting and planting process. My cock was starting to get hard at the thought of having this perfect specimen of manhood in my house, preferably in the bedroom, but as we all know, these things do take time.

An hour later, Mark knocked on the door. I invited him and to have a cold beer. He readily accepted. While we sat my dining room table getting better acquainted. Mark was employed by the Gas and Electric Company as a lineman, which accounts for the muscled body and great tan. He told me he loves the work, but the hours are rough. They work an eight hour shift and have a 4 hour stand by time, just like firemen. That meant he worked four full days a week and had three off. I told him about my job with the Federal Government, and before we both got too far into careers, Mark looked around the house. "Wow, how did you get this much room?", Mark asked when he noticed the extra room that I had added to the back of the house. "You have not seen anything yet, come with me", I offered. We proceeded upstairs, where I had added another room, a modern, full bath, and outside the door, a 14 foot deck. "This is great, do you sit out much in the sun?", Mark asked. "Yes, in the early spring and late summer, other than that I use it mostly in the evening to cook out after the sun goes down", I answered.

"Hey, how about we have a picnic this weekend, I will supply the food, you keep the cold beer handy", Mark suggested. "Sounds good to me, the weather looks good for Saturday, so how about we start at around noon", was my immediate answer. "We can chow down, enjoy the sun and the cold beer. " Do you want to invite anyone along with you?", I asked. "No, that would be too much of an imposition, since this was my idea anyhow; let's just the two of us enjoy the day", was Mark's, (Yes there is a God!), answer. This was Thursday, and my mind raced forward toward the weekend, I was in a cloud. "Hey, Sam, you are supposed to show me your set-up in the basement for starting plants", Mark said to bring me out of my trance

"Yeah, OK, lets go, I even have a note pad here for you", was my dazed reply. So we headed for the basement. After about a half hour, Mark assured me that he had the system down to a science, so we headed back up to the dining room. Mark and I had one more beer together and he thanked me for the lesson in home gardening. He said that he had to get going for the evening, as this was an early day for him, 3am wake up to do the early shift. We parted, promising each other that our picnic on Saturday would be great.

As I counted the minutes until Saturday, I was sure to make everything perfect. I figured we would have a quick lunch, a few beers, and a joint or two and enjoy the day in the sun. Mark arrived just before noon, dressed in a pair of cut offs and t shirt. My quick look to his mid section assured me that he was packed real tight.

We proceeded to the deck and popped a few tops on the beer. We then proceeded to have the best fried chicken and potato salad and other goodies, all homemade, Mark assured me. About 10 minutes later, Mark stood up and slid his cut offs down, to reveal a paid or Speedos, color light orange, which showed the outline of a real hunk of meat. Mark moved his recliner back to the lounging position, as my mouth really began to water. I moved to my lounge chair and we just enjoyed the warm sunny day for a bit. I pretended to interest myself with the daily paper, while Mark just lay back and relaxed. I can not to this day tell what if any news stories I had read. My eyes were too busy watching Mark's hot meat rise and fall with his steady breathing.

About half later, I had to ask, "Mark, do you indulge in the weed"?, I asked. He snapped back quickly , "Sure, do you have any?". I said "Yes, there just happens to be one in the bathroom, on the shelf, do you want to have a `puff'"? As we headed inside to the bathroom, Mark asked me if I had a pair or Speedos or something, as he did not want to be the only one dressed so in such revealing a suit. I said, "Yes, I have a pair on under my cut offs, I just forgot to take them off". While we were in the bathroom sharing the joint, I removed my cut offs. "Yeah, that is better, now I feel better", was Mark's statement when I did my mini-strip as he puffed on the joint.

When we finished our joint, I headed out for the deck, while Mark stayed behind to return some of his bladder stored beer to the toilet. While on the deck and through the screen door I heard the sound of him relieving himself. It sounded like a river, as he tried to take his pee through an obvious hard on. When he returned to the deck, he was definitely bigger and harder. I could hardly contain the urge to reach out and grab his big cock. But since we had not discussed the subject of whether or not he was gay, I resisted the urge.

When he sat down in his lounge chair Mark asked me if I would mind rubbing some oil on his lower back where he could not reach, as he wanted to turn over and get some sun on his back. He also asked me if he could use one of my towels from the bathroom, since he wanted to remove his Speedos and just cover up his ass cheeks. "Sure", I answered, "no problem at all". Marked returned to the bathroom to remove his Speedos and get a towel. In the meantime, my hands were shaking and my cock was starting to strain at my own Speedos at the thought of having my fingers near this Adonis' family jewels.

Mark returned and turned over in the lounge chair onto his stomach. I took the bottle of oil that he handed me and started to apply some to his lower back to the parts that he could not reach himself. I asked him if he wanted some oil on his upper legs as well and he said "Yes, of course if you do not mind getting that close to my backside". I tried to make like of the situation and said, "Look, if I want to be a smart ass, I could just lift this towel and give the whole neighborhood and show, so you will just have to trust me".

I put the oil on my hands and began to apply it to his upper legs. I could see the head of his cock when I lifted the towel briefly to apply oil to his inner thighs. While I was applying the oil, one of my fingers happened to touch one of his huge balls. "Oh, that felt good", Mark said when my finger continued to give his ball a gentle rub. I got bolder and reached up and cupped his cock head between my fingers. "That felt even better", Mark moaned, as his cock started to grow between my fingers. "Oh, by the way, Sam, I am gay and also have had my eye on you for awhile, so lets have a good time today, OK?" "That sounds good to me", I replied as I slid my hand further and stroked his entire 7" cock a few times.

After I finished applying the oil to Mark, I returned to my recliner and we made small talk for awhile. Between the beer and the joint that we had, both of us had fallen asleep for about an hour. When I finally awoke, I gave Mark a gentle shake to wake him and remind him where he was so that he did not remove his towel too quickly and give me and all the neighbors a show.

Mark turned onto his back on his lounge chair and even with the towel covering him, I could see the raging hard on that he had. "Hey, what say we get out of this sun for a bit and go inside for awhile and clean up", was my suggestion. Mark agreed and we moved our beer and other stuff inside. I was in my bedroom getting some clean clothes to put on and was about to head for the shower when Mark came into the room. He was completely naked. Mark grabbed me by the shoulders and sat me down on the bed. He then moved his hands to remove my Speedos and stroke my growing hard on. All the while he began to kiss first my neck, then my lips, then parted my lips and let his tongue have its way with mine. I grabbed for his hot piece of meat as we fell back onto the bed and kissed and hugged, and felt each part of each other's bodies.

I finally made my was down to his midsection and took his hot and hard cock into my mouth. I worked his entire shaft completely down my throat and continued so suck him for all that I was worth. It did not take too long before Mark was filling my mouth with his hot cum by what seemed by the quart. When his cock stopped quivering in my mouth and I swallowed all his cum, I allowed his cock to exit my mouth.

"Now it is my turn", Mark said as he put himself in position to take my pre-cum dripping cock into his mouth. Mark was not a novice at cock sucking himself. He kept up his sucking and licking of my cock. I saw him beginning to get hard again and moved into a `69' position. I returned his cock to my throat just it had never been there before, and before long, he was shooting another load of his love juice into my mouth. At this time, I started to shoot my load into his mouth. I looked down and saw that he was going to take it all and swallow it, and did not want to stop comming. When our individual orgasms subsided, we just each lay back on the bed to catch our breath. It was my suggestion that we get a quick shower and maybe grab a snack from our picnic supplies. Sucking a big hot cock always makes me hungry afterward.

While Mark relaxed for a bit, I went in to take a shower. When I was finished, I went into the bedroom to tell Mark that I was finished and he could use the shower to get all the sun tan oil off him. Mark was just sitting up in the bed with a sheet over him covering another obvious hard on. I was still dripping from the shower, and with the air conditioner, it was chilly in the room, so I hopped back into the bed with Mark. I reached down and grabbed Mark's cock and began to stoke it for him. "Hold on a minute", I said, "I think I have just what you need to help with that swollen organ of yours." I reached into my night stand and retrieved by bottle of baby oil. I then applied a generous amount to Mark's throbbing cock and a like amount to my ass.

I moved down the bed so that I was facing Mark, moved my ass into position over his cock and slowly impaled myself onto that waiting cock. Ever so slowly Mark's cock entered my ass. When I could reach behind myself and feel his balls up against my ass, I knew I had it all. "Now", I said, "you stay right where you are while we move together so that I am on my stomach and you can plow my ass for all you are worth". That suggestion was received very well by Mark and he proceeded to ride my ass for about an hour, shooting his hot cum into me at least four times. I slowly beat my own cock, but was eventually relieved of this job by Mark's hand. After I had cum into his hand twice, he gave a heavy sigh, and said "I gotta stop, I have not fucked this much in a year". He slid his semi hard cock out of me and moved me around in the bed to give me a hot kiss. Joking, I reached down and grabbed him and said "Ready for some more"? At this we both broke up laughing. "Don't you ever get enough?", he asked. "Not when it is the real thing", I answered.

Mark then went in and took his shower. When he was all cleaned me, he joined me in the living room where I had just sat down to relax. We then went to the kitchen to help ourselves to the leftover food that we had. While we were eating I asked him if he wanted to do something together the next day and he for the first time that day, fell ominously silent.

"Well, actually Sam, I have made plans for Sunday, but I am sure we can get together later in the week if you want to", he answered after a long pause. Since this was our first time together, I did not dare question his plans, so just said "Sure, that is OK with me".

Somehow after that brief conversation, it seemed that Mark remained rather quiet. After we had eaten and had another few beers, Mark said that he was going to go home for awhile. He offered to help me clean up the dishes and stuff, but I refused, telling him that I could take care of things. Before Mark left the house, he grabbed me in the kitchen and gave me a hug and quick kiss. "Thanks for a great day, Sam, lets be sure to keep in touch". "Oh yes, lets do", I answered in my friendly (jealously sarcastic) way. I accompanied Mark to the front door for what in my heart felt would be the last time. "Take care now", Mark said as he headed across the street to his house.

Oh, yes, I will until my last breath `Take Care', never to fall so hard so fast for one person again.

***Oh no, dear readers, this Gothic romance is not going to end like the last scene in "Gone with the Wind", with the sniveling bitch in the potato field, Sam will rise from the ashes like the Phoenix.

Thanks for taking the time to enjoy my works of fiction. Readers comments are welcome to the author at

Next: Chapter 5: Sam and the Housebuilders

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