Sam And

By Frank

Published on Mar 10, 1999


Warning! This article depicts consensual sex between two males of legal age. If it is unlawful for you to read such a story in your locality, state or country, I stongly suggest you go elsewhere. Any comments or suggestions may be directed to my Email address:

Sam & Dan (I) By Sam

My lover, Jeff and I have lived in our house on a quiet block in a middle class section of Baltimore, Md. for many years. Most of our neighbors suspect that we are gay; but since neither Jeff nor I have publicly displayed "Nellie" flamboyant fashion, we get along very well with everyone. This arrangement works well with me, because I am pretty much a stay-at-home kind of guy. What Jeff and I do when the door closes is what has kept us close and together for all of our years together.

I prefer oral sex and can also take his 9" cock easily anal, and thanks to his penile implant last year, can enjoy his multiple orgasms. If fact, since I usually come quickly, I always let him come at least 2 or three times before I really let him go down on me in a serious way or beat my meat while I take his cock. Another great thing about our sex life is we can do it without using condoms, since we have remained true to each other all these years. I know of very few male couples that have been together since before the AIDS scare became a part of gay live in the early 80's. We do not do the gay night club scene, Jeff prefers to to go the neighborhood bars rather than stay around the house. Which is fine with me.

About two years ago, a married couple Dan and Gloria moved into the house down the street. Jeff and I have known them for many years. Gloria is an old friend of Jeff's, and Dan is a doll! (I know, I said that I lead a monogamous life, but I am not blind. Nor do I preclude Lust in the mind). Anyhow, back to Dan. He is about 6'3", 185 pounds, solid build and with a bulge in pants that is noticeable from across the street. His coal black hair, deep blue eyes and perfect smile could entice even a straight guy into bed. They have no children, and in a way, their lives are spent like mine and Jeff's. Gloria likes to go out with friends and family and Dan prefers to stay home at the end of a hard day at work, and do things around the the house on the weekends.

Last January, when below zero temperatures burst a water pipe in the neighborhood, all the basements in our block were flooded. Being good neighbors, we all worked together getting pumps, bailing, and generally helping our neighbors out. After the mess was cleaned up, Dan, Jeff and I returned to our house for a few beers and a little snack that one of our elderly neighbors had prepared and sent over as thanks for our help. Dan's wife had previous plans to go to a baby shower that afternoon, so we decided to make an afternoon of it. As time went by that Sunday afternoon, we found ourselves doing more drinking than snacking. Dan has a low tolerance for alcohol and was getting pretty loaded.

Jeff had taken a walk to visit his aunt who lives close by, to check and make sure she was not having any plumbing problems, leaving Dan and me alone. I had gone upstairs to take a quick shower and put dry clothes on. I told Dan to just put the TV on if he wanted to and catch up on the football game. The new Baltimore team, the Ravens were playing that day.

I hurried through my shower and dressing, as I did not want to leave Dan alone too long. To my surprise, when I opened the door to the bathroom, Dan was right there, just standing, looking at me. I did not know what to make of the situation, but just said "Dan, if you had to take a leak, you could have knocked on the door and came in." To this day, I swear I did not by word or action put any kind of sexual connotation on anything that day.

To my surprise, Dan's next words really got to me. He said "I'm not here to take a leak, I'm here for something else. I said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take so long. The bathroom is yours". As we passed in the doorway, Dan seemed to take joy in rubbing up next to me. I was half way down the stairs when Dan called after me. When I returned to the top of the stairs, there he was, zipper pulled down, no drawers on and his huge cock hanging out. The lump in my throat was like the Rock of Gibraltar. As I tried hard to swallow, I was at a loss for words. I needn't have bothered. He pulled me by the hand into the spare bedroom and onto the bed.

Since I am only 5'9" and weigh only about 155, there was no struggle. I was kind of scared though. The thoughts going through my mind!!! "Suppose Jeff comes back?", "What to do?"

Dan grabbed my chin and directed his mouth to mine. Talk about passion? He gave me a kiss like I have not had in a long time. I am usually in charge when Jeff and I kiss, but Dan was overpowering. He forced his tongue down my throat with wild abandon. By this time my 7" dick was growing hard as wood, and so was his. I wanted to take his dick so bad, it hurt me to tell him "Please, Dan, I don't think that this is right. We both have to think this one over." He did give up and let me go. I went back downstairs and Dan went back into the bathroom.

When Dan came back downstairs, he sheepishly, and kind of drunkenly said "Sam I am sorry, I do not know what came over me". I tried to make the best of a bad situation and said, "Don't worry, we probably had too many beers. It has been a busy day".

Shortly after that, Jeff came home. The three of us watched the rest of the game and Dan went home after the Raven's lost. I did not tell Jeff about the incident, and in the times since then when I have been in Dan's company, he avoids eye contact. Case Closed. I thought!!

It was a weekend in July and I was sitting out in the yard, enjoying the warm sun and a cold beer. All of the sudden, there was this God awful noise coming from down the street. Dan was in his yard, dragging a metal awning across the yard. He was going to install it over his back door. I yelled over the fences "Don't you have any help"? "No, damnit, Gloria went on the same bus trip and beach party that Jeff went to", he shouted back. I said, "Hold on a minute I will be right over to give you a hand".

We had two ladders, Dan was near the top step of his, keeping the awning level, while I on my ladder drilled the fastening bolts to the frame over the doorway. While I was drilling and fitting the bolts, my face as positioned about 5 inches from Dan's crotch. It was about 95 degrees that day and we were both sweating profusely. Dan had a manly aroma, mixed I think with a little soap from a recent shower. I started to get horny. Good thing we finished the job when we did, or I may have been tempted this time..

When we were finished, and both dripping wet with sweat, Dan invited me into his house for a cold one and the comfort of central air. Which I accepted gratefully. When I sat down at the kitchen table, I asked "Dan, do mind if I take off my shirt?" He said "No, go right ahead", as he removed his also. Then, looking me over, Dan said, "Wow, Sam, you do have a nice body".

My thoughts went to that cold Sunday in January as I tried to think of a comment to let him know that his body had not escaped my scrutiny. "Thanks Dan", I answered, "You are put together pretty good too." That did it! Dan came around to my side of the table, helped me to my feet and led me to his and Gloria's room. This time, there was no hesitation or second thoughts on my part.

Dan suggested that we shower to freshen up and get the dirt and grime off us. " OK by me", I said I took the rest of my clothes off, put them in a pile beside the bed and headed to the bathroom. Dan was right behind me. Dan turned on the water, and made sure that it was comfortably cool, but not too cold to bring down the raging hard-on that he had. He stepped into the shower, and I followed. Dan soaped up a wash cloth and began rubbing it on my chest while he stood behind me. I could feel his hard cock pulsating against my ass as he performed this massage. When the wash cloth reached my pubic hairs and the back of his hand rubbed against my hard-on, he dropped the cloth and grabbed my throbbing cock and began to massage it, ever so gently. He then put his hands on my hips and turned me around so that I was facing him. I put my arms around his neck and we kissed for what seemed to be a blessed eternity. "Sam", he said "Are you clean enough yet"? I answered him by leaning down and taking the head of his cock in my mouth. "God, Sam, I am so hot you I could come on the spot". With that said, we left the tub and proceeded dripping wet into the bedroom. Dan jumped into the bed and put a sheet over him to dry off. I joined him in nothing flat. We hugged tightly and I proceeded to work my hot and anxious tongue down his chest through the pubic hair, to reclaim his entire cock into the crevices of my throat. Dan started to pump his cock farther into my mouth. I loved it. It did not take too long before I felt the warm sensation of him shooting his load into the back of my throat in a stream that seemed to never end. Dan finally pulled his still pulsating cock out of my mouth, moved to a sixty nine position, and took my cock into his mouth all the way down so that my pubic hairs were tickling his nose. Now it was my time to pump and moan as he hungrily swallowed my cock. I did not know if he was going to take my come, but before I could ask, me moaned "Give it to me, all the way". With that said, I inserted his still hard cock into my throat and we let our long suppressed, pent up passion take over. After about five minutes and after I had taken another huge load of Dan's come, I shot for what seemed to be forever. We then released ourselves from our embrace and laid back and relaxed.

"What are we going to tell Jeff and Gloria"? Dan asked me. "Are you planning on having children or fooling around with any other guys", I asked. When he answered "No". I said "Nothing", as I reached for my pants on the floor, where I kept a lubricated condom in my wallet for `emergencies'.

Sam & Dan will be continued..........

Next: Chapter 2

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