Sam And

By Frank

Published on Apr 15, 1999


This is a work of fiction, as good as it may seem. Please if you are under the age in your city, town, state or country to read material about consensual sex between men over legal age, proceed no further! Comments or suggestions may be sent to


With our week at Ocean City winding down, Jeff and I planned to spend a few hours on the beach, and then begin to pack, as we were to leave early Sunday morning.

I had noticed that Jeff was rather quiet in the morning at breakfast, and on the drive to the beach. Finally, after a while I had to ask. "Is something bothering you, Jeff"?, I asked once we were settled on the beach. "No, not really, I just hate to leave here and return to work on Monday, that's all. And I do envy you having another week off next week while I have to go back to the grind." "Lets just enjoy our last day on the beach, besides that, I have a surprise for you." "Oh, yeah, what is that?", I asked. While we were talking, he was massaging his upper leg with his finger. In answer to my question, he just let his finger slip up under his swim suit and appeared to be rubbing his balls.

"That is no surprise to me, you have fucked me at least once daily, and I have swallowed an ocean of cum this week", I shot back to him. "Just be patient, my dear one, I will not let you down", he said with that sly smile of his that I love. Since we were in an almost empty section of the beach, he grabbed his semi-hard dick and just shook it. I could not wait to back to the cottage! Even though my activities earlier in the week with Larry could hardly be called virtuous, I did love Jeff.

Our day at the beach over, we picked up our favorite Italian Cold Cut sub at a place on route 50 on the way back to the cottage. We were both famished, so we ate before we cleaned up. Rather than track a lot of sand into cottage, we just found a picnic table, and had lunch.

After we ate, my friend that manages the condos, was making her rounds. "Oh, Sam, someone called the front desk and left a message for you and Jeff", she shouted to us as she made her way to where we were sitting. My glance turned to Jeff, whose face had turned into a slight smile. Marge came to the table, and in her usually friendly/sarcastic manner said "I am not Western Union, but this guy named Dan said that you two guys should wait for him to stop by at around three this afternoon".

"Thanks Marge", I quipped, "But my money is in my pants in the car, go and help yourself to a quarter". "Smart ass!", "If I had not known you for 15 years at work, I would go into your pocket, and grab a five"! "Really, though, I hope that you guys had a good time this week, the weather could not have been better". "Thanks Marge, you know that this my favorite place to vacation, and thanks for the message", I answered, as she walked toward one of the other cottages to check it out before the new tenants were to arrive.

"I wonder what Dan has in mind?", I thought out loud. "I have no idea, maybe he just wants to have a few beers with us on our final day.", Jeff offered, again with his sly grin.

"Do you want the shower first?", I asked Jeff, when we had finished eating. "No, you just go ahead, I'll finish bringing our blanket and towels from the car, then I'll get mine."

I proceeded to the shower and turned on the water nice and warm. While I was massaging my hardening cock, I thought I heard a noise in the bathroom. "Is that you Jeff?", I called out. "Yeah, I was just getting some of the stuff in here that we won't be using in order to pack it up". The shower stall has a translucent glass, but you can make out a partial image of the person in the shower. "Do you need your back scrubbed?", Jeff called out to me. Since I was already hard, I welcomed him with a hearty "Yes".

Jeff opened the door and stepped into the shower. "Wow, you look like you need more than a back scrubbing", Jeff exclaimed, as he took my 7" fully hard cock in between both hands and began to massage it. "You can bet your life on that", I answered, as I reached down and grabbed his throbbing man flesh. "How about if I get out and you get your shower, while I dry off, I will be waiting in the bedroom for you?", I suggested. "Sounds good to me!", was Jeff's instant reply.

I exited the shower, quickly brushed my teeth and shaved. All the while I could see out of the corner of my eye Jeff giving his hot cock a good workout. I knew what he was doing; with his penile implant he can make his cock lengthen to about 10 inches. "Sam's gonna get a good fucking", I happily hummed as a finished up drying off. No need to get dressed, I just headed to the bed and planted myself smack in the middle of it.

About 3 minutes later, Jeff joined me in the bedroom. "How do you want it, lover?", Jeff queried, as he headed toward the bed, 10" cock cupped in his right hand. "Well, since I just had lunch, I will take about 8" for dessert, and wash it down with about a cup of your hot man brew", I said as I sat up and reached for his hot cock. I observed that he was already start to drip a little. My tongue on the head of his dick took care of that matter. I then moved on the bed to let him slide that hot rod all the way down my throat.

He was pushing it in all the way. I never thought it possible for a person to take all that dick, but I practiced until I got it all. Finally, when my tongue could feel the top of his balls, I knew I had it all. Jeff gently fucked my mouth at first, but then picked up the momentum. After about 10 minutes of my constant inhaling his cock, he let loose. All that hot cum just pumped into my throat, and I swallowed every drop of. After one great jolt, Jeff withdrew.

"Wow, Sam, I will never know how you do that!" "I can take yours, but mine has to be at least 3" bigger, and thicker". "I practice, Jeff, I just want to please you". Jeff leaned forward to kiss me. He at the same time was playing with my cock with one hand, and starting to work a finger towards my ass with the other hand. "Let me get the oil", I said, as I reached over to the night stand for the baby oil. I started to rub his hot rod with the baby oil while he softly moaned. I moved him to his back, turned around so that I could face him, and slowly began to impale myself of his waiting cock. When he was all the way into me, I just grabbed his balls between my fingers and slowly massaged them until he picked up the rhythm and really starting fucking me.

Jeff was inside of me for about twenty minutes and enjoying himself to the max. He had already shot 2 loads of cum into my ass and was going for three. All of the sudden, I heard a noise outside the cottage! Oh shit, we forgot about Dan coming to see us!

"Hey, anybody home", Dan called from the porch. "Yeah, come on in", Jeff answered.

And IN he came, all the way to the bedroom! Not only Dan, but he had Larry with him.

"Whoops!", Dan said, "I did not know you guys were busy". They started to turn and leave the room, but Jeff stopped them with an abrupt "Wait a second guys, we can all have some fun today". As Dan moved closer to the bed, his cut offs immediately began to expand in the crotch area. When he was next to the bed, Jeff reached for his zipper and slipped it down. "You will have to do the rest, I am busy, but you get the idea".

And did he. Within a minute, Dan was naked and standing next to the bed. "Go ahead, Sam, give him a head job while I pump another load of cum into your ass." "I hope you two didn't think you could keep your little secret from me; it just so happens that I happened to find an empty condom package at home beside the bed a few weeks ago, so I just kept my eyes and ears open". "So, lets enjoy this hot sexy afternoon and each other." "And you, Larry, move a little closer so I can inspect your goodies. At that, Jeff withdrew his dick from my ass, cleaned it with a nearby wash cloth , and focused his interest on Larry, who was undoing his cut offs as he moved closer to Jeff's side of the bed. I was more shocked than anything, but in too good a sexy frame of mind to give any argument. I reached down and grabbed Dan's growing man flesh. He was already started to drip a bit of pre come. Not for long, though, I licked it all up then proceeded to swallow his perfect specimen of manhood.

Dan moved to the bed and assumed a `69 position with me. Jeff and Larry were kissing like madmen and beating each other. Before I knew it, Larry was starting to enter my ass with his well oiled cock. At the same time, Dan was being invaded by Jeff. Dan and I, about to be brought to climax, needed no further encouragement as we were being fucked by two very large dicks. Dan started to cum and so did I at the same time. Larry and Jeff heard our sucking and slurping sounds and at the same time quickened their tempo of strokes of cock into our collective asses.

The four of us sucked and fucked for about an hour, changing partners now and then. I was glad to see that Dan and his cousin had gotten over their shyness with each other. AND HOW they did.

After our sex session was over, we all went out to one of picnic tables and had a cold beer and just talked about what had occurred. There would be no guilt, just fond memories to be had by all.

It was Larry who brought up the subject of having some steamed crabs that afternoon. "That sounds good to me", Jeff said, "And we know a good place right on Route 50, less than a mile from here; we can get two dozen to go, and have them right here. "Besides, they also have live soft crabs, and I want to take some home with us when we leave tomorrow."

"OK, that takes care of that, Larry and I will stay here and get the table ready". For those who do not eat steamed crabs, `getting the table ready', means spreading newspapers across the table to put the shells and other unedible material in.

"Just be careful on the road, you know how the traffic is here on weekends; and besides you have had a few beers I am sure". "Yes mother", Jeff said over his shoulder as he picked up my car keys and he and Dan headed for the car.

Larry and I prepared the table, set up the cooler full of beer and just waited for Jeff and Dan to return.

After about an hour had passed, I started to worry. "Larry, you don't think those two ass holes decided to go bar hopping on the boardwalk, do you?", I asked. "You know, I was thinking the same thing, but I guess we will just have to be patient". "Yeah, I guess", I answered.

Another hour passed, and still no Dan and Jeff. Just then, I saw a Maryland State Police car pull onto the grounds. Larry saw it too and remarked "Wonder what they want". "Oh, probably nothing, they most are likely off duty and going to have lunch at the Canteen, Marge is friends with all the local law guys.", I answered.

The troopers went into the canteen. About 5 minutes later, the troopers along with Marge were heading toward the table where Larry and I were sitting. When I saw Marge's face, my heart sank and stomach churned.

"Sam, there has been an accident", Marge began. But she was interrupted by one of the troopers. "Are either of you gentlemen next of kin to Mr Jeff Martin or Dan Evans?" He then began to speak about a lot of legal stuff about informing next of kin in situations like this.

I could feel myself beginning to black out. Marge came to sit beside me on the bench, put her arm around my neck and kissed my cheek. "I am so sorry Sam, they were both killed by a driver that ran the traffic light as they tried to cross Route 50".

"Officer, I am not next of kin in the legal sense of the word by law in Maryland, but I will take care of things.", I said, while tears streamed down my face, and my whole life passed in front of me. My way of `taking care of things', was to pass out cold.

When I awoke, I was in Marge's living room on the couch. Larry was seated nearby using the phone, as the cottages do not have phones. I heard him talking to, I think Jeff's mother, and later to Dan's family. Marge approached the couch with a cold glass of water and sat down. "Sam, you and your friend can stay as long as necessary at my house until you get everything taken care of". That is the kind of person Marge is, just open up your house to a friend and his friend.

"Thanks, I appreciate it, but I would like to stay in the cottage for the last night of Jeff's and my vacation", I said between sobs.

Larry turned out to be a real asset during this tragedy. He made all arrangements for Jeff and Sam to be returned to Baltimore, checked out of the place where he and Dan and he were staying, and returned to the cottage in a taxi with all the luggage.

Larry and I spent the remainder of the evening just sitting on the porch and between my sobbing, reminisced. I slept alone that night for the first time in 15 years. Larry slept on the couch.

The next morning we had a quick breakfast, said our good byes to Marge and drove in relative silence back to Baltimore.

Next: Chapter 4: Sams New Neighbor

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