Sad Song of a Gay Teen

By moc.loa@emitmaerdW

Published on Dec 9, 2007


Sad Song of a Gay Teen 53


This story is copyright 2007 by yours truly, Paul Walker. You may not copy or post it to another website without the permission of the author. The story contains descriptions of acts of a sexual nature between teen males and if this kind of material offends you or you are underage to be reading this in your territory or country, then please leave now. If it is illegal for you to be reading this in your country, then you should also leave now.

If you would like to drop me a line then please feel free to do so at I enjoy reading your e-mails and I always endeavour to reply to them.

From the last chapter!!!!!!!

We talked for a while with Connor and Rory wanting to know what we had been doing all afternoon. When I told them about the jelly fight they said that they wished that they had come with me. That wouldn't have been very practical as the Aston Martin DB9 is only really built to hold two people. finally I had to go and get ready. I walked out on stage dressed as Darth Vader from Star Wars. Inside the helmet I had a microphone that was connected to a vocoder (voice synthesizer) to make my voice sound strange and robotic. As I walked across the stage I used my light sabre to point in different directions, saying "that road is closed, that road is closed and finally, welcome to a city in chaos."

I pointed the light sabre towards the sky and as I did, a massive display of fireworks erupted, brightening the night sky. Once that was over the sky was lit up with a swirling laser beam that spelled out HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY GARY RUSSELL. Then I pressed a button inside my costume and it fell away from my body. At the same time the music began. I made my way to my keyboard set up and began to play. All around there was a fantastic light and laser show, fireworks and a host of video screens, all for added visual effect. The first part of the show lasted for an hour and fifteen minutes. Then I introduced my special guest for the show, Jean Michel Jarre and it was an awesome experience to be working with such a legend. For the last Jean Michel Jarre piece we were joined by Chris and Steve. It seemed like no time at all before I played the final notes and left the stage. Gary was already waiting for me. He grabbed hold of me and kissed me then said, "Thanks for such a fantastic birthday. That was just so special."

"I'm glad that you enjoyed it but things aren't over yet," I informed him.

After getting changed, Gary and I got in his new car and headed for home.


Due to the fact that there had been such a large audience at the concert and most of them would be either still making their way back to their cars or trying to get out of the car park, it didn't take long for Gary and I to get out of the city and on to the motorway. Gary said something about wishing that he could find out just what his car was capable of. I told him that it wasn't worth the risk of getting stopped by the police, despite the fact that we had two FI agents following us on motorbikes. We hadn't travelled very far when a police car passed us and indicated for Gary to pull over. To the Greater Manchester police, an 18 year old and a fifteen year old in an Aston Martin DB9 would look suspicious. As requested to do so, Gary pulled over. The officer walked up to Garys' side of the car and asked to see some ID and I think he nearly shit himself when we showed him our FI badges. He did have his suspicions as to whether or not they were genuine.

"If you want conclusive proof, then just go and ask them," Gary said pointing to the FI agents that had stopped a little way behind us.

"Or I could call Andy Foss in Arizona, he's the boss of FI," I said.

"I hope that you'll accept my apologies but I recognise the two of you now. My daughter is a huge fan of the WILD BOYS," the officer.

"I can understand why you stopped us," Gary said. "You don't get many 18 year olds driving a car like this and I suppose it did look suspicious."

"It's a fantastic car," the officer said.

"Yeah, it was my birthday present from Jason here," Gary said.

"So when was your 18th birthday?" The officer asked.

"Today," was the monosyllabic answer that Gary gave.

"Well many happy returns." said the police officer.

"Thanks." Gary said. "Would it be possible for you to give us an escort to the Knutsford turn off, so that I can get a chance to see what this baby can really do?"

The officer did point out that this was really against regulations but as a present to Gary, he would make an exception. The officer got back in his car and we pulled back onto the main carriageway. We were soon hitting one hundred and thirty miles an hour but it didn't feel like it, as the ride was so smooth. We soon reached our exit and the police officer waved us farewell. Once we arrived outside the house, Gary and I made out for a while and he thanked me for such a wonderful day.

"As I said when we left Manchester, it's not over yet. There is a party going on in the house and the one thing that is missing is the birthday boy," I said.

"Hey, what happened the real man in your life?" Gary asked.

"He's sitting right next to me," I said, "But in some ways you'll always be a boy to me and you'll be my boyfriend forever."

With that Gary leaned over and gave me another passionate kiss.

Once we got into the house, dad came over and asked why we had taken so long to get home.

"I got pulled over by the police," Gary said.

"What did they want?" Dad asked.

"Just to do a special performance of WALKING ON THE MOON for Garys' birthday," I said and then broke into hysterical laughter at my little joke.

Gary then said that the officer had noticed these two teens in a DB9 and got suspicious. We told dad that the officer had recognised who we were and had given us an escort along the motorway so that Gary could find just what his new car was capable of.

"So what can I get you to drink dad?" Gary asked.

"I'll have my usual vodka and tonic," dad replied.

"Would it be OK for me to have a glass of wine?" I asked.

"Sure it is," dad said. "And Jason, I want you to have a good lye in tomorrow as you look really tired."

"I am," I said. "It's just been so hectic with Gemma being born and the family from New York being here. I guess the jet lag from the flight home from South America has only just hit me."

While Gary and dad went to sort out the drinks, I went to say hello to mum, who was in the lounge with aunt Terri and my grandparents. As much as mum had wanted to go to the concert, she had said that it was far to soon to be leaving Gemma with a babysitter. Mum, Terri and my grandparents had all stayed at home and watched the whole thing on TV. Mum had also recorded it so that I could watch it later. That way I would be able to see all the visual effects that where used during the show. I had not be paying much attention them while I was on stage as I had been deep in concentration performing the music.

Gary soon showed up with the drinks and was quickly followed by Ricky and Craig. It was Ricky who asked, "Gawy, when do we get some birfday cake?"

No sooner had he said that then Tom wheeled in a trolley containing the huge chocolate cake complete with eighteen candles. We all sang Happy Birthday and, as is the custom, Gary blew out the candles and made the usual silent wish. After cutting the cake Gary began to hand a piece to all of our guests. Aunt Terri suggested that Ricky and Craig should go and sit at the kitchen table to eat theirs, so that they didn't end up making a mess in the lounge. I followed them and once they had sat down I asked, "So did you two like my show tonight?"

"I wiked all da pwetty lights," Ricky said.

"And the fireworks were awesome," Craig added.

Once I knew that the two young boys were OK, I went and joined Gary, my cousins and my school friends in the entertainment room. No sooner had I walked in than I was approached by Kyle who asked, "Would you mind if we took Gary for a night out in Manchester on Saturday?"

"No, I don't have a problem with that," I said.

After all Gary was now 18 and legal old enough to drink and so why should I stand in his way if he wanted to go out for the night with his friends? We had always said that we had to have time apart to pursue our interests and spend time with our friends. I decided that I would take Rory and Connor out to dinner at one of our favourite restaurants.

It was Steve who asked what we had got up to at the Dukes estate. Everyone already knew about the jelly fight but I hadn't really mentioned the mud wrestling. "Oh we had a lot of fun. You know how it is when we are around Chris D and his family. Standard dress is suits," I said.

"What kind of suits?" Connor asked by way of interruption.

"You know, birthday suits," Chris added, "even Steve and I go along with that when we spend time with them and we are both straight."

Anyway, I got back to telling everyone how I had noticed this pit that had been dug in the grounds of the estate and that, when I had asked Cullen about it he told me that it was a mud wrestling pit. I had led Gary in the direction of the pit and we soon found ourselves rolling around in the mud. Cullen had said that it had to be a fair fight and that there was to be no giving the opponent the advantage. Gary and I rolled around in the mud for almost half an hour as we were cheered on by 150 boys. I don't think that there was a real winner but we had a great deal of fun. And it kind of felt really good to feel like little kid for that short amount of time.

Kyle had also come over to talk to me and this time I did recognise him.

"So why didn't you recognise me when Andy and me bumped into you in the elevator at the hotel in New York?" Kyle had asked.

I did some really quick thinking and said, "Well, you looked so different with all your clothes on."

"Seems like we missed all the fun this afternoon," Connor said.

"I wouldn't have minded taking part in the jello fight and the mud wrestling sounds like a whole lot of fun but as for the whole thing about going naked, I'm just not sure about that," Rory added.

"It's no big deal," Chris said, "Steve and I do it all the time when ever we meet up with the family of happy fairies, as they like to call themselves. It didn't even faze us at the party that Chris D organized for Cullen and Jason in Las Vegas. The one golden rule that applied was that if someone asked you to do something and you said no, then you meant no. If the person persisted then they were forcibly removed by FI."

"So you had no problem being the only straight guys amongst all those fags?" Rory asked.

"Seriously, no, we didn't," Steve said.

I did, at that point say to Rory, "Please, don't ever use the word fag to refer to gay people in front of me. It brings back too many painful memories."

"OK and I'm sorry for saying it Jason," Rory responded.

Anyway, it was around three in the morning when the party started to wind down and it was nearer to four by the time Gary and I got to bed,

It was almost one o'clock when the two of us woke up that afternoon. We showered and dressed and then headed down to the kitchen. Tom made us some smoked salmon and scrambled eggs for our brunch. We then spent the rest of the afternoon in our room with my cousins, Liam and Keith watching the recording of the concert. I was very impressed with all the visuals that the team had put together for the show. I also made the decision that all the profits from the show would go to the flood relief fund. It wasn't as if I really needed the money with the way my fortune was developing.

Over dinner that night, Bill and Terri told us that they had met when Terri was based in Manchester as a correspondent for the New York based newspaper that she was now the editor of. Bill was actually six years older than my dad. It had been 1986 when my aunt and uncle had first met and they were married two years later and took the decision to live in New York. Rory had been born in 1991 and Connor was born two years later. It was at this time that the law firm that my uncle was junior partner of came up for sale. Bill made the decision to buy the firm and, after some serious difficulties, he had managed to raise the necessary finance and had gone on to develop one of the best law firms in the USA and as a result had made himself and his family very wealthy. It was also around this time that my dad and Bill had their big bust up which led to the two of them not speaking ever again. Ever since I found out about my uncle I had told him that I had no wish to know all the details of what happened. This was due to the fact that there are two sides to every story and as dad was no longer alive, I would only ever hear one side of what had happened and therefore would not be able to make an informed decision on the matter. This was something that Bill said that he would respect. None the less, it was kind of strange knowing that my aunt and uncle had been at mum and dads wedding and that they had visited us a few times prior to the bust up. If only things had been different. But all that was in the past and, as far as I was concerned, that was exactly were it was going to stay.

Ricky had been born in 2001 and wasn't exactly planned but he was just a much welcome addition to the family and was loved by Terri and Bill as much as they loved Rory and Connor. Rory and Connor loved their little brother, even if they did occasionally complain that he was nothing more than a little brat. Alexei had heard them say this and pointed out to them that the word "brat' was Russian for brother. It was kind of an ironic contradiction of terms.

As we were eating dessert, Bill said, "The one thing that I miss with living in America is going to the pub. People say that I should open a British pub in New York. Sure, I could recreate the décor of a pub but as I am always telling people, it is the customers that create the atmosphere and so it just wouldn't be the same."

"There's a great pub about half a mile up the road," dad said, "maybe we should go and have a couple of pints after dinner."

"Sounds like a plan," Bill said.

"Would it be OK if I went with you?" Gary asked. "It would be nice to buy my dad a pint."

"You better get the OK from Jason first," dad said.

"I don't mind if you have some father and son time but just don't make uncle Bill feel left out," I said.

"Thanks Jay," Gary said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Mum and Terri helped Tom to clear up while dad, Gary and Bill went to the pub. My cousins and I went to my room and played on the games system while listening to some music. It was a really fun, chilled out evening. Friday was much the same, a day just spent chilling out, riding bikes round the property, swimming and playing games. Gary and I had received an e-mail from Dane and Colt on the Thursday to wish Gary a belated happy birthday form the two of them and also from Joel, Alex, Dave and Dustin. Dane and Colt said that they had spent the previous day with Joel and Alex at Joels' grandparents lake side cottage so that they could watch the concert on TV. Colt said that they had really enjoyed it, even if the music was totally different from that of the WILD BOYS. They said that the whole light show and fireworks displays looked really awesome. They also said that due to the fact that Dave and Dustin had got summer jobs at a nearby farm, those two had been unable to be at the cottage but Dane had recorded the whole thing so that Dave and Dustin could watch it with them later. I sent them a reply thanking them for the birthday greeting to Gary and the compliments on the concert.

It was on the Friday that dad also told me that he had received e-mails from concert promoters in New York and Tokyo asking if it would be possible to stage the show in those cities. My response was, of course, yes, I would love to do it. Dad replied to this with, "You know Jason, you'll be the death of me."

Uncle Bill said that he would help with getting the New York show set up as he knew all the right people to contact. That seemed to take the weight off dad to some degree.

On the Saturday, my grandparents had said that they would take Ricky and Craig to Chester zoo, one of the best in the country. Uncle Bill was taking Rory and Connor to watch the football (soccer) team that he had supported when he was growing up play at their home ground. Dad said that it had been some time since he went to a football match so he was going with them. Mum and Terri were going shopping in Chester and, obviously they would be taking Gemma with them. Gary and I decided that we would go to our favourite Italian restaurant for lunch and then on to the Trafford centre, so that Gary could use some of the gift vouchers that he had received for his birthday. That was the day planned.

As for the evening, well Gary already had plans for going out with Kyle and Simon. I told Rory and Connor that I was taking them out to dinner. On hearing this, Ricky asked if he could come. I remembered that first time that I met my cousins at the restaurant in New York, Ricky had been the perfect little gentleman and I didn't see that it was a problem. This would give mum, dad, Bill and Terri the chance to have a nice dinner together at home. It would also be great to have the time to get to know my cousins a little better and for them to get to know me a little better as well. All in all, a great day was planned for everyone.

Also on the Saturday, I had received the results of my music exam and it wasn't good news. I hadn't passed but I did have the option to resit the exam at the end of September. I had sat and had a very lengthy discussion with mum and dad about the whole thing. They were not disappointed in me for not passing the exam and they said that the decision as to whether or not I retook the exam at the earliest opportunity was entirely up to me. Whatever I decided to do, mum and dad would fully support me. Dad did, however have the notion that I was being put under unnecessary pressure by the school. Anyway, I had a couple of weeks in which to think about things and make my decision as to what I would do.

Also on the Saturday, Liam, along with his dad, Nick and Neal had left for Vancouver. Keith also had some time off from filming and so was going on a short holiday to Rome with Alexei, Boris and Sophia where they would be visiting Sophias' parents.

Anyway, it was late on Saturday afternoon and Gary and I where in Starbucks having coffee after spending a small fortune at the Trafford centre. My phone rang and I noticed from the caller ID on the screen that it was Cecil. "Hi Cecil, what's up?" I asked as I answered the phone.

"Oh, not a great deal," he said but I did notice from the tone of his voice that he sounded really cheerful.

"So are you going to tell me why you are sounding so happy?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm going back to America. The family had a long meeting yesterday, although to me, it felt like an eternity. The upshot is that they can see that I have learnt my lesson over what I did and are allowing me to go back to Arizona with them," Cecil told me.

"Hey, that's fantastic news. I don't want to dampen your cheerful mood but just remember that if you do anything like that again then they will not be so forgiving. I've heard about the kind of punishment that they can dish out to any family member that steps out of line and I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of that," I responded.

"I know all about that, so I guess that I should consider myself very lucky. And from now on, if Chris tells me that I shouldn't do something then I will most definitely be taking notice of him," Cecil said.

"Oh, and one other thing. Just remember that you are living in a house full of boys, any one of whom will be more than happy, more than willing to fulfil your sexual needs and desires. All you have to do is ask. In other words, you have no need to step outside the front door of Chris' house to get whatever sexual satisfaction you need," I told my friend in no uncertain terms.

"That is the one thing that I will be taking notice of," Cecil said. "And , Jason, thanks for all the help you have given me these past few months and thanks for letting me go to South America with you guys."

"What did Chris say when you told him that you had been to South America?" I asked.

"I hadn't told him about it and when he asked why not, I just said that it had slipped my mind," Cecil said with a slight giggle.

"How did he respond to that?" I asked.

"He just said that an adult wouldn't let a trip like that slip their mind but that kids don't have a mind."

"I can see his point."

We ended the call at that point and I wished Cecil good luck and told him that I would miss not seeing him in school. We promised to keep in touch. After all, we both had access to computers so that we could e-mail each other and then, added to that was the fact that we were only a phone call away.

It was getting late and so Gary and I decided to head for home as we both had to get ready to go out. The other thing that Cecil told me was that there would be one more addition to the family. That would be Del, the seventeen old half brother of Chris D and El, Cullens' mother. Del was the result of an affair that Els' stepfather had with a woman from his school days but the woman (Dels' mother) had died during child birth and the baby was put up for adoption. El had only learned of his existence when she was going through her step fathers papers after his death. El had told Chris that she had found him and he was a dream. Gary and I had met Del when we went to the Dukes' estate on Garys' birthday. And I have to say that he was cute. Del had known for a few years that he was gay and had spent around two years in a juvenile detention centre after he was caught offering himself to men for sex. On his release, his adoptive parents didn't want him back and so he had gone to stay with El and the Duke. This was all part of a plan that El was formulating that she hoped would result in her brother, Chris D, taking the boy to live with the family in Arizona. I think that Chris had at first been reluctant to give the youth a home due to all the additional boys that he 'acquired' during the closing down of the international child sex slavery ring. But then, he (Chris D) had decided that one more would not make that much difference and besides, Cullen thought that his uncle Del was very cute and pleaded with Chris to take Del back home to America with them. Now, Chris D adores his nephew, Cullen and would bend over backwards to make him happy and so the decision to take Del to Arizona was not actually that difficult. All in all, it was a win-win situation that made everyone happy.

Gary and I arrived home at about five thirty, the same time as everyone else was getting back. After getting a drink and a snack from the kitchen we all headed upstairs to shower and dress for our evening out. By seven, Gary and I were standing by the front door giving each a very passionate goodbye kiss as we wouldn't see each other until the following afternoon. Dad had offered to take my cousins and I to the restaurant where we where having dinner. He had also said that we should call him when we wanted to be picked up but Connor said that would mean he would not be able to enjoy the wine that they would be having with dinner and that we would get a taxi home. Dad seemed happy with this.

As we made our way to the car, Ricky said, "I never went in a Wolls Woyce before."

"You'll love it," I said, "it is one of the best cars that I have ever been in."

"Ummm.....don't let Gary here you say that, especially after buying him that DB9 for his birthday," Rory said.

It took us around thirty minutes to get to the restaurant in Didsbury village. As we walked in, the restaurant manager recognised me and said, "Good evening Jason, how nice to see you even if it has been a while since you dined with us."

We made some small talk and I introduced him to my cousins before we were shown to our table. The manager brought us some menus and took our order for drinks. While we waited for our drinks, I asked Ricky, "Did you have a good day at the zoo?"

"Yeah.......I got to see tigers and wions and kangawoos and snakes and lot and lots of different animals. It was kewl," Ricky replied with a great deal of enthusiasm.

Our drinks soon arrived and we talked more as we looked at the menu.

"So why is your billionaire friend in the UK?" Rory asked.

"To receive his knighthood from the queen. He has also been made a World citizen by the US government and with that comes full diplomatic immunity and a pardon for all past and future crimes," I answered.

"But he won't be able to call himself Sir Chris Dickson because he is an American citizen, will he?" Rory asked.

"Well, due the fact that his sister holds the title of Grand Dame and his brother is Lord Philby as well as being a Duke of the realm with a seat in the house of Lords, special dispensations have been made so that Chris will be able to use the title of Sir. He is also going to be honoured by the French and Romanian governments but that won't be for many months yet," I replied to the question from my cousin.

Connor leaned across the table and asked, "you said that our government had given him a pardon for all past and future crimes. Please, Jason, tell me that he doesn't abuse those boys that are supposed to be in his care. More importantly, he hasn't done anything to you has he?"

"To answer the second that part of your question, that is a private matter but Chris would never do anything to hurt me, he has too much respect for me as a person. As for the other part of your question, Chris would never do anything to any of those boys if they did not want to take part. Chris is one of the most caring and considerate people that you could ever wish to meet and it was him and his boys that were amongst the first on the scene after Hurricane Katrina. That is what gave me the inspiration to out the flood relief gig on in the first place. Anyway, we have to change the topic of conversation as you never know who is listening to us, there are a lot of people who would like to see Chris dead," I said.

While Connor, Rory and I had been talking, I had noticed that Ricky was looking at the menu.

"So what are you having to eat," I asked him.

"I don't know 'cause dey don't have mussels and I wike mussels. You do too, you had them in New Yawk," Ricky responded.

"But I don't eat them all the time. I was going to have smoked salmon tonight," I said as I scanned the menu. I noticed that they had tomato soup and so I said to Ricky, "They have tomato soup. I used to love tomato soup when I was six," I said.

"Yeah, I wike tomato soup. Can I have dat?" Ricky asked.

"No problem for you," I said.

Rory had also decided on the smoked salmon for his first course and Connor had decided on the wild mushroom salad. For main course, Connor and I both chose the tuna and Rory was going to have the rib of beef, which was actually for two but he was going to share it with Ricky. When the waiter took our orders, Ricky asked, "Can I have some mashed potato, cawots and bwocowi wiv my dinner?"

The waiter told him that it would not be a problem.

Over dinner we talked about a wide variety of subjects, including exchanging opinions on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I also asked Connor and Rory what they planned on doing when they left school. Rory wanted to study aerodynamics and aviation engineering. Connor wanted to study law and take over the law firm from his dad. Ricky said he wanted to be famous like his cousin Jason. I also asked Ricky what toys he liked to play with. Rory and Connor also said that they had seen Colt and Dane on Good Morning America.

"I wike playin' wiv my wobots," he said. "Why are you askin'?" He asked.

" reason," I said. That wasn't exactly the truth. I was actually trying to get some ideas on what we could Rory, Connor and Ricky for Xmas. I also asked Rory and Connor if they had a playstation3, they said that they didn't. I would talk to Gary about buying them one each for Xmas. Well, it wouldn't exactly be like that. It would be more of a case of one for the house in New York and one for the house in the Hamptons. Needless to say, we would also buy them huge 50inch TV screens to hook them up to.

We got home around eleven and Ricky told his mum that he had a really good time. He also said, "I had tomato soup, then I shared some beef wiv Wowy and I had a chocolate cake wiv gween ice cweam." By that he actually meant pistachio.

"And did you have some vegetables with your beef?" Terri asked.

"Yeah I did mommy. I had some bwocowi and cawots and mashed potatoes and dey were vewy nice," Ricky told his mum.

"Well, it's getting late and you had a busy day so I think that you should go to bed young man," Terri said to her youngest son.

"OK mommy," Ricky said as he gave Terri a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight mommy, goodnight daddy," Ricky said. "And goodnight unca Phwil and aunt Jane."

"We're not really your aunt and uncle," mum said.

"But mommy and daddy are Jasons' aunty and unca and you're Jasons' mommy and daddy, so you must be my aunty and unca," Ricky said. The logic of kids, you just have to love it.

"OK, young man, bedtime," Terri said.

"Can Jason tuck me in and wead me a bedtime storwy?" Ricky asked.

"Sure thing munchkin," I said as we headed up to his room.

I made sure that he brushed his teeth and then read to him for a short time but he was soon asleep and so I went back downstairs. we sat and talked for a while and then went to bed.

It was around four in the morning when I decided to go and make some hot chocolate. I always had trouble sleeping when Gary and I spent the night apart. It was strange not having him in bed next to me. As I opened the door of the room I saw Ricky coming out of his room.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked him.

"My tummy hurts," he whined.

"That happens to me sometimes when I eat too much. I've got some medicine in my bathroom that will soon have you feeling better," I said.

We went back into mine and Garys' room and into the bathroom. I mixed the powder with some cold water and told Ricky to drink it. He did as he was asked and then said, "That tasted good, it was wike wemon."

"Yeah, it was lemon flavour but it will soon make you better," I said.

With that Ricky let out a huge burp and said, "Ooooooo.......'scuse me. Wicky is a wickle piggy," he said.

"But I bet you feel better?" I asked.

"Yeah......lots better," Ricky replied.

"I was just going to get some hot chocolate," I said.

"Can I have some?" My little cousin asked.

"It might make your tummy hurt again but I can make you some warm milk," I said.

We had been in the kitchen for a little while when mum came in and asked what we were doing up. I told her that I was having trouble sleeping without Gary and that Ricky had had some trapped wind. Mum looked really tired, which was due to having to get up in the night to feed and change Gemma. She said that she had forgotten just how tiring it was having a baby. Well, it had been 18 years since Gary was a baby. Mum did say that by the time he was four months old, Gary was sleeping through the night and she was hoping that it would be the same with Gemma. Ricky and I decided to go back to bed when we had finished our drinks. Ricky asked if he could get in bed with me so that I wouldn't be lonely. I soon heard the sound of gentle snoring and soon fell asleep myself.

About ten o'clock on the Sunday morning, aunt Terri knocked on the door. "Come in," I said.

Aunt Terri entered the room and said, "Morning Jason, I just came to get Ricky and thanks for looking after him when he didn't feel to good."

"It was no problem," I replied, "I think it was just down to the fact that he ate too much at the restaurant late."

Aunt Terri looked at Ricky and said, "OK young man, it's time you got up and went and got a shower."

"Can Jason help me wiv my shower?" Ricky asked.

"OK then," I said, "go and get your things and I'll help you.'

With that, Ricky jumped out of bed and ran off to get whatever he needed. While he was gone, Terri said, "Thanks for making time for Ricky, and don't take this the wrong way but it's a shame that you won't have kids of your own, you'd make a great dad."

"Why would I be offended by you telling me the truth? Sure, I used to get really upset when I was being bullied and those people were only telling me the truth but it was the way they said it, the words they used. As for me never having kids, it may not happen naturally but there are options for me and Gary to have kids but at the moment, I'm way too young to think about that," I said.

Ricky was back and he said, "OK, I got my towel and my toofbrush, toofpaste, shampoo and my shower gel, so lets' get cweaned up."

"Ricky, I think you forgot something?" I said.

"Ummmm............I don't fink so," he said.

"You didn't bring any cloths to put on once we have had a shower," I said.

"Ooooooo.........swiwy me," Ricky said as he was about to run back to his room.

Terri grabbed hold of him and told him that she would and get his cloths for him while we got showered.

Uncle Bill took us all out to lunch as a way of saying thank you for allowing then to visit and also as a way to say thanks to mum and dad for giving me a home and making me a part of the family after all that stuff had happened. On the Monday, I took uncle Bill, Rory, Connor and Ricky to see my studio complex, Dream fields. After dinner on the Monday night we just spent time chilling out. Then on the Tuesday, Gary and I helped my cousins to get packed as they were flying home on the Wednesday. I was going to miss them all but it would be Xmas before I knew it. After breakfast on the Wednesday, Gary and I accompanied my family to the airport. Gary and I made use of our FI badges so that we could go right to the departure gate with them. Just before they boarded their flight, they gave Gary and I hugs. As they made their way down the airbridge towards the plane, Ricky looked back and gave us a wave and shouted, "BYE GAWY, BYE JASON, SEE YOU AT CWISTMAS."

As we flew home on the chopper, I was feeling sad. Gary said, "How about we put some stuff in a bag and head for Scotland or Wales for a few days? We could both use a break and it''ll be good for both of us."

"Sounds like a plan," I said.

End Of Chapter 53!!!!!!!!!!!

This was going to cover events upto and including Xmas 2007 but things seemed to take on a life of there own and so I have split the chapter in to two parts.

For more of my creative efforts, visit my artist page at

For the link to my page at myspace, please refer back to the previous chapter.

Also, don't forget to drop me a line at

I hope to get the rest of this chapter written and posted by Xmas.

Lol Paul........

Next: Chapter 56

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