Salvation Falls

Published on Oct 24, 2011


I liked Tony. He was like me in many ways. He was shy and unsure of himself. I was nice to be with at least one person who saw me as a sexual sophisticate. I knew much more than he did. Tony was smart enough but was too shy to ask or even investigate sex.

While I'm not that knowledgeable, I knew Tony had great sexual needs. He had huge balls that pumped bucketfuls of cream when he shot off. At first he was still with only is cock doing the twitching. He thought he was doing something bad.

Later on, he relaxed and let himself enjoy it. As he twitched, moaned and spurted I could feel the tenseness drain from his body. It was lovely and exciting for me. It was a week after I first sucked him, when he first leaned over and licked my cock. It was more like a kiss than being sucked. I didn't push for more. I figured it was up to him.

Slow and easy was the way to go. I assumed he was a mass of hang-ups and worries. He needed to work though those on his own without pressure from me. It was more important for him to get more comfortable than for me to get off. I guessed right about that.

The next time we were naked I was more excited and there was a bead of precum on my slit. When he went to lick my cock, he saw it. He had his tongue out and it touched the quivering drop. It must have been okay. He then took my entire know into his mouth. He licked the tender underside of my cock head where the foreskin connects. I had done that to him and he loved it. It was good for me too. He seemed to relax. I think he wanted to suck me, but had been uneasy.

Man's sexual drive is a wonderful thing. It was all very natural and easy. Nothing was forced and Tony was in control. In that respect, he was like Tom. Tom wasn't an aggressive or domineering man, but he usually was in control, running things. He was a natural leader and seemed, and most people recognized it. He was also sensible and a good man. Men didn't object to doing what he asked. He liked to top and Bruce loved it.

Tony was younger, but had the same leadership characteristic. I'm not sure either Tom or Tony realized they had that leadership ability.

Tony's recovery was quick. His ribs got better, but he had a tendency to get dizzy for a month. That was enough to keep him home. Tony made peace with his cock about three weeks after I first sucked him. I didn't understand that enjoying sex and sexual pleasure was not the same as admitting you enjoyed it. That was a big leap. He also made peace with my cock.

I came by to help him shower after a long night. I had been working with the flowers for a big convention style event. The flowers we used for a big banquet were to be relocated to another hall for a Sunday brunch. My boss hadn't realized the banquet was in a Manhattan Ballroom, and the brunch was at a Long Island country club. The entertainment for the banquet ran late, so instead of being over at nine, it was nearly midnight.

We had to gather the flowers, take them to Long Island and then set them up again. We also had to make some minor changes to arrangements to make they look fresh and new. We were done by five in the morning. I got back to Tom's by six thirty and was due at Tony's by 9:00.

I got there on time and helped him shower. I must have lay down and taken a catnap. I woke suddenly feeling very good. Tony was nursing on my cock, and my orgasm woke me. I was still spurting cum and Tony was sucking it all in. He had never done that before.

"Thank you," I said.

He looked up at me and stopped sucking. "The pleasure was all mine," he said. "I didn't think it would be this good." He then returned to his sucking duties. Tony continued until I had a second climax about fifteen minutes later.

We switched positions and I sucked him. For the first time Tony was completely relaxed. He always had been tense and on edge when I sucked him before. This time he let me play and let nature take its course. Of course, everyone knows that once someone starts sucking you, eventually you are going to shoot off. I felt Tony was afraid he was doing something wrong when he began to spurt. Tony didn't fight it. He let his cock do the thinking and had a spectacular orgasm.

Afterwards we talked. "Your Uncle Tom is a great guy," he said.

"Tom has sure helped me," I said. "I was up the creek without a paddle when my folks died. He came to the rescue."

"Was he close to your family?"

"Not at all," I replied. "I had only heard his name mentioned a few times. I don't know much about any of my relatives. You were supposed to abandon your family and associate only with true believers."

"I have a big family, but my Mom was the Black Sheep. She wasn't as married as she should have been when I was born," Tony said. "She didn't want to associate with them. I think she was ashamed. When she died four years ago, they all came to the funeral and were nice to me. My grandparents said they tried to get in touch, but Mom would have nothing to do with them."

"Mom said they had abandoned her in her hour of need, but I found out they had been sending her a monthly check for twenty years. I was shocked," Tony said. "Mom told me she raised me alone without any help. My grandfather got me into the union. He was a steel worker too. That took a lot of work. You don't just get into a union."

"That must have been a surprise."

"My mom wanted me to become a banker or something like that. Her family was all in construction. She didn't want that for me," Tony said.

"I'm sure she wanted what she thought was the best for you. I know my parents thought living in Salvation Falls and serving Rev. Johnny was best for me," I said. "They were dead wrong about that, but the thought they were doing the best for me."

The next day, Sunday, Tony came to Tom's apartment for breakfast. He met Bruce for the first time. Tony had been afraid Tom would discover he liked men. Tony got the lay of the land quickly and got along well with Bruce. I sensed he relaxed more when he realized he wasn't the only gay steel worker in the world.

I think it's a typical part of human nature to assume your own feelings are unique to you and not shared with millions of other people. To me, it still seems impossible that my parents actually had sex together. I know the chance of virgin birth is slim, but it's still hard to believe. I was convinced my own sexual urges were unique to me and represented deep depravity.

Some of that was due to Rev. Johnny. He specialized in turning natural human needs and urges into sin. I think this was for his own personal power. If something as simple as dancing, or telling jokes on Sunday were depraved, Johnny alone offered salvation. By turning everyday things into sin, Johnny amplified his power.

While his followers worried about drinking, dancing and believed even associating with anyone outside of Salvation Falls were evil, Johnny was embezzling and stealing every penny he could steal from his followers and betraying his wives and children. He lived the good life while his flock lived in dreary and joyless poverty.

While I was slowly easing Tony into accepting his sexual needs and tastes, I had some existing friends doing the same for me. Hank, Davis and Luther were all adventurous men. Hank and Luther were "Try it, you'll like it," men. They encouraged me to explore.

I was aware their explorations sometimes involved my body. They were more than willing for me to use their bodies for my own personal pleasure. It always seemed fair to me.

Luther and Buster were good about no-strings fun. They were close, and perhaps closer than Luther admitted. I was just an extra-added attraction. That was perfect for me. They enjoyed having me there, and I sure enjoyed them. Luther liked to get you close to an orgasm and then see if he could leave you teetering there. He called it edging. Buster was a get hard, jerk off and shoot man. Luther was always trying to get Buster to slow down. Buster wanted Luther to get to the point.

"Jacob, I've been trying to see what really rings Buster's chimes. Could you help me with that?" Luther asked me.

"I don't think you have any problem doing that yourself!" I said.

"Well, I noticed things were a bit more intense when the three of us played," Luther explained. "He was really turned on and hot."

"Does it bother you when you see Buster turned on by another man?" I asked.

Buster was silent for a while. "Now that I think about it, it doesn't," he answered. "At one time it might have. I now realize that you don't have much control of what does or does not turn you on. I'm lucky. Like 99% of gay men, I like other gay men. I'm not into underage kids or into inflicting pain. When Buster saw you and you turned him on, I was relieved. You two have nothing in common except you enjoy sex together. That's not a threat. Buster and I have everything in common and we enjoy sex too."

"What do you do about men who like the other stuff?"

"Most people have little sexual likes that are a bit odd. Most are harmless. When they aren't, it's time to see a doctor. I think there is a problem that people see a gay sadist or a pederast and are shocked. It causes fear and loathing. Heterosexuality and homosexuality are they way you are born," Luther said. "Sadism and pederasty are perversions. They are separate and unrelated. The number of heterosexual sadists who get off hurting women is vastly larger than gay sadists."

"No one says, "that guy is a heterosexual and he must like to hurt women." No one assumes that because you are heterosexual you want to have sex with little girls," Luther continued. "That is the way many think of gay men."

"Why is that?"

"Part of the problem is that most gay men hide their tastes, so you only hear about it when something bad happens," he said. "You hear about something in the police blotter. You don't hear about a man who is taking care of his elderly parents or taking care of a sick friend. It turns out homosexuality is a good way to raise money if you are a hate evangelist."

"What is a hate Evangelist?"

"Your former leader Rev. Johnny was one, but he is just one of many. It's easier and more profitable to preach hatred of those you don't like, than to get messed up with Jesus urging forgiveness and reconciliation. Love you neighbors is not the way to fund raising success!" he continued. "Hating blacks, immigrants, Jews, Muslims and fags are the easy way to get a flock. Let's face it, if you already hate blacks, Jews and fags, your preacher man can tell you it's just fine. Send me some money and I can guarantee you salvation even if you are a piece of hate filled shit."

A few days later Luther told me he had met a man who knew me, Magnus. Magus was the Viking chieftain like man I had met at Davis's apartment. "That man liked you a lot!" Luther said. "Magnus actually told me everyone likes you. You have a way with older men."

"He was a nice man," I replied. "I didn't spend that much time with him. It was sort of a whirlwind. Are you and Magnus friends?"

"We've known each other for years. He was Waldorf's lover years ago, so I met him when I was at the bottom. Magnus didn't like me at all and thought Waldorf was a fool for helping me. Eventually Magnus helped me get started in the wrestling promoting business. He was my angel."


"Angels are men who finance Broadway shows. Magnus has a knack for picking winners," Luther explained. "Wrestling isn't his thing, but he helped me because of Waldorf."

"Did the casting couch get a workout on that one?"

"Magnus isn't that kind of man. He's a good looking man now; he was stunning when he was thirty," Luther explained. "He has a famous quote on Broadway, "Never use your cock as an investment advisor." He told me the original quote substituted the word prostate for cock."

I laughed. "That is good advice."

Luther laughed. "Well, you can't exclude the cock from every aspect of your life, but it's good to keep it under control. Luther has asked us over to one of his soirees."

"What is a soiree?" I asked.

"Technically it's a French term for an elegant evening entertainment or party," Luther explained. "Luther had them several times a year. Magnus' event it a pool party at his house on Long Island. The cocktail party aspect is elegant. The pool is nude and for open-minded men only. He liked to invite men who have never met each other to have some no strings attached interactions."

"Have you been to one?"

"Years ago I went to one. I had a great time," he said. "I am invited, but he really wants you see you and Buster."

"It sounds like that may be too much for me," I said.

"That is possible, but Magnus has good taste in men. The men tend to be friendly, accomplished and talented," Luther added. "The event combines good conversation and some hot sex."

I wasn't too sure about it, but somehow I was in a car with Luther and Buster going to Magnus' house on Long Island the next Sunday. I assumed Magnus was wealthy, but I soon discovered I had no idea what wealthy meant on Long Island. The house wasn't actually made of gold, but it came close. Luther had told me it wasn't big, but it was nice. It looked like a small palace to me. It was old, but in perfect condition.

There was a fountain in the entrance court, and formal gardens on the other sides of the house. Inside it was all marble floors and paneled walls. Some of the paneling was a bit beaten up, but that was because the paneling came from a 400-year -old French castle. The paintings all looked like they belonged in a museum.

The men looked ordinary. Some were good looking; some were average, a few were just men. Everyone was in shorts and a shirt, so no one was fancy. I was probably the youngest man there. Everyone was friendly. I was afraid I would have nothing to say, but they had all heard of Salvation Falls and were interested in my experiences.

After a half hour of conversation, Magnus announced the pool was open. I was with Buster and two men I had just met, Lenny and Pete. We went to the pool. Lenny was a researcher at Columbia, and Pete was developer. Lenny was a tall, handsome 50-year-old with a well-groomed beard. Pete was a bear of a man, masculine, but not handsome. There was a changing room with a shower. We put our clothes in a locker and went into the pool.

The pool looked like a hotel ballroom with water as the dance floor. With big windows overlooking the Sound and large tropical plants, it was a shock. I hadn't even thought of the possibility of it being an indoor pool. We were among the first men in the room, but soon the combination of nude men and the extravagant architecture of the room had an effect on my cock.

I was embarrassed, but soon understood a semi-erect cock was not a problem at all. After perhaps twenty men jumped in, the crystal clear water was agitated enough to allow some discrete fondling. Magnus joined us in the water and then got out and sat on the edge of the pool. He was talking with two other men when a third man began to suck his cock. That was the starting signal; we were off to the races.

By now, most of the men in the room were either semi-erect or fully erect. It is much easier to connect with man who is displaying his interests. You can't have a platonic erection. You would think that a room filled with naked men who had just met would be a recipe for embarrassment. While I had been embarrassed by my own semi-erect cock, the other men looked at my organ and saw a man ready to play. When I looked at them, I saw the same desire to have some fun.

Magnus and several of his friends got the ball rolling, and it took no more than a minute or two for the rest of the men to get into the casual, but sexually charged atmosphere. Buster, who was young, handsome, muscular and fully erect, attracted a group of admirers.

Buster liked admiration and didn't mind if they felt his muscles and complimented him on them. If a hand strayed and fondled his genitals, that was fine too. He was on a couch and had his legs drawn up so you could see his cute little rosebud centered in his asshole. As I said he wasn't shy.

Luther was a center of attention too. Luther had a great body. He was hairier than Buster and he had some mileage on him. His body language indicated he was a dominant, ultra masculine man. He was in the water talking with two men who sat on the edge of the pool. He fingered each man's ass. I was both shocked and titillated that each man was obviously enjoying it. Not only were they willing to take Luther's impressive organ, they didn't care if everyone knew it.

Elsewhere one man moaned as he spurted his ball juices into the mouth of another man. Several men in the group politely applauded. I really wasn't in Salvation Falls anymore.

I soon realized Lenny and Pete were interested in me as were several other men. We clustered in a corner of the room and soon were exploring. Lenny had a long, thin cut cock. Pete's equipment was as thick as Lenny's was long. An older man named Conrad joined us. As my hands explored their bodies, theirs explored mine. Conrad's cock was hard, but curved down and was easy to suck. He shot off quickly and I took his load. He was very grateful and pleased.

Conrad later told me he thought he was incapable of orgasms at his age. His real problem was lack of inspiration. I provided the inspiration. He spurted an impressive load into my mouth. He was still dribbling when we pulled apart. Pete took care of that licking up Conrad's cock drool. Another man, Silvio, joined us when Conrad dropped out.

The second my mouth touched Silvio's cock I tasted his rich cock drool. Lenny was sucking my cock and Pete was rimming my ass. I was fully occupied. Another man contributed his cock feeding it to me. I could get his and Silvio's cock heads in my mouth at the same time and lick the tips of each. All three of us enjoyed that.

Magnus had been nice enough to provide lubricant, and Pete soon used it on my ass. He made one forceful thrust and his thick man tool vanished in my ass. Silvio popped and coated my mouth his cream. His orgasm induced the other man to shoot off. My face must have looked as if it were glazed in sperm.

No one seemed to mind that, indeed, it might have added to my attractiveness. "He's very tight," Pete said. "It's lovely inside him!" Pete only made slight motions in my ass, just enough to stay hard. I wiggled my ass a little to get his cock into a better position. After a while he pulled out and Lenny took his place. His long, thin cock hit places Pete missed.

After Lenny climaxed, Magnus took his place. The afternoon was curiously relaxing and calm. There seemed to be no pressure or rush to shoot off or to connect with any particular person. We all had time to savor the experiences. Magnus was a casual fucker. Only his cock wasn't relaxed.

"Lenny must have saved up for a few days," Magnus said. "You are downright juicy. You have a tight ass, but it's slippery and effortless."

"Is that good?" I asked.

"It's more than good," he replied.

Next: Chapter 7

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