Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Jul 11, 2005




Usual stuff.The story is copywright 2005 and by yours truely,Paul walker.Don't copy or post it to another website without my permission.The story is almost entirely a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or otherwise is a pure coincidence.If yo are under the legal age to be reading this stuff then leave now.The story contains acts of a sexual nature between teen males and if this offends you..........a)Its not my problem and b) WHY ARE YOU READING IT ANYWAY?

All comment can be e-mailed to wdreamtime

Thanks to everyone who has written recently.Please keep in touch as its good to have your feedback.Lol Paul.


After we had finished shopping, we had time to go for a drink.Carol and Jenny ordered capuccinos and I had a hot chocolate topped with lashings of whipped cream.

"So,have you had a good day?"Carol asked.

"Yes,its been wonderful and I really like the way my hair looks.I'm getting used to my new ear piercing to.That felt weired at first."

"Just remember to bathe your ear with salt water and don't try to take it out for six weeks,like they told you,"Jenny said.

We finished our drinks and then made our way back to the car to go and get Gary from school.Jane had also called to say that it was fine for Jenny to stay and have dinner with us.It took us a liitle longer to get out of the city than we had expected,due to the early build up of rush hour traffic.We arrived at the school just as everyone was coming out(sorry...but no pun intended).I decided to get out of the car and wait at the gates for Gary.It wasn't exactly an easy thing for me to do,due to the fact that this was the exact spot where I had been attacked.As Jenny had said,I would have to do this some time and there seemed like no better time than this.

"Are you sure that you are ok to do this?"Jenny asked me.

"You did say that I would have to face upto my demons at some point.This is a way of making a start on doing that,"I answered.

Carol wound down the window on the passenger side of the car and said,"we'll keep an eye on you.If there is any sign of a problem, then we'll come and help you."

I was feeling really nervous as I approached the school gates.I was seeing faces that I had seen countless times before and my mind was flooded with all the memories of things that had happend to me but I was determined to do this.Two boys walked passed me and noticed who I was,"he looks even more of a faggot now than he did before,"one of them said.I just ignored them.Then another boy grabbed ahold of me and said,"well, if it isn't our old queer friend.Didn't think you would show up round here again."

"I'm waitng for someone,"I said calmly.

"Like your boyfriend?I thought that when we got rid of you ,that we had got rid of the only fag in the school.If there is another one ,we'll have to deal with him too."

Inside I was feeling really pissed off and angry with all this but I stayed calm."What,and end up in prison like those cunts that raped me?I think you have some really serious problems and issues that you need to deal with.My therapist is in the car,do you want to talk to her now or should I make you an appointment?"

"You must be really fucked up if you have to see a shrink.Thanks for the offer but there is nothing wrong with my mental state."

One of the boys friends had joined him and asked,"why the fuck are you talking to this queer bastard?"

"I don't know.He seems to think I need to see a shrink,"the first boy said.

"The only reason I have to see one is because of people like you.Its you lot that fucked me up."

By now the second boy had raised his fist as if he was going to hit me.I raised my arms to protect myself.It was then that I heard someone shout,"I wouldn't do that if I was you."

It was Gary.He rushed towards us and grabbed the boy who had raised his fist and twisted his arm behind his back."Fuck ,that hurts,let go you fucking queer cunt."

"Not until you say sorry to my boyfriend,"Gary said.

"Appologise to a queer?No fucking way."The boy screamed loudly.Gary must have twisted his arm even more.

A teacher appraoched the scene and told the two boys who had been harrassing me that they where to go to his room right away.The teacher recognised who I was and said,"Its good to see you Jason.How are you doing?"

"I was ok until those two started to give me shit."

"They will be dealt with,I promise.When are we going to see you back in school?"

"You will never see me back in this school.I had enough shit while I was here and getting raped on school property is no laughing matter.So what do you plan to do with those two?"

"They'll be suspended for a week and given a warning that if anything like that happens again,then they will be expelled."

"At least that means Gary won't get any crap from them for the next week."I took hold of Gary's hand and kissed him on the lips,in front of everyone.Then I said,"sorry babe but I just outed you to the whole school.It would happen next week anyway,when those two cunts get back in.After all,you did just tell them that I'm your boyfriend."

"Its no problem,they can just learn to live with it.Beside,I only have a year left and I should be able to survive that.Now lets get out of here."

We dashed to the car and got in.Once in the car Gary said,"I like the hair.It makes you look really sexy.Are there anyother piercings for me too have a look at?"

"No,just the one,"I told him.

Then he noticed all the bags."Shit,just how much stuff did you buy?"

"Enough so that I can throw away most of my other stuff.This is about making a whole new start."

"So what happend outside the school?"Jenny asked.

"I got hasseled a little but I told one of the boys that I thought he had some serious issues to deal with and that he should talk to someone.I told him that you where in the car and asked if he wanted to talk to you now or should I make him an appointment.He wasn't to impressed.Then his friend showed up and was about to hit me,when Gary showed up and got his arm up behind his back.Then a teacher came along and told them to report to his office.They'll be suspend for a week and given a warning.If they do anything like that again,they're out."

"There is another problem tho',"Gary said."I told them to appologise to my boyfriend.Then Jase kissed me,so I've been outed.That could make my life a little tricky."

"Do you think you can cope with that?"Carol asked.

"Well,I only have a year to go before my GCSE's and I should be able to get thruogh it.Besides,after what happend to Jason most of the staff have developed a totally new attitude.I should be ok."

"Well if you need any help,you can talk to me,"Jenny said.

"Thanks,I'll keep it in mind,"Gary said

We dropped Carol off at home and then went back to our house.We enterd the house and got all the bags in.Then Gary put the kettle on to make Jenny a coffee.Gary and I opted for a glass of Milk.

"So how did you cope last night?Jason has told me what happend and said that being made to sleep in one of the spare rooms made it feel like he was being punished.How did it feel for you?"

"I felt so alone.I guess that I've got so used to being with him.I didn't sleep too well and cried alot.I missed Jason not being there.I think that dad was wrong to do what he did."

"Thats pretty much what I told Jason when he told me that you two had been seperated for the night.Thats why I need to talk to them.I don't think they realize how much you two depend on each other and it hurt you to be apart.Thats why I got this for you Jason."She produced a black carrier bag from her handbag and pulled out a vibrator that looked almost like a real six inch cock."Jason,I think you need to get used to having a cock inside you.If you practice with this,it will get you used to the feeling.But I only want you to use it on yourself until you get used to it.What made you have a flashback last night was the thought of someone else putting a cock in you.When that happend,you just assumed you where going to be hurt again.In a way,it was good that it happend.It means that you are facing upto things.It would have happend whenever you tried to have anal sex and the longer that you had put that off,the worse your flashback would have been."

"Thanks for the present,"I said."I'll try it out later."

"Just remember what I have told you."

I dashed upstairs to put my new 'toy' away as I didn't want the embarrsment of having to explain it to Phil and Jane.By the time I got back downstairs,Jane had arrived home.

"Is there anything left in the shops?"She asked.

"Hey,I didn't go quite that mad,"I said.

"The hair looks good and I hope the ear is the only thing that you got pierced."

"It is,"Jenny said on my behalf.

"I got your message and the lasagne is in the oven,"Gary said."We've been talking since we got hime.I was just going to get changed and then I'll make the salad."

I'd forgotten that we where supposed to be going to Chris's for a few hours.That is,until my phone rang.I didn't give him all the details but said that some thing had happend last night and that my therapist was staying for dinner as we needed to have a family conference.He said that he'd spotted me outside the school and that my hair looked well cool.I told him that I was sorry that I had missed him but that Gary would explain everything to him and Steve tommorow.Chris seemed quite happy with that.He would also have been aware that Gary would have his homework to do.

"So how about you show me your music room while Gary finishes dinner?"Jenny asked.

"Follow me this way then,"I said.

Just as we where leaving the kitchen,Jane asked,"would you like a glass of wine?"

"No thanks,"I replied.

"I wasn't talking to you,"Jane said."I was asking Jenny."

"Sure,that would be very nice,"Jenny said

I went back to the kitchen to collect the glass of wine and got a can of seven up for myself.

When we entered the attic room,I could tell that Jenny was very impressed.I switched everything on and set everything so that I could play one my guitars along with the backing track that I had programmed.I picked up my Fender Strat and began to play.After I finished playing the song,Jenny clapped.

"That was excellent," she said."So how long have you been playing?"

"I started piano lessons when I was four and I started to teach myself to play the guitar when I was six."

"Thats very impressive."

I think I got a little embarrased by her comments,as she soon changed the subject."So what time will your foster dad be home?"

"I'll have to go and check with Jane.Why?"

"Well,I just thought that if we have time,I'd help you get all your shopping to your room and then we could make a start on sorting out which of your old clothes you don't want."

"Thats really kind of you,Thank you."

"I'll even take your old stuff to the charity shop for you."

Jane said that Phil wouldn't be back for another hour at least.Gary and Jenny helped me get all the bags upstairs and then we more or less put all my old clothes into black bin sacks,as I decided that there wasn't much I wanted to keep.Then Gary went and got the ironing board and iron,as Jenny had offered to iron the creases out of eveything before I put it all away.

"There must be a catch to this,what do I have to do in return?"I asked.

"Just give us a fasion show after dinner,"Jenny replied.

"At least that will give me a chance to see what a cool dude I'm going on holiday with,"Gary added

"Holiday,"I thought. Why didn't anyone mention this to me?I decided not to pursue the subject for now but I would mention it over dinner.I also promised myself that I would do it calmly and not accuse everyone of keeping things from me and not trusting me.

Jenny got my stuff sorted in what seemed like no time at all and we soon had it all put away nicely.When we got back to the kitchen,Phil was home.I introduced him to Jenny and explained that I had asked if she could stay for dinner, as there was some stuff that she wanted us to discuss as a family.

"If this is about last night,then I want to say something about that.I've been thinking about it all day and I realize that I probably made a mistake.About an hour or so after we had calmed everything down,Jane asked me to check on the boys and I realized that they where both crying.I know that keeping them apart was not such a good idea.I won't do anything like that again.They mean too much to us for us to hurt them and Jason has been hurt enough already.Sorry son."

That was the second time in two days that he referred to me as son.I was touched.Gary served dinner and we all took our seats.The adults where drinking wine,while me and Gary had our usual coke.We talked about what we had all been doing that day and Gary recounted the events outside the school.

"Are you really sure you can cope with things,now the whole school knows that you are gay?"Phil asked

"It may get a bit tough at times but I can always use what I learnt at those self defence and assertivness classes that you sent me to after I came out to you.I probably should have mentioned this,but there has been a few problems. I always used what I had learnt at those classes to deal with the problems.It was always quite effective,"Gary replied.

"If things do get to bad though,you must tell us and you'll be out of there and tutored at home.We could arrange for you to take your exams somewhere else if that situation arises.I don't think any of us could go through another Jason,"said Phil.

"Talking of my favourite subject,"I started to say before Jane interupted me.

"And what is that favourite subject that we are supposed to be talking about?"Jane asked.

"Me,"I said with a cheeky grin."Its just that Gary mentioned something about a holiday and I just wondered when I was going to be told about it."I was suprised at how calm and grown up I was being about this.

"I'm really sorry that this didn't get mentioned to you but things have been really hectic since you came to live with us.We booked it ages ago,before anything even happend to you and before we even knew you.We are going to the Maldives.We have our own private villa on our own private Island,so from that point of view,taking you with us wasn't a problem.Its such a busy time of year that we had problems getting a flight for you.Anyway ,we cnacelled our original flight and we are now flying with Emirates.It'll take longer as we have to change planes in Dubai.You do have a passport don't you?"Phil asked me.

"Yes,"I said,"I have it upstairs.And thanks,it sounds great,two weeks with no one else around but my three favourite people."

"Three weeks,thats how long we are going for.There will be a couple of other people there as we have our own private chef and maid to take care of everything for us,"Gary told me.

"Wow,"I said."How the rich live."

That got a laugh from everyone,as they all knew how much I was worth.

"By the way,what would have happend if you hadn't been able to get the extra seat on the plane?"I asked.

Phil replied ,in all seriousness,"we would have packed Gary in case and then you would have had his seat."

That got another good laugh from everyone except Gary,for obvious reasons.After finishing the meal,Gary and I offerd to clear up.Jane made coffee and the adults disappeared to the lounge.After cleaning the kitchen.we went up to our room so that Gary could do his homework and I could do my little fasion show.At least that way he got to see everything first.Everyone complimented me on the stuff I had bought.

We went to bed at about ten and I tried out my new toy.It was really good.I had no problems getting the thing inside me and it didn't make me freak out.It was quite a nice sensation.I think it had alot to do with the fact that I was totally in control of the situation.We where not due to go on holiday for two weeks.If I had got used to this by then,I thought,I may try letting Gary fuck me again while we where away.I had a massive orgasm and so did Gary.He just lay there,watching me and came without even touching his cock.He told me that it was an awesome feeling.

The next day Gary got up to get ready for school.As I was spending the day at home with my tutor,I got to stay in bed for an hour longer.Gary was jealous.Just before he left,he came into our room and threw a pillow at me.Then he was about to leave.

"HEY,don't I even get a kiss?"

He came back and kissed me and said,"I'll see you when I get home."

"I hope eveything is ok for you.Just remember what your dad said."

"I will!"

I got up,showered and dressed.By the time I was finishing breakfast,John, my tutor had arrived.At about 12.15.Iwas heating up the soup and getting the sandwiches from the fridge that Jane had left for us.I heard the door open and slam shut.I went to investigate.I was very surprised to see Gary.

"I forgot my Games kit,"he said."But I'm not fucking going back this afternoon."

"It was that bad,huh?"I asked.

"No one tried anything physical but I just got pissed off with their comments and they didn't just talk about me,they where mentioning you too.I was just fucking sick of it."

"Well didn't you talk to anyone about it?"

"They said they would have a staff meeting after school.Its difficult to prove anything."

I looked around and saw John.I had some more explainig to do.I introduced John to Gary and told him that Gary is my foster brother and boyfriend.John seemed to be ok with this.We went back into the kitchen and I split our lunch three ways.John listend to our conversation and offered his advice.We decided that this was something that we would have to talk to Phil and Jane about.John realized that it was pointless for him to stay.As we wouldn't get much work done.

Not long after John had left,the door bell went.With the state that Gary was in,I went to answer it.I was surprised by who I saw.It was one of the boys who had been suspended yesterday."What the fuck do you want?And how the fuck did you find out where we live?"

"I just need five minute to talk to you.I knew which stop Gary got off at,I was going to wait there all afternoon and follow him home.I was surprised when I saw him come home early."

"I don't suppose it would hurt to at least listen to what you have to say.Whats your name?"

"Its Lee.Sorry about the way I spoke to you yesterday.When I got home and told my parents that I was suspended and why,they where not happy.When I told them that it was you that I had been picking on,they where really pissed off.They couldn't undrstand how I could be best friends with my gay cousin and yet treat you like shit.I want to say sorry and when I go back to school,I promise that I won't say a bad word to your boyfirend."

I was still not sure if I could trust Lee but I had to admire him for making the effort to find our house and come and apologise.I asked him to come in and I also asked if he had had any lunch.When he said no,I made him a sandwich.At first,Gary was annoyed that he had been followed but when he had listend to Lee's apology,he calmed down.Lee told us that his parents had grounded him for two weeks when they found out the truth about his suspension. I told him about losing my parents and my suicide attempt.By this time he was crying and saying that he had been such a dickhead and an asshole.

"I can't believe what a twat I was yesterday.If I'd known all that,I wouldn't have said a word.It must have been hell for you?"

"It has been but I have a great foster family."

"I don't suppose we could try and be friends could we?"Lee asked.

"I really don't know about that but we can try,"I replied.

"The truth is,I really thought about what you said,about having problems and issues that I need to deal with.I've been questioning myself for a while and the truth is,I think I may be gay.I've been acting all tough to try and hide that.I thought that if people knew I was gay,then I would end up going through what you went through."

Now Gary and I where crying.I managed to pull myself together and said to Gary,"I know Lee was a total asshole yesterday but I have to admire the way he went to the effort of finding out where we live and coming to talk to us.I think we should at least give him a chance?What do you think?"

"As long as he keeps his part of the bargain and leaves me alone when he comes back to school next week.Also,he has to keep that dickhead friend of his away from me too."

"I promise that I won't say anything bad about you and I'll even help you sort out any trouble,"Lee said."As for Mike,I won't be seeing him again.His parents are sending him to a boarding school.He leaves on saturday.He's only there for a week and then he's getting sent to his uncles in Australia for the summer.He won't enjoy it,as his uncle lives in a small town miles from anywhere.I thought being grounded for two weeks was bad enough but he came out worse."

"It's no less than he deserves,"I said.I knew I was being harsh but it was how I felt.

"Won't you be in more trouble if your parents find out that you sneaked out?"Gary asked.

"I would have been if you hadn't come home early.How come you didn't go back to school?"

"I only had games this afternoon and couldn't be arsed,"was Gary's reply.

"Thats not completely true,is it?"Asked Lee.

"No,"I answered."You know when Gary asked you two to apologise to me yesterday?Do you remeber how he refered to me?"

"Yeah,he called you his boyfriend.Is that true?"

"Yes it is.Also,after you had been sent to that teachers office,I kissed him,on the lips,in front of everyone.We knew then,that,one way or another,Gary had been outed to the whole school.He had a tough time this morning.It wasn't people talking about him that bothered him,it was that they where talking about me aswell."

"But the whole school knows what happend to you.Surely people could be a bit more sensisitive?"

"The whole school knows about the rape and attack but it's only the teaching staff,Gary,you and my two best mates that know about my parents and the suicide attempt.I would be greaful if you didn't mention it around school."

By now,it was getting near three o'clock.Lee said he would have to go.If his brother and sister got home and he wasn't there,he would be in even more trouble.He thanked us for taking the time to listen to him.We told that if we could help with anything else,then he just had to call us.We all swaped mobile phone numbers and showed Lee out.Before he left,we both gave him a kiss.He didn't complain,which convinced us a little more that he was probably gay or at least bi.

Not long after Lee had gone,the doorbell went again.We where becoming very poular all of a sudden.Gary answered and found Chris and Steve standing there.

"How come you guys got out so early?"

"The teachers had that meeting at lunch time and there was also a big gathering of boys who have decided to come out.Anyway,they gatecrashed the meeting and demanded that all gay students get better treatment from the staff and there fellow puils.So far there is about forty boys who have come out.In all the confusion that followed,the acting head decided to cancel school for the day,"Chris informed us.

"So why did you bunk off this afternoon?"Steve asked Gary.

"I forgot my games kit and came home to get it.When I was on the bus,I just thought 'fuck it',I've had enough shit today and decided not to go back."

"well things should be easier now that you have another forty people on your side,"Steve said

We told them about our other visitor and they where suprised but siad they would make an effort to get along with Lee for our sake.To me things didn't sound good.I didn't want Gary getting mixed up in some kind of us and them situation at school.I felt as if someone was going to get hurt.This was one bombshell that was definitly going to get dropped when Phil and Jane got home.I would prefer to have him at home with me than go to a school that was turning into a war zone.

Chris and Steve stayed for about an hour and we talked about what was gong on at the school.I said I could understand why all these other boys had decided to get together.It was a show of unity and I wished I had Known about just how many other gay boys there where in the school a few months ago.I also told them that I didn't like the sound of the currant situation.I warned them all to stay out of trouble,as I did not want to see any of my friends getting hurt.After the guys left,Gary went upstairs to get changed and then said he would make a start on dinner.I told him that I was surprised to learn that he could cook and made a few jokes about not wanting to gat food poisoning.

Well it sounds as if an interesting situation is developing.See you all in the next instalment.Lol Paul.

Next: Chapter 9

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