Saggin Together

By moc.oohay@22orbrenots

Published on Apr 17, 2020


Readers Warning: The following fictional story contains elements of sexual activities between teenage boys. If the subject matter offends you, is not to your taste, is not legal in your area, or if you are not of legal age in your area; then you should not read any further.

This story is fiction, but is based on me and a friend who I messed around with when I was younger. We were both into sagging our pants and it's part of what led to us messing around, though it never developed like this story will. Again, the names, places, and events in this story are completely fictional.

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Saggin' Together: Chapter 3 (revised)

"What another awesome day this was!" thought Steve to himself as he was lying in bed. He was naked and sprawled out on top of the covers, slowly stroking his hard cock. After another hard workout, he and Jake had sucked each other off in the shower. It was now a regular part of their post-workout routine, and the boys had mastered making each other cum with their mouths and swallowing each other's loads.

Thinking about Jake sucking his dick got Steve even more excited, "Oh fuck," he moaned as he kept happily jerking his dick. A steady stream of precum was flowing from Steve's slit as his arousal grew.

Steve then thought about later in the afternoon, when the boys were in Jake's bedroom happily 69'ing on Jake's bed. Jake had come off of Steve's dick to suck on his balls and was soon tonguing underneath Steve's sack. This drove Steve wild, part of the reason Jake liked doing it, and Steve could not yet figure out why that spot drove him so wild.

"I wonder why that spot feels so awesome," wondered Steve as he kept jacking off. He let his free hand cup his balls and then slip underneath them. Steve rubbed the area with his fingers and it felt good, but he wanted something more. His fingers slowly drifted down towards his hole until he touched it for the first time.

"Oh shit," said a shocked Steve as he withdrew his hand. He was surprised at touching such a sensitive area, and even more surprised at how good it felt. He brought his hand back down to his hole and explored a little more. Steve started to lightly probe his hole with his fingers.

"Mmmmm, wow," he moaned as he enjoyed the new sensation of playing with his ass. Steve reached over to the lube next to his bed and applied some to one of his fingers. He slowly worked his finger in, one knuckle at a time.

"Ohhhhh fuck," moaned Steve as he sank his finger into himself. He withdrew briefly to apply some more lube and then went back at it. This time he got two fingers into himself. "Oh yeeaaa!" Steve started to gently fuck himself with his fingers and enjoyed the new sensations and pleasure he was getting from his asshole. He felt like his dick was harder than it had ever been as he slowly jerked off and fingered himself at the same time.

"Fuck yea," sighed Steve as he kept at with his fingers. But as great as the feeling was, he felt like he wanted more in his ass. Then he got an idea. He stopped what he was doing, slipped out of bed, and went down the hall.

A few months ago, Steve was helping his older sister move stuff out of her room when he found a dildo she was hiding the closet. Steve did not reveal his discovery, but now he wondered if it was still there. His sister was gone for a few weeks on a vacation with friends, so she'd never know so long as he was careful. His parents' bedroom was on the first floor of the house, so they'd never hear what he was doing.

Steve went into his sister's closet and found what he was looking for. He washed it off and then went back to his bed. Steve stroked his cock back to full mast and inserted two fingers back in himself.

"Alright, let's see what I can do with this thing," said Steve to himself. He applied some lube to the dildo and brought it to his hole. He slowly worked the dildo into himself, little by little.

"Fuck," said Steve as there was some momentary pain, but he relaxed and gently worked more of the dildo into himself until there were about 5 inches inside him. "Fucccckkk, that feels good," he cried out.

Steve used one hand to start gently fucking himself with the dildo and used his other hand to jerk his hard cock. The combination was too much and within moments Steve was ready to explode.

"Ohhh fuck yea," he cried out as his cock erupted. The first shot fired and sprayed Steve right in his face. He opened his mouth to let it drip inside as his second shot sprayed right into his mouth. Steve savored the taste of his cum as he kept shooting more and more all over himself. His ass clenched around the dildo as he came and almost pulled it deeper into his hole.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck...that was awesome!" panted Steve as his dick finally stop firing. He was covered in cum and he slowly came down from his intense orgasm. "Wow, that was great!" he said quietly to himself, exhausted from cumming so hard. After a minute or two, he cleaned himself off and then cleaned up everything else. He climbed into bed when he was finished cleaning. He decided to hold onto the dildo for now, and stashed it under his bed.

"I'll get it back before it's missed," thought Steve to himself. "Plus, I think I know something better I can replace it with." He texted Jake asking if he wanted to hang out tomorrow, and then went to sleep.

Jake awoke in the morning and could immediately feel he had morning wood in need of some attention. He had to help his mom with some errands today, and Jake knew she would be knocking on his door any second now to wake him up.

Jake reached out and wrapped his hand around his cock. He thought about Steve and how he wished he could be sucking on Steve's dick right now. Jake found himself thinking of all the sex they had been having and it brought him to quick orgasm, firing a nice load all over his abs. Just as he finished eating his load, there was a knock at that door.

"Jake, are you up?" asked his mom.

"Yea, I'm gonna jump in the shower and I'll be right down," he answered.

"Ok, don't take too long please," she replied. Jake's mom went back downstairs, leaving Jake to finish getting ready.

Jake hopped out of bed and headed for the shower. He cleaned off and got dressed. He put on a form-fitting t-shirt to show off the muscle he'd been building, and then slipped a pair of cargo shorts over his dark green boxer briefs. He left his shorts sagging about 4-5 inches so everyone could have a nice look at his firm ass. Jake grabbed his phone and noticed a text from Steve.

"Hey bro, wanna chill today?"

"For sure man! Gotta help my mom with some shit first, but I could have her drop me off when we're done if that's cool?" Jake replied.

Steve quickly responded, "Sounds good, let me know when you're on the way."

Jake's mom agreed to drop him off when they were done, but she reminded her son that her errands might take a little while. Jake texted back to Steve, "Will do. Might not be until the afternoon though."

"No worries," answered Steve. "I've got stuff I can do for now anyway."

"Sick, see you later then," texted Jake. And he spent the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon helping his mom with her errands. Meanwhile, Steve was busy in his room playing with the dildo, getting himself ready for the fun he had planned with Jake.

"Ok, honey. We're all done now," said Jake's mom.

"Finally, that took way longer than you said it would," said Jake with a bit of a scowl.

"I know, I know. Thank you for helping me. I'll drop you off at Steve's on the way back now," said Jake's mom.

"Ok, thanks mom," replied Jake as he pulled out his phone to text Steve.

"Yo dude. Finally done. Omw now."

Steve was watching some TV in the living room of his house when he got Jake's text. Steve had come to enjoy showing off the body he was developing. He was shirtless wearing just a pair of gym shorts and the orange boxer briefs that used to be Jake's. He was sagging about 4 inches.

"Cool man, I'm just watchin some TV. Nobody else is home. See you in a bit!" he texted back to Jake.

Jake's mom dropped him off about 30 minutes later. Jake came over to Steve's so often he did not need to knock. Jake let himself into the house and found Steve sitting on the couch watching TV. He took a second to enjoy the sight of his shirtless buddy, noting he was sagging the orange boxer briefs he had "stolen" from Jake. Steve's hand was down his pants and he seemed to be obliviously rubbing his dick.

"Hey man," said Jake greeting his friend. "Nice boxers. I used to have some just like `em," he laughed.

"Oh yea? I got these off a dude who loves to suck my dick," Steve joked back at his friend. He stood up and showed off his bulge, playfully squeezing it in front of Jake.

"Somebody's horny," said Jake with a smile. "Head upstairs?"

"You read my mind bro," replied Steve with a devilish grin.

Jake headed up the stairs and Steve followed behind him. Jake pulled of his t-shirt as they were walking up the stairs and Steve was able to enjoy a great view of Jake's sag. He grabbed at his buddy's tight ass, making Jake chuckle every time he did so. As soon as they were in Steve's room Steve closed the door and pushed Jake back on to his bed. Steve climbed on top of Jake and planted a deep kiss on his lips, grinding their bulges together as they're tongues invaded each other's mouths.

"Damn bro, you are really horny," said Jake as Steve ground hard into him. Steve started kissing down Jake's neck and body until he reached his groin. He pushed Jake's shorts and boxers down and took his friend's dick into his mouth.

"Ah yea," sighed Jake as he brought his hand to the back of Steve's head. He gently caressed Steve's hair as Steve sucked on his dick. Steve took Jake down to the hilt and then slowly sucked his way back up before repeating the motion all over again and again.

"Mppph, fuck that feels soooo good dude," moaned Jake.

Steve kept sucking on Jake and had not yet taken his pants off. From the way he was angled, his ass was sticking up in the air, creating an enticing view for Jake as he got his dick sucked. He admired the sight of Steve's ass, enjoying his sag as a bonus!

"You've gotta a really nice ass man!" said Jake.

Steve looked Jake right in the eyes, came off his dick, and asked, "You wanna fuck it?"

"Seriously?" asked Jake, somewhat surprised. "You really want me too?"

"Yea dude. I've been kinda getting myself ready for it, and I wanna know what it feels like," answered Steve.

"Ok, if you want me too, I'm down to fuck that sexy ass of yours!" said Jake.

Steve stood up and took his clothes off, and Jake got up from the bed as well. Jake's dick was rock hard after being sucked on by Steve, and now he was leaking in anticipation of fucking his buddy! Steve grabbed the lube and passed it to Jake so he could lube up his dick. Steve applied some lube to his hole and got on his back on the bed, spreading his legs wide.

Jake got on top of Steve and lined his cock up with Steve's hole. "You ready bro?"

"So ready, but work it in slow so I can get used to it," answered Steve. His hole was quivering in anticipation of being fucked for the first time. He felt Jake's cock press at his entrance, and then Jake slowly started to push into him.

"Fuck, that's nice," sighed Steve as more of Jake's cock sank into him. Thanks to his practice with the dildo, Jake's dick was able to slide pretty easily into Steve's ass. The look of ecstasy of Steve's face was almost too much for Jake as he relished the feeling of Steve's ass squeezing his cock.

"Fuck your ass feels so tight and warm," cried Jake as more of his dick entered Steve. "Oh fuck," he cried out again as his breathing suddenly quickened. Jake had barely two inches of his dick inside Steve but the feeling was just too much for him. "Shit dude, I'm gonna..." and Jake's dick started firing into Steve's ass.

"Fuck, oh fuck, fuck," Jake kept moaning as he unloaded into Steve. Steve pulled Jake in closer and brought their lips together so he could deeply kiss Jake as he came. Jake slowly came down from his orgasm, and his breathing returned to normal. His dick was still hard, and it never came out of Steve's ass.

"Shit, I'm sorry man," said Jake somewhat sheepishly. His face was red with embarrassment from cumming so quickly. "I didn't mean to cum so quick but your ass is just so amazing," he continued as he collapsed down onto Steve's body.

Steve held onto Jake and assured him it was all ok, "It's all good man. Kinda hot that you couldn't last that long. My ass must be pretty good!"

"It's fucking great man. Better than I ever could've imagined," said Jake.

"Good, well you still feel pretty hard to me, fuck me some more?" asked Steve.

Steve answered by sliding more of his still hard cock into Jake. Steve's cum was acting as additional lube and soon his entire dick was inside of Steve.

"Oh wow! That's awesome! Just stay that way for a sec. Let me get used to it. This feels unreal bro," said Steve.

Jake gave Steve a second to get used to the feeling before he withdrew his cock and then pushed it hard back in to Steve. Steve's dick jumped when Jake sank back into him and Jake reached out and started to jerk Steve off.

"Oh, that's it, fuck me Jake, start pounding my ass!" said Steve. And Jake did exactly what was asked. He started to move in and out of Steve at a faster pace. Steve wrapped his legs around Jake to try and pull him in deeper. He pulled Jake down to his face and the boys made out as Jake began to fuck Steve even harder.

"Oh fuck yea, this is amazing!" moaned Steve. Jake was grunting and Steve was groaning. Between his groans, with just about every thrust from Jake, Steve let out a "Fuck yea." There were grunts, groans, and "fuck yes... yes... yes," from Steve.Ê An, "Oh fuck, yeah," from Jake too after several thrusts.

Jake had stopped jerking Steve off and was totally focused on pounding Steve's ass. Steve's cock was still rock hard and leaking, looking like it was about to explode any second. Steve had his head thrown back into the pillows and was lost in ecstasy as Jake fucked him. He did not dare touch his dick because he knew he would bust the moment the did so. But the pleasure was too much and Steve could feel he was close to cumming.

"Bro, I'm gonna cum soon," he said to Jake. "Like any second now...oh fuck!"

Jake started plowing into Steve even harder, determined to give his friend one hell of an orgasm. "Oh fuck yea Jake, keep fucking me, oh fuck yes, don't stop."

"Fuuuuucccckkkk," cried Steve as his cock suddenly fired out a huge stream of cum up onto the headboard of Steve's bed. "Oh my god!" Steve cried out as the second shot fired from his cock and hit him in the cheek. "Uhhhh, fuck" and shot number three also hit Steve in the face. "Oh fuck me dude, yes!" and several more shots came firing out of Steve's cock. Jake kept fucking him the whole time.

"Fuck yea bro, shoot that big load all over!" exclaimed Jake as he watched Steve get covered in cum. "That's hot as fuck!" Jake picked up the pace looking to add a second load to Steve's ass. Steve's eyes were closed shut as he was still lost in orgasmic bliss as Jake kept on fucking him.

"Your ass is amazing Steve, I'm gonna fill you with another load any second now!" said Jake.

"Ohhhh fuuck, yea, do it bro," cooed Steve as Jake kept fucking him. "Fill me with more cum!"

"Here it cums!" cried Jake as he pushed his cock all the way into Steve and filled him with another load. Steve wrapped his legs more tightly around Jake and cried out as he was filled up for the second time.

"Fuck yes, I'm cumming again," cried Steve as Jake was still cumming in his ass. He pulled Jake down to him so he could kiss his buddy as they came together. Steve covered himself with a second load of cum as Jake finished breeding Steve as deeply as he possibly could.

They laid together for a few minutes, holding each other, kissing, still riding the high of their intense orgasms. Jake spoke first. "Wow, just wow! How have we not done that sooner?" he asked as he rolled to the side of Steve and withdrew his cock from Steve's ass.

"Well it was the worth the wait. That was incredible dude!" said Steve as he leaned over to kiss Jake some more. "I think I need a nap now."

"Same," said Jake. "I'm beat." Steve rolled onto his side and cuddled next to Jake. He looked up at Jake as Jake put his arm around Steve and they smiled at each other. Steve reached up and kissed Jake again.

"Thank you for fucking me. That really was amazing," said Steve.

Jake looked back at Steve and smiled, "Thank you for letting me fuck you. I'm really glad we've done all this stuff together. I love you Steve."

"I love you too Jake," replied Steve as they passionately kissed once more. After a few more minutes of making out, the exhaustion of their lovemaking was finally too much.

"Let's get some sleep dude," said Jake. "You're fucking me when we're done napping!"

"You got it bro! Can't wait to fill that ass and make you cum real hard as I fuck you!" said Steve. Jake smiled and his cock twitched at the thought. Steve laid his head down on Jake's chest and a few moments later they passed out into a deep sleep.

Steve opened his eyes some time later still wrapped in Jake's warm embrace. He had no idea what time it was, but the sun was going down so they had to have been asleep for a few hours. Steve could feel some of Jake's cum still leaking from his ass and it reminded him of the great fuck they'd just had.

Steve thought about waking Jake, but he was sleeping so peacefully he did not want to disturb him. Steve gently slipped from Jake's embrace and headed for a quick shower. He rinsed off and cleaned the cum from his ass before, then headed back to the bedroom to get dressed. Jake was now starting to rouse from his nap.

"Hey man," said a groggy Jake. "What time is it?"

"It's like 7:00ish. We were out for like 4 hours," answered Steve.

"Damn, where's my phone? I need to text my folks," said Jake. He rummaged around looking for his phone as Steve headed for the bedroom door.

"I'm gonna grab some food for us from downstairs," said Steve. "You're stayin over tonight by the way so you might wanna let your parents know."

"I am?" asked Jake.

"You are. Cuz I'm fuckin that ass tonight," said Steve with a grin as he headed downstairs. Jake smiled back and began sending the text to his parents.

Steve headed down to the kitchen and found his parents were in there finishing dinner themselves.

"Steve!" said his mom when she was him enter the kitchen. "I didn't know you were here. I figured you were at Jake's or something."

"Nah, Jake is here actually. We were really tired from playing a game earlier and passed out. A bit longer than I figured we would," Steve explained to his parents.

"Must've been one hell of a basketball game you were playing to be that worn out," said Steve's dad. He assumed basketball was the "game" Steve was referring too, and Steve just went along with it.

"Yea, Jake ended up on top though. Really wore me down in the end after a hiccup at the start," said Steve, his parents totally oblivious to the real meaning of his words.

"You'll just have to get him next time. I'm sure you'll be playing again soon," said Steve's dad.

"Oh yea, it'll be me on top next time we play for sure," said Steve laughing to himself.

"Well I'm glad I made some extra food then since there's two of you," said Steve's mom. "I assume Jake's staying over?"

"Yea, we'll probably game the rest of the night or something like that and just take it easy," replied Steve.

"Well try not to make too much noise. Your mother and I would like to get to sleep a little early tonight," said Steve's dad.

"Will do," said Steve. He gathered the food and left his parents to their conversation. When he got back to his room Jake was now out of bed, still naked, and looking out the bedroom window at the sunset. Steve put the food down, stripped off his clothes, and walked up behind Jake, embracing him from behind. Jake melted back into Steve's arms and then turned to face him. They kissed and continued to make out for several minutes. Jake was beginning to drop to his knees when Steve stopped him.

"Hold on a sec, let's wait for now," said Steve. "I wanna save my load for your ass, and we should wait for my parents to go to sleep first. Let's eat, chill, and then I'll pound you hard and put you to bed!"

Jake smiled, "Sounds like a plan! Can't wait to have this dick in me." Jake gave Steve's cock a squeeze before letting him go and heading over to the food. The boys ate and then spent the next few hours naked, cuddled on Steve's bed watching TV. Several hours went by before Steve decided to check and see if his parents were still awake. He slipped out of bed, went into the hall, and listened to the sounds of the house. The silence confirmed his parents were no longer awake. "Time to fuck Jake!" thought Steve to himself.

Steve went back to the bed and laid down next to Jake. This time Jake cuddled up to Steve. Steve wrapped his arm around Jake and pulled him closer.

"So, I have a question man," said Jake.

"Shoot," replied Steve.

"What did you mean when you said you'd been getting yourself ready to be fucked?" asked Jake.

"Well," said Jake as he began to explain to Jake what he had done. "I was jerking it, thinking about how you always lick that spot under my nuts, and I started rubbing that area to try and feel like I do when I'm with you."

Jake was listening with rapt attention as Steve continued, "So I was doing that and then I found myself playing with my ass and decided to stick a finger in myself. Not really sure why, just seemed like a good idea. After I got two fingers in, I wanted more so I went and found my sister's dildo and fucked myself with that. I practiced all morning with it too while I was waiting for you to get here."

"Wait," said Jake in disbelief. "You stuck your sister's dildo up your ass?"

"Yea," answered Steve. "I cleaned it beforehand, and she's gone for a few weeks and will never know."

"You still have it then?" asked Jake with a grin.

"Yea," replied Steve as he pulled the dildo out from under his bed. "Should I get you ready with it?"

"Read my fucking mind bro!" answered Jake as he leaned back on the bed and presented his hole to Steve. Steve put the dildo aside for now and grabbed his bottle of lube. He applied some to his fingers and got in position to get Jake's hole ready to be fucked for the first time!

Steve started gently and followed the same pattern he had with himself. He ran his fingers over Jake's hole and it twitched in reaction. Steve then slowly began to work his finger into Jake's ass.

"How's that feel?" Steve asked.

"Different, but a good different," answered Jake. "Keep going."

Steve wasted no time and resumed sliding his finger into Jake. Once he had all three knuckles in, he withdrew, and then went back in with two fingers. Steve continued to work his way deeper into Jake and reached over to get the dildo ready.

"Fuck, that feels nice," sighed Jake as Steve's two fingers were now completely inside him. Steve lightly fingered Jake for a few minutes before lubing up the dildo and withdrawing his fingers to make room. Steve gently worked the dildo into Jake's hole.

"Yesssss, stretch me out bro," moaned Jake. "Get my ass ready for your cock."

"We're almost there dude," said Steve. He'd worked about 5 inches of the dildo into Jake and started to slowly fuck him with it. The room was charged with sexual energy and Steve's own cock was rock hard. He was ready to fuck Jake, and after working the dildo for a few minutes, Steve felt like Jake was ready now too. He withdrew the dildo, applied some lube to his cock, and lined it up with Jake's ass.

"You gonna fuck me now? I've been waiting all-day," asked Jake sarcastically.

Steve answered Jake's sass by pushing his dick forward into him. "Oh shit," gasped Jake as Steve's cock penetrated him. "Fuck yea, stick it in me bro!" he panted as Steve worked his cock into him.

"God you're tight," said Steve. "Feels fuckin awesome. I see why you came so quick when you fucked me," he laughed as more of his cock was sliding into Jake. "I'm almost all the way in," continued Steve. And with one more push he was balls deep in Jake's ass.

"Damn dude, I feel so full right now. This is great," said Jake as he enjoyed the new feeling of having a dick in his ass. He relaxed his body and gave into the new pleasures he was feeling. Steve sensed Jake's relaxation and started to slowly fuck his buddy. Sliding his dick in and out of Jake's tight hole had Steve going crazy.

"Ohhhh yeaaaa," moaned Jake. "Fuck me Steve. Gimme that dick!"

"You feel so good bro. Like your ass is just gripping my cock right now, it's awesome!" said Steve as he started to pick up the pace. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure through Jake as he begged Steve to fuck him harder.

"Fucking pound my ass dude! I want it harder!" cried Jake.

Steve started slamming harder into Jake's ass, "Take my cock bro. You like it when I fuck this ass?"

"Fuuuuckkkk yessssss," moaned Jake. "Soooooo, goooood, soooo fuuucking good," he moaned with each thrust from Steve. It was so good that Steve started to worry they might wake his parents. He leaned down and kissed Jake to muffle their moans as he got to work fucking Jake even harder.

They stayed that way for what felt like an eternity, but was really probably less than ten minutes. Steve's muffled moans became more frequent and his breathing started to quicken as his orgasm approached. Jake wrapped his arms around Steve and pulled him closer, Steve pushed his dick as far into Steve as he could in response. They were close. Any second now and Steve was going to shoot his load deep in Jake's ass.

"This is so incredible," cried Jake, breaking their long kiss. "I'm about to cum. Oh fuck yea, here it cums." Nobody had touched Jake's dick yet, but it was rock hard and ready to burst as Steve kept fucking Jake as hard as he could. "Oh yea Steve, fuck the cum right out of me. Oh fuck yes!"

Jake's cock exploded, and Steve kept drilling his ass while he came. With each thrust from Steve, Jake would moan and fire a shot of cum, "Fuck yes!" as the first shot blasted onto Jake's chest. "Fuck the cum outta me!" and a second shot went flying, and then a third. Jake's cock just kept firing as Steve pounded his ass as he came. "Oh my god, fuck yes!" After ten spurts, Jake's cock finally stopped shooting. He felt like he was going to pass out his orgasm was so intense.

For his part, Steve was mesmerized by the huge load Jake just shot all over himself. He was also kind of proud that it was his fucking that made Jake do it. "Fuck that's so hot Jake," said Steve. "I'm about to cum inside you!"

"Do it Steve! I wanna feel you shoot your load in me! Fill me with your cum," cooed Jake in response. That set Steve over the edge.

"Oh yea, here it cums. Ah fuck, ah, ah, ahhhhhhhhhhh, fuck yesss!" sighed Steve as he unloaded into Jake's ass. "Oh yea take that load bro! Oh fuck yea!" Steve kept moaning and panting as he dumped his load into Jake.

Jake closed his eyes and relished the feeling as Steve filled him up. "Yes, dude. Fill me with your cum," he cried as his ass clenched down on Steve's throbbing cock. Steve leaned down onto Jake and kissed him deeply. Jake met the kiss and they opened their mouths to each other's tongues, holding each other as they snuggled together on the bed, Steve's dick gently falling from Jake's ass.

"That was amazing," whispered Jake as Steve cuddled close behind him. "I should thank you for fucking me now."

"Anytime," said Steve with a smile. He kissed Jake on the back of the neck man. "I love you," said Steve with a smile.

"I love you too," replied Jake. And then, exhausted from their second intense round of sex that day, the two lovers enjoyed a restful sleep together.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! There will be more adventures for Jake and Steve in the future!

I really appreciate all of the emails readers have sent me. Further comments, feedback, ideas, etc. are always appreciated.

Revision note: I removed a section at the end. It did not work with how chapter 4 plays out and my ideas for the rest of the story. Maybe there will be a 3rd person in the future, but not yet.

Next: Chapter 4

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