Safest Place to Hide

By Travis Smith

Published on Oct 16, 2005


Disclaimer: We do not know the BSB, Lance Bass, or any other celebrities that may appear. Nor do we know their sexual orientations. All fictional characters and situations portrayed remain the property of the authors. Any similarities to actual living people and situations is purely coincidental. Also if you are under-age or do not wish to view sexually oriented material please leave now. Otherwise enjoy!

Permission is granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission to post on your website may be obtained by e-mailing Travis Smith and Drew Thomas at the above address.

Safest Place To Hide

By Travis Smith and Drew Thomas

Chapter Five

JC was worried. After he and Brian had left Kevin and Lance to themselves, they had gone off to have breakfast and catch up with each other. After a great morning they had parted promising to keep in touch. It was about two hours later that JC had got the call from Brian telling him how their friend's "date" had quickly deteriorated into a shouting match. And about the kiss. Kevin had closed himself up in his room and had refused to talk to anyone.

That was this morning and Lance was still a no-show at the house. AJ had called and he and Nick had offered to search for Lance while JC waited at home. Now he wished he had gone with them. For some reason AJ seemed pretty sure that he could find him. He said something about knowing from personal experience where to look. JC wondered what AJ meant but didn't question it.

He was shaken from his thoughts as he heard the sound of a car pull up to the house. He reached the front door just as the taxi pulled away and Lance stumbled toward him. JC had never seen Lance so drunk. Lance tried to make to the door but collapsed into JC's arms. The movement made him extremely dizzy causing his stomach to tighten.

"Aww man!" JC whined." I just bought these shoes!"

"Sorry." Lance croaked out. The stomach acid in his throat causing it to burn.

"Lets just get you inside and cleaned up OK?" As JC struggled to get Lance into the house AJ and Nick arrived. They jumped out and ran up to help JC.

"Not again?" Nick complained

"What are you talking about man?" JC asked annoyed.

"This is like the third time in as many days that he's been falling down drunk JC," AJ explained." Come on. lets get him inside before we start getting the neighbors attention." AJ and JC each put an arm around their necks and lead Lance into the house. With Nick following close behind to catch him if necessary. They walked him upstairs to his bedroom and sat him down on the edge of the bed.

"I got him from here" JC said

"You sure?" Nick asked

"Yeah. I'm just gonna put him to bed. I'll be right down if you guys wanna wait downstairs for me. We need to talk" JC stated

"Sure thing. Yell if you need us." AJ said and the two of them left the room.

"What the hell have been doing to yourself James?" JC asked the man passed out in front of him. He always called Lance by his first name when he was worried about him. Usually Lance was awake to hear it though. JC undressed Lance and managed to get him tucked into the bed. Being sure to lay him face down in case he threw up again. He left the small wastebasket from the bathroom by the side of his bed too. This wasn't the first time he had put a drunk Lance to bed. But if what AJ and Nick had said was true, things had deteriorated to the point where it looked like Lance had developed a serious problem. JC hoped they were wrong.

JC walked slowly and quietly downstairs. So quietly that he walked in on the tail end of Nick and AJ's conversation without them knowing.

"But what if he won't listen?" Nick asked in a loud whisper.

"We have to make him listen. Lance has got a serious problem and he has got to get into a program." AJ exclaimed. "JC might be the only one that can get through to him."

"How can you be so sure he really has a problem?" JC asked, surprising the two men

"You're asking a recovering addict if he is sure he knows another addict when he sees one?" AJ asked incredulously. "You're kidding right?"

"Is it possible you're just over-analyzing the situation?" JC reasoned

"He's spent more time in the last three days drunk then he has sober and you think I'm over-reacting?" AJ asked, his voice raising. " Are you serious? Where the hell do you get off? You haven't even spoken to him in months and now you swoop in here and act like you know what the hell is going on with him? Well guess what JC? You don't know shit!"

With each word JC convulsed as if he was being hit. The verbal tirade knocking him off his feet, causing him to fall into a chair. He sat there in a stunned silence as tears slowly ran down his face. His worse fears were realized. Lance had become an alcoholic, and he was partially to blame. At least that's how he saw it. If he had only paid closer attention! Maybe he could have prevented this?

While JC's mind was reeling AJ tried to calm himself. He really didn't blame JC for what Lance was dealing with. He knew better than that. Alcoholism is a disease. He had to make things right.

AJ felt Nick pulling on his sleeve. AJ reluctantly followed Nick out of ear shot of the distraught JC. "Don't be so hard on JC man," Nick hissed at AJ. "He hasn't had to deal with alcoholism before. You have to be gentle about it."

"I know," AJ replied nodding. "But it really upsets me how they can just ignore him like that."

"We didn't just ignore him," JC stated startling them both. "Lance cut himself off from us. Once he found out that we were all setting out to get on with our lives he got pissed because to him, NSYNC was the most important thing in his life. It was important to us. But we wanted to try other things. At first Lance claimed to be on the same page as we were. Than he shut himself off from the rest of us."

"And you guys didn't try to get back in touch with him?" AJ asked sounding a little harsh.

"AJ," Nick scolded him lightly.

"I'm sorry," AJ relented. "It is just that I just assumed that you were guys were tight, you know like us."

"I would love to claim that to be true. I wish we were like you guys," JC said sadly. "But the truth of the matter is we're not."

"Why not?" Nick asked softly. "I see Justin all the time talking about how close you and him are."

"We are close. Justin and I are the closest of the rest of the guys. Lance and I used to be really really close," JC looked down blushing.

"Oh my God," Nick breathed. "You and Lance were lovers?" JC nodded. "That's hot." AJ looked at Nick and shook his head. "What?" Nick said in his defense. "JC is hot and so is Lance. So sex has to be hot with them."

"TMI!" AJ exclaimed covering his ears.

"Listen guys," JC sighed. "Talking about my past sex life isn't what I would call a nice time. I really need to get some rest. I've been running on empty all day."

"Yea sure JC," AJ said softly. "Listen call me when you are rested up. I want to talk to you about a plan."

"Sure guys," JC replied showing them the door. "Thanks again for stopping by. I can tell you guys really care about Lance." JC hugged both Nick and AJ. They could tell that he had a lot to think about. Neither of them put up an argument about leaving. Soon JC was alone by himself with his thoughts.

"So we have the rest of the evening free," AJ said to Nick as the limo drove them back to the hotel.

"What are you planning?"

"Travis and I have plans," Nick grinned at AJ. AJ groaned loudly. "Do you know what you're problem is AJ?" Nick asked smirking.

"No but I am sure you are going to tell me," AJ said in a sassy tone of voice.

"You, my, brother need to get laid." Nick scolded him.

"You have sex on the brain twenty-four seven." AJ snickered.

"I do not," Nick whined. Just a for a second the young hyper Nick was back and truth be told AJ liked the hyper inquisitive teenage Nick better than this one. Oh don't get him wrong Nick was a very good looking man and AJ found him self drawn to him time and time again. All Nick Carter had to do is was give anyone those incredible eyes and pouty lips and you fell in love with him. This was one of those times. AJ really wished at this point that Nick wasn't in love with Travis. "In fact Travis and I haven't had sex in like a day or so."

"I think I have heard enough of your and Travis's sex life," AJ replied rolling his eyes.

"You should find a boyfriend AJ," Nick prodded. Nick bounded over to the other side of the limo and threw his arm around AJ. "Come on Alexander," Nick said in a softer voice. "Let me find you a boyfriend."

"You play match maker for me?" AJ asked back. "This is so funny. Our little brother wants to find me a boyfriend?"

"I just want you happy," Nick replied looking down. "I can't help it. You haven't been happy in a long time. I miss the old happy AJ."

"I'm here," AJ replied.

"No you're not," Nick insisted. "I mean not the old fun loving AJ that I love and miss."

"This isn't five years ago Nick," AJ sighed.

"I know," Nick sighed back. "Some times I just want to go back and do this all over again. It was so much fun!"

"Yeah but Nick," AJ said sadly. "All things change. And we all grow up."

"I know but that doesn't mean you can't be happy. You need to find someone to fall in love with,"

Nick persisted. AJ refused to comment. Little did Nick know, AJ had found his love of his life. Problem was his love was involved with another man. They finally pulled up to the hotel. Nick went his way and AJ went back to his room. He wanted a drink so bad but he didn't dare. He instead picked up his phone and called his sponsor.

"Hey love," Travis purred as Nick opened the door. Nick smiled at Travis. Travis was again stark naked and rock hard. Travis wanted to make love. Nick was surprised that Travis had lasted this long. "You're home early."

"Looks like you were expecting me," Nick giggled at him. He started to take off his clothes too. Travis licked his lips in anticipation. "Did you miss me?" Nick asked sliding down his pants. His erect cock slapped his abs with an audible smack. Travis nodded. "I can't hear you," Nick said as he straddled Travis's chest resting the head of his cock on Travis's lips. Travis opened his mouth and Nick pushed his long cock into Travis's mouth. He shivered as the feeling of pleasure raged through his body. Travis immediately began to suck and bob in earnest. "I'll take that as a yes," Nick grunted out as he reached behind Travis and started to jerk Travis's cock.

Travis whimpered softly as Nick begin to bring the younger man to orgasm. He didn't have to wait long. Travis's body tightened up and moaned loudly while sucking on Nick's massive cock. Nick felt Travis's cum splash on his backside. Nick smirked as he began to thrust in and out of Travis's mouth. This is how he really liked Travis. He loved Travis submitting to him as he let Nick use his body for Nick's pleasure.

"You like that?" Nick leered down at Travis. "You like sucking my cock like a cock slut?" Travis whimpered again. "Oh yea take my fucking cock!" Nick could feel Travis's cock getting hard again. He could also feel his orgasm building. He wanted to cum down Travis throat. He loved watching Travis swallow his cum. Nick could always cum a lot. And Travis, try as he might could never swallow it all. "Oh shit!" Nick growled out. "Here it cums baby!" He bucked forward again and again as his cum shot out of his cock and into Travis's mouth. Travis swallowed as fast as he could. "Yea that's it baby," Nick cooed down at his lover. "Swallow it all lover. Swallow my cum." Travis continued to swallow even though Nick was thrusting in and out of his mouth.

Finally Nick's cock stopped shooting and Travis licked him clean and allowed Nick's now limp cock to fall out of his mouth. Nick took the time to look down at his lover. His lips were slightly swollen and coated with his cum. Nick smiled as he wiped Travis's cock with his limp cock. Travis eagerly licked him clean. "God that was good," Nick breathed out. He slid off of Travis and laid down beside him. He leaned down and kissed Travis full on the lips. He could taste himself in Travis's mouth. He continued to kiss Travis breathlessly until he felt Travis's cock growing again.

Soon he had Travis fully aroused and ready for more action. Nick grinned as he dove between Travis's legs and lid his cock down his throat. All he heard was Travis' whimpers and moans as Nick brought his lover closer and closer to orgasm. This was turning out to be a good night in deed.

Back at Lance's place. JC swore as he slid out of bed and slid on a pair of boxer briefs. He was having trouble sleeping. The conversation he had with Nick and AJ weighed heavily on his mind. He made his way to Lance's room. He walked in and looked down at the sleeping man. The scent of booze had finally gone away. He could still smell Lance's cologne mixed with a hint of Lance's sweat. The memories of the past literally overwhelmed JC. In a second he was back in that hotel room so long ago.

"I'm sorry," Lance sniffled out. "I don't want to be gay JC," he whimpered. "I can't help it." "You have nothing to be sorry for Lance," JC said softly as he wrapped his arms around Lance's bare shoulders. "You can't help how you feel. You're either gay or straight. It is the way God made you."

"How do you know?" Lance asked wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Because I'm gay too," JC whispered to him. "And I am very attracted to you." Lance eyes lit up when JC said that. "That makes you happy?"

"Very," Lance replied grinning.

"And why is that?" JC asked grinning back.

"Well because I'm ummm I'm well," Lance started only to be stopped by JC lips on his. His eyes shot wide open as he watched JC's face as JC kissed him. This was the first real kiss for Lance. His whole body was on fire. JC was gentle yet forceful. It was as if JC was starved for Lance. Lance was hungry for JC too. Finally after a few minutes they broke away both of them breathless. "Wow," Lance breathed out. JC blushed as he looked down. Than an comfortable silence filled the room.

"So what now?" JC asked as he reached out and touched Lance's face. Lance leaned against JC hand.

"Make love to me?" Lance asked. "That is all I ever wanted."

That was five years ago. Lance was so young back then. So was JC. The lovemaking was so tender and loving. JC knew the art of lovemaking. He had never actually done it before but he had researched it fully. He wanted to be ready for the time when it came. The first time was heavenly. Lance was so beautiful. When JC slid into Lance for the first time Lance made this whimpering noise that almost made JC cum right then and there. The way Lance's legs wrapped around JC slim form told JC that Lance loved him. The feeling of him cumming against their sweaty bodies sent JC over the edge and he too groaned out loudly and shot his cum deep into Lance. He had become one with Lance.

JC allowed his mind to travel back. The intensity of his love for Lance back then was very powerful and very loving. But than it happened. The rest of the group had problems with their love affair. So for the group they broke up. They remained fast friends. Lance had problems falling in love. He had a precise idea as to what a lover should be. Loyal, loving, gentle, and very attractive. And Lance was a bottom. JC hated using that term.

Lance was the one who had to be made love too. He loved it when JC would make love to him all night long. Their orgasms would mesh together. Time would cease to exist. It was all about them and their love. JC loved to bring Lance to the brink and than down again. JC could do that for Lance time and time again until Lance was crazy with lust. Only than would JC let himself go.

JC wondered if Kevin was the person for Lance. On the outside Kevin did appear to be that person that Lance craved. Kevin appeared to be loyal and gentle and loving. Not to mention a body to die for and very very attractive. So the question remained. Why was it taking them so long to get together. It was so obvious that Kevin was madly attracted to Lance and Lance was very attracted to Kevin. But the minute they entered the room together the sparks would fly. It was fun to watch them go at it. The sexual tension was so intense. Lance moaned in his sleep. JC looked at the clock and saw that it was almost three. JC sighed and slid off his shirt and laid down beside Lance.

True to form Lance wrapped his arms around JC and snuggled closer to him. The feelings of love returned, only this time JC didn't act on them. "Dam I need to find me a boyfriend too," JC sighed to himself as he kissed the top of Lance's head and allowed himself to drift into a fitful sleep.

Back at the hotel AJ walked into the lobby and spotted a long awaited friend. He walked up to him and hugged him. "Thank you so much for coming to see me. I'll get right to the point. I have a friend who is an alcoholic. He hasn't admitted it yet but all the signs are there. I need your help in setting up an intervention for him."

Upstairs in Nick's room the two lovers continued their dance of lovemaking. Nick's body was covered in a sheen of sweat. He could no longer tell which sweat was his and which was Travis'. The smell of lovemaking was thick in the room. Nick plunged into Travis like a man starved. Their grunts and groans filled the room with a sexual music that had repeated itself again and again. Nick finally shuddered violently as he poured his seed deep into his lover. Travis quaked too as Nick's hot seed seared his bowels and he too shot his seed across his rock hard abs. The two lovers shook and shuddered as their orgasms over took them. Each of them feeding off the other's lust. Finally Nick collapsed on top of Travis. His mouth resting beside Travis's ear. His heavy breathing letting his lover know he was spent. After a few minutes of rest Nick begin to cover Travis's sweaty and tried body with feather kisses.

"I love you Travis," Nick breathed out.

"I love you too Nick," Travis sighed happily, Nick eased his limp cock out of Travis causing him to whimper from the loss.

"Don't worry love," Nick whispered to him resting his fore head on Travis's. "I'll put it back later. Now it is time to shower." Together the two spent lovers walked into the shower together.

The next morning Kevin woke up and looked at the clock. It was just past nine. He sighed happily as he realized that today he had absolutely nothing to do for the entire day. His mind immediately went to thoughts of Lance. He smiled as he realized that he had a hard-on. A hard -on just from thinking about Lance. Kevin reached down and stroked it a couple of times. He sighed and realized that he wanted to save his orgasms for the real thing. The phone rang and he looked at the caller ID.

He smiled. He picked up the phone. "Hi sexy," he said grinning.

"Well hello to you too sexy," JC's voice sounded from the other end.

"JC what they hell do you want?" Kevin asked blushing. "I thought you were Lance."

"Yea I know who you thought it was," JC snickered. "OK onto serious things. I need a favor."

"And that would be?" Kevin asked.

"I heard from AJ and he wants to set up an intervention for Lance," JC replied.

"Why the hell does AJ want to set up an intervention for Lance?" Kevin shouted into the phone.

"Lance has been doing a lot of drinking," JC replied. It was true but Kevin had tried not to see it. He knew from his past experience with AJ that Lance had a serious problem and that if someone didn't step in things would only get worse.

"What do you need me to do?" Kevin asked.

"Take Lance out today," JC said. "We need to get him out of the house so we can get the people involved out here."

"Who is all coming?" Kevin asked.

Well I'll be there, and his folks. Joey and Justin will be there too," JC explained. "I want you, Nick and AJ to be there too."

"How am I supposed to get Lance out of the house?" Kevin asked.

"Oh trust me," JC snickered. "Lance will go with you. All you have to do is ask him to lunch or dinner. He will go."

"OK I'll do this. But it I need to make one thing perfectly clear. I'm taking Lance on a real date. I'm not part of this conspiracy you have going here," Kevin said sternly.

"Deal," JC replied. "Try to have him back by seven this evening."

"No promises," Kevin replied before hanging up. He quickly walked to the shower and undressed and was soon showering. Kevin had to make himself look good. After all he had a beautiful young man to impress.

Lance woke with a killer headache. He opened his eyes to see the cheerful face of JC staring down at him.

"You have a phone call." Jc beamed, handing the phone over. Lance groaned and turned over. "Come on Lance," JC urged him. "It's Kevin." OK this got Lance's attention. Lance swung out of bed and took the phone from JC's hand. "I'll leave you two alone." JC smiled, closing the door behind him.

"Hello,' Lance said into the phone.

"Lance?" Kevin asked. "You OK?"

"Yeah," Lance croaked out. "I just woke up."

"Listen," Kevin said softly. "I was wondering if I could make up for my behavior and take you out to lunch?"

"Today?" Lance asked waking up fully.

"Yeah today," Kevin chuckled. "That is of course if you are free."

"Yea I'm free," Lance gulped. "When do you want to come over?

"I'm outside your gates now," Kevin chuckled some more.

"What?" Lance squealed. "I'm not showered! I'm not dressed."

"Can I see?" Kevin asked laughing fully now. Even though they were on the phone Kevin could tell that Lance was blushing. "You know I am kidding right?" He heard Lance whimper. "I'll just keep JC company while you get ready."

"OK," Lance replied recovering quickly. "Ummm help yourself to the kitchen."

"Thank you I think I will," Kevin said grinning softly as the gates parted for him. Lance in the mean time was in full panic mode. JC entered and seeing Lance's state decided to step in to help.

"Lance calm down," JC said firmly.

"How can I calm down?" Lance yelped out. "Kevin is waiting for me downstairs. He wants to take me to lunch! I'm not ready yet. I don't know what to wear!"

"You go in and shower and shave and put on the cologne that I love so much. I'll worry about the clothes and the rest of you," JC laughed out. Lance walked to the bathroom, but stopped and looked back at JC with a worried expression. "Don't worry," JC giggled. "I won't pick anything with animal prints, leather or feathers." A look of relief washed over Lance's face as he closed the door behind him. "I can pick out good clothes!" JC muttered at the closed door. "Just my fashion tastes are a little different."

JC looked at Lance's closet and opened the door. "Now let's see what I have to work with."

A half hour later Lance walked downstairs dressed and ready. He spotted Kevin drinking a cup of coffee and munching on a bagel. Lance paused and looked hard at Kevin was dressed in very casual clothes. A pair of jeans and dark blue polo shirt graced Kevin's well shaped form. Lance had no problem seeing Kevin's hard pecks and abs. The way the shirt clung to his torso left nothing to the imagination. As to his jeans well they were a little baggy. Lance found that refreshing. After all you had to some adventure and some mystery. Lance coughed softly. Kevin looked up and grinned at him. Lance swallowed hard at the intense green eyes that seemed to bore deep into Lance's soul.

"You clean up well," Kevin said standing and walking towards Lance. Lance took in how graceful Kevin was when he walked. The years of dancing and working out really paid off well.

"So you want to join me for breakfast?"

"Not hungry. You finish," Lance said softly. "I have to check my e-mails for FreeLance."

"Take your time," Kevin replied. "Reservations aren't for another hour and a half."

At the airport Justin met up with Joey. "So what kind of trouble has Lance gotten into now?" Justin asked Joey. Joey glared hard at Justin. "What?" Justin whined in defense of himself. "Lance is always drinking himself into trouble."

"Lance is an alcoholic," Joey said softly. "And we are going to stage an intervention."

"If you ask me this is a complete waste of time," Justin snapped as he slid into the plush leather seat of the limo.

"Well we are not asking for your opinion," Joey snapped back. "We are asking that you step up the plate and help your friend!"

"Oh not that again!" Justin shouted. "I'm so fucking tired of hearing how I need to step up to the plate and blah, blah, blah! I've been there for him! I care for him. I love him just like you do!"

"No you don't!" Joey shouted back. "You only care about yourself and your career!"

"I have to care about my career!" Justin shouted back. "It's all I have!"

"What about family?" Joey asked. "What about your best friend JC?"

"What about him?" Justin asked.

"What about when JC and Lance loved each other and you worked to get them apart?" Joey asked.

"I wasn't responsible for what happened to JC and Lance," Justin muttered. "They weren't meant to be."

"That wasn't for you to decide!" Joey explained softly. "Do you even remember what happened?"

"Yes I do," Justin said blushing. "I didn't mean to walk in on them. It just happened."

"If I remember correctly you threw a fit because they were having sex," Joey reminded him. "You and Chris managed to convince JC and Lance to break it off because it was to dangerous. They might get caught. They might expose the fact that they were gay and ruin NSYNC."

"Well they might have!" Justin shot back. "You remember what it was like back then. We all had to be careful!"

"And for what?" Joey asked.

"So we could all be in this group!" Justin reminded him. "This was the opportunity of a life time. We all benefited from it. You have your acting! Lance has his business, JC has his music, I have my acting and music. Chris well Chris has his^Ö," Justin stammered. "What does Chris have anyway?"

"He has his producing and songwriting. And he has his other band," Joey reminded him.

"So why are we helping Lance again?" Justin asked one last time.

"Because we love him," Joey replied. "Because he is our brother." Justin finally nodded quietly. "Driver," Joey said. "Take us to Mr. Bass' place."

Back with Lance and Kevin.

"So are you enjoying your lunch?" Kevin asked.

Lance swallowed hard to get his mouth free of the food. "Yeah it's good," Lance finally replied. "I wonder why I haven't eaten here before."

"Well don't feel bad," Kevin replied taking a drink from his wine glass. "This is my first time here too. I heard good things about this place so I decided to give it a try."

"So what else are we going to do?" Lance asked. It was at this point that Lance notice the naughty look in Kevin's eyes. It was definitely very sexy on Kevin. "Should I be worried?"

"Don't worry," Kevin chuckled. "It will be fun." He motioned for the check. Lance was starting to get worried. "You like horseback riding right?"

"Yeah I love it," Lance replied grinning."You know one of the fans actually gave me a horse?"

"Good because that is what we are doing," Kevin replied getting up. Lance stood too and followed Kevin outside.

At Lance's house.

"Thank you for coming," AJ said softly to the gathered crowd of people inside Lance's living room. "This is how we should do this." For the next few hours they hashed out just how they were going to approach Lance about his drinking problem. Justin wanted to blame Lance for everything. Joey for some reason had appointed himself guardian of Lance and stood up to Justin. Reminding him of his role in Lance's past. Justin chose to keep quiet for the remainder of the meeting. Finally the clock struck seven thirty and JC spotted lights coming up the drive.

"They're here," JC exclaimed. "Places everyone!"

Outside the house.

"Ummm thanks for the great day," Lance said softly laying his hand on Kevin's chest. Kevin took a sudden breath in. "Ummm can I kiss you?" Kevin lowered his head and pressed his lips to Lance's

Lance moaned softly and allowed Kevin to have his way with him. Kevin was a great kisser. His tongue and lips probed until Kevin finally found his way inside. In no time at all Kevin had Lance moaning and wanting more. Finally Kevin reluctantly broke the kiss. "You want to come in?"

Lance asked looking into Kevin's loving eyes.

"Ummm yea sure," Kevin said with a hint of fear in his voice. Lance opened the door and let Kevin in first. At first Kevin thought maybe the intervention was called off. The house was dark for the most part.

"Want a drink?" Lance asked picking up a decanter of brandy.

"I think you've done enough drinking for a while Lance," JC voice sounded from behind Kevin. Kevin winced.

"What is going on?" Lance demanded. By now the lights had come on and it revealed a room full of people. Kevin saw most of Backstreet there, all of NSYNC with the exception of Chris. He also saw AJ's sponsor and an older couple that had to be Lance's parents. "What is this?"

"Lance you're friends and parents are concerned about your drinking," AJ's sponsor spoke up. Lance spun on Kevin.

"Did you have a part in this?" Lance demanded glaring daggers at Kevin.

"I did know about it but..," Kevin started only to be stopped by a very loud slap. Everyone in the room cringed.

"James Lance Bass!" A booming voice spoke from across the room. It was Lance's turn to cringe. He was in for it now. "I know I raised you to behave better than that. What have you you got to say for yourself young man?" Lance turned to see his mother, hands on her hips waiting for an explanation.

"Momma? I--"

"Don't you 'Momma' me. Now you are gonna sit down and listen to what we have to say. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am." Lance said meekly but still glaring at everyone, except his mother. Diane Bass was not a woman you wanted to tangle with when you pissed her off. And boy was she pissed. Diane nodded toward AJ's sponsor to continue as Lance sat in his favorite chair.

"As I was saying, Lance your friends and family have gathered here because they think you might be having an issue with your drinking. How do you feel about that?"

"I don't think they have one damn clue what they're talking about. I don't have a problem."

"So you think that you being almost totally drunk for three days is normal?" JC asked Lance was surprised by that. JC had only just arrived. He then realized that JC must have heard about the incident at the hotel. He fixed his eyes on AJ and Nick and they both looked away embarrassed.

"So you're basing this on me having a few days of fun?" Lance accused.

"It isn't just a few days Lance" Joey spoke up. "How many times have we gone out as a group or just the two of us and you came home completely bombed? You were drunk at my wedding.damn it!" Before Lance could respond AJ spoke up.

Lance when you left the hotel after your first fight with Kevin, what did you do?"

"I came strait home."


"And what AJ? What are you trying to say?"

"You got drunk right?"


"So yesterday you guys went out to breakfast and got into it again right? What did you do then?"

"I had a drink to calm my nerves. So what?

You were completely trashed when you got home Lance." JC spoke with an accusing tone. "You practically fell into my arms and I barely got you into the house. If AJ and Nick hadn't come along I don't know what I'd have done."

"It seems to me that this was all orchestrated by AJ. What's wrong AJ you don't have enough going on in your own life that you have to create some drama?" Lance spat. His friends couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth. Was he really in that much denial? AJ to his credit let the comment go. He knew that this might happen. He had lashed out at his friends too, at first.

JC was disappointed. He had really thought the intervention would go smoothly and that Lance would be able to realize he had a problem and want to get help. He looked at Kevin who had been quiet since they had started. He still seemed stunned by the slap. His eyes focused on JC's and he knew he had to step in. Somehow he had to get Lance to face the truth. He just wasn't sure how he was gonna do it


Next: Chapter 6

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