Sailors Fantasy

By Don G

Published on Nov 27, 2005


Saturday morning arrived, once again. James walked to the door and opened it. "Come on in gentlemen." He turned back to the middle of the room and took a seat in his overstuffed armchair. Kline entered, followed by Hanson. Once again, there was some food spread out on the coffee table with three steaming mugs of coffee.

Kline walked immediately to the couch and sat in front of "his" mug. He looked at the fruit and breads in front of him and felt his stomach give an unhappy growl. He chose a warm, flakey croissant and eagerly bit into it.

Hanson shook his head at the man then sat down beside him. "What?" Kline asked, and washed down his food with a swig of coffee. He swallowed and arched his eyebrow at Hanson. "I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry." The Captain picked up his coffee and sipped it. He noticed Crawford watching them, but didn't let that bother him.

James observed the two marines as they talked and traded little barbs with one another. He found himself even more interested in the dynamic between the men when he wasn't involved in their discussion. He filed that away for possible future use. At a lull in the conversation he finally spoke.

"Sirs. How are you both?" James picked up a banana and began peeling the fruit.

"Fine as can be expected." Hanson said. He frowned at the sailor. "So, Crawford. What the hell did you do to make the General get in my face when I asked about you?"

James was a little surprised. He had misjudged the Captain's tenacity. "You asked the General about me?" He smiled. "Well, I prepared for such a thing, but I wasn't sure I'd need to." He looked at Hanson, reappraising him. "Now I'm glad I did."

"What do you mean?" Kline looked at James critically. "What did you do?"

James' grin widened. "Oh, lets just say I have pictures of more that just you two in my archives."

"Crawford, there's no way you blackmailed the General like you did us." Hanson shook his head. "I just can't believe that."

James laughed and absently scratched his belly under his t-shirt. "Well sir, you're half-right. I didn't blackmail the General the same way you two were tricked. He took a more ... calculated approach." James took an unrushed bite of his banana. He reveled a bit in the obvious impatience of his guests as he took his time chewing the fruit. Finally he continued with his explanation.

"General Jamison is a proud man. His family boasts two generations of Marine Corps officers, and he was understandably thrilled when his own son, Kyle Jamison, became a cadet, on track to be an officer in the corps." Crawford took another bite of his banana and swallowed. "Now, Kyle is young. He's only 20." He smiled rather evilly. "And young men can be very trusting."

"What ... what did you do, Crawford?" Hanson had no idea James had his hands in so many convoluted plots.

James finished his banana and looked thoughtful. "Well, I invited him over to a party. I never gave him my rank, and he never asked. For all he knew, I was a junior officer in the corps." He smiled. "While I didn't say that, I did nothing to discourage the idea. Anyway, he arrived and a few of my closer friends were here." He smirked. "Poor boy. He didn't really have a chance." James took another drink of his coffee. "We had some alcohol lying about for the party, and Kyle drank quite a bit. After a couple of hours, the young man could barely stand. About this time, three of my friends, encouraged by me, took it upon themselves to see what lay underneath Kyle's clothes."

"You let that kid get raped?" Hanson asked quietly, his fist clenched.

"Oh no." James frowned. "Please sir, I'm not a monster." He cleared his throat and continued. "Kyle was surprised at the attention he received from my friends, all very good looking, sturdy guys. After a few minutes of convincing, he was allowing himself to have his shoulders rubbed, then his back. I told the four of them they could use my room to lay down in if they wanted. Kyle hesitated a moment, then walked into the room. He was the first one in, as a matter of fact." James grinned. "I followed them inside, and watched as Kyle let himself be stripped by the boys. And of course I had my camera handy." James finished his coffee. "I have probably forty pictures of him in very incriminating positions."

"Then you sent the General the pictures." Kline said, amazed at the sailor's gall. "Why did you send them to the General?"

"Because I thought it might be a possibility that you two might ask him for help." Crawford stood, and an erection showed plainly through his shorts. Hanson and Kline were starting to get used to seeing him hard, and paid it little attention. "I planned that little man-on-man action for his son as a pre-emptive strike against such an event. I emailed the pictures to the General with specific instructions that if he heard anything about me from any of his officers, then he was to put a stop to it." James grinned. "Apparently, it worked quite well."

Hanson's mind processed all this rapidly. He was getting used to being shocked, and he recovered faster each time it happened. He looked at Crawford with a hooded gaze. "You know you're going to slip up eventually, right?"

"Oh, I don't have to keep this going forever." James walked to his bedroom and opened the door. "There are only six more weeks and some change left on my enlistment. I only have to keep ahead of you and the Lt. for that long." He turned and gave a lop-sided grin at the men. "I've done a pretty good job of it so far, wouldn't you say?" Then he turned and entered the room. "You know the drill. Come in when you're finished eating." Softly, the door closed.

Kline and Hanson sat, and then looked at one another. The Captain shook his head and nodded toward an apple. "Hand me that, would you?" Kline gave him the fruit and Hanson bit into it. He sighed as he ate.

"If he gives us a choice, what are we going to pick?"

Kline looked over at him. "Well, depends on the choices. But I'd rather him not touch me at all." He shrugged. "That's just me."

Hanson nodded. "Yeah. Me too." They sat while the Captain ate his apple. Finally, he stood and wiped his hands on his pants. He inhaled deeply and turned to Kline as the Lt. got up off the couch. "We both agree then? We'll do whatever he says to each other rather than let him get us off?"

"Yes sir." Kline sighed. "Sorry, ahead of time."

"Yeah. Same here." He reached for the door. "Let's do this then."

Kline opened the door followed closely by Hanson. Both the men entered, eager to get this session over with. James sat in the same place. This time, he was wearing nothing at all, and he played idly with his dick as he watched the marines enter. Hanson felt like a fly taking steps into a spider's lair as he glanced at Crawford and saw the hungry look on his face.

"Both of you: strip." James watched as the men took off their clothes and folded them neatly beside the bed. He looked in silent appraisal at them both. Hanson could feel the warmth of Kline's naked body near him and felt the first stirrings of an erection begin. He gritted his teeth against the automatic reaction and tried to stop it. He saw a smile spread across Crawford's face and he realized his struggle had been noticed.

"Damn it." He swore. His dick slowly swelled until it was fully erect and obvious. Kline looked first at his face, then down at his crotch.

"Wow. What the hell were you thinking about?"

Crawford didn't give Hanson a chance to answer. "Lt. Go lay down on the bed on your belly." It was Kline's turn to swear and he gave the Captain's boner a worried glance. Then he walked to the bed and lay down on his stomach as he was told.

Hanson stood there with a raging hard-on, waiting for Crawford to give him his next order. He glared at James as the sailor stroked his own cock. "Go sit beside him, sir."

He did as he was told. Hanson walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, next to Kline. The Lt had his face pointed the other direction and opened and closed his hands in nervousness.

"Take the massage oil from the headboard and rub it on Lt. Kline's back." James watched as the Captain took the bottle of oil and put some of it in his hands. He suppressed a grunt of satisfaction as Hanson began rubbing the big man's back with the oil.

Kline felt the warm, slick hands of Hanson on his back and despite feeling so tense earlier, piece-by-piece, he began to relax. The Captain had strong hands that didn't seem to tire, and he rubbed Kline's muscular back roughly. Kline felt his dick stir, and knew he wouldn't be able to stop himself from getting hard. He gave into the inevitability of it and simply enjoyed his backrub.

"That feels good." Kline murmured. He lifted his hips and adjusted his cock so it was comfortable. Hanson noticed the maneuver and swallowed. His own dick was still standing straight up, begging for attention.

Hanson got up on the bed and straddled one of Kline's legs to reach him easier. He let himself find a rhythm, and rubbed Kline. He realized that his balls and ass were sitting on Kline's muscled leg, and for some reason he got even harder. Kline felt the Captain sitting on his hamstring and grinned. He flexed his leg under the Captain.

Hanson inhaled sharply. The muscles moving under him created a very odd sensation in his ass and nuts. It wasn't unpleasant; just alien and novel. He settled down a little more on the muscles and felt Kline do it again. This time he bit back a moan. It felt good, and he knew Kline was doing it on purpose.

"Kline. You're turning me on." Hanson said quietly so only the Lt. could hear. "Do you really want to do that?"

Kline looked over his shoulder at Hanson. "Why not? Maybe this'll go faster that way." Hanson couldn't really argue with him. And he DID like it. Periodically while Hanson rubbed Kline's back, the Lt. would flex his leg. Hanson found himself letting his entire weight settle on Kline's hamstring and it was all he could do not to groan in pleasure when the muscles moved beneath him.

"Captain Hanson," James said quietly, "rub Lt. Kline's entire backside. Back, ass and legs."

Hanson nodded and let his hands wander down to Kline's firm rear. His fingers were nearly dry now and he took the bottle of massage oil and poured some of the almond scented stuff in his palm and rubbed his hands together. Then he went back to kneading the muscles of his Lt.

"Captain. Why don't you sit between his legs?" James smiled to himself as Hanson complied and Kline splayed his legs out slightly to accommodate him.

The Captain rubbed his hands down from Kline's shoulders, past his waist, and he paused at the man's rump. He rolled his balled fist into the muscles there, feeling them shift and move under his knuckles.

Kline groaned. "God."

Hanson was surprised to find he liked making the Lt. moan and groan. "Is that too hard?" He pushed the heel of his hand into the musculature of Kline's ass. The Lt. vigorously shook his head.

"No. It feels really good." Kline couldn't keep the tinge of lust out of his voice. "Keep doing it."

Hanson did. He ran his hands on down Kline's legs, and kneaded the muscles as he went. Kline writhed in pleasure, and was slowly losing control over himself.

"Goddamn it." He moaned again.

Hanson reached his feet and began to travel back up his body. As he did the head of his dick rubbed against the oiled skin of the Lt. He bit his lip as Kline moved his leg so it pressed against his cock and balls. The Captain got up to around mid-back and his cock touched Kline's ass.

"Lay on top of him." James jerked himself slowly, and gripped a dildo in his left hand. Hanson swallowed and tried to retain some control over himself. He lay down and his arms snaked under Kline's in an unconscious movement. His dick pressed against Kline's crack and he felt Kline's breathing pick up. He thought the man was starting to freak out.

"You ... you ok?" Hanson still lay on top of him, and kept his legs from moving himself against Kline's slick body.

"Oh yeah." Kline bowed his back, and forced his rump against Hanson's groin.

"Fuck ..." Hanson's dick slid in the groove of Kline's slippery ass. The Lt. did it again, and Hanson found himself pushing his hips forward as the Lt. pushed back. Hanson whispered in Kline's ear. "You're making me wanna fuck, Kline."

Kline felt Hanson start to buck his hips forward, and each time he did, Kline let out a little groan. Hanson lost the last vestiges of restraint and pushed his cock into Kline's ass.

"Unngh!" Kline arched his back. He felt his sphincter give way and he was surprised by the new feeling.

"Oh shit." Hanson said, realizing what had happened. "God man, I'm sorry." He pulled his hips back and felt his dick leave the warm wet confines of Kline's ass. He felt guilty at his desire to stay right where he was.

"It's ... it's all right." Kline recovered from his shock. He swallowed and pushed his hips back up against the Captain.

"Kline, what are you doing?" Hanson shook his head. "No man. We can't." Hanson strained against the over-whelming desire to fuck.

Kline kept pushing himself against the still hard cock resting in the crack of his ass. "Just do it sir." He tried to keep his voice even. "Just let yourself do it." Kline realized that he was trying to talk Hanson into screwing him, and he found that he didn't care.

Hanson frowned with panic. He could feel his will waver and he strained to keep his hips from slamming forward. "Fuck man." Kline pushed against him again. He felt that last bit of strength to resist crumble and his face took on an entirely different appearance. His eyes narrowed and he put one hand on Kline's head and bent to whisper in his ear. "You want it?" Hanson pushed his hips forward and his dick slid through Kline's sphincter. "You got it." Kline made a sound of absolute ecstasy and Hanson grunted with pleasure.

Hanson inched his way into the Lt. just a bit at a time. He was going crazy with sensation and bit the back of Kline's neck, leaving teeth marks and tasting the almond oil on his skin. Both of the men were nearly incoherent with lust and Hanson brought his hips back, then let them come forward. Gradually, he began to settle into a rhythm and any thoughts of trying to get away without screwing were gone. Kline was trying desperately to reach his dick underneath himself and wasn't meeting with much success. James made himself stop masturbating.

"Captain. Stop."

Hanson plunged his cock into the Lt. and growled. "Fuck off, Crawford." Lt. Kline seemed to have lost all capacity of speech and simply groaned.

"Stop." James' voice rang out again.

With great difficulty, Hanson stopped fucking and rested with his hips against Kline's ass. He lay there, glaring at James, panting with need and anger.

"Lt. Kline. Roll over." Hanson grudgingly pulled his dick out of the Lt. Kline rolled over and immediately he reached up and pulled Hanson down on top of him.

"Holy fuck, guys." James watched, wide-eyed, as Kline and Hanson kissed. Hanson opened his mouth and Kline stuck his tongue inside. Both of them tasted the other and once again, Hanson's hips pushed forward against Kline."

"Put his legs on your shoulders." James lubed his dildo and began working it into his ass as he watched the marines.

Hanson grabbed Kline's ankles and put them up on his muscled shoulders. He realized suddenly this was a marvelous way to access Kline's ass.

"Oh fuck." Kline gasped as Hanson wasted no time and pushed his hard dick back into him. Hanson leaned down and kissed Kline. His eyes rolled back in his skull and he began slamming his hips forward and back, gaining speed. One of the Captain's hands found Kline's cock, pulled the Lt's hands off of it and took it in his own. He stroked the man in time to the action of his hips.

The Captain felt Kline tensing as he neared orgasm. The Lt's eyes watered as his muscles started locking up, preparing for release.

"Hold on Kline." Hanson stopped playing with his dick. "I'm almost there." The Lt. opened his mouth to reply, but an inarticulate gasp was all the came out. He arched his back and Hanson felt his dick gripped tighter by Kline's sphincter.

With no one touching his cock, Kline began shooting. He shuddered as the orgasm wracked him, and Hanson hammered his ass in a frenzy. Semen streamed out of Kline and pooled on his belly.

"Ungh!" Hanson nearly roared when he came. His arms shook and he shot cum deep into Kline in pulses and groaned softly with each one.

Finished, Hanson collapsed on top of Kline and the Lt. wrapped his thick legs around the smaller officer's waist. Hanson lifted his chin and Kline put his hand on the back of the Captain's head and pulled him to his mouth. They kissed, gently now, then pulled apart as the moment passed.

Embarrassed, he pulled his dick out of Kline. The Lt. made a face as he did.

James lay back in his chair. An obviously used dildo was in one hand and his other was covered in semen. He brought his breathing under control and looked at the two sticky officers.

"Well, I didn't have much to do with that one at all." He grinned. "Good show, gentlemen." Gingerly, he got up and went out the door to the bathroom. "See you both next week." He said cheerfully.

Next: Chapter 7

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