Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Jul 11, 2005



A work of fiction by Paul Walker.

This story is copywright 2005 by Paul Walker.You may not copy or post it to anyother website without my permission.

The story contains descriptions of acts of a sexualnatur between teen males.All charcters are purely fictional and any resemblance to persons either living or dead is purely coincidental.If you are underage to be reading this where you are then please leave now.

Some background information.When I began to write this I wanted to create something that had a lot of depth,both in terms of the characters and the plot.I wanted to have much more than constant sex.The chatacter of Jason is actually based on me ,in that I was bullied at school and the incidents of being hit in the eye with a petrol soaked handkerchief,being pulled off my bike and punched and getting thrown against a wall and having blood pouring out of my ear,they all actually happend.I also play the guitar and keyboards and the song DREAMING TIME FOR THE TWENTY FIRST CENTURY MOZART is something that I am actually writing at the moment.Thanks to everyone who has e-mailed me,please keep writing as it is good to have your feedback.

All comments can be e-mailed to Paul.


The next morning I awoke to the sensation of Gary sucking on my morning stiff cock."Mmmmmmmm.....that just feels so nice,"I told him."Did last night really happen?Or was it just a dream?"

Gary withdrew from my cock and told me that it had all been very real and that I had given him one of the best blow jobs that he had ever had.Then he went back to sucking my cock.The feeling was like having a massive charge of electricity running through my whole body.It was just totally awesome.I held out for about ten minutes before I felt my balls tighten and I began to shoot my load into Gary's eager mouth.He swallowed every last drop of my boy juice and then kissed me.The taste of my cum on his tongue was really nice.

There was a knock on the door."Who is it?"Gary asked.

"Its Chris.Just what are you two horny devils upto in there?"

"Hi,Chris,"I shouted."What we are doing is nothing to do with you.Now go and tell Jane to get breakfast started.Oh,and bring a couple of glasses of orange juice on your way back."

"So what did your last slave die of?"Chris asked.

"He's not dead yet."Gary replied.

We got out of bed and headed for the bathroom.We decided to shower together so that we could save some time.When we got back to our room Chris was siting at the desk.

"I got your juice for you.I don't really want to know what you got upto last night but it really stinks in here.It smells like cum,so that gives me a pretty good idea of what you where doing."

I opend the window and then said to Chris,"so are you going to piss off while we get dressed or do you want to admire our bodies?I never had you down as being into boys ."

"I'm gonna piss off.I wouldn't want any nasty rumors going around.My two best friends may be gay but I'm defintly into girls."He said.

Ten minutes later,we where all sat around the table tucking into the brakfast Jane had prepared.She had really gone to town as there was bacon,eggs,sausages,mushrooms,tomatoes,hash browns and fried bread,along with masses of toast and fruit juice.I noticed that Steve had a huge grin on his face.

"So whats with the cheshire cat like grin?"I asked.

"Oh,nothing,"Steve replied,in answer to my question.

I knew that Chris had said something to him about the way our room smelled.I had to really force myself to surpress my laughter,especially with Jane being around.

"Did you boys have a good time last night?"Jane asked.

"Yeah ,it was well cool,"we all said in unison.

"Especially when they invited Jason on stage.He agreed to play a song with them as long as Chris and Steve could join him,"Gary told his mum,somewhat enthusiasticly.

"They even gave us all a goodie bag with all sorts of stuff in it,"I added.

"I noticed you all wearing new t-shirts,"Jane commented.

We carried on with our breakfast and talked about the concert and just generally made the usual teen boy jokes and comments.Jane mentioned that she had invited Carol 'round for lunch.Since my liitle stunt after coming out of the hospital the first time,the two women had become good friends.It made me feel good in a way that two people who would never have met otherwise,got along so well together.

"Where's dad?"Gary asked.

"He's gone to the supermarket to get some more food,seeing as we have an extra guest besides the four bottomless pits that I'm looking at right now."

Jane took the washing out of the machine and went out to the garden to hang it on the line.Chris and Steve had started to load the dishwasher giving me a chance to mouth something at Gary."I want to fuck you,"is what I said.

"If you really mean it.we'll do it later,"he said.

I was feeling really turned on.My cock had sprung to life and I didn't dare to move from the table because I didn't want my two best friend s to see the state I was in.

"What you gonna do later?"Steve asked.

"Shit,"I thought to myself,"how do we talk our way out of this one."

My problem was soon solved when Gary just came right out and said,"Jase wants to fuck me later."

I turned bright red.

"That sounds really cool,"Steve said.

"And are you going to let Gary do it to you?"Asked Chris.

I was still feeling a little awkward about having got myself into this but I just said,"I'm not sure if I could let him.Not after what happend at school."

At this point Jane had returned,so the conversation died quicker than you could say 'jumping jack flash'.

"So what are you guys getting upto this morning?"Jane asked.

We told her that we would be in our room,watching one of the dvds that had been in the goodie bags that the band had given us.Jane made some cmment about that at leat keeping us out of mischief.We all poured ourselves some more juice and went upstairs.We watched the whole of one dvd,which lasted about two hours.By this time we where all hungry again and so went back downstairs to find out what time lunch would be ready.

Carol and Jane where sat at the kitchen table,enjoying a glass of wine and chatting.When we asked about lunch,Jane just said,"Teenagers."

"Hi Jason and how are you?"Carol asked

"It still hurts to know that I will never see mum and dad again but I'm doing ok.The therapy is really helping and I've promised myself and everyone who really cares about me that I'm not going to pull anymore stupid stunts."I answered to Carol's question.

"Well you certainly look alot better than when you turned up outside your old house."

"The therapist said that I should try and put it all behind me.I've got an all day session with her tommorow and I may get her to take me shopping.I want to buy a whole load of new clothes and maybe get my hair highlighted.You know,create a new image.I think it would be a good starting point in moving on."

"That sounds like a good Idea,"Carol said."Maybe I could come with you and help you pick out some stuff."

Feeling in a somewhat devilish mood ,I aslo added,"I may get my ear piereced and while I'm at,I'll get my nipples done too."

Gary,Chris and Steve just fell about,they where all laughing so much.The look on Carol and Janes faces was priceless and I soon joined my friends in their laughter.Phil had arrived home,saying that he had called in to see a friend of his."So whats the joke?"He asked.

Carol had got over her initial shock at what I had said and decided to join in the fun."Jason wants to get his nipples pierced,"she said,looking completly serious.Jane kept a straight face too.Phil just looked totally shocked and horrified.Us four boys where in fits of hysterical laughter again and we where soon joined by the two women.Phil suddenly realized that he had been had.

When I had calmed down,I just said,"it was worth saying that just to see the way you all reacted."

"So you don't really want the piercings then?"asked Phil.

"Well,I think I'd like one in my ear but I don't think I could take the pain of the nipple piercing."

"You really had us going there,"said Carol.

"Anyway,"Gary began,"you still haven't told us what time we are having lunch."

"In about half an hour,"Jane said to her son.

As it was such a nice day,we all grabbed a coke from the fridge and decided to wait in the garden.Phil followed us out.He was holding a can of beer.

"Phil,"I said,"I really want to say thanks to you for taking us to that concert last night.It was really nice of you.I just want to know how you manged to get me invited on stage?I'll never forget that,it was just amazing."

"It took quite a few e-mails and phone calls but when I did get to speak to the groups management and told them about you,they where more than happy to fulfill my requests."

"I'll never be able to thank you enough."I took a hold of Gary's hand and kissed him on the cheek."You have a great dad,"I said to him.It just felt so good to be able to express my emotions and feelings for Gary in front of my friends and Garys parents.I glanced towards the kitchen and noticed that Carol was smiling in my direction.I would have some explaining to do over lunch.I didn't know if Carol knew about me being gay,let alone having a boyfriend,who I really did love.

Phil began to look somewhat serious."Chris,Steve,would you boys mind going into the house for about ten minutes and ask Jane if she would like you to set the table?I just need to have a talk with my two sons."

Had I heard that correctly?Did Phil just refer to me as his son?I was begining to wonder what he wanted to talk to us about.

"I don't really know where to begin with what I wanna say to you two.I suppose that I'm just going to have to be blunt and direct.Are you sexually active?"He asked.

I was somewhat taken a back by the directness of his question."Fuck,we've been busted,"was my inital reaction.

"I don't suppose we have much choice other than to be honest with you,do we dad?"Gary asked.

"On this occasion,total honesty is your only option,"Phil responded."Judging from the noises I heard coming from your room last night."

Had we been that noisy?"We are doing stuff together but not to the extent you may think,"I told Phil.

Gary decided to have his say,"Dad,what I'm going to tell you will be a bit of a shock to you but I don't know of any other way to say any of what you want to hear.It's really good that you can tolerate Jason and I kissing in front of you and mum.As far as the sexual stuff is concerned,apart from masturbating each other,we had not done anything else until last night when I got sucked off by Jason.He did some other stuff as well but didn't go as far as you are probably thinking.I returned the favour when we woke up this morning.I know we are both under the age of consent but we are taking things one step at a time and I have told Jase that I won't force him to do anything he does not want to do."

"Phil,"I intervened,"eveything Gary has said is true and what happend last night was all my idea,Gary knew nothing about it until it was happening.I felt totally comfortable with it and I have no regrets about it.It is something that I have wanted to do for along time.I hope you can understand that."

"I'm not angry with either of you,"Phil said."I only ask that you be careful and apprciate you both being so honest with me.Jane and I have disscussed this and would much prefer that you do whatever two gay boys want to do in the privacy of your own room.Its much better that you do that than go sneaking off and taking unnecessary risks."

We looked 'round and saw Chris standing there."I just came to tell you that lunch is ready."

"Thanks,"we all said.

Phil headed into the house but Gary and I lingered a little while.Chris lingered to."Are you two ok?"He asked.

"How much of that did you hear?"I asked

"Only the last part,"he said.

I let the subject drop.We all took our places at the table and began to eat.After a few minutes,I turned to Carol and said,"I have to be honest with you about something.Did you know that I'm gay?"

"Your mum did talk to me about it after you told her,"Carol replied.

"And what did you tell her?"I asked.

"That you where still the person you had always been and that she and your dad should love you just as much."

"Thank you,"I said.I was now strugling to hold back my tears."I have one more confession to make,"I said,"Gary is not just my foster brother but he is also my boyfriend."

Gary intervened at this point,"and we do love each other.I made a promise to his parents to take care of him and to make sure that he never gets hurt again."

All Carol could say was"thats some commitment you are showing.I just hope it all works out for you."

By now Chris had decided that it was time for a change of subject."You'll have to call at mine tommorow,so that I can see this new image that you are going to get."

"I bet he'll really get the attention of all the cute boys,"Steve added ,sarcasticly.

I was going to kick his shin under the table but decided that I would just behave myself.

Lunch was a really pleasant affair and the afternoon passed quickly.Steve and Chris'S dads arrived at about five to take them home.Well,the poor sods had to do their homework before school tommorow.They where both jealous of the fact that I had a day of therapy,even if it was reatil therapy.We all agreed to go to Chris's house at around 7pm on the monday.Carol left shortly after.I told her that we would pick her up at about 9.30 in the morning.It was going to be a fun way to spend monday.

Jane made us some supper at about eight,after Gary had finished his homework.I have to say that that was the one thing that did piss him off.I didn't get any homework.When you are being tutored at home,the whole concept of homework becomes obsolete.I still loved him just as much.About an hour later,we said our goodnights and headed off to bed.Not that we had any plans to sleep much.After all,I had told Gary that I wanted to fuck him and I had meant it.We got to our room and I locked the door behind me.

"So you still want to fuck me then?"Gary asked.

"You can guarantee that I have never wanted anything more in my life."

We embraced each other and kissed for about five minutes.We undressed ourselves and made our way to the bed.I lay on top of Gary and began to kiss him.I also nibbled his ears and throat.Then I began to work my way down and chewed on his neck for a while,he did warn me not to bite too hard on his neck as he did not want to have explain any marks on his neck at school tommorow.I then went on to suck and lick his nipples and then continued my way down his body.I stopped briefly at his belly button and cleaned it with my tongue.Gary was moaning with the pleasure that I was giving him.I asked him to pass me the lube,which he did gladly.I squeezed some onto my index finger and pressed at his rosebud.I enterd him with ease.Gary was rolling around on the bed.He was delirious with the pleasurable feelings that I was generating throughout his body.After a while I withdrew my finger and added some more lube.When I entered his hole again,I added a second finger.This was quickly followed by a third.

Gasping for breath,Gary said,"I'm ready,please let me feel you inside me.I want you to fill me with your love juices."

I put some more lube onto my hand and rubbed it all over my very stiff dick.It felt cold but that didn't matter.I was just eager to do what I had been waiting to do all day.I lined up with my target and pushed slowly.Gary winced and I asked him if he was ok.He said nothing for what seemed like an eternity and then gave me permission to go ahead and enter him fully.

"That feels so good,"he said quietly.

I began to work my cock in and out of Gary's butt.It felt good for me and I hoped it was as good for my boyfriend and soulmate.From the look on his face,I could tell that it was.I pumped away at his ass for fifteen minutes before I gave a loud moan and began to orgasm.It was the best that I had ever had.When my cock had gone soft,it popped out of his ass and he complained that he felt so empty.After we had regined our breath,we kissed again."Gary,"I said,"I want you to fuck me.I need to feel you inside me."

"Are you sure?"He asked.

"Yes!"Was my only reply.

He repeated everything that I had done to him.It all felt so good.He was very gentle and caring.I was apprehensive about having a cock in my butt again but I knew that this was being done because I wanted it to be done.It was not forced in anyway.Even when he was loosening me up with his fingers,I was moaning in great pleasure.It was as his cock was finally entering my hole that I freaked out.I was having flashbacks to the rape and I was once again just a very frightend liitle boy.

"Get off me you evil bastard,"I screamed as I pushed Gary to the floor.I jumped off the bed and straight on top of him.My hands where around his throat and I was pounding his head on the floor.Gary was screaming at me to let him go.The door burst open and Jane and Phil entered.I didn't notice them at first.Gary was trying to ask them to get me off him.I was like someone possesed.They finally calmed me down and persuaded me to let go of Gary's throat.By now, we where both crying.

Jane picked me up and laid me on the bed.Phil helped Gary onto the bed.He put his arms around me and softly said,"I guess you just weren't ready where you?"

"I suppose not.It was too soon.I'm sorry and I hope I didn't hurt you."

"I'll be ok,"he reassured me.

We spent the next hour explaining what had been going on.I couldn't believe that Jane and Phil where being so calm. After we had finished giving our explanation,Phil told me that I would have to sleep in one of the spare rooms for tonight.I did protest but it was no use.I put on some shorts and made my way to another room.I assured everyone that I would be ok and they left me to get some sleep.Not that I slept much.I cried for hours.

The next morning,Gary came in to see me."You look awful,"he said.

"Thanks,"I said,giving him a slight smile."After they left me in here last night,I just cried for hours.I tried to hurt you last night and I don't know if you can forgive me."

"Its ok.As you told me last night,it was to soon,you just weren't ready."He placed his lips against mine and kissed me.

Jane walked past and said,"its nice to see that you are making up.Just make sure that you don't try anything like that again until Jason is sure that he is ready for it.And Jason,make sure that you talk to Jenny about this."

I promised her that I would.

"Well,"Gary said,"I better go and get ready for school."

"We'll pick you up at about four.I should be done with my shopping by then.Besides,what happend last night affects you too and I think we should both talk to Jenny about it.I think we could both use some help on this."

"That sounds good to me little bro',"he said

By the time Gary came down for breakfast,I was already eating mine.I had asked Jane if I could use her bathroom and she agreed.Gary finished his breakfast,got his stuff together and kissed me before going to catch his bus.Jane had already left for work and Phil had left hours ago as he was going to a meeting in Preston.

Not long after Jane and Gary had left for the day,the door bell rang.I got up from my place at the table and went to answer the door.It was Jenny,my therapist."Morning,"I said, as I opend the door.

Jenny took one look at me and said,"you don't look too good today.Do you want to talk about it?"

"I think it would help,"I replied.I told her what had happend last night and when I finished ,Jenny said,"damn,this is not good."

"Please don't be mad at me.I wanted to feel Gary inside of me,I had no way of knowing that I would freak out the way that I did."

"I'm not mad at you.Its just that its way too soon for you to be trying something like that.How was Gary this morning?"

"He was a little shaken and upset but he did understand that it was too soon for me to let him fuck me.I messed up again.I told him we would pick him up from school,so that we can talk about it together."

"That was good thinking on your part.I have an Idea of what we can do to help get you through this.You should get some plasure from it and it won't mean you risking hurting Gary again."

"So tell me more about your plan."

"Well that would spoil the suprise.So what do you want to do today?"

"I want you to take me into so that I can go shopping for new clothes.I also want to get my hair highlighted.Its all part of my plan to create a new image for myself.I really want to start to move on,as you had suggested."

"That sounds like a plan to me,"Jenny said.

"I also invited Carol along.She's my old neighbour."

"Well,lets get going then."

We left the house and got into Jenny's car.I gave her the dirctions to Carols house and after the latter had got in the car we headed to town.Firts stop was the Hair Cuttery.I walked in and told them what I wanted and they said they could fit me in.They said it would take about an hour and a half to do what I wanted.Carol and Jenny left me there and went off to have a coffee.The place where I was getting my new hair style also did ear piercing and so I got that done too.When they had finished doing my hair,I looked into the mirror and said,"cool.I hardly recognise myself.I really like it."I was pleased with my decision.Carol and Jenny liked it as well.

After we had left the hairdressers and where heading towards the main shopping area,Carol said to me,"Jenny told me about last night.I thought you looked tired and it also looked as if you had been crying.Is everything ok?"

"Jenny,"I said,"there was one thing that I forgot to tell you about last night.After Phil and Jane had calmed us down,they made me go and sleep in one of the spare rooms.I didn't get much sleep and I cried alot.I hated not being with Gary and it felt like I was being punished.I know I acted badly but I had no control over what happend when Gary tried to get inside me."

Jenny looked a little angry at this.She remained calm and focused as she said,"That was the worst thing they could do,keeping the two of you apart like that.I'll need to talk to them about this at some point.I've been watching you sending alot of text messages and I assume they are to Gary?"

"They are,"I said,"I miss him when he's not around.We are more like brothers than some real brothers that I know.He hasn't answered any of them but thats because he'll be in lessons all morning.How about I call Jane and ask if you can stay for dinner and then we can all talk about this together?"

"I don't have any plans for this evening,so if its ok with Jane,then its ok with me."

I took out my mobile phone and called Janes number.I got her answer phone and left a message to explain why I was calling and asking if she would call me back.

By this time we had reached TOP man and went in.I selected several pairs of jeans and trousers and took them into the changing rooms to try them on.I selected the ones that I really liked and got Jenny and Carol to help me choose some shirts and t-shirts to go with them.I also found two pairs of shoes that I liked.I took all my choices over to the cash desk and was taken care of by a cute looking sales assitant,who looked to be about eighteen .He was hot.I paid for the stuff with the credit card that Mr.Littler had arranged for me(although I did have to show the letter,to prove that the card was genuinely mine.)

After we left the shop,Jenny commented on the way I had been looking at the sales assitant."You liked him didn't you?"

"Who?"I asked,pretending that I had no idea what she was talking about.

"That sales assitant.Do you think he was gay?"

"I'd bet on it,"I answered.

"Well how about we play a little game,while you are shopping?"

"Sounds like alot of fun,"I said."So what game are we going to play?"

"Its called gay spoting.You keep a discrete look out for anyone who you like and who you think may be gay and I'll keep the score."

We started there and then,as I had seen a boy of about 16 walking towards me.As he passed me,I couldn't help but notice how good looking he was.I had two points on my score card already."

For the next two and a half hours we where in and out of shops and I had bought masses of stuff.I was starting to feel really good about myself again.By this time,I think we where all a bit hungry.I suggested we go to Wagamamma,a Japanese noodle bar for lunch.I also told Carol and Jenny that I would treat them.They did object but I persisted,until it got to the point where they gave in.After we where shown to our table,I asked Jenny,"so how many points have I scored so far?"

"Forty-six,"came the answer.

"And whats the purpose of this little exorcise?"

"I wanted to try and show you just how many gay people there actually are in this city.Also to prove to you that you and Gary are not alone.Being gay shouldn't be a problem.Its just that there are alot of people who are taught that it is wrong and hate you for it.They think its something you choose to be but that just isn't true.They are the ones with the biggest problem,not the likes of you and Gary."

"You mean like the boys that raped me?"

Carol decided to join in the conversation,"I think those boys do have some serious issues to deal with.They acted the way they did to try and hide who they really are and saw you as an easy target and took advantage of you."

"What do you mean'trying to hide who they really are'?"

"There is probably a possibilty that they are all gay but wouldn't admit it to themselves.They raped you because they had a need for doing that kind of thing but where too frigtend to ask as they didn't want people to suddenly start treating them any differently."

"I think I know what you are getting at."

By now the waitress had arrived to take our order.We changed the subject once we had oredered.

"Are you going on holiday anywhere with your new family?"Jenny asked

"So much has happend in the last five weeks that they haven't mentioned anything and I didn't like to ask them."

"Talk to them about it tonight.Going somewhere different for a few weeks would be good for all of you."

After we had eaten,we took some of the bags back to the car and then went and did more shopping.By three o'clock,I had bought an entire new wardrobe.Atleast I would have plenty of new stuff to wear if we where going on holiday.The more I thought about that,the more I realized that a holiday would be good.Just as long as it wasn't Florida or Andalucia,in Spain,as thats where I had nearly always gone with mum and dad.Well,it was where the houses I was selling where located.

That seems like a good place to stop.See you all in the next instalment.Lol Paul.

Next: Chapter 8

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