Sailing in Bahia

Published on Feb 23, 2008


SAILING IN BAHIA 2 by Jorge Alvarez

Xavier shows me his dad's bar. "One thing, don't give away that you want him to fuck you. He likes to seduce and fuck straight guys, that's what turns him on. Pretend you're straight".

At this time early in the morning the bar is empty. Pedrao, big Peter, is getting ready for the day ahead. He's taller than his son, built like a lineback, a bull of a man. I fall for him at first sight.

"Hi! What do you have for breakfast?"

"Fried fish and cachaca. Are you American?"

"Yes! How come your English is so good?"

"I used to work at the US base in Natal. You weren't even born..."

"My dad was stationed in Natal! Maybe you met him. His name was Danny. He died a few years ago..."

"Danny? My Danny? I can't believe it. He died? Oh my god... Let me check if it's the same Danny, I keep a picture of him... Here..."

Sure enough, there is my dad, very young, hugging a younger Pedrao. They look like they're having a lot of fun... Was dad... gay?

"Yes, that's my dad! So you were good friends?"

"Good friends... Much more than that... Oh Danny, how I miss you... What's your name son?"

"I'm Danny too. Nice to meet you Mr. Pedrao".

He takes my hand in his giant paw. I feel a current of lust running between us. But I remember Xavier's instructions and take my hand back, trying to treat him coldly.

"You look just like your dad when I... when I met him... So handsome... Danny, I can't believe you're back..."

"I'm not my dad, Mr. Pedrao. Now will you please give me something to eat".

"OK, here's the fish, best fried fish south of Salvador. But Danny, what brings you to this place?"

"I'm sailing from Salvador to Porto Seguro. I find this place quite wonderful so I'll stay here for a few days. By the way, I met your son Xavier yesterday and we went out sailing".

"So you've met my boy. He's a hot fucker that Xavier. Did he try anything with you?"

"Yes, he came on to me. He was crestfallen when I told him I'm straight, I don't have sex with guys".

"Really? What a shame... So he gave up on you, he didn't try to rape you? That's so unlike him..."

"Of course not. Who do you take me for, Mr. Pedrao? Please... By the way the fish is wonderful. But you mentioned cachaca, didn't you?"

"Oh of course, I apologize. I'm going to offer you my best cachaca to celebrate our encounter. But first let me lock the door, we don't want any intruder to spoil our special occasion. Now, I have an old bottle of the choicest cachaca hidden somewhere on that upper shelf back there. Can you climb that ladder for me? I'm too heavy for it".

Pedrao holds the rickety ladder, his chest against my naked legs.

"No, not that bottle, try another one. It must be way in the back. A dark hued cachaca, no label. You have to keep looking, don't worry, I'm holding you".

While I rummage through the upper shelf, Pedrao rubs his rugged face against my thighs.

"You have strong legs just like your dad's. Same smooth white skin with a nice tan... You even smell just like him... Oh my Danny..."

I slip on the top rung but Pedrao keeps me from falling, his strong arms around my waist, his face buried in my butt.

"Excuse me, Mr. Pedrao, but can you please take your face off my ass?"

"I'm sorry, boy, I'm just trying to hold you up. No sign of that bottle? Oh, yes, you found it, that's the one!"

We drink the cachaca. It's very strong and it fills me with a warm, sexy groove. It gives me an immediate hardon. Pedrao is hard too, but I try to ignore it.

"This cachaca is infused with a potent aphrodisiac. I can see it's already having its effect on you. Mmmm, I see you're big, like your dad..."

"Mr. Pedrao, I respect what happened between you and my dad, and it's a huge surprise for me, for I always thought of dad as a straight man. But I'd rather not hear about it, please. Let's drink to his memory, and to friendship".

"Yes, let's drink to my Danny. So he really died?"

"Yes, I miss him, he was a great, loving father".

"Yes he was wonderful. I'm so glad that he lives through you. I mean, you're his spit image".

Pedrao keeps filling my glass. His plan is obvious, he's getting me drunk so he can fuck me. I'm playing his game. Soon I pretend to be falling down drunk.

"Damn this shit is too strong... My head is spinning. I need to lie down".

"That's ok, I have a bed in the back. Let me help you. Put your arm around my shoulder".

The big black stud hugs my waist with his muscular arm. I feel the heat of his strong hard body pressing against mine and my cock jumps out of the speedos.

"Whoa, look at you. Hung like a horse. Here, lie down, let me get you out of those speedos. I'll give you a massage and you'll sleep like an angel".

He whistles when he sees my naked white ass. I lie on my belly and pretend to snore while he rubs my back. He believes I'm really asleep and he gets bolder. His hands grope my big round buttocks. I feel his hard monster rubbing against my thighs. I love it.

"God what an ass, just like his dad's. And that pretty pink rosebud, I'm gonna fuck it as soon as he goes into deep sleep. He thinks he's straight but once he gets my big dick inside him, he's gonna change his mind. I'll turn him into my bitch, just like his dad".

Pedrao dives between my buttocks and sticks his tongue inside. Ooooops... His son's cum load from last night floods out as soon as he opens my ring.

"What the fuck! You slut, you're full of cum. My son fucked you! Wake up you little bitch!"

He shakes me hard and I pretend to wake up.

"What? Where am I? Oh, Mr. Pedrao! I passed out. That cachaca is too strong for me... Ouch! Why are you hitting me! Stop!"

Pedrao roughs me up, he's furious that I deceived him.

"You little slut you tried to dupe me into believing you're straight. Now I'm gonna get you a big cum load up your ass, just like the one my son gave you".

"No, please, I'm really straight. Your son raped me, like you suspected, but I was so mad at him I tried to hide it from you. I'm not a slut for big black dicks like my dad, I swear!"

"Too late boy, my dick has made his own mind and is about to enter you".

I feel the enormous head pressing against my cum-greased rosebud. Pinned under Pedrao's bulk, I reach my hands back pretending to fight him but what I really want is to check his giant dick. It feels thicker than three or four beer cans. I never knew a penis could grow this thick. I want it so bad, deep inside me...

"Stop! You monster! You're too big... Much bigger than your son... You're gonna kill me..."

"Don't worry. Your dad took it and loved it. You're gonna love it too".

I'm thanking God that Xavier prepared me for his dad's giant dick when the head finally bursts through my battered ring, making me scream in pain.

"Shush baby, shush, you're gonna be all right, just breath and relax... Fuck, you're so tight and warm inside, just like your dad when I first fucked him".

It's hard to relax with a monster dick up your ass, but little by little I manage to take it, as Pedrao slowly shoves the whole colossus up my fuck chute.

"Good boy, you're taking it, yeah, fuck yeah, take my dick, you're my bitch now. You're starting to love it, I see. You wanted it all along, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but your son told me that you like to force yourself on straight guys so I pretended to be straight, just to make you really horny for me. Now give me that big fucker, I want it all in me".

Pedrao starts to fuck me with long, slow strokes. Now I understand why dad was always such a happy guy. Having been fucked by that wonderful cock, he knew happiness. I am myself in heaven. As I hump back to meet his thrusts, he changes gears, fucks me faster and faster, rougher and rougher, deeper and deeper.

"Oh Danny, only you and your dad can take my dick like that, up to the balls. Oh how I missed you my Danny..."

Pedrao kisses my back, bites the nape of my neck, twists my nipples, catches my feet in his, fucks me with his whole body. The head of his bull dick hits behind my belly button, making my tummy bulge out. I've never been fucked like this.

Time stops, our souls merge in the love of sons and daddies, male to male, beyond eternity. His manhood is at home in my buttocks' sweet embrace. Even more than his son, he fills me with hard penis and male love.

Pedrao lies back, sitting me on his lap, my ass turned to him, and pumps his cock up and down, making me bounce on his pelvis. I slam my ass down to get more cock in me, my lips in his mouth, my arms around his strong neck.

He slaps my butt hard and calls me his baby, his bitch, he's really turning me on, I'm gonna cum soon. His cock does wonders in my bowels, pushing all the right buttons. He builds up the excitement in me, till I burst in white cum jets spraying the fresh morning air.

My spasming ass squeezes the giant inside me and brings him to a climax. He floods me with cum, "pororoca de porra", a tidal wave of cum as they say in Brazil. The thick white cream squirts from my overstuffed back door. We moan with lust and fall on the mattress, rolling, laughing and kissing.

"Oh Danny, I'm so happy you're back".

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