Saddle Sore

By Damen Dude

Published on Mar 12, 2002


The same tired old disclaimer applies here as well, you know the one about if it's illegal for you to read this and if you're under the age of consent Ra tika ra..... Now that that's out of the way let's get on with it shall we, happy reading. Note: this part of the story has not happened, but who knows what will come with time, I was inspired this morning while working out and now well, judge for yourselves.

A huge thank you to all of you who have E-mailed me re the other two episodes, there are far too many to thank individually ( I would never get any writing done) so please accept this as a Thank you to you all. Another huge thank you to a special guy called Bill, who just happens to be the President of my fan club , Bill your kind words are much appreciated and this story is dedicated to you mate!

Saddle Sore part 3

I pulled into Alan's driveway about 9.20 (10 minutes early) on Saturday morning and there he was standing there waiting for me with a smile that could melt the Antarctic. He threw his gear in the back and hopped in the cab, he leaned over and kissed me good morning. "Right, we have one more stop then we are off" I said, Alan looked puzzled, " I told Brendon that I would swing by, he wanted to come for a ride too" The puzzled look disappeared and was replaced by a sly grin, "well that's all right then" he said, "oh and He's bringing a mate, who just happens to be his regular fuck buddy actually" Alan looked almost overjoyed at the news, "I wonder who that could be " he mumbled, I must admit I also was intrigued.

Finally we found the address we were looking for and pulled in the driveway there was Brendons ute (pick up for all you non Kiwi's or Aussie's). The truck had not even come to a halt and Alan was opening the door, he was eager to see who the new guy was. The front door opened and out stepped Brendon and one of the trainers from my gym. My mouth dropped open and Alan said "what's wrong"? "Fuck me" I said "that's Dwayne from the gym ! "He's cute, do you know him well" he asked " no not really" I said, however it looks like we are about to get to know him a lot better I thought.

They walked over to the truck as we stepped out and moved around to the front of it, I saw the recognition spread over Dwayne's face, Brendon introduced us to Dwayne as the 2 hot guy's from the other night he was telling him about. This is Alan, they shook hands and moved to me and this is, "yeah I know this guy" Dwayne interrupted," Hi Damen" he said smiling at me and reaching for my hand (funny I thought, we don't really know each other on a first name basis, oh well and let it go). Shaking my hand he held it a little longer than he should have and was staring into my eyes, he has lovely eyes I thought to myself. "Right shall we go" I said and jumped back into the truck and with them following behind we all headed out to the horses.

I have 2 horses and also take out treks on some horses that belong to an associate of mine, so access to 4 mounts and tack was not a problem. Brendon and Dwayne had both ridden before but this was going to be Alan's first trek on his own mount, he was a little nervous. After we geared up and Alan had had a few basic lessons we headed off up over some private land of a station we use for the treks. We reached our destination after a couple of hours of easy but in some places steep riding, it was a lovely secluded waterfall and swimming hole that we sometimes bring treks to.This place had a WOW factor of 10 , it was beautiful, surrounded by native bush including huge ponga's (native tree ferns) the pond shimmered as the sunlight played on the surface.

We dismounted and took off the saddles and bridles, then tethered the hoses to some nice shady spots for a well deserved rest. Next the clothes started coming off, I new we were completely safe as there were no other treks due this week and the station hands were all busy with the muster. Before we go any further I better describe Brendon and Dwayne,

Brendon would be in his mid thirties, about 6 foot tall & average build (could do with a little work)and smooth apart from his pits legs and crotch. He has sandy coloured hair cut in a short style and green eyes and a nice good looking bloke to boot. Cock size is about 7- 7 1/2 and he is cut.

Dwayne is in his mid twenties, very fit and sleek looking. One of his parents is Asian so he also is smooth. He has black hair which is cut in a buzz about 2 inches long on the top and an inch at the sides and spiky at the front framing a very handsome face. He has warm brown eyes and beautiful white teeth (I know funny thing to notice right, indulge me ok). His cock was surrounded by a thick jet black bush and looked it would swell to be about 5 inches long when hard & would be quite thick, he was uncut. His ass was "to die for" he had a real cyclists ass, high and firm tapering down to a pair of thighs that could crush concrete, they were so strong.

We all stripped off and were swimming around, I had already cracked a fat looking at the three of them, so hot & so beautiful so I was staying in the deeper water. Alan swam over to me and asked "are we going to all play together" "pass" I said we will have to ask the others. With that Alan called the other two over to us in the deep water. When they got there Alan said "I asked Damen if we were all going to play together, he said I had to ask you two and see what you said." They looked at each other then Brendon said "well that's what I had hoped for, I want a piece of your ass Alan" he said "And I want a piece of yours, I have done since I first saw you, if only I had known" Dwayne said to me. This surprised me as I would have never known he was into cock, seems to be he was under the same impression about me.

We paired off and Dwayne swam over to me and wrapped his arms around me, I lost my footing on the gravel bottom and we both went under, we came up spluttering and laughing, I looked across and Alan & Brendon were already playing tonsil hockey on the bank with their hands on each others cocks. I turned around to see Dwayne making his way to the shore showing off that beautiful ass on his, he turned and said c'mon big fella, let's get it on"! I needed no other encouragement.

When I had climbed out of the water Dwayne dropped to his knees and took my hardening cock into his mouth and started stroking his own, I was not having this so I lay on the sandy beach so we could 69. Dwayne's cock tasted divine, the foreskin slid behind the head leaving it it exposed in all of its purple glory. I was right it had swollen to just over 5 inches and it filled my mouth to capacity in width, however I was not complaining, as far as I was concerned it was a perfect fit.

Dwayne worked on my cock and balls, he tried to get my whole shaft down his throat but he kept gagging so he stuck to working on the head and about half of the length with his mouth and for the rest he used his hand. After a few minutes he moved the attentions of his tongue to below my balls and my hole, he lapped and tickled my very sensitive opening. First he lapped at it like licking an ice cream then he used it skilfully darting up and down and in and out loosening me up . "Oh Baby you want me don't you" he said, I murmured (with a mouthful of cock, which is not easy) "Fuck yeah, Fuck my hole Babe".

He lifted himself off and started walking over to his saddle bags, he squatted down and retrieved some lube and rubbers from it and swaggered back, his stiff cock bouncing and swaying as he walked. Dwayne passed me the lube and I started greasing my hole with one the two fingers while he put the rubber on, then I lifted my legs so my knees were up at my chest. Dwayne's cock was not as easy to get in as I thought it would be being so fat, it cause some pain getting it all in before I got used to it, I just applied the old Gym motto"no pain no Gain" gritted my teeth as he worked it in.

Meanwhile my Alan was doing a very good impression of a bitch in heat, a few metres away, he was on his hands and knees with Brendon fucking his ass. They were however close enough that I could hear the sound of his hungry ass slurping and slopping as Brendon powered his pole in and out of him. The look of pure lust was on his face as he looked over at me licked his lips and winked, I couldn't help but smile, weren't we a right pair of cock hungry sluts!

Dwayne through in some strokes that quickly drew my attention back to him and the way my ass was being battered, this boy was brilliant, he knew all the moves to send me over the edge in no time flat. I reached for my cock and began to wank it slowly to match his thrusts, then too my surprise he bent down and was able to take about half of my throbbing 7 1/2 inches in his mouth and suck me while he fucked me. I nearly lost it then and there and had to squeeze my cum tube at the base to stop myself from spurting.

I decided that I wanted more of this delicious mans cock so I told him I needed to change position, he pulled out and sat back on his haunches, I stood up and told him to lay on his back, then straddled that cock with my hungry hole, now it was all hot and stretched I was able to slide home to the pubes with ease. I let out an animal like gasp and moan then started riding my mount at a canter. He bucked and thrashed but there was no way I was going to be thrown. I was going to give this cowboy a ride he would never forget.

Alan and Brendon appeared beside us and took up similar positions wit Brendons head down by Dwayne `s knees so Alan & I were face to face. Alan slid home on Brendons pole with ease like he had been riding it for years, the look of pure indulgence and complete lust was an awesome turn on. I leant over and kissed him and with 1 hand I started jacking his cock, with the other I reached down and started twisting tweaking and pulling on Dwayne's right nipple, moans escaped both of their lips. Alan did the same and soon the 4 of us were all heading down the road toward cum city.

I was the first to unload the contents of my big heavy balls onto Dwayne s rippling stomach & a big load it was at that, my cock just kept pumping and pumping until there were 5 or 6 steams and several big globs covering Dwayne s torso. My ass contractions as I writhed in orgasmic lust milked Dwayne's cock, so very quickly his plump hairless balls emptied their contents into the rubber buried deep inside my ass. I am sure his cock must have nearly doubled in size as he shot his wad as my ass was feeling as if it had had a fence post up there, but very warm and content.

I heard Brendon shout as he began to blast his load into his condom clad cock, Alan threw every hip grind and move he knew into making sure this guy got off good and proper, then he himself let rip a few seconds later. The first blast caught me directly on the mouth and chin the second I aimed in Brendons direction and it hit him on the neck. Alan's cock pumped and throbbed as his balls finished unloading all over Brendons belly. I first cleaned off Brendons belly and neck with my tongue then Alan cleaned the cum from my face with one big lick of his tongue, while the other two looked on.

We both dismounted and on wobbly legs stood helping the other two up we decided another dip would help us clean up a little, I looked down at Dwayne's still condom covered cock and there was quite some load caught in it, he smiled and pulled off the rubber careful not to spill the contents, then he upended it in his mouth swallowed and said "waste not, want not" my Grammy always said. We all laughed and headed in for another dip.

Alan came up to me to make sure I was ok with what had just happened and touch base before heading off to play silly buggers with Dwayne . I sat in the shallows with Brendon and we discussed how lucky we both were like a couple of parents, suddenly I decided that hell I was not old enough for that sort of carry on and said"right lets get em!" So before the other two new it we were both on top of their backs mucking about, myself on Alan's and Brendon was weighing down poor Dwayne , the piggy backs lasted for quite some time, we were all having a blast.

We were still mucking about being silly when we heard a couple of trail bikes coming up the track just about entering the clearing, a look of panic spread across every ones face but alas it was too late to do anything about it. By the time we got halfway to the shore the two bikes had stopped right by our gear and the two used condoms and bottle of lube. "What do we have here then" a deep voice boomed from underneath the helmet taking in the sight of 4 naked men and the obvious evidence of sex. "4 little fairies it looks like to me" said the other!

Then the helmets came off and there were two of the shearer' s from the station with big smirks on their faces (I knew these guy's by sight, I was hoping they did not recognise me) "Cock suckers I reckon" the first guy said "Good, I could use a good blow job" the other said grabbing at his cock through his jeans. "Get Fucked "I said stepping forward, I may not have been as big as these guys but I never back down from a situation, "oh we are a brave little Fagg now aren't we" the dark haired guy said stepping off his bike. I heard Alan step up beside me and he whispered "big bastard ain't he, we can take them if you want or we can have a little fun with our new friends" I looked around and the other two were sizing up our opponents and their cocks were starting to grow hard. "Look's like it's you lucky day" I said to them looking at them then again at Brendon & Dwayne who were almost salivating at the thought.

The two shearers walked over to them and undid their belts and dropped their jeans, Brendon & Dwayne were on their knees in no time flat sucking on shearer's Dick. Then the big shearer turned his head toward us and said " You two can take care of our balls" when the shearers had kicked off their boots and jeans we were able to get between their legs to start licking their balls. I took on the biggest of the two big sweaty brutes, Alan the other. The musky smell of the big brute's cock and nuts was very strong which was strangely turning me on and I also had the most awesome view of Dwayne sucking the shearers big fuck stick.

"Oh yeah, you cock suckers sure know how to treat a man" the shearer grumbled "fuck you guys are good" then he grabbed Dwayne's head and held it steady while he face fucked him without mercy. The other shearer was having his tool deep throated by Brendon while Alan greedily licked and sucked his balls and ass, the look of sheer delight on his face said it all.

I moved my attention to the shearers sweaty crack and started giving him a rim job he would never forget, he relaxed into it after being a little cagey at first and before long he was pushing back at me to eat his ass deeper, (I had him now, I knew this guy was not as straight as he was acting). Slowly I inserted a finger up his chute and he moaned slightly and looked over his shoulder at me, I winked at him and said "Trust me you will love it" he turned back to concentrate on the fucking he was giving Dwayne's face. I slid in a second finger and stared working his prostate, Dwayne moaned and I watched his fist working flat out beating his cock, he was very hot possibly getting close to cumming.

I heard a grunt and then the other shearer said "Fuck Yeah" and pulled out from the hot mouth and unloaded all over Brendons Face, Brendon had glazed look on his face he to had just shot his wad in the sand. Alan stood up and with hard cock swinging in the wind he walked over to me, I knew what he wanted and needed so I stood up and spread the cheeks of my ass for him, he bent down and picked up the bottle of lube and poured some over his cock head. "What's going on" said the big shearer then he cottoned on and watched in interest as Alan took position behind me.

Alan was a little rough on entry and it hurt a tad but soon we found our rhythm and I was having my ass pounded just the way I love it. Dwayne had stopped sucking the shearer, he had turned him around and was now tonguing the big guys hairy hole, Alan chucked the lube & a condom in his direction and before long the shearer was on his hands and knees receiving Dwayne's thick cock up his ass like a pro.

Alan really started picking up the pace and the thrusts were getting deeper and harder, I knew he would not be long before he came, so I started stroking my cock. The combination of Alan's assault on my ass and the frantic stroking of my cock I had the most tremendous orgasm of my life, my cock expanded to its maximum, my balls drew up into my sacks then I started to unload with huge jets of hot sticky cum, some ended up on the shearer's thigh, some on me and some on the sand, then the big burly shearer also started pumping his cock frantically his sacks emptying all over the sand beneath him . Dwayne pulled out, ripped off the condom and shot hot jets of his thick cum over the shearers hairy back.

We basically all collapsed in a heap of cum covered bodies for a bit then went for another dip to wash off the sweat & cum."Dam you cock suckers sure know how to have a good time, I came hoping to get in a swim & a look at my mate over there's cock and just maybe jerk off together, got more than I bargained for I reckon" Our big shearer commented, "not that I'm complaining mind"! "Me either " commented his mate "Had me a fine old time" he said winking at Brendon, reckon if you guys ever want some more you know where to find us". They got up and got dressed then took off on their motor bikes in a cloud of dust.

The four of us then also got dressed as the time was getting on and we still had a two hour trek back down to the yards, then we needed to unsaddle, brush down and turn out the horses. The way Dwayne was eying up my ass as I was getting dressed I sort of figured that he was not quite finished with me yet today, come to think of it Alan and Brendon were becoming awfully close again.

Later that evening when Alan & I finally got home I said to Alan "Mate, How's the ass after the ride" "Sore" he said, "it might need a bit of a rub babe". Oh well I guess the story continues.

Let me know what you guys think.


Next: Chapter 4

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