Sailor on an Island

By Homer's Odyssey

Published on Apr 11, 2005


Well, for those Dudes who have been waiting for the second part of this story; here it is! The story is about MxM sex and if it is illegal for you to read this kind of matter where you are, then buzz off and come back when it is legal for you to read the story.

For you Dudes who are legal and have your trousers and shorts down, remember that his story does not mention safe sex and in this day and age of AIDS and STDs safe sex will save your life. You should take care so you will be reading my stories for a long time. At least wear condoms when you are having sex!

There is an easy quiz for this story and if you enjoyed it and want to drop me a line, do so at Homer's Odyssey That would make my editor (The Captain) and me swell with gratitude.

So for now, unzip and enjoy.

In the first episode we had a 20 year old U.S. Navy sailor stuck on a small island in the Pacific. The island was a part of a circular coral reef lagoon and the island had an airfield and port facilities for large ships.

There were about a dozen officers and a hundred or so enlisted sailors stationed on the island. Geoff, our hero, was living in a grass thatched building with a roommate, Storekeeper 2nd Class Lee. Lee was a year older than Geoff and was the poster boy sailor. Built like the proverbial brick shit house, he had blond hair and blue eyes. Geoff was slight of build and about 5 feet 10 inches tall. He worked out some and had some well defined muscles that gave him a sexy look. He had straight brown hair and his eye coloring was hazel. Geoff had just drifted away from a sexual affair with a Storekeeper named Craig. Geoff and Craig had been stroking each other's cock, dry fucking between each other's thighs, and some sucking of face. But when Craig wanted Geoff to suck him off, Geoff freaked out and they soon drifted their separate ways.

Geoff was an Air Controler at the airfield control tower and stood watches there for incoming planes and ships. He knew Morse code and could operate a search light blinker.

Now, since his break off with Craig, Geoff would draw his two can beer ration after evening chow and take it to the daily night movie and get a slight buzz on from the beer. Most nights he would go back to his shared thatched hut and drop off to sleep until his next watch at the airfield control tower. Usually he would stroke himself, clean up and drift off to sleep thinking of the hot times with Craig.

One night as Geoff lay in his cot reading one of the pocket books from the island library, he was disturbed by a knock on the frame of the door to Lee's and his room. It was a messenger from the small boat basin. The messenger told him that an Air Controller was needed at the boat basin. They wanted someone who understood Morse code and could operate a blinker light. With some grumbling Geoff slipped on his dungaree trousers and boots and followed the messenger to the boat basin.

On the way, he asked the messenger what was going on. The messenger told him that a motor launch was going out onto the lagoon and that they wanted a person who could send and receive Morse code to go along with the boat. Geoff made more grumbling noises and wondered why in hell they were sending a boat out this late at night! There was a bright full moon, but the night was still dark. This is how Geoff told the story to Bill, Dudes!

When I got to the boat basin, I found a couple of officers and a coxswain waiting. The officers, two Lieutenants Junior Grade (that is, a one and a half striper, equivalent to an Army First Lieutenant), seemed a little on the drunk side. One, called John, was helping the other lean against a post on the boat basin dock. The one leaning on the post was Lieutenant (JG) Mathew, Matt for short. Both officers were good looking dudes. They were dressed in their khaki uniforms with frame caps that had salt corroded gold braid. LT (JG) Matt had his shirt out of his khaki trousers and was pretty disheveled. LT (JG) John was still dressed and was taking charge of the situation. The officers had decided to take a moonlight ride to the next island where they planned on going swimming! They both had almost full bottles of bourbon in a paper bag. There also was a 12 pack of beer sitting on the dock next to the motor launch that had its motor running. Coxswain Jake came over and asked if I could run the boat radio and if I could work the blinker light. I told him, yes, and he turned to Lieutenant John and told him we were O.K. to shove off. As Jake turned back to the boat, he gave me a wink and a sly knowing grin before he picked up the 12 pack and put it aboard!

LT John had some trouble getting LT Matt to stand up, so I put one arm around him and LT John put his arm around him, too. Together we were able to get him into the boat. LT John made sure to pick up the paper bag with the bourbon bottles and stow it safely next to where LT Matt was sprawled on an inside seat of the boat.

LT John explained to no one in particular that he and LT Matt had been at the small Officers Club on our island and had decided to take a boat ride to the next island where there was a landing dock and a great swimming cove nearby. They couldn't get any other officers to come with them, but once started they were determined to go through with their midnight swim. The fact that neither of them had swimming trunks, and that LT Matt was close to passing out, should have given me a clue. Coxswain Jake was ready for anything that included liquor. He was eyeing the bag with the bourbon and looked as if he might have had a drink already.

Both Lieutenants were 25 or so and were well built! LT Matt sat up and took off his khaki shirt and then his white Navy T-shirt . His pecs were gorgeous and he had well muscled arms. He had light blond hair and his dusting of hair across the top of his chest led to a thin treasure trail down to the top of his khaki trousers. He sprawled back down on the inside seat and got hold of one of the bottles of bourbon and started drinking. LT John told him to stop, but LT Matt was too far gone to stop now.

I was seated in front of the radio and to the right of where Jake was tending the boat wheel. Jake was casually drinking from a beer can. LT John came over and sat beside me. The left side of his thigh and butt were pressed against me when he said, "You're going to have to help me get him to the swimming cove. If he doesn't stop drinking we may have to carry him!" He leaned over me, pressing into my groin, and handed one of the bourbon bottles to Jake. Jake quickly got rid of the beer can and took a long swig of bourbon.

We were not going fast, and in the moonlight we were sailing on a calm magical sea. Jake was keeping our port (that is left for you landlubbers) side of the launch on the side of a string of buoys and being careful to steer for the next island. LT John squeezed my cock and said in a whisper, "You horny, sailor? This is going to be one hot sexy night! Have a drink of this bourbon and we'll get a little drunk together. Jeez, your cock is hard already. Stick with me, kid, and I promise you a fantastic time. I'm afraid that Matt is past it but we can only try." With that, he began stroking the denim of my crotch and I got horny as hell!

All too soon we came to the boat dock on the next island and I had to get up and help Jake tie up the launch. That was difficult to do, as we both had raging boners. When the launch was secure, Jake and I helped LT John pull LT Matt out of the launch and onto the dock. LT Matt seemed to have sobered a bit and was even able to walk a little on his own. LT John took him by the arm and steered him to a small foot path along the side of the lagoon. They were soon out of sight.

I turned to Jake and said, "What now, do we just wait here for them to go swimming and then come back to the launch?" "Naw," he said, "we can drink some of this good bourbon and watch the stars and moon. When we get tired of that, we can sneak around and watch them get it on and see who gets fucked tonight! Last time I was out with them, I got the blow job of my life! Wouldn't mind having that LT Matt do me again! In the meantime, let's just sip bourbon and see what happens!"

It was fifteen minutes or half an hour later when LT John came back and told us that LT Matt had passed out and LT John would need some help getting him back to the launch. He told Jake to watch the launch and listen on the radio while he and I went back to where he had left LT Matt. As LT John and I left, Jake whispered in my ear, "Go for it, sailor! LT John is one hot guy and he can suck the shit out of you. Maybe when you guys get back I can get a blow job too!" I smiled and followed LT John on the path around the edge of the lagoon.

When we got to a neat little cove on the lagoon, we found LT Matt lying in the grass that lined the cove. He was mumbling something or other. LT John said, "Before we go back, I want to go swimming. I'll be damned if I came all this way and didn't get to go swimming! How about you, Geoff? Why don't we get naked and get into that warm water?" I thought, what the hell. I could go swimming and just see what developed. My hard on was getting uncomfortable and, besides, I was sort of anxious to see the LT naked.

We both stripped and checked each other out. First, I noticed that we were both hard, then I saw that LT John was a hunk. His bod was sculpted, and hairless on his chest. His pubes were covered with a silky blond bush. He was gorgeous enough to make the blood run fast in my own bod. What he saw was a 20 year old young stud who was hot and horny. I worked out some, so I had some pretty well defined muscles. John looked at me and said, "You're a hot looking sailor! I'll bet all the other sailors on the island can't wait to get into your trousers. Let's get into the water and do some swimming!"

I didn't need another reason to get my naked bod into the water. We were both soon paddling and floating in the water. At the deepest part of the cove the water was chest deep, and as I reached that part I felt John come up behind me and press the front of his bod into my back. His hard cock was pressed against the crack between the cheeks of my ass. He whispered in my ear, "Baby, let's fool around and maybe I can even suck your cock if you want! I'm horny and Matt isn't going to be worth a fuck tonight. Will you let me play with you instead?" With that we both turned around into each others arms and pressed our naked bods into each other. I moaned and pulled him in hard against me and felt his hand pressing into the crack of my ass! He pressed one of his fingers into the opening of my ass hole and at the same time brought our mouths against each other and put his tongue against mine. We were swaying tightly against each other, with our raging cocks trying to penetrate the flesh of our pubes.

"Come on," he said, as he took my hand and led me out of the water near to where Matt was lying. As we lay down on the lush grass, he said, "Baby, I want you to fuck me, but first I'll get you ready by sucking your cock. Spread your legs and let me have that stiff prick in my mouth!" I was crazy with lust and forgot all about any inhibitions that I had with Craig. I wanted to fuck him! I wanted him to suck me! I even wanted to suck him and do anything he wanted me to do for him. As inexperienced as I was, I wanted to use my bod to pleasure him. I might even have tried to let him fuck me. I was that crazy with lust to join our bods together in an orgy of male sex and cum.

He bent over my cock and took it in his mouth. I had never felt anything like it. He first tongued the tip of my cut cock! Then he licked down the sides of my thin 6 1/2 inch rod. When I could hardly stand it any longer, he pressed his mouth completely around my cock and sucked it down to where his face was pressing against my pubes. I went wild! This was the very first time anyone had ever taken my cock into his bod. He was an expert, though, and didn't want me to come in his mouth. He really wanted me deep in his ass hole and then I could come. God, he was so great! When he pulled off of my cock it was like the popping of a cork. He said, "Now Baby, slide that tool into its nest, slowly at first, and then I am going to fuck you dry of all of that virgin cum!"

He got on his hands and knees and presented me with his ass in the air. It didn't take me long to press my raging hot cock into his sweet ass hole! It went in like butter. The first thrust went deep into him and I felt my balls pressing against the cheeks of his bubble ass. The rhythm was primeval. I was thrusting in and out and as I thrust in he would relax his sphincter muscles! When I pulled back he would tighten up and squeeze my cock in his ass. God! How could I stand it! I went rigid and started to shoot cum into his ass as if there were no tomorrow. The sensation of shooting and the rubbing of my cock in his ass drove me wild. I managed to keep my cock in his ass and he was crying out for me to fuck him harder. When we finally collapsed I was ready to do anything for him. I got on my knees over him and hungrily put my mouth over his cock and started giving him the first real blow job I had ever given! At first he tried to push me away, but as I got better at it he relaxed and seemed to enjoy it. When he was about to come he pulled away and told me to finish him off with my hand. I stroked him a couple of times, squeezing and caressing his cock! When he shot it was like a fountain. His cum went all over our bods. It almost made me hard again. He rolled over onto me and started kissing me and stroking my back. Then he got off of me and took my hand and pulled me to the water. He started, and I followed, in scrubbing each other free from the cum on our bods. When we were relatively clean we rose out of the water and went to our clothing. LT Matt was gently snoring, and when we were dressed we hoisted him between us and half carried half dragged him back to the launch.

Jake was there, also snoring! John asked me if I could help get the launch started. When we did so, I untied us from the dock and John steered us out into the channel for the trip back to our home island. I radioed in that we were coming back and it all went smoothly from there.

When we got to the boat basin, Jake was still out of it and LT Matt was scarcely any better. I helped John pull LT Matt out of the launch and put him into John's jeep. John pulled me to him and kissed me. Then he whispered, "I want you to fuck me again! There are a lot of old partially demolished Jap bunkers on the island and we can meet in one of them and get it on together. Tonight, though, I had better get you to your hut and then get LT Matt back to where he can sleep it off. Coxswain Jake sometimes sleeps on the launch, so he will be all right here. Baby, I really want your naked bod and your cock in me. I'll call you tomorrow at the airfield control tower and see what we can arrange. I love you, Baby!"

Dudes, that is all that I got from the story told to Bill. I thought of a question to ask, though! Don't go checking it out, but can you tell me the nearest island to Roi-Namur? Is it Tarawa, Eniwetok or Truk? No prizes or anything like that. I just want to see if you are awake and if my story got through! Write to Homer's Odyssey< Anchors Away and Semper Fideles!

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