Salvation Falls

Published on Oct 18, 2011


Salvation Falls 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

My virgin days were over. Davis did a complete and thorough exploration of my ass. His cock was a finely tuned scientific device designed to find any places with the potential for sexual response. Every once and a while he took a break and released some of his own personal lubricant into my well used rectum.

Davis seemed relaxed and almost casual about this, but I could feel his man seed tickling my ass as he ejaculated. He seemed so matter of fact about it. I realized I should never play poker with him. "I thought you were getting a little dry," he remarked.

My ass was getting tender and the lubricant was nice. "Some men are much more aggressive than me," he said. "Being aggressive comes with the territory with many men."

"What you are doing is good for me," I said.

"I know, I can feel it in your reactions," he said. "You are rather an open book sexually. I can feel you react. It nice that you mentioned it though. Everyone likes to complimented on his sexual skills and performance. Sometimes the more aggressive men are so caught up in their own passions, they don't notice yours. It's good when you tell them."

"I don't know if I would like that," I said.

Davis laughed. "My young man, it takes all types.

Davis asked me to come back in a week when he had another shipment to go out. I told him I had a flower delivery for a big event and I wouldn't be able to get over until two days later. He said that would be fine.

I returned as scheduled and another man answered the door. He was wearing a bathrobe. "I'm here to do some work for Davis," I said. "I'm Jacob."

"Well, Davis has been holding out on us," the man said. "Let me get him."

Davis returned both wet and wearing a robe. "Jacob, I'm sorry, but I completely forgot you were coming. I have some unexpected houseguests. Could you come back tomorrow?"

I said sure.

"Ask him to join us, Davis!" The man I met at the door called form the other room. "We could use some new meat in this collection of past prime mutton."

An another voice called out, "Make that beef aged to perfection in you don't mind." There was laughter from the next room.

"My friends are a bit rowdy," Davis said.

"Are their attentions honorable and respectable?" I asked with a smile.

Davis leaned close to me. "Not at all!" he whispered. "They are over-the-hill playmates with the sex drives of irresponsible teenagers. They have absolutely no honorable intentions."

"Would you mind if I met them?"

"We are all naked," Davis said, blushing slightly.

I smiled. "That's okay with me. Should I get naked?"

It was Davis' time to smile. "That would be best." I stripped and joined Davis and six older men. As I entered, a bearded man who looked like a trimmed down version of Santa saw me. "Damn, Christmas has come early this year!" We had quick introductions.

John and Ravi were Canadian set designers who were in NewYork to see new productions on Broadway. They brought the Santa look alike, Steve. He was an actor. Carlos, Saul and Magnus were mutual friends of Davis and the Canadian couple.

They struck me as a very New York group. Ravi was from India, Carlos from Brazil, Saul was Jewish and Magnus looked like a Viking chieftain. Not one of them had a shy bone in his body or showed any sign of being uneasy about being nude.

Luther had explained the difference between being naked and nude. I knew about being naked from Salvation Falls. It was bad. Nude was being naked on purpose and without shame or embarrassment. I wondered if there was another word for being nude and erect. I asked Tom about that when I got home. He laughed and suggested the phrase, "hot-to-trot."

All of Davis' friends were friendly and showed that friendliness with their semi erect cocks. i got in the hot tub between John and Santa. Both men immediately put their hands on my legs and slid them up my legs to fondle my cock. they giggled when the encountered the other man's hand.

I asked how long John was going to be town. "A week is all I can do," he said. "I just finished "The Tempest" at Stratford, and have got to get going on "The Importance of Being Earnest" for a theater in Toronto. That's going to be a bear. They want something new." John was a slight, dapper man who looked more like an accountant that a set designer to me. I had no idea what a set designer was supposed to look like, but I expected someone more flamboyant.

Santa was perhaps 70 years old and worked out. He had a good body if you like Polar bears. He spoke in a deep, resonant voice. I correctly assumed he was an actor. As they fondled me, I played with them. Santa had a massive, uncut beer can like cock and gigantic balls. John never got beyond half-staff. He said he was getting too hot and got out of the tub. Ravi took his place.

Ravi was well beyond half-staff when he got in the tub. Santa whispered to me, "John has a medical problem and can't get it up anymore. His ass is in fine working order and he could take the Empire State Building in a pinch. Ravi is an aggressive top." Santa's hand had strayed toward my asshole. I shifted my position to give him better access. Playing hard to get isn't my strong suit.

Ravi had an English accent and was a graduate of an English art school. My education was sadly lacking. I had never met an Indian before and had no idea they might have an English accent. He had an impressive organ. I had a hard time following the conversation. They were talking about the theater and art and I knew almost nothing about that.

The tub sat on a platform, so while there were four in the tub, others could lean against it and join in the conversation. John was leaning on the tub, when Magnus came up behind him. John jumped a little and then made a satisfied smile. I realized Magus was fucking him. Magnus was pumping slowly, while John rotated his ass to get the cock into a better position. It was tasteful and no one commented.

"Is there room for one more in the tub?" Saul asked. He had what Bruce called and Ultra-Bronx accent. Saul was short and gorilla-like in his hairiness. He was a stand-up comic and funny.

"Jake, why don't you sit on my lap so we can make room for Saul?" Ravi asked. I got up. Somehow, when I sat back, his cock was at my asshole and it slid in effortlessly. I was relaxed after the warm water, but I had no idea I was that relaxed.

"I see our new friend here has no problem with Totem Poles," Saul quipped.

"Totem poles are such a typical feature of Bombay!" Carlos quipped. Everyone laughed. The conversation continued. Ravi was well endowed but his cock entered me without effort.

"John likes to watch me fuck another man," Ravi whispered. "Rotate your ass and let's put on a show!"

"It's embarrassing," I said.

"Everyone here is a friend and open minded. No one will think badly of you at all," Ravi said. "Relax and let your cock do the thinking."

"Is your cock doing the thinking for you?" I asked. Ravi laughed heartily. As he did, he bounced and his organ slipped into a very good place. I forgot to be worried about what the other men might think about me. I did a rotating dance of some sort on Ravi's pole and he sent me to the moon.

I did notice John was clearly enjoying Magnus, and Carlos made some more room in the tub by sitting on Santa's lap. Santa had whispered something to him about taking a ride on non kosher meat. I didn't know what that meant. Carlos was muscular and handsome, but not a big man. I wondered if the beer can would fit. If it didn't, Carlos gave no indication.

"Remember the house rule, no sperm in the tub filters!" Davis said. Davis must have been in psychic communication with my cock. I felt the juices rising. Ravi stood up forcing his cock deeper into me. This was too much and every drop of semen in my balls rushed to the exit.

Saul was at my cock with his mouth open to take my cream. Santa was there too, using Saul as hood ornament for his cock. As Saul's lips enveloped my spewing cock head, Ravi released his load into my ass and Santa did the same in Saul. Magnus was moaning too. I think watching the triple orgasm was too much for him to hold back. I should have been embarrassed I thought, but since almost everyone climaxed together, I felt like one of the guys. Everyone seemed relaxed and happy.

We all went to Davis' shower to clean up and then returned to the hot tub. I assumed we were going to break up, but no one wanted to leave. We talked and when they found out I was from Salvation Falls, they were all interested. I think the combination of ultra-conservative Christianity and Rev. Johnny Beal's wild sexual life and taste for embezzlement had made the news everywhere, even Canada.

I realized I had it wrong. I thought life in Salvation Falls was strict, but basically norma and New Youk was filled with libertines. John and Santa made it clear I had it backwards. I had no clear vision as to what was normal.

"I was brought up in a fairly strict home," John said. "I would say my parents were stricter than most. It didn't occur to them I wouldn't associate with other kids at school. We were rather old fashioned Methodists, but they weren't worried about associating with Catholics or Episcopalians. We had Jewish friends and there were several Hindu's in my school."

"Walling yourself off form the world is almost always bad," Santa said.

"Rev. Johnny didn't want us to be contaminated by the world," I explained. My parents used those exact words to describe our life.

"The reverend really didn't want you to know about his multiple wives and cash filled bank accounts scattered across the world," Santa said. "If your faith was so weak that simply meeting a Catholic or a Jew might make you lose your faith, what kind of a faith is it?"

"They figured if you never associated with anyone outside the church, you would never stray, I guess you are right about that not knowing about the multiple wives, though," I agreed. "Do you think your lifestyle is better?"

"Well it's better for me and most of my friends, but I don't think it's for everybody," Magus said. "We are a group of gay men who are fortunately lucky enough to live the way we want to. I don't think it's for everyone, or even a majority of people. There are no gay missionaries out there preaching homosexuality and demanding that heterosexuals become gay and renounce their perverse heterosexual lifestyles."

"We don't demand that heterosexuals be fired from teaching. In theory, a heterosexual man is as much of a threat to female students as a homosexual male is to male students. Should we allow women to teach boys?" Magnus asked. "Should we allow Catholic teachers to deal with Protestant students, or should Jews teach Christians?"

"Jacob, did we force you to joined us in the hot tub?" Carlos asked. "I will bet you parents gave you no lessons in gay sex. My folks never mentioned it existed. Somehow I found it all on my own, without a guide or tutor."

"I got in the tub next to Santa," Saul said. "When he asked if I wanted to sit on his lap, I agreed. It wasn't entirely accidental that his rock hard cock and my willing ass were in alignment. It wasn't an accident that I took your man seed either. It was what we wanted. We're all adults here."

"If you don't want to drink alcohol, that is completely fine. If you don't want me to drink, that is another matter. If you like to screw women, and the woman consents, that is fine too. There is no need for you to screw men," Saul said. "It is entirely different when you don't want men to screw other consenting men."

"The problem with prohibition is that no one ever passed a law requiring you to drink booze," Saul continued. "There were no campaigns to force you to drink. No one arrested Teetotalers and forced them to drink. Thugs never beaten up or killed because they refused to drink. I personally think many men and women experiment sexually and have had homosexual experiences. Most either don't enjoy it, or find heterosexual relationships more fulfilling. That is not good or bad; it's just the way things are."

"People are the way they are," Davis said. "Passing laws requiring them to be something else is crazy. You can't pass a law requiring a Black man to be Chinese. In the United States at least, you cannot require a Protestant become a Catholic, or a Jew become a Christian. People are the way they are."

"Reverend Johnny wasn't too partial to black people," I said. "If he could have passed a law he would have done so."

"Has anyone forced you to have sex with men?" Magnus asked.

"No, they have not," I replied. "There is something strange though. I have a sense that I should have said no when the opportunity arose, but I didn't. My mind said no, but my body didn't. I agreed to everything, and everything has been good."

"I think Freud would say your subconscious overruled your conscious thoughts," Davis said. I had no idea who Freud was, so I let that drop.

"Exactly how good have your sexual experiences been?" Santa asked, with a twinkle in his eye. He had watched my orgasm when Ravi was in my ass.

"Well, to be precise they were much better than just plain good," I admitted. "I don't know if anything could be better."

The men laughed. "Somehow, I live assuming the next orgasm will be the best one!" Carlos said.

"You aren't satisfied?" I asked.

"I am satisfied, but I live in hope," he said. "There are so many men, and so many cocks to try!" there was more laughter. By now, enough time had passed to recharge our batteries and the conversation diminished as the sexual urges returned. Saul and Carlos had to leave, but the rest of us played.

Ravi wanted me to fuck John. He told em John like young meat and he would enjoy me. I told him io was new to this. "That is all the better," Ravi said. I nuzzled my cock at John's ass. His hole was puffy and looked tender. Magnus was thick and had stretched the opening. I pushed a little and my cock vanished into his rectum. I was shocked.

I knew next to nothing about fucking then. Now I know that dsometimes the fucker is an invader, forcing its way in. I know it is often welcomed once you force your way through the gate, but your cock is a battering ram. John's ass was a home away from home. While I slid in deep on the first push, his ass was tight and grasped my cock. it caressed my organ as I slowly thrust.

After a few minutes, I was close to shooting. I wasn't sure if that was okay. He knew Magnus. He didn't know me. "Lt let it flow1 fill me up!" John begged. I always do what a older person wants. A little later Santa and Magnus both spent some time in my ass. Thye were both big men and took their time. Both men were casual and relaxed. I went home to Tom with a smile on my face.

Later on, I realized I had met some perfect strangers, taken a cock in my ass and had an orgasm in front of them in no more than fifteen minutes. I guessed you couldn't get any further away from Salvation Falls than that. I felt great. I carefully examined my mind for any trace of guilt or shame and it definitely wasn't there. to me they seemed more like adventurerers than users. I felt I got more from them than they got from me. Davis later told me I was wrong about that. my interlude with them was the best thye had experienced in years. Santa had called it a monsoon of lust after a decade of drought.

Later that week one of Tom's crew was hurt on the job. One of the men on another crew lost control of a steel beam. It hit one of Tom's men, Tony DeAngelo, and knocked him off the building. Tom seemed laid back to me, but he was a sticker for safety, so Tony wore a harness and only fell a few feet. He was left dangling twenty stories up and was knocked up badly.

The man who lost control was the nephew of the company owner and was sloppy. Tony had complained about him before. Tony went to the hospital. He had some broken ribs and a concussion. Given how bad it could have been, it wasn't horrible, but it was serious. Tom was real close to his crew. They were family. When Tony got out of the hospital, he needed rest and rehab. He had dizzyspells.

Tony was from Philadelphia, and was alone in New York. He lived a few clocks from Tom's apartment. Tony had therapy in the afternoon, but Tom sent me over in the morning to help anyway I could. Most of my jobs were in the afternoon, so I had my mornings free.

Tony didn't want to be helped at first, but soon realized he needed it. He fell and almost hurt himself again. He was 30, so he was near to my age. Tom tried to help but he didn't want to be seen as weak by his boss. We got along well.

Tony did not have a sheltered life, so he was educational for me. he had a two room apartment, but tony was not handy around the house. He had trouble bending over due to the broken ribs, so I was helpful that way. He didn't cook at all. Pizza delivery was breakfast, lunch and dinner for him.

This was bad. he was use to hard work and ate a lot. I cooked some for him so he wouldn't blow up like a balloon. He liked home cooked food, so that was good.

He also needed help showering. Falling in the shower was a big deal. He didn't mind me helping out. I was a lot better than a middleaged female home care nurse. That experience had been embarrassing.

I took care of the mornings, there was therapy in tha afternoon and his pals came by at night. They were all steel workers so they did something for diner, watched a television program and fell asleep.

I got to like the showers. Tony was as big as Tom. He hadn't filled out, but he looked a bit like Bluto, Popeye's nemesis. He had pitch-black, curly hair that covered his head and chest. Unlike Bluto he was friendly.

Because of his broken ribs, he couldn't reach around to wash his back or ass. His shoulder bones were cracked and they wanted them to heal. The home care nurse visited once a week to give advice. She told me I needed to clean the ass. "Most men are too embarrassed to let you do it, but it can be a problem," she explained.

It was easier for a guy to help and it worked out well for me to clean his ass. I noticed Tony didn't have any girlfriends dropping by. All his pals were guys.

We were showering and I noticed he was moaning a little as I washed his ass. You could barely hear it, but I noticed. I also noticed his organ was filling out some too. he wasn't what I would describe as an official erection, but he wasn't soft either. Tony was incut, and seemed to had double the foreskin he needed. When he was soft you only saw the skin. The cock was deep inside the tube. I could see it filling in.

"While I'm washing you, why don't I clean it all," I said. I peeled back the skin and washed his knob. This time I could really hear him moan. I'm usually shy, but I dropped to my knees and used my tongue to do the final clean up.

"Oh Jesus!" he exclaimed. I pulled away.

"Don't stop!" Tony cried. I needed no encouragement to return to his cock. I had thought perhaps he was all foreskin without much cock. I was wrong about that. He needed all the skin to enshroud his impressive organ. It was big; it was impressive and it was very tender. Every movement of my tongue caused him to react.

His ball juiced were soon flowing soon to be followed by his thick cream. His organ was sensitive, but when I continued to suck him as he shot off, it became ultra responsive. He must have had a few weeks supply in his balls. I took it all. We finished the shower and the rest of the day went on as of nothing happened.

The next day we did the same thing. He told me I didn't need to take his load. I told him I liked it. His cock twitched when I said that. Tony shot off just as much as the day before. His balls were real cream factories. He was a bit more relaxed and responsive. "You wouldn't tell Tom about this, would you?" he asked afterwards. I said of course not.

On the third day, Tony asked if he needed to reciprocate. "Tony, this is exciting and fun for me. You can do whatever works for you," I explained. "You can do as much or as little as you want."

"A guy sucked me off once before. He didn't take my load. I like that a lot."

I smiled. "I could tell." Tony blushed and looked embarrassed. "It's nice to be appreciated. We're alone and it's private here. There's no need to be shy. Since you enjoy it and I enjoy it let's go at it." Tony was ready.

Next: Chapter 6

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