Sailor and Sergeant

By Gunter Ragen

Published on May 9, 2008


Sergeant and the Sailor 11

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...The cold air suddenly awoke his inner ass as his hole was agape. Chad felt a rising burning raw sensation as the blood began to rush back into his sphincter. It was a road rash kind of burning sensation that suddenly got soothed as Ritchie began massaging a cooling lotion on his inflamed crimson rosebud. It was now beginning to swell and close up, but was allowing his fingers unimpeded access in an around the bright red lips of his newly sized chute. He continued rubbing the soothing crème on and around his sore spot and they called it a night.

The morning light peeking in the bedroom window woke Sgt Ramos. He rolled over and looked at the clock which read 6:34. His partner Officer Jacks was already in the shower. He and Jacks had just gotten off their shift and made it home by 2:00am, rolled around in the sheets for almost an hour and not only three and a half hours later the day was starting again. Ramos had a long list of last minute things to get done in preparation for the big event this weekend. He had been working on the gathering for weeks, making arrangements, gathering supplies and getting his ducks in a row. Today was the day they went up to the "ranch" in Marin for kick-off. He thought to make an important call before the day got off too far.

Ritchie's cell phone lit up with bright blue lights as it shrieked through the early morning silence. He and Sailor were still rolling around in bed. The Surfer answered. "Top of the morning!", the chipper Ramos declared. "I just needed to make sure our boy is ready for his test". Ritchie let himself out of the living room to have the conversation in a more private way.

"Yeah, I have got him working on a few things" he answered. "UmmHmm", Ramos acknowledged. "Well here is the thing. I talked to a couple of the guys from the team, and we want to go ahead and get your Sailor initiated this weekend since all the players will be there. Do you think he is going to be up for it?" Ritchie hemmed and hawed for a moment. He already knew that Ramos had planned such an event, which is why he had already started working on the Sailor.

"We have about 20 guys joining us this weekend ." Ramos went on. "I'd like to get him immersed before he starts the Academy. He might be a good recruiter on the inside." Ritchie let out a sigh. He had a feeling that Ramos was going to drop the bricks on Chad, he seemed all to eager to get him up there to the party this weekend. "Well, he still has to pass the entrance exam this morning at headquarters", Ritchie exclaimed. " I don't think that`l be an issue", Ramos quipped. "Well you guys be up there to the ranch by 5:00 Friday ", he added then hung up.

Knowing for sure now what was going to happen this weekend he had a little more work to do with Chad. He had been through one of the Sgt Ramos "Initations" himself and seen many others. It made Sailor's trip in the Cop Van last summer look like a fleeting affair. He took a shower and got dressed, and finally had to force the still lazing Sailor out of bed. "How's your ass this morning?", Chad heard as he came to. His brain mulled the question around, he was still not used to hearing a guy asking him questions like that. "It's a little sore", Chad answered rubbing his eyes. "You need to get up and get off to your test" Ritchie chided. "Then you need to get straight back here for some more priming up". This was a boot camp of a different color. Chad rolled his handsome muscular body off the bed and headed toward the shower with his harness still hanging off his waist.

When Chad emerged from the bathroom and made it to the kitchen Ritchie had a glass of thick fruit juice smoothie waiting for him. "Here you go, no more solids for the next couple days". Roommate Dave was sitting on the couch watching Sponge Bob with his feet propped up on the workout bench, hitting the bong ruefully. He handed it to Ritchie with the lighter. Motioning at the bench and at the metal butt-plugs arranged in the box nearby Dave joked, "Training huh? ". Chad smiled back and nodded affirmative before finishing the last of his smoothie.

They hung out for a short time watching cartoons before Ritchie clapped his hands and said, "Ok time to get going for your test." Chad was dressed in a pair of loose Khakis and a white button up shirt, slick black combat boots and a black belt. Sexy as can be. The two of them had a quick hug and a kiss before Sailor headed out the door.

Dave finally had to ask. "So you're falling for this guy aren't ya". Ritchie let out a guffaw as to brush it off but then paused and pondered. With an embarrassing blush coming on he replied, "Yeah I guess I am. I guess I am". Dave nodded as if in approval. "Well, you could not have picked a nicer guy. Just don't get hurt". The Surfer had been there before but was feeling right about this one.

Later that afternoon Sailor got home around 3:00pm and was in a chipper mood. Dave and Ritchie had spent most of the day hanging out with Oprah, Montel and Humboldt. They were ready for some entertainment. "I passed!", Chad announced shooting high fives to the guys. "I'm going to the Police Academy! Where is the bong?"

After the pleasantries and conversation was finished, Ritchie announced that it was time to get back to work. "Get your clothes off Sailor." Chad looked at Dave who smiled back while Ritchie retreated to the bedroom and returned with an aluminum baseball bat, the plug set Chad had in his ass last night, and what looked like latex gloves. Going to the kitchen he retrieved a can of Crisco shortening and set it down on the end table "Okay, assume the position!" Ritchie ordered.

The Sailor laid his back onto the workout bench and hung his legs back over the weight bar. He took a few deep breaths while Ritchie motioned to Dave to hand him the lube. The Surfer then began rubbing Chad's nest with the slick stuff liberally. He then told him, "Chad, I'm gonna getcha started here for a bit, then I have to go do a few things. Dave here is going to take you to the next level today if you don't mind". Chad nodded, wondering what "the next level" was. Ritchie began by working the 1.75" butt plug into Chad's looser chute.

His swelling had gone down, but it still took a few minutes to work him into it. Dave sucked on the bong and watched intently. Chad felt the waves of dull and sharp pain as it went in, but it came much easier today. Ritchie plunged the tapered plug in and out a few times, fucking him with it, opening and slamming shut his squeeze ring playfully. The meaty Sailor's body shuddered each time. "Sqeeze it in", Ritchie ordered. Chad clamped down, holding the plug in place. "Okay bro I gotta go, you do what Dave says. He'll take care of ya!" Ritchie said before grabbing a couple things and headed out.

Chad had not spent much time with Dave, let alone naked and in a submissive situation. Dave was a silent , hippie artist type of guy who was not really masculine in the brawny sense but not feminine either. He had the comfort and confidence that a bartender always has that makes you feel at ease. This was a good thing as he was starting to lube up the aluminum baseball bat and eyeing him with a smirk. Seeing Chad's trepidation, Dave reassured "Don't worry man, it is not as evil as it looks." Lubing up the bat some more, Dave told Chad to let loose of the butt plug and let it fall out on the floor. He then began slowly rubbing and pressing the blunt cold baseball player's little friend against Chad's gate.

After about 30 minutes or coaxing , pressing and then releasing the pressure against Chad's aching sphincter, his muscles finally let the smooth cylindrical shaft of the baseball bat enter. When his hole finally stretched over the hard metal, he let out a deep cry "Yeaaoooo!" He tried to catch his breath that was running away , far away as the intruder sent shockwaves up his spine, the burning stretching pain was like a bomb going off inside him. He clenched every muscle in his body. "Take it out!, Take it out!" he begged. Dave continued slowly sliding it in deeper, deeper into him until it stopped. Chad was writhing and bucking his back "Ahhh, Haahh, Ooohhh, Ahhhhh in accelerated rhythms of pant while Dave held firm against his body's instinctual motions to reject the wicked steel dildo.

He let a few minutes pass while Chad calmed down, gently wiping sweat from his brow and now holding one of his hands to comfort him. Once Dave decided he was ready, he began slowly thrusting the bat back and forth, fucking his hole with it. It was just a tight blunt sliding sensation to Chad at this point, but Dave was picking up the pace. At one point the pulled it almost all the way out letting his hole start to close, and shoved it back in . He spend the better part of 10 minutes working him over, ramming harder and faster as he saw Chad started to get off. He started moaning and asking for more as Dave pulled the baseball bat it all the way out and rammed it back it repeatedly until Chad finally let out a low grown "Ohh fuck me!" and blew a wad of cum all over his chest and chin. Dave smiled and pulled out the bat and set it aside. "See that was pretty cool huh?'

Continued in Sergeant and the Sailor 12

Next: Chapter 12

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