Sahil goes wild for his boss

By Damon Stark

Published on Aug 7, 2021



The laptop screen glared at Sahil. It was annoyingly bright even with the harsh fluorescent lights illuminating the rest of the room. Sahil was furiously typing away -- he had to send this memo out before the lights went out. It was really frustrating working for Keshav Motors; they expected you to work your ass off for them, even past your shift, but like clockwork, the lights would be switched off in the offices as if to show the rest of the world how well balanced their work hours were -- what a scam! Sahil has had to work overtime at least thrice this month; although, never this late. He quickly glanced at the clock on his screen: 8:45. He had another 15 minutes until lights-out. Screw Karan for dumping this onto him last minute and screw himself for never being able to refuse Karan, even when he was being a bitch!

Karan was his manager. Up until a month ago, they worked together. Then he got a promotion and now all he seems to do is find new ways to make Sahil suffer. That's not all he does though; his ideas for marketing were really effective. In just the last month, sales had gone up by 17%. Still, Karan was not the one who had to stay late at the office. This again, had less to do with him being a bitch, and more to do with him finally getting his dues and being able to be the boss he was meant to be. See? This was the problem. Sahil couldn't even bitch about his boss like a normal employee... he kept taking up for him -- even in arguments with himself. And it didn't help that he'd had a raging crush on him for a while now.

The first time he met Karan, Sahil was fresh out of business school and thrown into the corporate world to fend for himself. Karan was the one who took the time to teach him the ropes and answer all his stupid questions. He was really nice, and looked it too with his friendly round face and longish dark hair that framed his easy smile. At the time, Sahil thought he was objectively sexy, but he didn't find himself attracted to him, at least not until he smelt it.

It was during one of their discussions that he'd caught a whiff of for the first time -- a subtle citrus fragrance. It somehow caught him off guard but also calmed his nerves at the same time. It was as if this fragrance was what was anchoring him to his life. And now that he had smelt it, he couldn't get enough of it. So he tried to spend as much time around Karan as possible, hoping to bask in his scent.

Slowly, he started noticing other things about him: The blush-like shade of pink that always seemed to colour his cheeks and sometimes his neck. How when he wore one particular while shirt, his nipples would stick out much more than usual, teasing the silhouette of his dark nipples, as if begging to be freed and fondled. Or how some of his pants hugged his body like they weren't put on but carefully painted onto his legs -- leaving nothing to imagination: not where the curve of his thighs ended and cupped his cock, nor where the dip of his arse began. While these attractions he could handle, he was completely stumped by how sometimes Karan smelt like a mix of lemon and a dense, pungent musk. Sahil noticed that this special mix of fragrances only made themselves known when Karan would work out before work. And it drove Sahil insane to know that he was inhaling the scent of Karan at his raunchiest and most real self. He would long for the days when there would always be a lingering smell of Karan's sweat mixed in with his usual smell of citrus.

On such days, Sahil just wanted to push Karan against the nearest flat surface and bury his face into the curve of his neck and breathe in every last molecule of his pungent, earthy scent, then slowly move to his clavicle as he licked every last drop of sweat on his way down to his two perky prizes -- slowly biting off the first button, and the next, and the next until his prize was laid bare for the taking, waiting for his tongue to envelop it, his teeth to graze it -- FLASH

Fuck! He got carried away thinking about Karan. It was already 9 o'clock. Cursing his bright laptop screen, he quickly typed out the rest of the memo. Surprisingly, the routers and the power supply were not switched off, just the lights -- hypocrites! He went through the memo one last time and hit send, and quickly sent a copy to print. Karan would want to make his corrections on a hard copy -- Sahil knew how his boss worked.

Satisfied, he leant back into his chair and stretched his back and arms for a bit. Damn it, he felt stiff. And thanks to his little visit to fantasy land earlier, he felt stiff in more ways than he'd like to right now. He pressed down on the lump formed in his pants with the back of his wrist and hissed out a moan. It had been a while since he'd last touched himself. Chalk it up to late nights and early mornings. The corporate life was really coming down hard on his sex life. He decided to have a nice long wank once he got home. He'd best look for a good porno so he can stretch out his wanking session and make the most of it -- they seemed to be something of a privilege these days.

Sahil shut off his computer and packed up his stuff, adjusting his cock as he stood up so people on the train wouldn't gape at his hard on. He was about to push his chair in place when the room went completely dark. He'd forgotten the lights had gone off and his computer had finally shut down taking away the last source of light from the room. Now, the room was only lit from the lights pouring in through the glass panes from outside. He'd never been in the office without lights. It was unsettling but sort of exciting at the same time. It didn't feel like a work place at all, and all of a sudden, he had the urge to pull out his cock and jerk off right here in the middle of the office. He chuckled at his perverted thoughts as he picked up his bag and headed to collect his printout. He got hold of the sheets, which were still warm from the printer and walked towards Karan's office. As he pushed open the glass doors, he found his senses attacked by a fragrance -- citrus and musk.

He stood still and took in another tentative breath. This time, it went straight to his cock, making it warmer and harder. Fuck! Sahil walked in and let the door swing shut behind him. The room was warm, but in a more cosy than uncomfortable sense. It was dark in here, except for some of the light filtering in, but he could still make out some of the stuff around the room. The desk was littered with a stack of files, a shut laptop, and some trinkets. He laid the papers down on the desk. Behind the desk was a chair. Karan's chair. He walked to the chair and sat in it. It was warm, like the rest of the room, and had an even stronger lingering scent of Karan. He pressed himself into the chair -- the place where Karan sits, the place that touches his thighs and caresses his arse. Sahil felt himself get harder. If the lights were on, he'd definitely be able to see a growing wet spot on his cream trousers. He grabbed his cock through his pants and gave it a squeeze -- once, twice, and again, and again until he felt himself get harder than he'd ever been. Sahil knew if he went any further, he'd cum right here in his pants, sitting in Karan's chair, surrounded by his smell. He forced him himself to stop and jerked his hand back, hitting the edge of the desk while doing so. It felt hollow.

He was curious, so he hit it again but the sound that bounced off this time was dense. He tried to hit the same spot he'd hit earlier and voila! The same hollow sound! Sahil pressed his palm against the panel and tried see if it would shift. It took a bit of feeling around, but it finally moved, revealing a small niche. He prodded in and found something long and firm. As he pushed his hand in deeper to grab it, he felt something slippery. He immediately pulled back his hand, repulsed. What the hell! Sahil precariously lifted his hand to his nose and sniffed it. It smelt musky, yet familiar. He couldn't quite place it. Perhaps something he liked to eat? He sniffed again, this time taking a deeper breath. It was almost calling to him... and to his already aching cock apparently, that seemed determined to spring out of his pants with every sniff he took.

He put his hand back in the niche and grabbed the object, pulling it out. He squinted his eyes -- it can't be! His eyes followed the two round bumps to the long cylindrical portion they were attached to. It can't be! Sahil brought it closer to make sure, and then it hit him, both the smell that was calling to him and the realisation of why it felt so familiar. It was a dildo!

He felt a chill wash over him; his breath coming in short spurts. It was a dildo! A dildo in Karan's office! A dildo hidden in Karan's desk! A dildo that was wet and smelt musky and pungent like Karan's sweat! He couldn't quite wrap his head around what he'd discovered. This was too much for him and his already raring-to-go cock.

Sitting there, in Karan's office, in his chair, with his dildo in hand, Sahil couldn't help but wonder if earlier today Karan had sat right in this very chair and stuffed his arse with this dildo, while they talked about the new campaign; if Karan had pulled down his pants, and shoved the wet, lubricated dildo up his ass just before he came in, so Karan could look into his eyes as he ground his hips down on the dildo, holding back moans. Sahil wondered if, perhaps, he had happened to bend down, he would have seen Karan's legs spread wide, his cock hard and straining against his pants, as his cunt was stretched taut against this toy, red from want and pure need. His hands were shivering as he brought it up to his nose and took in a deep breath. He'd always thought lemons and musk were the best combination he'd ever smelt, but he now realised how wrong he was. There was something too sweet about them, something sweet that could only be balanced by the raw, musky, pungent smell of cunt -- Karan's cunt.

He'd always had different fantasies of the first time he'd taste Karan, Sahil thought as he stuck his tongue out and tasted him. His favourite was the one where it would be their second date. He'd drop him home, and then lean in to kiss him goodnight like a gentleman as was expected, and then like the pervert he was, Sahil would turn him around and push him against his door, rip his pants off, and go down on his knees right there, outside his apartment, burying his face between Karan's arsecheeks, spread them out and take his first taste of Karan's cunt and then hungrily eat him out as his boss touched himself and tried to keep down moans so his neighbours wouldn't hear. While he fantasised a lot about what it would be like to taste Karan, he never imagined how addictive he'd smell and how out of control it would leave him.

One hand still holding Karan's dildo firm against his nose, Sahil reached down to pull up his shirt and unbuckle his pants; finally, letting his cock out. It slapped against his abdomen and bounced back leaving a trail of precum from his navel to his piss slit. He was so hard, his foreskin had pulled back and his cockhead looked swollen and red -- ready to fuck. Sahil used the precum to lube up his cock and began wanking in earnest as his nose breathed in every last bit of Karan's scent it could find on that fucking dildo.

It was still a little wet from the lube mixed with sweat, so as he rubbed it against his nose, some of it smeared across his lips and under his nose and on his hand, offering a constant supply of Karan's scent. He could now feel his balls getting a little sore; he had to do more than just jerk off. He suddenly had an idea. He placed the dildo in the hand with which he was bringing himself off and held it against his cock. He was glad to see that the dildo paled in comparison to his length. Karan would need a lot more practice to take him in. Or better yet, it would give him more time to lick his hole, finger it, and spread it open all with the pretext of getting his boss ready for the fuck of life. Fuck! He then grabbed both of them together and began jerking off. The extra pressure against his cock felt good. He pressed his other hand to his nose wanting his senses to be full of Karan's scent when he finally came.

As he got more into it, Sahil began thrusting his cock into his hand harder so his balls would slap against his thighs. He liked to think of his balls slapping against Karan's thighs as he buried himself deep inside him, only to pull back out and shove it back in. He was getting close. He pressed his nose into his palm, breathing in every last bit of Karan's musk and clenched his arse as he began to thrust with conviction. He closed his eyes and imagined Karan with his unbuttoned shirt, his perpetual blush now spreading down to his chest accentuating his dark, pert little nipples as he sat on Sahil's cock and rode it. How he would reach his hands and place them under his butt to help his boss fuck himself up and down his cock, making his nipples bounce with every thrust up, inviting him to take one of them into his mouth and suck, tasting all of his musky sweat and sweet perfume; how Karan would be gasping from pain and pleasure, whimpering his confession of how he sat in his office day in and day out thrusting a dildo up his cunt wishing it was Sahil's cock instead, and beg for more as he bounced on his cock. He thought of how he would gently take Karan's cock in his hand and jerk him off to completion, how the smell of his boss's cum would mix with his musk and his perfume and bring a whole new smell for him to bask in.

Fuck! Sensing he was almost there, Sahil pressed his hand against his nose and inhaled Karan's scent one last time before finally letting himself go with an animalistic grunt. He felt his cock spasm out shots of cum one after the other all over his boss's dildo. As the last spurt of cum dribbled out of his spent cock, he tried to even his breathing. He could still smell Karan -- lemons and musk -- but this time, there was another scent in the air -- his. The room reeked of his cum and sweat and Karan. And just like that, he knew that while he was mesmerised by how Karan smelt, he was intoxicated by how then smelt together. He felt his cock swelling up again and had an idea. He carefully placed the dildo on the chair and ran out of Karan's office, dick still swaying free, to fetch his phone. He came back, picked up the dildo and held it near his slowly rehardening cock and FLASH he snapped a picture. The sudden glare in the dark room got to him for a bit; he blinked away the light spots and checked the picture. It looked fucking great. His cock head was swollen and a little red, with a sliver of cum pooling at the head. Even soft it looked big next to the dildo that looked even more spent with all his cum still thickly smeared across it.

Sahil smirked to himself, and without cleaning the dildo, put it back in its niche. Then he stood up, tucked his cock into his trousers and inhaled the intoxicating scent in the room one last time before he walked out of his office, wishing he could bottle up this scent of him and Karan, and keep it with him forever.

A little while later, he made his way back out of Karan's office to the washroom. That damn loose panel had cut his finger with a stray splinter when he had gone to leave a little present for the boss to find -- Sahil decided to use the printer one more time before he left.

He couldn't help but smirk as washed off the blood from his finger. He looked up and saw that his reflection looked thoroughly fucked -- shirt messed up, belt in the wrong loop and cock tenting his crotch. He was still hard. He chuckled, as he wondered if he would ever not be horny, now that he knew what he and Karan smelt like together, now that he knew that the next time Karan fucks himself with that cursed dildo, he would be fucking Sahil's cum deep into his ass -- finally making their smell one, forever.


Hi Guys!

I hope you liked this story. I am not really sure in which direction it should go next. I was thinking more on the lines of some playful blackmail and teasing on Sahil's part. Let me know your thoughts. You can reach me at:

Hope to hear from you guys!

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