Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Jul 5, 2005


Sad song of a gay teen part six........A work of fiction by Paul Walker.

This story is copywright 2005by Paul Walker.You may not copy or post it to annyother website wthout my permission.

All the characters are completly fictional and any resemblace to persons either living or otherwise is a pure coicidence.Thanks to everyone who has written to me,your interest is greatly appreciated.

All comments can be e-mailed to include the title of the story in your e-mail or it will be deleted without being read.Lol Paul.


It had been just over a month since the rape and the untimely death of my parents.It was also just over three weeks since my plans to take a very long nap had been thwarted,thanks to one of the greatest people I ever had the pleasure of knowing,Gary.

Gary had returned to school and I did miss not having him around during the day.It wasn't that bad tho',especially as I was being tutored at home.That was actually quite enjoyable for me,as I got to chose which subjects I wanted to study and when I wanted to study them.I had always been the type of person, who,when I became interested in a subject,would go to the library and read some books on that subject.Or I would get on the internet and found out whatever I could about that subject.In otherwords,I liked to try and educate myself in things that where of interest to me.

Gary usually got home at between 4.15 and 4.30.I would sit at the bottom of the stairs and wait for him.As soon as I saw him at the door,I would rush over and open it and then smother him with kisses.It was alaways a really cool way to welcome him home after his day at school.I would then follow him upstairs to watch him getting changed.I could never get enough of his body and I could see myself getting to the point where I would be ready to do more than just kiss him or masturbating his delightful cock.I knew that at some point soon,I was going to suprise him and just get the thing in my mouth and taste it and,when he shot his load,I would just swallow the lot.I had already got used to the taste and couldn't get enough of it.

I had also spoken to Mr.Littler again.He had advised me about taking legal action against the school as they had failed in their duty to protect my welfare and safety whilst I was at school.There where also several issues under the human rights act.All stuff to do with the way I had been treated by the other boys at school.I had told him that I am gay and he said that we could put together a case based on the fact that I was being bullied due to my sexual orientation.After all, that was the reason I had been raped.OK,so I dind't go around screaming from the roof tops that I am gay but I didn't hide it from friends.Chris and Steve had known a few months before I told my parents and they where cool with it.Of course,when I had had that conversation with them during lunch at school,someone had been listening in and started to spread the word around school.It just proved that not everyone is as tolerant as your friends.

When Mr.Littler had first suggested the legal action against the school and how much I could stand to make from it,I told him that I wasn't interested,as I already had enough money.Later on,I discussed the whole thing with Phil and Jane.They pointed out to me that I should proceed on the principal of the whole thing.If my taking legal action against my school could help to prevent something similar happening to someone else in the future,then I would have gained some sort of justice,not only for myself but also for my parents.When it was explained to me like that,I had a better understanding of what Mr.Littler was suggesting.I decided that I would call him so that we could start things moving.

There was also the issue of the criminal injuries compensation and this was something that I could not turn down.I was told that it would amount to a six figure sum.This being due to the fact that I had been so badly beaten up that attempted murder had been added to the list of charges.At least the bastards that had done this to me would now get sentences close to what they desreved.I had heard stories about what went on in prison and if just one of them got raped like I had been,then it would be a sort of true justice as far as I was concerned.

Anyway,it was Saturday and I had been allowed to invite Chris and Steve over for the weekend and that really cheered me up.Gary had been doing well with his guitar lessons.In fact,he was now able to play along with us on some songs. The other reason that Chris and Steve had been invited was because Phil was taking us to the concert tonight.It was something that we where all looking forward to.The group we where going to see had been one of my dads favourites and that was how I had become interested in their music.I had also learned to play quite a few of their songs.It was always good having my two best friends around(or patners in crime,as my dad used to cal them.Although he never did tell us what crimes we where supposed to have commited).Gary got on really well with them and Phil and Jane always treated them like additional members of the family.Thats how I was coming to think of the three people who I now spent most of my time with,my family.

Us kids spent the day up in the attic,mostly listening to cds by the group we where going to see in concert.It was going to be really cool hearing some of the songs we had been listenig to performed live.They always sounded so much better in a live situation.I also told the guys about my plans to sue the school for several million pounds.I also explained that I wasn't doing it just for the money but also to hopefully make people aware of just how persecuted some people are,and simply because of something that makes them different that others do not understand.It was about increasing awareness and tolerence,something that had been lacking at school and which in a way contributed to what had happend to me.Chris and Steve where the ones who really knew what I had been through and they offered to support me in anyway that they could.

"I don't blame you,"Steve said."After all,you did go through some real shit.Look at the time you got hit in the eye with that handkerchief that had been soaked in petrol.What happend to the fuckers that did that to you?They got suspended for two days.Thats not exactly fair to you.And there was the time you got pulled off your bike and punched in the head ,badly,those fuckers got away with that too but you spent the night in hospital."

"Yeah,because they thought I may have concussion.Mum and dad where fuming after both those incidents and yet Thomas did basicly fuck all.Dad went to the school on both occassions demanding that something be done .Thomas's attitude was always'well boys will be boys'.His whole way of thinking was so outdated."

"Shit,"said Gary,"did you really go through that crap?"

"Yes,I did and thats why I'm gonna do what I am.I have my dads records of his visits to the school and my lawyer is going to get the medical records from the hospital.So we already have a good base for the case.Plus,I have Chris and Steve as witnesses.So it looks good.I wouldn't risk the money that its going to cost if I didn't have a good chance of winning."

"I just wish I had been around when that stuff happend.I would have protected you in whatever way I could have,"Gary said,just before kissing me.That got me really turned on.

"Oh,will you two just pack it in or go and get a room,"Chris said.

"You're just jealous,"I responded.

"Besides,we have a room.Its just downstairs,"Gary added.

At around four thirty,Jane called us all down to the kitchen,so that we could eat before heading into town.We all enjoyed the food that Jane had prepared for us before she gave us a lift to the station to catch the train in to town.We arrived at the concert venue about 7.15,about 45 minutes before the start of the show.We spent some time at the kiosk where they where selling the tour merchandise but Phil told us not to spend our money and wait until later.I got the feeling that something was going on but didn't know what.

"Do you guys want anything from the refreshment stand?"Phil asked us.

Altogether we told him that we would each have a large coke and a giant hotdog.Afetr about ten minutes he returned with our order and a pint of lager for himself.He also said,"I don't know where you guys put all the food you eat."

"Dad,we are growing teenagers,"Gary said.

About fifteen minutes before the show was due to start we made our way to our seats and where suorised to find that Phil had secured seats right on the front row.Chris,Steve and myself got up and got as near ti the stage as possible,so that we could try and get a closer look at the gear that the group where going to be using.Gary joined us and told us that this was the first time he had ever been to a concert and that he was really looking forward to it.

"This will be my third one,"I told him."The two I went to last year where awesome.You should have a great time."I was also thinking that he was going to be in for a great time later.When we got home and got to our room,I was going to tell him that I wanted to see him naked and then I was going to drop to my knees and suck his cock.That was something that I was really going to enjoy.

The band finally came on stage and began with one of their classic songs.The words of the song made me think of what I was planing to do with Gary later and the fact that I had cried so much recently.It also made me think about just how important Gary ws becoming to me.As the words of the song said,'and to sing whats in my heart for you,seems more honest than the tears'.Hearing that song was really meaningful for me and the words of the song began to take on a whole new meaning.The whole evening was turning out to be really good.I was with people who loved me and cared about.I was hearing music that I had been listening to for a long time being performed live.It was just so cool.

We where all having a great time.The group hd been onstage for about two and half hours,when one of the guys in the group made an announement."We have a young guy in the audience tonight,"he said,"who has been through some pretty tough crap in his life recently.His names Jason and we'd like to invite him in stage with us."

I made my way to the side of the stage and made myself known to one of the security guys.He led me up the steps onto the stage.I introduced myself to the guys in the band and one them said,"I hear you play guitar and keyboards.How would you like to join us in a song?"

"That would be so cool!"

"So which song do you want to play?"

"Well if you hand me a guitar,I'll show you."

I was handed a Fender Telecaster guitar and began to play the opening chords of Woodstock.Then I said,"but only if my two best friends can join me.Their names are Chris and Steve.Chris plays drums and Steve plays bass."

"Sure,it would be really cool if those guys joined us as well."

My two friends joined me on the stage.Chris took his place at one of the drum kits and Steve was handed a bass.We began to plat the song again,along with the rest of the band.It was an awesome feeling being up there in front of twnty thousand people.I was even allowed to sing the second part of the first verse on my own.

The opening lines of the song where;Well I came upon a child of god

He was walking along the road

And I asked him tell me where are you going?

This he told me.

I repied with the next part,which went,"I'm going down to Yazger's farm

Gonna join in a rock and roll band

Get back to the land

and set my soul free."

Next up was the chorus and everybody sang that part,including the entire audience.I was just so happy to be up there on the stage,it made me realize how stupid it had been to try and take my own life.When we finished playing we where all handed a carrier bag containing t-shirts,tour programmes,cds,dvds and various other goodies.They even gave us one for Gary and invited us backstage for a drink.When we went backstage,I told the guys from the band about my plans to open a recording studio.They all gave me their e-mail addresses and siad that I was to let them know went it opend and that they would fly over from the states and do some reccording there.I had my first clients already

We arived home some time at a round one in the morning.Gary switched on the oven so we could have some pizzas and garlic bread.Phil told us not to stay up to late and headed off to bed.Once we had eaten,I told Gary that we where going to bed.

"But that's a bit ignorant,leaving Chris and Steve to tidy up?"

The other two already knew of my plans and said it would be ok.

When we got to our room,I locked the door and said to Gary,"I want to see you naked ,NOW."Once he had striped off,I grabbed hold of him and kissed him more passionatly than I had ever kissed him.He didn't complain.Slowly I pushed him towards the bed and when we got there,I gave him a final push and he fell back onto the bed.I quickly undressed myself and then got on the bed and positioned my self so that I was staring at his lovely dick.I licked along the shaft and and sucked on his balls.This drove him absolutly crazy.Next'I gave the head a few licks and poked my tongue into the piss slit.Then I couldn't wait any longer and slowly took his cock in my mouth.It was one of the best feelings I had ever had.I slowly let him fuck my face with his cock.I was moaning with pure pleasure.I was also rubbing his butt crack wirh my finger.In an instant he squeezed something onto my finger and told me to push my finger into his hole.This made him delerious with pleasure.I was working my mouth up and down on his dick and finger fuckin his ass.My own dick was stiffer than I had ever known it to be and I felt my balls tighten.Then I had the biggest orgasm I had ever felt.I had adjusted my position so that my cock was over Gary's face and my cum splatered all over his face.This was enough for him to start shooting his cum into my mouth.I swallowed as much as I could but some dribbled out of the sides of my mouth.

After we had regained our breath,I licked Gary's face clean.Then he put his arms around me and brought me onto a kiss and licked the remains of his cum off my face.

"That was amazing.Where did you learn to do that?"He asked.

"I guess it comes naturally,"I said.

By now,it was after two am and we where both a bit tired from the nights excitement.After a long and passionate goodnight kiss,we fell asleep.

Well,in the words of Bugs bunny,"Thats all folks."See you in the next chapter.

Next: Chapter 7

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