Salvation Falls

Published on Nov 8, 2011


Salvation Falls 7 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

The next morning I woke up in my bed at Uncle Tom's thinking about Magnus' party. I realized it had been an orgy. I only knew what an orgy was because Rev. Johnny referred to an "orgy of sin" often. Sometimes it referred to sexual acts such as an orgy of lust and depravity. Other times it was an "orgy of perversity." In Rev. Johnny's book that included women's health clinics, nightclubs, and sometimes groups of non-believers. He was anti-Catholic, anti-Unitarian, anti-Jewish and he was none too sure about Methodists, Presbyterians and Episcopalians.

In contrast to the orgies, we in Salvation Falls confessed our sins and atoned a lot. Lengthy, public and tear filled confessions were much admired. Men and women would confess in front of the congregation and on television. The congregation would gasp in horror at the revelations, and after a lot of weeping and crying, Rev. Johnny would grant forgiveness.

By the time I was in my early teens, I noticed that some people liked confessing a lot. Some were good at crying, others might faint under the weight of their sins. As the time approached for Johnny's granting of forgiveness, a good portion of the congregation was nearly hysterical. This puzzled me, since it was hard to hear the actual confessions. The services were broadcast, so the television audience could hear the people with microphones, but we in the church could not. There were "Team Leaders" gave the audience directions when to react and called the sinners forward in their spontaneous confessions. Once I had to go to the men's room during a service and I found a sinner laughing with his friends in the corridor waiting for his call into to confession.

Some of the best confessors appeared with different names, but Rev. Johnny spread them out with a month of two between appearances, so people wouldn't realize they had confessed earlier.

Oddly, Magnus' party was tame compared to Rev. Johnny's vision of an orgy. Magnus collected some twenty friends for an afternoon of pleasure and enjoyment. He joked the party was to share the wealth, prime the pump, and do a complete fluid change. Everyone seemed cheerful and willing. Luther later told me Magnus like men who were good sports. Buster and I were the youngest men there and we had a following, but no one was too pushy; nothing was forced. All seemed to be exceedingly willing.

I was with men who accepted their cocks as parts of their bodies, not as an evil appendage added to our bodies by the devil. The sex drive is an essential part of existence, a part of everyone's physical make up. To enjoy sex is a basic part of life. Biologically it is essential to life.

Everyone there enjoyed sex, most of all me. It was hard for me to think that the men I played with could possibly have enjoyed it as much as I did. As Magnus eased his impressive cock into my ass, I was in heaven. He gave every indication that he liked his cock in my ass just as much as I did. I couldn't believe we could share so much.

I was doing a series of odd jobs for Hank, Waldorf and Nathan. I was making good money, but Tom was unhappy. He thought I was too bright to be doing odd jobs. I should have a real job. There was a fly in the ointment. I had a 100% Salvation Falls' education. I could read and do arithmetic, but everything else was weak. Rev. Johnny was opposed to science and thought great literature just gave you ideas. Getting ideas was bad.

I didn't know any history or geography. What I didn't know filled books. I knew nothing about computers and wasn't too good about phones. I had never seen a copier or fax machine. I wasn't prepared for the modern world. I did take a High School Equivalency exam and failed. I was weak on general knowledge. Luther, Magnus and Tom were all worried about that.

Tony was almost fully recovered now and went back to work on a slightly reduced schedule. My visits stopped when a cousin from Philadelphia came to stay with him. Vinnie was twenty-one, handsome and full of himself. I think he had a girl problem back home and needed to get away. I didn't like him much. Tony told me he was a nice guy, but was so full of shit you couldn't tell. Vinnie got a job at a hot dog stand near the World Trade Center construction site.

For some reason Vinnie liked to hang around with me. I guess I was his age and he was uncomfortable with older guys. He was helpful in some ways. He knew everything a 20-year-old man should and talked non-stop. I learned a lot. I found out who Parris Hilton was and the names of the hot musical groups. He knew what was cool. I had a feeling his idea of cool was more Philadelphia Italian than Manhattan, but it was useful information. I wasn't sure that Vinnie's idea of what was normal was right but it was much closer than my Salvation Falls' vision.

After a week or two Vinnie calmed down and as he relaxed, he stopped trying to impress. I came around to Tony's view that Vinnie was a nice guy. I noticed as we came to know each other better, he talked less about his girlfriends. Actually, girlfriends vanished completely from his conversation to be replaced by his buds.

One evening I went by his apartment after a day of antique moving for Waldorf. Vinnie came back from his job as I arrived. It was a hot summer day and we were both hot and dirty. Tony was working late that night. Vinnie suggested I take a shower. "I take one after you," he said. I needed a shower, so I took advantage of his offer.

I was under the water for a minute or so when he peeked in. "I can't wait," he said. "Let's share the water and conserved some water." I told him okay. A second later, he was in with me. Vinnie was a good-looking man, but he always dressed in baggy athletic wear, mostly a tribute to Philadelphia teams. Naked he was gorgeous. He worked out and was muscular with a broad, hair covered chest and a narrow waist. He looked like a muscleman like the ones you see on the television, but more natural and not over inflated.

I tried not to stare, but noticed Vinnie was looking at me, focusing on my cock. Having someone staring at your cock had an effect. I began to get hard.

"Damn, you've got a beauty there," Vinnie whispered. "It's beautiful." By then I was almost fully erect.

"I'm sorry about that," I said.

"I know how to solve that problem," Vinnie said as he dropped to his knees and swallowed my cock in a single movement. My cock isn't huge, but it is a bit above average. I immediately knew Vinnie wasn't new to cock sucking.

"This is really nice," I said. Vinnie looked up. He was relieved. We soon got in his bed and sixty-nined.

"It should be a while before Tony gets back," Vinnie said.

"I don't think Tony would have a problem," I said. Vinnie looked at me strangely. I realized he didn't know his cousin shared his sexual tastes.


"That just slipped out. I shouldn't have said it," I said. It was the wrong thing to say. If Tony wanted Vinnie to know, it was for him to say. It certainly wasn't my place to tell.

"I was afraid he'd find out," Vinnie said. "He's so masculine; how could he be gay?"

"There are many gay men who are macho," I replied. "Effeminate and gay aren't the same. It takes all types." Vinnie launched himself at my cock and we resumed sucking. He really liked to suck.

Vinnie was a trim, muscular man. He would have been a good model for the statues of nude Greek athletes I saw at the Metropolitan Museum. His cock wasn't classically Greek. It was about seven inches long but shaped like one of those Polish sausages, Kielbasas, thick and meaty. My mother only bought inexpensive hot dogs or breakfast sausages. They were all thin and small. Tom and Bruce introduced me to the more exotic types.

Vinnie was oozing pre cum at a terrific rate; I knew he was getting close.

"I'm going to shoot soon," he moaned. "You can pull off."

"Do you mind if I taste your home brew?" I asked. One lick later Vinnie filled my mouth. He moaned, shook and shivered. It took a minute or two for him to calm down. I swirled my tongue around his cock head to keep him going. He shot so much cum he could have lost weight.

Vinnie was quiet for a while. I think he was catching his breath. "No one has ever done that for me before," he said.

"I take it you liked it?"

"Shit yes!" he replied. "I'm not sure I could do that for you, but I could try if you want me to."

I was still licking his cock, lollypop style. He was still oozing some. "I liked it, you liked it. That's good enough for me," I explained. We talked for a while. Vinnie only knew gay men from the way they are shown on the TV and in the movies. He like men and he loved sex with me, but he thought he had to be a caricature of a gay man to be a gay man. He was afraid of that.

Since I had no knowledge of sex at all, I had avoided the preconceptions. Poor Vinnie got them all. When he heard I did deliveries for a florist, he assumed I must have been gay. Since Tony and Tom were steelworkers, they were straight. We had a good time and I went home feeling much better about Vinnie. I was busy for much of the week, and I didn't see Vinnie until Sunday. Tony was working so we had the apartment alone.

We jump into bed right off the bat and went at it like dogs in heat. No trace of shyness remained in Vinnie's body. Apparently, he had spent the time between our meetings thinking of questions and things we might try. I was oddly flattered. I had been a complete novice when I came to New York. Vinnie saw me as an all-knowing sexual guide. I certainly didn't know all, but I sure was willing to try.

He was on the bed, naked and with his cock sticking straight up as I undressed. Vinnie's cock looked as if it had been glazed; he oozed that much precum. I got on the bed, straddled him and sat on his erect member. Luther told me it was wise to put some lubricant in my ass when I went on a date. "Better safe than sorry," he said. I had done that and was ready.

The lubricant and Vinnie's own juices made for an easy entry. At first, Vinnie was shocked, but a few seconds later, he was enjoying it. He was big, and I was tight. It was perfect. Vinnie told me had had fucked several girls and it had been good; I was great. Vinnie was a good top, and unexpectedly a tender and considerate top. He wanted to do it right and he wanted me to enjoy it. Oddly, while usually Vinnie was brash and a bit crude, once his cock was in my ass he turned considerate and affectionate. It was as if the tight confines of my ass brought out his good side.

Soon I felt his cum tickling my ass. After he climaxed I shot off and then we talked. Vinnie wanted to know how it felt. I tried to describe it, but it was hard to find words. Vinnie was big and his cock was still in me. I got confused. The sensations came in a jumble and it was hard to think clearly. The post orgasmic confusion lasted for a while after I got off his cock, but eventually I realized Vinnie wanted to be fucked.

I reached over and fondled his balls. My hand slipped and I touched his hole. Vinnie moaned a little and shifted his legs to give me better access. I knew what Vinnie wanted. Vinnie was muscular with a tight ass, but he wanted it bad. He wanted a cock, but his ass wasn't sure. I wasn't sure what to do. I leaned over and licked his cock head. He shot off and covered my face with his hot cum.

"Sorry about that!" he said. After cleaning up, we went out to dinner. Vinnie knew of a good Italian restaurant. I can't tell a good Italian restaurant from a pizza parlor, but Vinnie could. In Salvation Falls salt was the only herb. I was shocked at the amount of taste New York food had. I'm not sure I knew food was supposed to have taste. Eating had been more of duty than a pleasure.

On the way, we ran into Buster. Vinnie had never met Buster but they were obviously attracted. He joined us for dinner. Buster knew New York as well as Vinnie knew Philadelphia so it was an interesting conversation. Tony mostly worked long hours so he wasn't too informative about restaurants and bars. Somehow, I think Buster knew Vinnie was gay. I don't know how he did it, but he knew.

By the end of dinner, Vinnie knew Buster was interested in him. Buster was a handsome muscle stud and Vinnie could hardly believe his good luck. As we walked back to our apartments, Buster's was on the way. He asked us up for a beer. I tried to beg off, since I didn't want to be a fifth wheel, but they insisted I join them.

Buster was in a handsome renovated town house, but he was in the attic four stories up. It was hot. The apartment was sparsely furnished and decorated in Yankees memorabilia. Buster stripped off his shirt, told us to get comfortable as he got some beers out of the refrigerator. After a beer or two, Buster was real complimentary about Vinnie's body. Vinnie had seen photographs of bodies like Buster's, but never seen a real body builder close up.

I discovered the beer problem and went to the toilet. When I came back, I realized they had exchanged the secret handshake. Pete, at the party told me about the handshake. It was when you realized you were all members of the same fraternity. Pete was watching the group of men that clustered around Buster at Magnus' party. He said they had all exchanged the secret handshake. I, of course was puzzled. He explained.

"Buster seems to attract friends," I remarked.

Pete laughed, "When you look like Buster some men may join the fraternity for just one night!" I understood that.

Vinnie was telling Buster that I had already gotten him off.

"I'll bet you had a pretty short recharge time!" Buster said. Vinnie looked unsure what to do, but Buster peeled off his shorts. His semi erect cock seemed to clarify the situation. It's funny. Vinnie had struck me as being an overconfident blow hard when I met him. He was just a horny kid now.

Buster had seemed like a young guy compared to Luther, with Vinnie Buster assumed Luther's role. He was ten years older than Vinnie and seemed more mature, more like a guide or teacher. Luther took the lead with Buster. Here, Buster was in control. This may sound odd, but for the first time sex seemed beautiful. It had been shocking, exciting and pleasurable, but I had never seen it as beautiful.

Buster and I worked as a team working Vinnie up to a frenzy. I think he was a very sexual man anyway, but he was excited. Testosterone driven man sex isn't butterflies, rainbows and violin music. The butterflies would be drowned in the sperm if they got too close. Buster wanted to fuck Vinnie to the moon and back and that is what he did. They sixty-nined, and then I sixty-nine with Vinnie as Buster rimmed his ass.

I then let Vinnie suck me as I held his legs open. Buster went crazy sucking and licking Vinnie's cock, balls and hole. Vinnie had sensitive tits too. Buster found that out early on. We all knew where this was going to end, but Buster held back. He wanted Vinnie to be desperate to feel Buster's organ in his ass.

When the time came, it was in him in a second. Buster made one quick thrust and his cock vanished in Vinnie's quivering ass. Vinnie tensed up suddenly, and then I felt the tension drain from his body as Buster's cock slipped in deep. Vinnie now had a gorgeous man's cock deep in his body.

I became excited as Buster's organ vanished into Vinnie's ass. Somehow, I knew Buster's cock felt just as good as his cock rubbed Vinnie's ass linings. I could tell when Buster's knob rubbed Vinnie's prostate. Clearly, it was a perfect fit.

I pulled Vinnie's legs closer to me and spread them wider. For some reason, I thought that would be better. It was. Every thrust was a bulls-eye hit. Since I had Vinnie's legs in my hands, Buster tweaked one of Vinnie's large nipples with one hand while the other played with his cock. Vinnie was oversupplied with foreskin. It still covered most of his cock head even when he was fully erect.

Buster would peel it back and then rub precum over the tender gland. Vinnie was moaning. My balls were in his mouth and the moaning was good for me. Buster had learned his fucking skills from Luther. He knew how to work a man up to the edge of an orgasm, and then leave him teetering seconds away for ejaculating, but not quite getting there. Luther told me you needed to know a man really well to do that. I think Buster instinctively knew Vinnie's limits.

We played for fifteen minutes and then there was sperm everywhere. Vinnie spurted at Buster and me. Buster filled his ass and I shot off and coated Buster's chest and gut. It was both beautiful and messy. We cleaned up and went home. I slept well, but had odd dreams.

I was pretty sure that a wild, all male, three way sexual coupling was as close to an immediate trip to hell on a supersonic jet as anything that Rev. Johnny could conceive. Somehow, not only could I not manage to feel any guilt about it, I thought of it as a beautiful experience. In my mind, I had been able to merge the concept of sexual pleasure and release with beauty.

Up to this time, I had discovered the joys of sex, but there was always the taste of forbidden fruit about it. There was a little of the feeling of being a little boy being bad and getting away with it. The three of us enjoyed ourselves. Not for any ulterior motive, we just pooled our sexual resources and had fun.

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