Salvation Falls

Published on Oct 8, 2011


Salvation Falls 3

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

It was much more relaxed with Hank than it had been the time before. I was more relaxed and he was in his own apartment. We could take our time. This time Hank took all the time he needed and all but worshiped my cock. I had a chance to savor his cock. I had been afraid to look at a cock, not to mention actually making physical contact with the organ and sucking one.

I had been uneasy touching my own except to aim it correctly. If I adjusted it in my pants, my father would look at me with concern. Hank wanted me to look at his organ and study it, and eventually explore it. I was still uneasy.

"Jacob, it only gets better the closer you get," he explained. "I like the way they look, but there are a lot of people who don't think they are pretty."

"The ones in the museum were nice," I said.

Hank smiled. "Real cocks are complicated and hanging out there. Most organs are inside your body. Cocks are made for human contact. Let's face it, if they were inside we would need to mail sperm to our intended," he joked. "The closer you get to the cock the more exciting it is."

"I'm really close now!"

He laughed. "You know it is best when it's in you, or you are in me," he said.

"In me?"

"Either down your throat or up your ass," he said. "Most of your organs are for you alone, but the cock is meant to be shared. It only reaches its full potential for pleasure when it's in your lover."

"I don't have a lover," I said.

"Lover, buddy pal or passerby," Hank replied. "They can all do the trick."

"I think that was what my folks were warning me about."

"I bet it was!" he continued. "Sharing pleasure with a friend or just another human being can only be so bad. Of course, women get pregnant, and most of our sexual standards were based on avoiding that problem. I know your education was poor, but there's not a chance in the world another man will get pregnant. I've also run into users who want to fuck and run away afterwards.

He stopped talking and returned to my cock. He had about half of it in his mouth. He then slipped his tongue into my foreskin and licked my knob. It was very good. It was hard to believe the simple caress of the tip of his tongue could make my entire body twitch.

"I might shoot off if you do that again," I said.

"You just relax and let nature take its course," Hank replied.

I began to do to him what he was doing to me. He wasn't hard at first and I worked my tongue into his skin and coaxed his knob from the sheath. I had a chance to watch his cock respond to my tongue's caresses. I was licking his cock head when his juices began to flow.

Apparently tasting his ball juices inspired me. I got even harder right off the bat, but my precum started when I tasted his. It was leisurely and pleasant. I had time to explore his genitals. He had huge balls in a hair covered ball sack. This time Hank copied whatever I had did. I could feel the same thing he was feeling. You could say it was educational, but it soon became more than educational.

I became increasingly enthusiastic and excited. Soon I was in the semi crazed place I had been the first time I met Hank. Suddenly I lost all control. I tensed up and began squirting my juiced into his mouth. Perhaps ten or twenty seconds later his cream filled my mouth completely. I wiggled my tongue to taste it better. It was lovely. I swallowed his load, but was too exhausted to stop sucking.

We were still on the bed. Once and a while he would squirt another volley of his man seed into my mouth. He did the same to me. I almost fell asleep. After ten or fifteen minutes, his cock became alluring again. I began to milk it more aggressively.

I knew that I had no desire to suck him again. At least I had no conscious desire to do so. Somewhere deep in my subconscious, the urge began to grow. If anyone in Salvation Falls told me that I would be sucking the cock a man I barely knew, I would have thought he was crazy. I didn't know cock sucking existed. The very thought was repulsive. The actual practice was strange and odd, but I felt a compulsion to do it. Not only did I do it, the resulting sensations were fantastically pleasurable, well beyond anything I had imagined.

Looking back, my family lived in a mostly grey world. There were no bright lights; everything was grey and muddy. Theoretically, we got pleasure by not sinning. A few bible verses and a sermon from the Rev. Johnny was our pleasure. He preached on the evils of sin, and the need to contribute to him to continue his good works.

Our house was plain and ordinary. Mom's food was adequate, but bare bones. I was adequate too, but she told me one she had dreamed of a girl. I was shocked at New York City food. There was so much and I was so different. I wasn't that shocked by New Your City sex. I didn't know sex existed, and thus it was all new to me.

The next morning I went with Davis to pack up antiques for the show. After a half hour, Davis liked me a lot. This had nothing to do with sex. I do exactly what I am told and am always careful. I was packing pretty things. Luckily, I had no idea of their value. He collected art glass and pottery. It was just glass and pots to me. He told me to be careful, they were Tiffany, Lalique, Rookwood and Morecroft, but those names meant nothing to me.

Later that day I saw the price list. I was shocked. Most objects cost as much as a car, but a few were more expensive than a house. The most inexpensive things were one or two thousand dollars. They were small glass bottles. The lady at the next booth had one of her helpers not slow up, so Davis told me to give her a hand. I think she liked me as much as Davis did. I just did what she asked. That seemed to be more than she expected.

I helped a few customers take packages to their cars. I got a twenty-dollar bill as a tip. I was shocked. Davis took me home at 9:00 and then picked me up for the second day at 7:00. Davis told me the show was very upscale. I assumed that meant expensive. He also said the dealer specialized in objects with good provenance. That night Uncle Tom told that meant the objects weren't stolen or forged.

The show was over at 5:00 and I got home early. I had been busy the whole time and had a pocket filled with $500.00 of tips. I hadn't considered the possibility of having that amount of cash. For a brief moment I thought that might be enough cast to get me back to Salvation Falls and safety.

It's odd that your mind can run in a rut. I knew there was no safety in Salvation Falls. Everything and everyone I knew there was gone or in desperate straights. My parents were dead because of Salvation Falls. New York was foreign, strange and alien to my Salvation Falls' way of thinking, but I had discovered a world I knew nothing about there. This new world was exciting and seemed to offer the potential for physical pleasure that I knew nothing about.

Somehow, 24 years of experience of life in Salvation Falls paled in comparison to the feel of Hank's mouth wrapped around my cock for a few minutes. I should have been appalled when his man seed filled my mouth and enveloped my tongue as I sucked him to completion. That wasn't the case. I loved it; I wanted more.

Some of my desire was due to the explosion of feelings I had with Hank. The rest was because I suspected deep in my heart there was much more to experience. If there was a chance there was more, I wanted to insure I felt it.

Davis was out of town the next week appraising and estate. Tom had a full work schedule, but Bruce came by and checked up on me. He didn't need too, but Tom was worried about what he called culture shock. I hadn't heard of that either. Losing my parents and home over night was a big deal. New York was so different from Salvation Falls I didn't have time to wallow in self-pity or loneliness. There was too much new stuff to deal with everyday to look back. I think that was good.

Bruce also found me part time jobs to fill my days. One was with a man named Waldorf. Waldorf was a character. He was flamboyant, highly excitable and more than a little crazy. He was a set designer who worked on Broadway Plays. He was working on a play that was to open in a year, and he was hunting through antique stores and second hand shops for suitable props.

Waldorf had a broken wrist and couldn't carry anything; I was to be his native bearer. It didn't take me long to discover Waldorf couldn't carry anything he didn't want to carry. He liked to be the center of attention and the wrist served that purpose too.

It took a while to discover he was a nice man under it all. He lived in a big loft in a warehouse in Brooklyn. When I saw it, I found he had mock ups of each set with the object he had found in place. He seemed flighty, but he was super organized. He was also much more businesslike at home than in public. He explained a set decorator needs a persona.

Returning home after a buying trip a car jumped the curb and hit him. It was a freak accident and a glancing blow, but scary. The police and the ambulance took care of things. Given his taste for drama, Waldorf was good. The EMT's said he was bruised but nothing appeared to be broken. Waldorf decided to go home, rest, and see how he felt in the morning.

Waldorf called his good friend, Luther and told him of the incident. Luther wanted to talk with me. "You just stay there until I get back!" Luther ordered. I'm in Philly now and I will be there by mid night. Waldorf doesn't have the brains he was born with. Watch him in case something goes wrong."

I stayed. Luther had a commanding voice and I tend to obey. I think Waldorf was a bit relieved, he wasn't feeling well. I called Tom and told him what happened. He told me to stay the night and call him if here was a problem. He knew what to do in emergencies in New York. At 9:00, someone knocked on the door. He introduced himself as Rob, and was a friend. He got Waldorf into bed and settled. Waldorf had sleeping pills and was planning to use them. Rob got them and reduced to dose. Apparently Waldorf was confused, he forgot he had prepared the pills and was about to take a triple dose.

When Waldorf went to sleep, Rob got two beers from the refrigerator and gave me one. I had never had a beer before, but I took it. "Tell me what happened," he asked. I gave him a detailed account. Rob said he assumed Waldorf was okay since the EMTs always err on the side of caution. Rob was about 50 and very handsome. He had a deep voice and turned out to be a singer. I told him I was from Salvation Falls and he knew of the scandal. "That reverend turned out to be a real piece of work, didn't he?" he said.

"He had a lot of people fooled," I said.

"Were you one of them?" he asked.

"Not really, but my folks fell for it hook, line and sinker."

"It must have been hard on them." He observed as he got two more beers for us. I told him about my Father's suicide and Mom's death. Rob was nice about it. He apologized for speaking about Salvation Falls so casually. I told him it didn't bother me. What was done was done. We talked about Salvation Falls and then moved on to talking about the upcoming play. Rob went for a third beer.

Rob told me he had been in the shower when Luther called, and had thrown on some clothes and come over as soon as he could. I soon noticed Rob was wearing lightweight shorts that left nothing to the imagination. They tended to cling and were almost see through. As we talked, I noticed Rob was well equipped. Rob shifted his equipment a few times. The shifts produced a better display. I thought this was odd, but then realized he noticed I was looking at his crotch.

"Do you like what you are seeing?" he asked.

"I do," I admitted. "I hope I haven't offended you."

"I'm an actor. I only get offended if you don't notice," he replied. I smiled and then he smiled. "If you want a closer look, that is fine with me," he said. I looked toward Waldorf's bedroom door.

"Don't worry about Waldorf. He is the last man in this big city to have a problem with two men having sex," Rob said. He dropped his shorts.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "You've got a beauty." I have since discovered complimenting a man on the size of his genitals is always a good icebreaker. Rob smiled.

"I've never used the casting couch to get a role, but having a nice one has never hurt," he said. "When all things are equal, a few extra inches can help. I've never used my cock to get a part, but I have been known to be grateful after the show closes."

Rob was about my father's age, but as healthy, energetic and vigorous, as my father was pale and lethargic. I think Dad spent his life worrying about the dangers of sin, rather than living life. Rob was handsome and knew no one would object to seeing him naked. He came closer to me and I licked my lips in anticipation. Several months later when I knew Rob better he told me I should never play cards and gamble. "Jacob, you are an open book. Everyone knows what you are thinking and what you want."

At this moment, I wanted his cock. He had five inches of soft and somewhat thick cock. He was cut. At this time in my life, I didn't know how big a soft cock could become. I would know much more later that night.

Rob was relaxed and casual. He was so good looking; I assumed he was use to being admired. I was excited, but soon as my lips touched his cock, my tension vanished. "That's really nice, Jacob," he whispered. "Take your time, there's no need to rush."

We got on a couch so he could suck me as I did him. He seemed to like my cock a lot. "You're a leaker, I like that," he said. "It's nice when an old guy like me can coax some man juices for a young stud's balls."

"I'm a bit messy," I said.

"It's the food of the gods," he said. "I love it. Are you into man juices?"

"I'm not sure. I'm kind of new at this," I replied. "I took a guy's sperm a few days ago. It was okay."

"Well if you are new to this and thought it was okay, you have a future as a cock sucker," Rob said. "It's an acquired taste for many guys. It gets better the more times you try it." We alternated talking and sucking for a while. He seemed to know when I was close and he pulled away so I could cool down. This was nice. I was both excited and relaxed.

When we weren't sucking, I asked questions mostly about sex. I wanted to know more about fucking. Actually, I told him I wanted him to fuck me. I didn't really know what it was going to be like, but I thought he would be nice about it. He told me he was too big for a first fuck, but he told me what it was like. When he mentioned the prostate, I stopped him. I didn't know what a prostate was.

His explanation didn't help much. Whatever it was, I was sure I didn't have one. Looking back, I realized the three beers had made me bold. I normally would never question an older man. We had a polite discussion on the subject. It didn't seem to me such an organ could possibly exist in my ass. Rob told me he could prove it existed, but the small organ was hard to get to. I told him to go right ahead. He told me doctor checked it in most physical exams.

"You may find getting to the prostate is a bit offensive," he explained. "The digital exam might be shocking." I had just learned about digital watches, so I wasn't worried at all. I was surprised that this conversation seemed to make Rob's cock harder. When he got harder, I got harder. Rob went to the bath and came back with a tube of something called K-Y. He told me to lie back and spread my legs. While the beer made me bold enough to question him about his wild tale of a magic nut like gland in my ass, it did not make me bold enough to disobey a direct order from an older man.

Rob coated his finger in the K-Y stuff and then touched my asshole. I was shocked. I also had never been so sexually excited before. My mind was screaming get away from here, but my body wasn't obeying. My body wanted to know what was next. Rob was much older than I was, but he wasn't rushed, and was gentle.

"In a few seconds I'm going to go looking for your prostate. If anything hurts, just tell me. If you are uncomfortable, just tell me," he said. I was relieved he said that, but I knew I wouldn't complain. Rob took his lubricated finger and toyed with my hole. It should have been disgusting, but it wasn't.

He rubbed his finger around the opening and pressed a little at the hole. After the first few times he did this I relaxed more. Suddenly his index finger was in me. I just seemed to slip in. he continued the circular motion of his finger. It was exciting. I got even harder.

"Your organ is deep, I'll need to get another finger in," he said. "Are you okay with that?" I nodded. I could see how this might hurt, but Rob was very careful and it was fine.

"Just a little deeper and I will have it," he whispered. It was oddly exciting. "I got it!" he cried. I gasped for breath as electric bolts of pleasure shot through my body. He squeezed it then let it alone, so I could get my breath. When I calmed down a little, he massaged the little gland again.

Here I was naked, on my back and with my legs spread wide with a man I had just met fingering my ass. It was unbelievably undignified but pleasurable well beyond my imaginings. I had discovered a new sex organ.

Rob was a nice man and he let me play with his ass and felt his little pillow of pleasure. I was sucking him when the little pillow turned rock hard and then he flooded my mouth with his steamy sperm. He did the same to me. It was unbelievable.

"The finger is fun, but a cock is better," Rob said after we shot off. "You've got buns of steel; the guy who gets you is going to love it."

"You don't want to fuck me?" I asked.

"I'd love to fuck you once you've been broken in. I'm pretty sure you're going to be a first rate bottom, but the first few times can be problematic. Your hole is use to things going out. It's an adjustment when a cock is trying to get in. It's better when a man has been around the block a few times before he takes mine."

"Do you think anyone would really want to fuck me?"

Rob laughed. "I'm sure no more than fifty percent of the Gay population of New York is ready, willing and able," he said. "Some guys say it's best if you are fucked by a man you like or love. Others say it's better with a stranger of casual acquaintance. You can work out the kinks without damaging the relationship."

"Well Uncle Tom I the only person I know at all well," I said.

"What is he like?"

"Hung like a horse," I said. The three beers were talking.

Rob laughed. "Well, introduce him to me and I will make sure he has a good technique for a first fuck," he said, "I like them big."

"He's a steel worker," I said. "Tom looks like a gorilla. I don't think he's very sophisticated."

"Be still my heart!" Rob said as he laughed. "I've never met him, but already I'm in love."

Luther came in the door a few minutes later. I told him details about the accident. Rob told him about the possible overdose.

"Waldorf gets frantic when he's in any pain. He's never met a painkiller he doesn't like," Luther said. "I'll take care of that." Luther wore the well-tailored clothes of a businessman, but had the body of a professional wrestler. He was a promoter. I didn't know what that was, but he must have made a lot of money doing it. He had a car outside to take me home. I got to Tom's apartment at 2:00 in the morning.

When I woke, I was surprised that tom was still there. I had forgotten it was Saturday. We had a good breakfast and I called Waldorf's loft to see how he was doing. Luther answered the phone all was well.

Tom took me to Rockefeller Center and then down to lower Manhattan to see the reconstruction of the World Trade Center. Tom was working on one of the buildings there. I was ten when the original buildings fell. Rev. Johnny said it was God's judgment on the evils of New York. He received a lot of criticism for those comments. At the time, I knew nothing about New York. It seemed to me there was a good chance Rev. Johnny was much more evil than New York.

In Salvation Falls, I was aware that New York was a big city. I had no idea what big was. The one block in Brooklyn that Tom lived in had more residents than Salvation Falls. It amazed me that Rev. Johnny could proclaim himself to be God's chosen. Our little group were saved and everyone else in the world was awash in sin and doomed.

I had little experience of New York life, but I had felt more pleasure in a few hours with Hank, Bruce and Rob than I had in all my time in Salvation Falls. A few hours of conversation in New York quadrupled what I knew about sex, and about people. My parents' lives were filled with fear and dread. They followed Rev. Johnny and had no idea he had houses on two continents and two more wives.

"it's hard to believe so many people died here, and you are rebuilding it," I said.

"Life goes on, Jacob," Tom said. "You need to lick your wounds and get moving forward again. I knew five men who died here. A pile of rubble in the middle of the city is no way to memorialize them."

We went home and Bruce came by to make dinner. By that time, I knew Tom and Bruce were more than just pals. I told them about my experience with Rob.

"Damn, being gay may be hereditary," Bruce said. "You and Tom share the same tastes."

Tom gave Bruce an annoyed look. "I don't think Jacob needs to know all our secrets."

"It doesn't bother me," I said. After a pause, I added. "Actually, I don't think Mom or Dad ever told me the truth about anything. They told me was Rev. Johnny told them to tell me. it would be nice if someone told me what was really going on. Dad said I wasn't old enough to know some things. I'm not sure I would ever have been old enough. They told me nothing about sex, and didn't even hint that sex was possible with men. If that was supposed to keep me from liking sex with men, it didn't work."

"Well Jacob, it didn't work for me either," Tom said. "I didn't mean to insult your intelligence. When we were looking at the World Trade Center, I was thinking. We lost many good people there, but New York was still there. New York is a great city. It can take a punch, get up. dust itself off and go about its business again. You've lost your parents and your home, Salvation Falls. The buildings and houses are still there, but nothing about its life and attitudes survives. Rev. Johnny's Salvation Falls is dead and buried. It will never rise again. I just want to make life here as good as it can be for you."

We were silent for a while. "Salvation Falls is gone, but it's hard to say I had a life there. It was dreary, loveless and joyless," I said. "I wish I could have escaped and taken my parents with me. I'm not sure that was possible. I feel much more excitement about my future, than regret for having lost my past."

"You do know that I love Tom?" Bruce asked.

I smiled. "I guessed that. I also noticed you have excellent taste in men."

We all laughed.

Next: Chapter 4

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