Saddle Sore

By Damen Dude

Published on Feb 27, 2002


This is an erotic story, yes it did happen but I have changed a few things, like the use of condoms as it made it a little more exciting. I strongly recommend condoms be used always.

If it is not permitted for you to read erotica containing man to man sex please read no further.All the normal disclaimers apply.

Saddle Sore

I was riding my horse along the beach this morning, (a beautiful summer morning) & I noticed we were bearing down on a a figure on the beach ahead of me. I decide to rein in my mare, as lets face it the pair of us thundering along the beach heading straight for you would be quite a daunting sight, to say the least.

As we passed the guy at a steady trot my eyes did a quick analysis of the stranger (as you do). He was in his mid twenties with dark hair cut short and shaggy, he was wearing a pair of knee length shorts that clung to his glutes and a shall we say they were nice glutes at that. That was not all he was wearing, he was wearing a shell chain around his neck and as far as I could tell, that was all he had on. He smiled at me when I trotted by and I could have melted right out of the saddle then and there. It was at that moment that I decided that I needed to see if this was going to go anywhere.

It was a warm morning & I decided one of the best ways to see if this guy was interested was to strip off, a dip in the surf to cool off could just be the ticket to achieving this, so we stopped a little further ahead I dismounted and removed the saddle and bridle. Then I removed my T shirt, boots and jeans leaving me in a pair of briefs that could double for a pair of speedos. Bare back in the surf is a lot of fun both my horse, I enjoyed it immensely & obviously the stranger did to as he sat down on the beach and watched us frolic. We played in the waves for 10 minutes or so before we made our way up the beach to the stranger.

I stopped just in front of him and asked if he would like a ride on my horse, he looked at me and said I would love to but I have never ridden a horse before. I was not going to let this be a hurdle so I said "climb on behind me" and offered him my hand to pull him up. Once settled in I asked him if he wanted to play in the surf, I turned to face him and the was a huge grin on his face. I took this as a "yes" and told him to hang on. Hang on he did, his firm hairy pec's pressed against my back and his strong arms reached around and encircled me and I could feel the beginnings of a hardon against my ass, (also one in my briefs) this is promising I thought to myself.

After 20 mins or so we had finished in the surf and decided to get out of the water and back up to the beach, soaked we were from head to foot.I introduced myself as Mike and he told me his name was Alan. Still sitting on the horse I was enjoying the feel of his body pressed to mine, I said I better get this one back to the paddock and rinsed off , "Do you want to come back with me & give me a hand?" I said, "sure" said Alan. So we hopped off, I threw on my jeans and boots picked up the saddle, blanket and bridle and started the walk back to the paddock a few hundred metres up the road.

On the way we talked in general about music horses and so on and it was then that I noticed the material on his light coloured shorts had turned almost transparent in places where they were wet from the frolic in the surf, If I walked slightly behind him I had a lovely view of his ass & my cock began to stir.

We finished rinsing off the salt water from the horse and I cleaned the gear down and packed it away in the truck, now it was really time to see if anything was going to happen. I told Alan I was going to rinse the salt from myself so as it did not start to itch. "Good Idea" he said I will too. I grabbed the hose and turned it on, I said to him turn around and I rinse off the back of you, Alan complied.

The water was cold and goose bumps appeared on his back when the cold water hit it, I smiled to myself thinking of his nipples becoming as hard as diamonds I put my hand to his back and started a rubbing to get rid of the salt, his back rippled under my fingers. My rubbing turned into more of a massage on his shoulders, Alan let out a moan and said "that feels feels so good", I moved a little lower about midway down his back. Suddenly Alan spun around, I thought perhaps I had mistaken the situation and he was not a happy camper, as I looked down I could see the outline of his cock head tenting out his shorts.

He said to me "shall we take this somewhere a little more private", I did not answer except to turn off the hose & walk over to the truck, I jumped in and said "Where To?". We arrived at Alan's place and before I could shut the door behind me Alan's lips were fastened to mine and his arms were all over my back and ass. "I bet you are strong" he said gripping my arms when coming up for air, "I just love big strong men", I demonstrated this by sweeping him up and carrying him across the room to the sofa where I lay him down and proceeded to explore his mouth with my tongue.

Things were heating up good and proper so it was time to loose my clothes and his shorts, standing there in all of his naked glory he was a sight to behold. His 5'8' body was trim and taut, with lightly haired pecs then the hair trailed down to an abundant bush that had been neatly trimmed. This dark bush framed a throbbing 6 inch cut cock with an angry red head that was slick with pre cum. His skin was a light tan, his eyes were like deep blue pools, he was indeed "seriously cute" I could not wait to fuck him stupid.

He knelt down in front of me and took my throbbing 7 1/2 inches of cut meat in his hot wet mouth, sliding up and down his talented tongue started it's dance up and down my shaft. His talent in giving oral pleasure signalled to me he was well practised at sucking guys. His right hand held my cock at the base and his left caressed my balls and between my legs. This was no virgin cock sucker.

I took hold of his head and proceeded to face fuck him gently, his throat opened up and I was able to shove all of my meat in his mouth. After a few minutes of this I pulled away and stood him up, I looked down a long stream of pre cum was hanging from his cock to down past his knees, I grabbed his cock in my hand and started working it using the pre cum for lube. Alan's tongue made its move and forced its way into my mouth, he leaned back and breathlessly begged for me to fuck his hole, he turned and bent over the arm of the sofa exposing his pink puckered hole to me.

I knelt down and began to please him with my tongue, first tracing circles around his winking hole then across and up and down. His hole was opening up nicely I could slide my tongue in easily after only a few minutes, I then worked his hot hole with one finger then two then three. His moans and plea's to be fucked were getting louder, my own cockhead was now slick with pre cum, I placed it at the entrance and slowly started to push my fat cockhead in. It took a couple of try's until the head finally pushed through and slid home, I halted there to let him adjust to it and when he started bearing down again I pushed it in further so I had about half of my throbbing cock buried.

"Jesus That feels Fucking Great" said Alan, "give me more" and he pushed back with his hips and impaled himself fully "Ohhhhh Fuck yeah, Fuck me babe" he said so with slow strong strokes I pulled out and pushed it back in, his tunnel gripped me like a warm moist velvet glove. I was going to enjoy this fuck I knew it. I reached down and grabbed his shoulders pulling him upright so he was no longer bent over the arm. With one hand I tweaked his nipples and the other worked on his cock in circular motions around the head. He leaned back and kissed me again, "Ride Me Babe,Ride Me Good".

How could I refuse that, I pushed him back down again, held on to a shoulder and a hip and with full length thrusts started driving it home for what seemed like an age. Sweat was pouring off us both our bodies were slick and my hips slapping against his ass were making an incredibly erotic sound. Our breathing became laboured and with a loud gasp and an even louder "FUCCCKK" Alan's ass started contracting as he shot his load all over the arm of the sofa. I could do nothing else other than follow him into orgasmic bliss, I must have dumped a huge load up his chute, so much it started leaking back out onto my pubes.

Breathing hard Alan said "I need some water man, do you want some", "sure, let me get it" I replied, I pulled out & my cock made a little popping noise , I looked down at his ass and it was leaking my cum out of it, talk about a hot site, his ass was all stretched, bright pink and swollen, the cum just made it glisten and look even more inviting.I gave Alan his water and drank my own, "man that was some fuck" said Alan, "Yeah, Awesome" I said, "you ready to go another round?"

Kissing and caressing we explored each others bodies finding those special places that set each other off, very soon both our cocks were ready to do battle again, I was damn sure I was going to put that hard cock of his to good use. "let's take this to the bedroom" Alan suggested, grabbing me gently by the cock he led me to the bed, when we got to the bedroom Alan grabbed at my ass and said "this is mine" Who was I to argue with that?"

I lay back on the bed and raised my knees up to my chest, Alan dove at my ass and started tonguing it greedily, his tongue felt so hot against my quivering fleshy opening. he took a finger and worked it inside, probing deeply and brushing my prostate, I let out a low moan. Another finger was worked inside me and then he started thrusting them in and out in a fucking motion bringing more moaning from me as he loosened me up.

Removing his fingers he then placed the head of his cock at my hole and started to push, it wouldn't go in so he added some more saliva then tried again, I gasped as he finally got the head in, it hurt but I wanted it bad. He pushed about half of his hot meat into me then pulled back to the point that just the head was in me again, he did this another couple of times and then I started opening up. On his next downward thrust I thrust my hips toward him so he buried himself in me deeply, I wanted to feel all of him in me , I had to have him all in me, right to the pubes.

His slow and steady fucking began driving me crazy, I grabbed hold of my cock and worked that in time with his strokes. Leaning down Alan started to lick and suck my nipples occasionally nipping them gently (this drives me nuts) meanwhile his cock kept on pistoning in and out of me in steady strokes setting my tunnel on fire. Alan then moved his attention from my nipples to my neck, where he again licked and sucked, by now my whole body began to tingle, I was his for the taking any way he wanted me.

Suddenly Alan pulled out completely and ordered me to turn over, one hand was guiding his cock into my throbbing opening, the other gripping my shoulder firmly, then he plunged full length into me. "Fuck Yeah" I moaned "Deep & Hard Man, That's what I like". His cock slid in and out again with a fluid like ease, I was hot for the fuck of my life I was getting off on the knowledge that I could feel his pubes tickle my opening when he was buried to the hilt. He started to pick up the pace so he was really slamming it in deep and hard, sweat was pouring from us both and my ass was on fire, I was in heaven.

He kept hitting my sweet spot and before long my nuts started to tighten, my eyes rolled back into my head and "wham" I was shooting great globs of jizz over both of us without even one stroke of my cock. The clamping of my ass on Alan's cock must of been having an affect as his face was contorting with trying to not cum. He slowed the pace and continued to work the head of his cock over and over my prostate. Then "Bam" as my fist working at light speed on my pulsating prick I started shooting again, this time it was so intense I nearly passed out. Suddenly there was a grunt from Alan followed by a loud "oh God" as he emptied his sacks deep inside my bowels. Spent he collapsed on my chest.

Well it's not often in life you can say you're "Totally Fucked" but that was the only phrase that really fitted the situation, when we finally disentangled our limbs and I stood up I had the utmost difficulty staying upright. We grabbed another drink of water then hit the shower We washed each other down as the water caressed our ravaged bodies, never before had I felt that shattered but wanted to keep on fucking like I did with this guy. My ass was sore, my cock was too but once again it started to harden, the bell sounded "ding ding" and Round 3 was about to begin.

For nearly 4 hours we fucked,sucked and played, today I have terrible difficulty walking like I do not have a fence post shoved up my ass, but mate it was totally worth it, we have arranged for another meeting tomorrow lunch time ................The story continues............


This is my first effort at erotic story writing any constructive comments would be appreciated, email me at < >. Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 2

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