Salvation Falls

Published on Oct 2, 2011


Salvation Falls 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

I had a hard time figuring out what happened with Hank. It had been more intense than anything I had ever experienced before, but I had no way to judge it or even understand it. I went home and thought about it all night. I had the next day off, but the day after that I talked with Donnie. He was closer to being my age than anyone else. Donnie knew exactly what it was.

I had sex with Hank. Donnie was positive about that. He asked me if I had enjoyed it. I explained my feelings. Donnie was a nice guy and he explained a lot to me. When I told him how much I enjoyed sucking Hank's cock, he told me I probably liked men more than women.

"Sometimes sex is so exciting you get carried away, but if sucking him gave you a hard on, a man may be what you want," he said. "Are you going to get together again?"

"I have no idea," I said. "He gave me his phone number."

"Well, that is a good sign!"

"Are you sure?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.

"He wants to see you again," Donnie explained. "Do you want to do it again?"

"I don't know," I replied. I wasn't too truthful in that response. I wanted the experiences again. I think Donnie knew better too. We only had a small party to deliver flowers to, a ladies' luncheon. When I got back to Uncle Tom's apartment, I took a nap.

When I woke, Tom and Bruce were there in Tom's bedroom. I soon realized that they were doing what Hank and I had done the day before. They seemed to be enjoying it as much as I had. Tom noticed I was there and closed the door. A little later, he came out. Tom was wearing a robe.

"I'm sorry about this. I didn't know you were there," he said. "Bruce and I are old friends. I know you don't approve."

"It's fine," I replied. "It didn't bother me."

"You parents were so straight laced. I'd didn't want to shock you."

Uncle Tom looked worried. I reassured him and then told him about my interlude with Hank. Tom looked relieved. Bruce came out from the bedroom and joined us. He was wearing one of Tom's robes.

They assumed I shared my folk's attitudes and fears. In some senses, I did, but their prudery was so complete their fears were incompletely detailed. They were opposed to sex and sexuality, but had been unable to give me any concrete detail. I didn't know what sex was, and I had assumed it was entirely related to relationships with women.

"How in hell did they expect you to get married?" Bruce asked.

"Mom mentioned they would find a nice girl for me when the time was right," I said. "That time hadn't arrived yet."

"Did they mention gay sex?" Tom asked.

"Nope, I assume it wasn't a problem."

Tom laughed. "I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case. I would bet it was so bad they couldn't bring themselves to mention it," he said. "I still got a card from my brother at Christmas asking if I have found the right woman yet. Shit, I'm fifty-five."

"What was this Hank like?" Bruce asked.

"He was sort of like you guys, but not as good looking," I said. "He was nice. I didn't expect anything, but it was okay."

"Was it only okay, or was it more than that?" Bruce asked.

"Well, it was a lot more than okay," I admitted.

"As in the most exciting thing you have ever done?" Tom asked. I looked him in the eye and then smiled. Tom and Bruce smiled too. "Welcome to the fraternity," Tom said.

"Do you guys play around the way you were just doing much?" I asked.

"Only when we get a chance," Bruce said. "I've known Tom for almost fifteen years now. It just gets better."

"It gets better?" I asked. "I wondered if your first time is the best time and maybe it goes downhill from there. Do you get tired of it?"

"That's not been our experience," Tom said. "It's different with every man you meet. Sometimes it's good, once and a while it's great. With Bruce it's either great or spectacular."

"What happens if it's not good?"

"The same thing that happens when to meet anyone and don't hit it off. You just don't see them much, or you avoid them," Bruce said. "Men like different things. Masculine men excite me. I like them big, hairy and brawny. I'm not into drag queens, but then again I don't run into them much."

"I'm way too hairy for some guys," Tom said. "I'm messy too. When I am turned on my cock begins to drip like a leaky faucet. When I cum, I shoot buckets of sperm all over the place. That's a turn off for guys who like it neat. There are men who like prim and proper boys who can have sex and not need to comb their hair afterwards."

"Is sperm the white, milky stuff?" I asked.

"Yes, sperm is the thick, milky stuff. Pre cum is the clear slippery goo that oozes out when you're turned on. Sperm is slightly bitter," Tom explained.

"I didn't expect it when it shot out, but I sort of liked it," I said. "Hank took mine too. He seemed to like it a lot."

"You did have a good time with Hank!" Tom said. "It's nice when you exchange your baby making juices."

"Is that what makes babies?" I asked. My parents were much worse about sex education than I guessed. I was shocked. "Does it all taste the same?" While I was shocked, I was more curious. There clearly was a world I knew nothing about. Hank had cracked the door a little. I wanted to open the door wide.

Tom and Bruce skipped answering the baby-making question, but Bruce looked at Tom and Tom winked. "Well you interrupted us before we got a chance to finish each other off," Bruce said. "You can join us and do a taste test."

I knew I should have said no, but deep in my heart, I wanted to join them. I didn't actually say I wanted to, but I did take my clothes off. They took that as a yes. I was nervous. It's was easier with Hank who I didn't know at all than with Bruce and Tom.

The nervousness didn't last long. If Hank's cock turned me on, two cocks seemed to double my enthusiasm. Bruce was really excited and Tom held back some, but soon all was well. I was uneasy about being naked, but neither man had any problem with it. They were at ease and I soon relaxed.

When I had been with Hank, I was too wrapped up in events to know what was going on. It was a haze of sensation and pleasure. I had thousands of questions about what was going on. I was afraid they were stupid questions that everyone else in the world had answers for, except for me. Bruce and Tom didn't seem to mind me asking and didn't seem to think I was stupid for asking.

I asked my parents questions about my studies, but that was very different. My parents had an answer for every question, but only one answer. Often it was a yes or no answer to a why type question. There was never any explanation other than God ordained it, or it was in the Bible. Once they said that there was no way I could question them anymore.

I had been under the impression the cock was a drain. Tom told me about its reproductive use and it recreational use. Since Bruce was sucking my cock as I asked the question, the recreational use was self-evident. I asked if every cock reacted the same way.

"It's different strokes for different folks," Tom said. "Every man has a cock, but they react differently to other people. There is a lot of variety."

"How do you find out who wants what?" I asked. "It sounds as if your cock has a mind of its own." As Bruce sucked me, I looked at Tom's organ and saw it fully erect for the first time. It must have been a good eight inches of thick, vein-covered meat. His cock head was thicker than shaft and was flared. It was a pretty shade of lavender and was shiny.

He had mentioned he dripped like a leaky faucet, and I saw that was true. His ball juices drooled from his slit and coated the organ. I thought that was a bit gross, but a second later I had my lips around his knob and was licking the sweep product of his balls. Tom moaned a little.

"Damn, you've got him really going, Tommy!" Bruce said. "Jacob has inherited the family leaky faucet."

I took more of Tom's cock into my mouth, savored it then pulled back. As I did, I suctioned more of the stuff from his balls. I loved it. Tom seemed to love it too. He liked it especially when I ran my tongue around the flared edge of his cock head.

I slipped into little world where there was only my mouth and Tom's cock. I couldn't get enough of it. I finally got the entire organ in my mouth without choking. With my nose inhaling the musky man smell of his bush and my tongue savoring the rich ooze, I was in heaven.

"Jacob, give me a little rest," Tom said after a while. "I want to take my time and not pop too soon. Try Bruce's cock." I always obey my elders. I shifted and licked Bruce's organ. I wouldn't say Bruce was as juicy as Tom, but it was good. His cock was almost as long as Tom's was, but thinner. It was a lot easier to take him. His cock had a curve and Bruce rotated his body. From that position, I could easily swallow the entire organ and breathe at the same time.

We broke apart a few times to catch our breath. "I can tell you like your Uncle Tom's home brew!" Bruce said during a break.

"Is that bad?"

Tom laughed a little. "As I said, it's different strokes for different folks. You often don't have much control over what turns you on. It's great when the feelings are mutual, but that doesn't happen every time. There is one nice thing about gay men. Most are horny and willing most of the time. If they aren't, there are more fish in the sea," Tom said.

"I bet Dad would have thought this was sinful."

"I assume you are right about that, but there is a chance he couldn't conceive of sucking a cock," Tom said. "Imagination wasn't your dad's strong suit. I wanted to be safe. He liked everything in black and white."

"He trusted Rev. Johnny," I said. "He couldn't believe Johnny was a crook. He thought he was safe when he followed Johnny's every wish and command."

"I've never thought it was possible to be safe," Tom said. "I'm a steel worker. I'm careful, but I know there is always a chance things can go wrong."

"Why do you do it?"

"I love to build. I've loved it since I was a little kid. If you want that, you have to take the bad with the good. You are king of the world when you are fifty stories up, looking down on Manhattan. It's the best feeling in the world," Tom explained. I leaned over and licked the drool from his oozing cock. "Maybe it's the second best feeling in the world," he added.

When I turned my head, Bruce's cock was there. I licked it too. I switched between cocks for a while, wallowing in sexual atmosphere. They kissed and that increased the flow of manly juices. It couldn't go on forever and we broke apart.

"I have to be at a meeting tonight," Bruce said. "Would you mind if I took the door prize today and tasted your cream, Jacob?" he asked.

"That's fine with me," Tom said. "Jacob lives here." Bruce swallowed my cock. Tom held me in his arms. "You just relax and let Bruce work his magic," Tom whispered.

"He wants me to shoot off?" I asked.

"He sure does. Just think of it as a nice thank you for finding the job for you," Tom said. "He loves man milk. Give it up for him. Let him drain you. He'll love it." I really didn't have much choice in the matter. Bruce tongue worked its magic and I began to moan.

"Don't hold back," Tom urged. "Let him take it all. Relax and let it flow. Let him take it all." As usual, I did what I was told. It was beautiful. I could do nothing but twitch and shoot. Bruce did all the rest. I was excited at first, but later I let go and Bruce's tongue did all the work. I thought I was drained, but there were a few twitches left. I all but fell asleep in Tom's arms.

Tom and I went out to dinner that night and came home early. Tom was in bed by nine or nine thirty on a work night. I spent most of the night dreaming about Tom, Bruce and Hank. I had thought the cock was a drain for piss. While I had discovered a few pleasurable things about my cock, it was accidental and I was terrified my Mother would discover sticky goo. I avoided playing with my cock.

I know this sounds strange, but I had no idea about the cock's role in reproduction. I sort of thought that semen was congealed urine. I didn't have many friends my age and anytime I did meet kids, it was well supervised. I never got any information from an older brother or friend.

Rev. Johnny required that you report any failures or sins committed by other members of the community. The sinners would be punished at a church service. I remembered when a boy was spanked for having kissed a girl. I was six at the time and it greatly impressed me. My folks were very good about reporting our neighbors' shortcomings.

When I was younger we seemed to have quite a few friends, but by the time I was ten, the friends had vanished. Rev. Johnny heaped praise on Dad for being so strict and keeping our neighbors in line. I think that was the reason we had so few friends. My father told me we were greatly admired in the community.

My Dad wasn't a bad man. He was a born follower. When he found Rev. Johnny he fell for it hook line and sinker. If he had found a better leader, all would have been fine. When he discovered what Rev. Johnny was really like, he simply couldn't take it. Dad should have known, but questioning wasn't part of his nature. If Rev. Johnny had been Hitler, Dad would have been killing Jews and then killed himself in the bunker when Hitler fell. Dad wouldn't have any personal hatred of Jews. If the leader told him to do it, Dad would do it. It was that simple.

As I thought about my parents, I also realized they weren't capable of feeling joy or happiness. Certainly sexual pleasure was not an option for them. Mom and Dad were proud they had been pure before marriage and pure after I was born. I think my conception was their only foray into normal sexual relations. My mother disliked Eve. Eve had screwed up and childbirth was the punishment for her sins. Looking back, I realize Mom thought both childbirth and conceptions were punishment for sins.

Bruce and Tom seemed to think sex was a part of a good friendship. I wondered if it was more than a good friendship. They seemed close and comfortable.

Friday was a busy day for Nathan. He called Friday's Bar Mitzvah Day. I didn't know what a Bar Mitzvah was, but it sure required a lot of flowers. We had two, a big one in Manhattan and a smaller one on Long Island. Nathan was personally doing the Manhattan event. Hank was doing the Long Island party and he asked for me. Hank drove Rodger and me. Rodger was a good guy and smart, he couldn't do any lifting because of his heart condition. Nathan made sure I under stood that, no lifting. Apparently, Rodger thought he could do more than was good for him.

The party on Long Island was small with only fifty guests. The flowers were extravagant and beautiful. It was at a big mansion, with a formal garden. A big centerpiece was complicated and I had to assemble under Rodger's direction. Luckily, Rodger and I got along well and everything went on without a hitch. The owner was very pleased and we had everything in place by 5:00.

Hank drove us back to Brooklyn, dropping Rodger off on the way.

As soon as Rodger left the car, Hank asked if I'd like to come by for a drink at his place. I expected that and was planning to say no. Unexpectedly I said yes. I had actually rehearsed saying no, but it came out as a yes. We went to a big house in Park Slope. Hank had an apartment on the third floor.

Tom's apartment was several rooms with furniture in them. Hank's apartment looked like something you might see in a fancy magazine. It was beautiful, more like an art gallery than an apartment. There were beautiful paintings, sculptures and objects everywhere.

"What a beautiful place!" I exclaimed.

"I collect things from my friends," Hank said. "I worked at a gallery for years until it went under. Many are gifts from pals. I've helped a lot of artists move! I'm a good cook too. You'd be surprised how many will come over for a real meal."

Some of the artworks I didn't understand, but most were beautiful. A number of nudes were in the collection including a large portrait of Hank, naked and smiling. It was very striking. "I don't know if I could have a naked picture of me on display," I said as I admired it.

"Well, they've all seen me naked and smiling too!" Hank said. "Most of them have spent some up close and personal time with my cock. I'm not a shy man. Neal, who did the portrait, had never painted a hairy man before. It was a challenge."

"Do you have sex with many men?"

"It seems to me I've had sex with just about the right number of men," Hank said. "I liked it and most men like it. Why not pool our resources and have some fun? Neither of us is going to get pregnant. I never play with kids. You are as young as I've ever done."

"I had never had sex before you," I said.

"Are you okay?" he asked with concern in his voice. "I would hope your first time would be more special than that."

I smiled. "It was special enough for me. I didn't expect it, but it was good," I explained.

"The man who lives below me, loves young guys, the more inexperienced the better," Hank said. "Davis is gentle and careful, but he likes to introduce young men to the joys of man sex."

"That sounds odd."

"Davis still had a lot of friends. Most move on to other playmates or partners, but they remember Davis fondly." Hank said. "I was hoping to get my cock in your ass and fuck you to the moon. That is out of the question now."

"You actually shove your cock into a guy's ass?" I asked incredulously. It hadn't occurred to me you could do that.

"I sure do, and when it's good, it's great," he said. "Unfortunately when it's bad it's terrible, and many times it take some practice to get it right. My cock doesn't come with training wheels."

"What does it feel like?"

"For me it's more intense that sucking, a good ass is tight and massages your cock as you thrust," he explained.

"It must hurt the man you are fucking."

"That is the difference between a good and a bad top," Hank said. "A good top can open you up easy. I'm too big."

"You cock is long."

"It's not the length but the diameter that is the problem," Hank said. "Your rectum can take length; your sphincter is not as adaptable."

"What's a sphincter?" I asked.

Before Hank could answer that question someone knocked on the door. It was the neighbor, Davis. Hank introduced us. Davis was a nice looking older man. He was tanned and had white hair. He was an antique dealer and needed some help setting up a display at an antique show. Nathan didn't need me for the next few days so I said I would help. Davis asked if I could come by his shop at nine the next morning. He gave me his card and left.

After Davis left, Hank noticed I was staring at his crotch. He asked if I wanted to play. I answered him by stripping.

Next: Chapter 3

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