Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Jul 14, 2005



A work of fiction by Paul Walker.

This story is copywright 2005 by me,Paul walker.

You may not copy or post it to anyother website,without my permission.

The story is completely fictional,apart from a few aspects,which i explained at the begining of Part seven.

All the characters are fictional and any resemblance to persons either living or otherwise is a total coincidence.

There are scenes of a sexual nature between teen males,so if this offends you,please leave now.

If you are underage to be reading this,then leave now.

All comments can be e-mailed to

Love and peace......from Paul.

One more thing......please stop killing people in the name of god!!!!!


Phil and Jane both arrived home at the same time today.Gary and I where in the kitchen talking,while he cooked dinner.He was making some sort of chicken curry and ,I have to say ,it smelt wonderful.I just hoped that it tasted as good.Phil and Jane entered the kitchen.

"How are you two?"Phil asked

"We're ok,"I said," but there are some things that Gary has to discuss with you."That got me an evil look from Gary and the 'rents looked a bit worried.

"How long before dinner?"Jane asked.

"About thirty minutes,"answered Gary.

"And we'll have that discussion over dinner,"said Phil,as he was vanishing upstairs.

After Phil and Jane had left us alone,Gary said,"what did you have to go and say that for?You know how they worry,I told you I can handle things at school."

"After what the guys told us this afternoon,you know how I feel and I don't want anyone getting hurt,mostly you.I knew you wouldn't say anything to them,so I had to.I care about you too much to let anything happen to you.Now,can we talk about something else?"

Gary remained silent.I could live with that for now.This had been like having our first argument and I knew that would happen sooner or later.I wasn't angry with him and I hoped he wasn't angry with me.As we where not speaking for the time being,I decided to set the table.On cue,Phil and Jane returned and we sat down to dinner.I had opend some wine for the adults and got some coke for us.

"So what happend at school?"Jane asked.

Gary recounted what had happend and how he came home to get his games kit and decided not to go back.I also told them about our visit from Chris and Steve and what they had told us.Phil sat in silence for a while and then said "Are you sure you want to go back tommorow?You can have an early start to your summer holiday and then,in september, we'll organise a home tutor for you.It just sounds as if things are getting out of hand at that school."

"Dad,it'll be fine,honest.Can we make a deal?"

"I'm listening but I have the right to say no if I don't like it."

"I have three days of school left for this week and then five days next week.Then its the summer holidays.Can I just complete those eight days and then make a decision about this?"

"I'll go along with that but at the first sign of any trouble or you getting hurt,you walk out of school and thats it,you never go back.If you can accept that then we have a deal."

"Ok,dad,we have a deal."Gary then looked at me and said,"Jase,I'm sorry that I got a little mad at you before.Am I forgiven?"

I leaned towards him and Kissed him on the cheek and said,"did that answer your question?"

He smiled at me and I knew everything was ok between us again.The food he had cooked was excellent.I made a mental note to tell him that he did have a talant after all and that he should cook more often to give Jane a break.The attention then turned to me.

"Are you looking forward to your first holiday with us?Jane asked me.

"I am and it sounds like an awesome place that we are going to."

"We'll show you the dvd that the travel company sent us after dinner,while Gary does his homework.That is,if he has any?"Jane sounded a bit pissed off when she said that.

"I do have homework and I am going to do it after dinner.I just couldn't take any more of the comments they where making.It wasn't only me they where talking about,that really didn't bother me.But they where talking about Jason and that got me really angry.I just felt that it was better for me not to go back this afternoon.I would have done something that would have got me in big trouble at school and then with you.I avoided that by not going back to school.You're not mad at me are you?"I was impressed with Gary's little speech.

"Now I have more of the facts,then I think you did the sensible thing but your dad is right.At the first sign of anything going wrong,then you just walk out of school and never go back.Next year is too important for you to mess it up......or for anyone else to mess it up for you."

"Thanks,mum,"Gary said,as he got up from the table and went and hugged his mum.

"Hey,Gary,"I said,"this food is great.You should stop complaining about not having any talent.If you can cook like this,you have a real talent.When it comes to the kitchen,I burn water.At least you will never go hungry."I couldn't resist adding,"I just hope I don't end up with food poisoning."When I laughed,he knew that I was only joking and so I was spared form any torture later on.

Not only had Gary cooked the chicken dish with about five side dishes.He had also made a delicious chocolate mousse.I was very impressed by his skills in the kitchen.Once we had finished eating,I told Gary to go and do his homework and that me and Jane would do the dishes and tidy up.

The response I got to that was,"the wife has spoken,better go and do as she says."He was laughing as he left the kitchen.

I had thought about offering to fuck him again later but he was in the dog house now.Jane and I did the washing up. After that,I made coffee for her and Phil and a hot chocolate for me

"What about something for Gary?"Jane asked me.

"Ummm....."I pondered,"I think that after that comment he just made,he should make his own hot chocolate.Can we go and watch that dvd now?"I asked,as I walked out of the kitchen.Within seconds of saying that I had turned around and was making a hot chocolate for Gary.I took it up to him.

As I entered our room,he turned around and said,"aww,thanks sweetie.Would you like to fuck me again later?"

"You must have read my mind,"I said,"I was going to ask you if I could do that again,it was so much fun.But if I ask you to fuck me,please,just say no."

I went back to the lounge and sat and watched the dvd of where we where going on holiday.It looked amazing.The villa had a huge lounge with a big tv,complete with satalite system,a dvd player and hi-fi system with surround sound.There where three bedrooms,all with there own bathroom.Outside was a huge swimming pool and barbecue area and the ocean was never more than a few minutes walk away.The sand was a lovely,almost white colour and the ocean water was crystal clear.This looked like just the place I needed to be.An Island in the middle of the ocean and completely away from civilization.I was really looking forward to getting there.

"So what do you think?"Asked Jane.

"I can't wait to get there.It just looks so peacful.Just lying in the sun all day and swimming.That sounds like a great way to live."I just hoped that I wasn't sounding too enthusiastic.

"Is there anything you need to get before we go?"

"Just some new trunks and suntan lotion.OH,and toiletries.I'll go into town on saturday with the guys.I'm sure there will be stuff they need for their holidays.Will I need to get some spending money?"

"It may be an Idea to take some but you won't need it in the local currency.As you can see,there is no where to go shopping on the Island.We will be in Dubai for about four hours and the shopping centre there is fantastic.The dvds and cds are very cheap,so I'm sure that you and Gary will be adding some to your collections."

I was really excited about the holiday now.I hadn't been too sure if I was going to be going anywhere after the events of the last few weeks.

"Do you know where Steve and Chris are going this year?"

"You know,Its not something we've talked about.I really didn't think I would be going anywhere,after all thats happend,so I never asked them.Do they Know about this?"

"Not unless Gary has told them.I know we only told you last night,but if Gary has told them and they didn't tell you,then don't be mad at any of them."

"I won't be,I promise.I've been getting angry with too many people lately and over really stupid things.When I've talked to Jenny about it,she said that it's understandable after the things that had happend to me but I need to try and stop doing it.When Jenny suggested I put on a little fashion show,Gary sort of mentioned the holiday but I just let it go,although I was mad inside,I knew I had to control it.I think I did that quite well,so I must be getting better."

"Whens your next appointment with her?"

"Tommorow at Ten.I'll get up with Gary and get the bus with him.I can always get a milk shake at McDonalds,if I'm early."

We spent the rest of the evening chatting and watching tv.It felt like I was part of a family again and just doing normal family stuff.Gary joind us about nine and made us all another hot drink.The two of us cuddled together on one of the sofas and watched a documentry about the solar system.About an hour later,we went to bed.

The next morning,I woke up feeling really content and happy and at peace with myself and the world.I was also rested and refreshed.When the alarm went off,Gary was complaining and asking if it was really time to get up.He also said he still felt tired and that was my fault.We had been awake until nearly midnight,as I had used my toy on myself,while I sucked him off.We both had amazing orgasms and by the time they happend,we where in the sixty-nine position.We both swallowed each others cum and it was such a great feeling.When we had recovered,I started to lick and finger his ass.I had him squirming round the bed in pure ecstasy.By the look on his face,you would of thought that he had died and gone to heaven,It was a beautiful sight.When I had loosend him up,I lubed up my cock and started to fuck him slowly,as I wanted it to last forever.The pace I was going at meant that I was able to hold out for over half an hour.When I did come,it was an awesome feeling.Gary was still hard and had not had his second orgasm,so I went down on his cock again and sucked away,like a baby sucking on a lolly pop.That lasted for fifteen minutes before I was rewarded with another load of his boy milk.I went to sleep with a huge smile on my face.

"Last one in the shower has to give the other one a blow job,"I said,as I jumped out of bed and dashed for the bathroom.I turned on the water and,when I had got the temprature right,I jumped in and shouted,"I win.Now I want my prize."

Gary came into the bathroom and took his morning piss and brushed his teeth,while I was in the shower.As I got out and wrapped my towel round myself he said,"I think I've created a sex crazed monster.Do you ever stop thinking about sex these days?"

"Ummmm......only when I'm asleep and when your at school.You still owe me one but it can wait until later."

While Gary was in the shower,I went back to our room and choose my clothes for the day.By the time Gary got back to our room,I was dressed and left him to put on his school uniform.I went to the kitchen and found my foster parents eating their breakfast.Without thinking,I said,"morning mum and dad."

They where both surprised by what I had said and it took them a while to reply.When they did,they said in unison,"morning Jason."

I was feeling guilty about the way I had greeted them and said,"sorry about what I just said but I hope I didn't offend you?"

"No,if you want to start calling us mum and dad,then its ok with us.We already think of you as a son anyway."

We continued with breakfast and Gary joined us."HI,sleepyhead,"I said

The look he gave me said it all and that was that it was my fault.Shortly after Gary had joined us,Phil had to leave.We all told him to have a good day and said we would see him later.Jane offered to drive us to the bus stop as she was going to the head offices of her hair and beauty company.That was part of the reason we could afford to go on such a luxury holiday.When the bus got to Gary's stop,I wanted to give him a good buy kiss but this was not the right place for that.I told him to have a good day and to remember what the 'rents had told him.As I watched him approach the school,I saw a group of about eight boys approach him.I became anxious and was about to scream out of the window to him to just get back on the bus.When I saw that they where just talking,I relaxed.I would ask him about it later.

When I got to Jenny's office,I had to wait for about ten minutes before I went in.Her seretary got me a glass of milk and some chocolate chip cookies.When I went in to Jenny,I talked about the holiday and could hardly contain my excitement.She said that from the sound of where we where going,it would do me some real good.I also told her about the situation with Gary yesterday and about Lee.She told me that I had dealt with eveything in a sensible and mature way and that it was all a sign that I was getting better and moving on with my life.I also told her that I had greeted Phil and Jane as 'mum amd dad' this morning.

"Maybe thats a sign that you are starting to see them that way.No kid your age should be without their parents and if you want to call Phil and Jane,mum and dad,then it shows that you are viewing them in a different way.What you are telling me shows a vast improvement on how you where when I first saw you."

"I suppose it has alot to do with last night.Gary cooked dinner and it was fantastic.Gary went to do his homework and I sat in the lounge with mum and dad."I had to stop there for a moment,that was twice today that I had used that."Anyway,it was great,I really felt like I was part of a family again and just doing normal family stuff.I never thought I would feel like that again."

Jenny told me that I was doing well and that I would only need to see her once a week from now on.That made me feel good.Jenny also told me to think about asking Phil and Jane to legally adopt me but only if I felt it was what I wanted.I left Jenny's office and felt so much happier than I had for along time.Maybe it was my excitement over the holiday but I knew,deep down,that it was much more than that.I just couldn't explain it in words.I went to the Virgin mega store but didn't buy anything.I also phoned Carol to see if she was in and if I would be welcome for lunch.She said she was in and that I was more than welcome.I also decided to call Gary at lunch time,I wanted to know how his day was going.

I arrived at Carols about forty minutes later and she seemed pleased to see me.I told her all about the things that had been going on since monday.When I started to tell her about the holiday,I became really excited.We talked for ages and it was soon time to eat.Carol made a big plate of sandwiches and told me to tuck in.I didn't need to be asked twice.I also told her about the suggestion that Jenny had made,about me asking Phil and Jane to legally adopt me.Carol looked really surprised by that.I told her that I was going to give it some serious thought before I even mentioned it to my prospective new parents.

I also tried to call Gary.I really needed to find out how his day was going and if he was having any problems.I also needed to find out who those boys where that had approached him this morning when he got off the bus.When he didn't answer,I assumed he had just forgot to switch his phone back on during the lunch break.I told myself that he would be fine and that I shouldn't stress myself out by worrying too much.I could talk to him later.

Before I knew it,it was after three in the afternoon.I told Carol that I would have to go and thanked her for having me.I also explained that it had been so much nicer than being my own for most of the day.

Carol was in her early sixties and had been widowed five years ago,so I'm sure that she had appreciated some company as much as I had.I also knew that she had two son's.One of them lived in London and the other lived in Scotland.Other than that I didn't know too much but it was not important.I had just appreciated the fact that she made the time for me.

I walked home from Carol's house.When I did arrive home,it was shortly before four.That meant that I would not have to wait too long before Gary got home.As normal,I sat at the bottom of the stairs and waited.When I saw him at the door,I did not move.He came into the house and said,"whats wrong?"

"How come you had your phone switched off at lunch time?And who where those boys that approached you this morning when you got off the bus?"

"Sorry babe,I just got too involved talking with friends and forgot to put my phone back on.As for what happend when I got off the bus,they where just some of the other gay boys letting me know what had happend yesterday.No one tried to hassel me today.They wouldn't dare,now that they know how many gay kids there are in school.I suppose it all comes down to safety in numbers.They have also introduced a new anti-bullying policy.If anyone is caught bullying or intimidating another boy,they will be expelled.As a result of that,everyone is too scared to try anything."

I felt a great sense of relief at what Gary had told me and so he finally got his usual kiss.Although on this occasion it lingered a litte longer than normal.When I broke the kiss,I said to Gary,"I suppose I just got a bit stressed out by what I saw this morning.I thought you where gonna be in some kind if big trouble.I almost shouted out of the window of the bus for you to get back on.I just paniced I suppose.It really sounds as if things are getting better at school.It's just a pity that something bad had to happen before that happend."

"I think eveything is going to be just fine.And,you don't have to talk about what happend to you anymore if you don't want.Now,are you going to let me go and get changed?"

I put my arms around him and said,"not before I do this."Then I kissed him again.

As he headed upstairs,he looked back and said,"how would you like me to take you out somwhere tonight?"

"That sounds good.What did you have in my mind?"

"well the gay youth group I told you about meets on a wednesday and I thought you may like to come with me.It'll give you a chance to meet some new people."

"But what about dinner?"

"I phoned dad and told him we would be out,so he's going to take mum to a restaurant.When I've got changed,I'll sort something out for us two."

I had a really good time with Gary at the youth group.He introduced me to alot of people and they all knew about what I had been through.Gary had told them about it but they did not ask alot of questions about it.I was really greatful about that,as I was trying hard to put it all behind me and talking about it was just a further reminder.There where a couple of boys my own age there and we exchanged phone numbers and agreed to spend some time together after we got back from our holidays.It would be good to make some new friends.

Not much happend for the rest of the week.I did get a phone call from Lee on the friday.His parents had decided to allow him to spend time with his friends on saturday.He told me that he decided to come clean and tell them that he had been to see me and Gary the other day,He told me that they where really fucked off with him at first but once they calmed down,they realized it had taken alot of guts for him to do what he had and where very suprised that we hadn't just told him to fuck off,(well,thats the word Lee used but I doubt if his parents had used that word).Anyway,as he was trying hard to change his ways,he had called me to see if he could hang out with us.He no longer wanted anything to with ths idiots and dickheads that he had previously considered to be friends.I said he was welcome to spend time with us but I did tell him that we where going into town to get some things we needed for our holiday.He told me he would be at our house bt ten on Saturday morning.It would be good having a new guy in our little group.

Chris and Steve where not spending the weekend with us this week as they both had family functions to go to on the sunday.Not only that but my Grandparents where due back form their cruise and we would be picking them up from the airport on the sunday morning.However,my two best mates did show up for breakfast on saturday morning.We had agreed to got to town to get our last minute shopping for the holiday.As we sat eating,I said to the guys,"so where are you going on holiday this year?"

Steve answered first,"we're going to Thailand.We fly out next saturday by Emirates."

"Thats a starnge coincidence.We're going to the Maldives and we fly out next saturday too and on the same airline.Maybe both families could meet up at the airport and we can all check in together,that way we can get seats together.At least for the part of the flight to Dubai,"I said to Steve.

"I'll mention it to my dad when I get home.It would be great to be sitting by you guys on that part of the trip,"Steve said.

Next it was Chris's turn,"We're going to Hawaii.From what I saw when mum and dad showed me the brochure it looks like a really cool place."

We all talked about our upcoming holidays while we eat our breakfast.We had just made a start on the washing up when Jane told us that for once we could be excused from that chore.She seemed to be in a really good mood so we didn't push our luck.Right on cue Lee arrived and we headed to the bus stop to catch the bus into town.Seeing how we where all in the holiday mood,we asked Lee if he was going anywhere exciting.He said that his family where going to vist his aunty and uncle and cousins in Canada.He was a little jealous that we where all going to really exotic places and he was just exchnging one city for another for the duration of the holiday.We told him that we where sure that he would have just as much fun as we would.

After a while Lee looked at us and said,"I'm really greatful that you guys have allowed me to be your friend.I was a total dickhead on Monday towards Jason and when I turned up at his house on tuesday,I wouldn't have blamed him for telling me to fuck off.He didn't tho',he took the time to listen to what I had to say and that makes him a much better person than I ever will be.I just hope that I find a boyfriend as nice as the one he's got."

I was really moved by what Lee said and told him,"supposedly there is someone out there for everyone.I'm sure you will find what you are looking for.I just hope that you don't have to find your ideal boyfriend by going through what I went through to find mine."

"Can I tell you something?"Lee asked me.

"Sure,"I replied.

"Being the way I was,bullying people like you,who I saw as weak and as an easy target,I thought that that made me look tough.The truth is,knowing what I do about you now,well,it's made me realize that you are much tougher than I ever was or will be.If I'd gone through all that,I would have kept trying to take my own life until everyone just gave up and let me die.You tried once and decided that life was worth living after all,I could never have done that."

I felt a few tears run down my cheeks.On monday I had thought that this guy was a real cunt but I was begining to see just how wrong I had been.

Gary put his arm around me and asked"you ok little bro'?"

"I'm fine.On monday I thought Lee was just another loser but by what he's just said,he's proved me wrong.I'm really happy that we took the time to let him talk to us on tuesday."

All five of us high fived each other and shouted ....FRIENDS.......FOREVER.By this time the bus had reached it's final destination.

Our first stop on our shopping trip was THE BEACH SHOP.When we entered the shop,the first thing that caught my eye was the buckets and spades.

"You're a bit old for that kind of thing aren't you?"Gary asked.

"It's not for me,"I said,snickering slightly,"I thought you could use a new one,I know how much you like to build sand castles on the beach."I saw Chris and Steve in the background and they where in fits of laughter,even Lee joined in after awhile.I soon joined them.

"Wait 'til we get home,"Gary said.He was trying to sound like the pissed off big brother but I knew he wasn't that mad at me.We did things like that alot and it was what we called our 'brotherly time'.We would just fool around and make silly comments to try and piss each other off.It was all done in good fun tho'.

Anyway,I found about six pairs of trunks that I liked and decided to take the lot.I also found a huge beach towel and some inflatable pillows.I was determined that I was going to get fucked by Gary before the end of the holiday.Thats why I bought those items.

"So whats with the big towel and the blow up pillows?"Was Gary's next question.

"Since when did you become Sherlock Holmes?You seem to be asking alot of questions today?"That was a favourite thing of mine,if I was asked a question then I would answer it with another question.People would find it really annoying.

"I was just curious,"Gary said.

"And that,my friend is what killed the cat......curiosity."

Gary Gave up at that point,he had realized that what ever shady little plan I had,I was not talking about it.In fact I was hoping to find somwhere shady to put my plan into action.We spent the rest of the day buying shower gels,deodorants,sun tan lotion,after sun cream,more shorts.I also bought a couple of base ball caps and a new pair of designer sunglasses.After having lunch at subway,we all headed home.As we where getting of the bus Lee thanked us for letting him spend the day with us.I said that we would have to hang out more after the holidays.He said that would be cool.

The rest of the day was spent with Gary and my prospective new parents,although they had no idea about that just yet.That was goig to have to wait.My grandparents where back tommorow and I wanted to talk to them before I even thought about bringing that subject up with Phil and Jane.It had been a really good day and spending time with our new friend had been fantastic.What a difference a week makes.

End of chapter 9.See you all in chapter ten.

Next: Chapter 10

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