
By Dick Mann

Published on Jan 10, 2020



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I pulled into the lot behind the abandoned warehouse. Four other cars were parked there already. David had said to use only the door on the right. I rang the bell and the door buzzed. Entering there was a stairway going down. At the bottom of the steps there was a long narrow passageway with only one dim bulb about fifty feet down.

Taking a deep breath, I headed towards it. Did I really want to go through with this? What was I thinking; this saintly former Baptist preacher caught up in a web of darkness. How had it all started?

Robert! Oh yes, Robert! Oh it had all started as innocently as we chatted on-line. Sharing titillating tales of what we would like to do. Sure, we shared pictures that we had captured from various groups and sites that we frequented separately and together. We spoke often about the things that we would enjoy doing together but as we lived thousands of miles apart, the likelihood of that ever happening was most unlikely.

I reached the end of the passageway and faced a door. Opening it I found a dimly lit room with a coat rack and a sign that read, "Please hang ALL clothing here. Press the release on the door and enter." I quickly undressed. David had advised me to wear as little as possible.

I should mention that I had met David one day while chatting on the infamous 748 phone line. You see for the most part I was a fantasy player, I mean talk about safe-sex. That's about as safe as you can get, you do it all in your mind, but David was different. David was very real and David had introduced me to Satan! Ah, Satan! Fuck! I was getting a hardon just at the thought.

I pressed the door release and entered a small reception area, dimly lighted with smoked mirrors on all the walls. I glanced at my reflection and somewhat shuddered at the image. What the fuck was I doing here, a pot-bellied old man but blessed with what has been called a beautiful cock, I turned and caught a glimpse of my ass, that too though not still prime, it would pass for Grade A.

One of the panels opened and I was told to enter. I stepped into a large room, dark except for a blue spotlight shining down in the middle of the room. On the floor was florescent tape marking a path towards the center. I began slowly walking down the path. As I neared the center I could see a large iridescent pentagram painted on the floor.

At the outer points of the pentagram men were standing dressed in black robes with hoods over their heads. I could faintly hear what sounded like Gregorian chant in the background. As I neared the center of the path it led to a small platform approximately knee high, reaching it I was instructed to be seated.

As I sat, the blue spot dimmed to illumine only the center of the pentagram, which was the small platform.

It seemed that out of nowhere a black robed figure appeared, as he neared me he unloosed the robe and the front opened displaying his cock and balls encased in a leather pouch.

As quickly as he appeared, another figure appeared his cock adorned with a sterling silver PA. I could not help but to bow in submission to it.

"Do you come to this place of your own free will?"

"I do."

"Do you reject the old religion of your youth?"

"I do."

"Do you accept the freedom that only comes through Satan?"


The first figure pulled me back so that my buttocks were rested on the edge of the platform and elevated with a soft leather pillow. He removed the pouch that encased his cock and balls revealing his thick uncut cock and positioned himself astride my chest so that his balls were only inches from my face. A pillow was placed under my head, elevating it just enough that my lips and nose grazed his hairy balls.

My ass was being anointed with warm piss. Two strong gloved hands began massaging and gripping my ass cheeks. A finger slipped into me, working around the inside of my rectum pressing against my prostate. Another gloved hand began rubbing my balls with warm oil. He grasped my balls between his thumb and index finger and clasps a metal ball stretcher on me.

"All is ready." A voice in the darkness spoke,

I felt the cold edge of the silver p/a at the entrance of my oiled ass hole. "Prepare to receive the Sword of Salvation." With one powerful thrust the cock entered me. I felt as though my anal wall was being split. He kept it deep within me with no motion to allow me to adjust to his sword.

A cloth sprinkled with poppers was brought down over my face. The cock that had entered me began to move very slowly in and out. It seemed that with each inward thrust the oil mixed with fresh piss became more plentiful so that his cock moved easily in and out of my ass.

Opening my eyes I saw the most beautiful set of balls I could ever imagine being lowered to my mouth. As they came closer I opened my mouth to receive them. Just as my tongue grazed the sweaty ball sack he moved slightly forward and his trench was above my mouth. "Prepare to receive the body of Christ." A host dropped from the ass cheeks into my mouth. Immediately his cock pointed to my mouth and he released the golden wine of Satan. I closed my lips around the fountain and swallowed every ounce of his precious wine. When the vessel was empty, it was withdrawn from my mouth and the remaining drops were gently wiped across my lips.

The brother fucking me was pounding my ass now and as he drove his demon cock deep within me I pushed against it to drive it farther.

The blue spotlight faded to a blood red and very slowly opened to flood the entire pentagram.

"Fuck me! Fuck my goddamn ass!" I hissed between clenched teeth. "Fuck me with the unholy cock of SATAN." I yelled. "FUCK ME GODDAMNIT, FUCK ME IN THE NAME OF SATAN!

Looking up I was staring into a black mask with only the piercing eyes visible to me. "Welcome to hell my brother." I felt his cock erupt inside me filling me with his burning hot cum. His cock gave a final thrust and I felt my balls release the torrent of cum that had been building.

Immediately the platform was surrounded by men stroking their cocks. Separately and together they began to spill their demon seed over my body.

"Welcome to the Unholy Order of the Sons of Satan" said the brother who had fucked me as he pulled off his mask. It was David.


Dick Mann

What was I getting myself into? I wondered as I drove down the highway. Jesus Christ, just a year ago I was about the straightest guy you can imagine. Sure I was gay and had done my share of fucking around in my forty-five years but Christ, in the last six months I had gone from a Baptist preacher to becoming a Satanist, confirmed a month ago with the sword of David.

Tonight, December 21 I am going to a ritual seeding and I am the one to be seeded. I will take on the DNA of a brother Satanist whom I have never met and will never know. My mind is racing as I think about my journey.

"Jesus, I must be getting near the turnoff." I glanced down at the directions David had given me. Pine Ridge Drive Exit. "Fuck, what am I doing? Do I really want to go through with this? Should I take the next exit and head home? Oh fuck, it IS the next exit. Well, I can just take the return entrance. Oh shit, no re-entry it says. Oh well! Here goes." I glanced down at my dick that I had out over the top of my sweats and grabbed it with my left hand. "Baby you is in for a good time tonight."

I merged over to the right lane. "Turn left at the intersection and travel 12 miles to Falls Church Road." God it's cold. Five twenty and it's almost dark. Ah, here's the exit and there's the intersection. Jesus could it be any more desolate?" Take a left onto Falls Church to Broken Tree Rd. and turn left. Follow that road till you arrive. "What the fuck, till you arrive' How the fuck will I know? We'll see Mr. David. Here's the turn."

I turned onto a one lane gravel road that was walled with thick trees on either side. It looked as though it hadn't been traveled in years. The last glimmers of twilight could be seen through the trees. And then it was total darkness except for the headlights of my car. "Damn, how far till I `arrive?' I wondered. I continued on for another few minutes and the road ended in a field with a lone white church standing in the middle of it.

I parked the car and got out. "Is this it? It has to be. I followed the directions exactly". I thought as I walked toward the abandoned church. There were no other cars around and no sign of life. The door to the church was partially opened so I pushed against it and went in. There was a candle burning on the altar.

This was just too fucking weird I thought as I walked down the center aisle towards the light. Stone Circle was playing in the background and as I approached the altar twelve men stepped out of the darkness.

"Welcome brother" the man standing behind the candle said. Two hands on either side began to raise my sweat shirt and four others lowered my sweat pants. "Kneel!" the voce commanded Suddenly Mouthful blasted out over the sound system and a cock was shoved in my mouth. "Drink supplicant! Drink from this unholy fountain." He said as he let loose his hot sweet piss down my parched throat. I suddenly felt streams of hot piss raining down on me from all directions. My cock was standing straight up as streams of Satan's piss poured over me.

"You are here to receive the final gift of Satan. By your presence you have stated that this is your will." Someone said. I was lifted under my arms and laid on a sling. My legs were raised and shackled to the straps holding the sling. My arms were bound to poles on either side. "Prepare the convert for breeding" As I lay there stretched out I felt two gloved hands on my ass cheeks. They were lubed with warm oil. A finger entered my hole. It worked its way deep inside me pressing against my prostate gland. Then a second and third finger entered stretching me. The fingers were removed.

I felt the head of a cock sliding between my cheeks. As it reached my stretched hole I felt him push the thick head in. Very slowly I felt the rest of this unknown cock enter my body stretching my hole more than I was accustomed to. When it was totally inside me he held still to give me an opportunity to adjust to the size and then he began slowly withdrawing it until just the head remained.

With one forceful plunge he rammed back inside me causing me to gasp in pain. He continued this for several strokes then pulled out completely. He was replaced by another cock, which was not quite as thick but seemed much longer. This brother shoved his cock in and used a twisting motion as he moved in and out of me. Again he only stayed inside me for a short time when he withdrew to be followed by a third brother.

This continued until all twelve cocks had been inside me. None of them had cum but I felt moisture in my ass and could only guess that there was some bleeding internally.

"He is ready."

"Prepare to receive the Seed of Satan!"

I felt the tip of a cock at my hole and the indescribable sensation of it sliding easily into my ass. The brother began slowly to fuck me then gradually increasing his speed until I felt his cock swell. Someone covered my face with a cloth soaked in poppers and I inhaled deeply. As the warm rush filled my body I felt the gush of warm liquid flooding my bowel and knew that I had been filled.

Immediately a second brother took his place and fucked me hard driving his cock deep inside me. The mixture of blood and cum made his cock glide easily in and out until once again I felt that warm sensation filling me. The others in turn fucked my dripping ass. I could feel it burning as the soft lining of my ass was torn.

The last to enter me was the first who had opened my ass. This was the final charge. I could feel the cum running out of my ass. He scooped it up and pushed it back into me then rammed his hard fat cock deep inside me fucking me harder than any of the others.

My cock was straining to cum. I have never been able to produce pre-cum but I could feel the moisture pouring out of my engorged cock from all the pressure that had been placed on my prostate.

My final charger took his time fucking me. He fucked hard and fast then slow and easy until I felt his cock swell and then in several hard deep thrust he deposited his toxic load deep inside my cum filled ass. As his orgasm ended he pulled out and placed his mouth over my cock head and began sucking my cock. I felt the cum rushing from my balls up the length of my cock exploding in his mouth.

I was released from the sling and carried to a bed. The hood was removed from my head and I faced twelve of the most incredible specimens of manhood that I could ever imagine.

"Hail the sacred toxic seed of Satan" they said in unison. "Welcome to the brotherhood."

I was led to a shower room where a butt plug was inserted and told I was free to clean myself off. I spent a long time in the shower thinking about what had just occurred. Though I had just minutes before experienced the most intense orgasm of my life, my cock stood hard and proud. When I finished with my shower I took the towel and dried myself off and reentered the main room.

The brother that had fucked me last was in the sling inviting me to deposit my first charged load in his waiting hole.

How It All Began



I suppose I should tell you a bit about who I am or was. My name is Mark Scott. I'm an average sort of guy. In my prime I was 5'9" about 140, decent enough looking, a 32" waist and just short of 6" cut dick. I grew up in a mid-sized town in Kentucky and went to a Southern Baptist church.

There wasn't much else to do socially in my limited environment and certainly nothing resembling sex was ever discussed. Most of what I learned about it was either from other kids who knew as little about it as I, or from the secret stash of porn that my dad had in his top dresser drawer. Now that was an education.

Yeah, I spent many an hour jerking off to those. It was straight but still hot and I was always more interested in what the men were doing in the pictures than the women, though I did sometimes put myself in the place of the women who were sucking cocks.

I do remember that I was always fascinated with sex, even as a kid. Perhaps because at home it was a verboten subject when on those rare occasions it was mentioned the terms used were spoken in hushed tones as though it were something very mysterious and somehow dirty. So through my teen years I was a good boy and didn't have sex with anyone except myself. I lived a sexual fantasy life.

That all changed one summer night when I was 17. The organist at my church resigned and we had a substitute until a full time organist could be found. I had arranged to meet with him to practice a solo I was doing the following Sunday. The practice went very well. He complimented me on my technique and my voice. He pulled out some other music and asked if I was familiar with any of them, there were a couple of them that I had heard and some I had never even heard of. Just for the fun of it he suggested running through a couple.

I had nothing else to do and besides I really liked him so I agreed. In order to read the words and see the music I slid next to him on the organ bench. So I could see the music. He played through the first piece so I could at least be familiar with how it went, then we sang it together.

I found it somehow exciting when his right leg would touch my leg as he worked the pedals and felt a stirring in my dick. We ran through a couple of songs and my dick was fully erect.

The last thing he had me do was Panis Angelicus and when I finished he turned to me put his arms around me and gave me a kiss. "That was beautiful Mark." He said as the kiss ended. I was dumbfounded. I had never imagined a kiss could feel so wonderful. My mouth dropped wide open and I let out a gasp.

"Do you have to be home by a certain time?" he said as the kiss ended. "Not really" I said. "It's Friday night and so long as I call home to let my folks know I can stay out."

"Good, if you'd like why don't we run by my place have something to drink and get to know each other better?" He said. "That sounds good. I'm kind of dry after all the singing."

We grabbed our jackets and headed out to the parking lot. "You really do have a good voice. Have you ever considered taking lessons?" I told him that I had had a couple of years when I was younger but that I'd given them up when my dad lost his job.

"You should reconsider." He said. "In fact, would you consider studying with me for a bit? No charge." "Are you serious?" I asked. "Of course I am." He said as he opened the car door. "Then yes, I'd love to. I really miss it."

The short drive to John's house was filled with pretty idle chit-chat asking me about school and stuff like that. Every once in a while he would ask me something and grab my thigh when he did. It seemed like each time he grabbed it was just a bit higher and closer to my crotch.

By the time we turned into his driveway and pulled into the garage, my dick was fully erect from his touching. As we got out of the car and he closed the garage door, he grabbed me and kissed me hard.

"Come on, let's get inside" he said opening the door to his house. I followed him into the kitchen. We immediately began to undress. He bent me over the counter and began eating my ass which drove me crazy.

A few minutes of that and I turned around and began sucking his dick. It seemed his cock grew even harder as my lips moved up and down the shaft. "I want to fuck you" he said pulling out of my mouth and again bending me over the counter.

He moistened his dick with spit and slowly pushed against my tight virgin hole. As the head pushed in I felt as though I was being split open and cried out in pain. "Just relax baby and take a whiff of this." He said holding a small brown bottle under my nose. "Close one nostril and breathe in then switch.

I did as he said and felt a warm glow spread throughout my body and his cock seemed to glide smoothly inside my body. "Oh my god John, that feels so good... Ahhhhhhh! Yes, fuck me." I said reveling in the feeling I was experiencing.

"You have an amazing ass Mark. It is prime. It deserves to be used and used often." He whispered in my ear. "Never waste or deny it."

He continued fucking me slowly increasing the speed but never forcefully until he emptied his cum deep inside me. Then gave me a warm tender kiss.

I continued seeing John for several months every Friday night after choir practice and after my voice lesson, sometimes before we would have sex. And then one night he told me he was leaving to move to Chicago and would be going on a concert tour.

I was of course devastated because I had fallen madly in love with him and imagined the perfect life with him.

He left town the next Monday after saying his good-byes at church to much congratulatory goings on. I totally hung back from it all for fear I would break into tears.

I determined that I would never succumb to such behavior again and rededicated my life to Jesus and became again the perfect example of what a fine Christian young man should be.

But somewhere along the way I had heard about an area of town where sex between men took place at night with no questions asked. It was an unsavory part of town down by the river where there were several warehouses and large trucks park for loading and unloading merchandise.

I began sneaking down there just to watch what went on. It didn't take long for me to start taking part in the things I witnessed. One Saturday afternoon I wandered down and there were two guys standing by an empty truck. They motioned for me to come over.

One of them took his dick out and said I could suck it if I wanted to. I dropped to my knees and swallowed him. The other guy lowered my jeans and slid a well lubed dick in my ass. Soon a couple other guys came over and watching. I was begging the dude fucking me to plow my ass harder. I was loving it.

"Oh god, yes, fuck it goddamnit. Fuck it" I was shouting. And he did and so did every guy there and I LOVED IT!

So that my friends is how it all started me on this road of whatever it is that I am on.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjjoyed writing it. I'd love to hear your reaction at

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