Saddle Sore

By Damen Dude

Published on Mar 21, 2002


The same tired old disclaimer applies here as well, you know the one about if it's illegal for you to read this and if you're under the age of consent Ra tika ra..... Now that that's out of the way let's get on with it shall we, happy reading. Again thanks to all of you who have Emailed me, it is much appreciated. To my loyal fans Cheer's Guy's "You're the best", To my Mate and Fan club pres, "Dude you're Awesome" what more can I say!

Back to the real world again, part three was pure fiction, business commitments etc kept Alan & I apart for a week there but it is all "Game On" again for part 4.

Saddle Sore Part 4 Saturday Surprise

Alan picked me up this morning to firstly go and check on the horses and then he said he had a surprise for me, "Now I don't know about you guy's but I hate being kept in the dark" I love to know what's going on & it was nearly 10 am when we had finished at the horses, I was just about turning myself inside out in anticipation of Alan's surprise. We jumped back in Alan's little car and he drove back to his place.

Alan opened the door and ushered me in, I walked in and sat down on the sofa, Alan sat down beside me. "Well do you want you're surprise now or later after lunch he asked" "Um , don't know, what do you suggest " I asked him, "Later" he said "Right now I need to eat", with that he grabbed at my crotch and undid the buttons on my jeans and pounced on my cock which was just starting to harden. His delicious mouth was doing some of it's finest work . I no longer needed to wonder what heaven was like, I knew very well now, it was Alan's mouth.

I put my head back and closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of his hot moist throat and mouth, he licked and sucked every inch of my hot throbbing cock, then he gently squeezed a drop of clear nectar up to the tip were he deftly licked it off like he was lapping at an ice cream cone. Together we pushed my jeans and underwear down to my ankles so he would have better access to my equipment. He licked, sucked my cock while fondling my balls, taking me to the brink and then backing off. I was being worked to a frenzy as I had had no release all week except for my own hand a few times, I was his for the controlling and he knew it.

After being taken to the brink once again and him backing off, I was rapidly becoming "not amused", he went to take me in his mouth again and I said "Enough, for Christ's sake I'm going crazy here, let me cum will Ya", and with that Alan pounced on my cock and swallowed it so the head was wedged tightly down his throat. With a pumping motion his head slid up and down on my pole, one of his hands was gripping my nuts and tugging slowly and gently downwards while the other was resting on my stomach playing with the hairs of my treasure trail. I was nearing the point of no return, if Alan had stopped then I would have screamed.

My nuts emptied their pent up load deep down Alan's throat, he pulled back so he could taste the rest of it in his mouth , spasm after spasm rocked my body as my cock pulsated spurting my sticky white juice into Alan's hungry mouth. Swallowing he could not keep up and some of my hot cum escaped his mouth and slid down my pole to pool in my pubes, seeing this Alan finished savouring what was in his mouth then started cleaning up the spillage as if it were Ambrosia.

Mmmn he said that was great, but we better have something more substantial to eat as well, stood up and walked over to the kitchen with his obvious hard on tenting out the front of his shorts. I must admit at that point I was a little disappointed I did not get a chance to chew on his meat, but then again the day was still young.

We prepared lunch together, however I think I was more a hindrance than a help as I did not know my way around his kitchen yet. Lunch was lovely we had smoked chicken quiche and salad made from an assortment of baby lettuce leaves nuts sprouts etc & washed it down with a nice bottle of NZ Hawkes Bay Chardonay. I couldn't help but think about how lucky I was, here I had a gorgeous guy who shares most of my interest's, has his own home, own money, can cook like a dream and when we are together is a devoted and caring lover.

I must have been staring at him across the table when he said to me "Are you all right" "Yeah yeah I replied, I was just thinking how lucky I was that's all", "You" he said, "I am the one who is lucky, here I am sitting in my home with one of the hottest stud's known to man, and you are saying YOU are lucky" I then blushed, look let's just agree that we are both lucky huh" I said, "now are you going to tell me what this surprise is" "Ok , I will show you part of it now and the rest later ok"! "Ok" I said "Bring it on Babe", he disappeared up the hall to the bedroom, "I'll be a few minutes he said so stay put and no peeking".

I started clearing up the lunch dishes and loading up the dishwasher happy in my own little world of domestic bliss (normally I hate housework!), I looked up and saw Alan standing in front of me. He was dressed in board shorts and carrying a surf board, "Hurry up, your's are on the bed" "what's going on" I said, "Well I wanted to share something I love with you" he said. "Don't know how good I will be at it but I'll give it a go" I said and went and got changed and picked up the other board.

We hit the beach and let's just leave the description of my surfing ability at "hopeless" I spent most of the time fighting to stay on the blessed thing rather than surfing but "hey" we had fun. Alan tried to give me instruction on how to catch the waves and get up so I was standing, but alas like the waves it went over my head. Exhausted we clambered up the beach to collapse on the sand.

The beach we went to had plenty of sand dunes to shelter you from the winds and any prying eyes, not that there seemed to be any of those about as we seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. I looked across at Alan even with his hair all mussed up by the surf this guy was drop dead gorgeous & his smile well I have said it before it would melt the Antarctic. He caught me looking and said "what", I responded "just admiring the view" he leaned over and kissed me. When we came up for air I said "thank you for the surprise, it was awesome" "um" he said "that's not all of it yet, there's more" and he stood up and grabbed his board and stuff `C'mon" he said do you want the rest or not. With hard cocks tenting our shorts we made the move.

Once back at the car I asked what was going on and he said "the rest of the surprise should be ready now so hop in & lets get a move on", of course I always do as I am told. We ended up back at his place, there was another car in the driveway, a car I did not know, upon entering the house I was greeted by the sight of Brendon (the guy we met at the club), apparently Alan and he had enjoyed the session the other week so much they wanted another crack at it & arranged all this. Alan turned to me and said "surprise" I was little unsure I wanted to share Alan like this but he had gone to so much trouble I did not want to let him down.

Alan closed the door and moved in to kiss me, it was passionate and deep, he suggested a shower might be good to wash the salt from our skin, we made our way into the bathroom and started undressing. He turned on the shower and turned so I could see him in his naked glory. His beautiful chest with its pink/brown nipples hiding amongst the shiny dark hair, the V shape his body hair made, as it sloped down to the treasure trail that led to his thick pubic hair and throbbing very hard thick dripping cock. Before he stepped into the shower I quickly leant down and licked a droplet of pre cum from the salty hot pink head.

Once in the shower we started washing the salt from our hard bodies, there was a light tapping at the door and in stepped Brendon "Christ", I had forgotten about him. "Is this a private shower or is there room for another, lucky for us it was a large shower, Alan smiled and invited him in. Before long there was arms legs tongues and hard cocks a plenty, I had lost all reservations I had had about sharing Alan as I knew that they were just stupid anyway and besides we had no commitment to each other anyway.

I wanted to suck Alan's cock so I bent over to do this leaving my ass exposed, I had not long had my lips around Alan's delicious member when Brendons tongue started dancing on my hole. The delight of having my ass rimmed while sucking on such a magnificently fat cock was incredible, the view must have been turning Alan tremendously as he started humping my face almost the instant that Brendon started licking my hole. "Don't get any Idea's brother" Alan's deep voice grumbled, "that ass is mine, you can lick you can touch but that is a one cock only hole". Wham any ideas I had floating about re Alan & I not being an item were gone, he had staked his claim and I could not be happier, I wriggled my ass in delight and recognition of what he had just said.

I relaxed and really started to get into the whole thing, my fingers worked on Al's balls and ass while my mouth slid up and down his rigid shaft, Brendon's muffled moans escaped as he licked my hole while with one hand he worked my cock the other hand had a couple of fingers buried deep inside his own ass. Alan meantime guided my head with one hand and caressed my back with the other, bliss. Alan then worked his hand lightly across my ass cheeks, this and the water cascading over them was working me into a real frenzy.

Brendon stopped licking my hole which was now hot and gaping, Alan slipped a finger then two in and started working them, I moaned in delight, then I felt Brendon's tongue again working in conjunction with Al's fingers, god this was making me so hot, I needed Al's cock deep inside me and I needed it now. Alan must have read my mind, he reached up, turned off the water, pulled his saliva coated cock from my mouth walked around behind me and plunged that bad boy deep inside my guts. I let out an almighty yell as it hurt like fuck (funny that), Alan leaned down grabbed me by the hair and kissed me hard and firm while he shoved his hard fuck stick in and out of me.

I straightened up so I was now standing leaning against the wall, Brendon moved in and while still fingering his hole furiously started sucking on my throbbing cock. His mouth worked my cock and Alan's cock worked my ass this was wonderful stuff. Leaving my cock dripping in pre cum and spit Brendon then bent over inviting me to fuck his hot ass, who am I to refuse especially with Alan's urging me to do it. Alan stopped his thrusting long enough to push my dripping prick inside Brendons hot hole, it felt so hot and tight around my cock, combined with Alan's big fat fuck stick up my ass I knew this was going to be one intense fuck.

I let Alan determine the pace and we synchronized our thrusts, Alan is what I call a very positive fuck, he knows what feels good and concentrates on that, he does not fuck about trying this and trying that. I respond to that sort of fucking and appreciate the honesty of it, I too fuck that way as Brendon was finding this out. The way his ass was gripping my cock I know he liked it too!

All to soon Brendons ass began to spasm and his seed shot into his pumping hand, this started me off so I pulled out and shot a hefty load of my own across his back and ass cheeks. Alan however pulled out of my ass and waited until I had come back to earth, he then had me lay down on the bathroom floor on my back, lifted my knees up and plunged full length into me. There is no other way of discribing it, other than he brutally assaulted my ass. The intensity of it was obviously concerning Brendon who tried to get him to ease up, he was told in no uncertain terms to butt out of it from both of us, I was having the fuck of my life and there was no way I wanted it stopped. The pace and strength of Alan's thrusts were brutal and I was loving every bit of it, lucky for my ass he didn't last long before he grunted and cried out my name while spraying my battered innards with his thick hot cum.

After a few moments to collect himself Alan slowly pulled out of my ass, then he lowered his head and started kissing an licking my poor battered hole, it felt incredible, this guy who had moments before hammered me so hard was now full of tenderness and caring, I knew I felt something deep and special for him right about then. We turned the water back on and carried on washing each other down taking care of the "tender bits". Brendon was starting to relax about it all now he could see that I wasn't hurt and really was a very eager and willing participant.

We finished showering and drying off, still in our towels me went through to the lounge and garden area, this was a nice secluded little spot where high fences surrounded the pool and deck. Here we sat and chatted bathed in dappled sunlight streaming through overhead grapevines, it was lovely. After a couple of wines I noticed Alan was getting fidgety and sure enough I could see the outline of his hardening cock lying across his thigh, "what's a guy to do, right".

I stood up and removed my towel, placing it under my knees I knelt in front of Alan and pulled his towel aside exposing his hard pole to the world. That cock slid home into my throat like it belonged there, I was joined then by Brendon who started licking and sucking Alan's nipples. Alan placed his hands on my head and controlled the movements of my mouth which by the look on his face was giving him intense pleasure. The smell of his skin and cock was so good, it made me quite head'y, you can keep you're Amyl I get high on the smell of a good man.

Brendon wanted to swap places so I reluctantly gave way so he could suck Alan's prong, Brendon is a real cock hound when it comes to cock sucking, he gives it everything he's got and is constantly hard when he has a prick in his mouth. Brendon had been a bit left out so now it was my turn to make him feel special, I moved in behind him and began eating out his ass in earnest, I had a plan that would involve having him as loose and relaxed as possible. Brendon bucked up and down on my face, obviously enjoying the attentions of my tongue, his hole was starting to open like a flower ready for pollinating.

As I was working on him with my tongue I started pumping two fingers in and out of him, in the meantime Alan had pulled his mouth away from his throbbing cock and was tickling his throat with his tongue instead, Brendons moaning and thrusting obviously meant that he was enjoying the attention. I stepped up to the plate so to speak and smoothly pushed my lube'd cock head into Brendon's hot and now sloppy ass, it slid in nicely and I new my plan would come to fruition. I started moving my hips in circular motions which seemed to drive him wild and at the same time it would loosen him up even more.

Next I asked Alan to lie down on the towel, he did this without question. I then guided Brendon over so he was straddling Alan, it was then I saw the realisation creep over Alan's face of what was about to happen, Brendon still unaware thrust his tongue back down Alan's throat. I reached for the lube and started lubing up Alan's prick as my own cock worked happily away in Brendons hot hole. I took a firm grip of Alan's cock and he slowly lifted his hips, as his slippery cock head touched Brendon at his hole Brendon stopped kissing Alan and turned to see what was about to happen.

I pulled out and quickly then sat down between Alan's legs so our cocks were together balls to balls, Brendon in a squatting position above us, lowered his gaping hot hole so our cocks touched it. As my cock was longer it led the way then the very tip of Alan's pick started to force its way into the tight confines of a very hot ass. We would get our cocks in a little way then Brendon would pull off because it hurt, after several goes at this this was becoming increasingly frustrating for all of us. Then on one of the downward pushes we bottomed out and Brendon panicked a little, with a hand each on a shoulder we stopped him from pulling away until he got used to it.

The feeling was incredible, I could feel Alan's cock pulsing and throbbing pushed tightly up against mine, the heat from that and Brendons ass was awesome. Brendon started lifting himself up and dropping back down and very soon with a glazed expression of pure delight he was riding those big fat cocks with complete abandonment. I knew I would not last long as this just felt "way too good", imagining how stretched & full Brendon must be feelingmade me so hot. BUt in reality Alan's girth was plenty enough cock for me and mine likewise for him, I could not imagine their combined size up my ass, must be the equal to having a coke can at least.

Alan's cock all of a sudden started pulsing and I felt a warm liquid squirting inside Brendon, "Bam" this was an instant trigger and I was also then pumping a load up his chute, meantime Brendon's fist was a blur as he moaned and writhed on our shooting cocks. Alan & I gave each other the signal and lifting Brendon off together we felt the gush of our combined cock juice escape covering our cocks and balls. We carried Brendon over to the deck chair (his fist wasn't missing a beat) and lay him back in the chair & then the both of us started lapping at his obscenely stretched glistening hole savouring his and our juices. A cry escapes Brendons lips and shot after shot of cum streaked across his chest in thick ribbons.

Brendon came back to earth after a while and kissed us both passionately, "That my friend's has had to have been the most painful yet exhilarating and exciting fuck of my life" he said. "I doubt I could ever or would ever want to top that, thank you so much", "however I think you two need to spend some more time alone." He kissed us again got up and went over and pulled his cloths over his rapidly drying cum covered body, he then grabbed his car keys and walked out.

Alan &I spent the remainder of the afternoon swimming and making love, this time with tenderness and a warmth for each other never before experienced.

Here ends this story, unless otherwise convinced by you guys, the rest of the relationship between Al & myself shall remain between us. Some things in life are just plain "Too Good To Share"


D xxxx

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