Saggin Together

By moc.oohay@22orbrenots

Published on Apr 13, 2020


Readers Warning: The following fictional story contains elements of sexual activities between teenage boys. If the subject matter offends you, is not to your taste, is not legal in your area, or if you are not of legal age in your area; then you should not read any further.

This story is fiction, but is based on me and a friend who I messed around with when I was younger. We were both into sagging our pants and it's part of what led to us messing around, though it never developed like this story will. Again, the names, places, and events in this story are completely fictional.

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Saggin' Together: Chapter 2

"That's it bro, keep it up," encouraged Jake as Steve continued with his reps. Jake looked down at the sight of his shirtless best friend as he spotted Steve while he benched. Steve already had a nicely developed chest and 6-pack. And he was sagging his red gym shorts about 4 inches showing off some tight navy boxer briefs.

Jake's dad had approved of the boys' plan for working out over the summer, and allowed them the use of the gym he'd built in the basement. Jake's dad used it in the early morning and had it soundproofed so his loud, early-morning workout routine wouldn't wake the whole house. With Jake's parents at work during the weekdays, the boys had the place to themselves all-day.

"Nine, come on dude. One more, push," said Jake as Steve neared the end of the set. Steve pushed through and completed his ten reps. Jake helped him guide the bar back into place, and Steve sat up when he was done.

"Damn, that was hard," said a winded Steve. "That was a new personal record though!" he continued.

"Yea dude, it's only been three weeks but I feel like we're already seeing results!" replied Jake.

Steve could not agree more as he looked over Jake's shirtless form. Jake's chest was getting bigger and his abs had firmed up into a tight six pack. Jake's dark blue gym shorts were sagging at the same level as Steve, but Jake was wearing some red boxer briefs. The inverse pattern suddenly became obvious to Steve.

"Ha, dude, I just noticed, we're almost matching. Like your shorts and my boxers and vice versa," laughed Steve.

"Haha, oh shit, that's funny. We'll have to match some more in the future," said Jake. "Come on though, let's finish up."

The boys resumed their workout and kept at it for another hour. As they spotted each other, each would steal glances at the other's body and sag. The boys had developed a post-workout jerk-off routine as well, and they did it every day together when they finished. They typically went up to Jake's room, laid down next to each other on his bed, and jerked-off side-by-side until each teen shot a big load all over themselves.

As the end of the workout approached, the boys were thinking about the coming jerk-off session. That, plus the sight of each other's sags and bodies, had both boys' cocks rock hard. Both of their erections were forming an obvious tent in their boxers when the workout was done.

"Whew," said Jake as he put the weights back on the rack. He turned towards Steve, "Dude, I am so horny," he said as he grabbed his bulge. He playfully squeezed it as he joked with his buddy, "I think I gotta take care of this right now!"

Jake then pushed his shorts and boxers down so his hard cock came into view. He was already leaking precum. Jake straddled one of the benches, leaving space in front of him for Steve to sit.

"Dude I can't even wait to get upstairs, come sit here and let's jerk it. We can use the shower down here, just not the sauna," said Jake as he started to stroke his cock.

"Shit bro, you don't need to ask me twice, I'm horny as fuck too," said Steve as he pushed his clothes off. He took a seat in front of Jake and started jerking off.

"Ah, fuck, that's good," moaned Jake as he got into the feeling. He ran his hand up and down the length of this shaft, enjoying the pleasure as he continued to stroke himself. "Mmmmmmmm," he kept moaning as the orgasmic feelings got stronger.

"Oh, yea dude, stroke that hard cock," encouraged Steve as he jacked himself off. He was transfixed on the sight of his buddy jerking off in front of him. "Fuck this feels good."

The basement was silent for the next few minutes except for the sounds of the boys beating off and sighing in pleasure. The whole situation had Jake so hot he decided to try something and see how Steve would react. Steve had leaned back a bit and was still jacking off in front of him.

"Here bro, let me spot you," said Jake. He leaned forward, reached out, and replaced Steve's hand with his own. Jake took a firm grip on Steve's hard cock and it throbbed in response to Jake's touch, and then throbbed again as Jake started jerk him off.

"Oh fuck!" cried Steve as he felt Jake's hand wrap around his dick. "Oh shit, fuck, that's so nice," he panted as Jake started jerking him off.

"You like that dude?" asked Jake sarcastically, knowing the answer from Steve's reactions. Jake was still stroking his own dick as he jerked Steve. Both were rock hard.

"Mmmm, fuck yea bro, that feels real good," replied Steve. The fact it was Jake jerking him off made it even better than the head he had received from the girls! Steve enjoyed the feeling for another minute or two and then had an urge come over him.

Steve scooted forward on the bench and was as close to Jake as ha could get. He reached out to take a hold of Jake's cock. The change in angle caused Jake to lean back a bit, and when Steve took ahold of him, they were leaned forward, face-to-face, just a few inches between them, holding each other's very hard leaking dicks. They were staring in each other's eyes as they started to jerk one another.

"Dude," said Steve nervously, "I dunno why but I wanna kiss you right now."

There was silence for a moment, and Steve thought he had messed everything up. Before he could look away, Jake leaned in and kissed him on the lips. Steve quickly responded and they melted into one another. Their cocks were throbbing as they made out and jerked each other off.

"Mmmph fuck I'm cumming dude," moaned Jake as Steve was furiously jerking and kissing him now. Jake's tongue invaded Steve's mouth as his cock swelled and then fired a huge stream of cum right at Jake. The feeling sent Jake over the edge and he fired his own massive load at Steve. The two boys moaned and continued to kiss as they came, covering each other and the bench in cum.

"Wow, that was intense," said Jake as he slumped back on the bench. He looked down at the mess they made and smiled up at Steve.

"I'm glad you kissed me man, that was really hot," said Steve as he looked back at Jake basking in the afterglow.

"It was your idea. I'm glad you suggested it," replied Jake. "We made one hell of a mess. That was fucking great!"

"Fuck yea it was!" said Steve. "I'm gonna grab some towels so we can clean this up. Don't need you dad finding this mess, haha."

"Jeez, that would be so awkward. Let's clean up and then grab a shower," answered Steve.

The two friends cleaned up the mess they'd made, grabbed their clothes, and headed for the bathroom. Jake turned on the water to get it to a suitable temperature and stepped inside. Steve stepped in as well and they both got close under the showerhead to enjoy the water washing over them.

After a few minutes, Jake grabbed some of the soap and turned back to Steve, "Here let me wash your back dude."

"Thanks bro," said Steve as he turned so Jake could wash him. Jake applied some soap to his hands and then started rubbing it onto Steve's back. It was really a mix between washing and massaging as Jake cleaned his friend as sensually as he could. Jake could feel his cock starting to get hard again.

"This is really nice Jake," sighed Steve as he enjoyed what Jake was doing to him. He got so lost in the feeling he leaned back a bit and Jake had to support some of his weight. Jake didn't mind and wrapped an arm around Steve to hold him up. Jake got a glimpse of Steve's dick and could see it was hard again. He ran his other hand down Steve's back and went around to his stomach. Jake's hand soon found Steve's hard cock and he started to jerk him off once more.

"Oh, damn bro, that's nice," moaned Steve as Jake's hand slid up and down his cock. Steve's dick was rock hard and slick with soap as Jake ran his hand up and down the length of the shaft with a tight grip. Steve leaned into Jake even more and rested his head on Jake's shoulder. Jake turned his head to look at Steve and then moved his head forward until their lips met.

They made out under the water for several minutes while Jake rhythmically jerked Steve off. Steve could feel his orgasm building as Jake's pace seemed to quicken. As amazing as it felt, there was something else Steve wanted to do before he came. He turned around to face Jake and arranged it so their hard cocks were resting against one another.

"Fuck yea, that's nice," moaned Jake as Steve rubbed their dicks together.

"Yea it is," replied Steve as he ran his hand along their hard cocks. He was admiring Jake's nicely toned and firm muscles, made even hotter by the running water. Steve knew what he needed to do next.

"Here man, sit back right there," said Steve motioning Jake to sit on the bench carved into the shower. Jake took a seat and Steve leaned down and resumed kissing his friend. He worked his way down to Jake's neck and started kissing slowly down his chest. Steve admired Jake's hard body as he ran his tongue over Jake's nipples. Back and forth Steve went before moving down to Jake's abs and tracing the lines with his tongue. Steve worked his way down and soon came to Jake's hard dick. He looked up and saw Jake staring down with pleading eyes.

"Bro this is so hot," said Jake with lust, "Please suck it!"

With a grin, Steve remembered some of the blowjobs he'd gotten in the past and then let instinct take over. He ran his tongue up the underside of Jake's shaft and then licked around Jake's head. He ran his tongue over Jake's slit and tasted the pre-cum his buddy was making. Jake moved his hand to back of Steve's head and gently encouraged him. Steve understood and took the first few inches of Jake's dick into his mouth.

"Oh, yea dude!" sighed Jake, "that's so damn nice!"

Steve slowly worked more of Jake's cock into his mouth. He Couldn't get it all, yet, but he was able to get about 4 inches or so. Steve went up and down on Jake's dick, using his hand on the rest of it. Jake was sighing and letting out soft moans as he caressed the back of Steve's head. Steve closed his lips tightly and started sucking hard. Jake's dick throbbed in his mouth and Steve felt his buddy's balls get tighter.

"Oh fuck, this is so hot. I'm gonna cum soon bro," warned Jake.

Steve looked up at and Jake and winked. He picked up his pace and Jake knew this was a sign he could cum in Steve's mouth. Steve kept working on Jake's dick and he could feel Jake's muscles start tightening as his orgasm approached. Steve went as deep as he could, closed his lips tight, and kept sucking, determined to taste Jake's cum. Steve was stroking his own cock as he sucked Steve, and he could feel he was about to explode himself!

"Oh yea bro, keep doing that and I'll cum in your mouth. Oh, fuck, yes. I'm gonna cum sooo good in your mouth," said Jake as Steve worked to get a load from his friend. "Of fuck, here it comes!"

Jake let out a loud grunt and his dick erupted and fired the first shot into Steve's mouth. Steve pulled back up to the top of Jake's shaft so he could taste his friend's load. Jake threw his head back, "fuck yes swallow it...oh fuck yes Steve!" Feeling Jake unload in his mouth and seeing the look of ecstasy on his friend's face sent Steve over the edge and his own dick exploded in his hand. Jake fired several more powerful shots into Steve's mouth and Steve took it all. Jake was thrashing wildly and moaning as Steve took his load.

"Holy shit!" said Jake as he came down from his orgasm. "That was unreal dude."

"Glad you liked it," said Steve. "I came so fucking hard from doing that, damn. You taste pretty good man!"

Jake looked down at Steve and pulled him up towards him. Jake kissed Steve and probed his mouth with his tongue, tasting what was left of his load in Steve's mouth. "I wanna taste you now!" said Jake breaking the kiss.

As hot as that sounded, Steve was exhausted from the workout and two powerful orgasms so close together. "Soon bro, soon. But the hot water is going. Let's finish up and we can have some more fun upstairs!" said Steve.

"Ok," said Jake. It was not even noon yet so there was plenty of time left in the day. They finished showering, dried off, grabbed their clothes, and headed back upstairs.

"Dude, drop our clothes in the hamper in my room, I'm gonna see what's in the kitchen real fast. I'll be right there," said Jake.

"You gonna get dressed?" asked Steve.

"Yea in a bit, but it's just us here so what's it matter," answered Jake.

"Ok," said Steve. He ran upstairs with their sweaty gym clothes and headed to Jake's room. He found the hamper and went to drop their clothes in it. Before he dropped Jake's boxers though, he brought them to his nose and took a deep breath.

"That smells really good" thought Steve to himself. He took another deep breath, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the smell of his friend. Steve felt his dick twitch as it began to harden again. He reached down and started to stroke himself as he kept sniffing Jake's boxers. It wasn't long before he was fully hard again.

Jake grabbed a few snacks from the kitchen and brought them upstairs. He walked into his room and was about to say something, but then he saw Steve stroking his hard cock and sniffing Jake's boxers. Since his buddy was hard again, Jake knew what he wanted. He put the snacks down and quietly got down on his knees in front of Steve. Steve was so lost in sniffing Jake's boxers he didn't notice Jake's presence.

"What the fuck!?!" exclaimed Steve as he felt something wet and warm replace his hand over his dick. He looked down and saw Jake giving him head. "Oh, yea bro, suck my dick!"

Jake wasted no time. He took half of Steve's cock down his throat right away. He was a little too eager and gagged, but recovered and went back to work on Steve's dick. Jake greedily sucked on Steve's cock and was determined to get him off. Jake pulled off and started licking Steve's balls. He moved down a bit and started licking under Steve's sack. Steve breathed hard and let out a loud "Fuck!"

"Dude I don't know what that spot is, but that feels awesome!" said Steve.

Jake liked the encouragement and worked his tongue all over Steve's balls. Steve was so lost in pleasure he let his buddy run the show. Jake spent a minute or so sucking on Steve's balls while Steve moaned like crazy. Jake licked his way all around Steve's balls before heading back up the shaft. Before going back down on the head Jake told Steve, "Go ahead and nut in my mouth like I did to you!"

Jake then swallowed Steve's cock and started sucking again. Steve was not going to last much longer. Jake bobbed four of five times and felt Steve's dick throb as he was about to cum.

"Oh fuck Jake, you want my load dude?"

"You know I want your load bro. Fucking give it to me."

"Oh fuck, yea! Take it dude," moaned Steve as he started cumming in Jake's mouth. "Oh fuck," he cried out as the first shot fired down Jake's throat. "Oh yea bro," as shot number two fired. "Take it all...mmmm, fuck," Steve whimpered as he kept cumming in Jake's mouth.

Jake had been totally focused on Steve's cock and hadn't even noticed his own was throbbing and ready to explode. As Steve filled his mouth with cum, Jake suddenly felt his own cock pulse, and without ever touching it, he fired a huge load all over the floor.

"mmpph...ohhhh...mmph," moaned Jake as he shot his load while swallowing down all of Steve's.

"So, do I taste good?" asked Steve. He was looking down at Jake as Jake came off Steve's cock. Jake stood up and kissed Steve pushing some of Steve's cum into his mouth.

"A bit like that," said Jake with a grin when they were done kissing. "Something I'd like to have again that's for sure!"

"I think we have a new post-workout activity bro!" laughed Steve. He picked up a towel from the closet and wiped off his cock and cleaned the floor. Jake went over to the snacks he'd brought up and opened some up. Steve's load was great and all, but Jake was starving after all the exercise and sex!

"Good call dude," said Steve as he saw Jake eating. "I'm starving too."

The boys scarfed down some food, turned on the TV, and laid down naked and got comfortable on Jake's bed. They watched TV for a bit and after a while the two boys had snuggled up together and just enjoyed the warmth of each other's bodies. They both felt very relaxed and soon the exhaustion from the day's events caught up with them, and both boys drifted off into a nap.

Jake awoke a few hours later to find that Steve had stayed cuddled up to him while they were napping. Jake was the little spoon and found the position very comfortable. He leaned back a little and enjoyed the feeling of his buddy's embrace. Jake felt Steve's hard cock against his body and quickly decided to do something about it.

Steve was not awake yet, so Jake gently flipped around and moved down Steve's body. He went down to the base of Steve's hard dick and then gave it a good long slow lick up to the head. Jake licked up and down Steve's cock a few times before taking the head in his mouth and rolling his tongue around it. Steve let out a groan as the pleasure of getting his dick sucked woke him up.

"Fuck, bro," said Steve, "that's fucking great!"

Jake came off of Steve's dick and playfully said, "thought you might like it," before going back to work. Jake started to stroke his own dick while he sucked on Steve. Steve saw this and decided to help out.

"Flip around and get your dick up here so I can suck it," said Steve. "I wanna give you head too."

Jake's cock throbbed with Steve's words and he quickly gave Steve what he wanted. Jake positioned his dick near Steve's mouth. Steve opened wide and took his buddy as far down as he could. Jake let out a loud sigh as he took Steve back into his mouth. They got into a good rhythm as they worked to get each other off. Having swallowed each other's loads already, there was no need for warnings now. Steve could feel Jake's cock starting to throb, and his balls get tighter.

Steve worked to get as much of Jake into his mouth as he could, and every time Steve tried to take Jake a little further down, Jake would try and match him. Soon they were competing to see if either could swallow the other's entire cock. The boys kept working at it and soon were able to completely swallow the other's dick. Steve moaned as he felt Jake take him all the way down as he swallowed all of Jake's cock.

They continued like this for a long time. Jake kept sucking up and down the length of Steve's cock and enjoyed the moaning he was hearing from his buddy. Jake knew he would not last much longer.

"Dude, I'm close. Are you?" he asked.

Steve came off of Jake's cock and said, "Almost there too. Let's try and cum at the same time."

"Ok," said Jake as he went back to work on Steve.

They kept sucking for a few more minutes before Steve's breathing picked up. Jake could feel his buddy was about to cum and this brought his own orgasm on all of a sudden. He could not hold back as his dick suddenly fired a torrent into Steve's mouth. The amount surprised Steve but also set him off. Steve came hard into Jake's mouth and stated filling it with his seed. Jake worked hard to swallow it all down. Both guys sucked all the cum from each other and kept moaning around each other's dicks as they sucked each other dry.

As their cocks started to deflate, Steve pulled Jake up and kissed him. They still had some cum in their mouths and swapped loads as they made out, eventually swallowing it all.

"Damn man, this has been a fucking great day!" said Steve.

"It has, and we can do it all again tomorrow!" exclaimed Jake.

"Fuck yea! We should suck each other off after all out workouts now!" said Steve.

"And then some," laughed Jake as he thought about all the fun they were going to have this summer. "This is gonna be awesome!" he thought to himself. "Steve is totally into all this!"

"Shit man, it's almost 5:00. I gotta home soon. Parents will want me there for dinner," said Steve. He walked over to the hamper and grabbed his shorts. He saw Jake's boxers sitting there and he grabbed them and put them on. He put his shorts on and left them sagging about 5 inches. He didn't bother with a shirt.

Jake noticed what Steve had done, and when he was done admiring the sight of his hot friend sagging in his own boxers, Jake remarked, "Dude are you taking my boxers again?"

"Yea bro, I might need these later tonight before I go to bed. I left you mine just in case," replied Steve as a sly grin formed on his face.

"Haha, sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow dude," said Jake.

"Later man," said Steve as he headed downstairs and out the door. He hopped on his bike and rode home. He'd never sagged shirtless in public before and loved the feeling. His body was looking good and he wanted to show it off. Plus, he was showing off in his best friend's boxers. And he could not wait to get home and blow a huge load while inhaling the scent of Jake.

Back up in his bedroom, Jake had already grabbed Steve's boxers and was breathing deep getting ready to blow his fifth load of the day. He stroked his hard cock until he shot all over himself.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Comments, feedback, ideas, etc. are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 3

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