Sailor and Sergeant

By Gunter Ragen

Published on Oct 4, 2006


Continued: Chad wrapped his arm around Ritchie and pulled him over on him as rolled onto his back into an embrace. His breath dancing on Surfer's his long blonde goatee, "Okay, I can get into that. So can you show me how I can start making some fast money in the meantime?"

The weekend was approaching and Ritchie was looking forward to showing his new pal some of the City. Chad had wanted to check out the sights and take in the culture center of the place that fed his new hunger. Ritchie had been at work at his day job while spending the nights having military sex with his new buddy, training him on the finer arts of man to man relations. Chad had been out during the days looking for work and taking his time getting to know the lay of the land. He had come across a few leads here and there and found a couple things to get himself into.

Ritchie was on a vacation of sorts himself, having spent little or no time at the bar the past few days in the evenings looking for the extra cash, but servicing the fires at home. Monday afternoon on his way home from the Board Shop his pager went off with the familiar "6969" code. Dialing up the familiar number on his cell phone, Sgt. Ramos was on the other end of the line. "Hey there my friend what is happening with you?" "Just the usual, how bout you", Ritchie replied. "Just the usual?", Ramos questioned. "How's your Sailor doing?" Ritchie rolled his eyes and sighed, "Is there anything you don't know?". Ramos laughed, "No, there isn't usually. I called because me and the guys are having a party up at the ranch in Marin next weekend. I'd like to invite you up there for a little bit of work and play".

Ritchie pondered and asked, "What is a little work and play?' Ramos payed well, "Well the gig pays $1500 for the weekend. We just want to have you there to service the guys and party with us. You can even bring Sailor if he is interested. I'll throw an extra $1500 if you bring him." Ritchie had been on one of these "male bonding" weekends before "servicing the guys". There were usually 30-40 cops doing drugs, getting drunk and playing bondage based team building games. It was a 50/50 balance of fun and hard use that put him in sexual R&R for a couple days, but paid well. "Alright I can do that and I'll have to check with Chad on his end. I'll get back with you on that." Ramos grunted on the other end of the line, "Sounds good Ritchie, call me later."

Just as Ritchie was about to hang up Ramos came back on, "Oh and by the way tell your Sailor that if he passes his test tomorrow for the Police Academy, that I will personally make sure he gets fast tracked into the next Academy session and that his drug test taken care of." Ritchie was stunned. "He is joining up? He is joining the Force?" Ramos replied, "Yup, came in yesterday and filled out all the applications." Ritchie could not believe it, "So you want to help him? I mean you would do all that for him after everything that happened at the bar?" Ramos came back in a fatherly tone, "Ritchie we're all on this big ship here together. We really do care about you. I do, we all keep an eye on you. You have helped us out in doing our jobs in more ways than I can tell you. Chad seems like a stand up guy as far as I can tell and he is someone who is becoming important to you. I read his resume today and he is impressive on paper. From my own hands-on experience I really think he would fit in well on my team . So you know, I want to do something for both of you as a gesture". Ritchie didn't know what to say. While he had always felt Ramos was somewhat a father figure, he never thought of their friendship as much more than a one way sexual arrangement of necessity. That Ramos was offering up a favor for his friend this way really meant something to him. "Thanks. Thanks for that, I'll tell Chad and you can count on us both this weekend", Ritchie said and hung up the phone.

Walking in the door of his apartment Ritchie threw his keys down on the dining table and set his backpack on the floor. "Chad, are you here?" he called. He walked down the hall to see his Sailor Prince standing in the bathroom. His muscular butt was showing through a pair of loose Levi's shorts, a black t-shirt with NAVY across the chest outlined his perfect torso as he trimmed his growing goatee in the mirror. Seeing Ritchie behind him he said, "I never got to have a goatee in the Navy, this is so cool". Ritchie nodded and smiled. "So, I hear you are testing for the PD?" Ritchie announced in a surprised tone. "Wow, good news travels fast huh." Chad responded as if he hadn't let him in on the big plan. "Yeah I went down there yesterdayy to inquire about it and gave them a copy of my resume. I didn't expect them to care, but they gave me a welcome packet and set me up for the academy test tomorrow." "Yeah, Ramos called me today and told me," Ritchie replied. Smiling at the hunk in front of him he kidded, "So you want to work with the same guys that gang fucked you in the back of a van?"

Chad just let out a short guffaw. "Hey I almost forgot, check this out!" He unbuttoned his Levis shorts and let them drop to the floor over his Docs. He then carefully slid his knit boxers down, letting his semi-erect meat swing out into the open. Ritchie watched as Chad presented his newly pierced cock proudly, holding it in his palm like a prize fish. "What do you think bro? I just got my PA done today!" Surfer immediately knelt down and inspected his Prince's new steel studded bud. Handling it carefully and remembering the soreness of the first week or so he remarked, "Wow 10-gage already, you are a brave one". There was only a little redness and no swelling he could see. "This is clean man. I think you are gonna like having this. I know I sure will" Ritchie remarked. "Of course you know that you cant fuck me in the ass now for a while", he kidded. Chad nodded ruefully and handled it for a moment, turning the gold barbell back and forth. "Well maybe it is time to let you take the lead for a while", Chad said as he leaned forward and began kissing his Surfer. While they had been everywhere else on the map of man to man sex, Chad hadn't let Ritchie take him for a ride just yet. He had still been getting over the curve of what he thought was "giving up his manhood", though it had already been ripped away from him over six weeks ago. He knew what it was like to be the bitch, now he was ready to man up to it. "I'm ready" Chad said.

They kissed in the doorway of the bathroom for a couple more moments before they made their way to their bedroom and shed their clothes. Chad got on the bed and Ritchie told him to get into doggie position, keeping his weight off his freshly pierced meat. On his knees, Sailor followed his orders and laid his head on the pillow with his ass in the air. Feeling the air hit his exposed next, he shut his eyes as Ritchie's hands cupped his firm cheeks and spread them open. Ritchie loved looking at Chad's tight rosebud, shrouded with thick black hair. Chad let out a breath as the familiar feel of Surfer's tongue was painting up his hanging balls and working its way up toward his pussy. He felt his cock throb as Ritchie worked the area of his nest just between his hole and scrotum. A short stab of pain waved through the tip of his cock as it throbbed. As

Ritchie worked his magic carpet in and around Chad's hot stink hole, it softened up like a warm pat of butter. Hearing the snap of a cap, Chad felt one and then two of Surfer's lubricated fingers probing his gateway of lost manhood. Then it came without warning. The metal tipped head of Surfer's slightly curved 8" cock slowly pushed into him, slipping past his squeeze ring. Once the initial shock wave went through him, Chad let out a breath. "Are you ready for the rest bro", Ritchie asked him. "It's all slip and slide from here on in man". "Yeah, bring it on baby", Chad replied and buried his head in the pillow. Ritchie pushed slowly in all the way to the bottom, burring his lightly haired groin against Sailor's muscular ass. It felt so good to have a hard slab to fuck for once Ritchie thought.

He then started slow steady reps in and out as Sailor moaned into the pillow in rhythmic bursts. As his wanted master gave him what he had hungered for, the pain, the friction, and the pleasure of giving himself to his friend was sending waves of sweat over him. Ritchie slide fucked his Sailor Prince nice and easy to give him a good first time to contrast the violent animal gang slam experience he had before. Ritchie finally grabbed Chad's torso and laid him on his side and he spoon fucked him for a while, wrapping his arms around him and lithely pinching his tits, while kissing his neck . It felt so good to Chad to have this guy pumping him and getting him off, feeling his heavy breath on the back of his neck. In a sudden swing, Chad grabbed his exploding cock as a painful spurt of warm spunk shot out of his piss-holes. The sharp pain and burn was mixed with a new feeling of wetness and pressure that he had not felt before. Ritchie continued riding his rock hard ass as he clenched his hands around Chad's beef like chest. "Come in my ass Ritchie", Chad said as he stroked the steel tip of his cock with a handful of cum. Ritchie sped up his thrusts and sank himself deeper into his Sailor and injected him with his man glue.

A few minutes later they were laying next to each other in the bed watching the TV and toking down on a fresh Humboldt Green twisty. "I think this is the last one of these for me man, if I pass the test next week I am gonna have to take all kinds of physicals and a drug test they said." Ritchie smiled. "Well I have to let you in on a little something".

To be Continued - Comments Welcome

Next: Chapter 8

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