Salvation Falls

Published on Sep 26, 2011


Salvation Falls By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

The world I grew up in collapsed with stunning speed two days after my 23rd birthday. Salvation Falls vanished overnight. I had known nothing of the world beyond Salvation Falls. It was the only home I knew.

Salvation Falls was named by early settlers and the village marked the spot where the East and West Salvation rivers met to form the Salvation River. The river was short, but ran into the Ohio. It was just a name on a map until Rev. Johnny Beal set up shop in the small hamlet. Rev. Johnny liked the name and thought it would look good on a letterhead.

Johnny was inspired by Billy Graham and Pat Robertson and wanted to bring salvation to the world. He was a good preacher and soon had a flock of believers and a radio station. He taught that he had the only true faith and had the only path to salvation. Jesus was the only true God and he sent Johnny visions. Johnny alone had the secret to eternal life and joy.

If you followed and obeyed Johnny's preaching, you were assured of salvation. My folk were believers and they brought me up in the faith. It was essential to avoid contamination by heathen world. Eventually Johnny and his followers bought all of Salvation Falls and the surrounding area and created an enclave of true believers.

We were all home schooled, and worked in some way for Reverend Johnny. His radio station was soon a network of fifty stations and he branched out into television. He founded the Salvation Falls University, the Salvation Falls Faith Heals Medical Center and several missionary outposts in Central America and one in Brazil.

In our house, the television set could receive only his station and our radios could only be tuned to his station. While my parents bought our house, they gave it to Rev. Johnny and paid him rent.

On August 10, Federal Marshals arrested Rev. Johnny for racketeering and fraud. Rev. Johnny had used his property in Salvation Falls as collateral for a large loan to buy a Gold Mine in South Africa. He also used the same property for an even larger loan to buy a gold mine in Australia, and for third mine in Canada.

There was $600,000,000.00 in loans secured by $30,000,000.00 of property. All of the appraisals and guarantees were fraudulent. The Church bank accounts were empty. There was no record of where the money went, although the Feds discovered Rev. Johnny had a second wife in Brazil and a third wife in Switzerland.

The creditors evicted every resident of the town and sold the property at auction. My Father had a heart attack and died. The Faith Heals Medical Center was closed a few weeks later when the State Police arrested most of the staff for practicing medicine without a license. Johnny owned a printing shop too. My mother just wasted away and died. I was 23 and alone in the world. Not only were my parents dead, all the people I had grown up with were gone.

The day our house was auctioned, a man came up to me. He was my Father's brother, Tom. I knew my parents had brothers and sisters but they were all heathen. I knew Tom's name and that was it. The auction was well publicized and he found my father's name on the list of foreclosed properties.

I wasn't sure about my heathen uncle, but I was truly lost and had no idea what to do. It turned out Tom always knew what to do. He was a decisive man and told me I would come with him until I was settled and we would improvise. I had a suitcase of clothes and that was it. My parents had given the house and its contents to Rev. Johnny.

Rev. Johnny was really worried about contamination by the world, so we didn't have phones or computers. I didn't actually know what a computer was or what it did. I could read the Bible and do basic mathematics. That was the total of my work related skills. I was technically a teacher, but I taught Bible and Morality.

Uncle Tom was a steel worker in New York City. For Rev. Johnny New York was the New Babylon, sin city. I didn't want to go there, but I had no choice. I figured I would be able to run away. Tom had a two bedroom unit in Brooklyn on the 14th floor of an older apartment house. I looked out his window and saw the city as a maze. I felt as if I was in a foreign land, indeed, it was more like a distant planet. I realized I'd never be able to run away. I would never be able to find my way out of the city alive.

We had dinner at a local restaurant. I had never seen a Black, Asian or Latino person before. I had never heard anyone speak a language other than English. I had never heard any one swear or say the words shit and fuck in public. I had never seen women in short skirts or shorts.

The next morning Tom went off to work and I was alone. I turned on the television and was dumbfounded by the number of channels. At noon, there was a man at the door. He knocked, but I was afraid to answer it. The man had a key. He was a younger man, older than I was and younger than Tom.

"Oh, you're here!" he exclaimed. "I'm Bruce a pal of your Uncle. You must be Jacob?" I nodded.

"Tom asked me to stop by and see how you are doing," he said. "Would you like to go out to lunch? I have to go to see a man at the Met." I agreed. I didn't know what the Met was, but I figured I needed to get the lay of the land. We went off.

We walked a few blocks, went down some steps, and got on the subway. Bruce talked non-stop and tried to explain the subway to me. I hadn't known a subway existed. After a few transfers, we were in Manhattan. We walked a few blocks and entered a huge building, the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

He took me to the Roman and Greek galleries and told me to wander around for a while. He had to see a friend, but would be back in an hour. Statues of naked men and women filled the galleries. I was shocked. I was also excited. No one there seemed to be shocked. There were men women and children in the room. No one was bothered by the naked statues.

I tried not to look, but eventually I got use to the idea and looked. I felt an odd sensation. I was excited, sexually excited especially when looking at the male statues. I was wearing loose fitting pants so no one could tell.

There was a big statue of a Roman emperor that I liked. He was massive, but his genitals were small, much smaller than mine were. I had never seen other men naked, so I had no idea if I was just bigger than the emperor's equipment, of if I was perhaps deformed. Bruce was late getting back, so I had a lot of time to look. My cock was bigger than all of them except for some funny looking men on painted pots. They sported huge cocks and I assumed it must have been a joke.

Bruce appeared and we got a hot dog at a stand outside the museum. I could barely understand the man who owned the stand. I mentioned that to Bruce. He said, "Well that the Bronx for you." I had no idea what a Bronx was.

We returned to the museum and went to the Egyptian section. I asked if there was a section on Israel. Bruce said no. The Israelites didn't leave much behind, he explained. I went to the bathroom and the man at the next urinal was playing with his cock after he pissed. I glanced at him and he smiled. He was bigger than the Roman emperor was, but I was bigger than either of them men. He looked at mine. "You've got a nice one!" he whispered.

After a few hours, we went back to Brooklyn on the subway. Bruce got me a subway map. He tried to explain it to me. When we got back to the apartment, Tom was home. He went to work at 5:00 and got back at 3:30-4:00. He was in the shower.

"Is that you Jacob?" he called from the shower.

"Yes, I'm with Bruce." I replied.

Tom came in the room, drying himself. He was naked. His cock was definitely bigger than mine. "Did you have a good day?" he asked.

"I had to meet with Fred about the new exhibit at the museum," Bruce said. "I think I have the job." He went over to Tom and kissed him. I wasn't a romantic kiss, but it was a kiss. "Jacob saw the Roman and Greek galleries."

Tom smiled. "The museum isn't much like Salvation Falls, is it?"

""It was different." I said. Tom went back to his bedroom and dressed. I was more comfortable with him wearing clothes, but a little disappointed he wasn't naked anymore. Bruce stayed for dinner. Actually, he made dinner. Bruce said Tom was good at erecting steel, but a poor cook.

They talked to me about my future. I told them about my schooling in Salvation Falls. They weren't impressed. The problem wasn't that my computer skills were weak. I didn't know what a computer was. I didn't even know how to use the remote control on the television. We had only one channel at home. I was defensive about the whole thing. You don't want to learn that everything you had experienced for the first 23 years of your life was wrong or useless. You also don't want to be destitute and without any real job prospects.

I slept on the couch in the living room of the apartment. My mind was in turmoil, but I was also dead tired. I slept like a log. Tom was gone before I woke up but he left a note. Bruce called and said a friend of his was going to drop by at lunchtime. "Nathan is a character, but he's fun," he said.

Nathan was a floral designer who did big events, weddings, Bar Mitzvahs and corporate receptions. He was between gigs. I later found out he was what was called a flaming fag. He also needed labor. The flower stuff he did with his pals; he needed a man to move the flowers and haul them into place. He asked me if I could help. I agreed. I figured how bad could moving a vase of flowers be.

It wasn't as simple as that. I was to help Rodger, and old friends of his. Rodger was recovering from a heart attack and could do nothing other than give directions. Some of Nathan's flower arrangements were five or six feet high. They were massive, complex and delicate. Luckily, I do whatever I am told and am careful. Nathan was happy with my work and I made some money.

I also discovered another weakness in my upbringing that worked to my advantage. I was shy and timid and had been repeatedly warned about the problems of sin and sexual depravity. Rev. Johnny and my folks were worried about that. I was home schooled and had few friends of my age to talk too.

My Dad told me to avoid sexual depravity, but he never told me what it was. I tried to ask him once but he told it was wrong to ask. It was somehow related to the part of me he referred to as down there, but that was all he would say except that loose women had something to do with it. I wasn't a very imaginative boy and I let it go at that.

I also guessed nudity had something to do with it. Mom and Dad were always fully dressed and most proper. Dad frowned on an unfastened button on my shirt. My life was limited, but it had been the only life I knew and I accepted it without reservation.

I had seen naked statues in the museum and Uncle Tom naked in the apartment. No one seemed to think that was odd or unusual and no one suggested it was sinful. I correctly guessed New York had different standards than Salvation Falls.

Nathan and his band of happy florists had very different standards. They were cheerful but eccentric men. My parents warned me about the dangers of sex with lose women, but it hadn't occurred to me you could have sex with men.

Nathan didn't talk about sex ever. He talked about having some fun, a spin or messing around. His crew didn't either. No one ever swore or said bad words, or at least any words I understood. I later found out this was because of an incident at a party years before when one of his staff said something at a children's birthday party. The word got out that his company was not suited for public events. No one said anything when they were working on a job just in case someone could over hear.

Since I had recently lost my parents, they were all nice to me, although some of them thought I was odd. One of the florists was a man about my age, Donnie. He sort of took me under his wing. He was a nice person and we talked. More correctly, he talked. Donnie told me useful things like where the nearest drug store was located.

I told him about my sex problem. He didn't make fun of me. He said his younger brother was clueless too, so he knew what I was worried about. Donnie told me he liked to mess around with men, but he was okay with women too if I was in to that. He told me sex involved the cock. Donnie explained sex with women. That wasn't part of my parents' educational scheme.

I asked him how you knew if you were into women. "Most guys just know," he said. "They look at them, dream about them and want to be with them."

"That doesn't seem to be me," I said and then I asked what sex with men was like.

Donnie explained that too. I was clueless, but I got an erection. Donnie noticed that. I was embarrassed, but he didn't mind. He told me most men's cocks seemed to have a mind of their own. It didn't bother me at all.

My sexual education took a big step forward a week later. We were doing a big wedding on Long Island when the crew had to get more flowers. I remained setting the vases on tables. The missing flowers were in the Bronx, so I had three hours to kill. I made myself useful, and that was appreciated. An older man was in charge, but there was a lull in the work. The man, Hank, reminded me a little of Uncle Tom, but was heavier.

He asked if I wanted a coke and we went to a little cottage. We talked and little and he took a shower. As I said, he was a big man and tended to sweat a lot. He had been there all day and needed to clean up. I found myself hoping against hope he would come out of the shower naked like Uncle Tom.

That was exactly what happened. My parents would have attributed this to the power of prayer. I thought it might be mental telepathy. I had seen a television program on that. Naked, Hank reminded me of a Gorilla. He wasn't anywhere as big as Tom and was uncut. I had never seen an uncut cock before.

"You can take a shower if you want," Hank said. I didn't want to, but I tend to do what I am told. I took the shower. When I got out, he was waiting for me with a towel. My cock was a little excited.

"Aren't you looking good!" he said as he gave me the towel. I took the towel. He sank to his knees and he kissed and then swallowed my cock. I wasn't exactly shocked. I was too surprised to be shocked. When the surprise wore off it felt so good I could do nothing but react to the pleasure.

The sensations were all new to me and so far beyond anything I had felt before, I was dizzy. There had been much talk about the rapture at Salvation Falls; I thought this might be it. When they talked about the rapture, they didn't mention that a cock and a very hairy man might be involved, but they were never much into detail.

I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much. My Dad talked about the overwhelming joy of faith, but it think this was way beyond what he was talking about. My cock was harder than it had ever been before.

I became very excited, but it took time to get me to shoot off. I had one or two orgasms before, but they were accidental and rare. I'm not sure I had connected the genital stimulation and the orgasm.

As Hank sucked me, I somehow instinctively knew something big would eventually happen, but I was genuinely ignorant of exactly what. Had I been able to think clearly I would have guessed and ascent to heaven was most likely. I felt pressure build up to an almost unbearable point. I teetered on the edge then I felt explosive relief.

Twenty-three years of bottled up emotion spewed through my cock. I could hardly breathe. I almost passed out it was so intense. Hank kept on licking my organ and he took the stuff I was shooting from my cock.

The explosions from my cock began to diminish, but Hank kept on licking. My cock became very sensitive. His tongue was driving me crazy. I thought I had done something wrong, but if I had, it didn't bother Hank. He looked up at me. "Damn, that was good," he said.

He stood and I dropped to my knees. I was dizzy and felt a little unstable. Hank held me steady. I was nose to cock with him. His organ was partially hard and his cock head peaked out of the foreskin. I didn't know what to do. For some reason I leaned forward and took the tip of his cock into my mouth.

"That's it baby," Hank moaned. "Just suck it."

The idea of sucking on a cock had never occurred to me. Had it occurred, I would have been repulsed at the very thought. In reality, I became excited again. I was hard and more than willing to suck on Hank's cock.

Willing was the wrong word. I was driven. Hank moaned and filled my mouth with creamy stuff. My tongue was at his slit when it started. I felt the cream spurting against the tip of my tongue and then the cream enveloped my tongue. I was going to spit it out, but I swallowed it instead. My excitement grew.

I didn't know what to expect, but I had no idea sucking on Hank's cock would be that exciting. I sucked every drop of man cream from Hank's organ and I wanted more. When I finished, we showered together and returned to work. He gave me his phone number.

I knew nothing about sex other than I should avoid it and loose women. I had certainly avoided loose women, but I strongly suspected Hank and I had sex. If it was bad or evil, it certainly was enjoyable. In my heart, I also knew I wanted to do it again.

Next: Chapter 2

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