Sailor and Sergeant

By Gunter Ragen

Published on Sep 19, 2006


Graveyard was off to a busy start, a familiar call for a fight at a downtown bar came across the radio. Sgt. Ramos and his partner Jacks arrived to the call and it appeared that the skirmish was broken up. There were a couple guys out front with the victim, who appeared to be one of the regulars. Ritchie was a slender young guy who obviously looked and acted a little to "gay" for one of the patrons. His right eye was swollen and he looked pretty roughed up and he hung his head low. He said a "redneck asshole sailor" beat him up. He told Sgt. Ramos that the guy and his buddies came into the bar and soon began calling him "faggot" and taunting him. When he told them to "go fuck off", the sailor in his dress whites came over and pounded him. He gave Ramos a good description of the guy and told him that he and his buddies were still in the bar. Bonus.

Ramos bounded through the door with his partner and found the guys pretty quickly. The Navy sailors often frequented the area when they were in port and had a short bit of liberty. Most of them stayed away from the small neighborhood haunts like the Red Baron though. "Sailors, we need to have a couple words outside", Ramos said as he and his partner walked up to the men. The three sailors looked at Ramos with a bit of disgust, the largest one stepped forward. He was a big guy, about 6'-2" and built like a wrestler. He had dark shaved head of hair and a day of stubble on his face. "What is this about? The little faggot?", Sailor quipped. The 235 lb Ramos, didn't answer with words, but grabbed the sailor and turned him around against the bar and began putting handcuffs on him. In a drunken slur Sailor replied "Come on Captain Kangaroo, the guy was asking for it." "I said we need to have a couple of words outside", Ramos replied. Pulling him by the handcuffs he handed Sailor off to his partner and motioned toward the door. His buddies began to follow and Ramos stopped them in their tracks. "You boys stay right here." Ramos shot them both with a quick flash of his deep brown eyes, his big nostrils flaring above his thin mustache. "Understand?" The two men nodded . "Good, your buddy will be back in in a few minutes if he behaves himself". Ramos then exited the bar.

Now outside in the parking lot, Ramos and his partner had to carefully fold the dark haired Sailor's beefy frame in the back of their cruiser taking care not to bash his head on the roof rail. Ramos said something to his partner who then stepped away and started to call someone on his radio. "So what is your problem Sailor?" Ramos asked, "What happened here tonight?" Sailor was pretty drunk and feeling cocky about this injustice being foisted upon him. Looking like a bull in a cage, he replied, "We just started getting lip from that little faggot over there and had to shut the little bitch up. I mean those little faggots ought to know their place", Sailor blurted. "They should just build a city somewhere and put them all in it". Thinking,"there in fact is such a city and you are in it", Ramos nodded, "Uh huh". "We were just trying to have a couple beers and mind our own business". "Uh huh", Ramos nodded again. So what you gonna do, arrest me? Call my CO? He would just congratulate me!" Ramos just smiled and shut the door of the cruiser in Sailors face. He walked over to his partner and asked, "How long?" His partner nodded toward the street and smiled. "Right now".

The large gray unmarked panel van pulled into the parking lot and stopped in the space next to the cruiser.

Ramos opened up the door of the cruiser and helped the drunk beefy Sailor out of the back seat. He was confused a bit and stumbled as he stood upright. Walking him over to the van , his partner threw open the rear doors. They assisted Sailor up into the dimly lit windowless van and shut the doors behind them. Three other officers were in the back of the van sitting along benches on either side. One of them slapped the bulkhead twice and the van went into motion. A small window into the cab with wire mesh allowed the noise of the police radio and dim cab light through. In near pitch dark, Sgt. Ramos and the other officers grabbed Sailor and sat him on a bench in the middle of the van. "What the fuck is going on here!", Sailor shouted as the five officers in the dark rolling den were staring at him . Ramos un-cuffed one of Sailor's thick hairy arms allowing them to force him flat on his back. Sailor felt hands all over his body, pulling at his shirt buttons, grabbing his belt and tie and pulling them all off . His arms were pulled back behind his head to arm holsters on each side and strapped tightly while a belt was cinched over his now exposed lower torso, just above his navel and ratcheted down. "Holy fuck! What are you guys doin to me?", Sailor gutted out of drunken fright. "What the fuck?" He struggled and resisted as the officers strapped his torso to to the bench with a belt. They pulled off his boots, his pants and pulled his legs up and buckled cuffs hanging from the roof of the van around his ankles.

Now tightly secured , the officers began getting more excited and voicing their anticipation. "Man, you got a good one this time, this guy is hot USDA choice beef". Another officer rubbing his groin at the frightened Sailor taunted, "I wonder if he is a tight little virgin or if he has already been punked". Sailor nervously bucking back and forth yelled "You fucking fags, you are all a bunch of dirty fags!" Ramos nodded and said, "Time to shut him up". Two of the officers grabbed the sailor's skull and forced a strapped open mouth gag in his face and cinched it around the back of his shaved head. The rubber gag had a nice round hole about 2" in diameter. He was now set up to take in hot creamy man spunk whether he wanted to or not. "So, you ever been punked Sailor?" an officer taunted. Jacks grabbed a couple wooden clothes pins and clamped each one of Sailor's nipples causing him to buck and let out sharp yowls. "Don't worry Sailor, it'll take your mind off getting your ass pounded", Jacks said with a laugh.

Ramos leaned down and whispered in Sailor's ear, "Now soldier, we can un-cuff you right now if you want and take you into the station and book you. You will get in some pretty big trouble over at the base I know." Ramos rubbed his chin, "Or you can let us take care of business right here and now - nobody including your CO will ever hear about your little outrage tonight". Looking Sailor in the eyes, he let it sink in for just a moment. "So what do you say?".

The Navy stud was nearing the end of his stint in the service just next month. He knew he couldn't get busted. Sailor shut his eyes and then nodded affirmative to Ramos. The burly Sergeant pulled the final move and cut Sailor's underwear off him with his pocket knife. As he threw the sweaty briefs to one of the officers in the van as if a party favor. Officer Santos, a wiry young rookie new to the squad this year caught them and gave them a deep sniff as he massaged his bulging package. Ramos grabbed at Sailor's now exposed man meat and gave it a good squeeze with his rough palm. Sgt. Ramos is a big dark skinned career officer who leads his men in many ways. Always sporting a neatly trimmed mustache and a tight blocky buzz cut, he exudes the energy and professionalism of a police officer in a way that gets other men's attention. His "A-Team" had been hand picked so to speak as he had been a training officer at the academy for the past ten years. As he unzipped his pants and lowered his belt of goods to the floor of the van, his fellow officers watched his Latin meat sway out over the proceedings like a gavel. Hardening as the seconds passed, Ramos grabbed his thick 9" shaft and gave it a few quick pumps with his hand to get it to full attention. As if on cue, partner Jacks and the other three officers began unbuttoning their pants and gripping their tools for the play.

As the diesel thrum of the van thrummed in the background, Ramos pulled a tube of lube from somewhere and squirted it all over his cock and balls. The other officers slowly jacked their cocks as Ramos squirted some of the lube onto Sailor's clenching nest, ready for the kill. Ramos then began probing Sailor's openly exposed man-pussy with his rough fat Latin fingers, smiling at Sailor as his digits began invading his manhood. Struggling against Ramos and the table, Sailor continued to groan and buck against the restraints. The warm humid air in the van began to smell of sweaty men and hard cock as the five officers primed themselves for the feast.

"So those little faggots ought to know their place huh?", Ramos finally taunted Sailor looking him straight in the eye. "Well let us give you a walk in their shoes". With that he grabbed Sailor's thighs and with all his body weight, plunged his fat Latin cock deep into Sailor's stinky meat hole. Letting out a deep yell through the 2" round hole in the mouth gag, his plea was incoherent but could have been heard a block away. Sgt. Ramos banged him hard and fast, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, getting right into a hard hot fuck without any pretense. The officers began cheering and yelling. "Fuck that ass! Fuck the Sailor bitch! Yeah!. The soldier rolled his head back in pain and fury only to see the driver peeking through the grated window at him, laughing. His asshole pierced with the meat of another man in violent waves, he felt a surge of warmth and white noise engulf him. The dull but sharp and burning pain was overtaking him as sweat rolled down his face in streams. The sailor now petrified and frozen in time, his tits were sharply burning in unison with the throbbing flame of his asshole. He began to give in as the van continued rolling through town.

The other officers were standing up now, jacking off as they hooted and hollered. Sailor watched as Officer Franks and Black were now standing at his face, their jacking cocks inches away glistening sweat and oozing pre-cum as the hands clasped around them pumped back and forth toward him. He could smell their cocks. They began painting his face with their wet sticky piss slits as Sgt Ramos continued pounding his ass with vengeance. Franks began getting jumpy and blew his load all over Sailor's day-long stubble. Laughing and cheering erupted as cum ran down his cheeks and off his eyebrows. He was rocking his head back and forth to try and keep it from getting on him. "Hold his head still!", Franks ordered. Two of the other officers grabbed his skull and held it solid while Franks pumped the last few streams of his hot man cum into the gag hole over Sailor's mouth. Black stood by and followed by blowing his load and directing most of it into Sailor's mouth. Unable to stop the invasion of warm spunk the sailor gagged for a moment or two, trying to force the hot juices out of his mouth. He eventually fell prey to the uncontrollable swallow instinct the men's juices as they smeared his face with their wet cocks! "That's right, swallow it down buddy that is the way to take it like the man you are", Franks said to the sailor as he ran his hands caressingly across Sailor's cum matted brow.

Sgt. Ramos was bucking like a stallion on the other end still, as the sailor seemed to fall into a resigned state of heavy breathing and coping. A couple of quick fast thrusts and Ramos pulled his fat cock out of the hot burning hole and blew his load all over Sailor's stomach. The smell of cum and shit filled the air as Ramos slapped the sailors ass saying, "You were a tight little one!" Looking around the dark humid van, Ramos asked "Who's next?" His partner Jacks, who had been priming his cock for the past five minutes stepped up next and lubed his tool up. He gave sailor's now stinky and dry hole a couple smears of fresh lube before he sunk his meat into him and began fucking his eyes out. Sailor's cock had been coming to an erection over the past few minutes and was standing tall. Whether or not he was getting off on this gang fuck or not was unclear, but his prostate was definitely liking it. One of the officers began sucking him off while Jacks fucked him raw.

Ramos stepped up to the front of the van and began rubbing his sticky wet and stinky cock on sailors face. "I think he wants a couple more loads of faggot juice boys", Ramos said to the officers. Ramos then held sailor's head still while they stepped over to pump his face full of Glorious White. Officer Santos jabbed his uncut cock into the gag ring that made sailor's mouth into a safe haven fuck hole and began pumping his rod against Sailor's fighting tongue. His rough sticky tongue fighting the head of his cock felt so hot. Slowly shoving his cock deeper into his throat, the sailor gave up the fight as the taste of piss and sweat enveloped his mouth. Santos face fucked Sailor until his cock exploded in his mouth. Sailor's reflexes forced him to swallow the hot loads of cum as one officer after another came back for another cum dump in-between asshole floggings. Sailor's auto-piloted hard cock meat finally wagged a couple times and shot a load of jiz all over the place, getting it all over his chest and face. "Looks like our Sailor got off on all this fag action boys!", Santos teased as he patted the Navy boy on the head. Officer Santos bent down and licked Sailor tool clean, taking his softening rod into his mouth a couple times and proceeded to lick up his military issue juice from the matted fur that lined his muscular chest. Santos, leaned over Sailor's face and looked him in the eye as he licked his lips. "Man, this little Sailor faggot likes getting his ass fucked!", he taunted and laughed".

It seemed like hours as the five officers reamed Sailor a new size 9 chute and fed him enough cum to sober up a horse. But it had only been about 25 minutes of getting ridden by five cop studs in the back of the police van. Sailor was barely able to talk or move as the van finally stopped and the officers buttoned their pants back up. Bending down to Sailor's face Ramos asked, "Are you gonna be good now?" Sailor nodded in exhaustion.

With the help of the now sexually satisfied officers, the sailor was strapped from the bench in the van. Ramos wiped up the sailors greasy cum smeared asshole and slid his dress whites back on his legs and buttoned them around his waist. Zipping them up, Ramos gave Sailors cock a little rub and stuffed it into his fly. As Ramos helped him off the table, Sailor stumbled a couple times trying to stand up. Each of the officers were looking at him with a sense of domination and satisfaction, making him feel pretty conquered and defeated. Officer Santos held Sailor's ripped underwear to his face and sniffed deeply as he smiled and winked at him. The thick tingling paste of five men's cum and cock in his mouth was overwhelming with no relief. His mouth was almost glued together inside. The red swelling burning sensation in his ass made it hard to move.

"So, today is your lucky day sailor", Ramos told him as he slapped him on the back and wiped more cum off his face with a Kleenex. "You got off instead of getting arrested" The officers all laughed out loud, Jacks saying to one of the others, "I love it when he says that". The sailor just stood there speechless as Ramos straightened Sailor`s black neck tie like a mother to a child. The doors flung open and Ramos helped the sailor out on to the pavement of the bar parking lot. As the van drove off, Ramos pointed Sailor back to the bar. "Get your buddies to buy you a beer to wash that down", he told sailor with a wink. "Now, don't let us have to come back here because next time it's a jail cell if you know what I mean."

Next: Chapter 2

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