Saggin Together

By moc.oohay@22orbrenots

Published on Apr 27, 2020


Readers Warning: The following fictional story contains elements of sexual activities between teenage boys. If the subject matter offends you, is not to your taste, is not legal in your area, or if you are not of legal age in your area; then you should not read any further.

This story is fiction, but is based on me and a friend who I messed around with when I was younger. We were both into sagging our pants and it is part of what led to us messing around, though it never developed like this story will. Again, the names, places, and events in this story are completely fictional.

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Saggin' Together: Chapter 5

"I don't know what I'm gonna do," thought a panicked Steve. It was Sunday night, and he had just returned from the camping trip with his family. He laid on his bed and thought about what had happened over the weekend.

It was a great trip at first. Steve had a lot of fun camping and hanging out with his family. He even tried attracting some girls showing off his body and sag around the lake at the campground. It worked, and on Saturday afternoon, Steve went into the woods to hook-up with a girl he had met.

But then it all went awry. She started giving Steve head, but he could not get hard. Steve thought about blowjobs he had gotten from girls in the past. He tried to enjoy the feeling. But nothing. It felt decent sure, but it just was not right. "Why is this different than with Jake?" thought Steve to himself.

Steve started to think about Jake sucking his dick. He imagined Jake's soft warm mouth working his shaft, Jake running his tongue up and down the length of it. "Oh Jake," he had moaned without realizing it. The girl kept going since Steve was getting hard. "Oh, yea Jake, I love it when you suck my dick!" Steve kept moaning, totally lost in his fantasy, and oblivious to the girl actually working on him. A few minutes later, Steve came in the girl's mouth, imagining he was filling Jake's mouth the whole time.

The girl stood up and spoke, "Well that was fun and all, but who's Jake?"

"Huh," said Steve, "what do you mean?"

"You kept moaning for Jake and how you loved the way he sucks your dick. You guys boyfriends or something?" she responded.

"What!?! No! We're friends, that's it. We just hang out all the time and sometimes mess around I guess," said a confused Steve.

"Sounds like boyfriends to me. But whatever you say," and she walked off, leaving Steve alone.

Steve spent the rest of the camping trip thinking about what this girl had said. "We're not boyfriends. We're not gay. Sure, we screw around but it's just fun with a buddy, nothing serious." Steve was trying to convince himself of this, but it was not working. He wracked his brain with these thoughts for the rest of the trip.

Back in his bedroom, Steve was still lost in his thoughts, "But I mean, we could hook up with girls now, and we don't even try. We just get with each other every chance we get, and it's so awesome! We love each other!"

The more Steve thought about it, the more it seemed to make sense. "I just want Jake," he thought to himself. "Maybe I am gay, I don't know. But what I know for sure is that I want to be with him," Steve resolutely told himself. He was glad to resolve this in his head, but then he became panicked again.

"What if Jake feels differently?" Steve thought. "I mean he must. We're working out and sagging to get girls, and if that's what he wants, then what? He's probably going to think this was all some pervy set-up so I could fuck him. He's going to hate me. Fuck, what the fuck did I do!?! I've totally fucked our friendship up now."

Steve continued to berate himself, convinced his new discoveries about himself were going to ruin his friendship with Jake. "I'm so damn selfish. Why don't I just not act on it? But what, now we just won't fuck? Jake will know something is up and it'll still ruin everything. Damnit! I'm such a jackass!"

Steve kept going in his head until he saw a text on his phone from Jake, "Yo dude. Hope it was a good trip. All good to workout tomorrow?"

"Nah man, I'm real beat from the trip. Gonna just chill tomorrow," Steve texted back.

"Ok. Wanna chill tomorrow then? Pick it up again on Tuesday?" replied Jake.

"I just need some time to rest tomorrow dude. I'll let you know about Tuesday later," texted Steve. He put the phone down and ignored further texts from Jake. "I can't deal with this right now," said a frustrated Steve to himself. He turned off the light and went to bed, hoping some sleep would help clear his head.

Jake was a mixture of angry and concerned. Steve had clearly been ignoring him all week. It made sense that Steve was tired after his trip, but to blow off the whole week of working out and not respond to any texts or calls, "what the fuck?" thought Jake to himself as he neared Steve's house.

Jake knocked on the door and was greeted by Steve's mother, "Jake, I haven't seen you all week. Did you and Steve have a fight or something?"

"Huh, not that I know of. Why?" asked Jake back.

"Well, he's been moping around the house and in his room all week. Normally you two are attached at the hip. I hadn't seen you so I figured that might have something to do with it. Steve won't tell me what's wrong, so I'm left to try and guess," answered Steve's mom.

"I don't know what's up. He hasn't really been talking with me this past week, so I have no idea what's bothering him. That's why I came by actually," said Jake.

"Well he's up in his room. I'm heading out for my Saturday morning errands, but there's food in the kitchen if you boys get hungry. Good luck with Steve," said Steve's mom.

She headed out the door to do her errands, leaving Steve and Jake alone in the house. Jake headed up to Steve's room to get to the bottom of this. Jake opened Steve's bedroom door and saw Steve lying face-down on his bed, it sounded like he was crying.

"Hey Steve, you ok man?" asked Jake with concern.

The voice surprised Steve, and he shot up from his bed. He wiped the tears from his face and tried to compose himself," What the fuck are you doing here?"

"You've been acting kind of weird all week, and I was worried. Your mom said something's been up, but she doesn't know what. Are you ok?" asked Jake.

"I'm fine. It's nothing. Don't worry about it," said Steve, trying to convince himself as well.

Jake did not buy it, "Dude, bull. We've been all focused for the past month or so with our workouts, and then all of a sudden you blow off a whole week without explanation. You're my best friend Steve, I can tell when something's up."

Steve did not answer. He looked at the floor, unsure of what to say, or where to begin. As he thought about what to do, Jake approached Steve and wrapped him in a tight embrace, holding him close.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to or aren't ready. Just know that I'm here for you, whatever and whenever you need. I love you Steve," said Jake.

Jake's words made Steve melt into Jake's arms. He found the strength to say what was on his mind, "I love you too Jake. And I that's what's been bothering me?"

"Huh?" said a perplexed Jake. Steve separated from Jake and explained what had happened with the girl on the camping trip. Steve explained what the trip had made him realize, "Like we started working out, sagging together, all this stuff was so we could get girls. And I just don't want it to be for that anymore."

"When I was with that girl, all I thought about was you Jake. You're all I think about all the time. I love spending time with you, talking with you, having sex with you, everything," continued Steve.

"Ok, so what's the problem?" asked Jake.

"What!?! Did you not hear me!?! We started all of this for girls and I don't want girls! I want you! I don't know if I'm gay or whatever, but I know I love you, and I want us to be together!" Steve went on, getting more emotional.

"Bu-" Jake tried to interrupt, but Steve was letting it all out now and cut him off. Tears were streaming down Steve's face as he continued.

"And I mean look at you. You're even more of a stud than you were before we started working out! You're gonna be beating the girls away with a stick, and I was supposed to be there with you, but now I've fucked it all up! Why the hell would you want some perv like me around? I've gone and fucked up everything up!"

"Hol-" Jake tried to get a word in again, but Steve was still letting his pent up emotions out.

"I'm just such an asshole! That's why I blew off working out this week. I'm just so fucking awful!"

"ENOUGH!" screamed Jake. Steve went silent, and looked down at the floor, still crying, convinced Jake was about to kick his ass. But that would never happen. Jake grabbed Steve again, wrapping him in another embrace.

Jake looked into Steve's eyes and spoke, "You haven't done anything wrong or messed anything up. And please, stop trying to tell me what I think or feel, or how I am going to react. But now I can see what's been bothering you so much."

Jake brought his lips to Steve's and kissed him softly. "I'm glad you told me all this, because I feel the same way about you."

"Really?" asked a shocked, but happy, Steve.

Jake answered, "Yes. I have for a while too. I mean I liked when we got with girls and all, but the best part was that I got to do it with you. And as we started to mess around together more and more, I realized all I want is you."

Jake continued, and Steve listened silently, "Like you said, I don't know if this makes me gay, but I don't care. I'm happy when I'm with you and that's what I want. I love you."

"I love you too," said Steve. He brought his lips to Jake's and they kissed again. They stayed that wait for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth of their embrace and kiss.

"Jake, I need to ask you something," said Steve.

"What?" asked Jake.

After a moment's hesitation, Steve asked his question, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes! Absolutely!" replied a very excited Jake. "I love you boyfriend!"

"I love you too boyfriend!" said Steve.

They went back to making out in each other's arms for another few minutes. Their shirts came off, and soon Jake's hand found its way inside Steve's shorts. Jake felt Steve's hard cock and grinned as he spoke, "Well ya know, that girl gave you such a meh blowjob, I think I know what you need right now."

Jake pushed Steve back onto his bed and yanked his shorts and boxers off. Steve erect cock was in view and Jake immediately took the whole thing in his mouth.

"Oh yeeaaaa Jake," hissed Steve as his cock was enveloped by Jake's warm mouth. "That feels sooooo good! I love you so much!"

Steve's moans were music to Jake's ears. He worked his way up and down Steve's shaft, slobbering it with his tongue. "Oh fuck yea babe! I love it when you suck my dick!" moaned Steve.

Jake went up and down on Steve's cock. Steve had been so stressed this week, Jake worked to suck all of that tension out of his boyfriend, trying to drain Steve's balls of his cum.

It was working. After another minute or two Steve sighed, "Oh baby, you're gonna make me cum soon. Oh fuck yea Jake!"

Jake swallowed Steve all the way to the hilt, and then sucked his way back up, before diving down on Steve's dick again, over and over. Jake knew this would make Steve cum hard down his throat.

"Oh fuck, here it cums baby! Oh fuck yea!" sighed Steve as his cock exploded in Jake's mouth. Jake squeezed his mouth around Steve's cock as his lover's cum fired down his throat.

"Mmmmmmmmmm," moaned Jake around Steve's cock as he took all of his boyfriend's load. Steve's cock did not seem to be softening even after Steve stopped cumming. So, Jake kept on sucking. After a few minutes, Steve started breathing faster.

"Oh, shit babe! You're gonna make me cum again! Oh fuck," cried Steve. His dick fired another load down Jake's throat. Steve's head was spinning was from two intense orgasms in just a few minutes. As he laid back on the bed, Jake came off his cock.

"Don't you pass out on me," said Jake. "We're not done yet," he said mischievously. Jake pushed Steve's legs up to gain access to his hole and dove in with his tongue.

"Mmmmpppphhh, fuck," cried Steve as Jake's tongue invaded his hole. "Damn Jake, that feels good. I need you inside me baby!"

Jake kept rimming Steve until his hole was good and ready. Jake lubed his cock with some spit and pushed himself into Steve. He slid in easily and buried his cock in his lover's ass. Jake fell forward onto Steve and kissed him deeply as they made love.

"You're cock feels so good inside me," cooed Steve in Jake's ear. "Fuck me hard. I want you to pound my ass until you shoot a big load inside me!"

"You're so sexy Steve," cooed Jake in reply. He started pumping his dick in and out of Steve's ass, giving his boyfriend the fucking he craved! "Your ass is so tight and warm! I love being inside you!"

"I love it when you're inside me," moaned Steve. They brought their lips together again as Jake started to pound Steve harder. "Oh, yea baby, fuck that ass!"

Jake was plowing his cock into Steve, making Steve grunt and groan in pleasure, "oh fuck...mppph...fuck yea baby...slam my ass! Oh yea Jake!" Steve's moans were driving Jake wild, as were the expressions on Jake's face as he enjoyed being fucked!

Jake slammed his dick all the way into Steve, and then pressed in a bit deeper. He felt himself poke something in Steve's ass, and when he did, Steve squealed, "Oh shit! Wow, what did you just do!"

"I'm not sure," said Jake. "I just tried to fuck you a little deeper and it feels like I poked something."

"Well do it again, that was awesome!" demanded Steve.

Jake did what his boyfriend asked and poked that spot again. Steve squealed in pleasure each time Jake did this. "Oh my god Jake, fuck me just like that!"

Jake started fucking Steve as hard as possible. He made sure to hit this new spot as much as he could. Steve was going crazy, letting out whimpering moans as Jake plowed his ass, "mmmmpppph...yea...mmppphhh baby, soo good...fuck me...mppppph yea!"

Steve's dick was rock hard between them, leaking like a faucet from the fucking Steve was getting! It was throbbing and ready to burst for the third time, and Steve knew it was cumming!

"Oh shit, you're gonna fuck the cum outta me! Oh yea!" cried Steve.

"Do it babe, cum for me! When you shoot your big load, that's when I'll shoot mine right up your ass!" cried Jake in response.

"Oh, yea baby! Oh, fuck yea!" yelled Steve, and once again Jake gave his lover a mind-blowing orgasm! Steve's dick pulsed and fired three huge ropes all over his chest and abs. And as soon as the first rope fired, Steve's ass clamped down on Jake's cock.

"Ohhhh fuckkkk!" cried Jake as his dick blasted a load inside Steve. He pushed in as far as he could, hitting the sweet spot and filling his lover's ass with a huge load!

"Oh fuck, oh shit!" sighed Jake as he kept cumming inside Steve. Steve wrapped his legs around Jake and pulled him down for a kiss. They played with each other's tongues, moaning into each other's mouths as their orgasms wracked their bodies!

After a few minutes, Jake broke their kiss and slowly withdrew from Steve's ass. He laid beside Steve and pulled him close. Steve rested against Jake, exhausted from the hard fucking he'd just received, and ecstatic to be with his boyfriend!

"That was amazing," said Steve.

"It was," agreed Jake. "But I am so tired now babe. It's hard work fucking you like that," he laughed. He turned his head and kissed Steve again.

"That wasn't fucking. We just made love, and I can't wait to do it again!" said Steve.

"Yea," said Jake, "Me too. I love you Jake. I'm so happy we can be together like this!"

"Me too," said Steve. "Let's take a nap. Then I'd like to take you out on a date later. Let's go see a movie! Sound good?"

"That sounds awesome," answered Jake. He pulled Steve closer and kissed him again. "I love you."

"I love you too," said Steve. And the two lovers soon fell asleep, exhausted and content from their lovemaking!

Steve awoke a few hours later, it was a little after 2:00pm now and he could hear his mother downstairs. Jake was still sleeping peacefully next to him. Steve smiled and thought about how lucky he was. His best friend was now also his boyfriend and lover. Steve smiled to himself, relieved that his worst fears had been proven unfounded, and kissed Jake lightly on the cheek.

Steve got up from the bed and got dressed. He cleaned himself up a bit and threw on some gym shorts and a lazy shirt. He went downstairs to see if his mom would drop him and Jake off at the movie theater. She was watching some TV.

"Hey mom," said Steve. "Can you drop Jake and I off at the movie theater in a bit?"

"Sure thing," she replied. "I take it you're feeling better then?"

"Yea, sorry I've been so grumpy the last week. I just had a lot on my mind and Jake helped me work through it."

"Well good. Just let me know when you want to go and I'll drop you off."

"Thanks mom," said Steve. He headed back up to his room, got naked, and laid next to Jake again. He kissed Jake on the back of the neck, and Jake woke from his nap.

"Hey sexy," said Jake as he awoke. He pulled Steve down for a kiss and they made out for several minutes.

"Let's take a shower and get cleaned up," said Steve. "My mom said she'll drop us off at the movie theater."

"Sounds good," said Jake. The boys headed to the bathroom and showered off, taking the time to sensually clean one another off. They got out of the shower and headed back to Steve's room. They got dressed. Jake wearing the t-shirt and shorts he had come over in, sagging about 4 inches with some blue boxer briefs. Steve put on a similar outfit, sagging a little lower at 5 inches with some red boxer briefs and a white belt.

"Nice belt man," said Jake.

"Thanks dude. I gotta another one if you wanna borrow it. Let's you sag a little lower. Show off that nice ass for me while we're out," said Steve with a grin.

"Sounds hot," answered Jake. He grabbed the belt from Steve's closet and put it on, adjusting his sag to match Steve's.

"You're so sexy babe," said Steve. He walked up to Jake and pulled him close, grabbing Jake's ass as he kissed him.

They broke their kiss and headed downstairs. Steve's mom dropped them off at the movie theater and the boys headed inside. They picked a film, got tickets and snacks, and then headed to the designated theater. Fortunately, it was not a very packed theater, and the boys took a spot in the back room that was isolated from the other moviegoers. They cuddled together to enjoy the film.

As the movie was playing, Steve looked over at Jake and just admired his boyfriend. "He's so beautiful," thought Steve. Jake's t-shirt was tight in all the right places, showing off the muscles he'd been building up. And his shorts were nice and low, just how Steve liked. Jake noticed Steve was staring at him.

"See something you like?"

"Yea, my sexy boyfriend," answered Steve. He kissed Jake on the cheek and then whispered in his ear, "Ya know, you only came once earlier, and I came three times..." Steve kissed down Jake's neck and then went down between his legs. Jake's sag was so low that Steve was able to fish his boyfriend's dick out of his boxers and stroke it to full hardness.

"Whoa babe," said Jake as Steve gripped his cock. "We're gonna get caught!"

"No, we won't. Besides, I'll be quick," answered Steve. He took Jake into his mouth and started to suck him off. Jake put his hand over his mouth to muffle his own sighs as Jake went to town on him. Nobody in the theater was aware that his boyfriend was giving him head right now!

The riskiness made it even hotter, and barely a minute later, Jake shot his load into Steve's hungry mouth. Steve came up and kissed Jake, sharing the cum Jake had just fed him.

"That was so hot," said Jake. He looked around the theater to make sure nobody had noticed what they had done. "Your turn now!" And Jake went down on his boyfriend, quickly sucking a yummy load from him!

They made out for a few more minutes, two boys in love. They turned back to watch the film and cuddled together in their seats. Happy as could be because they were together.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! There will probably be one more chapter set in the summer time, and then it will be time for the school year. Jake and Steve may find themselves having some fun together with the other boys at school as their relationship grows :)

I really appreciate all of the e-mails readers have sent me. Further comments, feedback, ideas, etc. are always appreciated. Thanks again!

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